IT Assignment No 1

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The Role of IT in Supply Chain

A new generation of shopping options through E-commerce has made supply

chain management a vital area of concern for many businesses. It is particularly
critical for manufacturing companies, which are heavily dependent on the supply
chain partners to deliver their products.

Manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, shippers and distributors are the major

stakeholders in the supply chain of manufacturing companies, which ends with
product delivery to the customer. With an increasing emphasis on technological
advancements, as well as the changes in customer expectations, the need for an
integrated supply management has become increasingly important.

Value of Information Technology in Supply Chain Management are as follows:





The Role of IT in Accounting & Finance

The finance department in a corporation is in charge of taking accounting data
and creating reports that the managers within the company -- all the way up to
the CEO -- need for decision making purposes. Information technology or IT refers
to the software tools and computer systems the company uses to automate these
functions and organize the data flow to improve the management team’s decision
making capabilities.

 Enterprise Resource Planning

Even very small companies use accounting software packages that generate
financial reports such as income statements and cash flow statements. This simple
form of IT allows a small business owner to save accounting time and have
management reports available on a more timely basis.

 Faster Flow of Information

IT systems allow a company to link up every department within the organization.

Information generated by the manufacturing, marketing and finance divisions can
be shared

 Customized Reporting

The IT systems used by the finance department have a report generating

functionality that speeds up the process of producing management reports. The
system provides a certain degree of customization

The Role of IT in Marketing

It is fair to say that in most companies, the ambitions of the IT department and
those of the marketing department differ quite significantly.

While IT professionals are about building durable computer networks that are
effective and cost efficient, marketing like to look beyond limitations in the
pursuit of the next big thing. Marketing uses a lot of IT systems such as Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), Data Warehouses and Content Management
Systems (CMS). These are often large scale projects and it is the responsibility of
IT staff to support these marketing activities.

 Merging traditional and online marketing strategies

In many large and small companies, traditional marketing and internet-based

marketing are still seen as two separate activities. This is an incorrect assumption
and any promotional activities outside the web should be run in conjunction with
internet-based activities such as social media campaigns.

 Content Marketing

In recent times the role of content marketing has increased in importance. It

offers a great opportunity for a company to engage with customers and provide
them with expert knowledge.

The Role of IT in Human Resource

Over the last years, human resource management has experienced significant transformations.
The focus has passed from the administrative management tasks to becoming a strategic
partner of the overall organization strategy, largely with the strong support of information
technologies’ evolution in this field of knowledge area. The extended use of information
systems has a deep effect in the way HRM is managed nowadays. It boosted a major
transformation of human resources processes and practices within organizations, namely on
how they collect, store, use, and share information. Several HRM processes have become more
efficient and the impact of this service level improvement allowed a greater involvement of HR
in the business strategy. This new role in business strategy adds significant changes to HR
function and to its professionals. Along this chapter, we discuss the effects of information
systems in HRM, considering the existing literature on the topic, and describe the benefits and
possible limitations of using them. We also provide an overview of some applications of
technology in functional areas of HRM, within organizations.


Leaders thought that one of the greatest impacts of the internet and informational technology
on human resources management comes from the way in which technology alerts business and
lifestyle. Holding these thoughts in mind, an attempt is made to answer the following

1) To know the Information technology influences the HRM Function.

2) To know the advantages and disadvantage of information technology on the employee as

well as organizations.

The present study performs a systematic and exploratory analysis study to investigate the role
of internet and information technology on human resources management. The study is based
on secondary data and the secondary data source is collected with the help of books,
magazines, published articles, journals, the internet, seminar papers on internet and
information technology and human resources management etc.

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