Paper - FH Los Metales en La Historia. Su Descubrimiento...
Paper - FH Los Metales en La Historia. Su Descubrimiento...
Paper - FH Los Metales en La Historia. Su Descubrimiento...
Fathi Habashi
Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering
Laval University, Québec City, Canada
[email protected]
Seven metals were known to the ancient people: gold, silver, copper, iron, mercury, lead, and tin.
In the Middle Ages the metalloids arsenic, antimony, and bismuth were added. Platinum was later
brought from South America then zinc and boron became known from the East. It was only in the
eighteenth century that mineralogists, travellers, and analysts supplied mineral specimens from
different localities to laboratories where they were analyzed and this resulted in the discovery of
other metals. In the nineteenth century the bulk of metals became known mainly due to Swedish
chemists. In the twentieth century the very rare remaining metals: rhenium and hafnium were
discovered and isolated. In the mean time metals that do not occur in nature or occur only in
infinitesimal quantities became known and were isolated. Metallurgy developed as a result of these
People had inhabited the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years before they began to use metals.
This was the Stone Age in which the only tools available were pieces of wood, bone, flint, or sea
shells. The ancient people used only those metals that were available without mining or chemical
treatment, for example, pieces of native gold, silver, and copper, and rare pieces of meteoric iron.
These were too small in quantity to be of any consequence.
The ancient people knew only seven metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, mercury, lead, and tin. There
are reasons for the early availability of these metals:
Some of these metals occur in the native state, for example gold and silver.
Oxides of copper, iron, tin, and lead are readily reduced below 800 C. Such temperature can be
attained by burning carbonaceous material.
Some of these metals have low melting points, for example, lead and tin, while mercury is
already liquid at room temperature, thus they are easy to recover. Impurities in a metal lower the
melting point considerably; for example, iron containing 4% carbon already melts at 1100oC while
the pure metal melts at 1540oC. Metals used by the ancient people were seldom pure. Brass, an
alloy of copper with zinc, was prepared by smelting a copper ore and another ore known as
As civilization progressed, gold became an important metal in Egypt. The pharaohs sent
expeditions of ten of thousands of slaves and soldiers to mine gold in the Eastern Desert. They cast
the metal and produced beautiful artefacts. As early as the Fifth Dynasty (2690-2420 BC) the
ancient Egyptians documented primitive metallurgical operations on wall paintings which show
blow-pipes in use with small furnaces and later they depict the use of bellows so that a high
temperature can be reached when air is blown in the fire by these means (Figure 1). They were
able to hammer gold so that foils can be produced and used for gilding wood and stones.
Figure 2 - Ancient Greek coin Figure 3 - Typical Roman street with lead
Iron became known much later than copper although iron ores are more abundant than copper ores,
having colorful minerals, and almost as easy to smelt. This may be due to the fact that copper can
be shaped by cold-hammering, whereas iron must be hammered hot. The Iron Age began around
2000 BC and most probably the Hittites in Asia Minor were skilled in this technology. Not many
iron objects resisted corrosion through time except perhaps the Iron Pillar of Delhi which was
made in the fourth century AD (Figure 6).
Mercury was recovered by heating cinnabar ore which occurred in abundance in Spain and north
of Italy. It was used as a sticking medium to gild copper statues (Figure 7). Gold leaf adheres
firmly on the shiny amalgamated copper surface.
When an alchemist (Figure 8) dipped a piece of iron into a solution of copper vitriol, i.e., copper
sulfate, the iron was immediately covered by a layer of metallic copper. This apparent
transmutation of iron into copper led the alchemists to be occupied with the transmutation of base
metals into gold. Gold, the most noble of all metals was insoluble in all acids or alkalies known at
that time. The Arab alchemists of the eighth and ninth centuries, e.g., the Jabir Ibn Hayyan (720-
813 AD) thought they could change iron into gold, a process which became known as the
transmutation of metals. He discovered aqua regia, i.e., royal water is a mixture of HCI and HNO3
that dissolves gold; neither of the acids alone has any dissolving action on gold. Nothing
worthwhile in the field of metallurgy took place during the dark ages of magic, superstition, and
alchemy except that many acids and salts were prepared, described, and used for a variety of
Figure 8 - An alchemist
Fire Assaying
Control of the purity of gold and silver, and the prevention of counterfeiting of coins was always
of primary importance to the administrators of the early communities. It is not surprising, therefore,
that methods for analyzing gold and silver were developed. The earliest known procedure which
is still in use today, is known as the fire assaying was documented by Lazarus Ercker (1530-1594).
