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Speech Choir

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The Road Not Taken Launch Audio in a New Window

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

SPEECH CHOIR COMPETITION (Guidelines, Mechanics and Criteria)

Title of the contest piece: The Bells

1. There shall be one (1) contest piece. The contest piece shall be given two (2) weeks before the
2. The number of contestants shall not be less than ten (10) members. Maximum is twenty (20)
3. Costumes and props are allowed.
4. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Interpretation (manner in which the piece is internalized & presented)

30 %
Delivery (quality of voice, fluency, pronunciation, blending & harmony)
Stage Presence (stage poise, eye contact & audience impact)
Costume & Sound Effects (attire is related to concept, sound production)
Mastery of Piece 10%
CHORAL SINGING COMPETITION (Guidelines, Mechanics and Criteria)
General Guidelines:
The choral group chooses a poem, scripture passage, rhyme or story to recite by memory, using all the
skills of a good dramatic presentation.
1. Each choir shall have 15-20 singers inclusive of the conductor and accompanist.
2. There shall only be one (1) conductor and one (1) accompanist (optional).
3. The group shall render 2 choral pieces (1 side piece and 1 contest piece).
4. The side piece is any love song in English language.
5. The contest piece may be: (a) Biblical, (b) patriotic
6. All songs must be sung from memory throughout the delivery. Only the conductor and accompanist
are allowed to use music sheets.
7. Names of the participants and the copy of their chosen side song and contest piece should be
submitted to the organizers two (2) days before the contest.
8. Costumes and props are allowed which may blend to the storyline.
9. Time limit is four (4) minutes minimum, six (6) minutes maximum. If the competition piece exceeds
the 6-minute time limit, the entry will receive a 5-point deduction for any portion of thirty (30) seconds
increments per judge. (For example, a piece timed at 6:12 would receive a half-point deduction from
the total score per judge. A piece of 6:42 would receive a deduction of a full point from the total score
per judge.)

Criteria for Judging

• Tonal Quality 40% (flexibility of voice, intonation & range)

• Harmony 30% (blending & balance & phrasing)
• Mastery 10% (dynamics, techniques, interpretation & expression)
• Deportment 10% (general appearance, discipline & uniform)
• Total 100%

Board of judges
• Decision of the board of judges is final.


General Guidelines

• Open to all photographers, professional and hobbyists

• Free registration
• Registration is on February 1, 2013 during the launching program at Students’ Lounge 1. Look for Flor
Duguil and Francois Rowil Jamon.
• Deadline for submission of entries: February 12 (12 NN), 2013.
• Announcement of winners: February13, 2013 during the culminating activity.

Competition Mechanics

• Competition is open to any interested photographer. Participants may acquire registration forms from
Flor Duguil and Francois Rowil Jamon.
• The theme of the photo competition is: “Live and Love English”. It could be people, place and event.
The photos must be taken during the duration of the English Fest celebration only (except on the English
Fest culmination). The photo must showcase the beauty and grandeur of each subject.
• All entries can be RAW (straight from camera) or can be processed using global methods (cropping,
dodging, burning and levels) only. Watermarks and borders are not allowed. Over processed photo-
entries shall be disqualified automatically.
• Entries must be original work and owned by the participant and must be dated only from February 1-
12, 2013.
• Maximum number of entries is three (3) per participant.
• The entrants must submit a hard copy of the photo in a 4R size, any orientation. Digital couples of the
entries must also be submitted to the organizers on the deadline date. Submitted JPEG files should be at
the highest possible resolution and quality.
• All submitted photos of the entrants shall be placed together in one long brown envelope together
with a copy of the submitted Entry Form.
• Entries should indicate the following information (at the back of the photo):
Photo Title or Caption/Story behind
Date and specific place (limited in NDMC campus only) during the duration of the festival (February 1-
12,2013 only)
• All entries should have been taken from February 1-12, 2013 only.
• Submission of entries signifies the acceptance of the rules and regulations of the contest. The
organizers reserve the right to publish or display any entry, winning or non-winning, for promotional
purposes with due acknowledgment of the original owner of the photograph.
• Contestants should submit his/her entry to the organizers (English Circle officers only) at the REGINA
OFFICE Door 4 NDMC Gymnasium, Notre Dame of Midsayap College on February 12, 2013 (5PM).

