Network Level Multihoming and BGP Challenges: Li Jia Helsinki University of Technology Jili@cc -

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Network Level Multihoming and BGP Challenges

Li Jia
Helsinki University of Technology
[email protected]

Abstract technical considerations. For example, an academic institu-

tion might direct the commercial traffic to the provider offer-
Multihoming has been traditionally employed by enterprises ing global Internet connectivity, while directing its research
and ISPs to improve network connectivity. Recently, there traffic through a national research network.
are increasing interests in other benefits derived from multi- This paper presents a survey of protocols and algorithms
homing. In particular, it can be applied to improve network that have been proposed for multihoming in IPv4. The pur-
performance, lowering bandwidth costs, and optimizing the pose is to provide a better understanding for multihoming
way in which upstream links are used. technology and current research in this area. The remainder
Multihoming can be applied in link layer, network layer or of this paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2 presents popular
transport layer in the network protocol stack. This paper first solutions to deploy multihoming, including BGP and NAT.
presents an overview of multihoming in the network layer. Then, Sec. 3 presents some challenges raised by BGP and a
The focus is put on available deployments of multihoming, few existing proposals. Sec. 4 summarizes this paper.
namely, BGP and NAT. Second, a few challenges of BGP and
corresponding proposals to solve these challenges are listed.
The aim is to put things in perspective, point out why the 2 Available deployment solutions of
challenges are so difficult to solve at present and summarize
the main lessons learned.
KEYWORDS: Multihoming, BGP, NAT A network can be classified as multiattached network and
multihomed network depending on how many upstream
Internet Service Providers(ISP) that the networks connect
to(Fig. 1). A multiattached network connects to one ISP
1 Introduction with multiple connections. By contrast, a multihomed net-
The current Internet is a decentralized collection of net- work connects to more than one ISP[11]. In this figure, stub
works. Each of these networks is typically known as an au- networks contain hosts that produce or consume IP packets.
tonomous system (AS). Usually, an AS is under a common That is to say, the stub networks do not carry IP packets that
routing policy and managed by a single technical administra- are not produced by or destined to their hosts.
tion. When an AS has multiple connections to the Internet,
it can be referred to as multihomed.
There are lots of motivations to maintain multiple connec-
tions to the Internet:
•Reliability: Compared with networks that have only one
connection to the Internet, a multihomed network is usu-
ally used to ensure continued operation when one connection
•Bandwidth: Multihoming has a potential to aggregate
bandwidth by providing multiple paths between source and Figure 1: Multihoming: a) Multiattached network; b) Multi-
destination pairs. Thus, it allows a network to support higher homed network
data transfer rates than what is possible with single path.
Sometimes, a source might use a high-bandwidth but expen-
sive link for its real-time traffic, and use a cheaper link for the Currently, there are two major solutions to deploy multi-
rest of its traffic. In this case, it is useful to use multihoming homing in a stub network - Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
technology to improve the network performance. and Network Address Translation(NAT) mechanism. This
•Independence: The independence of economic, political section introduces these two solutions and compares them.
and administrative perspectives is becoming an increasingly
common requirement for enterprises and institutions. Mul-
2.1 BGP Multihoming
tihoming brings some degree of provider independence. It
helps to achieve better service level agreements, or get lower Routers in an AS can use multiple interior gateway proto-
prices. cols, such as Intermediate System to Intermediate System
•Policy: Sometimes the traffic is based on policies beyond (IS-IS) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), to exchange
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routing information inside the AS[2]. On the other hand, AS901 can not be aggregated by its upstream ISPs - AS101
routers use an exterior gateway protocol to route packets and AS103 because AS901’s prefix is not included by that of
