Safety: Road Safety Analysis of Urban Roads: Case Study of An Italian Municipality
Safety: Road Safety Analysis of Urban Roads: Case Study of An Italian Municipality
Safety: Road Safety Analysis of Urban Roads: Case Study of An Italian Municipality
Road Safety Analysis of Urban Roads: Case Study of
an Italian Municipality
Francesca Demasi, Giuseppe Loprencipe and Laura Moretti *
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, 00184 Rome,
Italy; [email protected] (F.D.); [email protected] (G.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-06-4458-5114
Received: 4 October 2018; Accepted: 14 November 2018; Published: 1 December 2018
Abstract: Attention to the most vulnerable road users has grown rapidly over recent decades.
The experience gained reveals an important number of fatalities due to accidents in urban branch
roads. In this study, an analytical methodology for the calculation of urban branch road safety is
proposed. The proposal relies on data collected during road safety inspections; therefore, it can be
implemented even when historical data about traffic volume or accidents are not available. It permits
us to identify geometric, physical, functional, and transport-related defects, and elements which
are causal factors of road accidents, in order to assess the risk of death or serious injuries for users.
Traffic volume, average speed, and expected consequences on vulnerable road users in case of an
accident allow us to calculate both the level of danger of each homogeneous section which composes
the road, and the hazard index of the overall branch. A case study is presented to implement the
proposed methodology. The strategy proposed by the authors could have a significant impact on the
risk management of urban roads, and could be used in decision-making processes to design safer
roads and improve the safety of existing roads.
Keywords: road safety; road defects; urban branch road; index risk; road safety inspection
1. Introduction
User safety is one of the most important issues in road design. The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) demonstrated that in the last two decades, the trend of
road accidents is not positive all over the world [1]. The problem is serious, as confirmed by the
attention given to it at international level [2]. The United Nations General Assembly declared the years
2011–2020 as a Decade of Action for Road Safety [3]. At the European level, the trend of road fatalities
since 2001 appears not to be compliant with the Road Safety Program pursued by the European
Commission, which aims at halving road casualties by 2020 [4].
A non-negligible rate of road accidents (73% in Italy according to [5]) occurs in urban areas, where
externalities of motorized traffic (e.g., congestion, noise, and pollution) encourage the use of “soft
mobility” [6,7]. In such conditions, different users and different vehicles share urban road spaces [8,9].
In the literature, several studies demonstrated that pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists are the most
vulnerable users in urban areas [10–12].
In order to prevent accidents and reduce their consequences on people, the system composed of
drivers, vehicles, the environment, and roads should be investigated [8]. According to several studies
available in the literature, most accidents are caused by bad behavior of drivers, i.e., the only ones
capable of adapting their behavior towards non-living components [13,14]. However, it has been
observed that the incorrect design or management of road infrastructure can induce bad behavior
or failure to appreciate risk [15–18]. Therefore, in order to maximize on-going safety efforts, it is
necessary to analyze each component of the road system and evaluate its effect on road safety.
To this end, the European Directive 2008/96/EC [19] on the safety management of road infrastructure
establishes management procedures ensuring the safety of road networks. It defines four basic tools
for road safety management: Road Safety Impact Assessment, Road Safety Audit, Safety Ranking and
Management of the Road Network in Operation, and Road Safety Inspections. These activities work
on planning, design, and management of both constructed and to-be-constructed roads included in
the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). Some Member States transposed the Directive as
a code of good practice also for their national roads which are not included in TEN-T. For example,
in Italy, the transposition acts [20,21] advised authorities to implement a road infrastructure safety
management network composed of four phases: analysis, inspection, classification, and intervention.
Particularly, Road Safety Inspections (RSI) should be carried out on existing roads in order to detect
infrastructure elements/defects which could increase the rates of traffic conflicts and exacerbate their
negative consequences.
Moreover, interesting and effective actions have been developed to promote tools and procedures
in EU member states and in other countries [22–25].