Decision of the judges is final. The criteria of judging are as follows:

• Composition - 30%
• Relevance to the theme - 40 %
• Creativity - 30%
• Total - 100%

JAZZ CHANT COMPETITION (Guidelines, Mechanics and Criteria)

Title of the competition piece: Jazz Fantasia

1. There shall be one (1) contest piece. The contest piece shall be given two (2) weeks before the
2. The number of contestants shall not be less than ten (10) members. Maximum is twenty (20)
3. Costumes and props are allowed.
4. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Criteria for Judging:

• Creative Delivery 40%

• Enunciation & Pronunciation 30%
• Stage Presence 10%
• Synchronization 20%


1. The scope of academic quiz covers: Language and Literature.

2. There are four (4) rounds in this category namely: Easy, Average, Difficult and Clincher.
3. In easy round (10) questions will be asked, (5) in Average round, (5) for difficult round and in case of a
tie, tie breaker questions will be given until the tie is broken in the Clincher round.
4. Points are assigned for each question in every round:

o Easy questions 1 pt. each

o Average questions 3 pts. each
o Difficult questions 5 pts. each
o Clincher question 7 pts. each

5. Each team will answer the same questions. The quiz master will read the questions twice only.
Contestants will only answer after the quiz master says “go”.
6. Each team is given the following time in order to answer the questions: 10 seconds per question (Easy
round), 15 seconds per question (Average round), 20 seconds per question (Difficult round), and 15
seconds per question (Clincher round). The contestants will automatically stop writing and raise their
flashcards after the buzzer sounds. All final answers must be written on a cartolina sheet in BOLD letters.
7. The judges reserve the right to judge an answer as wrong if it is deemed undecipherable and vague.
8. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable.

Note: Contestants should wear their school uniform and school ID.


1. All contestants shall write an essay of not less than 500 words on a particular topic.
2. Five points shall be deducted from the total score if the letter is less than 500 or more than 500
3. The essay must be written in English.
4. The time allotment for writing is one (1) hour.
5. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Rhetorical Force 30%

The clarity with which the central idea or point of view is stated and maintained; the coherence of the
discussion and the quality of the writer’s reasoning; the logical sequence of the writer’s ideas.

Relevance to the theme and appropriateness 30%

The relevance, depth and specificity of supporting into and applicability or recommended actions.

Originality and substance of the content 20%

The extent to which the ideas and concepts presented are complete, intensive and first hand produced.

Usage 10%
The extent to which the writer addresses the topic; uses vocabulary/ language, creativity of expression,
care and precision in word choice and expresses his/her purpose.
Mechanics 10%
The extent to which the writing is free of error in syntax, paragraph and structure.

.SPEAK! Saturday, October 13th 2018 @ 6pm.

Top 12 participants should prepare at least two monologues for competition. Performing the submitted
video monologue in Round 1 of competition is acceptable.
Monologues can be no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds in length. A 15 second grace period will apply.
After the grace period, points are deducted from the performance.
No props of any kind will be allowed. Do overs are not permitted.
Each participant will receive a verbal critique from Judges based on Presentation, Creativity, and
Originality. Critique will include performance score using a 0.0 to10.0 point system.
After score tabulation, the Top 6 will move on to Final Round of the competition. Same rules apply.
Winners Selected! Top 3 participants will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Prizes.