between ASes. BGP is an inter-Autonomous System rout- AS101 and AS103.
ing protocol [13]. It is used to exchange network reach- In Fig. 3, AS101 assigns a PA address block
ability information with other Autonomous Systems(ASes) "" to AS901. For outgoing traffic, AS901
in TCP/IP networks. Based on the AS hop counts and the sends an announcement " 901". AS101 can
preference level, BGP chooses the shortest route. When the combine the route of " 901" with the one
reachability information is learned by an AS from the exte- announced by AS65500 and then sends an aggregated
rior, it will be distributed within the AS so that every router route announcement " 101:901". By contrast,
in the AS could reach the routes advertised by the exterior. AS103 will send " 103:901" because it cannot
When reachability information is exchanged between two aggregate the route announcement sent by AS901. For
routers located in different ASes, the protocol is referred to incoming traffic, routers forward the packets along the most
as external BGP(eBGP). When reachability information is specific route according to BGP protocol. The most specific
exchanged between routers inside the same AS, the protocol route refers to one that has smaller address range. Here the
is referred to as internal BGP(iBGP). most specific route is " 103:901". Therefore,
Next, details about address management, routing process AS901 will receive all packets via AS103 unless links
and failure handling in multihoming networks and are dis- between AS901 and AS103 is not available. In this case,
cussed. links between AS901 and AS101 will be used to forward
In order to obtain multihoming using the BGP protocol, a traffic.
stub network must have:
1. A minimum address space identified by a 24-bit address
prefix or larger to deploy BGP multihoming.
2. An autonomous system number(ASN). Each AS must
have a unique ASN.
Two schemes exist to allocate address space: provider
independent address(PI address) and provider assigned ad-
dress(PA address). A registry such as ARIN has demon-
strated that a requirement for more than a /21 can request
a minimum of a /20 of IP address space directly form ARIN.
This type of IP address space is known as PI address. IP
subnets (also known as routes, prefixes, net blocks) can be
provided from an upstream ISP if the requirement for IP ad- Figure 2: Routing process of BGP using PI address
dresses is not sufficient. These subnets are commonly part
of a larger block of address space that the upstream ISP has
been assigned by ARIN. This type of IP address prefix is
known as PA space. Different issues arise when BGP multi-
homing is deployed adopting different address schemes.
PI addresses imply independence from a stub network’s
upstream providers. Due to the independence, routes with PI
addresses can not be aggregated by the upstream ISPs. This
leads to routing table overhead.
In a scenario of a network employing PA addresses, one
address management mechanism is to use only one address
block assigned by one of its upstream ISPs, which is called
the default address block. Other upstream ISPs maintain
a specific routing table entry for the route associated with
the default address block. This approach does not automati- Figure 3: Routing process of BGP using PA address: adopt
cally maintain the back-up routes. Another mechanism is to one address block
logically separate the whole stub network into several sub-
networks, each of which inherits a separate address prefix
from the upstream ISP closest to it[11]. The problem here is In Fig. 4, AS901 divides itself into two sub-networks and
the update of the routing table entries. gets the address block and from
Non-aggregated routes can be advertised across multi- the corresponding upstream ISPs respectively. Accordingly,
homing networks with PI address, and aggregated routes the traffic for these two sub-networks is aggregated by the
can be advertised with PA addresses[11]. For instance, in upstream ISPes - AS101 and AS103 respectively. The two
Fig. 2, AS65500 is a non-multihoming network and AS901 sub-networks are treated by the upstream ASes as separate
is a multihoming network. The route announcement of networks. That is to say, the upstream only accepts the
AS65500 " 65500" is aggregated by its up- outgoing traffic with a prefix that is advertised to this AS
stream ISP - AS101 because is a sub-block by the stub network. In this example, AS101 only accept
of By contrast, the route announcement of traffic coming from The problem is that if
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public addresses, which might belong to different ISPs. So,

