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0272-6963/Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 Editorial / Journal of Operations Management 39-40 (2015) 1e5
by emotion and stressors that affect physiological arousal. studies, to formal econometric estimation of model parameters
Second, SD models capture disequilibrium. Since different deci- and confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and other statistical
sion processes govern the inflows and outflows to the stocks that tests.
characterize the state of the system, disequilibrium is the rule The application of these methodological principles often results
rather than the exception (Sterman, 2000). For example, the rate in complex models with dozens of interactions and significant time
at which customers arrive at a hospital emergency department, delays that integrate multiple data sources of different kinds (e.g.,
or place orders for new products, differs from the rate at which quantitative data such as panel datasets, archival data, interviews,
they are treated, or orders fulfilled, leading to queues and delays surveys, participant observation, laboratory experiments, and so
in medical treatment, or wait lists of unsatisfied customers. The re- on). The result is both a better theory of the structure of the system,
actions of actors to these imbalances create feedbacks, both nega- and a formal model. Usually that model cannot be solved in closed
tive and positive, that then alter the rates of flow. If the negative form so must be simulated. Simulation enables rigorous tests of the
feedbacks are strong and swift, the system may quickly settle to ability of the theory to explain the problematic phenomenon and
an equilibrium. If, however, there are long delays in the negative can be used to evaluate and rank policy options, carry out wide-
feedbacks, the system may oscillate; if there are positive feedbacks, ranging parametric and structural sensitivity tests, and optimize
the system may become locally unstable (for example, if a wait list performance.
triggers fear of shortages people may order more, lengthening the Much of the leading edge research in operations management is
wait list still further; see Sterman and Dogan in this issue). Mod- evolving along similar lines. Increasingly, OM scholars are expand-
elers should not presume that a system has an equilibrium or ing the boundaries of their models to include behavioral decision
that any equilibria are stable. Instead, SD modelers represent the making, explicit consideration of dynamics, and broader model
processes through which decision makers respond to situations boundaries including multiple decision makers and organizations
in which the states of the system differ from their goals. Model (e.g., supply chain coordination; interactions of operations, market-
analysis then reveals whether these decision rules, interacting ing and pricing) and performance criteria beyond profit maximiza-
with one another and with the physical structure, result in stable tion (e.g., working conditions and environmental sustainability).
or unstable behavior. Equilibria, and the ability of a system to reach With this special issue we highlight relevant developments in sys-
them, are emergent properties of the dynamic system, not some- tem dynamics and empirical studies in operations management,
thing to be assumed. focusing on the increasing alignment between them and comple-
Third, SD stresses the importance of a broad model boundary. mentarities that may lead to mutual benefit in new research. In
Research shows decisively people’s mental models have narrow the next sections we single out those areas of collaboration
boundaries, omitting most of the feedbacks and interactions that informed by the articles in this special issue.
generate system behavior (see e.g., Sterman, 2000 and the law of
pra€gnanz, a fundamental principal of gestalt perception, reinforcing 2. Supply Chain Management
our tendency to simplify the world, e.g., Sternberg, 2003). We tend
to assume cause and effect are closely related in space and time, As discussed above, Forrester (1958, 1961) developed the first
ignoring the distal and delayed impacts of decisions. The result is integrated supply chain model, showing how limited information
policy resistance d the tendency to implement policies that fail, and bounded rationality interact with the physics of production
or, more insidiously, that work locally or in the short run, only to and distribution to explain the persistent oscillation in supply
worsen performance elsewhere or later (Meadows, 1989; chains and the amplification of disturbances up the chaindpheno-
Sterman, 2000). Although the sensitivity of model results to uncer- mena that continue to vex operations managers today. Sterman
tainty in parameter values is important, and system dynamics uses (1989) used an experimental setting (the Beer Distribution Game)
a wide range of tools to assess such uncertainty, both model to estimate empirically a simple, behaviorally grounded decision
behavior and policy recommendations are typically far more sensi- rule, showing how “misperceptions of feedback” d mental models
tive to the breadth of the model boundary than to uncertainty in with narrow boundaries and short time horizons, specifically the
parametric assumptions. SD modelers are therefore also trained failure to recognize feedbacks, time delays, accumulations and non-
