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CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 01



Sl Particulars Serial Page No.


1. Contents 01

2. Instructions to tenderers including 02 to 04

forwarding letter.

3. Notice of tender IAFW-2162 including 05 to 11

Appendix ‘A’ to notice of tender.

4. Tender and item rate contract for works 12 to 20

required IAFW-1815 R (Revised 1963)

5. *General conditions of contracts IAFW-1815 Z 21 to 70

(1969 print) including errata and amendments.

6. *Schedule of minimum wages. 71

7. Special conditions. 72 to 75

8. Particular specifications including Key specification 76 to 94

9 Forwarding letter including instruction on filling and 95 to 99

Submission of tenders
10. Errata/Amendments to the tender documents. -

11. Relevant correspondence.

12. Acceptance letter.

Total pages -

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 02

Tele : 0565-2401719 (Civ) e-procure

Commander Works Engineers
Mathura Cantt

85020/MTR/HSR/16/23/E8 25 Oct 2019




TENDER ID 2019_MES_250675_2

Dear Sir(s),

1. Tender documents for the above mentioned work to be downloaded from www.defproc.gov.in. Technical
bid (cover 1) and financial bid (cover 2) to be uploaded online as per the date mentioned in NIT or website.
Technical bid (cover 1) will be opened as per the date mentioned in website for evaluation of applications. The
date of opening of price bid (cover 2) will be informed online to the selected applicants.

2. Information / documents (Forming part of this contract) mentioned here in below are not enclosed with
these documents. These are available for perusal during working hours on working day in the office of the GE

(a) IAFW-1815-Z (1969 Print) - General condition of contracts including errata

and amendments.
(b) Schedule of Minimum Fair wages - As per Latest Government of India Notification.

3. Whether the documents mentioned in Para 2 above are actually seen or not, the contractor is deemed to
have made himself acquainted with the contents of the above motioned documents not enclosed herewith before
uploading the tender and no claim whatsoever on this account shall be entertained.

4. Refer to special condition of the tender documents and Sch ‘A’ Notes in connection with taxes, levies
duties etc.

5. EARNEST MONEY (Refer condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z (General conditions of contract) :-

(a) Contractors who are not enlisted in MES /who are enlisted but have not deposited standing
security deposit and not executed standing security bond with enlisting authority will be required to
furnish earnest money in the prescribed form alongwith technical bid (cover 1).

(b) Earnest money shall be submitted alongwith the tender in one of the following norms :-

(i) Deposit at call receipt from any scheduled bank drawn in favour of GE Hisar.

(ii) Receipt of treasury challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue deposit of GE
Hisar. Tenderers shall note that no other form of earnest money is acceptable.

(iii) Technical bid (cover 1) uploaded by an un-enlisted contractor and not accompanied by
acceptable form of earnest money shall be treated as non-bonafide and shall be rejected.
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 03

6. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT : (Refer condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z (General Conditions of


(a) Tender uploaded by contractors who are not enlisted with MES / who are enlisted but have not
executed security bond.
(i) The amount of the ‘Earnest money’ for the work to be furnished alongwith technical bid for
un-enlisted contractors and enlisted contractor with MES who have not executed standing security
(ii) Tender uploaded by contractors enlisted in any MES formation and who have deposited standing
security and executed standing security bond with the enlisted formation. Such tenderers of class ‘E’
to ‘S’ are not required to deposit earnest money, they will be allowed to bid for the work.
(b) The amount of “Performance security deposit” for the work in case the tender is accepted would be the
amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum. This amount shall be required to be lodged with the Accepting
officer within 28 days of receipt of the letter of Acceptance. The successful contractor shall deliver to the
Accepting Officer a performance security in any of the forms given below for an amount equivalent to 5% of
the contract sum.
(i) Bank guarantee bond in the prescribed form.
(ii) Government securities or FDR
(c) If the performance security is provided by the successful contractor in the form of a Bank guarantee, it
shall be issued by Nationalized / Schedule Indian Bank but its confirmation shall be done only from the Head
Office of the Bank.
(d) Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-clause 6 (b) shall constitute
sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest Money. In case of MES
enlisted contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be
notified to the tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such tenderer shall remain
suspended till the aforesaid amount equal to the Earnest Money is deposited in Government Treasury.
(e) All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Government under the
terms of this contract or under any other contract with Government may be deducted from, or paid by the sale
of a sufficient part of the Performance Security or from the interest arising there from or from any sums which
may be due or become due to the contractor by the Government on any account whatsoever and in the event
of his Performance Security being reduced by reason of any such deduction, or sale as aforesaid, the
contractor shall within ten days thereafter make good in cash or securities, endorsed as aforesaid, any sum or
sums which may have been deducted from or realized by the sale of his Performance Security or any part
Government shall not be responsible for any loss of securities or any depreciation in the value of
securities while in their charge nor loss of interest thereon.
(f) In the event of contract being cancelled, under condition 26, 27 & 28 of General Conditions of
Contract, the Performance Security shall be forfeited in full and shall be credited into Consolidated fund of
7. (a) The bidder shall download price bid form eprocurement portal and enter his rates in figures only in the
financial bid (cover 2) and upload the same. Bidders shall also fill the general summary manually & upload the
(b) In case the tenderer has to revise / modify the rates quoted in the price bid, he may do so only by re-
submitting the price bid (cover 2).

(c) In the event of lowest tenderer revoking his offier or revising his rates upward (which will be treated as
revocation of offer), after opening of tenders, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of
MES enlisted contractors, the amount equal to the earnest money stipulated in the notice of tender, shall be
notified to the tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO failing which the amount shall be recovered
from payment due to such contractor or shall be adjusted from his standing security deposit. In addition, such
tenderer and his related firm shall not be issued the tender in second call or subsequent calls. Also issue of
other tenders to such tenderer and their related firms shall remain suspended till they deposit the aforesaid
amount in the Govt Treasury.
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 04

8. Furniture details :- Details of drawing listed in the list of drawing shall form part of the tender documents and
the same shall not be enclosed with the tender / contract. However contractor shall refer these drawings in this
office of Garrison Engineer office before quoting the tender and the lumpsum shall be deemed to have taken
into consideration these drawings and contractor will not have any claim on this account.

9.1 The bidder shall submit his application alongwith requisite documents in cover 1 and quoted bid / quoted
tender in cover 2 in the form of E-tendering at www.defproc.gov.in on or before date and time of submission of
documents as indicated in appendix ‘A’ to NIT or as subsequently amended through corrigendum /

9.2 The documents shall be opened on or after the prescribed date and time fixed for opening of tender as
mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT.

9.3 The bidder shall submit original copy of his application, DD/BC, MOU and other documents as uploaded in
cover 1 before the scheduled date and time of opening of bid in HQ CWE Mathura, Mathura Cantt.

10. Facilities for execution of bank guarantee in prescribed form for following purposes are available for the
contractors as details below :-

(a) Performance security deposit for individual work as covering contract period and defects liability period
of twelve calendar months thereafter.

(b) Retention money for payment of running accounts.

11. (a) Tender is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ technical staff who can
use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literatures on subject are widely available
which the tenderer may make use of.

(b) The tenderers attention is drawn to special condition of the tender documents regarding preparation of
the details net work and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient resources to
adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer in using the technique will be taken as his
technical inefficiency and will effect his class of enlistment and future prospects of receiving in invitations of
tender for work.

12. (a) The department may issue corrigendum to tender documents before due date of submission of bid.
The tenderer is required to read the tender documents in conjunction with the corrigendum, if any, issued by
the department. The tenderer is not supposed to incorporate the errata / amendment in the body of the tender

(b) In view of above, it is agreed by both the parties, viz. The tenderer and the department, the insertion of
amendment, if any, made by the tenderer at his own in tender shall be treated as cancelled and the errata /
amendments issued by the department shall hold good.

13. Conditional tender shall be treated as non-bonafide and is liable to be rejected.

14. The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. Attention of
contractor is also drawn to condition 17 of IAFW-1815-Z (General Condition of contract)

15. These instructions shall form part of tender and shall form part of the tender documents.

Signature of Contractor
Dated______________ for Accepting Officer
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 05
1 A tender is invited from the contractor’s meeting eligibility criteria for the work as mentioned in Appendix
‘A’ to this Notice of Tender.

2 The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’. This estimate however is not a
guarantee and it is merely given as rough guide and if the work costs more or less, the tenderer will have no
claim on this account. The tender shall be based as mentioned in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.

3 The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in accordance with
the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over site which will be on or about two weeks
after the date of Acceptance of tender.

4 Normally Contractors whose names are on the MES approved list and within whose financial limit (class
of enlistment) the estimated amount would fall, may tender but in case of term contracts, Contractors of class ‘E’
to ‘SS’ may tender.

5 Contractors whose names are borne on the MES approved list of any MES formation and who
have deposited ‘Standing Security’ and have executed ‘Standing Security Bond’, may also tender without
depositing ‘Earnest Money’ along with the tender and if the Accepting Officer proposes to accept tender, such
tenderer would be required to deposit “Performance Security Deposit” for an amount equivalent to 5% of
the contract sum with Accepting officer within 28 days of receipt of the letter of Acceptance. One tenderer
/ bidder or one firm of the contractors shall participate in not more than one online submission of tender. Under
no circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other close relations, who have business dealing with one
another be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. Breach of this contract
condition will render the tender of both parties liable to rejection.

6 The HQ, Commander Works Engineer, Mathura will be the Accepting Officer, hereinafter referred to
as such for the purpose of this contract.

7. Original & hard copy of Application mentioning name of work & DD alongwith (EMD and other
documents in compliance to enlistment criteria mentioned in the tender documents in case of un-
enlisted firm) for the tender forms must be submitted offline to the HQ Commander Works Engineer,
Military Engineer Services, Mathura so as to reach this office within 05 days of last date of closing date of bid
submission. The tenderers are therefore advised to ensure timely submission of these documents keeping in
view the following :-

(i). In case of MES enlisted tenderers, if original DD is not received within period stated above, subject to
satisfying other prequalifying criteria, the financial bid shall be opened. The amount of the tender shall be
recovered from any amount due to the MES enlisted contractor. Failure of non submission of hard copy of DD
tantamount to willful negligence with ulterior motive and therefore the tenderer shall be barred to tender during the
period of 6 months commencing from the date of opening of financial bid.