the network can be multihomed to several network service
If the NAT multihoming networks do not adopt BGP and
are not involved in the inter-AS routing process, NAT router
can handle the failure with the pre-set traffic mapping mech-
anism. However, traffic loss might happen because the map-
ping mechanism can not be automatically updated after a
failure. A second method is to use DNS server. In this sce-
nario, a host in NAT network is bound with multiple IP ad-
dresses. If one ISP is not available, the IP address from an-
other ISP is returned and traffic still happens. This method
Figure 4: Routing process of BGP using PA address: multi- can reduce the traffic loss but can not avoid it.
ple sub-networks

2.3 Comparison of BGP and NAT

the connection between AS101 and the sub-network fails, BGP and NAT multihoming are different in at least three as-
the hosts in the sub-network become unreachable via inter- pects:
domain routing. •As a standard Internet inter-domain protocol, BGP pro-
RFC2260[1] suggests two methods to handle failures for vides the largest support for the upper level applications. By
BGP multihoming with multiple PA-address prefixes. The contrast, NAT does not guarantee the uniqueness of the IP
first method is based on eBGP border router’s advertisement address and does not support all the upper level applications.
mechanism. The eBGP border router only advertises the •NAT multihoming avoids non-aggregation problem be-
reachability of address prefixes to an upstream ISP, which cause in most cases the address blocks in a NAT network are
assigns the prefixes in steady state. If the connection to this assigned by an upstream ISP. This problem may exist in BGP
ISP is down, the eBGP border router advertises the reacha- multihoming.
bility to other upstream ISPs. •BGP is mainly used by large organizations. NAT is usu-
The second method for failure handling is via packet en- ally recommended for small size organizations which are not
capsulation. The eBGP router of a stub network can also involved in route control.
exchange information with the provider eBGP routers that
are connected to the stub network but do not directly con- 3 Challenges associated with BGP
nected to it. For example, assume that eBGP router A and B
are in AS100. An eBGP router C belongs to another AS. B is The Internet has expanded largely in the past a few years.
directly connected to C but A is not directly connected to C. First, the number of ASes has increased enormously. Sec-
When a failure happens between B and C, C will encapsulate ond, the number and diversity of applications supported in
all the packets that should be sent to B with the IP prefix of the Internet have increased rapidly as well. This tendency
A. Then, C sends the encapsulated packets via other connec- has placed pressure on BGP.
tions of AS100 to A. After that, A decapsulates the received As BGP provides information for controlling the traffic
packets and routes them to the hosts inside AS100 (see[1] between ASes, it plays a critical role in Internet efficiency,
for details). reliability and security. However, BGP suffers from several
In addition to the two methods mentioned above, a third vulnerabilities. This section analyzes these significant chal-
choice is to put routes of both primary connections and lenges faced by researchers in the BGP area today.
back-up connections to the BGP routing tables. The routes
of back-up connections are made longer via repeatedly
prepending its AS number in the route. When the primary 3.1 Scalability
route is down, back-up routes can be used since they are Each AS is allowed to choose its own administrative policy
available in the BGP routing tables. to decide the best route. When inter-AS routing takes place,
each AS advertises the routing information included in the
2.2 NAT multihoming BGP routing table to other ASes. An AS route announce-
ment includes an IP prefix and a series of AS numbers. As
The basic function of NAT is to translate between the public mentioned earlier, the number of ASes has increased dramat-
Internet address and the internal local network address. It ically, which contribute to the routing table overhead. An-
can be extended to implement multihoming[9]. Small net- other main reason for recent growth is that most stub ASes
works that can not be multihomed with BGP can get mul- have chosen to increase their connectivity to the Internet for
tihomed with the help of NAT. In this case, the hosts in a both resilience and load balancing reasons.
NAT multihoming stub network share the network addresses. To explain how multihoming affects BGP routing tables,
NAT can map address blocks assigned from each upstream let us consider the example in Fig. 5. Assume that AS 901
ISP to the internal address space of network. The mapping aims to achieve load balancing by originating two IP prefixes
is kept in a NAT router. When IP packet leaves the network, from upstream ASes. In order to load balance its inbound
the NAT router will translate the private IP addresses into traffic, it chooses to advertise its prefixes so that:
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•Traffic targeting should primarily be deliv- whole network. But it uses NAT to assign multiple ad-
ered through AS103 and AS101 is used as a backup path. dresses.
•Traffic targeting should primarily be deliv-
ered through AS101 and AS103 is used as a backup path.
3.2 Lack of Multipath Routing
A BGP router can receive multiple advertisements for the
same route from multiple upstream routers. For instance, in
Fig. 5, the router in AS198 received two advertisements for
the prefix Thus, the router needs to run its BGP
decision process to select the best path. BGP protocol selects
only one best path. Accordingly, the BGP router advertises
to its peers the best route to any given destination.
This behavior causes at least two limitations. First, one
best route conflicts with the concept of load balancing. In
respond to this, some venders support multipath extensions
in their BGP implementations. Second, given that a BGP
Figure 5: Growth of BGP routing tables: lack of aggregation
router only advertises the best route, many alternative paths
and load balancing
that could have been potentially used will be unknown[10].
This introduces problems to the current interdomain routing
paradigm from the end-to-end quality of service(QoS) and
AS901 prepends its own AS number in its BGP adver-
traffic engineering(TE) viewpoints[3].
tisements with the aim of identifying the specific prefixes.
As mentioned earlier, the specific prefix implies the best Efforts have been put to this issue so that a BGP router can
route when the upstream ASes select routes. In this figure, advertise multiple routes for the same destination to its peers.