to challenge the boundary of models, both mental and formal, to linearities d led to the oscillations and amplification seen in real
consider feedbacks far removed from the symptoms of a problem supply chains, thus articulating an endogenous behavioral theory
in space and time. For example, models of traffic flow with exoge- of the causes of the bullwhip effect. Later experimental studies
nous trip origination, destination and departure times typically including Croson and Donohue (2006), Wu and Katok (2006),
show that expanding highway capacity (adding lane-miles, opti- Croson et al., 2014, Paich and Sterman, 1993, Diehl and Sterman,
mizing traffic light timing, etc.) will relieve congestion. Expanding 1995; to name just a few, have demonstrated how dysfunctional
the model boundary to include endogenous changes in the number behavior arises endogenously through the interplay of human deci-
and type of trips, trip timing, transport mode choice, and settle- sion making heuristics with systems characterized by feedbacks,
ment patterns will show that expanding highway capacity is inef- accumulations, time delays, limited information and other struc-
fective as people respond to lower initial congestion levels by tural features of supply chains. Others have explored the interac-
taking more trips, driving instead of using mass transit, and moving tions between feedback and behavioral response to empirically
farther from their jobs (Sterman, 2000; Chapter 5). examine the evolution of trust, or its breakdown, among supply
Fourth, SD models are developed and tested through grounded chain players, for example, Autry and Golicic’s (2010) analysis of
methods. SD and operations management modelers strive to cap- relationship-performance spirals.
ture the interactions among the elements of a system as they exist In this issue, three papers expand on this experimental tradition.
in the real world. The resulting models should reflect operational The paper by Sterman and Dogan uses a laboratory experiment
thinking (Richmond, 1993), that is, they should capture the physical with the beer game to explore the causes of hoarding (endogenous
structure of the system, the institutional structure that governs in- accumulation of excessive safety stock) and phantom ordering
formation flows and incentives, and the behavioral decision rules of (endogenous accumulation of excessive on-order inventory) often
the actors. These must all be tested empirically. Grounded methods, seen in real supply chains as managers seek to defend themselves
in this context, refers to empirical methods spanning the spectrum against erratic customer demand and poor supplier performance.
from ethnographic work for theory development, to experimental The authors analyze the data collected in the experiment of
Editorial / Journal of Operations Management 39-40 (2015) 1e5 3
Croson et al., 2014 which showed significant oscillation and ampli- production.
fication in a supply chain even when customer demand was both
completely constant and that fact was common knowledge. They 3. Project management
use online questionnaire responses, econometric estimation, and
analysis of outlier behavior to generalize the ordering heuristic Project management, a core area of operations management, re-
used in such work since Sterman, 1989 to show when endogenous mains troubled. Despite decades of research and the proliferation of
hoarding and phantom ordering are likely to emerge. widely-used tools and approaches to project management (e.g.,
Similarly, Weinhardt, Hendijani, Harman, Steel and Gonzalez Gantt, PERT, CPM, PRINCE(2), spiral, adaptive, agile, lean, etc.), pro-
use a lab experiment to explain people’s difficulties with the stock jects are routinely LEWdLate, Expensive and Wrong; that is, deliv-
management problem (Sterman, 1989). Prior work (e.g., Booth ered late, go over budget, experience low quality and fail to meet
Sweeney and Sterman, 2000; Cronin et al., 2009) demonstrates customer requirements. LEW afflicts projects large and small, soft-
that even highly educated elites with substantial STEM education ware and construction; standard and unique; private sector and
do not understand the basic principles of accumulation (stocks public. System dynamics has long been applied to understand
and flows). This result has been broadly replicated. The challenge and improve project management, beginning with the path-
now is to understand why such “stock-flow failure” occurs and breaking work in the dispute between Ingalls shipbuilding and
how it can be overcome. Weinhardt et al. build on recent empirical the US Navy (Cooper, 1980; Sterman, 2000; Chapter 2; Lyneis and
work examining the importance of alternative cognitive styles in Ford, 2007 review the extensive SD literature on project manage-
managing complex systems (e.g., Bendoly, 2014; Moritz et al., ment). System dynamics models of projects provide endogenous
2013). The authors draw on the psychology literature to consider explanations for LEW dynamics, including the impact of common
how different cognitive styles including global- vs. local-thinking disruptions such as: late customer changes; delays in design or con-
and analytical orientation (both measured by a cognitive reasoning struction approvals; labor and materials bottlenecks; inadequate