(ii) In case of un-enlisted tenderers, if original DD is not received within 05 days of last date of submission of bid,
the cover No 1 (Tech Bid) shall not be validated for opening of financial bid. Name of such contractor alongwith
complete address shall be circulated for not opening of bid for the period of 06 months commencing from the date of
opening of financial bid.
7(b) The tenderer who have failed to submit EMD (whether un-enlisted or enlisted who has not lodged
standing security deposit) by stipulated date, shall be ineligible for opening of financial bid.
7(c) The tenderers are required to upload copy of EPFO Code No alongwith DD & Application. The tenderer
who does not have this number shall be disqualified in Technical Bid evaluation and his Financial bid shall not be
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 06

8. “Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of T bid and subsequent opening of
finance bid of any applicant/bidder, even of enlisted contractors of appropriate class, merely by virtue of enclosing DD.
Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the T bid and not open the finance bid of any applicant/bidder. T bid
validation shall be decided by the Accepting Officer based on interalia past track record, financial position, satisfaction
of pre-qualification, capacity of the firm and documentation meeting eligibility criteria given in Appx A to this NIT. The
applicant contractor/bidder will be informed regarding non-validation of his T bid assigning reasons thereof through the
www.defproc.gov.in website. The applicant / contractor/bidder, if he so desires, may appeal to the next higher
Engineer authority viz HQ Chief Engineer Jaipur Zone on email id [email protected] with copy to the Accepting
Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of finance bid. The decision of the next higher Engineer
Authority (NHEA) shall be final and binding. The contractor /bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation
whatsoever for rejection of his application / non opening of BOQ (cover-2) (Price bid) to participate in e-tendring.

9. Tender forms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents will be uploaded in cover-1 & cover-2
as per date given in aforesaid Appx ‘A’.

9.1 The appropriate ‘Standing Security’ amount for this work will be as deposited by the contractors enlisted in the
area in which the work lies for Class mentioned in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.

9.2 In the case of a contractor who has not executed the ‘Standing Security Bond’ the tender shall be accompanied
by ‘Earnest Money’ for the amount referred to in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in the form of deposit at call receipt
issued in favour of GE mentioned in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ by Scheduled Bank or receipted Treasury Challan, the
amount being credited to the revenue deposit of the GE. A contractor who is not enlisted for the area in which the
work lies but, whose name is in the MES approved list of any MES formation and who has deposited ‘Standing
Security’/and executed ‘Standing Security Bond’, may tender without depositing ‘Earnest Money’ along with the tender,
but if the Accepting Officer decides to accept the tender, such tenderer shall lodge ‘Performance Security Deposit’
prescribed form all as mentioned in para 6 of instruction mentioned here in before. However, the tenderer who does
not have any enlistment with MES, shall submit EMD in requisite form alongwith the DD and application alongwith
other documents required before the due date & time of opening of bid (cover-1) failing which their tender shall be
considered as non bonafide and shall not be considered for acceptance.

9.3 A contractor who is enlisted and has lodged the stranding Security Deposit and executed the Standing
Security Bond is also required to submit Performance Security for individual contract as similar to un-enlisted

10 The GE will return the earnest money as applicable to all unsuccessful tenderers by endorsing an authority
on the deposit receipt for its refund. The GE will return the ‘Earnest Money’ to the successful tenderer by endorsing an
authority on the deposit receipt for refund on receipt of an appropriate amount of performance security deposit.

11 Tenderers must be very careful to upload a bonafide tender, and its related documents failing which
the Accepting Officer may at his absolute discretion, reserve the right of forfeiting a portion of Earnest Money,
Performance Security Deposit amount deposited by the tenderer. A bonafide tender must satisfy each & every
condition laid down in this tender.

12. Contractor quoted rates shall be deemed to include amendments/ corrigendums to tender documents
published till last date & time of closing of bid submission. Contractor shall regularly check the corrigendums published
to keep them upto date.

13. Contractor shall quote his rate on the latest BOQ published online with reference to the tender. Bids quoted
on previous BOQ shall be summarily rejected and not considered as Bonafide.

14 The tenderers are advised to visit the site by making prior appointment with the GE. A tenderer shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of all related documents, samples, site etc. whether he has inspected site or not. The
tenderers can submit the tender (cover No 1 & 2) up to the last date & time of submission of bid and the bid will be
opened online by the opening officers nominated by Accepting Officer on the date & time mentioned / stipulated. The
site plan of work site (if applicable) is not being uploaded, however the same can be seen in the office of
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No 07

15 Copies of the drawings and other documents pertaining to the work and sample of material and stores
to be supplied by the contractor will be kept open for inspection of the tenderers in the office of CWE /GE as
mentioned in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ during working hours.

16 The Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a public sector undertaking
giving a purchase preference over other tenders(s) which may be lowest, as are admissible under the
Govt policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible from such tenderers whose price
bid (cover No 2) may be rejected on account of said policy.

17. The HQ, Commander Works Engineer, Mathura will upload status of tender on the date and time
indicated in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.

18 Any tenderer, who puts any alterations to any of the conditions, laid down or puts any other condition of
any description whatsoever in his bid submitted is liable to be rejected.

19 The submission of tender by a tenderer implies that he has read the conditions of the tender and has
made himself aware of the scope and specifications of work to be done and of the conditions and rates at
which stores, tools, and plants etc will be issued to him, local conditions and other factors bearing on the
execution of the work.

20 Tenderer must be in possession of a copy of MES standard Schedule of rates 2009 (Part-I)
Specifications and SSR-2010 (Part-II) for rates including amendments/errata thereto.

21 The Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender or any tender or to give any
reason thereof.

22. Subletting of work is not permitted.

23 This Notice of tender shall form part of the contract.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 08
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CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 11



Sl Page Location Description of change

No. No.
1 08 APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTICE For : “ ₹ 21.00 Lakhs”
(a) Ser No 2, Col 3 Read : “ ₹ 48.50 Lakhs”
Estimated Cost

(b) Ser No 8 (A), For : “Class ‘E’”

Col 3, Line 1
Read : “Class ‘D’”

(c) Ser No 8 (B) (a), For : “‘E’ Class”

Col 3, Line 1
Read : “‘D’ Class”

(d) Ser No 8 (B) (a), For : “Immovable property / fixed assets, T&P, Engineering
Col 3, Line 4 establishment,”

Read : “T&P, Engineering establishment,”

(e) Ser No 11, Col 3 For : “ ₹ 42,000/- in favour of GE Hisar”

Earnest Money
Read : “ ₹ 97000/- in favour of GE Hisar”

2 10 APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTICE Delete the existing content sub para in toto and insert blank in lieu.
(a) Notes :- (g) (iv)

(b) Notes :- (l) Insert new Note (m) after Note (l) as under:-

“Performance Security : The successful contractor

shall deliver a performance security in the prescribed form for
an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum to the
Accepting officer within 28 days of receipt of the letter of
Acceptance in terms of condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z”

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 12

In lieu of IAFW-1815-R
(To be used in conjunction with
General conditions of contract
For the supply of stores
And materials to the MES,

Tele: 0565-2401719 (Civ) Headquarters

Commander Works Engineers

85020/MTR/HSR/16/23/E8 25 Oct 2019



1. Shri/S’Shri/M/S …………………………………………………………… of …………….. Is/are

hereby authorized to tender for the above work published on the NIC website MES.
e-procurement portal (www.defproc.gov.in). The quoted E-tender for “CA NO.
Works Engineer, Mathura will be submitted online by 20 Nov 2019 upto 1800 Hrs.

2. Any correspondence concerning this tender shall be addressed as indicated at the top of
the sheet, quoting the reference as given above.


Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No 13




Job No - (i) 33AD/SR/W-25/2018-19

(ii) 33AD/SR/W-32/2018-19
(iii) 33AD/SR/W-27/2019-20

1. SCOPE OF WORK : This contract comprises supply of furniture all as indicated in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ and
Particular Specifications & Key Specification.

2. All furniture items shall be delivered at the furniture yard of GE Hisar or any other locations inside the Mathura
Cantonment as approved by GE.

3. The quantities shown under Column 3 of Schedule ‘A’/BOQ are provisional. These shall, however not be
varied beyond the limits laid down in Para (a) of Condition 5 of IAFW-1815-Z General Condition of contracts.

4 Contractor shall quote rates for all items of Schedule ‘A’/BOQ under Column 5 in figure and extension of the
amount in Column 6&7 against each item shall be auto generated (xls). In the event of discrepancies in quotation, the
same shall be adjusted in terms of Condition 4A of IAFW-1815-Z, General Condition of contract forming part of tender

5. Description of items in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ is brief. This shall be deemed to be read in conjunction with relevant
contract drawings and Particular Specifications, Key Specification, Special Condition and General Condition of
contracts (IAFW-1815-Z).

The entire work under this contract listed in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ and all as specified shall be completed within
the period of 180 Days from the date of commencement of work mentioned in work order No. 1 ordered by

8. The rate quoted against item of Schedule ‘A’/BOQ is inclusive of labour, materials, equipment, plant and
transport etc, all taxes GST on works contract, labour welfare cess as applicable and the like which are to be born by
the contractor as stipulated in condition 8 of General Condition of contract IAFW-1815-Z, and shall be required for
manufacture of articles of furniture and delivery, loading, unloading and stacking thereof at the MES furniture Yard of
GE Hisar.

9. (a) The contractor shall submit Original machine numbered purchase voucher’s of item to be supplied by
contractor and it shall be verified and defaced by Engineer-in-Charge and also ensure that make and brand of
materials must be indicated in purchase vouchers before acceptance of any materials.
(b) In respect of branded furnitures covered under Sch ‘A’/BOQ Contractor shall submit original bills /
Challan given by main manufacturer only. It shall be verified and defaced by Engineer in Charge before
acceptance of any material.

10. All sizes given for various items in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ or drawings are in millimetres unless otherwise specified
and sequence of measurement shall be as shown in drawings.


(a) Descriptions of furniture items given in Schedule ‘A’ / BOQ are in brief. These are deemed to be
amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particular specification, key specifications and the
drawings contained in Standard furniture designs duly amended upto date as issued by E-in-C’s branch, Army
HQ, New Delhi. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be based on this aspect.
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No 14

(b) It is an expressed condition of this contract that the unit rates quoted by contractor shall be deemed to
cover the provision of all materials and labour and all process, operations & minor constructional details for
full, entire and final completion of all furniture items in accordance with the provisions of the contract. Govt will
not entertain any claim whatsoever on account of inaccuracies/misunderstandings if any in the aforesaid rates.

(c) The unit rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to include all minor constructional details which
are not specifically mentioned in Schedule ‘A’/BOQ, specifications, drawings or in any other documents
forming part of the contract, but are essential for execution of the work in a workman like manner, sound
construction and established engineering practice. The details of such items of minor constructional details not
mentioned shall be furnished by the Engineer-in-Charge during execution of the work. In case of difference of
opinion between the contractor and the GE as to whether or not certain items of work are covered under minor
constructional details which are deemed to have been included in contractor’s quoted rates, the decision of the
Accepting officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.

