Simple Present Pronounsadjectives
Simple Present Pronounsadjectives
Simple Present Pronounsadjectives
V. Complete with the correct pronoun:
It takes a long time to get to work. The traffic in Norwich is terrible! I hate traffic jams because you
have to drive so slowly. Driving to work is so boring! When I get to work I hang up my coat and go
into the coffee room to make a cup of tea. I usually see my friends Rodney and Penelope in there
and we chat about the weather. Rodney is a Customer Services Assistant and Penelope is one of our
managers. I work in a small office with three other people - Brenda Smith, Mervin Holmes and
Hank Dolomites. I spend all day working on my computer, sorting out credit card applications that
have gone wrong. I don’t work with the general public and I don’t want to. I’m quite shy and don’t
like meeting new people. I have worked with Brenda and Mervin for about eight years now. Hank is
the new boy - he joined the team eighteen months ago.
a) True b) False
a) True b) False