In summary the material is melted with fluxes, litharge (PbO), and a reducing agent such as flour.
The fluxes contained such ingredients as silica glass, salt, and borax. The gold and silver are
collected in the lead formed by the reduction of litharge. The lead is then removed as oxide under
oxidizing conditions in another step known as “cupellation” by absorption in the material of the
cupel, and there remains a bead of gold and silver, to be weighed. The same principle was applied
on large scale for the recovery of precious metals from lead ores
For centuries the American Indians in Ecuador in South America collected the silver-like metallic
particles found near the river bed mixed then with gold to make jewellery. They were unable to
melt these particles. After the Spanish Conquest, it was the Spanish naval officer Antonio de Ulloa
(1716-1795) (Figure 11) who brought attention to this metal when he visited this region. The
Spaniards unable to melt these particles, they called them platina a diminutive of silver. It took
nearly a century to identify and isolate the components of platina:
- 1750: Brownrigg and Watson, platinum - 1803 : Walloston : rhodium and palladium
- 1803: Tennant, osmium - 1844 : Klaus, ruthenium
- 1803: Tennant and Des Costils. iridium
The production of metallic zinc was described in a Hindu book written around 1200 AD. The new
“tin-like” metal was made by indirectly heating calamine with organic matter in a covered crucible
fitted with a condenser. Zinc vapor was evolved and the vapor was air cooled in the condenser
located below the refractory crucible (Figure 12). By 1374, the Hindus had recognized that zinc
was a new metal, and a limited amount of commercial zinc production was underway.
Figure 12 - Schematic representation of the Figure 13 - Chinese method for producing zinc
Indian method for producing zinc
From India, zinc manufacture moved to China where it developed as an industry to supply the
needs of brass manufacture (Figure 13). The Chinese apparently learned about zinc production
sometime around 1600 AD., and from China zinc production became known in Europe about a
century and half later. The Chinese also prepared another alloy which looked like silver but did
not contain silver; instead, it contained copper. They called it pai-thung, i.e., white copper. It was
imported to Europe in small quantities in the early 1700s. Much later, it was found out that this
alloy contained a new metal that was called nickel.
The Arabic word for borax, Al-Buraq, is found in old manuscripts from ancient Persia and Arabia
dating 2000 years ago. Borates were known in ancient times to be useful as a flux for welding gold
and have been found in enamels from China as early as 300 BC. At the end of the 13th century
Marco Polo brought borax from Mongolia to Europe. The same substance was brought later to
Europe from the East Indies by Dutch and Portuguese traders to be used in the fusion of metals
and the preparation of glazes. Boric acid was first prepared in 1702 by Willem Homberg (1652-
1715) a Dutchman born at Batavia on the island of Java. When his father left the service of the
Dutch East India Company, the family settled in Amsterdam. In 1702 he reported to the French
Academy of Sciences in Paris that he had heated borax with a solution of iron vitriol (ferrous
sulfate) and sublimed off with the water vapor a substance which he called “sel volatil narcotique
du vitriol” [boric acid].
Boron was isolated concurrently in 1808 by the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-
1850) and Louis-Jacques Thénard (1778-1857) prepared it through the reduction of boron trioxide
(B2O3) with potassium, and the English chemist Humphry Davy (1778-1829) through the
electrolysis of boric acid. Davy saw similarities between the new element and carbon and found it
logical to use the name boron.