(d) The total amount of schedule ‘A’/BOQ is not firm but will be treated as “Contract Sum” as referred to in

(e) Rate against each item in column of price bid are required to be filled in by the tenderer(s) in figures


The contractor is deemed to be in possession of the printed book of standard furniture designs duly amended
upto date as issued by E-in-C’s Branch, Army HQ, New Delhi. The drawings contained in Standard furniture
designs are not attached with the contract documents.


The contractor shall indicate the name and address of the premises in Hisar for inspection of the furniture
items in the space provided in tender page. All furniture items shall be delivered at furniture yard of Garrison
Engineer Hisar.

14. (a) The rates quoted by the tenderer shall inclusive of all taxes, levies including GST, labour welfare tax
etc. as prevailing on the bid submission end date of tender.

(b) Certain taxes such as central excise duty, service tax, additional custom duty, state level value added
tax, octori and other levies which were applicable on interstate transportation of goods are subsumed by GST,
thus special condition as per 17 on Srl Page No 74 & 75 for reimbursement / refund on variation in prices in
taxes directly related to contract value of tender shall be deemed to be amended incorporating GST in lieu of
taxes mentioned in the condition but subsumed by GST.

15. The entire work will submit one sample of approval of each item of the furnitures as catered in sch ‘A’/BOQ
within one month of the date of commencement of work as shown in work order No 01 issued by GE.

16. The administration of work for the subject work shall be done by GE Hisar.

17. Wood to be incorporated in the work shall be procured by the contractor and got approved from GE
before in corporation in manufacturing of furniture articles. Contractor shall also produce purchase
voucher and certificate of Seasoning of Wood. Further it shall be ensured that only approved wood shall be
used in work.

18. Performance Security :- The successful contractor shall deliver a performance security in the prescribed form
for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum to the Accepting officer within 28 days of receipt of the
letter of Acceptance in terms of condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 15 to 17

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 18




Sl Particulars Rate at which materials Place of issue by Remarks

No will be issued to contractor name

Unit Rate
1 2 3 4 5

_____________ NIL __________________


Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 19

Having examined and perused the following documents: -

1. Specifications signed by ACWE (C).

2. Drawings detailed in the list of drawings/mentioned in Schedule “A”/BOQ.

3. Schedule “A” & “B” attached hereto.

4. General conditions of contracts, IAFW-1815Z (1969 Print) together with amendment 1 to 41 and
errata Nos.1 to 32.

5. Should this tender be accepted * I/we agree

*(a) That the sum of ₹ ____________ (Rupees__________________________

_________________________only) forwarded as earnest money deposit shall be all as per
condition 14A of IAFW-1815(Z).

(b) To supply to the extent to which my/our tender may be accepted, upon the terms and
conditions contained or referred to in the said documents and at the price and portion quoted
by me/us in Sch “A” hereto, such of the stores and materials listed therein as may be required
and demanded from me/us during the period of completion of work under various work orders
placed within the running period of the contract from the date of acceptance of contract and in
respect where of my/our tender may herein be accepted. I/we further agree that any conditions
of sales on contract of general reservations which may be printed or written on any
correspondence, delivery notes, invoices etc submitted by me/us in connection with the
contract shall not be applicable hereto and to refer all disputes as required vide condition 37 of
IAFW-1815 (Z) to the sole arbitration of a serving officer having degree in Engineering or
equivalent or having passed final/direct final examination (Sub division II) of Institution of
Surveyor (India) recognized by Govt of India to be appointed by Chief Engineer, Jaipur Zone,
Jaipur or in his absence the officer officiating as Chief Engineer , Jaipur Zone, Jaipur whose
decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.

(c) All supplies being manufactured under the provision of this contract shall be made
available for inspection at the premises situated at _________-___________
_______________________ (Here tenderer is requested to give address of his workshop)

* Delete whichever is not applicable

** To be deleted where not applicable.
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 20


(Name of Signatory______________________) in the capacity of _______________________

duly authorized to sign the tender for and on behalf of _________________________________

Witness _____________________
(Name______________________) Postal Address______________________
Address_____________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ Telegraphic Address__________________
Telephone No._______________________


_______Alterations have been made in these documents and as evidence that these alterations

were made before the execution of the contract agreement, these have been initialed by the

contractor and Shri Beer Pal Singh, ACWE (C). The said officer is hereby authorized to sign and

initial on my behalf the documents forming part of the contract. The above tender was accepted by

me on dated _____________ on behalf of the President of India at the item rates contained in

Schedule ‘A’. for the contract sum of ₹ _____________________ (Rupees___________________

__________________________________________________________________Only) dated

this_____ day of __________ 2019.

(Kunal Krishna)
Signature of Contractor Appointment : CWE Mathura
Dated______________ (for and on behalf of the
President of India)
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 21 to 70


(IAFW-1815(Z) (1969 PRINT)

It is hereby agreed that "General Conditions of contracts IAFW-1815(Z) (1969

Print)"comprising of 22 pages (Serial page No 21 to 42) together with amendment No.1 to 41 and

Errata Nos 1 to 32 in 28 pages (Serial page No 43 to 70) form part of this contract and I/We have

read and understood and my/our signature(s) hereunder amount to my/our having signed the

above referred "General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-1815(Z) (1969 print)" itself, as forming part

of this contract.

Note : The General conditions of contracts IAFW-1815(Z) (1969 print) including

amendments and Errata thereto and Schedule of minimum fair of wages can be seen in the

office of HQ COMMANDER WOKRS ENGINEER, MATHURA or in any other MES office

during working hours.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 71


It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum wages” as published by Government of

India/State Government whichever is higher and which specifies minimum rates of wages for

various categories of work as applicable on the last due date of receipt of this tender shall form

part of these tender documents and is in my/our possession. I/We have read and understood the

provisions contained in this notification before submission of tender.

My/Our signature hereunder amounts to my/our having signed the aforesaid documents

forming part of the tender documents.

ACWE (C) Signature of Contractor

for Accepting Officer
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 72


These conditions shall be read in conjunction with general conditions of contract IAFW-1815-Z (1969 Print)
forming part of this contract. Any provision in these special conditions if at variance with the provision in the
above mentioned documents shall be deemed to take precedence.

(a) The Engineer-in-Charge shall at his discretion have the right to issue passes as per rules and
regulations to control the admission of the contractor, his agents, servants and work people to the place where
articles of furniture are required to be delivered. The contractor shall on demand by Engineer-in-Charge
submit a list of the personnel, etc. concerned as to the bonafied of such people. Passes shall be returned at
any time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge and in any case on completion of work.

(b) The contractor and his work people shall observe all the rules promulgated by the authority controlling
the area in which the articles are required to be delivered e.g. prohibition of smoking and lighting, fire
precautions, search of persons on entry and exit keeping to specified routes, restricted hours of work etc.
Nothing extra shall be admissible for any man hours etc lost on this account.

(c) Contractor’s attention is invited to condition 18 of IAFW-1815-Z. He shall employ only Indian nationals
after verifying their antecedents and loyalty.


For the purpose of inspection of relevant documents other than those sent herewith, the contractor is required
to contact concerned GE/CWE, who will give reasonable facilities for this purpose.


Contractor shall make his own arrangement for his own workshop and no facilities on this account can be
given. Polishing and painting etc., of furniture shall be carried out at furniture & store yard of Garrison
Engineer. Painting, polishing shall be carried out after the Engineer-in-Charge has approved the furniture in
writing. The contractor shall intimate particular address of his local workshop and sheds to GE immediately
after acceptance of this tender.


Contractor labour (Regulation and abolition) Act 1970 is applicable to MES contracts. Rates quoted by the
tenderer shall be deemed to take into account the cost etc., required to comply with the provisions contained
and rules framed under said act.


6.1 The Contractor is advised to inspect samples of the following materials before submitting his tender. He shall
be deemed have full knowledge of these whether he inspected them or not. The samples will be displayed in
the furniture yard of GE hereinafter referred to as F/S Yard remain open for inspection during office hours on
any working day. Materials to be provided by the contractor shall be of quality not inferior then the samples :-
(a) Timber of species specified
(b) French Polish/Melamine Polish
(c) Synthetic enamel paint
(d) MS/GI Sheet of Specified gauge/Thickness
(e) Rubber/PVC shoes &toes
(f) Steel conduit of sizes
(g) Plastic tube /Cane
(h) Newer Cotton/Nylon
(j) Particle board/Pre-laminated particle board
(k) CRP sheet
(l) Ply wood
(m) Foam

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 73
(n) Tapestry cloth
(o) Hessian cloth
(p) Marking cloth
(q) Cotton
(r) Spring
(s) Locks
(t) Laminated sheet



(a) Within two weeks from the date of acceptance, the contractor shall take necessary approval from GE for
the material to be used in the manufacturing of all furniture items be producing a sample board. After the
approval of sample board the contractor has to submit two items of each furniture item finished (Polished/
painted/ powder coated) and unfinished (without paint/ polished/ powder coat) for approval before
manufacturing of all items.

(b) The time taken to produce approved samples shall be set off against the period of completion as stated
in the work order for the contract.

(c) Refer condition 8 of IAFW-1815-Z Para 5

Approved samples shall be labeled as described in this condition and be signed by the contractor and
GE and kept under the custody of the GE/Engineer-in-Charge.

(d) The manufacture and supply of furniture shall be completed strictly in accordance with the approved
samples and certificate of acceptance issued in terms of condition 22 of IAFW –1815-Z.

(e) Samples shall be adjusted against the last supply to be made under this contract.

8. STORES AND MATERIALS (Refer Condition 8 of IAFW-1815-Z)

The contractor shall obtain and store materials from the firms specified in the contract or from the firms
approved by the GE or their authorized agents only. As a proof that the contractor has actually brought the
materials from the authorized firms or their authorized agents, he shall produce a letter showing the quality
and quantity of materials purchased, if desired by GE.


Refer condition 21 of IAFW-1815-Z : Articles of furniture shall normally be inspected and approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge at the following stages :-
(i) First stage : During the course of manufacturing at the contractor’s
(ii) Second stage : When an article is ready in respect of final finish before
painting, polishing etc.
(iii) Third stage : After the article is painted, polished etc., finally finished and
ready to be delivered.

Omission of inspecting stage by stage or inspection and approval in the initial stage shall not absolve the
contractor from the responsibility of producing articles in accordance with the drawings, specification and
samples previously approved by GE. Painting, polishing, varnishing etc., shall be carried out in the furniture
and store yard of GE after articles have been approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


10.1 The GE shall convene a board of officers for checking furniture articles in determining the quality/standard of
materials and workmanship before the issue of certificate of acceptance. Minor defects, if any observed by the
board of officers shall be rectified by the contractor after notifying the same by the GE in writing. In case major
defects are observed by board of officers, the contractor shall be liable to replace the whole furniture articles.

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10.2 The contractor will be, therefore, required to intimate the GE with copy to CWE with regard to each
consignment for furniture articles well in advance. Board shall check the each consignment accordingly.

