Grand Smart Defense PDF
Grand Smart Defense PDF
Grand Smart Defense PDF
Abstract: Austerity measures spurred by the global financial crisis have led to decreases in defense spending
in almost all allied countries, especially in Europe. Indeed, these cuts are the most visible marker of the chal-
lenges to Western leadership in international security affairs. As former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
cautioned in his famous farewell speech in Brussels, there is serious risk of the “demilitarization” of Europe as
more and more nations are unable to provide militarily relevant forces to NATO (or EU) operations. In this
context, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen launched the “Smart Defense” concept in February
2010, which aims to transform the approach to defense acquisition in order to deliver capabilities in a more
efficient and cost-effective manner. A multifaceted concept, Smart Defense promotes new ideas and manage-
ment, facilitates better coordination within NATO, and provides strategic responses to capability shortfalls. It
will require significant political will and cooperation among allied countries, but is critical in combatting the
current challenges of the defense sector.
Facing the budget and capability abandoning support for critical capabilities. The
S m a r t D e f e n s e a n d t h e F u t u r e o f NATO 3
• Coordinating better NATO capability initiatives would specialize in specific assigned roles in
with the recent efforts of the European Union future alliance missions at the expense of their
through the European Defense Agency and sovereignty in matters of defense and their ability
European projects under the “pooling and shar- to act without the Americans.
ing” label that pursue similar objectives;
• Ending up as another bumper sticker for a sum-
• Finding innovative ways to cooperate on some mit—Without a radical change in mind-set,
flagship projects such as alliance Ground Smart Defense risks being a simple rebranding
Surveillance (AGS) or missile defense, identified of existing projects without responding to the
as major “deliverables” for the Chicago summit. necessities of the coming decade or addressing
the capabilities shortfalls.
The secretary general intends to achieve the adop-
tion of a Smart Defense “package” at the Chicago
Some elements for a successful
summit, responding to the three pillars already
identified by Allied Command Transformation
Smart Defense
(ACT)—cooperation, prioritization, and specializa-
In the light of past successful cooperation in
tion—and combining the launch of new initiatives
labeled Smart Defense and the funding of projects defense matters, several lessons can be drawn:
already identified.
1. Successful cooperation combines strong politi-
Faced with this ambitious agenda, nations
cal will, a clear vision of job sharing, and signifi-
have adopted a supportive but prudent approach.
cant financial or industrial gains.
If they acknowledge that “business as usual” is not
an option in the current budgetary context, they
2. Cooperation between a limited number of simi-
also emphasize the cost of past and ongoing multi-
lar countries (e.g., France/UK, Visegrad coun-
national projects (the A400M military transport air-
tries, Nordic countries) tends to be generally
craft, the NH90 helicopter, and the JSF/F35 fighter)
more successful and efficient than vast mul-
and express legitimate concerns about the impact
tinational projects run by NATO involving too
of Smart Defense on their sovereignty, their indus-
many partners.
try, and their budgets. Some of them fear that Smart
Defense will be reduced to the multiplication of
3. The pooling of capabilities becomes more com-
common funding, leading nations that maintain a
plicated as combat approaches. It is easier to
reasonable defense effort to also pay for those who
share maintenance facilities, training facilities,
behave as free riders.
and strategic enablers than to create dependen-
In order to better understand the potential of
cies on critical capabilities required for combat
Smart Defense and submit for consideration proj-
operations. Many remember that recent NATO
ects that could fall under this initiative, it is neces-
engagements were marked by caveats or by the
sary to identify the risks beforehand.
abstention of allies refusing to take part in a par-
• The lack of accountability—An initial paradoxi- ticular mission.
cal pitfall would be to increase the disempow-
erment of Europeans who would be tempted to If Smart Defense is only used to disguise cuts, the
fulfill their role in the alliance by getting involved support and ownership of the ministries of defense
in a couple of flagship projects without maintain- is unlikely. It thus appears desirable that savings
ing a minimum defense capability. generated by Smart Defense should be reinvested
in capability development.
• The limits of the niche approach—Many are Finally, from a European perspective, estab-
likely to resist the logic under which Europeans lishing transparency with ongoing projects within
S m a r t D e f e n s e a n d t h e F u t u r e o f NATO 5
broader ISR initiative going beyond AGS, air-to-air Closer coordination with the EU should be an
refueling planes, missile defense, and precision- integral part of the Smart Defense package. If the
guided munitions (PGMs). Europeans (or the EU as such) were able to put for-
ward joint capability initiatives, such an approach
The role of NATO still needs to be fully defined. should be labeled Smart Defense and should be
Is this role as a useful facilitator promoting coop- hailed as such in Chicago, even if NATO is not
eration among nations and offering a forum to involved in the development of a project. A truly
enable pooling and specialization fully in line European approach requires close coordination
with the defense-planning process, or is it a more with the pooling and sharing of the EU through
global and more questionable ambition under the development of proper European projects. It
which NATO would define and manage a multi- should be clear that ownership by European gov-
tude of projects labeled Smart Defense without ernments will be increased by projects involving
clear added value? Debates have already taken European industry. The fact that these projects
were originally developed and launched under
place and a number of points stand out on the
the European Defense Agency project or pooling
possible role of NATO in regard to the three pillars
and sharing could also promote opportunities for
(cooperation, prioritzation, and specialization)
European industry. The fact that such projects are
identified by ACT.
endorsed by NATO under the Smart Defense label
1. Regarding cooperation, if the ambition goes is not a risk but an opportunity to see them succeed
and bring together more partners. A good example
beyond the role of clearing house, it is neces-
is the case for any initiative around the acquisition
sary to consider Smart Defense within the NATO
of in-flight refueling capabilities (MRTT).
Defense Planning Process (NDPP). But NATO
A failure of Smart Defense in Chicago is
recognizes it will essentially be the facilitator of
unlikely from the strict view of the political dynam-
cooperation by allowing the partners to identify
ics of the summit itself. (Who would support
joint projects.
“dumb defense?”) The summit is likely to ensure
both the adoption of the initiative by the alliance
2. Prioritization is not new to NATO, as previ-
and endorsement of a handful of visible proj-
ous capability initiatives (e.g., Prague, Lisbon)
ects. The real issue remains the ability of the ini-
remind us. However, as the identification of pri-
tiative to develop over time and to produce the
orities has not yielded the expected results of
required change in mind-set. In this regard, the
delivering enhanced capabilities, the question
ACT approach that sees Smart Defense as a project
is how NATO can articulate common, realistic
developed “with nations, by nations, for nations”
priorities consistent with the mission and level
is probably the way to secure an appropriate level
of ambition of the alliance. The main difficulty
of allied endorsement and a commitment to go
is the relationship between the priorities of each
beyond a good slogan for the summit.
ally and the priorities of the alliance, which do
not always overlap (to put it mildly).