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Three-Phase Slip-Ring Induction Motor: Effects of Rotor Asymmetry

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Three-phase slip-ring induction motor: Effects of rotor asymmetry

Conference Paper · June 1997

DOI: 10.1109/IEMDC.1997.604069 · Source: IEEE Xplore


2 2,529

4 authors, including:

José Roberto Camacho

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)


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Three-phase Slip-Ring Induction Motor:
Effects of Rotor Asymmetry
Carlos H. Salerno, Jose R. Camacho, Luciana C . Leite and Lucian0 Martins Net0
Electrical Engineering Department - Universidade Federal de Uberlhdia
P.O. Box 593,38400-902 - Uberlhdia - MG -Brazil

Abstract: This work has developed a steady-state and Voltage equations are given by:
dynamic mathematical model of three phase slipring induction
motors with external impedance. Differential equations are
solved using computer simulation and data for an induction
cy1 = [RIP1 + 7 (3)
machine are obtained from laboratory tests. It is shown that where: m] = phase resistance matrix.
harmonics due to impedance asymmetry produce changes on
the electromagnetic torque and induce harmonic frequency B. Eiecpomagnetic torque equation
currents in the stator windings.
The electromagnetic torque can be obtained from energy
The induction motor with unbalanced rotor resistances has
been studied for many years. There are extensive literature
about squirrel-cage induction machines. Obviously, this is due (4)
to its larger application in industrid systems. In contrast,,
there is comparatively little documentation on three-phase where: Te = electromagnetictorque,
slip-ring motors. p = pair of poles,
Nevertheless, large wound-rotor induction motors are 0 = rotor position electrical angle.
used where simple speed control is necessary and it is made
through external resistors COMCC~M~to the three-phase rotor Mutual inductance equations can be written as a function
winding. In this case the rotor asymmetry can be obtained of tetha. Now we can rewrite the electromagnetic torque as
through liquid resistances, where formation of air bubbles follows:
always lead to Merent resistances in the induction machine
rotor phases. Te = -Lmp{ia.(zAS,+i,S, +i,S,)+...
The present paper is directed towards a behavior analysis i6.(iAS3+i,S, +icS2)+...
of the wound-rotor induction motor taking into account
harmonic effects when rotor asymmetry occurs. Results of +
z., (zAS2 iBS3+ icS1)) (5)
tests made on an cxperimental motor are found and compared
with calculations. where: S1 = sin(0)
S2 = sin(@+ 2 d 3 )
11. MATHEMATICAL MODELING S3 = sin@ - 2 d 3 )
A. Linkage flux and voltage equations
i, ( t )= I , .cos(wt + ps)
Linkage flux equations are given by: i, ( t )= I,. C O S ( W ~+ ps- 2~ /’ 3)
A,=A,+iZ z,(f)=~,.cos(~t+p,+2~/3)
where: AT = total flux vector,
A d = leakagefluxvector, i, ( t ) = I , .cos(swt + pR)
h = mutualflux among phases. i B ( t )= IR .COS(SV~ + p R - 2~ / 3)
Differential equations are obtained as follows:
2, ( t )= IR .cos(swt + pR+ 2z/ 3)

where: M = leakage inductance,

ti] = phase currents vector, iqb,c(t) = Stator phase currents,
[L] = self and mutual inductance matrix.
iAB,c(t)= Rotor phase currents,
w = synchronous angular speed at rated frequency,

0 1997 IEEE.
0-7803-3946-0/97/S1O.D0 MB1-1.1
s = rated slip, K, = h* harmonic winding factor of the "i" and
cps and (PR = stator and rotor arguments, windings,
Is and IR= stator and rotor phase current amplitudes. L;jl = amplitude of the fundamental inductances
between phases "i" and 'y.
C. Harmonic analysis The electromagnetic torque now becomes:

Flux linkage can be obtained from Figure 1 below:

resulting in a similar equation to equation (5), but we must

replace S1, S2 and S3 respectively for:

D2 = ~ - -KsRh
h h

'..-... ..-..,......'.
D3 = ~ - sKSRh
'i i h h
Figure 1. Generic coil disposition when obtaining flux linkage.
where S and R denotes stator and rotor respectively.
A, = Niq,cosa, Load torque in this case has a formulation dependent on
the square of the rotating speed as can be seen in equation
where: (10).
Ni = number of coil turns for phase "i",
(pi = flux of phase "j", T =A+B.W~ (10)
aa = (q Olj).

Mutual inductance is given by: 111. SIMULATION DATA AND RESULTS

Digital simulations were performed using data of a

standard three phase induction machine obtained in
laboratory from conventional tests. The induction machine
or characteristics are: 380/220 V, (3 HP) 2.25 Kw, nominal
Lii = Lkii cosa..
speed of 1700 rpm and four- pole slip-ring motor.
Equivalent circuit data:
- stator resistance: 2.58 R
where: - stator reactance: 6.63 R
- rotor resistance (referred to the stator): 3.01 0
- rotor reactance (referred to the stator): 6.63 R
- magnetization reactance: 84.69 Q.
An extemal resistance of 7.9 Q, already referred to the
stator, was inserted in rotor phases A, B and C in order to
Considering the harmonic of order "h", the equation (7)
keep the rotor symmetrical.
can be rewritten as follows:
In the asymmetrical condition the same resistances were
inserted in phases A and C. However, phase B was short-
circuited (zero value resistance). Figures 2 and 4 show both
cases pictured by computer simulation, and Figures 3 and 5
where: show the same condition in laboratory tests.

IV. CONCLUSIONS [2] L.M. Neto, B.P. de Alvarenga, C.H. Salem0 and J.R. Camacho, “Analysis of
the Induction Machine Includingthe Time and Spatial Harmonic Effects”, Power
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In this paper a mathematical model for computer Poland, 1994, p ~26-32.
simulation showing the behavior of slip-ring induction motor [3] P. Vas, “Steady State and TraaSient Performance of Induction Motors with
with balanced and unbalanced rotor windings was developed. Rotor Asymmetry”, IEEE TraasaCtions on PAS, Seppdember 1982, pp. 3246-
Laboratory tests were also performed to check the confidence [4] B.P. A l v a r a a ‘’Torque Computation Model for an Induction Machine
in the model. It was shown from the results presented that Including Effect of Winding and Saturation”, Msc dissertation, Universidade
rotor asymmeq due to operational aspects can produce Federai de Uberlhdia, Electrical Engineering Department,August 1993. In
deterioration in the motor performance. That deterioration [5] H. L. Garbarino and Eric T. B. Gross, “The Goerges Phenomenon -
caused large oscillating torque. Stator induced harmonic Induction Motors with Unbalanced Rotor Impedances”, Trans. h e r , Inst.
frequency currents were considered in the simulation cases up E l m . Engr~,1950, Vol. 69, p ~ 1569-1575.
[6] S . Williamson and A C. Smah, “Steady-state Analysis of 3-phase Cage
to 25* harmonic. It is obvious to conclude that torque Motors with Rotor-Ehr and End-Ring Faults”, IEE Proc., May 1982, Vol. 129,
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Balanced Rotor Windings

UnbalancedRotor Nndings
18 _____._ c..-. _____________-!s
.......... j.___.____._____---

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 01 0.15 0.2
Time@) Timers]
Figure 3 - Experimental electromagnetictorque for symmetrical rotor condition. -
Figure 5 Experimental electromagnetic torque for the asymmetrical rotor case.

[I] M. Kostenko and L. Piotrovs?.i, Elecm.caZ Machines, Peace Publishem,
Second Printing, Moscow.


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