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The Cures at Lourdes which have been recognised as miraculous

by the Church

Name and Domicile Nature of illness Age at the date Diocese and Date
of the cure of Recognition
Mrs Latapie - CHOUAT Catherine, Ulnar Paralysis due to traumatic About 38 years old
of Loubajac (France). elongation of the bracial plexus for on 3 -1-1858.
18 months.
Mr Bouriette Louis, of Lourdes 20 year old injury to the right eye 54 years old in Tarbes,Mandate
(France). with blindness for 2 years. March 1858.
Mrs Cazenave Blaisette, Blaisette, Chemosis or chronic conjunctivis About 50 years old Of
(Born Soupène)of Lourdes with ectropion fo r 3 years. in March 1858.
Mr. BUSQUET Henri of Nay Fistular adenitis of the base of the About 15 years old Laurence,
(France). neck (undoubtedly tuberculous) for on 4 -28-1858.
15 months.
on 1 -18-1862.
Mr. Bouhort Justin of Lourdes Chronic post-infective malnutrition 2 years old on 7-6-
(France). with retarded motor development. 1858.
Diagnosis at the time:
Mrs. RIZAN Madeleine of Nay Left hemiplegia for 24. About 58 years old
(France). on 10-17-1858.
Miss MOREAU Marie, of Tartas Major diminution of vision with About 17 years old
(France). inflammatory lesions especially of on 11-9-1858.
the right eye, progressing over 10
Mr. DE RUDDER Pierre, of Jabbeke Ununited fracture of the left leg with 52 years old on 4- Bruges(Belg)
(Belgium). pseudarthrosis. 7-1875.
Miss DEHANT Joachime, of Gesves Ulcer of the right leg with extensive 29 years old on 9- Namur(Belg)
(Belgium). gangrene. 13-1878.
Miss SEISSON Elisa, of Rognonas Cardiac hypertrophy with oedema of 27 years old on 8- Aix-en-Provence
(France). the lower limbs. 29-1882.
Sister EUGENIA, (Marie MABILLE), Abscess in the right iliac fossa with 28 years old on Evreux
of Bernay (France). vesical and colic fistulae. Bilateral 21-8-1883.
Sister Julienne, (Aline BRUYERE), Cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis. 25 years old on 9- Tulle
of La Roque (France). 1-1889.
Sister Josephine-Marie (Anne Pulmonary tuberculosis. 36 years old on Beauvais
JOURDAIN), of Goincourt (France). 08-21-1890.
Miss CHAGNON Amélie, (Nun of Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of the 17 years old on 8- Tournai (Belg.)
Sacré Cœ
ur on 25-9-1894) of knee and second metatarsal of the 21-1891.
Poitiers (France). foot.
Miss TROUVÉ Clémentine, (Sister Osteo periostitis of the right foot 14 years old on 8- Paris
AGNES-MARIE) of Rouille (France). with fistulae. 21-1891.
Miss LEBRANCHU Marie, (Mrs Pulmonary tuberculosis (Koch's 35 years old on 8- Paris
WUIPLIER) of Paris (France). bacillae present in sputum). 20-1892.
Miss LEMARCHAND Marie, (Mrs Pulmonary tuberculosis with ulcers 18 years old on 8- Paris
AUTHIER) of Caen (France). of the face and legs. 21-1892.
Miss LESAGE Elise, of Bucquoy Tuberculous osteo-arthritis of knee. 18 years old on 8 - Arras
(France). 21-1892.
Sister MARIE de la Chronic tuberculous gastro- 46 years old on Cambrai
PRESENTATION, (Sylvanie enteritis.
DELPORTE) of Lille (France).
08-31-1893. 08-15-1908.
Father CIRETTE, of Beaumontel Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of 46 years old on Evreux
(France). spinal cord.
08-31-1893. 11-02-1907.
Miss HUPRELLEW Aurélie, of St. Acute pulmonary tuberculosis. 26 years old on Beauvais
Martin-le-Nœud (France).
08-21-1895. 01-05-1908.
Miss BRACHMANN Esther, of Paris Tuberculous peritonitis. 15 years old on Paris
08-21-1896. 06-06-1908.
Miss TULASNE Jeanne, of Tours Lumbar Pott's disease, with 20 years old on Tours
(France). neuropathic club foot.
