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Kaziranga English Academy CB29: Evolution

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CB29: Evolution

1. Genetic drift operates only in

a. smaller populations
b. larger populations
c. mendelian populations
d. island populations
2. Archaeopteryx is connecting link between
a. Reptiles and birds
b. Reptiles and mammals
c. Fishes and reptiles
d. Chordates and nonchordates
3. Which of the following is true?
a. Wings of birds and insects are homologous organs.
b. Human hands and bird's wings are analogous organs.
c. Human hands and bat's wings are analogous organs.
d. Flipper of seal and wing of birds are homologous organs.
4. Which one of the following phenomena supports Darwin's concept of natural selection in
organic evolution?
a. Development of transgenic animals.
b. Production of 'Dolly', the sheep by cloning.
c. Prevalence of pesticide resistance insects.
d. Development of organs from 'stem cells' for organ transplantation.
5. What is the correct arrangement of periods of palaeozoic era in ascending order in
geological time scale?
a. Cambrian → Devonian → Ordovician → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
b. Cambrian → Ordovician → Silurian → Devonian → Carboniferous → Permian
c. Cambrian → Ordovician → Devonian → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
d. Silurian → Devonian → Cambrian → Ordovician → Permian → Carboniferous
6. The brain capacity of Homo erectus was about
a. 650 cc
b. 900 cc
c. 1500 cc
d. 1400 cc

