Lesson Planning Observation Checklist Ateneu

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Planning & Observation Checklist

CLPI - Carme Florit Ballester / CLSI - Joan Alberich Carramiñana / Departament d'Ensenyament

Grade Level: Number of Students: Date: Lesson Planned/ Observed:

The following seven category labels and their descriptors identify key pedagogical goals in CLIL settings. The subsequent indicators illustrate possible
observable features of goals achievement. All features would not be observable in any one class.

+ observed
The CLIL teacher aims to: Indicators: – not observed
0 NA
1. Integrate content and language Comments
1.1 Specifies the planned content outcomes Planned outcomes are on the board or
and the content-obligatory language stated and recognisable as driving all
outcomes for each lesson. activities.
1.2 Uses authentic texts, artefacts and Some of the listed elements are present.
materials to teach content and language.

1.3 Focuses corrective responses on pre- Students successfully follow instructions and
determined content and language complete assignments. Too difficult
outcomes based on the lesson, and the language is avoided and future topics are
developmental level of the learners. not addressed at length.
1.4 Has a well-balanced lesson. Warm-up, teaching/ learning, analysis and
reflection are present.
2. Create a rich L2 learning environment
2.1 Creates a friendly and safe learning Teacher uses routine activities. The
environment. classroom seems stress-free. Students
support one another & participate actively.
They experiment freely with language. Rules
created with students are posted &
observed. Students respect the rules.
2.2 Surrounds learner with rich subject Content is challenging, linked to a relevant
content, and extensive oral and written context and previous learning, and is
language input. successfully applied by students during a
task requiring higher order thinking.
Synonym & antonym work is done. Lang-
uage is displayed. A reading corner, learning
centres &/or electronic media are available.
2.3 Creates numerous opportunities for Students speak more than the teacher.
students to speak and write. (First weeks of programme are an
exception.) Peer-cooperative work
encourages equal participation. Students
express own understanding in writing.
2.4 Organises classroom so it promotes Teacher displays student work, language is
learning. displayed, supplies are in logical places and
seating configurations promote cooperation.
3. Make input comprehensible
3.1 Uses body language, visuals, realia, and e.g., facial and hand gestures, pictures,
manipulatives to communicate meaning. actual objects
3.2 Elicits and draws upon prior knowledge, Students are encouraged to link new
experiences and current attitudes vis-à- learning to previously taught topics.
vis new topics. Attitudes toward new topic are determined
and discussed.
3.3 Uses a variety of pre-reading and pre- e.g., advanced organizers, concept and
writing activities to make content and word charts, or maps
language more accessible.
3.4 Breaks complex information and The theme/information is organised into
processes into component parts. sub-units or sub-themes. Scaffolds both
content and language input by chunking
information, breaking instructions or
assignments into manageable pieces.
3.5 Makes frequent use of comprehension Students can articulate what they have
checks that require learners to learned and can apply it through an
demonstrate their understanding. assignment or activity.
3.6 Selects and adapts instructional material Texts may be shortened, sub-headings
for learners’ developmental level. inserted and language support sheets
created. Students cope with the
assignments and participate actively.

* This checklist is adapted from the Immersion Teaching Strategies Observation Checklist by Tara Fortune from the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
(CARLA) at the University of Minnesota. See www.carla.umn.edu/immersion/acie/vol4/Nov2000.pdf/. This adaptation was produced by the Estonian Language Immersion
Centre in discussion with its partners in education, and further modified by P. Mehisto, D. Marsh and M. Frigols for the book Uncovering CLIL. 1/2
Classroom Observation Checklist

4. Use “teacher-talk” effectively

4.1 Uses normal level of volume, articulates Does not raise volume above “normal” levels to
and enunciates clearly. achieve comprehension. Students can follow most
instructions and use teacher recasts. Teacher speech
habits are reflected in the quality of student output.
4.2 Slows down and simplifies language Messages are repeated in different ways without
when developmentally appropriate. excessive volume. Students are interested in what is
going on.
4.3 Avoids “teacher-speak”. Students, at times, take the lead in conversations.
Non-classroom situations are role-played.
4.4 Models accurate use of language. Syntax and grammar are accurate. “Parasitic” words
or expressions such as “You know!” are avoided.
Intonation is natural. The teacher’s accent does not
impede comprehension.
5. Promote extended student output
5.1 Plans for and employs questioning Students participate in discussions. Elements of
techniques that encourage extended critical and creative thinking are present. Follow-up
discourse and foster higher-order questions take thinking a step further.
5.2 Structures and facilitates high-interest, e.g., role playing, plays, debates, presentations, peer
student-centred activities. cooperative work, peer and group teaching
5.3 Provides all students with the The teacher uses grouping techniques such as dyads,
opportunity to participate and speak. think-pair-share, small groups, etc. and output-
oriented activities such as role plays, simulations,
drama, debates, presentations, etc.
5.4 Promotes learning from and with peers. e.g., peer editing, peer tutoring, student study groups
5.5 Communicates and consistently The teacher verbalizes his/her expectations and is
reinforces clear expectations about consistent in reinforcing students who meet
learning achievements related to expectations and applies related rules with
content, language and learning skills. consistency.
6. Attend to diverse learner needs
6.1 Takes into account different learning All students are motivated. Teacher uses co-operative
strategies and helps students develop learning strategies and mixed ability grouping. Visual,
learning skills. tactile, auditory and kinaesthetic approaches are
visible. Teacher invites students to share different
problem-solving approaches and learning strategies.
6.2 Surveys and takes into account student Students pick topics, decide on order of activities, and
interests, opinions and wishes. bring into the lesson elements that they clearly
6.3 Makes use of a wide variety of activities Students are given a choice in activities. Easier tasks
through learning centres where students are at the top of activity lists. There are a variety
can work at a level that is appropriate activities suiting visual, aural, kinaesthetic, and
for them. reading and writing learning styles.
7. Attend to continuous growth and improvement in accuracy
7.1 Creates an opportunity for evaluation of Either self-evaluation by the student, peer evaluation,
content and language learning (including or teacher-directed evaluation takes place during the
learning process) during each lesson. lesson.
7.2 Uses a variety of effective feedback For encouraging growth in understanding and using
techniques. content, the teacher details what is correct, indicates
points requiring further reflection, provides clues,
creates relational links, and asks probing questions.
In supporting language growth, the teacher uses
among others the following techniques: elicitation,
clarification requests, repetition, recasting, explicit
correction, as well as body language & other non-
verbal cues.
7.3 Attends to errors in both oral and written Teacher models right answer. Teacher encourages
language. self and peer-repair.
7.4 Differentiates between feedback on form Students receive verbal reinforcement or marks for
versus meaning. content. Teachers says e.g. “I like that idea. How
might you say it more precisely? How might you
expand on that idea? What would an opponent say?”

* This checklist is adapted from the Immersion Teaching Strategies Observation Checklist by Tara Fortune from the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
(CARLA) at the University of Minnesota. See www.carla.umn.edu/immersion/acie/vol4/Nov2000.pdf/. This adaptation was produced by the Estonian Language Immersion
Centre in discussion with its partners in education, and further modified by P. Mehisto, D. Marsh and M. Frigols for the book Uncovering CLIL. 2/2

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