test) affect performance in widely used stock-and-flow tasks. They coordination and communication between supplier and customer
find that subjects scoring higher in analytical thinking exhibit bet- and across phases of the project; and others. Project dynamics
ter performance, while the global vs. local orientation had no are conditioned not only by the “Physics” such as delays in discov-
impact. These results provide some guidance into educational ering rework as prototypes are built and testing carried out, but,
and other interventions that may improve understanding of accu- importantly, by behavioral processes such as “the liars’’ club” in
mulations. They also note that performance remained rather low which known defects are concealed from others and from manage-
even among those scoring well in analytic thinking, consistent ment (Ford and Sterman, 2003). These phenomena and many feed-
with prior work suggesting that the failure to understand accumu- backs in projects often amplify apparently small and innocent
lation processes is deeply embedded in human cognition, similar to scope or schedule changes to cause large ripple effects leading to
the problems people have in understanding probability even after delay and disruption. SD models capturing a wide array of such
extensive schooling. behaviorally grounded feedbacks are now widely used both in
The paper by Liu, Mak and Rapoport examines the evolution of dispute resolution and in proactive management improve project
coordination in a complex system, specifically a traffic network. The performance and avoid disputes (e.g., Godlewski et al., 2012). In
cover story for their experiment is traffic flowing through a road the operations management literature, the role of exogenous
network (a directed graph). Such networks exist not only in trans- shocks (Bendoly and Cotteleer, 2008) and feedback mechanisms
portation systems but in many common operations contexts such (Bendoly and Swink, 2007; Bendoly et al., 2010a,b) have similarly
as jobs flowing through a factory, or orders flowing among different been shown to have short and long-term implications for resource
suppliers in a supply web. The work is grounded in the observation allocation in projects (see also Bendoly et al., 2014).
that many such networks benefit from coordination due to the ex- In this issue, Parvan, Rahmandad and Haghani expand our un-
ternalities an individual imposes on others by using particular arcs derstanding of project dynamics by empirically estimating for the
in the network that may create congestion for others, along with first time the strength of critical feedback processes conditioning
opportunities for collective gains through shared use of arc capac- project outcomes using a sample of design and construction pro-
ity. The experiment not only considers how different conditions jects. They use half their sample to estimate the parameters that
affect steady state performance, but the behavioral dynamics of govern the feedback interactions between the design and construc-
learning and improvement as participants respond to outcome tion phases of project model, including error rates, productivity,
feedback, which then alters their behavior in the next round and and delays in discovering errors leading to rework. They find that
thus the state of the system they and other actors experience. error rates are typically higher in the design phase than in construc-
The authors find that the existence of an intermediate equilibrium tion and that it takes longer to discover the design errors. They also
choice greatly benefits performance. They also find evidence sug- find that these factors explain up to 20% of project cost variability
gesting that “strategic teaching” by farsighted players helps shift and that the estimated model does a good job of estimating cost
group decision making towards the socially efficient equilibrium and schedule outcomes beyond the estimation sample. Their find-
(consistent with the group-wise system-thinking effects found in ings provide clear managerial guidelines for effort allocation, a
Bendoly, 2014). rigorous representation of project risk, and a method that can be
While these studies help illuminate the behavioral operations applied in other project domains.
literature, it should be noted that the role of system dynamics
studies in supply chain are not limited to the consideration of deci- 4. Human resources, process management and the dynamics
sion failures by planners. Recent studies such as Sawhney (2006) of improvement
argue that flexibility built into a supply network can foster a
virtuous cycle of improved supply chain relationships. Related Service operations and the challenge of continuous improve-
work by Holweg et al. (2005) and Cooke and Rohleder (2006) use ment have long been core concerns of operations management
case-data driven feedback simulations to explore the benefits of scholars and practitioners. A number of studies examine the moti-
flexibility. Choi et al. (2012) examine a “decoupling points” strategy vating role of workloads (e.g., Schultz et al., 1998, 1999). In some
proposed for use in conjunction with postponement tactics to cases authors have been able to empirically identify strong non-
accommodate certain types of variability in demand and linear relationships between workload shifts and performance
4 Editorial / Journal of Operations Management 39-40 (2015) 1e5