Division Multiple Access Techniques in Cellular: Overview of Space Systems
Division Multiple Access Techniques in Cellular: Overview of Space Systems
Division Multiple Access Techniques in Cellular: Overview of Space Systems
Abstract- This paper provides an overview of the troduction of advanced mobile service t o commence.
basic principles of Smart Antenna techniques as ap- What is of specific interest in the m'-CDMA and TD-
plied t o the introduction of Space Division Multi-
ple Access (SDMA) techniques in current mobile ra- CDMA proposals is that the use of smart antenna
dio networks, a s well as in Personal Communication and SDMA [ 3 ] , [4], [5] concepts are fully supported
Services (PCS), Personal Communications Networks by the standard in order to increase the capacity of
(PCN) and the Universal Mobile Telecommunication
System (UMTS). It is shown qualitatively how SDMA
third generation mobile systems. Specifically, SDhfA
techniques can increase the capacity of cellular net- techniques will be implemented t o yield [6]
work. Furthermore, a new SDMA principle based on Increased cell coverage areas to reduce high base
the non homogeneous Quality of Service requirements station site cost in low traffic areas.
in mobile multi-media networks are introduced with
application t o systems proposed for UMTS. Reduction of interference to improve service quality
and/or increase the frequency re-use factor. This
point is especially important in CDMA based sys-
I . INTRODUCTION tems which are interference limited.
Faced with the rapid increase in mobile subscribers Extend s y s t e m t r a f i c capacity.
in t,he last years, cellular network operators and ser- In the following section, the operating principle of
vice providers have been forced t o optimize and up- smart antennas and SDMA systems will be discussed
grade their networks on a continuous basis in order t o and it will be shown qua1itat)ively how these t.ech-
ensure that subscribers are guaranteed adequate cov- niques increase the performance of cellular systems.
erage and signal quality. For example, in Japan users Section I11 will highlight the aspects that influence
of mobile communication systems: including cellular the efficiency of the smart antenna and SDMA tech-
and cordless, have increased dramatically at the rate niques discussed in section I1 and present an example
of more than one million new users per month [I]. of hoK smart antenna techniques may be applied t o
With spectrum being an extremely expensive com- TD-CDM.4 systems. Finally. some conclusions will
modity, operators are looking t o equipment manufac- be presented in section 11;.
turers t o supply innovative solutions to enable them
to optimally use their allocated resources. In addi- 11. ShlART ANTENNAS AND SDM.4
tion t o the rapid uptake of voice services: users of Cellular access systems rely on the fact that users
mobile telephony are increasingly showing an inter- of a single resource - the Base Station (BS) - will be
est in the availability of more advanced data and separable in one or more domain: that is frequency
multi-media services via mobile networks, sparking (viz FDMA), time (viz TDMA) or code (viz CDMA).
such initiatives such as UMTS [l]. Thus, in a FDMA system (for example AMPS [7]
This path of rapid evolution has brought with it and CT-2 [SI), simultaneous transmissions t o a BS
some of the biggest engineering challenges t o date. will have different carrier frequencies and will there-
,4 couple of years ago, the design of a communica- fore not interfere with one mother. Similarly, in a
tion system capable of operating in multiple prop- TDMA system (for example the access method em-
agation environments: delivering a broad range of ployed in one frequency allocation in an IS-54 sys-
services each with its own quality requirements on a tem [SI), transmissions to the BS are separated in
global scale t o a person with a single handheld ter- time t o prevent interference. These multiple ac-
minal [a] would have sounded far fetched. Today cess techniques can also be combined t o form, for
this is reality. The European Telecommunication example, TDMA/FDMA (IS-54) or FDMA/CDMA
Standards Institute (ETSI) have recently decided (IS-95 [SI) systems or any combination thereof. All
t o adopt Wideband CDM-4 (W-CDh4A) and Time- of the above mentioned multiple access techniques
Division CDhlA (TD-CDMA) as basis for the imple- do however share one common trait, being the non-
mentation of UhlTS, opening the way for the stan- homogeneous geographical distribution of their sub-
dardization process t o be completed and for the in- scribers. This means that all of the mentioned multi-
ple access systems can exploit another dimension, viz
This work was sponsored by Alcatel CIT S.A. and Alcatel
Altech Telecoms (Pty.) Ltd. at the Alcatel Research Unit for the spatial dimension, of the cellular problem t o in-
Wireless Access at t h e University of Pretoria crease system capacity or cellular spectral efficiency.
