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Dr. Asha Gaikwad, Mr. Pratik Joshi, Mr. Rahul Anand & Ms Prachi Jeevane
Abstract: In the present system, mostly lightning up of highways is done through High Intensity Discharge
Lamps (HID), whose energy consumption is high. It’s intensity cannot be controlled according to the requirement
so there is a need to switch on to alternative method of lightning system i.e by using LEDs (Light Emitting
Diodes). This system is built to overcome the present drawback of HID lamps. This system demonstrates the
usage of the LEDs as the light source powered through solar panel with its variable intensity control as per the
requirement. A cluster of LEDs are used to form a street light. The ATMEGA 16 contains programmable
instructions which controls the intensity of LEDs based on the LDR sensor signals generated. The intensity of
LEDs can be varied depending on the requirement of light on highways, thus saving electrical energy .
In a worldwide scene of global warming and increasing
costs of energy, power saving and sustainable
development comes under some of the main
requirements in design and research tasks. In lightning,
these requirements are fulfilled by developing new light
sources (high-brightness LEDs, low-power metal halide
lamps) by using enhanced control techniques (digital
control) and by optimising the system operation
(dimming capabilities, preheating of filaments if
possible, etc.)[1-2] High-brightness LEDs are feasible
alternative for some types of lightning systems due to
the sustained increase of the luminous efficiency as well
as the long operating life (up to 100 000 hours) of these
devices. To attain such operating life level, the intensity
of the LEDs must be controlled. The control of intensity
will save the unnecessary usage of lights during day
time and even at non-peak hours during night time. It is Fig.1. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
not possible to control the intensity of HID lamps.
Hence, it results in unnecessary usage of energy.[3] Figure 1 shows light emitting diode. Recently LEDs have
been applied to liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight or
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are about to gradually display panel, signage, and general-purpose lightning
substitute cold cathode fluorescent lamps. In large-scale due to the rapid progress achieved in the solid-state
LCD panels, multistring LED lights are required to lightning technology. Compared with existing
provide sufficient lightning. In addition, two novel conventional lightning sources such as energy –
display techniques, multi flashing colour sequential inefficient incandescent lamps and mercury based
display and area control, can be achieved when fluorescent lamps, LEDs have relatively longer lifetime
multistring LED lights are adopted. [4] in the range of 80 000-100 000 hours. LEDs available in
the market are encapsulated with less glass, which
significantly improves their reliability and safety to the
Dr. Asha Gaikwad, Professor, Department of Electrical handler. Besides mercury-free LEDs are environment
Engineering, Mr. Pratik Joshi, Mr. Rahul Anand & Ms friendly and can be disposed safely at the end of their
Prachi Jeevane, Research Scholar at Department of lifetime. LEDs also have flicker-free, smooth-dimming,
Electrical Engineering, G.H.Raisoni Institute Of low-voltage operation, and good colour rendering
Engineering & Technology, Wagholi Pune, India properties. [4]
IJAEIT © 2015
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Innovative Technology Volume 2, Issue 2, October-2015
Presently, the power ratings of individual LED devices Street Lights are on the key points discussed for the
are a few watts, limited by the packaging technology and establishment of LEDs completely on the streets.
heat dissipation. To obtain sufficient luminance for some Many people have worked on it and still working on the
high-power applications, such as streetlight and large- increase in efficiency of LEDs and many have
scale LCD panels, many LEDs are connected in parallel highlighted on the advantages of LEDs. No UV or IR
LED strings. The general photo electro thermal (PET) radiations are emitted from it. The filament used in the
theory also indicates that a distributed LED system HID lamps is also not present. So, it reduces the cost of
based on a plurality of relatively low-power LEDs can wires used in it. The size of the LED is compact and the
have advantages over a concentrated system consisting intensity of the light is very high.
of a small number of high-power LEDs for the same It reduces the energy consumption upto 50% when
system power. Therefore, using LED strings in parallel connected to AC source and upto 90% when connected
has been a common practice.[5] to solar power source. The energy can be saved up to 8%
Multiple LED lamps are usually connected in parallel for when used in heavy traffic and up to 50% when used in
obtaining enough lightning levels. In addition, dimming less traffic. Also, use of solar power source enables the
control is often needed to regulate lightning levels for implementation of batteries, which can be used to get
human needs as well as to achieve energy saving. charged and used during night time, saving more
Multiple methods can be used to regulate the intensity of energy.
