Deep Learning and The Future of Auditing: N Rief
Deep Learning and The Future of Auditing: N Rief
Deep Learning and The Future of Auditing: N Rief
Future of Auditing
How an Evolving Technology Could Transform Analysis and Improve Judgment
massive amounts of data (especially semi- essential data element of the input images, layer identifies the face. The output will
structured or unstructured data) received the intensity of the pixels. Second, the be compared with the actual observation
by the input layer (e.g., millions of input neuron transforms the data with a to check for errors, and the system will
images, years’ worth of speeches, tera- nonlinear algorithm. During this process, adjust the output weights and other param-
bytes of text files), recognize data patterns the output of each neuron in the input layer eters in the next round of training. The
in more and more abstract representations is assigned a random weight, then com- entire “learning” process will be repeated
as the data is processed and transmitted bined and sent to the neuron of the next millions, or even billions, of times until
from one hidden layer to the next, and layer (the first hidden layer); now the first error is minimized. The more examples
classify the data into predefined cate- hidden layer can extract more abstract data the model is trained with, the higher accu-
gories in the output layer. representation, the edge (or the simple racy the system can achieve. The perfor-
shape) comprising the pixels. Third, the mance of such a deep learning–based
neurons in the first hidden layer perform model (e.g., for financial misstatement
another round of complex nonlinear trans- detection) improves the sample size. More
The Effectiveness and Efficiency of
In order to ensure predictive effective- formations to the received data and assign importantly, out-of-sample tests can be
Deep Learning
ness, a deep neural network is trained with them new weights. The successor hidden conducted with new samples to validate
a relatively large amount of data (e.g., mil- layers then receive, transform, and send the effectiveness of the model using a set
lions of images of human faces) to allow the data to the next layer in their turn; the of metrics (e.g., F score, precision, recall,
the system to fine tune the parameters to system detects more and more complex AUC).
minimize prediction errors. First, the input data features (e.g., parts of the face) with The efficiency of deep learning can be
layer receives and identifies the most each successive layer. Finally, the output demonstrated by the fact that it is able
to “learn” patterns in data without human tional text mining approach for predicting reports that are issued quarterly or annu-
intervention and requires fewer data pre- financial misreporting using the senti- ally. Thus, the use of big data analysis
processing steps compared to traditional ment of management's discussion and in auditing has been hampered due to the
data mining approaches. For example, in analysis (MD&A). lack of effective and efficient technolo-
the case of textual analysis, a person is gies to solve the issues in data extraction,
usually needed to remove HTML tags, transformation, and validation. While the
translate HTML characters into text char- Semi-structured or unstructured big challenges of big data analysis require a
The Challenge of Big Data Analysis
acters, drop stop words and non-linguis- data contains a variety of information willingness to adopt more advanced data
tic marks, and develop word lists. With that allows auditors to freely explore the analytical technologies, such as deep
a deep learning model, however, this status of their clients’ products, services, learning, the availability of massive
time-consuming process is unnecessary. and operations and reduces auditors’ amounts of financial data facilitates the
IBM Watson develops deep learning– dependence on their clients for data implementation and improvement of this
based textual analysis that can directly (Kyunghee Yun, Lucas Hoogduin, and technology in auditing.
read text files or even URLs; it automat- Li Zhang, “Big Data as Complementary
ically removes advertisements, naviga- Audit Evidence,” Accounting Horizons,
tion links, and other irrelevant content June 2015, As a
The Need for Automated Audit The tool pro- lenges of the future by 25% of improve audit efficiency and effective-
vides a high level of accuracy, and it is respondents to a 2014 AICPA survey ness is especially relevant to facilitating
continuously improving as more and (“2014 AICPA Survey on International repetitive audit procedures and support-
more data is used to train the model; as Trends in Forensic and Valuation ing audit judgments. Deep learning can
of February 2014, it claims to have pro- Services,” add value for routine tasks that involve
cessed over 3 billion documents a month The vast majority of big data is semi- massive amounts of data and require sig-
for 40,000 users across 36 countries structured or unstructured, and requires nificant effort for auditors to solve, such
(Janet Wagner, “Deep Learning: 6 Real labeling and categorizing; however, audi- as text analysis, speech recognition, and
World Use Cases,” AlchemyAPI, 2014, tors cannot do this manually, since the parsing images and videos. It can also A recent study data contains a variety of types and be used to reduce manual work by
(Ting Sun, Yue Liu, and Miklos A. sources and is too voluminous for automating some substantive procedures,
Vasarhelyi, “The Performance of humans to process it all. In addition, por- such as confirmation and examination.
Sentiment Feature of MD&As for tions of big data are usually generated Furthermore, these competencies will
Financial Misstatements Prediction,” on a real-time basis, so it requires timely allow auditors to perform tasks, such as
working paper, 2017) found that this responses. Furthermore, automated trad- examining all corporate contracts, that
technique, without text preprocessing ing, which accounts for the majority of are currently cost prohibitive or too com-
work, generally outperforms the tradi- stock trades, cannot work well with plex for unaided human minds.
Text analysis. A large amount of tex- may be filled with slang, idioms, and cation. Although public accounting firms
tual data is generated and disseminated other linguistic clues reflecting the cog- offer deception detection training to help
during a company’s operating processes, nitive process of the speaker (Marina their auditors identify verbal red flags, the
such as regulatory filings, transcripts of Druz, Alexander F. Wagner, and Richard information processing of interviews is a
conference calls, press releases, earnings J. Zeckhauser, “Tips and Tells from daunting task because interviewees exhibit
announcements, MD&As, business con- Managers: How Analysts and the Market myriad verbal behaviors. It is difficult and
tracts, news articles, and social media Read between the Lines of Conference inefficient for auditors to analyze all oral
messages. Textual data provides infor-
mation on multiple aspects of a business
from various perspectives. For example,
MD&A contains management’s perspec-
Exhibit 1
How can smaller firms and sole prac-
Exhibit 3
titioners acquire this now very experimen-
Input, Output, and Applicable Audit Procedures for Deep Learning–Based Image