AS101 and AS103 are configured differently. AS101 prop- However, this mechanism will make the existing problem
agates the two BGP advertisements. AS103 sends an aggre- of BGP multihoming more difficult to tackle. For example,
gate advertisement for, since which includes multipath will increase the size of routing table dramatically, As shown in Fig. 5, even though AS901 orig- which in future impacts scalability issue.
inates only two prefixes, AS198 receives four routes for three
different prefixes. Thus, the size of the BGP routing table is 3.3 Slow convergence
increased at AS198, since it receives more than one route for
the same prefix. Two BGP routers have to establish a BGP session to ex-
Despite the prepending operation, all traffic from AS901 change reachability information. This session is supported
toward AS198 will be routed via AS101, because: by a TCP connection through which the routers exchange
•The shortest path for is via AS101. There- different types of messages:
fore, the traffic for will be sent via AS101. •OPEN: to open a BGP session.
•The BGP router always prefer more specific prefix to for- •UPDATE: to transfer reachability information.
ward traffic. In this figure, is more specific •NOTIFICATION: to identify an error detected. The BGP
than In this case, AS103 will stop aggregat- session is shut down after this message is sent.
ing AS901’s prefix. This non-aggregation causes AS 103 to •KEEPALIVE: to verify that the peer is reachable.
advertise two prefixes to AS198. OPEN message can help to determine if the BGP session
To reduce the routing table size, different routes with com- corresponds to an iBGP or eBGP. When a session starts, each
mon characteristics can be aggregated into a single route. peer will advertise its entire set of routes. Then only incre-
However, a multihomed network inherits multiple IP pre- mental updates and KEEPALIVE messages are exchanged.
fixes from different upstream ASes and thus its prefixes can- Convergence time - the time required to reroute packets
not be aggregated by all the ASes. In this example, pre- when a failure happens, is an important performance metric
fix belongs to AS 103, so this prefix cannot for a routing protocol. A study[8] shows that the conver-
be aggregated by another ISP(AS101). Another reason for gence time of BGP is rather slow. One important reason is
non-aggregation is that an AS may have to announce sev- that a single link failure can force BGP routers to exchange
eral prefixes due to address fragmentation, load balancing a large number of advertisements to explore for alternative
and failure to aggregate[4]. This example illustrates the non- paths toward the affected destinations. This problem is re-
aggregation caused by load balancing. ferred to as path exploration.
Most ISPs filter the advertisements of long prefixes to Routers may exchange several advertisements concerning
cope with the routing table problem. For example, some ISPs the same prefix in the process of BGP convergence. To avoid
do not allow advertising to the global Internet prefixes longer this problem, most BGP routers use a timer called minimum
than /22. However, this strategy does not tackle the root of route advertisement interval. The default value of this timer
the problem but just works around it. is 30 seconds. This method prevents BGP routers from send-
Some efforts are being made to deal with this prob- ing a new advertisement for the same prefix within 30 sec-
lem in IPv6. For IPv4, the problem is largely unsolved. onds. In this way, the number of BGP advertisements is re-
SIMPLER[7] forces address prefix aggregation over the duced. However, it introduces another problem - delay. In
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some cases, important BGP advertisements are unnecessar- Internet connectivity solutions, multihoming still has many
ily delayed, which has important influence on the network unsolved challenges.
performance. The purpose of this paper is to review the deployment
Some new proposals have been brought up to solve this solutions available for multihoming and discuss challenges
problem. For example, BGP-RCN[12] reduces the number faced by BGP multihoming.
of BGP messages exchanged in the convergence by adding As an important interdomain routing protocol, BGP has
an identifier to each BGP message. This identifier indicates several limitations. These limitations are becoming more
the root-cause of the BGP message. When a failure hap- and more noticeable in the last few years due to the ex-
pens, distant routers can avoid selecting a path that is af- plosive growth of the network. Current research concen-
fected by the failure. However, this additional information is trates on scalability, route selection, convergence, Qos etc.
not built into BGP advertisements and is against the scalabil- In addition to the technical factors, routing management and
ity of BGP. policies performed by different ISPs also contribute to these
Another solution is the ghost-flushing[6]. This method problems. Usually, ISPs are reluctant to introduce changes if
improves the convergence by making the messages indi- there is no promising source of revenue. This increases the
cating bad news distributed quickly, while good news dis- difficulties to tackle the existing problems associated with
tributed slowly. However, it just tries to speed up the con- BGP.
vergence of BGP instead of tackling the root of the problem,
i.e., path exploration.
3.4 Lack of Qos Support [1] T. Bates and Y. Rekhter. Scalable Support for Multi-
Most of the studies of Qos were based on non-multihoming homed Multi-provider Connectivity. Technical Report
networks. BGP doesn’t have built-in Qos capabilities since 2260, 1998.
it was designed to exchange reachability information. Some [2] S. H. cisco Systems. Bgp4 case studies/tutorial. 1995.
applications, such as VoIP, require strong Qos to across
interdomain[5]. [3] B. H. et al. Distance metrics in the internet. 2002.
New proposals have been put forward in recent years, but
none has been appealing to be deployed in practice. One [4] GLBECOMM. On Characterizing BGP Routing Table
reason is that ISPs prefer over-provisioning their networks Growth, January 2002.
to manage Qos. More issues have to be considered be- [5] IEEE. Challenges in Enabling Interprovider Service
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Such considerations include the monetary cost to deploy and
maintain Qos and the possible new businesses that might be [6] IEEE INFOCOM. Improved BGP Convergence via
developed to tangible profit for ISPs etc. From the technical Ghost Flushing.
side, all the proposals referring to Qos have strong limita-
tions at the interdomain level. [7] IEEE INFOCOM. Practical Routing-Layer Support for
Scalable Multihoming, 2005.