The European Road Assessment Program (EuroRAP) has been developed by European road
authorities to assess the risk to car occupants and highlight sections with the highest risk of death and
serious injury [26]. It is based on objective variables: crash types and seriousness, distance and type of
roadside obstacles, speed, and traffic level of the road.
In the USA, the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) provides standardized and accurate
methods for the estimation of both crash frequency or severity for urban roads and the effects of road
safety measures [27,28].
The New Zealand Transport Agency developed the procedure Road Infrastructure Safety
Assessment to monitor road safety performances. Cross section, alignment, surface conditions, access
ways, and statistical data on crashes are the examined variables [29]. Moreover, in New Zealand,
procedures for Safety Audit of Existing Roads (SAER) allowed for the development of an empirical
measure of safety according to a subjective scale depending on the relative hazard frequency and the
crash severity probability [30].
In recent years, much research has analyzed the results from statistical data and RSI to evaluate
safety condition towards physical components of road-system [31–33]. The proposed methods permits
us to assess, at section and branch level, the current level of safety for the most vulnerable users,
to identify the most critical conditions, and to implement correct strategic decisions [34]. The authors
propose an original analytical model which is useful to assess the risk of road accidents in existing
urban roads. The model relies on data collected during RSIs (e.g., geometric characteristics, road
signs, and urban furniture, users’ categories); therefore, it can be implemented even when historical
data about traffic volume or accidents are not available. The value of applying this technique in
the risk assessment of a specific urban branch road lies in the possibility of identifying the critical
defects related to potential accidents which cause deaths or serious injury. This, in turn, provides the
information required by the road management body to adopt a strategy in order to adopt mitigation
strategies and protect citizens’ well-being. The proposed method allows for an objective assessment of
the risk level, and the numerical results of the analysis are comparable to a target level of risk to be
defined during the analysis. Moreover, the method permits authorities to define guidelines for road
design with the aim of creating safer roads for all types of users.
2. Methods
In this study, the authors proposed an innovative quantitative approach to assess the Branch Index
Risk (BIR) and the Section Index Risk (SIR) of existing urban roads considering their geometry, layout,
users, and traffic. BIR assesses the overall risk of road accidents in urban branch roads: the higher
BIR value, the lower the safety along the examined infrastructure stretch. Therefore, the value of BIR
depends on the Section Factor Risk (SFRj,r ) of each homogeneous section j which composes the branch r.
Each homogeneous section is 100 m ± 20%-long: road branches are considered homogeneous if they
Safety 2018, 4, 58 3 of 16
have uniform/homogeneous attributes related to physical and operating conditions (i.e., accident
rate, geometric layout, composition of cross section, traffic spectrum, average operating speed) [35].
This approach allows for the comparison of “density” of hazardous elements/defects between different
(short) sections whose length is suited to the considered urban context. Moreover, it gives good results
in terms of fitting the safety performance of road sections, as confirmed by Cafiso et al. [36].
SFRj,r takes into account both the general characteristics of r (i.e., type and frequency of hazardous
elements/defects, expected damage on vulnerable road users, and traffic level), and all n elements
which affect the dangerousness of j. Equation (1), which complies with an approach recently proposed
to analyze and plan maintenance of road safety barriers [32], allows us to calculate SFRj,r :
Given SFRj,r , the corresponding value of SIR can be calculated according to Equation (2)
where SIRj,r is the Section Index Risk of the section j belonging to r, and SFRmax,r is the highest value of
SFRr by attributing the maximum values to defects found on r.
Therefore, SFRj,r depends on the detected road elements/defects and the road users of the section
j, and SIRj,r depends on the comparison between the attributed and the maximum values of K1i , K2i ,
K3 , K4i , and K5i .
