GS Desc
GS Desc
GS Desc
TRANSMISSION 715.5 in MODEL 930, 932, 933, 934
with CODE (GS7) Gear control II
except CODE (GE2) Electronic drive control II
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GF26.20-W-0001MP Gear control (GS), function 14.4.08
TRANSMISSION 715.5 in MODEL 930, 932, 933, 934
with CODE (GS7) Gear control II
except CODE (GE2) Electronic drive control II
1 Gate shift cylinder B3 Countershaft rpm sensor Y30 Splitter 2 solenoid valve (MS2)
2 Range shift cylinder B17 Vehicle speed sensor Y31 Range 1 solenoid valve (MR1)
3 Gear shift cylinder B60 Gear sensor (SGG) Y32 Range 2 solenoid valve (MR2)
4 Splitter shift cylinder B61 Gate sensor (SGE) Y33 Gate 1 solenoid valve (MG1)
5 Clutch servo assistance B62 Splitter sensor (SSP) Y34 Gate 2 solenoid valve (MG2)
6 Multifunction steering wheel B63 Range sensor (SRA) Y35 Uneven gears air admission
CAN 1 Vehicle CAN solenoid valve (MUB)
A3 Drive control (FR) control unit CAN 2 Interior CAN Y36 Even gears air admission
A6 Engine control (MR) control unit CAN 4 Engine CAN solenoid valve (MGB)
A7 Base module (GM) CAN 5 Transmission CAN Y37 Uneven gears air release
A15 Gear control (GS) shift control P2 Instrument (INS) solenoid valve (MUE)
unit S144 Left multifunction steering Y38 Even gears air release solenoid
A16 Gear control (GS II) control unit wheel button group valve (MGE)
A90 Gate module S145 Right multifunction steering
A91 Range module wheel button group
A92 Gear module Y29 Splitter 1 solenoid valve (MS1) KErs Back-up mode K-line
B2 Clutch travel sensor
1 General
A convenience gearshift system is available with gear control Optimum gear selection assists an economic, fuel-saving
II (GS II). Passive safety is also increased by making it easier driving style. All the shift operations take place in the optimum
for the driver to shift the gears. rpm range, minimizing wear on the transmission and engine.
Faults during shifting are ruled out and it is no longer possible
The gears can be selected in two ways: to overrev the engine.
The driver specifies the required gear by means of gear
selection using the "Driver selection" program. There are modes for gear control II (GS II):
The driver specifies his gearshift requirement via the Normal mode
"Electronic selection" program and the gear control (GS) When the differential locks are engaged, the Telligent
control unit (A16) automatically selects the optimum gearshift automatically changes into "construction site
connection gear. In the process parameters such as operation" operating mode.
accelerator pedal position, driving speed, torque request,
acceleration in the previous gear and vehicle weight are taken Back-up mode (backup drive mode)
into account. Comprises the additional function "Towing".
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5 Overview of functions
5.1 Recording and evaluating shift commands in normal 5.2 Recording and evaluating shift commands in back-up
mode mode
The shift commands are recorded via the controls integrated The operating commands for navigation are entered in the
in the gear control (GS) (A15) sensor unit menu tree of the driver information system (FIS) via the left
The drive control (FR) control unit (A3) reads in the shift (S144) and right (S145) multifunction steering wheel (6)
button groups.
signals from the (GS) sensor unit (A15), evaluates them and
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The drive control (FR) control unit (A3) reads in the shift (S144) and right (S145) multifunction steering wheel (6)
button groups.
signals from the (GS) sensor unit (A15), evaluates them and
The base module (GM) (A7) reads in the shift commands
transmits corresponding
from the multifunction steering wheel (6), evaluates them and
CAN messages via the transmission CAN (CAN 5) to the gear transmits appropriate CAN messages to the instrument (INS)
control (GS) control unit (A16). (P2).
The instrument (INS) (P2) transmits the gear and clutch
requests selected by the driver as
CAN messages via the K-line back-up mode (KErs) to the
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