the LEDs but the most convenient method would be by
the use of microcontroller. By using programming and 1.2 SUMMARY
intensity of light of the environment, we can control the
intensity of the LEDs by using multiple sensors and The literature reveals that the survey is very essential
microcontroller.[5] and gives the idea of using LEDs over HIDs. It also
The use of parallel LED strings inevitably leads to describes the advantages of using LEDs over HIDs and
current imbalance problem due to the LED parameter also describes the necessity of control of intensity which
variations, aging, and temperature changes, which will is necessary for the controlled user of power. The survey
in turn affect the luminous intensity and even colour in describes that LEDs will be applied in a wide range of
each string. Most importantly, if the current imbalance applications, and may even be considered for common
causes one or more LED strings to exceed their rated use in daily lightning applications. However, how LEDs
current values, the lifetime of the LED (and hence, the can be driven with higher efficiency, long lifetime, and
LED system) will be drastically reduced. [5] low cost is still the key challenge lying ahead.
Fig 3. The inner workings of an LED, showing circuit (top) and band diagram (bottom)
The LED consists of a chip of semiconducting material doped with impurities to create a p-n junction. As in other diodes,
current flows easily from the p-side, or anode, to the n-side, or cathode, but not in the reverse direction. Charge-
carriers—electrons and holes—flow into the junction from electrodes with different voltages. When an electron meets a
hole, it falls into a lower energy level and releases energy in the form of a photon.
Light is a form of energy that can be released by an atom. It is made up of many small particle-like packets that have
energy and momentum but no mass. These particles, called photons, are the most basic units of light. For an electron
to jump from a lower orbital to a higher orbital, something has to boost its energy level. Conversely, an electron
releases energy when it drops from a higher orbital to a lower one. This energy is released in the form of a photon.
IJAEIT © 2015
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Innovative Technology Volume 2, Issue 2, October-2015
The Fig 6 depicts the block diagram of the proposed power in this case), a transformer supply can be used in
project. Although our main objective is to conserve case of solar unavailability, as shown in Fig 7.
electricity and use renewable energy sources,(solar
IJAEIT © 2015
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Innovative Technology Volume 2, Issue 2, October-2015
LDR’s have a particular property that they remember Table 4: Final result of the proposed project
the lighting conditions in which they have been stored.
This memory effect can be minimised by storing the S no. Obstacle Intensity LED Status
LDR’s in light prior to use. Light storage reduces 1. Present <200 Lux 100% Intensity
equilibrium time to reach steady resistance values. Fig 2. Absent <200 Lux 100% Intensity
12 represents the LDR circuit symbol.Applications 3. Present >=200 Lux 50% Intensity
include smoke detection, automatic light control, 4. Absent >=200 Lux 50% Intensity
burglar alarm systems etc.
The LDR has a wide spectral response, low cost and FUTURE SCOPE
wide ambient temperature range. The ratings of the The solar powered auto intensity of street lights can
sensing circuit are as follows: control the electric charge and intensity of lights. This
Voltage, ac or dc peak: 100V project can be enhanced by using Dusk to Drawn
Current: 5mA switch with an advanced technology to overcome the
Power dissipation at 25deg Celsius: 50mW flows of existing timer based products and photo
Operating temperature range: -25deg+75deg Celsius sensor based products.
The LED lights used can be made to diffuse its point
4.5 LED Bank source light by using glasses in front of them. The
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two- solar panel used, can be connected to a battery or
lead semiconductor light source. It is a pn- series of battery for continuous power supply.And as
junction diode, which emits light when we are measuring traffic density according to that we
activated.When a suitable voltage is applied to the can control the traffic of the road and can avoid a
leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron traffic jam problem which implies avoidances of
holes within the device, releasing energy in the form accidents.
of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence,
and the colour of the light (corresponding to the 6.0 REFERENCES
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IJAEIT © 2015