In the eighteenth century, mineralogists, travellers, and analysts played an important role in the
discovery of new metals. Mineral specimens from different localities were continuously supplied
to laboratories where they were analyzed. It was a hobby of monarchs and wealthy people to collect
minerals (Figure 14). This activity resulted in the discovery of cobalt, nickel, manganese,
molybdenum, chromium, tellurium, and uranium (Table 1). Famous analyst of this period was
Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743-1817) (Figure 15) who discovered uranium. Beside the blowpipe
which was a useful analytical tool for chemists, new reagents were discovered which were useful
in isolating new metals. Also, the fall of the phlogiston theory contributed to the better
understanding of the smelting process the main metallurgical operation.
Discovery of hydrogen
Hydrogen discovered by Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) in 1766 was responsible for the isolation
of pure metallic tungsten by the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) (Figure 17)
around 1783. Although hydrogen is a more powerful reducing agent than hot carbon, yet it failed
to liberate the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals, and aluminum from their oxides.
Figure 17- Jons Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848)
discovered cerium, selenium, and thorium
Discovery of chlorine
Chlorine discovered by the Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) in 1774 was used
to convert oxides to chlorides from which metals could be obtained by reduction when the oxides
resisted reduction to metals. For example, niobium, zirconium, vanadium were first prepared by
reduction of chlorides when it was not possible to reduce the oxides.
Hydrofluoric acid
Hydrofluoric acid discovered by Scheele in 1771 when he reacted fluorite with sulfuric acid, was
used to prepare fluorides and reduce them to metals when the oxides resisted reduction. Titanium
fluoride was prepared in this way.
It was the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) who in 1772 finally directed the
fatal blow to the theory, when a few years earlier oxygen was discovered, and he interpreted the
phenomenon of combustion as an oxidation process.
In the 19th century the bulk of metals were discovered (Table 2). This was a result of the discovery
of electric current and the development in analytical chemistry and chemical theory.
1801 Niobium Hatchett Isolated by Blomstrand in 1864 by reduction of NbCl5 with H2 and
by Moissan in 1901 by carbon reduction of Nb205 in an electric
1802 Tantalum Ekeberg Discovered in Sweden
1803 Iridium Tennnat Discovered in England
Palladium Wollaston Discovered in England
1807 Potassium Davy Discovered in England
1808 Boron Gay-Lussac, Thenard, Davy Discovered in France and England
Barium Davy Discovered in England
The work of Davy and others opened an entirely new area in metallurgy, though the fact was not
recognized at that time. The intense difficulties to be overcome when removing the oxygen from
such oxides as those of potassium, sodium, barium, calcium, and magnesium clearly suggested
that the alkaline metals themselves might be used to extract the oxygen from other oxides that
prove difficult to split. Aluminum oxide was so resistant to all methods of decomposition that it
was considered at one time to be an element. It was the Danish scientist Christian Oersted (1777-
1851) who in 1852 reacted aluminum chloride with potassium amalgam from which minute
particles of aluminum were recovered by distilling off the mercury. The method was later applied
to other chlorides and to fluorides.
Flame tests
It was Robert Bunsen (1811-1899) (Figure 19) at the University of Heidelberg, who paved the way
for the great discoveries in the nineteenth century with his invention of the burner in 1852 that
carries his name and is found today in most chemical laboratories (Figure 20). This burner
permitted higher temperature to be achieved in the laboratory when conducting a test. Before this
burner the flame of a candle or from alcohol was used. The Bunsen burner flame permitted
performing the flame tests (Figure 21) and later spectroscopic analysis.
Figure 19 - Robert Bunsen Figure 20- Bunsen burner
Figure 24 - Dmitry Figure 25 - Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of 1869 in modern form. Shaded
Ivanovitch Mendeleev areas were predicted elements, empty spaces were unknown
The great similarity in the chemical properties of the rare earths made their isolation a difficult
task and the success in separating them contributed to the knowledge of a dozen new metals during
this period.
