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SS 532 : 2016

(ICS 13.220; 13.300)


Code of practice for the storage of

flammable liquids
Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1

Published by
SS 532 : 2016
(ICS 13.220; 13.300)


Code of practice for the storage of flammable


ISBN 978-981-4726-27-6
SS 532 : 2016

This Singapore Standard was approved by the Chemical Standards Committee on behalf of the
Singapore Standards Council on 19 January 2016.

First published as CP 40, 1987

First revision and re-designated as SS 532, 2007
Second revision, 2016

The Chemical Standards Committee, appointed by the Standards Council, consists of the following

Name Capacity

Chairman : Dr Keith Carpenter Member, Standards Council

Chairman : Dr Tay Kin Bee Individual Capacity
Secretary 1 : Ms Elane Ng Standards Development Organisation@Singapore
Chemical Industry Council
Secretary 2 : Ms Jillian Chin Standards Development Organisation@Singapore
Chemical Industry Council
Members : Mr Goh Tiak Boon Individual Capacity
Mr Khong Beng Wee Individual Capacity
Mr Terence Koh Singapore Chemical Industry Council Limited
Prof Lee Hian Kee National University of Singapore
Dr Lee Tong Kooi Chemical Metrology Division, Health Sciences
Mr Leong Kwai Yin Individual Capacity
Prof Leung Pak Hing Nanyang Technological University
Mr Lim Eng Kiat Individual Capacity
Mr Lim Kian Chye / Mr Ng Housing & Development Board
Eng Fu
Dr Lim Mong Hoo Individual Capacity
Dr Jerry Liu Jian Lin Singapore Water Association
Dr Loh Wah Sing Individual Capacity
Dr Ng Sek Yeo Singapore Polytechnic
Dr Parry Oei Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Ms Pamela Phua Singapore Paint Industry Association
Mr Seah Khen Hee Individual Capacity
Mr Tan Nguan Sen PUB, the National Water Agency
Ms Suzanna Yap National Environment Agency
Members : Assoc Prof Thomas Liew Individual Capacity
Mr Nee Pai How Individual Capacity
Mr Pitt Kuan Wah Individual Capacity

SS 532 : 2016

The Technical Committee on Petroleum Processes and Products, appointed by the Chemical
Standards Committee, consists of representatives from the following organisations:

Name Capacity

Chairman : Mr Khong Beng Wee Individual Capacity

Secretary : Ms Marianne Chan Standards Development Organisation@Singapore
Chemical Industry Council
Members : Dr Shamsuzzaman National University of Singapore
Mr Goh Seng Woon ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Regional Project Centre
Mr Kho Ho Meng Singapore Chemical Industry Council Limited
Ms Law Man Hiong Sembcorp Industries Ltd (SUT Div)
Ms Elizabeth Lee Setsco Services Pte Ltd
Ms Jacqueline Liew Ministry of Manpower
LTC Ng Geok Meng Singapore Civil Defence Force
Mr Poon Chiew Tuck National Environment Agency
Mr Sin Siang Meng Ivan / Institution of Fire Engineers, Singapore
Mr Koh Soon Chuang
Mr Soh Hong Chow SGS Testing & Control Services Pte Ltd

The Working Group, appointed by the Technical Committee to assist in the preparation of this
standard, comprises the following experts who contribute in their individual capacity:


Convenor : Mr Mak Chee Wah

Secretary : Ms Elane Ng / Ms Tee Ying See
Members : Mr Goh Seng Woon
LTC Han Fook Kuang
Mr Edmund Hoe
Mr Low Teck Lye
Mr Nadarajoo Suppiah
Mr Michael Yan

The organisations in which the experts of the Working Group are involved are:

ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Regional Project Centre
Shell Pulau Bukom Manufacturing Site
Singapore Civil Defence Force
Singapore Refining Company Pte Ltd
Stolthaven Singapore Pte Ltd

