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9078 - 13!02!02 - Pull-Out Testmethod Statement Lot 2 Rev 01

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9078/13/02-02 - 400KV








9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01


Rev. No. Date Description of Change

00 16 JUNE 2019 New Document

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Siseko W Mdlokolo
Name Avinash Lal Ramesh Subbiah
R S Batcha

Date 16.06.2019


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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01


1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 4

3.0 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 4

4.0 GENERAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 5

5.0 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................... 6

6.0 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 7

7.0 METHOD STATEMENT / WORK METHOD .................................................................... 7

8.0 INSPECTION.................................................................................................................. 9

9.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ........................................................................................... 9

10.0 RECORDS...................................................................................................................... 10

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

This Method statement details the procedure of installation & Pull out testing of anchor foundation.

 BPC Technical Specification
 Applicable codes & standards as per contract
 Accepted Design Drawings
 Baseline Risk Assessment
 Approved Technical Data Sheet Approved PQP
 Approved SHE Plan



EC Engineering Consultants

PMO Project Management Office

BPC Botswana Power Corporation

ECO Environmental Control Officer

EMP Environmental Management Plan

ELO Environmental Liaison Officer

EDRC Engineering Design & Research Centre

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SC Subcontractor

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01


 SHE File
 The subcontractor shall be required to comply with all Project SHE aspects in line with the L&T SHEQ
policy, BPC Safety requirements, EIA and EMP recommendations and Project Quality Plan. The
subcontractor shall accede to the mandatory agreement as prescribed by L&T and the following shall
be submitted for review and approval prior to commencement of work;
 Workmen cover/insurance
 Employee competencies
 Employee Identities
 Employee medical certificates
 Project Specific Induction
 PPE issue
 Risk Assessment & Hazard identification
 Risk Assessments & Hazard Identification shall be prepared including mitigation measures, and
responsibility for implementation. This shall be coordinated with site Safety In-charge and attach to
this method statement.
 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment plan showing activity, risk, mitigation measures,
responsibility are prepared to ensure safe working. Activity based HIRA plan is attached in this
method statement.
 Before commencing any work, all permits shall be checked and ensured that they are valid until
completion of activity.
 All works shall be referred to the Drawings and specifications.
 All materials shall be approved, sampled, tested, & accepted (as applicable) by client prior to
incorporation to the work.
 All staff and workmen shall wear Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).
 Toolbox talks shall be conducted every day before commencement of work.
 All personnel shall be cautioned while working near live lines and other services.
 Prior to commencement of activities/works, the entire area shall be barricaded.
 Adequate sign boards shall be kept to forewarn all.
 Accumulated debris shall be cleared from the work site on daily basis.
 It will be ensured that all men working in high-level are wearing necessary safety harness complying
with the safety requirements and following precautionary measures on safety aspects.
 All plant and equipment shall be calibrated and accompanied by the competent operators prior to
commencement of any works.


5.1 Site Manager

 The L&T Site Manager has the overall responsibility for the implementation of this method statement
and ensures that team members and Subcontractors are well aware of the requirements of the Method
Statement. Team members and Sub contractors are to be trained on method statement and records

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

to be kept on file.
 The L&T Site Manager will ensure that the internal resources are available to carry out the works as
scheduled. The L&T Engineer and Subcontractor is responsible for conducting pull out testing as per
method statement/approved drawings and as per Contract Specifications and report completed works
to the Site Manager on a daily basis.
 Ensure latest approved drawing available at site prior to start work. Conduct training and awareness
programs for all personnel deployed for the activity.
 Follow up & Co-ordinate with design engineering team for preparation and approval of drawings.
 Ensure method statement is prepared, established and control measures taken before starting the
work and guiding team for implementation.
 Obtain necessary approval as per contract requirement.

5.2 Site Engineer

 Prepare method statement and ensure approval by customer representative.
 Execute works according to latest approved method statement & accepted drawings. Orient/train the
team to implement the method statements effectively.
 Identify and adopt best practices.
 Maintain related records.
 Co-ordinate with Quality in charge for scheduling inspection.

5.3 Quality Engineer

 Quality Engineer shall review method statements and ensure all requirements are included.
 Inspect the equipment for calibration.
 Prepare & maintain inspection log and records.
 Review Quality Control records and ensure correctness.