10.3 No payment in RAR will be regulated by the department to the contractor for the furniture articles till passed by
the board of officers and issue of certificate of acceptance by the GE. Any claim what-so-ever at a later date
consequent to this, will not be entertained by the department.


The tender shall remain open for acceptance for the period of 60 (Sixty) days from the next date of bid end
submission date of tender.


Furniture manufactured shall be identified by means of neat aluminum anodised sheet tabs indicating the
name of the firm, the contract No & year which shall be secured by screws as directed at an appropriate place
of each article without any extra cost.


Normal hours of the work for department staff are from 0800 hours to 1700 hours on all days except on
Sunday and Gazetted holidays. However, the contractor may observe unrestricted hours of work for all the
work to be executed in the contractor’s workshop. No work in the premises of the furniture store yard of GE
other than the work to be executed out of above in contractor’s workshop shall be permitted to be executed out
of above mentioned normal working hours except with prior written permission of the Garrison Engineer. If
permission is given, no liability in respect of any excess cost arising therefore shall be accepted by the

Dimensions and sizes shown on drawings are the finished and no tolerance shall be allowed.


The person signing tender, on behalf of another or on behalf of the firm shall attach with the tender, proper
power of attorney duly executed in his favour by such other persons or by all the partners stating that he has
authority to bind other persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters to the contract including arbitration

16. Digital electronic meter shall be provided by the contractor at their own cost, connection will be provided by the
AGE E/M the cost of the electricity shall be charged at all-in-cost rate of the year.


The rate quoted by tenderer shall b e inclusive of all type of taxes, levies including GST labour welfare
tax etc as prevailing on the date of submission of tender.

(a) The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes (including GST, Labour
welfare cess / tax etc), duties, royalties & other levies payable under the respective statutes. No
reimbursement / refund for variation in rates of taxes, duties, Royalties, octroi & other levies and or imposition /
abolition of any new / existing taxes, duties, royalties octroi & other levies shall be made except as provided in
sub Para (b) herein below.
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(a) (i) The taxes which are levied Government at certain percentage rates of contract sum/amount shall be
termed as “taxes directly related to contract value” such as GST, Labour welfare cess / tax and like but
excluding income tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all “taxes directly related to
contract value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing on bid submission end date tenders. Any
increase in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to contract value” with reference to prevailing rates
on bid submission end date of tenders shall be reimbursed to the contractor and any decrease in
percentage rates of “taxes directly related to contract value” with reference to prevailing rates on bid
submission end date of tenders shall be refunded by the contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt
from any payments due to the contractor. Similarly, imposition of any new “taxes directly related to
contract value” after the bid submission end date of tenders shall be reimbursed to the contractor and
abolition of any “taxes directly related to contract value” prevailing on bid submission end date of tenders
shall be refunded by the contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from the payments due to the

(ii) The contractors shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in
percentage rates and/ or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to contract value” give written
notice thereof to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, together with all
information relating there to which he may be in a position to supply. The contractors shall also submit the
other documentary proof/information as the GE may require.

(iii) The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative
of Government, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as the GE
may require, any documents so kept and such other information as the GE may require.

(iv) Reimbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “taxes directly related to

contract value” shall be made only if contractors necessarily and properly pays additional “taxes directly
related to contract value” to the Government, without getting the same adjusted against any other tax
liability or without getting the same refunded from the concerned Government Authority and submits
documentary proof for the same as the GE may require.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 76


The various articles of furniture listed in Sch „A‟/BOQ shall be manufactured in accordance with the description
in Sch „A‟/BOQ, Particular Specifications, Particular Specifications (Key Specifications) and including duly
amplified with special conditions, Sch „A‟ notes and drawings. In case conflicting provisions exist in the
aforesaid documents, the order of precedence shall be as under: -

(a) Description in Schedule “A‟/BOQ.

(b) Particular specifications
(c) Drawings.



(i) Where deodar wood is indicated/specified, it shall be best quality first class soft wood
(deodar).Timber required for other article of furniture irrespective of what is indicated in drawing/specified shall
be teak wood and shall be best quality available in the market and will be equivalent to the sample kept in
GE‟s office.

(ii) All timber shall be well seasoned of matured growth, uniform in texture and shall be free from
shakes, dead cracks, large/loose or dead knots, bore holes, soft soots, blemishes and other defects.

(iii) Live knots 20mm average dia may be accepted if they :-

(a) Are not likely to become loose or dead.

(ab) Are not in cluster or groups.
(ac) Do not occur at edges or joints or on the under side of members in tension.
(ad) Do not disfigure or prominently show out in the finished articles.

(iv) In no case, however, the knots shall exceed one quarter of the width of the face in which they occur.

(v) The timber shall generally be free from sapwood.

(vi) The presence of sap wood in an individual member of furniture may, however, be permitted provided :-

(vii) It does not exceed 8% of the cross sectional area of the member.

(viii) The sapwood does not occur throughout the cross section of the member or throughout on both

(ix) It does not as far as possible occur at edges, joints and corners.

(x) All timber surfaces except those touching the ground be wrought. Timber surfaces which are to be
polished or painted shall be finished to a smooth, true and clean surface with appropriate sand paper. The
corner/edges shall be slightly rounded off unless directed otherwise by Engineer-in-Charge.

(xi) Unless otherwise specified, planks used for large surfaces such as table tops, shelving, panels, etc upto
30cm shall be in single width. For surfaces wider than 30cms more than one plank each not less than 20cm
wide but of equal width may be used. Where the total width of table tops, shelving and panels, etc does not
permit use of planks 20 cm wide or more, the GE may allow use of planks of less width but of equal width or to
use only one of the planks of lesser width but of equal width or to use only one of the planks of lesser width(but
not less than 15cm) to make up the total width of tops, shelving and panels. The GE‟s decision in this matter
shall be final and binding. Wherever two or more planks are used these shall be jointed together with ploughed
& tongued or tongued & grooved at the discretion of contractor. No piecing, in length shall be allowed.

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(b) CANE : The cane shall be “SHAH BRAND” or “PREMIER” make as approved and shall be of
superior quality plastic cane & shall conform to the sample of the same kept in the office of GE or as approved
by him. It shall be clean, free from discoloration and shall be of uniform width throughout. All caning shall be
done as shown in drawings. Edge of timber where caning is required to be done shall be
chamfered, rebated and rounded off as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The width of caning shall be as
specified in particular specifications section-II here-in-after and length of any single piece shall not be
less than 2 meters to obviate excessive knots. The width of cane where not specified shall not be less than
02 mm and weight not less than 60 (sixty) grams per 100 (Hundred) running meters.
Nails shall not be used where screws are to be used. Pins for joints shall be of solid bamboos. Pins shall be
provided for joints such as those in frames of charpoys, beds. Iron mongery of steel shall be fixed with steel
iron screws of appropriate size and iron mongery of brass shall be fixed with brass screws of appropriate size.
The mongery of anodised aluminium shall be fixed with chromium plated steel screws. The screws in other
situations shall be of the materials as specified or indicated on the drawings. The screws shall be of
nettle fold. The screws shall be driven home with screwdriver and shall not be hammered in.

(c) FITTINGS : All fittings including steel/Anodised aluminium/brass shall conform to relevant IS and shall be of
approved quality. Where the specifications or the drawing indicate the fittings or any other item of aluminium
the same shall be deemed to be of anodised aluminium. Unless otherwise specified else where, all steel iron
mongery shall be black japanned. The tab plate shall be of steel. The contractor shall submit samples of all
iron mongery of steel , anodised aluminium or brass mongery for approval by the GE and shall obtain his
written approval before incorporation in the works. The samples so supplied shall not be returned to the
contractor on completion of the work but shall be retained by the department for future reference.



(aa) Commercial Plywood. Plywood shall be bonded with phenol formaldehyde bonded with BWR grade, type
A(ISI marked) unless specified otherwise. Make of plywood shall be as under :-

(viii) ANCHOR

(ab) Decorative Plywood Unless specified otherwise decorative plywood shall be of type-I quality
conforming to IS-1328 and shall be grade BWR. Decorative plywood shall have decorative veneers
(veneers as specified) on one or both the faces as specified. The adhesive for bonding or veneers shall be
synthetic resin adhesive confirming to I.S-848-1974.

(ii) BLOCK BOARDS: Unless specified otherwise block boards shall conform to the requirement of IS -
1656 and shall be grade 1 quality, exterior grade and shall be of decorative type (one or both the faces) or
commercial type as specified.

(iii) PARTICLE BOARDS: Particle Board, BWP grade bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin
shall be as per IS-12823 veneered both side commercial/teak face and thickness as specified in
specifications in section-II or as shown in drawings shall be followed. Also where un-veneered paticle board
has been specified in specifications, the same shall also conform to IS-12823. The particle board shall be ISI
marked .

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(iv) PRE LAMINATED PARTICLE BOARD : Wherever prelaminated particle board are secified in
specifications/shown on drawings, it shall be exterior grade (ISI marked), BWR grade bonded with phenol
formaldehyde synthetic resin on one side decorative (Prelaminated) and other side balancing white laminated.
The colour/shade of decorative side (Prelamnated) shall be as decided and approved by GE. Make of
prelaminated particle board shall be as under :-

(iii) KITPLY

(v) Lipping or teak wood edging or beads fillets shall be provided on the exposed edges of the boards or
particle boards.

(vi) Where plywood, block board and particle board of the thickness specified or indicated on drawings are not
manufactured or are not available, then the nearer higher thickness as manufactured as may be available shall
be used, without any extra cost to the Government.

(e) FITTINGS : All fittings including steel/Anodised aluminium/brass shall conform to relevant IS and
shall be of approved quality. Where the specifications or the drawing indicate the fittings or any other item of
aluminium the same shall be deemed to be of anodised aluminium. Unless otherwise specified else where, all
steel iron mongery shall be black japanned. The tab plate shall be of steel. The contractor shall submit
samples of all iron mongery of steel , anodised aluminium or brass mongery for approval by the GE and shall
obtain his written approval before incorporation in the works. The samples so supplied shall not be returned to
the contractor on completion of the work but shall be retained by the department for future reference.

(f) DECORATIVE LAMINATED SHEETS : Wherever plastic laminated sheets is specified or shown on
drawings, provide special decorative laminated sheet type-I with natural teak, plain mosaic or glossy finish on
one face of specified thickness, where thickness is not specified it shall be 1.50mm. The laminated sheet shall
conform to IS-2046 specifications for decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheet. The
sheet for each tabletop shall be in one piece. Piecing and jointing will not be allowed. The sheets shall be fixed
with approved adhesive viz fevicol in accordance with the manufacturer‟s instructions

(g) HARD RUBBER RINGS/ PVC TOES: Hard rubber rings shall be of best quality available and shall be
hard, free from cracks and shall be uniform in texture. PVC toes shall be best quality available and shall be
free from cracks. Rubber rings and PVC toes shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before use.

