School Rules: Activity Type
School Rules: Activity Type
School Rules: Activity Type
'have to' and 'don't have Explain that each sentence on the worksheet has been split into
to' for obligation three parts.
Answer Key
1. C
lasses start at 9 o'clock, so you have to be on time every
Make one copy of the morning.
worksheet for each pair
of students. 2. It’s important to ask your teacher for permission to go to the
bathroom, so you can’t go without asking him or her.
3. T
he office secretary is responsible for the photocopier, so you
Level can’t make photocopies without her permission.
Pre-intermediate 4. A
ll students have one hour for lunch, so you have to be back in
the classroom by 1 o’clock.
5. A
ll students must wear a school uniform, so you can't wear
Time casual clothes to school.
25 minutes 6. W
hen the teacher is speaking, you have to be quiet.
7. Water is free, so you don’t have to buy drinks.
8. Y
ou must turn off your mobile phone, because you can’t make
personal calls inside the school.
9. T
here are lots of restaurants and sandwich shops near the
school, so you don’t have to eat in the school canteen.
10. I t’s important to be quiet when you go near the Headmaster's
office, so you can’t make a noise outside his door.
11. T
he canteen is open all day, so you don't have to leave the
school to get something to eat.
12. W
hen you don't come to school, you have to give your teacher
a note from your parents.
Each sentence below has been split into three parts. Work with a partner and join the three
parts of each sentence together to make a school rule. Write the sentences on a separate piece
of paper.
The first pair to complete all the sentences correctly is the winner.
3. T
he office secretary is responsible for the ...make a noise outside
have to
photocopier, so you... his door.
4. A
ll students have one hour for lunch, so you... can’t quiet.
5. All
students must wear a school uniform, so ...leave the school to get
don’t have to
you... something to eat.
...make photocopies
7. Water is free, so you... can't
without her permission.
8. Y
ou must turn off your mobile phone, because
have to drinks.
9. T
here are lots of restaurants and sandwich on time every
shops near the school, so you... morning.
10. I t’s important to be quiet when you go near ...wear casual clothes to
have to
the Headmaster's office, so you... school.