5.4 EHS Officer

 Disseminate EHS requirements specific to the activities involved and facilitate implementation.
 Facilitate for work specific Hazard / Aspect Identification, Risk / Impact Assessment. Ensure work is
carried out in safe manner by coordinating with site engineer, subcontractors etc


The following Tools & Equipment shall be used:

 4x4 Vehicle and Transportation of Teams
 Excavator where and when required
 Measuring Equipment
 Compressors and Jack hammers where and when required.
 Crane truck where and when required
 All tools/equipment’s and materials required for backfilling
 All tools/equipment’s and materials required for barricading

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

 PPE & Equipment as per the BPC SHE Specification and L&T SHE Plan


· The test beam supports shall be placed outside the uplift influence zone of the
 foundation to be tested and the distance from the outside of the anchor foundation to
 the test beam support shall not be less than "r".
 r = I tan_
 where:
 I = depth of anchor (or anchor group)
 Ø = frustum angle.
· The maximum design load shall be applied to the anchor foundation during the test in
 appropriate increments to 50%, 75% and 90%, each for a minimum holding period of
 5 minutes and finally, 100% for at least half an hour. Successive load increments shall
 not be applied and the maximum test load shall be held until the rate of movement
 under the acting load has stabilised at a rate of movement not exceeding 2,5mm in 5
 minutes. The maximum test load shall also be held until the rate of movement under
 the applied load has stabilised at a rate of movement not exceeding 2,5mm in 5
 minutes. The foundation will be considered to have passed provided the total
 movement does not exceed 50mm during the entire test period. The residual
 movement, once all load has been removed, must be recorded at the end of the test.
· Anchor tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Supervisor.
· Anchor foundations installed prior to acceptance by the Project Manager of the anchor
 test results will be subject to modification or replacement by the Contractor should the
 anchor fail the test.

3.8.5 Construction proof load tests

Guy anchors
a) The Contractor shall provide equipment on site, during the installation of the guy anchors,
capable of loading the anchor to a load equal to the un-factored foundation reaction for critical
loading conditions.
b) Where instructed by the Supervisor, the Contractor shall apply a construction proof load test
equal to the un-factored foundation reaction for critical loading conditions to the completed
anchors. The method of the load application shall be subject to the Project Manager’s
acceptance. All anchor tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Supervisor.
c) The load shall be applied to the anchor in appropriate increments to 50%, 75%, 90% and 100%
of the proof test load, and then unloaded to 50% and again loaded to 100% of the proof test
load, twice, i.e. during two further cycles of loading. The Contractor shall monitor anchor
movement along the guy slope. Successive load increments shall not be applied until the rate
of creep is less than or equal to 0,5mm/minute. The three cycles of loading from 50% to 100%
shall each be of duration of not less than 5 minutes. The anchor shall be considered acceptable
if the total creep from 50% to 100% load over 3 cycles is less than 15mm. If the creep exceeds
15mm, the anchor shall be modified or replaced by the Contractor and re-tested.
7.1 Excavation & Barricading
 L & T Site Manager/ Engineer together with the subcontractors to identify the correct positions
of the Earthing to be excavated.
 Excavations shall be made to the full dimensions & depth as required using
Excavator/ploughing method.
 Jack hammers may be engaged for earthing work excavation if the underlying strata is soft
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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

rock and / or hard to excavate.

 All open excavation to be barricaded in accordance with the SHE plan and specifications to
prevent any person or animal falling into the pits.

 6.2 Earthing Connection

 Each section of the earth wire shall be separately connected to the tower using galvanized
lugs in order that it can, if required, be disconnected for the purpose of tower footing
resistance measurements. All connections to towers shall be made in an approved drawing.
 Conductive grease to be used for lug bolted to central mast to control the entry of moisture
into joint.

 Step by Step Methodology:-

 In Guy type towers
 Step 0, if the footing resistance is 40 ohms or lower, there is no earthing required.
 Step 1, Basic Earthing: - Earth wire (7/3.25) shall be connected between all anchors & central
mast buried 500mm below ground.
 Step 2, Additional Earthing: - If tower footing resistance not achieved as per below guidance
limit. Earth wire (7/3.25) need to be extended radially outward 15m from all anchors.
 Step 3:- Further if tower footing resistance not achieved as per step 1 & 2 then soil resistivity
survey need to be done then depending on outcome Engineering Consultant & Site Manager
jointly decide what further steps to take such as e.g. installing (additional) earth rods.
 Extended earth wire (i.e. 15m) need to connect with copper earthing rod/ electrode (19mm dia
with 1.5m extendable length) bolted with HDG steel with bituminous sealing tape.
 In self-supporting towers
 Step 0, if the footing resistance is 40 ohms or lower, there is no earthing required.
 Step 1:- Earth wire (7/3.25) of length 15m shall be connected at 2-nos diagonally opposite legs.
 Step 2:- If tower footing resistance not achieved as per below guidance limit then as a part of
additional earthing remaining 2-more legs Earth wire(7/3.25) of length 15m need to be
 Step 3:- Further if tower footing resistance not achieved as per below guidance limit then soil
resistivity survey need to be done then depending on outcome Engineering Consultant & Site
Manager jointly decide what further steps to take such as e.g. installing (additional) earth rods.
 Extended earth wire (i.e. 15m) need to connect with copper earthing rod/ electrode (19mm dia
with 1.5m extendable length) bolted with HDG steel with bituminous sealing tape.
Guidelines of acceptable tower footing resistances not exceeding the values quoted below:-
 General run of the line – 40 ohm
 Terminal structures – 10 ohm
 Second, third and fourth approach towers – 15 ohm.

