Chem Calc
Chem Calc
Chem Calc
Job No:
Tag No:
Vapour or Gas Relief
Relieving Scenario FIRE
Vessel Design Code ASME VIII Div.1
Mass Flow , W kg/h 5400 11905 lb/hr.
Gas Molecular Weight, M kg/kmol 28.00
Relief Temperature of Inlet Gas or Vapor, T °C 50.00 582 R
Compressibility, Z 1.00
Cp/Cv , k 1.40
RV Set pressure bar(g) 13.00
Back Pressure bar(g) 10.00 User Input for Kb (Optional).
Absolute Upstream Relieving Pressure. P1 psia 242.79
Critical backpressure , Pcr psia 128.26
Critical flow / Subcritical flow Subcritical Flow
Type of SV Balanced Bellow
Effective coefficient of Discharge, Kd 0.975 Default Value as per API-520.
Calculated Orifice Area, A inch2 0.644
Selected Orifice H Refer Table 1 of API Std. 526
Selected Orifice Area inch2 0.785
Relieving Capacity of Selected PSV kg/h 6583
Vapour or Gas Relief
Relieving Scenario FIRE
Vessel Design Code ASME VIII Div.1
Required Flow through the device , V Nm3/min 1.9083333333 4.2071548332 lb/hr.
Gas Molecular Weight, M kg/kmol 29.00
Relief Temperature of Inlet Gas or Vapor, T °C 75.00 627 R
Compressibility, Z 1.00
Cp/Cv , k 1.400
RV Set pressure kPag 1100.00
Back Pressure, P2 kPag 0.00 User Input for Kb (Optional).
Absolute Upstream Relieving Pressure. P 1 kPaa 1432.33
Critical backpressure , Pcr kPaa 756.67
Critical flow / Subcritical flow Critical Flow
Type of SV Conventional
Effective coefficient of Discharge, Kd 0.975 Default Value as per API-520.
Calculated Orifice Area, A inch2 0.02538171064686 0.000039342 mm2
Selected Orifice D Refer Table 1 of API Std. 526
Selected Orifice Area inch2 0.110
Relieving Capacity of Selected PSV Nm3/min 8 Nm3/hr. 496.223