Composite Slab Report For GIS Area

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Page 1 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Use of Product Composite Slab Design Analysis Type Analysis & Design

Slab Details
Span: 3.430 m Type: Double Span - 1 Prop
Width: 1.000 m EQUAL SPANS
Min Slab Depth: 280 mm Span Locations: END
Max Slab Depth: 280 mm Screed depth: 0 mm
Selected Slab Depth: 280 mm Support width: 253 mm

Profile Details
Profile: MD50 V3 Input Min. Gauge: 1.20 mm
Selected Gauge: 1.20 mm Yield Strength: 450.0 N/mm²

Profile Data
Profile Type: RE-ENTRANT Weight: 0.170 kN/m²
Nominal Depth: 50 mm Galv Thickness: 0.040 mm
Overall Depth: 51 mm Area: 2165.000 mm²/m
Total Trough Wid. Top per m: 733 mm Inertia (Sag): 92.160 cm4/m
Total Trough Wid. Bot per m: 913 mm Neutral Axis ht: 16.700 mm
Min Trough Width-Trough Top: 110 mm Moment Cap Sag: 11.310 kNm/m
Min Trough Width-Trough Bot: 137 mm Moment Cap Hog: 9.553 kNm/m
Volume of Concrete in Troughs: 0.04213 m³/m² Mod. Elasticity: 210.000 kN/mm²

Concrete Details
Concrete Type: NORMAL WEIGHT Wet Density: 2400 kg/m³
Concrete Strength: 35 N/mm² Dry Density: 2350 kg/m³
Modular Ratio: 0.00

Fire Reinforcement Details

Fire Rating: 1.0 hrs Input Mesh: A393
Selected Mesh: A393

Bottom bar details: INPUT OUTPUT

No. of bars/trough 1 1
Bar centres 0 mm
Bar height 50 mm
Bar yield 460 N/mm²
Bar diameter 10 mm 10 mm

Slab Depth

The design is based on the slab depth(s) shown in the calculations - and that the depth of wet concrete is controlled
during the construction stage to produce the slab depth shown.
Page 2 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

End Anchor Details

Number of End Anchors Per Metre Width: 0.000
End Anchor Characteristic Strength: 104.0 kN/Anchor
End Anchor Height: 95 mm
Deflection Limits Span/'n' ratios Maximum Deflection
Construction Stage Limits: 180 20 mm
Super Load Limit: 350 5 mm
Total Load Limit: 600
Load Factors
Construction Load: 1.60 Super Load: 1.60
Dead Load: 1.40 Fire Load (temporary): 0.80
UDL Loads
Construction Stage Slab Self Weight: 6.637 kN/m²
Composite Stage Slab Self Weight: 6.504 kN/m²
Construction Load: 2.789 kN/m²
Dead Load: 0.250 kN/m² Dead load makeup in kN/m²
Finishes: 0.000
Services: 0.250
Ceilings: 0.000

Super Load: 0.000 kN/m²

(The input super load is taken to be entirely permanent load.)

PARTIAL AREA LOADS Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5

Load type Point kN Point kN Point kN Point kN Point kN
Dead load 7.200 6.400 6.400 7.000 7.000
Super Load perm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Super Load temp 18.000 18.000 18.000 18.000 18.000
X start (m)(span) 0.150 0.750 1.550 2.150 2.950
Dim along span (m) 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050
Y start (m)(width) 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500
Dim across span (m) 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110
Concentrated ld? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Design Summary: MD50 V3 x 1.20 mm for 280 mm slab

Critical Value Capacity Ratio
Construction Effective Span (m) 1.614 2.734 0.590
Ultimate Moment (kNm/m) 96.066 212.502 0.452
Shear Bond (kN/m) 126.284 171.435 0.737
Vertical Shear (kN/m) 135.636 141.923 0.956 *
Punching Shear (kN) 38.880 343.611 0.113
Super load deflection (mm) 2.520 5.000 0.504
Total load deflection (mm) 3.890 5.720 0.680
Fire Moment (kNm/m) 55.306 74.528 0.742
Fire Insulation (mm) 90.000 280.000
Page 3 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Construction Stage - Floordeck Design

Span Type: Double Span - 1 Prop

Span Dimensions: EQUAL
Profile Inertia: 92.16 cm4/m
Modulus of Elasticity: 210.00 kN/mm²

Allowable Deflection is Lesser of Span/180 = 1614/180 = 8.96 mm

Or limit = 20 mm

Max Deflection: 1.26 mm

Allowable Deflection: 8.96 mm
Deflection Span Capacity: 3.106 m

Moment Span Capacity: 2.734 m

Construction Effective Span: 1.614 m

Construction Stage Capacity: 2.734 m

Composite Slab Design

Ultimate Moment

Critical Load: Load 1 Effective Slab Width From: 0.104 m

To: 1.000 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Dead (kN) Total Super (kN)

Load 1 7.200 18.000

Load 2 5.735 16.129
Load 3 5.735 16.129
Load 4 6.273 16.129
Load 5 6.273 16.129

Maximum moment location from left hand support: 1.590 m

Design Strength of Deck Profile: 418.500 N/mm²

Depth of Concrete Stress Block: 57.527 mm
Effective Slab Depth: 263.300 mm
Lever Arm: 234.536 mm
Critical Deck/Concrete force: 906.053 kN/m

Design Ultimate Applied Moment: 96.066 kNm/m

Moment Capacity: 212.502 kNm/m
Page 4 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Shear Bond
Critical Load: Load 1 Effective Slab Width From: 0.104 m
To: 1.000 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Dead (kN) Total Super (kN)
Load 1 7.200 18.000
Load 2 5.735 16.129
Load 3 5.735 16.129
Load 4 6.273 16.129
Load 5 6.273 16.129