SS 532 : 2016

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SS 532 : 2016


Foreword 7
1 Scope 9
2 Normative references 9
3 Definitions 10
4 Minor storage and safety cabinet 16
5 General requirements for package and tank storage 25
6 Package storage and handling 30
7 Storage in tanks 47
8 Piping and tank auxiliaries 64
9 Operations 68
10 Fire-fighting facilities 74

1 Minor storage 17
2 Capacity limit vs type of container 18
3 Design limitation for MAQ 21
4 Groups of packages by quantity and category 36
5 Separation distances for groups to protected place (D1)/on-site facility (D2) 37
6 Separation distances for groups to boundary (D3)/fixed ignition sources (S) 37
7 Size of indoor package store based on type of fire protection system 41
8 Separation distances for Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 storage tank capacity of more
than 3500 m 55
9 Separation distances for storage tank capacity of less than 3500 m 58
10 Foam systems 80
11 Number of fire extinguishers 84

1 Illustration of site definitions 15
2 Separation distances between minor storages 19
3 Section elevation 22
4(a) Fire safety cabinet within a non-sprinkler protected building 24
4(b) Fire safety cabinet within a sprinkler protected building 25
5 Transit storage 27
6(a) Typical package stores – External detached store without wall 31
6(b) Typical package stores – External detached store with wall(s) 32
6(c) Typical package stores – External attached store sharing wall(s) 32

SS 532 : 2016

6(d) Typical package stores – Internal store 32

6(e) Typical package stores – Fire separated stores 33
7(a) Outdoor storage with factory premises – Option 1 39
7(b) Outdoor storage with factory premises – Option 2 40
8(a) Stores having opposite external sides open 44
8(b) Stores having one external side open 44
8(c) Stores having one external wall with natural vents 44
8(d) Stores having one external side open and vents in adjacent or opposite external walls 45
8(e) A store having vents in one pair of opposite external walls 45
9(a) Illustration of terms relating to various tank locations – all categories 47
9(b) Illustration of terms relating to various tanks locations – Category 4 flammable
liquids only 48
10 Bund location limits 57
11 Use of fire wall for reduction of separation distances 59
12(a) Acceptable layout 59
12(b) Unacceptable layout 59

SS 532 : 2016


This Singapore Standard Code of Practice was prepared by the Working Group appointed by the
Technical Committee on Petroleum Processes and Products under the direction of the Chemical
Standards Committee.

This is a revision of SS 532 : 2007. In this revision, the changes include the following:

 Exclusion of laboratories (including storage area solely supporting operations of laboratories) and
petrol service stations from the scope of this standard;

 Insertion of new Table 2 Capacity limit vs type of container;

 Insertion of new Subclause 4.2.2 Maximum Allowable Quantity (MAQ) in Building and new Table
3 Design limitation for MAQ for better clarity on MAQ based on classification of materials;

 Changes in 4.2.5 Non-sprinkler protected area and 4.2.6 Sprinkler protected area to provide more
design options;

 Changes of Table 4 Groups of packages by quantity and category and Table 5 Separation
distances for groups to protected place/on-site facility;

 Insertion of new Subclause 7.10.7 Leak detection;

 Insertion of new Subclause 8.2 Pump station to ensure that fire is compartmentalised to prevent
fire spread to a larger surface area;

 Changes to 8.3.3 Fuel transfer pipe from outside storage tank to a service tank inside a building
to be applicable for Category 4 liquids only;

 Changes to 9.2.7 Leakage and spillage to ensure early leak detection;

 Changes to 9.2.12 Heated storage to include recommended action to be taken;

 Insertion of new requirements in 10.5 Fire pumps to illustrate good practice;

 Insertion of a new requirement in 10.6 Hydrant system to address large flammable liquid storage
tank area;

 Insertion of a new requirement for fire alarm system and outdoor audible warning devices in 10.10
Emergency warning and communication.

The objective of the standard is to provide guidance and best practices for the safety of persons and
the prevention of damage to property when storing or handling flammable liquids. It covers storage
and handling of flammable liquids in installations but does not include their transportation.