Metallothermic reactions
Chemists of the early nineteenth century used the alkali metals to liberate metals from their
compounds -- a reaction that became known as metallothermic reaction. The Swedish chemist Jöns
Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) isolated zirconium and titanium in 1824 for the first time by this
method. The method was used in 1850s by the French chemist Henri Saint-Claire Deville (1818-
1881) who produced the first aluminum on industrial scale by heating AlCl3-NaCl with metallic
sodium. Once aluminum became available in large quantities, it was also used to liberate metals
from their compounds.
The industrial production of aluminum
A great technological advance was the invention of the dynamo in the 1870’s that made available
electricity in bulk which encouraged the expansion of electrolytic copper refining to supply the
pure copper needed for the electrical industry. Another important application of electricity was in
the electrolytic production of aluminum. Once aluminum was available inexpensively, it was used
for reducing other oxides to metals. Thus, chromium and manganese were prepared a few years
later by this technique.
Elements discovered in the 20th century are those which are very rare or do not occur in nature
(Table 3). Elements beyond plutonium were discovered at the Lawrence Radiation
Laboratory, University of California from 1944 to 1961 by Seaborg, McMillan, and Ghiorso:
Development of radiochemistry
Radiochemists played an important role in separating the individual radioelements, their
identification, and their arrangement in series. New methods of measurements such as the
Geiger counter and the gamma scintillation counter replaced the gold leaf electroscope. Radiations
from radioactive substances were identified as alpha, beta, and gamma. As a result two very rare
radioactive metals: protactinium and francium were discovered. Protactinium was discovered in
1917-18 by Otto Hahn (1879-1968) and Lise Meitner (1878-1968) (Figure 28) in Germany the
new element was part of the decay chain of uranium-235.
Francium was discovered in 1939 at Curie Institute in Paris, France by Marguerite Perey (1909-
1975) (Figure 29) from which the element takes its name. It was discovered during the purification
of a sample of actinium 227. It is extremely rare, with trace amounts found in uranium and thorium
ores, where the isotope francium-223 continually forms and decays.
Figure 28 - Otto Hahn (1879- Figure 29 - Marguerite Perey Figure 30 - Georges Urbain
1968) and Lise Meitner (1909-1975) (1872-1938)
Quantum theory
The quantum theory by Max Planck (1858-1947) is based on the principle that energy like matter
is also composed of minute quantities called quanta, i.e., energy is not continuous but occurs in
small parcels. This allowed the understanding of the movement of electrons in the atom by Niels
Bohr (1885-1962), the hypothesis of the formation of electron shells, and the explanation of
emission spectra.
X-ray analysis
X-ray spectrum analysis by Henry Moseley (1887-1915) in 1914 led to the discovery of two
metals: hafnium and rhenium.
□ In 1923, Dirk Coster (1889-1950) (Figure 31) and Georg von Hevesy (1885-1966) (Figure 32)
in Bohr’s Institute in Copenhagen discovered element 72 in a Norwegian zircon and later in all the
zirconium minerals and all the commercial zirconium preparations they investigated. This metal
was named hafnium for the city of Copenhagen.
□ In 1925 Ida Tacke (1896-1978) and Walter Noddack (1893-1962) (Figure 33) of the Physico-
Technical Testing Office in Berlin In June 1925, with the help of Otto Berg, an X-ray specialist at
Siemens-Halske identified in a Norwegian columbite a new element which they called rhenium in
honour of the River Rhein.
Figure 31 - Dirk Coster Figure 32 - Georg von Hevesy
(1889-1950) (1885-1966)
Figure 33 - Ida Noddack [born Tacke] (1896-1978) and Walter Noddack (1893-1962)
Neutron capture
In 1934, Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) in Rome discovered that neutrons may be captured by
atoms and that the frequency of capture increases when they are slowed down by passing them
through a hydrogen-rich material such as paraffin or water. He was thus able to produce atoms of
higher atomic weights than those bombarded. For example, on bombarding cobalt with neutrons
he was able to produce nickel. When, however, he and his coworkers bombarded uranium with
neutrons, they obtained more than one radioactive product. Following the same line of thought as
in their previous experiments they suggested that one of these products was formed by neutron
capture, i.e., that it was a trans-uranium element or element number 93. Fermi put the new element
under rhenium in the Periodic Table and called it eka-rhenium (Figure 34).
