Management of Cervical Spondylosis Through Ayurveda: A Case Study
Management of Cervical Spondylosis Through Ayurveda: A Case Study
Management of Cervical Spondylosis Through Ayurveda: A Case Study
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3 authors:
Om Prakash
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha
All content following this page was uploaded by Raman Kaushik on 30 June 2017.
Research Article
*Corresponding author
E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.082109
Cervical spondylosis is a common spinal problem seen now a day. Though degeneration of cervical vertebrae is mostly seen in elderly people but its
prevalence is increasing in early or middle age also. In the present case study, a diagnosed case of cervical spondylosis has been included for its
ayurvedic management. Chief complains were pain and stiffness over the neck since 5 months and pain over the neck was radiating towards the right
arm. Degenerative changes with osteophytosis at C5-C6 vertebrae with nerve compression were reported in her MRI- cervical spine. Effect of Griva
basti (external therapy) and Nasya (Internal therapy) along with oral medication of Trayodashanga guggulu and Dashmoola Kwatha on cervical
spondylosis had been evaluated. Different parameters have been assessed during and after the treatment schedule. There is a complete relief in the
parameters like neck pain & stiffness whereas the parameters like pain in arm & vertigo has also shown significant improvement.
INTRODUCTION direction, leading to the vitiation of vata and kapha dosha. Such
condition may simulate with the condition of cervical
Continuous sitting or standing posture, working on computers spondylitis or acute stage of cervical spondylosis 7.
perpetually and lack of exercise are some of the atrocious
components of current lifestyle. The prevailing consequences of MATERIAL AND METHODS
such lifestyle appear in numerous problems like metabolic, Case study
musculoskeletal etc. Degenerative diseases which are mainly
seen in elderly persons are now becoming common in early or This study has been registered with ctri and under review
middle age persons also. Low backache and neck pain are the procedure with reference no. REF/2017/05/014262.
most common spinal problems and cervical spondylosis is a It is to mention that prior informed consent has been obtained
common in >30 age group 1. Recent studies depicted that from the patient and study has been carried out as per
cervical spondylosis increases with aging before age 50 years International conference of Harmonization-Good Clinical
and decreases with aging after age 50 years 2. Practices Guidelines (ICH-GCP) or as per Declaration of
Helsinki guidelines.
Disease review
A 41 years old female, security personnel by profession, has
Cervical spondylosis or osteoarthritis of the cervical spine visited OPD on 25.09.2016 with chief complains of pain and
produces neck pain radiating to the shoulders or arms with stiffness over the neck since 5 months. Pain over the neck is
headache (posterior occipital region). Narrowing of the spine radiating towards the right arm. She is also having tingling
canal by osteophytes, ossification of the posterior longitudinal sensation over the neck and arm, especially after waking up in
ligament or a large central disk may compress cervical spinal the morning. After standing or sitting for a long duration, she
cord 3. Age, gender and occupation are the main risk factors for also experiences giddiness or vertigo frequently. She is also
cervical spondylosis 4. suffering from incomplete evacuation of bowels. After
consulting an orthopedician for the same problem, she did her
In Ayurvedic perspective, grivastambha is one of the eighty MRI- cervical spine which reported degenerative changes with
types of vatavyadhi which is characterised by stambha osteophytosis at C5-C6 vertebrae with nerve compression. She
(stiffness) in the neck region 5, which is commonly seen in was diagnosed as a case of cervical spondylosis with
cervical spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis may also be radiculopathy. She is advised to take analgesics and anti-
considered as grivagata (neck region) sandhivata, especially in inflammatory medicine regularly for some initial time period,
degenerative condition. Pain during the flexion – extension of a followed by their occasional use (when needed). She had also
joint along with swelling and coarse crepitations on joint undergone physiotherapy session for about 15 days and got mild
movement is the typical clinical features of sandhivata6. relief in symptoms. As a known case of hypothyroidism, patient
Acharya sushruta has described manyastambha which is caused was taking tablet eltroxin, 25 mcg, once daily since one year.
by diwaswapna (sleeping during daytime), using pillows Other investigations like Haemogram, ESR, L.F.T, K.F.T, Lipid
inappropriately during sleeping and constant gazing in upward profile, Thyroid profile etc. are within normal limits.