Similarly, the Branch Index Risk BIRr can be calculated according to Equation (3):
where Rr is the sum of the SIRj,r of m sections which compose the road branch r given by Equation (4)
where Rmax,r is the reference value of the Risk Factor given by Equation (5)
Similar to SIRj,r , BIRr depends on the attributed values of K1i , K2i , K3 , K4i , and K5i , and on the
defects found along r. Both SIRj,r and BIRr range between 0 and 1.
The implementation of the proposed method requires road inspections to identify and categorize
elements and/or defects of infrastructure which could cause accidents. The authors identified
9 categories of elements/defects: geometry (G), cross-section (C); private access (A); pavement (P);
lighting (L); road signs (S); intersection (J); urban furniture (F); and stopping (ST). The attribution
of possible values of K1i , K2i , K4i , and K5i , and Bi required interviewing technicians from different
backgrounds, as well as academic experts in the fields of roads (both geometry and safety), urban
planning, transport management, and human health. Eight road engineers, eight urbanists, seven
traffic managers, and six traumatologists were interviewed. The authors defined, for each variable,
Safety 2018, 4, 58 4 of 16
the maximum and minimum value, then each technician attributed the values within the established
ranges. Finally, the geometric mean has been used to aggregate individual judgements.
Table 1 lists the priority factors K1 for each category.
Category Code K1
Geometry G 0.9
Cross-section C 1.0
Private access A 0.9
Pavement P 0.8
Lighting L 0.5
Road signs S 0.7
Intersection J 1.0
Urban furniture F 0.6
Stopping ST 0.4
Taken together, the authors identified 55 road elements/defects which can cause accidents. Their
base values Bi satisfy Equation (6) and are listed in Table 2. Road layout and geometry were evaluated
against the Italian standards and recommendations about the geometric and functional characteristics
of roads [37] and intersections [38], road infrastructure safety management [21], and road lighting [39].
These standards were considered as references to identify “not compliant” conditions, and to assign
the Bi values.
1 ≤ Bi ≤ 4 (6)
K2i depends on the observed traffic condition of vulnerable users (i.e., pedestrians, cyclists, and
motorcyclists) which are exposed to the risk induced by defect i. The Highway Capacity Manual [40]
suggests performing surveys during a 15 min count period in order to obtain the traffic volume data.
The authors observed the traffic flow when weather conditions were not an obstacle to traffic, and
when all work- and school-related activities were ongoing. Finally, they calculated K2i according to
Equation (7).
K2i = KPi × KCi × KMi (7)
where KPi , KCi , and KMi depend on the pedestrian, cyclist, and motorcyclist flow, respectively. Their
values satisfy Equations (8)–(10), and depend on the traffic volume observed along the overall examined
branches, if the analysis involves a road network.
Particularly, having considered all the examined branches, the average hourly flow of cyclists and
motorcyclists (ACF and AMF, respectively), and their standard deviation (DCF and DMF, respectively)
are calculated. Finally, these values are compared to the hourly flow of cyclists and motorcyclists (ACFr
and AMFr , respectively) and the standard deviations (DCFr and DMFr , respectively) of the examined
branch r in order to calculate KCi and KMi , respectively (Table 3).