(h) SHEET GLASS : Sheet glass shall be 3mm thick unless otherwise specified or indicated on
drawings and shall be of good quality free from specks, bubbles, smoke vanes, air holes and other defects to
the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

(j) MIRROR : The mirror shall be indigenous and shall be of make “ATUL” or “SWASTIK” copper plated at the
back, free from ripples, specks, bubbles and other defects with edges slightly rounded off alround. The
thickness of mirror shall be not less than 5.50 mm. Where the drawings show mirror or polished plate glass,
the same shall be deemed to be of sheet glass of thickness specified here-in-before. The mirror shall be tested
by Engineer-in-Charge by viewing in it from distance of 3 to 10 feet. During such testing if it is found that the
mirror gives a distorted image, the mirror shall be rejected.

(k) NEWAR: Newar shall be of cotton (white) closely woven 5.5 cm wide and shall be best virgin quality as
approved by the GE.

(l) TAPESTRY CLOTH : It shall be superior quality “Indian make” as per sample kept by the GE and shall be
costing not less than Rs. 300.00 per RM.

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(m) HESSIAN/LONG CLOTH : Hessian shall be hessian No. 1 (11 ports 12 shot) and shall weigh not less
than 320 grams per Sqm and shall be of approved quality as per sample kept by GE.

(n) CONDUIT PIPE shall conform toIS-3499 and wall thickness shall be 1.6mm and shall be as
specified in particular specification section-II here-in-after. Unless otherwise specified or indicated
on drawing, the conduit shall be stove enamelled. The diameter of the conduit specified or indicated
on the drawings shall be the external diameter.

(o) Where painting to conduit pipes, and the like is specified or indicated on the drawings the painting shall be
done externally to the conduit pipes and tubes etc. If the specified size of conduit, pipes or tubes is not
manufactured or is not available, the contractor may use the near bigger size without any extra cost to the

(p) NYLON TAPE :It shall be of Nylon closely woven 50 to 55 wide of approved quality or of width as
specified in particular specifications section-II. The Nylon tape shall be best quality as approved by the GE.

(q) PRELAMINATED MDF BOARD : Boart shall be Grade-I exterior quality as per IS : 14587. Teak wood
edging shall be provided to board. Thickness of edging if not specified in drawings and key specification, same
shall be 6mm thick. The prelaminated board shall be ISI marked, exterior grade with both side lamination of
approved shade and from one of the following makes :
(i) Nova Pan (ii) Kit Ply (iii) Eco Board Industries, Pune
(iv) Anchorlam (v) M/s Bhutan Board (vi) Century Plywood
(r) RAXENE : Rexene shall be of good quality (indigenous make) as approved by GE. However the coast of
raxene shall not be less than Rs 300/- per meter which shall be verified by GE before approving sample.


3.1 All iron and steel required for the work shall be arranged by the contractor, shall be of Fe-410-O grade and
shall conform to IS-1977. In case the steel section given in the drawings to be arranged by the contractor are
not available in the market, the contractor may use next higher section without any extra cost to the
Government. Steel work referred to in specifications shall also include steel tubular work. Tubes/pipes shall be
mild steel back/galvanised as specified in particular specifications section-II and shall be of medium grade.

3.2 All forging and framing shall be neatly and soundly made to the dimensions given in the drawings. Rivet holes
shall be drilled unless ordered to the punched. Drilling, punching, forging, riveting etc shall be done in the
sound and workman like manner. Rivets shall be truly shaped and hammered red hot so as to give a tight fit
and shall have round heads. (c) Welding to steel conduit as well as to the steel and iron works where shown
on drawings shall be gas or electric type at the discretion of contractor. Welding shall be done by trained and
approved welders in accordance with IS-816 for electric arc welding and IS-1923 for gas welding. The welding
shall run continuously along/around the joints.

3.3 The contractor shall be permitted to use untested steel in the work. He may however use tested steel at rates
accordingly. He may however use tested steel at his own discretion without any extra cost to the Govt. The
contractor shall use steel sections of equivalent metric size steel sections of equivalent metric sizes wherever
sizes in FPS system are shown on drawing without any extra cost to the department.

3.3.1 Raw material : CRCA (Cold Rolled Close annealed) Mild Steel (SAIL, SALEM)

3.3.2 Welding : MIG, Carbon dioxide and Argon.

3.3.3 Gauge : All steel members to be of 16 gauges unless otherwise specified.


3.4.1 Galvanised iron pipes 32mm bore medium grade for GI charpoy shall be ISI marked IS-1239 Part-I. These
shall be of makes TATA/Swastic/Jindal/Prakash as approved by GE. The threaded joint of GI pipe shall be
provided all as shown on drg and the joints of the each of the longer side of charpoy shall be provided with two
check nuts (6mm thick) for each longer side to ensure a tight and rigid joint.
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3.4.2 Wrought steel fitting for use with G.I Pipe such as elbows, check nuts shall be galvanised. GI elbow shall be
ISI marked and shall not be less than 450 gms weight each. Check nuts shall be 06mm thick. GI elbow shall
be of heavy quality as approved by GE.

3.4.3 All screw threads of tubes and sockets shall be clean and well cut the end shall be cut cleanly and square with
the axis of tubes unless otherwise specified. (Make of GI pipe : TATA/JINDAL/SWASTIK)


3.5.1 Welded clamps shown for 15mm dia conduit pipe MNF set in drawing No. FD-220, shall be 17mm dia and
16guage, washer shall be welded at the bottom of the clamp.


3.6.1 Conduit tubes shall be of round/square cross section as indicated on drawings of wall thickness 1.6mm unless
otherwise specified.

3.6.2 All steel conduit shall be of size as indicated in particular specifications/shown on drgs and shall be ERW
conforming to latest IS. Conduit tubes used in this work may not be enameled and shall be painted as
indicated in particular specification and directed by GE.


3.7.1 Mild steel tubes shall be square cross section as indicated on drgs conforming to relevant IS, of wall thickness
1.6mm unless otherwise specified.

(a) FOR FIXING WOODEN MEMBERS :- Unless otherwise specified screws shall be steel wood screws
nettle fold and shall conform to samples kept in GE’s office and shall be of size/type approved by GE. Where
indicated brass screws, shall be used instead of wood screws.

(b) Screws shall not be thinner than designation 8 of a length not less than twice the thickness of
board/members to be fixed.

(c) Nails shall conform to sample kept in GE’s office.

(d) Steel wood screws shall conform to IS-451 and shall be clearly finished and shall be true and
concentric with the shank. Slots in the head shall be clear, straight and free from burrs and central with regard
to the head. Threads shall be clear and well defined. Screws shall be in self colour condition.


3.9.1 Dowels and pins for securing mortice and tenon joints where required shall be of solid bamboo of good quality.


4.1 Rings under the legs of chairs/tables etc where indicated shall be of hard rubber/PVC as approved by GE.


5.1 Welding shall be metal arc electric welding and shall be done in an approved manner. All weld shall be fillet
weld and actual throat shall not be less than 3mm.


(a) The work shall be executed in a sound manner. Every part shall be true and well fitted and shall
conform to the highest standard of workmanship obtained from high-class cabinet makers.
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(b) All wood work shall be wrought and papered on all faces.

(c) The word ‘Frame’ as applied to wood work shall be understood as including all the best known method
of jointing wood works together with mortice and tenon joints, secret dovetailed joints or other approved

(d) Framed joints shall be made to fit properly without any wedging or making up.

(e) All framed wood work and paneling shall be cramped together with and stacked under cover for some
time before pinning and wedging. Any portion that dry shrink, warp, or develop shakes or other defects shall
be removed or replaced by the contractor.

(f) All wood work shall be finished to smooth, true, and clean surface with sand paper before
applying any treatment specified.

(g) Arises/corners where required shall be slightly rounded.

(h) Shelving and planking shall be fixed i.e. bearer with screws at distance not exceeding 150mm
centers in order to ensure that such plank is secured at two places on each bearer.


7.1 Adhesive and glues for putting together joints in wood work shall conform to synthetic WRB or MR grade
contorming to IS-851 or conforming to IS-4835.


8.1 Plain black steel sheets shall be of best quality available locality conforming to relevant IS. It shall be
reasonably flat and free from twist. It shall be uniform and true in depth. The tolerance on weight of an
individual sheet shall be + 5%.


9.1 All joints (except joints of panels) in wood work shall be either mortised and tenoned or dovetailed and shall be
framed so as to fit fully and truly without wedging. Filling or making up are made so as to be hidden from view.
Pins shall be of solid bamboo. All joints before assembling shall be put together with glue.

10.2 End joints in panels shall be formed by letting in ends into grooves cut in adjoining members.

10.3 Timber boards as in shelves and in other locations which are not to be framed shall be fixed with wooden
screws as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.


11.1 Framing shall be done in best possible manner Framed joints shall be put together with glue and pinned with
solid bamboo or hand pin. All members shall be accurately at right angle.


12.1 All paints and allied materials shall be of quality not inferior to that required by the relevant IS etc and paint
shall be ready mixed. The colour and tint of paint, unless indicated, shall be approved by the GE. Painting
wherever indicated in key specifications shall consist of two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of
primer. All steel furniture/items shall be painted as specified in key specification by spray painting and wooden
items shall be polished/painted by hand as specified paint/polish. Paints used for under coat, finished coat and
primer shall be of same manufacturer.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 82

12.2 Paints required for the work shall be of first quality and brought site in seated containers and shall confirm to
the following IS specifications :-

Srl Final finish Primer Under coat Finishing Coat

No. required conforming to conforming to conforming to

1. Synthetic enameled 3536-1966 2932-1974 2932-1972

paint on wood & wood
based materials.
2. Synthetic enameled 2074-1079 2932-1974 2932-1974
paint on steel surface

(a) Preparation of new steel/iron work surfaces

(i) The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt fluxing material, other foreign matters & scrapped
thoroughly with hand scraper followed by wire brushing (first with coarse & then with fine wire brushes
and finally sand papering the surface to remove all mill, scale & rust). The surface shall then be wiped
finally with mineral turpentine to remove oil, greased & perspiration left by hand marks.

(ii) Temporary rust protective materials applied to steel sheets to protect during transport and storage
shall be removed with suitable solvent as a preliminary to other preparatory treatment.

(iii) Surfaces already pretreated or primed in a factory shall be carefully inspect and damage areas
shall be thoroughly degreased and cleaned of all rust and touched.