8. First life form on earth was a

a. Cyanobacterium
b. Chemoheterotroph
c. Autotroph
d. Photoautotroph
9. The cranial capacity was largest among the
a. Peking man
b. Java ape man
c. African man
d. Neanderthal man
10. The Hardy-Weinberg principle cannot operate if
a. the population is very large
b. frequent mutations occur in the population
c. the population has no chance of interaction with other populations
d. free interbreeding occurs among all members of the population
11. The different forms of interbreeding species that live in different geographical regions are
a. sibling species
b. sympatric specie
c. allopatric species
d. polytypic species
12. At a particular locus, frequency of allele A is 0.6 and that of allele a is 0.4. What would be the
frequency of heterozygotes in a random mating population at equilibrium?
a. 0.36 b. 0.16 c. 0.24 d. 0.48
13. On the primitive earth, polymers such as proteins and nucleic acids in aqueous suspension
formed the spherical aggregates. These are called
a. Primitosomes
b. Liposomes
c. Primitogens
d. Coacervates
14. Which of the following evidences does not favour the Lamarckian concept of inheritance of
acquired characters?
a. Lack of pigment in cave-dwelling animals
b. Melanization in peppered moth
c. Absence of limbs in snakes
d. Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds.
15. Genetic drift is change of
a. gene frequency in same generation
b. appearance of recessive genes
c. gene frequency from one generation to next
d. None of these
16. The Miller-Urey abiotic synthesis experiment (and other subsequent, similar experiments)
showed that...
a. simple organic molecules can form spontaneously under conditions like those thought to
prevail early in the earth’s history.
b. the earliest life forms introduced large amounts of oxygen to the atmosphere.
c. life can be created in a test tube.
d. long chains of DNA can form under abiotic conditions.
17. In evolutionary terms, an organism's fitness is measured by its
a. Health
b. contribution to the gene pool of the next generation
c. mutation rate
d. genetic variability
18. Frequency of a character or a mutant gene in a population is expected to increase if the
phenotype or its gene is.
a. Dominant
b. favourably selected
c. recessive
d. sex linked
19. In a population of bears, which would be considered the fittest?
a. The biggest bear
b. The bear having the largest number of mutations
c. The bear that blends in with its environment the best
d. The bear that leaves the most descendants
20. Presence of temporary gill pouches in embryos of snakes. birds and mammals indicates that
a. these embryos need the pouches for breathing
b. common ancestor of these animals had gill pouches
c. lungs evolved from gills
d. fluid medium in which these embryos develop has abundant
21. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Present apes are ancestors of man anatomically
b. Proconsul was perhaps the common ancestor of apes and man
c. Proconsul was the ancestor of man and not of apes
d. None of these
22. What is common to whale, seal and shark?
a. Thick subcutaneous fat
b. Convergent evolution
c. Homoiothermy
d. Seasonal migration
23. One of the important consequences of geographical isolation is:
a. preventing speciation
b. speciation through reproductive isolation
c. random creation of new species
d. no change in the isolated fauna
24. Which one of the following in birds, indicates their reptilian ancestry?
a. Scales on their hind limbs
b. Eggs with a calcareous shell
c. Four-chambered heart
d. Both (a) and (b)
25. Jurassic period of the mesozoic era was characterised by:
a. Radiation of reptiles and origin of mammal-like reptiles
b. Dinosaurs become extinct and angiosperms appeared
c. Flowering plants and first dinosaurs appeared
d. Gymnosperms were dominant plants and first birds appeared
26. Which one of the following scientists name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by
a. Weismann - Theory of continuity of Germplasm
b. Pasteur - Inheritance of acquired characters
c. De Vries - Natural selection
d. Mendel - Theory of Pangenesis
27. The eye of octopus and eye of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform
similar function. This is an example of:
a. Homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution.
b. Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution.
c. Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution.
d. Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution.
28. Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural
section. The is referred to as:
a. genetic drift
b. random mating
c. genetic load
d. genetic flow
29. The finch species of Galapagos Islands are grouped according to their food sources. Which of
the following is not a finch food?
a. Seeds
b. Carrion
c. Insects
d. Tree buds
30. Evolution is
a. progressive development of a race
b. history and development of a race along with variations
c. history of a race
d. development of a race
31. Homologous organs are
a. Wings of Insects and Bat
b. Gills of Fish and lungs of Rabbit
c. Pectoral fins of Fish and fore limbs of Horse
d. Wings of Grasshopper and Crow
32. Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by
a. Wallace
b. Lamarck
c. Darwin
d. De Vries
33. The kind of evolution in which two species of different geneology come to resemble one
another closely, is termed as
a. progressive evolution
b. convergent evolution
c. parallel evolution
d. retrogressive evolution
34. The presence of gill slits in the embryos of all vertebrates, supports the theory of
a. Biogenesis
b. Recapitulation
c. Metamorphosis
d. organic evolution
35. The change of the light-coloured variety of peppered moth (Biston betularia) to its darker
variety (Biston carbonaria) is due to
a. Mutation
b. Regeneration
c. genetic isolation
d. temporal isolation
36. Which of the following primate is the closest relative of humans?
a. Rhesus monkey
b. Orangutan
c. Gorilla
d. Gibbon
37. Which of the following is the relatively most accurate method for dating of fossils?
a. Radio-carbon method
b. Potassium-argon method
c. Electron-spin resonance method
d. Uranium-lead method
38. Adaptive radiation refers to
a. evolution of different species from a common ancestor
b. migration of members of a species to different geographical areas
c. power of adaptation in an individual to a variety of environments
d. adaptions due to geographical isolation.
39. What was the most significant trend in evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) from his
a. Upright posture
b. Shortening of jaws
c. Binocular vision
d. Increasing brain capacity
40. According to Oparin, which one of the following was not present in the primitive
atmosphere of the earth?
a. Methane
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Water vapour
41. There is no life on moon due to the absence of
a. O2
b. Water
c. Light
d. Temperature
42. Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. Cro-Magnon man’s fossil has been found in Ethiopia
b. Homo erectus is the ancestor of man
c. Neanderthal man is the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens
d. Australopithecus is the real ancestor of modern man
43. Atmosphere of earth just before the origin of life consisted of
a. water vapours, CH4, NH3 and oxygen.
b. CO2, NH3 and CH2
c. CH4, NH3, H2 and water vapours.
d. CH4, O3, O2 and water vapours.
44. The extinct human ancestor who ate only fruits and hunted with stone weapons was
a. Ramapithecus
b. Australopithecus
c. Dryopithecus
d. Homo habilis
45. Tasmanian Wolf is a marsupial while Wolf is a placental mammal. This shows
a. convergent evolution
b. divergent evolution
c. inheritance of acquired characters
d. None of these

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