Safety 2018, 4, 58 5 of 16
Description Code Bi
Geometry: low planimetric radius; not enough stopping sight distance G1 3
Geometry: steep longitudinal slope G2 3
Carriageway: narrow lane width C1 1
Carriageway: missing shoulder C2 2
Carriageway: narrow shoulder width C3 1
Carriageway: median not appropriate C4 2
Carriageway: missing sidewalk C5 4
Carriageway: narrow sidewalk (less than 0.5 m-wide) C6 2
Carriageway: irregular sidewalk pavement C7 1
Carriageway: distressed sidewalk pavement induces pedestrians to use the carriageway C8 4
Carriageway: missing waiting area at bus stops C9 4
Carriageway: narrow waiting area at bus stops C10 2
Carriageway: missing pedestrian connections to and from the bus stop C11 3
Carriageway: missing accessible connections to and from the bus stop C12 2
Carriageway: pedestrian crossing without ramps C13 2
Carriageway: ramps not aligned to pedestrian crossing C14 2
Carriageway: missing pedestrian crossing C15 4
Carriageway: more than 12 m-long crossing C16 4
Carriageway: distressed pavement at pedestrian crossing C17 2
Carriageway: lack of visibility (both at pedestrian crossing or not) C18 4
Carriageway: missing tactile paths C19 2
Carriageway: not appropriate tactile paths C20 1
Carriageway: missing cycle path C21 3
Carriageway: narrow cycle path C22 2
Private access: not compliant position A1 2
Private access: lack of visibility A2 3
Private access: lack of ramps A3 1
Pavement: irregular pavement P1 3
Pavement: joint faulting and drainage distress P2 2
Pavement: tram crossing P3 2
Pavement: inefficient drainage system P4 3
Pavement: missing drainage system P5 2
Lighting: missing lighting system L1 4
Lighting: inefficient drainage system L2 2
Road signs: missing horizontal road markings S1 4
Road signs: not complete horizontal road markings S2 3
Road signs: not compliant horizontal road markings S3 3
Road signs: missing roadside signs S4 4
Road signs: not visible roadside signs S5 3
Road signs: not complete roadside signs S6 2
Road signs: not compliant roadside signs S7 3
Road signs: missing traffic light S8 4
Road signs: wrong phases of traffic light S9 3
Road signs: wrong installation of traffic light S10 2
Road signs: not visible traffic light S11 2
Intersection: lack of visibility J1 4
Intersection: missing reserved lane J2 3
Intersection: hazardous maneuvers J3 3
Intersection: missing weaving section J4 3
Urban furniture: not compliant safety barriers F1 3
Urban furniture: missing safety barriers F2 4
Urban furniture: urban furniture forces pedestrians to use carriageway F3 2
Urban furniture: lack of visibility at intersection due to urban furniture F4 4
Urban furniture: urban furniture occupies shoulder and/or lane F5 3
Urban furniture: missing maintaining greenery at roadside F6 1
Stopping: illegal parking ST1 1
Safety 2018, 4, 58 6 of 16
The motorized traffic factor K3 depends on the observed volume of motorized vehicles along the
surveyed stretch. According to [41–44], the authors assumed that the higher their average speed, the
greater the danger of exposure for vulnerable users. Therefore, the values of K3 in Table 4 depend
on the typical observed traffic fluidity and the number of daylight hours with congested traffic flow.
The term “congested flow” complies with the methodology proposed by [45] to evaluate the level of
service of an urban arterial: this condition occurs when the percentage speed reduction from free flow
speed appears greater than 50%.
The hazardousness factor K4i depends on the expected fatality induced by the defect i on
vulnerable road users. It is calculated according to Equation (11)
where K4Vi and K4Pi refer to expected consequences on motorized vehicle users (both drivers and
passengers), and non-motorized users (pedestrians and cyclists), respectively. Their values satisfy
Equations (12) and (13), and are listed in Table 5.
The established ranges for K4Vi and K4Pi take into account that at the same speed, consequences
on vulnerable users are higher than on users of motorized vehicles. On the road, vulnerable users
conflict with vehicles with larger dimensions and masses; cyclists and pedestrians clearly constitute
the “unprotected” element, and they are more exposed in the event of an accident, as confirmed by [46].
Indeed, Wramborg defined probability curves to represent the fatality risk versus collision speed
when a motorized vehicle collides with a vulnerable user, or frontal or hard object collision occurs to
motorized vehicles.
K5i is the extension factor of each element i found along j. According to Table 6, it considers both
surveyed continuous and discrete elements/defects.