0-7803-5054-5.0161 $10.00 01998 IEEE
In [9]: [lo]. Ill]: cellular spectral efficiency is de- other words, increase the re-use of the available cellu-
fined as a basis to rate the performarice of a cellular lar resources. Examining i:i)it is clear ohat reducing
syskrn. Many definitions for cellular spectral effi- the size of the re-use clustlir will increase the cellular
ciency have been proposed. including b i t / s / H z [SI. spectral efiiciency. However, a reduced cell size will
[11](with the data rate measured as some predefined significantly increase the interference presence in the
Bit Error Rate (BER,)): E r l u n y / M H ~ / k m ' ,equiva- cell limiting the capacity of the network in the case
lent, telephone Erlangs per square kilometer [12] and of a CDM.4 system. The :increased amount of inter-
even Mbit/s-per-floor for indoor environments [la]. ference, specifically in the uplink? can be overcome
Because SDMA and smart ant,enna systems rely on using a smart antenna technique called High Sensi-
spatial parameters, a spatial parameter is included in tivit,y Reception (HSR) [6].
the definition of spectral efficiency in order to evalu- Definition 3: High Sensitivity Reception
ate cellular system performance: High Sensitivity Reception refers t o the use of adap-
Definition 1: Cellular Spectral Efficiency ( q ) tive antenna arrays in the uplink of a cellular net-
T h e cellular spectral e f i c i e n c y of a system i s defined work t o focus the antennu beam ' o n a specific user;
U S the s u m of the m a x i m u m data rates that can, be thereby increasing the antenna gain in the direction
delivered t o subscribers afiliated t o all base stations of the user a r d suppresszng transmissions received
i n a r e u s e cluster of cellsj occupjing a defined phys- f r o m interfering users.
ical area. This concept is depicted in Figure 2. In the case of
h,Iathematically, cellular spectral efficiency, rl is de- TDMA and FDMA systems the HSR system ma>-use
fined as pencil antenna beams [14] tJofocus on the active users
whereas in CDM.4 systems, the HSR system can in-
crease the signal-to-noise ratio (SKR) in the uplink
by introducing nulls in the antenna pattern in the
direction of strong interfering signals. The antenna
where r denotes the number of cells in a re-use clus- gain of HSR with an M-element antenna is equal to
ter, Rij denotes the data rate measured in b i t s l s at 10 log M ? where M is the riumber of elements in the
some predefined BER available to subscriber i in cell array.
j of the re-use cluster, B denotes the total bandwidth
rneasured in H z allocated t,o all cells in the re-use
cluster and -&luster denotes the physical area, mea-
sured in km'. occupied by the re-use cluster. Clearly,
the concept, of the re-use cluster is fundamental in the
determination of q. Definitions for a re-use cluster
can be found in [ll]. [13]. In this paper, a re-use
cluster will be defined as follows:
Definition 2: Re-use Cluster ( r )
A set of cells which have access to the total
Time/Frequency and Code (T/F/C) resources auail-
able an the cellular system.
Figure 1 shows this scenario. for the case where
r = 3 . Thus, each set of cells forming a re-use pattern
exists tot,ally independent (as far as T/F/C resources Fig. 2. SDMA system implemented using adaptive antenna
go) of the other cells in the area. arrays.
bile), increasing the overall quality of service. =Ilso. A . Angular dastrabutzon of subscrzbrrs
due to the dynamic nature of an adaptive antenna
In [lz] it 17 slionn that the distribution of the
array: a SFIR system can facilitate the tracking of a
angle-of-arrival of signals in d cellular sxstem is de-
user across cell boundaries. increasing the chances of
pendent on both the distribution of subscribers in a
a successful handover T,O the next cell.