3.5 Optimizing route selection [8] C. Labovitz, A. Ahuja, A. Bose, and F. Jahanian. De-
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Route optimizing refers to distribute the traffic among a stub 2001.
network’s multiple connections to the Internet. Two aspects
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First, the most qualified upstream provider must be chosen. ping out the best route. December 2003.
Second, the traffic should be leveraged among multiple con-
nections, which refers to load balance problem. showitem.jhtml?docid=1425f2.
Selection for inbound traffic is difficult. Mechanisms to
implement load balance for outbound traffic are available, [10] Network,IEEE. Open Issues in Interdomain Routing: a
but no mechanism is available to implement load balance for Survey, November 2005.
inbound traffic without NAT. One limitation caused by NAT [11] Network,IEEE. A Survey of Multihoming Technology
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it initially was designed in the context of client/server envi- May 2007.
[12] D. Pei, M. Azuma, N. Nguyen, J. Chen, D. Massey,
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4 Conclusion gence through root cause notification. Technical report,
UCLA Computer Science Department, 2003.
Multihoming can help enterprises meet their Internet perfor-
mance, reliability, and redundancy goals. It also helps to [13] Y. Rekhter, T. Li, and S. Hares. A border gateway pro-
reduce dependency on a single provider, giving them dra- tocol 4 (bgp-4). Technical report, The Internet Engi-
matically greater opportunities for bandwidth cost control neering Task Force, January 2006.
and contract flexibility. Despite its promising role in future

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