Type of
Condition Level of Extension K5 Values
Element/defect i is along less than one-third of section length Low 1.0
Continuous Element/defect i is along more than one-third and less than two-thirds
Medium 1.5
of section length
Element/defect i is along more than two-thirds of section length High 2.0
1 element/defect i is along the examined section Low 1.5
Discrete 2 elements/defects i are along the examined section Medium 2.0
More than 2 elements/defects i are along the examined section High 2.5
Given the above procedures, it is possible to simulate values of BIRs and define appropriate
classes of risk. To this end, the authors considered six probabilistic classes of risk level, as usually
done for transport infrastructure risk assessment [47–53]. The definition of ranges for each class
requires a significant number of monitored branches. Monte Carlo simulations were used to generate
a distribution of simulated BIRs obtained from randomly-assigned values of the proposed variables.
Therefore, the Monte Carlo technique gave a virtual sample useful to study the statistical variability
of BIR, assuming that the virtual sample was comparable to the real (surveyed) one. According
to the Central Limit Theorem [54], as the number of samples from any population increases, the
probability distribution of the means will approach a normal distribution. Therefore, it was possible to
compare the distribution of simulated BIRs to a Gaussian distribution. Figure 1 shows the results from
3000 simulations, and it compares the simulated and analytical frequency curves: the former derives
from the Monte Carlo simulation, the latter represents the Gaussian curve [55].
Figure 2 compares the cumulative frequency curves of the simulated and analytical distributions:
their trend confirms the appropriateness of the procedure.
Safety 2018, 4, x 8 of 16
Safety 2018, 4, 58 8 of 16
Safety 2018, 4, x 8 of 16
simulated results
Gaussian curve
Relative frequency 0.05
simulated results
Gaussian curve
Relative frequency
Figure 1. Comparison between simulated and analytical relative frequency curves.
Figure 2 compares the cumulative frequency curves of the simulated and analytical
their trend confirmsbetween
1. Comparison
Comparison the appropriateness of the procedure.
simulated and analytical relative frequency curves.
Figure 2 compares the cumulative frequency curves of the simulated and analytical
distributions: their trend confirms the appropriateness of the procedure.
0.8 Simulated curve
0.5 Gaussian curve
0.3 Simulated curve
0.5 Gaussian curve
0.095 0.195 0.295 0.395 0.495 0.595
Figure Comparison0.195
2. Comparison 0.295and analytical
between simulated 0.395 0.495
cumulative frequency 0.595
Table 77 lists
six six classes
classes of BIR, BIR, minimum
of their their minimum and maximum
and maximum values,
values, and and
chromatic categorization.
Figure 2. Comparison between simulated and analytical cumulative frequency curves.
The proposed method could be applied by policy and decision makers when they have to
The urban
proposedroad safety could
method because it provides
be applied resultsand
by policy that could be
decision used when
makers to critically approach
they have this
to manage
urban sector
road whose
safety impacts
because are economic,
it provides social,
results that couldand environmental.
be used to critically Indeed,
approach input data are
this strategic
available to a road management body, and the presented method is comprehensive
sector whose impacts are economic, social, and environmental. Indeed, input data are available to aand versatile;
road it may be
management applied
body, to different
and the presentedurban
methodscenarios varying theand
is comprehensive examined variables
versatile; andit their
therefore, may
be applied to different urban scenarios varying the examined variables and their factors.
3. Case Study
The proposed methodology has been applied on multiple branches totaling 50 km together in
an Italian municipality in order to assess their BIR values. All the roads had the same classification:
parking spaces and sidewalks
two-lane urban roads with parking sidewalks on both
both sides
sides (Figure
(Figure 3).
3). Their
Their maximum
was 50
allowable speed was 50 km/h.
Figure 3. Cross-section
Figure 3. Cross-section of
of the
the examined
examined urban
urban roads.
For the
the sake
sake of brevity, in
of brevity, in this
this study,
study, the
the authors
authors present
present the
the most
most interesting
interesting and critical roads,
and critical roads,
where users have to perform crucial and dangerous maneuvers (e.g., intersections
where users have to perform crucial and dangerous maneuvers (e.g., intersections without traffic without traffic
lights, poor
poorvisibility, many
visibility, conflict
many points).points).
conflict Table 8 summarizes geometric and
Table 8 summarizes technical and
geometric characteristics
of the selected roads: they are 7 branches (i.e., ROAD1 to ROAD7) with similar
characteristics of the selected roads: they are 7 branches (i.e., ROAD1 to ROAD7) with similar geometric and
traffic characteristics.
geometric and traffic characteristics.
