The document contains a list of phone numbers in the format "+91 XXXX XXXXX" with different numbers in the XXXX positions. There are over 500 phone numbers listed in descending order based on the first set of numbers after the country code.
The document contains a list of phone numbers in the format "+91 XXXX XXXXX" with different numbers in the XXXX positions. There are over 500 phone numbers listed in descending order based on the first set of numbers after the country code.
The document contains a list of phone numbers in the format "+91 XXXX XXXXX" with different numbers in the XXXX positions. There are over 500 phone numbers listed in descending order based on the first set of numbers after the country code.
The document contains a list of phone numbers in the format "+91 XXXX XXXXX" with different numbers in the XXXX positions. There are over 500 phone numbers listed in descending order based on the first set of numbers after the country code.