09-08-1897. 27-10-1907.
Miss MALOT Clementine, of Pulmonary tuberculosis with 25 years old on Beauvais
Gaudechart (France). haemoptysis.
08-21-1898. 01-11-1908.
Mrs FRANCOIS Rose (Born Fistular lymphangitis of the right 36 years old on Paris
LABREEUVOIES), of Paris (France). arm with enormous œ dema.
08-20-1899. 06-06-1908.
Rev. Fr. SALVATOR, of Roouelle Tuberculous peritonitis. 38 years old on Rennes
06-25-1900. 07-01-1908.
Sister MAXILILIEN, of Marseilles Hydatid cyst of the liver, phlebitis of 43 years old on Marseille
(France). the left lower limb.
05-20-1901. 02-05-1908.
Miss SAVOYE Marie, of Cateau- Rheumatic mitral valvular heart 24 years old on Cambrai
Cambresis (France). disease.
09-20-1901. 08-15-1908.
Mrs. BEZENAC Johanna, (Born Cachexia and lupus of the face 28 years old on Périgueux
DUBOS) of St. Laurent-des -Bâtons probably tuberculous.
08-08-1904. 07-02-1908.
Sister SAINT-HILAIRE, of Peyreleau Abdominal tumour. 39 years old on Rodez
08-20-1904. 05-10-1908.
Sister SAINTE-BEATRIX, (Rosalie Laryngo-bronchitis, probably 42 years old on Evreux
VILDIER), of Evreux (France). tuberculous.
08-31-1904. 03-25-1908.
Miss NOBLET Marie-Therese, of Dorso-lumbar spondylitis. 15 years old on Reims
Avenay (France).
08-31-1905. 02-11-1908.
Miss DOUVILLE de FRANSSU Tuberculous peritonitis. 19 years old on Versailles
Céline, of Tournai (Belgium).
09-21-1905. 12-08-1909.
Miss MOULIN Antonia, of Vienne Fistulous osteomyelitis of right 30 years old on Grenoble
(France). femur with arthritis of the knee.
08-10-1907. 11-06-1910.
Miss BOREL Marie, of Mende Six faecal fistulae in the lumbar and 27 years old on Mende
(France). abdominal region.
08-21/22-1907. 06-04-1911.
Miss HAUDEBOURG Virginie, of Tuberculous cystitis, nephritis. 22 years old on Saint-Claude
Lons -le-Saulnier (France).
05-17-1908. 11-25-1912.
Mrs. BIRÉ Marie (Born LUCAS) of Blindness of cerebral origin, 41 years old on Luçon
Ste-Gemme-la-Plaine. (France). bilateral optic atrophy.
08-05-1908. 07-30-1910.
Miss ALLPOE Aimée, of Vern Multiple tuberculous abscesses 37 years old on Angers
(France). with four fistulae on the anterior
abdominal wall.
05-28-1909. 08-05-1910.
Miss ORION Juliette, of St. Hilaire- Pulmonary and laryngeal 24 years old on Luçon
de-Voust (France). tuberculous, suppurating left
07-22-1910. 10-18-1913.
Mrs FABRE Marie, of Montredon Chronic inflammatory bowel 32 years old on Cahors
(France). disease, uterine prolapse.
09-26-1911. 09-08-1912.
Miss BRESSOLLES Henriette, of Pott's disease, paraplegia. About 28 years old Nice
Nice (France). on
07-03-1924. 06-04-1957.
Miss BROSSE Lydia, of Saint- Multiple tuberculous fistulae with 41 years old on Coutances
Raphael.(France). wide undermining in the left buttock.
10-11-1930. 08-05-1958.
Sister MARIE-MARGUERITE, Abscess of the left kidney with 64 years old on Rennes
(Françoise CAPITAINE) of Rennes phlyctenular oedema and "cardiac
(France). crises".
01-22-1937. 05-20-1946.
Miss JAMAIN Louise, (Mrs. Pulmonary, intestinal and 22 years old on Paris
MAÎTRE), of Paris (France). peritoneal tuberculosis.
04-01-1937. 12-14-1951.