6.3 Earthing Testing (Ref: Botswana Power Corporation Specification for 420 kV single circuit overhead
transmission line Letlhakane to Mawana Substation and Associated Works item 46 “EARTHING OF
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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

 Measurement of the electrical resistance to earth of each tower before the earth conductor/s
are installed.
 Where counterpoise is installed an electrical resistance reading to earth shall also be taken
after the counterpoise is installed.
 The three-point method is the most thorough and reliable test method; used for measuring
resistance to earth of an installed grounding electrode.
 With a four terminal tester, P1 and C1 terminals on the instrument are jumpered and connected
to the earth electrode under test while the C2 reference rod is driven into the earth straight out as
far from the electrode under test as possible. Potential reference P2 is then driven into the earth, at
a set number of points, roughly on a straight line between C1 and C2. Resistance readings are
logged for each P2 point.
 Correct earth resistance is read from the curve for the distance that is roughly 62% of the total
distance between C1 and C2.
 General prevailing ground conditions (e.g. dry, wet etc.) shall also be recorded when
measuring tower electrical resistances.

3-point (Fall of Potential) method

 Please add that where soil conditions are very dry, at the point of insertion of the probes the
ground at the electrode is to be wetted with water to gets more reliable results/readings.

6.4 Backfilling
 Excavated soil suitable for backfill will be returned to the excavation by backfilling with the
subsoil first and the top soil last.
 The distribution of material shall be such that the compacted material will be homogenous to
secure the best practicable degree of compaction, impermeability, stability and no water
 Material removed from the excavation, which is either not suitable or not required for backfill,
shall be spread evenly over or adjacent to the site.

6.5 Soil resistivity measurement

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

 Soil Resistivity is most necessary when determining the design of the grounding system for
new installations to meet ground resistance requirements. Ideally to find a location with the
lowest possible resistance. As poor soil conditions can be overcome with more elaborate
grounding systems. The soil composition, moisture content, and temperature all impact the
soil resistivity. Soil is rarely homogenous and the resistivity of the soil will vary geographically
and at different soil depths. Moisture content changes seasonally, varies according to the
nature of the sub layers of earth, and the depth of the permanent water table. Since soil and
water are generally more stable at deeper strata, it is recommended that the ground rods be
placed as deep as possible into the earth, at the water table if possible. Also, ground rods
should be installed where there is a stable temperature, i.e. below the frost line. For a
grounding system to be effective, it should be designed to withstand the worst possible
 Calculate soil resistivity: The measuring procedure described below uses the universally
accepted Wenner method. The formula is as follows: ρ = 2 p A R (ρ = the average soil resistivity
to depth A in ohm—cm) p = 3.1416 A = the distance between the electrodes in cm R = the
measured resistance value in ohms from the test instrument.
 Procedure to measure soil resistance: To test soil resistivity, connect the ground tester as
shown below. Four earth ground stakes are positioned in the soil in a straight line, equidistant
from one another. The distance between earth ground stakes should be at least three times
greater than the stake depth. So if the depth of each ground stake is one foot (30 meters), make
sure the distance between stakes is greater than three feet (.91 meters).
 Principle: The Soil resistivity tester generates a known current through the two outer ground
stakes and the drop in voltage potential is measured between the two inner ground stakes.
Using Ohm’s Law (V=IR), the Soil resistivity tester automatically calculates the soil resistance.
By changing the depth and distance several times, a profile is produced that can determine a
suitable ground resistance system.

Setup for soil resistivity testing

 An inspection request shall be submitted to client 1 day prior to scheduled date of inspection.

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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01


 In case of any emergency please contact following:

FIRE 997



77780973 / 77138257

PROJECT SITE MANAGER 76642651 / 74505117 / 77160354

PROJECT ACCT & ADMIN INCHARGE 7594 9320 / 77174190

FIRST AIDER/ STAFF NURSE 74076478 / 74373515 / 74490367




Palapye Primary Hospital, Palapye 733 16941





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9078/13/02-02 - 400kV transmission line Letlhakane – Mawana and Associated work for the
North West Transmission Grid Connection Project
Document Name: Pull-Out Test Method Statement
Document No. PO-9078/13/02-02-TL Rev No. 01

Mmashoro Clinic 4639505

Malatswai 4639561

Dimajwe 4620346

 Document TFR Checking report
 Document Soil resistivity report

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