One Solution, Multiple Roles

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To truly ensure territorial integrity and security in today’s complex environments,

airborne surveillance is crucial. So too is extended range coupled with

the ability to detect low-observable air, sea and ground objects. With the new
GlobalEye AEW&C solution, you get it all.

GlobalEye AEW&C provides air, maritime and ground ONE SOLUTION,

surveillance in a single solution. It combines a powerful MULTIPLE ROLES
new extended range radar with the ultra-long range GlobalEye AEW&C is a true multi-role system designed
Global 6000 jet aircraft from Bombardier*. A solution to operate effectively in a wide range of missions – air,
that maximizes operational performance – both in terms maritime and ground surveillance in one single solution.
of detection capability and mission endurance – while It can operate in dedicated roles or in a multitude of
at the same time offering outstanding crew comfort. combined roles and has the ability to instantly switch
between these roles – swing-role – at any time during
*Bombardier is a trademark of Bombardier Inc.

EXTENDED RANGE, an on-going mission.

With highly increased detection range and over 11 hours ENDURANCE
of operational endurance, GlobalEye AEW&C is perfectly FOR ALL MISSIONS
suited to fulfil the most demanding operational require­ The Global 6000 aircraft is perfectly suited for special
ments. Particularly since it has the ability to detect mission applications and its outstanding flight
low-observable air targets in heavy clutter and jamming performance, extended mission endurance and an un­
conditions and also can detect and track maritime targets usually spacious working environment – including a
out to the elevated horizon and small jet-ski or RIB sized cutting-edge cockpit with advanced awareness tech­no­
vessels at very long distances. logy – make it ideally suited for multi-role AEW&C.

Erieye ER Radar

Voice Communication

Satcom Self-Protection

Maritime Surveillance
EO / IR Sensor • Latest generation Command & Control
• Operators sideway seated
• Ergonomic seats
• Low cabin noise level and pressure altitude
• 6-seat rest area


• Powerful new Erieye ER (Extended Range) radar to • Detects moving objects through long-range wide
reclaim the detection distance for small and future targets area GMTI
• Detection and tracking range highly increased • Radar images, weather independent,
• Designed to work in severe clutter and jamming conditions with a dedicated radar

• Adaptive AESA radar – energy is focused on areas

or targets of interest MISSION CAPABILITY:

• Ultra-long range business jet, ideally suited for special

MARITIME SURVEILLANCE: missions applications, >11 h endurance

• Detects sea targets out to the elevated horizon • Excellent airfield performance, 6500 ft, allows the use
of smaller airports
• Detects small boats, like jet-skis at long distances
• Full Self-Protection Suite
• The unique combination of Erieye ER and maritime
surveillance radar allows for detection of objects down • Ideal working conditions for all crew members
to the size of a periscope
• AIS, EOS and ISAR for identifying objects

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