(Grade 11)

1. The competition is open to all bona fide grade 11 students of La Consolacion University Philippines.
2. The main objective of this event is to showcase Consolanians’ artistry by portraying various characters
from films, novels, mythology, comics, anime, cartoons, TV shows, and the likes.
3. Only the following slots can be availed by interested cosplayers:
a. Cluster A (HUMSS, GAS and TVL) – 10 cosplayers
b. Cluster B (STEM, ABM and AD) – 10 cosplayers
4. Interested participants must register on November 11 – 29, 2019 only and provide the following
materials on a flash drive with the his/her name, section, and contact number:
a. Name and three (3) reference photo of the chosen character.
b. A five to seven-sentence recorded monologue of the cosplayer’s voice, introducing the character he
or she wishes to portray, and saved in mp3 format.
c. A 1-minute background music, also saved in mp3 format. The cosplayer may also add some sound
effects for as long as it does not exceed from the 1-minute limit.
5. Each cosplayer will be given only 1 minute and 30 seconds to own the stage and showcase their
character portrayal along with their video played on screen and their recorded monologue and music as
6. Characters that exhibit nudity, violence, dangerous acts, and sensitive image will not be allowed to
perform on stage and shall be immediately disqualified from the competition.
7. The cosplayers will be given a specified area where they can stay on. However, they are free to roam
around and interact with their fellow students as the program goes on.
8. The cosplayers will be judged based on the following criteria:
a. Accuracy – 40%
b. Craftsmanship (Costume and Props) - 30%
c. Presentation – 20%
d. Audience Impact – 10%
Total – 100%
9. The cosplayers will be recognized as follows:
a. Champion
b. 1st Runner-Up
c. 2nd Runner-Up
d. Best in Costume
e. Most Legendary
f. Crowd’s Favorite
10. Failure to follow the above-mentioned rules will result to the cosplayer’s immediate disqualification.
11. The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.
12. Registration is on November 11 – 29, 2019 only

Bathala. Also known as Abba, this highest-ranking deity was described as “may kapal sa lahat,” or the
creator of everything. His origin is unknown but his name suggests Hindu influences. According to
William Henry Scott, Bathala was derived from the Sanskrit bhattara which means “noble lord.”

Lihangin - the goddess of air. Lihangin has the ability to create, generate and manipulate winds, control
the weather and create tornadoes and maneuver hurricane.

Barangaw - god of the rainbow. He can manipulate colors of the rainbow to various effects

Lidagat - the goddess of water and the seas. Lidagat has the ability to create, shape and manipulate
water at will: can manipulate tide, create tsunamis, create downpours and command sea creatures
according to her will.

Lalahon,is the goddess of fire and volcanoes. She possesses the power to control fire using her hands,
create balls of fire and explosives. She can also manipulate and command volcanoes to erupt if needed.

Alunsina (Philippines) - regarded as the goddess of the eastern skies that brings in the light of the sun
and cool winds during hot days of the dry season; she is also the guardian against strong typhoons and
of beauty.

Adlaw (Philippines) - the god of the sun. Adlaw can manipulate all aspects of a sun’s power (immense
heat and luminosity).

Dian Magayon known as the goddess of all flying creatures. She has the power to command birds and
other flying species. She also has the power of flight by turning herself into an eagle.

In Philippine Mythology, Sidapa was a tall and handsome god of death who wore a crown of golden
horns.He fell in love with the moon god, Bulan, who descended from his heavenly abode, guided by
starlight fashioned into fireflies.

Libulan - the goddess of the moon. Libulan has the ability to manipulate the power of the moon.

Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan - the goddess of greediness and vengeance.

Magwayen (Philippines) - The goddess of the sea who is believed to take the kalag (soul) of the dead in
Sulad (land of the dead).

Ynaguiguinid - goddess of war (diwata ng digmaan), and mother of the protagonist “malaya / simeon” in
the Filipino epic series “Indio”

In Philippine mythology, Apolaki was the sun god and lord of war, who ruled the sky with his sister, the
moon goddess Mayari.. It is said that when the Spanish colonizers came , Apolaki wept as his people
slowly began to forget him.

Mapulon. The god of seasons. He is also sometimes associated as a deity of good health and medicine.
Mapulon is known as one of the kindest deities to the Tagalogs.

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