Maximum shear at: LEFT HAND SUPPORT

Shear Span: 0.841 m

Effective Slab Depth: 263.300 mm
Empirical Parameter mr: 262.500
Empirical Parameter kr: 0.024
End Anchor Shear Capacity: 0.000 kN/m
Shear Bond Capacity: 171.435 kN/m
Design Shear: 126.284 kN/m
Total Longitudinal Shear Capacity: 171.435 kN/m

Vertical Shear
Critical Load: Load 1 Effective Slab Width From: 0.187 m
To: 0.923 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Dead (kN) Total Super (kN)
Load 1 7.200 18.000
Load 2 4.711 13.249
Load 3 4.711 13.249
Load 4 5.153 13.249
Load 5 5.556 14.288

Maximum shear at: LEFT HAND SUPPORT

Effective Total Trough Width: 733.000 mm/m

Effective Slab Depth: 263.300 mm
Percentage Deck Area: 0.822 %
Concrete Shear Stress: 0.735 N/mm²
Design Shear: 135.636 kN/m
Vertical Shear Capacity: 141.923 kN/m
Page 5 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Punching Shear

Critical load: Load 1

Critical perimeter: Left len: 0.730 m Bottom len: 0.175 m

Right len: 1.000 m Top len: 0.000 m

Critical shear perimeter: 1.905 m

Effective slab depth: 230.000 mm
Total deck steel area: 3948.450 mm²
Percentage deck area: 0.901 %
Concrete shear stress: 0.784 N/mm²

Design Punching Shear: 38.880 kN

Punching Shear Capacity: 343.611 kN

Note: Manual punching shear calculations will be required if critical perimeters of partial area loads overlap with other
partial area load critical perimeters or holes.

Deflections Super Load Total Load

Critical Load: Load 3 Load 3

Modular Ratio: 10.66 10.66
Inertia of Cracked Section: 88733490 mm4/m 88733490 mm4/m
Inertia of Uncracked Section: 193970700 mm4/m 193970700 mm4/m
Average Slab Inertia: 141352100 mm4/m 141352100 mm4/m

Super Load Deflection

Critical Load: Load 3 Effective Slab Width From: 0.000 m

To: 1.000 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Super (kN)
Load 1 18.000
Load 2 18.000
Load 3 18.000
Load 4 18.000
Load 5 18.000

Allowable deflection is lesser of span/350 = 3430/350 = 9.800 mm

or limit = 5.000 mm

Maximum Super Load Deflection: 2.520 mm

Allowable Super Load Deflection: 5.000 mm
Page 6 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Total Load Deflection

Critical Load: Load 3 Effective Slab Width From: 0.000 m
To: 1.000 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Dead (kN) Total Super (kN)
Load 1 7.200 18.000
Load 2 6.400 18.000
Load 3 6.400 18.000
Load 4 7.000 18.000
Load 5 7.000 18.000

Allowable deflection is given as span/600 = 3430/600 = 5.717 mm

Maximum Total Load Deflection: 3.890 mm

Allowable Total Load Deflection: 5.717 mm

Fire Moment
Critical Load: Load 1 Effective Slab Width From: 0.104 m
To: 1.000 m

Partial area Load Unfactored load contributions

loads active: No. Total Dead (kN) Super Perm (kN) Super Temp (kN)
Load 1 7.200 0.000 18.000
Load 2 5.735 0.000 16.129
Load 3 5.735 0.000 16.129
Load 4 6.273 0.000 16.129
Load 5 6.273 0.000 16.129

Maximum moment location from left hand support: 1.591 m

Sagging moment capacity: 55.917 kNm/m

Hogging moment capacity: 41.356 kNm/m

Design Fire Moment: 55.306 kNm/m

Fire Moment Capacity: 74.528 kNm/m

Fire Insulation
Fire rating: 1.0 hrs
Slab depth: 280 mm
Profile Type: RE-ENTRANT
Screed depth: 0 mm
Concrete Type: NORMAL WEIGHT
Profile depth: 50 mm

Insulation Slab Depth Required: 90 mm

Insulation Slab Depth Provided: 280 mm
Page 7 of 7 Kingspan Toolkit 08 November 2019 11:07

Version: v3.0.112 Kingspan Structural

Job No.: SXH-1-7510 Sherburn, Malton
Job Title: Fort Augustus 132kV GIS building GIS Area North Yorkshire
YO17 8PQ
Tel: (01944) 712000
Filename: SXH-1-7510 - Metal Desk Design Fax: (01944) 710555

Multideck Design Software - Composite Slab Design Detail Report

Composite Slab Construction Requirements

Bearing Requirements

Composite slabs bearing on steel or concrete should normally have an end bearing of not less than 50 mm. For
composite slabs bearing on other materials, the end bearing should not be less than 70 mm.

At intermediate supports of continuous slabs the bearing length should not be less than 75 mm on steel or concrete
and 100 mm on other materials.

Nominal Reinforcement At Intermediate Supports

The composite slab is designed as simply supported. Where the slab is continuous over intermediate supports and
the exposure condition is mild anti-crack reinforcement with a minimum area of 271 mm²/m is required along the line
of support.

When the slab is propped during construction, consideration should be given to increasing the area of steel
reinforcement over intermediate supports, depending on the span and the crack widths that can be tolerated.

For other exposure conditions reference should be made to BS 8110.

Transverse Reinforcement

Steel mesh reinforcement with a minimum area of 230 mm²/m is required transverse to the span of the slab.

Reinforcement Under Concentrated Loads

Where concentrated loads or line loads are supported by the slab, transverse reinforcement with a minimum area of
460 mm²/m should be provided over the effective moment slab support width for the full length of the load along the

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