The revised edition is aligned with the current regulatory authorities, emergency response services,
environmental requirements and local publications/standards as well as the United Nations guidelines
on GHS.

This standard does not override any statutory requirements but should be used in conjunction with
such requirements. It is expected to be used by the relevant Authorities as part of the fire and safety
requirements. In the event a flammable liquid is being regulated/administered by more than one
regulatory bodies/agencies, the more stringent requirement applies.

SS 532 : 2016

The users of this standard is responsible to carry out their respective risk assessment in order to
identify any possible gaps or enhancement works for improvement. Additional fire safety provisions
and mitigation measures may be required to put in place, and be integrated as one system. The users
of this standard shall consult the Relevant Authorities to ensure the overall proposals are acceptable
and to address all specific concerns at the time of consultation.

In preparing this Singapore Standard, reference was made to the following publications:

1. Australian Standard AS 1940 : 2004, The storage and handling of flammable and
incorporating its amendment No. 1 combustible liquids

2. South African National Standard SANS The petroleum industry, Part 1 : Storage and
10089-1 : 2008 distribution of petroleum products in above-ground
bulk installations

3. National Fire Protection Association Flammable and combustible liquids code

NFPA No. 30 : 2012 Edition

4. ‘Guidelines on storage of flammable & combustible liquids in aboveground atmospheric storage

tanks’, 1991 edition by Oil and Petrochemical Industry Technical & Safety Committee (OPITSC)
and the former Singapore Joint Civil Defence Forces

5. ‘Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)’, Revision 5,

2013 by United Nations

Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from these publications.

At the time of publication, this standard is expected to be used by petrochemical plants, refineries, oil
storage facilities, facilities processing or storing flammable and combustible liquids,
associations/institutions of fire engineers, professional engineers and safety officers as well as related
government agencies.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. Enterprise Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.

SS 532 : 2016

Code of practice for the storage of flammable liquids

1 Scope
This Singapore Standard sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and
handling of flammable liquids, as classified in the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), listed in the Chapter of Flammable Liquids. The
standard covers flammable liquids of Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 as classified in GHS. In addition, the
standard also covers liquids of flash point up to 150 °C.

This standard does not apply to the following:

(a) Shipboard installations;

(b) Any storage that is mobile (fuel tanks and tankers, ISO tanks and tankers), except as defined
for transit storage purpose;

(c) Any plant or equipment in which liquid is processed, together with any vessels which form an
integral part of the processing plant or equipment;

(d) Bitumen and its mixtures prepared for road-making;

(e) Flammable liquids stored in a tank exceeding 175 millibar above atmospheric pressure;

(f) Liquefied gases that are maintained in the liquid phase for storage by means of pressure or

(g) Laboratories (including storage area solely supporting laboratories operations); and

(h) Petrol service stations.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

API SPEC 6FA Fire test for valves

API STD 650 Welded steel tanks for oil storage

API STD 2000 Venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks – Non refrigerated and

API RP 2003 Protection against ignitions arising out of static, lightning and stray currents

ASTM D5 Standard test method for penetration of bituminous materials

BS EN 12266-1 Industrial valves. Testing of valves. Pressure tests, test procedures and
acceptance criteria. Mandatory requirements

BS EN 12266-2 Industrial valves. Testing of valves. Tests, test procedures and acceptance
criteria. Supplementary requirements

CP 52 Code of practice for automatic fire sprinkler system

SS 532 : 2016

IEC 60079 Explosive atmospheres

NFPA 11 Standard for low-, medium-, and high-expansion foam

NFPA 30 Flammable and combustible liquids code

SS 508 Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs

SS 555 Code of practice for protection against lightning

SS 568 Code of practice for confined spaces

SS 578 Code of practice for use and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers

SS 586-2 Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and

dangerous goods – Part 2 : Globally harmonised system of classification
and labelling of chemicals – Singapore’s adaptations

SS 593 Code of practice for pollution control


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