Mr. PASCAL Francis, of Beaucaire Blindness, paralysis of the lower 3 years 10 months Aix-en-Provence
(France). limbs. old on
08-31-1938. 05-31-1949.
Miss CLAUZEL Gabrielle, of Oran Rheumatic spondylosis. 49 years old on Oran (Algérie)
08-15-1943. 03-18-1948.
Miss FOURNIER Yvonne, of Extending and progressive post- 22 years old on Paris
Limoges (France). traumatic syndrome of left upper
limb (Leriche's syndrome).
08-19-1945. 11-14-1959.
Mrs MARTIN Rose, (Born PERONA), Cancer of the uterine cervix 46 years old on Nice
of Nice (France). (epithelioma of the cylindrical
07-03-1947. 03-17-1958.
Mrs. GESTAS Jeanne (Born Pelin), Dyspeptic disorders with post- 50 years old on Bordeaux
of Bègles (France). operative obstructive episodes.
08-22-1947. 07-13-1952.
Miss CANIN Marie-Therese, of Dorso-lumbar Pott's disease and 37 years old on Marseille
Marseilles (France). tuberculous peritonitis with fistulae.
10-09-1947. 06-06-1952.
Miss Carini Maddalena, of San Peritoneal, Pleuro-pulmonary and 31 years old on Milan (Italy).
Remo (Italy). bony tuberculosis with coronary
08-15-1948. 06-02-1960.
Miss FRÉTEL Leanne, of Rennes Tuberculous peritonitis. 34 years old on Rennes
10-08-1948. 11-20-1950.
Miss ANGÈLE Théa, (Sister MARIE- Multiple sclerosis for six years. 20 years old on Tarbes-Lourdes
MERCÉDES) of Tettnang
05-20-1950. 06-28-1961.
Mr. GANORA Evasio, of Casale Hodgkin's disease. 37 years old on Casale (Italy)
06-02-1950. 05-31-1955.
Miss FULDA Edddeltraud, (Mrs. Addison's disease. 34 years old on Vienne (Autriche)
HAIDINGER), of Wien (Austria).
08-12-1950. 05-18-1955.
Mr PELLEGRIN Paul, of Toulon Post-operative fistula following a 52 years old on Fréjus-Toulon
(France). liver abscess.
10-03-1950. 12-08-1953.
Brother SCHWAGER Léo, of Multiple sclerosis for five years. 28 years old on Genève (Lausanne)
Fribourg (Switzerland).
04-30-1952. Fribourg
Mrs. COUTEAULT Alice, (Born Multiple sclerosis for three years. 34 years old on Poitiers
GOURDON), of Bouille-Loretz
05-15-1952. 07-16-1956.
Miss BIGOT Marie, of La Richardais Arachnoiditis of posterior fossa 31 years old on Rennes
(France). (blindness, deafness, hemiplegia).
10-08-1953 and 08-15-1956.
32 years old on
Mrs NOUVEL Ginette, (Born FABRE) Budd-Chiari disease (supra- 26 years old on Albi
of Carmaux (France). hepatic venous thrombosis).
09-21-1954. 05-31-1963.
Miss ALOI Elisa, (Mrs VARCALLI) of Tuberculous osteo-arthritis with 27 years old on Messine (Italy)
Patti (Italy). fistulae at multiple sites in the right
lower limb.
06-05-1958. 05-26-1965.
Miss TAMBURINI Juliette, of Femoral osteoperiostitis with 22 years old on Marseille
Marseilles, (France). fistulae, epistaxis, for ten years.
07-17-1959. 05-11-1965.
Mr. MICHELI Vittorio, of Scurelle Sarcoma of pelvis. 23 years old on Trento
06-01-1963. 05-26-1976.
Mr. PERRIN Serge, of Lion d'Angers Recurrent right hemiplegia, with 41 years old on Angers
(France). ocular lesions, due to bilateral
carotid artery disorders.
05-01-1970. 06-17-1978.
Miss CIROLLI Delizia, (Mrs Costa), Ewing's Sarcoma of right knee. 12 years old on Catania (Italy)
of Paterno (Italy).
12-24-1976. 06-28-1989.
Mr. Jean-Pierre Bély Multiple Sclerosis 51 years old on Angoulême
(France) 10-09-1987 02-09-1999

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