Building A Safety Culture:: Smartmarket
Building A Safety Culture:: Smartmarket
Building A Safety Culture:: Smartmarket
Building a
Safety Culture:
Improving Safety and Health Management
in the Construction Industry
Premier Partners
Contributing Partners
Association Partners
■ Design and Construction Intelligence
SmartMarket Report
afety and health considerations huge jump up from the 66% who selected
to simply have safety rules, training and Experiencing Benefits From Safety
protocols in effect. Leading companies Investments: A significantly higher
nurture a comprehensive safety culture percentage of contractors report: Stephen A. Jones
throughout their organizations, both from • Decreased Reportable Injuries, Senior Director
the top down and the bottom up. up 10 percentage points in the current Industry Insights Research
Dodge Data & Analytics
In this report, our latest study on safety study to 81%
management in the construction industry, • Increased Ability to Contract New Stephen A. Jones leads
we take a close look at 33 indicators of a Work, up 10 percentage points to 76% DD&A’s Industry Insights
Research division. He
safety culture, including: • Increased Ability to Retain Staff, is active in numerous
• Measures of Management Commitment up 18 percentage points to 64% industry organizations
to Safety and Health • Increased Ability to Attract New and frequently speaks at
industry events around
• Worker Involvement in Jobsite Safety Staff, up 8 percentage points to 46%
the world. Before DD&A,
• Company Communications on Safety Jones was vice president
While the business benefits of reducing
• The Degree to Which Safety is Treated with Primavera Systems
injuries and increasingly being able to (now part of Oracle), a
as a Fundamental Company Value
contract new work are clear, the ability global leader in project
The findings provide a fascinating view to retain and attract staff is becoming management software.
Prior to that, he was
across a safety culture spectrum, with more important to remain competitive as principal and a Board of
nearly equal numbers of companies the construction market grows and the Directors member with
currently showing high, moderate and availability of skilled workers tightens. Burt Hill, a major A/E firm
(now merged with Stantec).
low levels of engagement with these Strikingly, all of the 10 positive
indicators. While this reveals that we still impacts of safety were also experienced
have work to do as an industry before by a much higher percentage of those
safety cultures are prevalent at most at the high end of the safety culture
companies, it also shows that enough spectrum, demonstrating its undeniable
companies now have a strong safety value to companies seeking to be
culture in place to begin to identify best more competitive.
practices and inspire improvements that The findings also suggest that we
will benefit the entire industry. may be on the cusp of a strong increase
In addition to exploring the elements of in the use of online training, potentially
a safety culture, the study also provides spurred by continual advances in mobile
Donna Laquidara-Carr,
new data on many of the topics covered devices and better software. This will
in the 2013 Safety Management in the be an interesting trend to track in our Industry Insights
Construction Industry SmartMarket future research. Research Director
Report, enabling comparisons that suggest We would like to thank our premier Dodge Data & Analytics
some interesting changes. partners, CPWR and United Rentals, and Donna Laquidara-Carr
■■Increasing Industry Recognition of the all of our supporting, contributing and currently provides
Importance of the Jobsite Worker to association partners, for helping us to editorial direction,
analysis and content
Enhance Safety: Consistently, more bring this information to the industry. to DD&A’s SmartMarket
respondents in the current study than in Reports. Prior to this
the previous one report the important position, she worked for
role of jobsite workers in encouraging nearly 20 years with DD&A’s
Dodge division, where she
safety. One of the most telling findings gained detailed insight into
is that 85% of respondents now consider the construction industry.
jobsite worker involvement to be a critical
aspect of a world-class safety program, a
4 Executive Summary
Executive Summary
7 Data
7 Introduction
sidebar Safety Cocoon for High-Rise Construction
sidebar Wearable Devices and Onsite Safety
36 Influence Factors
36 Most Influential People/Positions for Improving Safety
Front cover illustration by Jordana Psiloyenis
sidebar Demographic Inequities in Workplace Safety
52 Methodology
53 Resources
Companies with a strong safety culture have a High (20 or More Indicators)
commitment to safety both from the company leadership Moderate (12 to 19 Indicators)
down and from the jobsite worker up where safety is a Low (11 Indicators or Less)
fundamental consideration in all planning and activities in
the organization.
In order to gauge the degree to which construction
companies have adopted a strong safety culture,
respondents were asked about the use of leading 32% 33% 30% 32%
indicators of a safety culture in their organizations and,
where applicable, their level of use at their companies.
The respondents are divided almost evenly into three
groups, high, moderate and low: a high level of use 35% 33%
of these indicators suggests the likelihood that these 50%
companies have a strong safety culture.
This safety culture spectrum, especially a 32%
comparison of those at the high and low end, was 33% 37%
then applied to the rest of the data gathered in the 18%
study. The findings clearly indicate that companies
at the high end of the safety culture spectrum have in All General Specialty Fewer 100 to 499 500 or
place more safety practices, are influenced by more Respondents Contractors Trade Than 100 Employees More
Contractors Employees Employees
factors to invest in safety, and see much stronger impacts
from their safety investments than those at the low end
of the safety spectrum.