Table 8. Characteristics of the selected roads.
Table 8. Characteristics of the selected roads.
Most Frequently
Branch Total
Total Length (m) Number of Sections Minimum SIR (%)Maximum
Length Maximum SIRSIR (%)Most Frequently Detected
Branch Number of Sections Minimum SIR (%) Detected Base Values
(m) (%) Base Values
ROAD1 1700 17 32.3 59.8 2
1700 1400
17 14
32.3 8.1
59.8 61.7
ROAD3 1400 550 14 5 8.1 18.5 61.7 31.1 33
ROAD4 550 2000 5 20 18.5 15.0 31.1 30.0 32
ROAD4 2000 650 20 6 15.0 4.8 30.0 26.2 23
ROAD5 650 2450 6 25 4.8 6.1 26.2 30.6 33
ROAD6 2450 1400 25 14 6.1 0.0 30.6 31.21 33
ROAD7 1400 14 0.0 31.21 3
Figure 4a to f show some of the most frequently-detected defects: irregular pavement, narrow
sidewalk, 4a to f show somesystem,
lighting of the most
furniture occupiesdefects: irregular
shoulder and/orpavement, narrow
lane, pedestrian
crossing inefficient lighting
ramps, system,
and not visibleurban
traffic furniture occupies shoulder and/or lane, pedestrian
light, respectively.
crossing without ramps, and not visible traffic light, respectively.
Safety 2018, 4, 58 10 of 16
Safety 2018, 4, x 10 of 16
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 4. 4.
MostMost frequentlydetected
frequently detecteddistresses.
(a) Irregular
Irregular pavement
pavementP1 P1(B
(Bi i==3);3);(b) Narrow
(b) Narrow sidewalk
C6C6(Bi (B = 2);
= i2); (c) (c) Inefficient
Inefficient lighting
lighting system
system L2 L2
(Bi (B = 2);
= i2); (d) (d) Urban
Urban furniture
furniture occupies
occupies shoulder
shoulder and/or
and/or lane
F5(B i = F5(B
3); i = Pedestrian
(e) 3); (e) Pedestrian crossing
crossing without
without ramps ramps
C13 C13
(B i =(B i =(f)
2); 2); (f)
Not Not visible
visible traffic
traffic light
light S11S11
(B i
= =
i 2).
Safety 2018, 4, 58 11 of 16
Safety 2018, 4, x 11 of 16
Safety 2018, 4, x 11 of 16
bargraph in Figure
graph in 5 represents, in descending BIRs (i.e.,
order,order, blue bars) tobars)
them The
to thebar
accident in Figure
55 represents,
(i.e., orange
in descending
retrieved byorder,
BIRss (i.e.,
authors (i.e.,
the bars)
compare them to
compare themdatabase the accident
to the accident density
density (AD) (i.e.,
(AD) (i.e., orange
orange bars) retrieved by the authors from the
bars) retrieved by the authors from the
Italian of occurred accidents [56].
Italian statistical
statistical geo-referenced
geo-referenced database
database ofof occurred
occurred accidents
accidents [56].
100 45
100 45
90 40
90 40
80 35
80 35
70 30
60 25
50 25
50 20
40 20
30 15
20 10
20 10
10 5
10 5
0 0
0 0
BIR (%) AD (accident/km/year) Critical Very high High Moderate Low
BIR (%) AD (accident/km/year) Critical Very high High Moderate Low
Comparison of BIR
BIR values and
and accident
accident density
Figure 5. Comparison of
Figure of BIR values
values and accident density for different roads.