Figure 34 - Eka-rhenium according to Fermi, 1934
Fermis' paper naturally attracted the attention of Ida Noddack the discoverer of rhenium because
it dealt with another element in the manganese group. Soon afterward, she published a paper which
showed that Fermi's experimental evidence was incomplete. She was critical of his conclusions,
saying that all elements in the Periodic System would have to be eliminated before one could claim
to have found a trans-uranium element. She went further and suggested that: "When heavy nuclei
are bombarded by neutrons, it would be reasonable to conceive that they break down into
numerous large fragments which are isotopes of known elements but are not neighbours of the
bombarded elements [Translation by the writer].
Her argument was as follows: when atoms are bombarded by protons or alpha particles, the nuclear
reactions that take place involve the emission of an electron, a proton, or a helium nucleus and the
mass of the bombarded atom suffers little change. When, however, neutrons are used, new types
of nuclear reaction should take place that are completely different from those previously known.
The cyclotron was invented by Ernest O. Lawrence (1901-1958) (Figure 35) of the University of
California, Berkeley, where it was first operated in 1932. By its means technetium and the trans-
uranium metals were discovered.
Figure 35- Ernest O. Lawrence (1901-1958) [right]
standing next to the cyclotron
In 1937 the Italian physicists Emilio Segrè (1905-1989) (Figure 37) and his co-worker C. Perrier
announced the detection of the element with atomic number 43 in trace amounts in a molybdenum
target which has been bombarded in the cyclotron for several months with a strong deuteron beam.
They called this new element technetium deriving the name from the Greek word for "artificial".
Trans-uranium metals
After elucidating the electronic structure of the trans-uranium (Table 5) which resembled that of
the lanthanides, Seaborg (1912-1999) (Figure 38) proposed a second series of inner transition
metals similar to the lanthanides that became known as “actinides”. He changed the Periodic Table
of 1945 (Figure 39). Thus, uranium was removed from Group VI to become a member of this new
group as shown in Figure 40.
Table 5 - Electronic structure of trans-uranium
The existence of a rare earth element between neodymium and samarium was predicted by
Brunauer. This was confirmed in 1914 by Henry Moseley who, having measured the atomic
numbers of all the elements then known, found there was no element with atomic number 61. This
element was discovered by Glendenin (Figure 41), Marinsky (Figure 42), and Coryell (Figure 43)
in 1945 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in uranium fission products and named “promethium”.
Promethium does not occur in nature.
Figure 41- Jacob A. Marinsky Figure 42- Lawrence E. Figure 43 - Charles D. Coryell
(1918-2005) Glendenin (1918-2008) (1912-1971)
Metallurgy in the Past Decades
For the peaceful uses of atomic energy, uranium and trans-uranium elements were thoroughly
studied, and the chemistry of other metals such as beryllium, boron, cadmium, zirconium, hafnium,
rare earths, etc., became widely known. For the sake of conveniently outlining these developments,
extractive metallurgy is divided into three sectors: pyro-, hydro-, and electrometallurgy. However,
it is not possible to separate the three sectors since in general all three may be involved in the
recovery of a particular metal.
Pyrometallurgy is the oldest branch of extractive metallurgy. In the past decades it became one of
the most modern sectors.
Fluidized bed
Roasting in a fluidized bed (Figure 45) was adopted from the petroleum industry and first
introduced in the metallurgical industry in 1947 for treating arsenopyrite containing gold then
became wide spread for other industries. It is based on a rapid exothermic reaction between a
sulfide concentrate for example and air. It was applied later for a variety of reactions.
Flash smelting
The first flash smelting furnace utilizing the heat generated by the rapid oxidation of sulfides to
melt the other components of the charge was built by Outocompu in Finland in 1947 (Figure 46).