12.3 The contractor shall inform the GE within three weeks of acceptance of the tender, the brand and names of
the manufacturers of paint which he proposes to incorporate in the work out of the names given herein
below :-
(i) ICI paint (Dulux brand)
(ii) ASIAN PAINT (Apcolite brand)
(iii) Shalimar paint (superlac brand)
(iv) Goodloss nerolac paint (Nerolac brand)
(v) Jenson & Nicholsen paint (Borolac brand)
(vi) Berger Paint (Luxal brand)

(a) General
French polish shall be applied to furniture except where any other type of finish is indicated.

In General, internal surfaces of drawers & the like and rails of under sides of chair sects, table tops
and the like shall be left untreated. In the event of disputes as to which are the surfaces to be
polished and which are to be left untreated and sand papered, the GE’s decision shall be final and


Furniture will be delivered in the F/S yard of GE unpolished. It shall be polished in the Yard as under :-

(a) Preparation of surfaces

Remove plane works with a wooden scraper and smooth surfaces with sand paper No.2 Final and stop
boles with paste filler prepared by mixing plaster of Paris and water to a creamy consistency and adding a
raw seine in quantity required to match the surface. Alternatively patent filler as approved by GE may be
used. When the surfaces dry up, wipe off superflous filler, and set aside for 24 hours for the surface to
harden rub surface with sand paper No.1/2 until it is thoroughly smooth and clean off.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 83

(b) Polishing
French polish shall conform to IS-348 - 1981. Take a wad of cotton wool and partially saturated it with the
polish, enclose the wad in a piece of fine cloth and rub it hard along the grain with light even pressure.
Should the wad showed any sign of sticking, it should be slightly dipped in linseed oil and continue rubbing
until a thinly coated semigloss appearance is obtained. Set aside for about two hours to permit surface
coat to harden. Rub furnace with sand paper ‘C’ to remove any raised gain. Repeat polish to the surface
as before when a clear grained smooth surface is obtained. It shall be allowed to harden for about one
hour. Rub surface again with No ‘C’ sand paper, recharge wad as before and apply to the surface in
circular motion until the surface is covered allover, charge the wad with wax polish & apply with straight
strokes in direction of the grains until the required gloss is obtained to the approval of the GE.
(c) Wooden article for which no finish is indicated shall be French polished as specified above.


15.1 Furniture will be delivered in the F/S yard of GE unpolished,It shall be polished in the yard.

15.2 The melamine polish shall consist preparation of surface by sanding off with appropriate No. of water paper
including necessary filling holes with melamine fillers. After that sealer coat shall be applied by using spray
gun and on drying the surface sanding off to sealer coat shall be done.

15.3 Top coat & final coat of melamine polish shall be applied by using spray gun and top polish coat shall be
sanding off. The entire polishing process shall be done in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and to
achieve gloss finish to the satisfaction of GE . All precautions to maintain proper quality of mixture of materials
& workmanship and for safety of manpower must be taken.

15.4 Make of Polish : Asian Paint / Nerolac / Berger.


Tapestry cloth shall be of good quality (indigenous make) as approved by GE. Unless otherwise mentioned in
key specification / drg the cost of tapestry cloth shall not be less than ₹ 300/- per RM which shall be verified
and certified by Garrison Engineer before approving sample.

17. FOAM
17.1 Unless otherwise mentioned in key specification/drg all Foam shall be 40 density of required thickness as
shown on drawing/mentioned in key specifications.

17.2 However the foam shall be of make SLEEPWELL / DURO FOAM / U FOAM.

18. BLACK JAPAN :- Iron work specified to be black japanned, shall be thoroughly cleaned off of all rust and
treated with two coats of approved black Japan paint on external exposed surfaces. The black Japan paint
shall be conforming to IS-341 and dried with a brilliant gloss.


The contractors who have their established workshops, having proper license from the respective Ministry of
Industries of State/Inter state/Centre outside Mathura, they shall fabricate the furniture in the so established
workshop. Alternatively or if desired by the contractor he may establish his workshop for manufacture of all
items of furniture for this contract at Hisar. This aspect shall be brought out by the contractor on the tender
page at the time of submitting the quoted tender.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 84

Ser No Nomenclature & Drg No Drg No Specification

1 2 3 4
1.00 HAT STAND WITH FD-1110 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 1000mm long and 710mm
MIRROR high.

DESCRIPTION : 18mm thick pre-laminated MDF board of size

1000mmx710mm shall be provided as back of hat stand. Copper
anodized / aluminum pegs four on the left side of mirror and
three below the mirror shall be provided as shown on drawing
and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5mm thick best quality
looking mirror (Saint gobian / Modiguard / Atul) of size
300x460mm shall be provided and fixed as shown on drg with
18mmx25mm teak wood edging alround the mirror. The edges
of the hat stand shall be provided with teak wood beading on
sides and front sides of size 36mmx25mm as shown on drg.
Two mild steel key plate shall be provided at both top corners of
the hat stand.

FINISH : All teak wood surfaces shall be given high gloss French
polish with lacquer finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

2.00 HAT STAND WITH FD-362 DIMENSION: Overall size shall be 1330 mm long, 710mm high.
DESCRIPTION: The inner frame shall be of 50mm x 20mm 1
class Hard wood MP teak wood battens six in nos. The back and
front of frame shall be covered with 6mm thick commercial ply.
The edges of the frame shall be covered with 6mmx35mm teak
wood edging fixed alround the frame with headless nails and
adhesive. Six brass pegs 120mm long shall be fixed over the
wooden membrane with brass screws as shown in drg. 5.5mm
thick looking mirror of (Saint gobian / Modiguard / Atul) shall be
provided as shown on drg with beading alround . Mild steel key
plate shall be provided at both top corners of the hat stand.

FINISH : All teak wood surfaces shall be given high gloss

French polish with lacquer finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

3.00 RECEPTICAL WITH HFD- DIMENSION / CAPACITY : The receptacle shall be capacity
BUCKET AND PEDAL 2018 35/40 ltrs.

DESCRIPTION : The body of receptacle PVC shall be made up

of thick polymer plastic of thickness not less than 5mm, provided
with plastic container with lid and steel handle on sides as
shown in drg. It should have foot operated lever with pedal for

Make: Cello, Tupperware or AMCO as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 85

4.00 RECEPTACLE PVC FD/E6/M DIMENSION/CAPACITY:-The receptacle shall be of capacity 40

WITH LID, AP/13 ltrs irrespective of what is shown on drg.
DESCRIPTION: The body of receptacle PVC shall be made up
of thick polymer plastic of thickness not less than 5mm, provided
with swivel lid and iron handles on both sides as shown in drg.

Make - Cello / TUPPERWARE / AMKO / BRITE as approved by


Rest all as shown in drg.

5.00 RECEPTACLE PVC FD/E6/M DIMENSION/CAPACITY:-The receptacle shall be of capacity 20

WITH LID, AP/13 ltrs.
DESCRIPTION: The body of receptacle PVC shall be made up
of thick polymer plastic of thickness not less than 2.5mm,
provided with swivel lid and iron handles on both sides as shown
in drg.

Make - Cello / TUPPERWARE / AMKO / BRITE as approved by


Rest all as shown in drg.

6.00 SOFA SET 4 SEATER FD-373 DIMENSION : Overall size of one piece shall be 670mm long
WITH CUSHION and 745 mm wide and 530mm high up to arm rest level.
(4 X 01 SEATER)
DESCRIPTION : The sofa set of seat four shall consist of four
numbers one seat pieces. All wood shall be of first class hard
wood teak wood (MP). Legs of sofa set shall be 70mm x35mm in
section teak wood. Front legs shall be jointed by 100mm x
35mm in section wooden rail in front. Front and rear legs shall
be joined with 100mm x 35mm in section wooden rails in sides.
100mm thick seat cushion and back cushions shall be of size
530mm x 560mm one in back and one in seat. The cushion shall
be of cool foam or any other superior quality foam of 40 density
as approved by GE. Cushion shall be covered with approved
color tapestry cloth approved by GE.

FINISH : All wood surface exposed to view when placed in

position shall be melamine polished using spray machine with
glossy finish walnut shade or as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 86

7.00 SOFA SET 03 SEATER FD-373 DIMENSION : Overall size of the three seat shall be 1730mm
WITH CUSHION long, 745mm wide and 530mm high.
DESCRIPTION : The set consist of one long piece of three seat
only. 1 class hard wood well seasoned MP teak wood
throughout in frame work shall be used for manufacturing of
sofa. Legs of sofa set shall be 70mmx35mm in section teak
wood. Front legs shall be jointed by 100mmx35mm in section
wooden rail in front. Front and rear legs shall be joined with
100mmx35mm in section wooden rails in sides. 100mm thick
seat cushion and back cushion shall be of 530mm x 560mm
(three numbers in seat and three number in back of seat) The
cushion of 40 density cool foam covered with best quality
tapestry cloth as approved by GE shall be provided.

FINISH : All wood surface exposed to view when placed in

position shall be melamine polished using spray machine with
glossy finish walnut shade or as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

8.00 SOFA SET 02 SEATER FD-373 DIMENSION : Overall size of one Seat shall be 670mm long and
(01 + 01 SEATER) 745 mm wide and 530mm high up to arm rest level.

DESCRIPTION : Total two sofa set of single seater and each

sofa set single seater shall consist of single seat with single
back. All wood shall be of first hard wood class teak wood (MP).
Legs of sofa set shall be 70mm x35mm in section teak wood.
Front legs shall be jointed by 100mm x 35mm in section wooden
rail in front. Front and rear legs shall be joined with 100mm x
35mm in section wooden rails in sides. 100mm thick seat
cushion and back cushions shall be of size 530mm x 560mm
(one number in seat and one number in the back). The cushion
shall be of cool foam or any other superior quality foam of 40
density as approved by GE. Cushion shall be covered with
approved color tapestry cloth (approved by GE)

FINISH : All wood surface exposed to view when placed in

position shall be melamine polished using spray machine with
glossy finish walnut shade or as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 87

9.00 PEG TABLE FD-384 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 450mm long,300mm wide
and 380mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be 1st class hard wood (MP

Teak). Legs shall be of section 30mm x 50mm. The legs shall be
362mm high.5mmx5mm in section groove shall be provided on
the top of legs which shall be visible when placed in position.
Two nos top rails of section 20mm x 40mm of teak wood shall be
provided connecting legs. Two bottom rails of size 20mm x
40mm shall be fixed between the legs. A centre stiffeners of size
20mm x 40mm shall be provided at centre of side bottom rails
for extra support irrespective of what is shown on drg. Top of the
table shall be of 18mm thick pre-laminated MDF board with 4mm
teak wood edging all round the top of table.
FINISH : All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in
position shall be melamine polished using spray machine with
glossy finish walnut shade or as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

10.00 CHAIR DINING JCO/OR’s FD/MAP- DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 890mm high, 440mm wide
II/05 and 430mm deep.
DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be 1st class hard wood (MP
Teak). The size of the legs shall be 30x55mm. Front, back and
side rails shall be of size 30x65mm. Stiffeners of size
20mmx25mm three in nos shall be fixed as specified in drg. PVC
seat 4mm thick of PPCP material and weight not less than 0.50
kgs with perforated holes shall be fixed inside the frame of seat
with proper screws. One additional stiffener of size 30x25mm
shall also be fixed below the seat for extra support of PVC seat.
The height of the seat shall be at 460mm high from ground. The
back of chair of the teak wood shall be 45x15mm made out of
45x35mm section. 25mm dia and 25mm high nylon buffers shall
be provided to bottom of all legs.