InIn Figure
InFigure 5,aaagood
good correlation
goodcorrelation between
correlation between
between the data from
the data from surveys
from surveys and
surveys and the
and thestatistical
the statisticaldata
statistical dataabout
data about
accidents appears:
appears: the the higher
the higher
higher thethe accident
the accident
accident densitydensity (AD),
(AD), the
(AD), the greater
the greater the
greater the BIR
the BIR values.
BIR values. ROAD1
values. ROAD1and
ROAD1 and
ROAD2 have
have thethe highest
highest values
values of of
both both
and and
ROAD2 have the highest values of both BIR and AD. ROAD5 does not comply with this point does
not not
comply comply
with with
this this
point point
AD because
and BIR
because AD and
and BIR
ADvalues BIR values
refer refer
refer to
to different
values different
different conditions.
toconditions. Indeed, AD
conditions. Indeed,
refers AD
Indeed, refers
to 2015,
AD to
to 2015,
referswhile while
2015, to
obtain BIR
surveys to
occurred BIR
in occurred
2017, after in 2017,
safety after
works safety
carried works
out incarried
2016. out in
Therefore, 2016.
obtain BIR occurred in 2017, after safety works carried out in 2016. Therefore, ROAD5 has been Therefore,
been has
removed been
removed of from
from analysis
analysis of
of correlation
between between
road defects
correlation between androad
road defects
accidents and
and accidents
order to define
accidents in
in order to
to define
order (14):Equation
define Equation
AD = 2 BIR + 9.6 (14)
AD == 22 BIR
BIR ++ 9.6
9.6 (14)
Moreover,the the analysis
analysisof of SIR
SIRj,rj,r allowed for the identification
allowed identification of of the
the most
j,r allowed for the identification of the most hazardous sections
according to to Table
Table 7. 7. Figure
Figure 6 6 shows
shows the the results
results obtained
obtained for for ROAD7.
according to Table 7. Figure 6 shows the results obtained for ROAD7. Its risk map is in Figure Its Its
risk risk
map map
is in is in
Figure Figure
7, 7,
it where
is it
possible is possible
to identify to identify
sections sections
4 and 7 4 and
(i.e., 7 (i.e.,
orange orange
and and
yellow yellow
where it is possible to identify sections 4 and 7 (i.e., orange and yellow bars, respectively). bars, respectively).
j j(%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of section
Number of section
SIR Critical Very high High Moderate Low
SIR Critical Very high High Moderate Low
Defect Code
Bi Bi K1i K2i= =KKP K K333 K4i K5i SFR4,ROAD7
Defect Defect Code Code BKi 1i K1i KK2i 2i = K
5i 4,ROAD7
Missing sidewalk C5 4 1 1.5 2.5 5.0 1.5 112.50
sidewalk sidewalk C5 4
C5 41 1 1.5
1.5 2.5
2.5 1.5 112.50112.50
Hazardous maneuvers maneuvers J3 J3
3 31 1 1.01.0 2.5
2.5 3.0 1.5 33.75
Hazardous maneuvers J3 3 1 1.0 2.5 1.5 33.75 33.75
Narrow sidewalk
sidewalk (less than(less than 0.5 m-wide)
0.5 m-wide) C6 C6
2 21 1 1.51.5 2.5
2.5 2.5 93.75 93.75
Narrow sidewalk radius
Low planimetric (less than 0.5 m-wide)G1 C6
3 20.9 1 1.5 2.5 2.5 93.75 42.19
Low planimetric radius G1 3 0.9 1.0 1.0 2.5
2.5 2.5 2.5 42.19
Not visible planimetric
vertical road signsradius S5 G1
3 30.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 2.5
1.5 1.5 42.19 23.63
Not visible vertical road signs S5 3 0.7 1.0 1.5 3.0 1.5 23.63
PrivateNot visible
access: lack vertical road signs A2
of visibility S5
3 30.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.5
2.5 1.5 23.63 25.31
Private access: lack of visibility A2 3 0.9 1.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 25.31
Private access: lack of visibility A2 3 0.9 1.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 25.31
Figure 8a,b
8a,b represent
represent two
two surveyed
Figure 8a,b represent two surveyed conditions which belong to Section n.4.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Section
Figure Sectionn.4
example of of
surveyed conditions.