cell. as aell as the distribution of scattering elements
Khereas HSR and SFIR techniques iricrcase the
around each wbsrriber Specihcall), the manner in
cellular spectral efficiency by decreasing the total
which subscribers axe clustered together in angle (as
co-channel interference levels in a cell, SDMA tech-
would be the case on a road). significantl! influenc e<
niques increase cellular spectral efficiency by decreas-
the gains that may be achieved by a smart antenna
ing .4C17Lsfpr with the consequent decreasing in the
or SD1f.A system For instaiice, if the reference user
physical size of the re-use cluster. In other words.
and an interfeiing user are co-located in angle. no
the same physical cellular network resources can be
antenna pattern c m be formed in either the up- ox
re-used more often. \-arious definitions have been
downlinks to reduce the interference seen by the ref
proposed to define SDXlX techniques [ 3 ] ,[SI3 [4].lye
summaries these as follows: eIence use1 Therefore. the gain offered by for in-
Definition 5 : Space Division Multiple Access stance a SFIR slstem to user5 in the relevant cell
is negligible On the other hand liax ing subscribers
A SDMA s y s t e m i s a multiple access technique which
cluster in certain areas means that antenna sectors
enables tula or more subscribers, a f i l i a t e d to the
can be narroaed. thereby reducing interference t o ad-
sume bnsc: station. t o usc th,e sunie Time and Fre-
jdcent cells and increasing the overall netu orli per-
quency and Code (T/F/C) resources on the grotinds
formance, even if the performance of all indiridual
of their pliysicnl location or s p a t i d s e p " z .
cells are not increased
SDMA cluiinci A
,n>, 0SDMA Chmncl B B. Quality of s e r u m requirements
/ /iMS 'Pt \ E SDMA Channel C
The introduction of different types of services into
the network will create what we term, Quality Of
S e n i c e Inhomogeneity ( Q O S I ) . Consider the sce-
nario depicted in Figure 4. Assuming that sub-
scribers in the shown cell are uniformly distributed,
the obvious choice for an antenna radiation pattern
would be isotropic. However, if a limited number of'
subscribers in t h e cell require services with BER re-
quirements substantially stringer than that for voice
communication the picture changes. For instance,
in Figure 4 most of the subscribers require voice
service with typical BER requirements of 1 x lop3
whereas another stibscriber require a video service
rig 3 Space DiLisiori hiultiple Access ( S D M A ) Aliowmg with a BER of 1 x IO-' and yet another require a
user$ In the same cell to share time/frequenc\ and code data service with a BER requirement, of 1x lo-'. Us-
mources ing standard BER graphs for BPSK signalling as an
example 1161. this translates to approximately 2dB
This scenario is depicted in Figure 3 where Mobile extra, signal power for the case of the voice tzmsmis-
Stations (AIS) MS1, %IS2 and YIS3 share a same set sion and 4dB in the case of the data transmission.
of T/F/C resources with hfS4. 5IS5, MS6 and LIST, Now, in stead of using more powerful error correcting
XISS arid MS9 For example, AIS4 and AIS1 may codes or higher bandwidths for the video and data
both be allocated carrier frequency fl. time slot TI stream. it is also feasible t o slightly alter the antenna
and Lode c1 although the\ are affiliated to the same radiation pattern t o radiate the required extra sig-
BS, because of their spatial separation In [G] it is nal power to the subscribers needing higher quality
shown analytically and by measurements that gains services.
in the order of 5-9 dB can be obtained using antennd
arravs with 8 elements
111. SYSTEM ASPECTS INFLUENCING SDM21\ In this paper, the basic principles of smart antenna
PERFORMA4NCE systems, such as HSR, SFIR and SDMA have been
It should be clear from the discussion above that reviewed, and their operation have been explained
the gain offered by a SD51L4system will rely or1 many qualitatively. It has been shown that spatial opti-
parameters. some of which are beyond the control of mization techniques may in many cases lead t o sig-
the design engineer. Specifically two main areas of nificant improvements in system capacity. Two key
influence can be identified namely, (i) angular distri- aspects that influence the system gains offered by
bution of subscribers arid (ii) the Quality of service SDMA systems have been reviewed and a new ap-
required required by each subscriber. In this section, plication of smart antenna systems for the control
it is shown how each of these aspects influence the of the Quality of Service in cellular networks with
gains of a SDhL4 network. heterogeneous services was introduced.
Fig. 4 . Quality Of Service Inhomogeneity (QOSI) supported
using adaptive antenna arrays.
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