The standard to which our company makes reference is UNI EN ISO 1461 “Hot dip galvanized coatings on
fabricated iron and steel articles”.
The standard provides all information concerning the galvanized material specifications.
The formation of lighter or darker grey areas (e.g. the cell design of dark grey areas) or a lack of surface
uniformity must not lead to rejects.
Stains caused by storage in damp environments (white or dark products due to corrosion, mainly zinc
oxides formed during storage in damp places after galvanizing) must not lead to rejects, as long as the
thickness of the coating is greater than the minimum specified thickness.
No zinc clots and ashes must be allowed when these could affect the use for which the hot dip galvanized
article is intended or its resistance to corrosion. When special requirements exist (e.g. when the zinc coating
has to be painted), a sample must be produced on request.
Coatings applied by hot dip galvanizing are intended to protect iron and steel products from corrosion.
The duration of the period of protection against corrosion by the coating (both grey and light colour) is
proportionate to the thickness of the coating.
In case of extremely aggressive conditions, coatings can be requested with greater thicknesses than those
specified. More consistent coating specifications must be subject to an agreement between the galvanizer
and the customer.
Aggressivity consumption
Code Corrosivity class
environment of zinc
C1 Inside: dry Very low < 0,1
Inside: occasional
C2 Low da 0,1 a 0,7
Outside: rural area exposed
internal land
Inside: high humidity, light
Outside: Internal lend area
C3 or urban area, Medium da 0.7 a 2
coastal temperate
* it means immersion in sea water in the temperate regions of Europe. These conditions for zinc, are less
aggressive than in tropical marine waters where the corrosion rate is higher.
To predict the corrosion rate of the zinc layer we must refers to the UNI-EN-ISO 14713 which provides
information on the average annual loss of coating thickness, after identifying the category of corrosivity,
or aggressiveness of the environment. The following table shows the values of average annual loss of
thickness of the zinc as a function of six different environments of exposure.