FINISH : All wood surfaces shall be melamine polished using

spray machine with glossy finish walnut shade or as approved
by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 88

11.00 BED HARD FD - 1102 DIMENSION: Overall size shall be 1980mm long, 980mm wide
and 400mm high(mattress level).
DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be of 1 class hard wood (teak
wood). The frame shall be made of teak wood rail of size 35 x
90mm. Two stiffener of teak wood of size 40 x 60mm shall be
provided to support the top. The head board shall be 660mm
high and foot board shall be 369 mm high. The frame of head
board and foot board shall be of 25 mm thick prelaminated
decorative paticle board as shown in drg with 40x40mm teak
wood beading made to shape. The top of bed hard shall be of
12mm thick BWR ply of approved make. MNF set of aluminium
shall be provided as shown on drg. 100 mm thick mattress shall
be made of coir and cool foam reinforced by each other by press
mechanism. The rexene used to cover the mattress shall be of
best quality not less than ₹ 300/- RM. The pillow shall be of size
600mmx300mm filled with white reckon fiber and covered with
best quality cotton fabric in desired shape complete.

Make of Mattress & Pillow : Kurlon / Sleepwell / Nidra as

approved by GE.

FINISH : All wood and teak veneer surfaces shall be French

polished with high gloss finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 89

12.00 TABLE WRITING FD-1116 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 1150mm long, 380mm wide
and 1583mm high.

DESCRIPTION : Back shall be 1150mm long, 1583 high of

12mm thick prelaminated particle board.Sides shall be 380mm
wide and 810mm high and above 810mm hight, sides shall be
230mm wide and 773mm high. Sides shall be of 19mm thick
pre-laminated particle board / 18mm thick MDF board. Two
drawer one large one left hand side and one short on right hand
side shall be provided below the openable shelf, A cupboard in
443mm, portion below drawer shall have one shelf dividing the
cupboard equally shall be provided in the centre of cupboard
over standard aluminum stays. The self shall be 19mm thick
prelaminated particle board. Shutter of cupboard shall be of
19mm thick pre-laminated particle board. 4mm thick teakwood
edging shall be provided all around the shutter of cupboard and
front of shelf. 100mm long mid steel powder coated handle shall
be shutter of cupboard. The shutter shall be side hung with
20mm wide piano type hinges. 2 numbers spring ball catch shall
be provided to shutter 19mm x 50mm thick pre-laminated
particle board foot rest with 4mm thick teak wood edging on both
edges shall be provided in 650mm space at 100mm from
bottom. The vertical partition shall be 19mm thick prelaminated
particle board. The long and short drawers shall run on 20mm x
20mm teak wood beading shall be fixed with sides of drawers in
such a way that it runs smoothly over the beading fixed with
vertical sides. The openable shelf be of 1112mm long, 380mm
high and 19mm thick and shall be of pre-laminated particle
board / 18mm thick MDF board. The shelf shall be bottom hung
with piano type hinge and two standard brass stays shall be
provided as shown and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Top
of openable shelf when closed shall be covered with 125mm
high, 1150mm long and 19mm thick pre-laminated particle board
/ 18mm thick MDF board. One shelf at 50mm from top shall be
230mm wide and 1112mm long shall be provided as shown on
drawing. Another shelf at 230mm below the top shelf shall be
provided which shall be of 211mm wide and 1112mm long and
shall be of 19mm thick pre-laminated particle board / 18mm thick
MDF board. All front edges of pre-laminated particle board /
MDF board shall be provided with 4mm thick teak wood edging.
The drawers shall be provided with 100mm long mild steel
powder coated handles. One tube light with electric connection
shall be provided as shown and as directed by Engineer-in-

FINISH : All wood surfaces shall be French polished with high

gloss finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 90

13.00 TABLE DINING 6 FD/MAP- DIMENSION: Overall size shall be 1500mm long, 900mm wide
PERSONS II/03 and 750mm high.

DESCRIPTION: All wood shall be of first class hard wood teak

wood (MP). The top shall be of prelaminated MDF board of
18/19mm thick with 4mm thick teak wood beading alround the
edges of the top fixed with headless nails and adhesive on long
sides only. Four legs shall be 90mm x 45mm in section. Legs
shall be joined by 45mm x 90mm teak wood rails in long and
short sides at top in such a way that top of legs and top of rails
shall be at one level.25mm x 45mm teak wood wooden member
of size 900mm long shall also be provided as shown in drg. Two
stiffeners of 90mm x 25mm in section shall be fixed equally
spaced joining the long rails with dovetailed joints. Four wooden
brackets /corners of size 100mm x 100mm x 35mm thick shall
also be provided over 150mm x 30mm x 5mm angle iron
bracket. 25mm x 25mm PVC shoes shall be provided at the
bottom of the table.

FINISH: All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in

position shall be melamine polished using spray machine with
glossy finish walnut shade or as approved by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

14.00 TABLE CENTRE 2 TIER FD-274 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 900mm long, 450mm wide
and 400mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be of teak wood. Top of the table

shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated MDF board of approved
shade with 4mm thick teak wood beading all-round the edges of
top. Legs shall be made out of 60mm x 30mm in section teak
wood and 356 mm high. Bottom rail of teak wood of 20mm x
50mm in section and 420mm long shall be provided between
legs, widthwise at 100mm above the bottom of legs. The bottom
tier shall be fixed on the top of bottom side rails with 50mm long
screws. The bottom tier shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated
particle board exterior grade of approved shade with 4mm thick
teak wood beading all-round the edges of both the tops.25mm
dia hard rubber /PVC rings shall be fixed to the bottom of all legs
fixed with 30mm long screws.

FINISH : All wood surfaces shall be melamine polished using

spray machine with glossy finish walnut shade or as approved
by GE.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 91

15.00 BIN LINE FD-1104 DIMENSION : The overall size of the bin linen multipurpose
MULTIPURPOSE 1000mm long, 380mm wide & 760mm high.
DESCRIPTION : Bottom rest shall be made of 19mm thick pre-
laminated particle board (one side decorative) and shall be
900mm long and 280mm wide and 75mm high jointed together
in long and short sides. Multipurpose bin linen shall be placed
over it. The bin shall be 1000mm long, 380mm wide and 685mm
high. Back side shall be of 19mm thick pre-laminated particle
board 1000mm long and 685mm high. Sides shall be of 19mm
thick pre-laminated particle board 380mm wide and 685mm
high. Top and bottom shall be of 19mm thick pre-laminated
particle board 1000mm long and 380mm wide. A vertical
partition shall be provided at 400mm from inner face of left hand
side which shall be of 19mm thick pre-laminated particle board.
A shelf shall be provided in the middle of left portion which shall
be of 19mm thick pre-laminated particle board and shall remain
uncovered. Two drawers and a cupboard shall be provided on
the right hand side of the bin. Bottom, sides, back and front of
drawers shall be of 12mm thick pre-laminated particle board.
The partition between the drawers shall be 19mm thick pre-
laminated particle board. Front shutter of cupboard shall be
hinged with continuous piano type hinge and shall be side hung.
Teak wood bearers two numbers shall be of 20mm x 20mm in
section and fixed to drawers. Teak wood bearers two number
shall be of 20mm x 20mm in section and fixed to drawers on the
outer sides in such a way that in runs smoothly over the bearers
fixed on the sides of the partitions of the bin. A handle shall be
fixed in the center of the each drawer with 100mm long powder
coated mild steel. All front edges of pre-laminated particle board
shall be fixed with 4mm thick teak wood edging as shown on
drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The shutter
shall have 4mm thick teak wood edging all round its edges. On
right hand side top of bin an asbestos sheet plain shall be
provided which shall be 6mm thick and 230mm.
FINISH : All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in
position shall given high gloss French polish with lacquer finish.
Rest all as shown on drg.
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 92

16.00 SIDE BOARD LARGE FD-372 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 1500mm long, 450mm wide
and 760mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be first class hard wood MP

teak. The bottom frame shall be of 18mm thick teak wood frame
and shall be 125mm high from ground. All sides i.e-front
shutters, top, bottom sides and front sides of drawers shall be of
18mm thick prelaminated MDF board. Four drawers shall be
provided in the right hand side of the side board. Left hand side
shall have one hung shutters. Back of side board shall be of
12mm thick commercial ply irrespective of what is shown on drg.
Bottom of drawers shall be of 6 mm thick plywood commercial.
The shutters shall have continuous piano type hinges. The top of
one shutter shall have 50mm long flush bolt fitted towards inside
of shutter. Two knobs shall be provided to the shutter. Four
knobs shall be provided to the four drawers (one for each
drawer). 3mmx19mm teak wood edging shall be provided to all
edges of particle board and shelf.
FINISH : All wood and particle board surfaces exposed to view
when placed in position shall be French polished with high gloss

Rest all as shown on drg.

17.00 CHAIR DINING FD-1105 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 890mm high, 440mm wide
and 440mm deep.

DESCRIPTION : The size of the legs shall be 35 x 55mm. Front

and side rails shall be size 30 x 55mm. Stiffeners of size 20 x
25mm shall be fixed as specified in drg. Caning shall be done
with plastic cane of 2mm wide and 0.4mm thick half round gola
type weighing not less than 6gms in ten running meters. Caning
shall be done in Godrej pattern. The height of the seat shall be
at 460mm high from ground. The size of the teak wood back
shall be 45 x 20mm made out of 45 x 30mm section. 25mm dia
and 25mm high nylon buffers shall be provided to bottom of all
FINISH : All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in
position shall be Melamine polished with high gloss finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 93

18.00 TEAPOY WOODEN FD-382 DIMENSION : The overall size shall be 600mm long, 450mm
wide and 540mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All timber shall be of 1st class hard wood (MP

teak). The legs shall be 60mmx30mm in section. 5mmx5mm in
section groove shall be provided at the visible portion of top of
legs. Top rails of teak wood of 20mmx50mm in section shall be
provided between the legs. Bottom rail of teak wood of
20mmx50mm in section shall be provided between legs,
widthwise at 100mm above the bottom of legs. A centre rail of
size 20mmx50mm shall also be provided lengthwise at centre in
between the side bottom rails irrespective of what is shown on
drg. 25mm thick and 25mm dia hard rubber / PVC rings shall be
fixed to the bottom of all legs fixed with 30mm long screws. Top
of the table shall be of 18mm thick prelaminated MDF board
exterior grade of approved shade with 4mm thick teak wood
beading alround the edges of top.

