Regular evaluation updates are required with every unit. Please remember to
take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film. You might find it
easier if you note down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.
Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.
What research have you We’ve researched more facts to add into our script.
completed this week and what The most interesting fact that I have learned is that
have you learned? the director of trend spotting at J. Walter Thompson
said that they did “a survey of Gen Z for a report
released in May 2015 and found that 81 percent said
that gender doesn't define a person as much as it
used to.” I didn’t know that that many people
thought that.
How have you divided your Callan and I are responsible for writing out the script,
planning amongst your group? presenting as well as interviewing, whereas Kitty and
Jamie have are responsible for filming.
What did you learn from your Since Callan and I are presenters, we’d write our
planning? How has it helped you script, Callan adding comedy to release any tension
to progress your idea? that may have arisen or just simplify the facts, figures
and statistics I would be presenting.
Are you on track for this week? If I’m not very far behind. I will analyse not only the
not, how far behind are you? practice interviews but the primary research as well.
What work do you need to We were planning on filming during the half term;
complete outside of lessons to however, Jamie has a problem of getting into not only
stay on track? Henley but anywhere else. So we postponed it from
the 4th – 5th Nov. The editing will be done the day after
on the 6th Nov. Hopefully, everything will be done and
dusted by the 8th Nov (DEADLINE).
Week 3 This week you worked on your production
How helpful did you find your Planning was essential when shooting our factual
planning whilst out shooting your programme. This is because, one of our group
factual programme? members has left us suddenly so we had to re-
schedule everything. It took 2 ¼ days to finish filming
and 1 whole day to finish editing.
What interviews did you set up The 1st interview was with a photography student who
and how do you feel they have has an interest in fashion and has chosen “Identity”,
added to your production? as the topic of her project. However, the cameras
that we had were low on battery. One has died, and
the one that was handheld, had the interview out of
shot most of the time. So, we had did ask if we could
re-schedule the interview however the student never
replied so we asked a 1st Year student who does CMP
if he could help us out. He did and the interview went
What issues did you have when Problem Solution
filming your production? How did Jamie informed us on We worked around it as
you overcome them? the day of the interview a team of three.
that he isn’t coming to Rescheduling the
college any longer, filming.
which not only distressed
us but because of this,
we were all over the
Since Jamie didn’t We used another which
come, we only had one belonged to the
camera which College.
belonged to Kitty.
Cameras were running We borrowed Josh’s
out of charge. camera.
Hand held camera had We tried to reschedule
the interviewee out of but Sophie has not
shot. replied so we have
asked another person to
help us out, to which he
Kitty was unable to We asked Josh if he
attend filming on a could help us out with
Wednesday as she had the filming, so he
orthodontist agreed.
How do you feel you are working Kitty was the camera operator and so was Josh, even
as a group? What were your roles though he worked in a different group, he was willing
and responsibilities? to help us.
How much work did you I couldn’t really complete any work outside of school
complete outside of the lessons? as I don’t have the programs to edit. But we did film a
lot on Tuesday at the Hexagon in Reading.
Are you on track for this week? If Almost. I need to upload location recces.
not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to ^
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?