Since then it started to gradually replace the reverberatory furnace in the copper industry.
Conversion reaction
The production of copper and lead by blowing air into their molten sulfides was the standard
method for producing these metals. Application to nickel sulfide, Ni3S2, was only possible by the
invention in the 1970s of the top blown rotary convertor by the International Nickel Company
(Figure 49).
High temperature was assured by the use of
oxygen instead or air and the rotation was
necessary to make sure that any oxide formed
reacts with the sulfide to produce the metal:
Ni3S2 + 1/2O2 → 3NiO + 2SO2
4NiO + Ni3S2 → 7Ni + 2SO2
Overall reaction
Ni3S2 +2O2 → 3Ni + 2SO2
Continuous casting
Continuous casting was first introduced in the steel industry in the 1960s (Figure 53) was then
applied to other metals. It avoids numerous steps for handling metal as well as adapts to
Heap leaching
To minimize material handling and mineral beneficiation methods new hydrometallurgical
techniques were introduced and old ones were perfected to deal with low grade ores. For example,
in-situ and heap leaching techniques (Figures 54 and 55) were greatly improved in the 1980s including
methods of heap construction. These proved to be so economical for copper, uranium, and gold ores
that they were even applied for high grade deposits. During this period also the role of autotrophic
bacteria became widely known.
Figure 54- Preparation of heaps
Pressure leaching
Pressure leaching of bauxite for the production of alumina was practiced for many years but it was
in the 1980s that the application of this technology for the treatment of zinc sulfide concentrate
was a breakthrough. Zinc was produced for the first time from its raw material completely by
hydro - electrometallurgical technique without any pyrometallurgical process as previously was
the case (Figure 56). The technology was also applied for treating of refractory gold ores before
cyanidation, for the recovery of nickel from laterites, and for other applications.
Figure 56- Autoclave for pressure leaching of zinc sulfide concentrates
Ion exchange
Since the Manhattan Project uranium was extracted from solution by ion exchange resins. The
technique was also used for other metals and for the separation of the individual rare earth elements
- - now replaced by solvent extraction (Figure 57).
Figure 57- Ion exchange columns used for separating rare earths
Solvent extraction
Solvent extraction techniques used in the Manhattan Project for the recovery of uranium was
applied in the late 1960s for the extraction of copper (Figure 58). Today about 20% of copper is
recovered by this technology replacing the old method of cementation with scrap iron which
became obsolete.
M2+ + H2 → M + 2H+
more metal will be deposited if the hydrogen ions are removed as soon as they are formed. For nickel,
and cobalt, this is conveniently done by operating in ammoniacal medium:
H+ + NH3 → NH4+
Although this technology is competitive with electrowinning, it has the disadvantage of producing
ammonium salts as a by-product which is marketed as a fertilizer.
With the advent of computer systems and physical methods of chemical analysis, it became possible
to improve the quality and to control the composition of metallurgical products. Control room in a
metallurgical plant is now equipped with TV cameras, computers, a flowsheet, and press buttons
for remote control starting or stopping of equipment. Utilizing machines that can do the job of
humans is usually desirable. Formerly a metal deposited on a cathode had to be stripped manually.
Now, machines have been introduced to do that job.
Figure 61 gives a summary of the discovery of metals. Metalloids known during the Age of
Alchemy, platina from South America, and metals from the East are combined in one period:
Medieval metals. The Figure shows that the metals discovered in the 19th century because of the
discovery of the spectroscope and the Periodic Table:
In the 20th century it was the discovery of X-ray analysis, the new tools in radiochemistry, and the
cyclotron that led to the discovery of the last remaining elements:
- X-ray analysis: hafnium and rhenium
- New tools in radiochemistry: francium and promethium
- Cyclotron: technetium and the trans-uranium elements
Figure 61 - Summary of the discovery of metals
Published by Métallurgie Extractive Québec, Québec City, Canada and distributed by Laval University Bookstore. unless otherwise stated