FINISH : All wood and particle board surfaces exposed to view

when placed in position shall be Melamine polished with high
gloss finish.

Rest all as shown on drg.

19.00 CHAIR EASY FD-229 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 510 mm long, 575mm wide
and 740mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All wood shall be first class Hard wood teak

(MP). Front legs shall be 30mmx55mm in section and 355mm
high up to seat level as shown on drg. Rear legs shall be of
30mmx55mm in section and 300mm high up to seat level and
slanting 50mm away from vertical as shown on drg. Front, back
and side rails of seat shall be out of 30mmx55mm in section and
made to shape as shown on drawing. front, back and side rails
shall join the front and rear legs at 355mm high and 300mm high
in rear Teak wood arm rests shall be provided at 150mm above
seat level and shall be of 30mmx55mm in section as shown on
drawing. Back rest shall be made of frame consisting of top
horizontal rail of 30mmx100mm in section out of 60mmx100mm
teak wood made to shape as shown on drawing and lower
horizontal rail of back rest shall be of 30mmx100mm in section
joined together by vertical side rails of 30mmx25mm in section
teak wood to form the frame Caning shall be done with plastic
cane of 2mm wide and 0.4mm thick half round gola type
weighing not less than 6gms in ten running meters. Caning shall
be done in Godrej pattern. PVC shoes 25mmx25mm shall be
provided at the bottom of all legs.

FINISH : All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in

position shall be given high gloss Melamine polish with glossy

Rest all as shown on drg.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial Page No. 94

20.00 CHAIR WRITING FD-280 DIMENSION: Overall size shall be 535mm long at front
(measured near bottom of legs) and 470mm deep and height
shall be 890mm.
DESCRIPTION: Well seasoned 1 class Hard wood, MP teak
wood throughout in frame work shall be used for framework.
Caning shall be done without any joint in the cane. The cane
shall be of 2mm wide, 0.4mm thick half round gola type of Shah
/Premier brand. The sides of the chair shall be canned with 4mm
thick cane. Hard rubber rings of 25mm dia and 25mm high shall
be screwed to the bottom of all legs.

FINISH: All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in

position shall be given high gloss Melamine polish .

Rest all as shown on drg.

21.00 CHAIR WOODEN FD-285 DIMENSION : Overall size shall be 445mm long,440mm wide
BOTTOM and 835mm high.

DESCRIPTION : All Timber shall be seasoned teak wood MP

(1st class hard wood). Front legs shall be of size 30mmx55mm
in section and 455mm high and rear legs shall be of section
30x55mm. The legs shall be joined by front, sides, rear rails
made to shape out of 30mmx65mm in section. Two side
stiffeners in short rails shall be provided of 20mmx25mm in
section. One stiffener of 20mmx25mm shall also be provided at
centre of both side stiffeners joining the sides stiffenres. 12mm
thick decorative plywood with perforated holes 5mm dia at
centre in a radius of 5 inch shall be fixed over the frame of the
chair irrespective of what is shown on drg.

FINISH : All wood surfaces exposed to view when placed in

position shall be given high gloss Melamine polish .
Rest all as shown on drg.

Signature of Contractor (for Accepting Officer)

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 95

Tele : 0565-2401734 (Civ) Military Engineer Services

Commander Works Engineers

85020/MTR/HSR/16/23/E8 25 Oct 2019

M/S ____________________________




Dear Sir,

1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site www.defproc.gov.in. The tender is on
single stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of cover I & Cover II are specified in NOTICE OF

2. Bids will be received online by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in the NOTICE
INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender / bid will be received in physical form and any tender/bid received in such
manner will be treated as non bonafide tender/bid.

3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers / bidders or their
authorized representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wish to be present at the time of
opening the bids.

4. Your attention is also drawn to instructions on filling and submission of tender attached herewith. You may
forward your points on tender documents and / or depute your technical representative for discussion on
tender/drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, on or before 20 Nov 2019. You are requested not to write piece
meal points and forward your points duly consolidated before due date viz 20 Nov 2019.

5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in pdf file) of documents required as per
eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender documents and Appendix A to NIT alongwith
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and tender fee on e-procurement portal and submit the physical documents in
the office of Commander Works Engineer within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy / deficiency of
documents shall make the bid liable for rejection resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.

6. (a) Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in any MES
formation shall upload scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) mentioned in Notice of Tender and
shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of tender issuing authority before date & time fixed for
this purpose. In case of failure to abide by any of these two requirements, the finance bid will not be opened.
(b) Performance security for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum in the prescribed form shall be
deposited by the successful contractor (enlisted or un-enlisted contractor) with accepting officer within 28 days
of receipt of the letter of Acceptance as per condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z.
7. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf file) of enlistment letter, tender fee and such
other documents as mentioned in Appx A to NIT on e-procurement portal and submit physical documents in
the office of CWE Mathura before date & time fixed for this purpose.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 96
8. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as the Accepting Officer
will take no cognizance of any quotation/offer received in any other electronic or physical form like email/fax/by
hand/through post from tenderer/bidder even if they are received in time.

9. In view of delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is suggested that the tender /
bid be uploaded, if necessary, sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time fixed.

10 General Conditions of contracts (IAFW-1815Z) and errata and amendments thereto, Schedule of minimum fair
wages and MES SSR (Part-I and Part-II) are not enclosed with these documents. These are available for
perusal in the office of GE concerned and this office.


___________________ ________________
Signature of Contractor for Accepting Officer
CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 97


Contractor(s) who are not enlisted with MES/who are enlisted but have not executed the standing
security Bond shall submit earnest money deposit as detailed in Notice of tender in one of the following forms
alongwith their tender/bid:-

(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer.
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of Garrison Engineer.

2. It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an approved Schedule
Bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer / bidder wants to lodge ‘EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT’ in any other
form allowed by MES, a confirmation about its acceptability will be obtained from the Accepting Officer well in
advance of the bid submission end date and time. Earnest Money Deposit shall be submitted in the name of
concerned GE.

NOTES : Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque/Bank Guarantee etc will not be accepted.
NON-SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (scanned copy alongwith Technical Bid & hard
copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ) WILL RENDER THE BID DISQUALIFIED FOR

3. PERFORMANCE SECURITY : The successful contractor shall deliver a performance security in the
presented form for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum to the Accepting officer within 28 days of
receipt of the letter of Acceptance in terms of condition 14-A of IAFW-1815-Z.


Contractors whose names are on the approved list of any MES formation and who have deposited Standing
Security and have executed Standing Security Bond may tender/bid without depositing Earnest Money with
the bid and performance security is provided by the successful contractor within 28 days of receipt of
Acceptance letter from accepting officer.


5.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on ‘defproc.gov.in’
portal. Documents should be scanned and forwarded in ‘pdf’ form and ‘xls’ form as indicated.

5.2 Bids shall be uploaded on ‘defproc.gov.in’ portal on or before the bid closing date mentioned in the tender. No
tender / bid in any other electronic or physical form like email / fax / by hand / through post will be considered.

5.3 Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents, corrections/alterations
shall be signed / initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance.

5.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialed by the tenderer / bidder in separate
envelope indicating his name and address.

5.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents after acceptance.
All corrections shall be initialed. The Contractor shall initial every page of tender and shall sign all drawings
forming part of the tender. Any tender/bid, which proposes alterations to any of the conditions whatsoever, is
liable to be rejected.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 98
5.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading the bid using
his/her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole proprietor, scanned copy of an
affidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating that he has authority to bind the firm in all
matters pertaining to contract including the Arbitration Clause, shall be attached in ‘pdf’ form. In case of
partnership concern or a limited company, digital signatory of the bid/tender shall ensure that he is competent
to bind the contractor (through partnership deed, general power of attorney or Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts with Union of India including
arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such authority shall be attached with the
tender/bid in ‘pdf’ form, if not submitted earlier. The person uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s)
or on behalf of a firm or company using his DSC shall upload with the tender/bid a scanned copy (in ‘pdf’ form)
of Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour by such other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with
constitution of the company in case of company, stating that he has authority to bind such other person of the
firm or the Company, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the Arbitration

5.7 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an individual authorizing
him to sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person as a routine, fresh power of
Attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that the said person has authority to bind such partners
of the Firm, or the Company as the case may be, including the condition relating to Arbitration Clause, should
be uploaded in ‘pdf’ form with the tender/bid, unless such authority has already been given to him by the Firm
or the Company. It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be executed in accordance with the
constitution of the company as laid down in its Memorandum & Article of Association.

5.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing authority well in
advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the same.

5.9 Bid (Cover 1 & 2) shall be uploaded online well in time.

5.10 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty, Attention is also
drawn to special condition 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW-2249 (General
conditions of contract).

5.11 Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of being present at the time of
opening of the tenders/bids, may do so at the appointed time.

5.12 The tenderer/bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be accepted, else
the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.

5.13 In case the tenderer/bidder has to revise / modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he can do so only
in the BOQ, through defproc.gov.in site only before the bid closing time and date.

5.14 Contractor quoted rates shall be deemed to include amendments/ corrigendums to tender documents
published till last date & time of closing of bid submission. Contractor shall regularly check the corrigendums
published to keep them upto date.

5.15 Contractor shall quote his rate on the latest BOQ published online with reference to the tender. Bids quoted
on previous BOQ shall be summarily rejected and not considered as Bonafide.

CA NO. CWE/MTR/HSR/16 OF 2019-20 Serial page No. 99

In the event of lowest tenderer/bidder revoking his offer or revising his rates upward/offering voluntary
reduction, after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and the Earnest
Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted Contractors, the amount equal to the
Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer/bidder for depositing the
amount through MRO. Bids of such Contractors/bidders shall not be opened till the aforesaid amount equal to
the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt Treasury. In addition, bids of such tenderer/bidder and his
related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent calls. Reduction offered by the tenderer/bidder
on the freak high rates referred for review shall not be treated as voluntary reduction.

7. C P M (Critical Path Method)

7.1 The project planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.

7.2 The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ technical staff who
can use the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on the subject are widely
available in the market which the tenderer/bidder may make use of.

7.3 The tenderer’s/bidder’s attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding preparation of the
detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient resources to
adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of the tenderer/bidder in using the technique will be taken as
his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of enlistment and future prospect/invitation to tenders for
future works.

7.4 Department may issue amendments/errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender/revised BOQ to the tender
documents. The tenderer/bidder is requested to read the tender documents in conjunction with all the
errata/amendments/corrigendum, if any, issued by the department.

8. These instructions shall form part of the contract documents.

___________________ ________________
Signature of Contractor for Accepting Officer

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