Raman Kaushik et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 2), 2017
On examination, patient is having tenderness over the neck. upper back region, followed by nadi swedana (local
Neck pain is increasing with forward and backward movement fomentation) with dashmoola kwatha.
of shoulder but relieves on abduction. After thorough
examination, a diagnosis of grivagata vata vis-à-vis cervical Nasya
spondylosis has been established and patient is advised for griva
basti, nasya with oral ayurvedic medication. Nasya is one among the five chief purification procedures i.e.
Panchakarma. It includes instillation of medicine through nasal
Following materials were required in this case study - route 8 and it is mainly indicated for the diseases that affects the
• Masha (black gram) flour – 500 grams region above the clavicle bone 9. It pacifies vata and kapha
• Mahanarayana taila – 500ml dosha present in head region.
• Dashmoola kwath – 2 litres (for nadi swedana),
• Spatula – 01 Procedure for Nasya – After 10 minutes of griva basti, patient is
• Small piece of sponge – 01 asked to sit on a chair with slightly extended neck. A gentle
• Water – as per requirement massage over the forehead, cheeks and sides of nose (region of
• Nadi swedana yantra (Local steam apparatus) – 01 frontal and maxillary sinuses) is done for 10 minutes by using
sesame oil, followed by nadi swedana. Then 4-4 drops of anu
taila were instilled in each nostril. It is followed by luke warm
Treatment plan – A schedule has been planned with two
therapy sessions of griva basti and Nasya (6 days in each water gargles.
session) and 7 days gap in between each session. Along with Assessment parameters
this, patient is advised to take following ayurvedic medicines • Neck pain
throughout the treatment schedule: • Neck stiffness
• Pain radiating in arm
Name of the medicine Dose • Vertigo
Trayodashanga guggulu 500 mg, twice a day with lukewarm
water Table 1: Grading of parameters
Dashmoola kwatha 20 ml, twice a day, empty stomach
S.No Parameters Grading Observation
Griva basti 1. Neck pain 0 Absent
1 Mild and intermittent pain
Griva basti is a distinctively developed ayurvedic procedure 2 Moderate and bearable pain
which is done primarily to pacify aggravated doshas in the neck 3 Severe and unbearable pain
2. Neck 0 Absent
region, especially in chronic cases.
1 Mild stiffness
Procedure for griva basti – Paste of Masha (Black gram flour) is 2 Moderate stiffness with
traditionally used to make circular boundary wall in griva partially restricted
basti. Whereas in the present case study, plastic griva basti movement
moulds has been used. These moulds are available in different 3 Severe stiffness with
sizes. Patient is asked to lie down in prone position on the table restricted movement
and a towel roll is placed under the chin to make neck region 3. Pain in arm 0 Absent
slightly flexed. After this, plastic mould is placed over the neck 1 Mild intermittent pain over
and its margins are sealed with the masha paste (paste of black arm
gram flour and water). Then it is kept for 5-10 minutes to settle. 2 Moderate pain with
occasional tingling sensation
Now, heated mahanarayana oil is poured in this griva basti
3 Severe pain radiating from
yantra by using a sponge piece. Precaution should be taken to neck with tingling sensation
maintain oil temperature as tolerated by patient and also for 4. Vertigo 0 Absent
leakage of oil for basti yantra. The oil in basti yantra has to be 1 Occasional
replaced with warm oil at regular interval. After doing this 2 1-3 times in a week
procedure for 30 minutes, oil is drained out and plastic mould is 3 > 3 times in a week
removed. After this, a gentle massage is done over the neck and
Observations seen in different parameters before and after the course of treatment are as follows:
Raman Kaushik et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 2), 2017