surveyed (a) Low
conditions. planimetric
(a) Low radius
planimetric G1 (BG1
radius i =
Figure 8. Section n.4 of ROAD7: example of surveyed conditions. (a) Low planimetric radius G1 (Bi =
3);i =
(B (b)3);Hazardous maneuver
(b) Hazardous J3 (BiJ3= (B
maneuver 3).i = 3).
3); (b) Hazardous maneuver J3 (Bi = 3).
The showed
showed elements
elements could could cause
cause rear-end
rear-end collisions
collisions (Figure
(Figure 8a),
8a), and
and head-on
head-on and
and lateral
The showed
collisions elements could cause rear-end collisions (Figure 8a), and head-on andare
collisions (Figure 8b) along the examined section. Details about geo-referenced accidents are not
(Figure 8b) along the examined section. Details about geo-referenced accidents not
collisions therefore,
available; (Figure 8b) along the examined section. Details about geo-referenced accidents are not
available; therefore, itit is
is not
defects/elements and
and type
type of
of accidents:
accidents: it
it is
desirable therefore,
these it is not
data possible
remain open to correlate
for further type of defects/elements and type of accidents: it is
desirable that these data remain open for further investigation.
desirable that these data remain open for further investigation.
Safety 2018, 4, 58 13 of 16
The implementation of the proposed methodology allows the management body to identify and
make decisions about the strategic priorities for interventions of safety improvement at section and
branch levels: geometric, functional, and traffic data of the branches contribute to the assessment
of the accident risk for vulnerable users. Indeed, the results are numerical and synthetic, and in
decision-making processes, they could allow the management body to identify and to determine the
strategic priorities about urban road safety.
Moreover, the proposed model could be modified to assess the index risk of urban intersections.
Indeed, the proposed procedure could be modified (e.g., modification of the extension factor), and new
relevant coefficients could be calibrated. Finally, the implementation of the approach both at section
and at intersection levels could permit us to pursue a network-level approach.
4. Conclusions
The road transport sector is currently adopting growing measures to prevent accidents and reduce
their consequences on people, especially on the most vulnerable users (e.g., pedestrians and cyclists).
This paper presents a quantitative risk analysis of deaths and serious injuries caused by urban
road accidents. The study proposed a methodology based on the visual inspection to interpret the
results from Road Safety Inspections on urban roads, to quantify the safety conditions, and to direct
the competent bodies towards the most appropriate interventions.
The method depends on the assumed ranges of variables and risk classes, as well as on the values
attributed to the variables used for calculating the hazard index of examined homogeneous road
sections and branches. Therefore, both the Section Index Risk (SIR) and the Branch Index Risk (BIR)
depend on geometric, functional, physical, and environmental defects or elements which are potential
source of road accidents. These factors are then related to the involved vulnerable road users and
to existing traffic flows to assess the current levels of risk. The categorization of these values into
six levels of risk allows the identification of the most severe conditions and the prioritization of road
safety works.
The results from surveying 50 km of roads in an Italian municipality demonstrated the good
performance of the proposed tool in identifying, planning, and scheduling all the work required for
improving urban road safety, because it is sensitive to improvements of infrastructure.
Moreover, the proposed methodology has both a diagnostic purpose, in order to evaluate whether
there may be a correlation between the observed defects and the occurred accidents, and a preventive
purpose, in order to correct defects or anomalies that could cause death or serious injuries of road users.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.L.; Data curation, F.D.; Formal analysis, F.D.; Investigation, L.M.;
Methodology, G.L.; Writing—original draft, L.M.; Writing—review & editing, L.M. and G.L.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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