As the chart at right indicates, large companies
are more likely to be further along the safety culture
spectrum than smaller companies. This may suggest
the need for more outreach to smaller companies
to help provide the information and resources needed
to encourage growth of a safety culture within
their organizations.
Most Widely Used: The most widely used indicators of a Impact of Safety on Contractor Success
safety culture are encouraging workers to report unsafe Factors (Percentage of Respondents Reporting
conditions, holding everyone accountable for safety and Positive Impact by Year)
having supervisors lead by example.
2012 2015
■■Least Used: Indicators with the lowest levels of use
are joint worker/management safety and health Reportable Injuries 71% 81%
committees, recognition and reward for safety and Ability to Contract
66% 76%
health participation, owners providing incentives for New Work
safety and health performance and owners requiring Staff Retention 46% 64%
safety and health precertification of all bidders. Project ROI 51% 58%
The low use of incentives, from rewarding safety and Ability to Attract
37% 46%
New Staff
health participation at construction companies to owner
incentives for safety, may reflect growing awareness
of the challenge of using direct incentives that may
inadvertently discourage workers from reporting
Positive Impact of Safety on Contractor
potentially unsafe incidents.
Success Factors (Factors With the Greatest
Difference in Percentage Reporting Positive
Benefits of Safety Impact Across the Safety Culture Spectrum)
GROWTH IN THOSE EXPERIENCING Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
improved project quality, the ability to attract and retain Most Effective Safety Practices
staff and improved project ROI. The willingness of jobsite (All Respondents)
workers to report unsafe conditions is a direct result of a Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
safety and health are among the most widely adopted 2_2_Safety_Management_Batch2_Practices_Most Important
in the industry. In particular, most respondents report
that workers are encouraged to report unsafe conditions
and near-misses on most of their projects. Safety Training
A few key trends are evident in safety training:
Most Effective Safety Practices ■■Online Training: While growth in use has been modest
The most effective safety practices are indicated in in the past two years, its use is expected to grow
the chart at right, with providing personal protective dramatically in the next two years. Far more contractors
equipment (PPE) and especially enforcing its use of consider it valuable for supervisors (42%) than for
primary importance. Most of these are also among the jobsite workers (24%) currently, but it is possible that
most widely used safety practices, except for conducting constantly improving technologies on the jobsite could
a job hazard or safety analysis before construction change that.
begins. The relatively low level of use of this practice ■■Influence of Safety Training: Safety training is
and the high value attributed to it by those who use it considered highly influential by a much higher
indicate that this is an opportunity for many companies to percentage of respondents in 2015 for company
improve their safety measures. leadership (74%) and estimators (41%) than it was in
2012 (63% and 31%, respectively).
Drivers for Greater Safety Adoption ■■Most Effective Means of Communicating Safety
The top factors encouraging companies to adopt safety Messages to Jobsite Workers: Toolbox talks continue
practices remained consistent with the findings from 2012, to grow in influence, with 48% ranking them first
including concerns about worker health and safety, liability among the means of communication in 2015 compared
concerns and insurance costs. Reduced insurance rates are with 41% in 2012. That change, and a decline in those
also by far the most important driver for future investment selecting training, has resulted in an 18 percentage point
in safety management practices and have gained in difference between those ranking toolbox talks first
importance compared with other factors since 2012. compared with training, a striking increase.
odge Data & Analytics (DD&A) first conducted
The degree of management’s commitment to safety at a Use of Practices That Indicate Management
95% of respondents reporting these practices in place at Level of Use of Practices That Indicate
their companies. However, the degree to which they are Management Commitment to Safety and
adopted varies. Health (All Respondents)
Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Both of the practices involving meetings—safety/health Safety/Health Is a Top Agenda Item at Meetings
is a top agenda item at meetings and management Percentage of Meetings
participates in all safety and health meetings on With Safety/Health a Top Agenda Item
the jobsite—are used by nearly all (95% and 90%, High: More Than 70% 48%
respectively) respondents. Over three quarters using 95% Moderate: 25% to 70% 35%
these practices are also using them at a high or moderate Low: Less Than 25% 17%
level. Clearly, meetings are widely used as an opportunity
to reinforce safety messages. Clearly Defined Health and Safety Expectations
• Size of Company: Respondents from very large Percentage of Expectations
companies (500 employees or more) are most likely to That Are Well Defined
report a high level of use of both of these indicators. High: More Than 70% 57%
• Type of Company: 54% of general contractors report 93% Moderate: 25% to 70% 31%
that their companies make safety and health as a Low: Less Than 25% 12%
top agenda item at 70% or more of their meetings,
compared with 35% of specialty contractors. However, Management Participation in All Safety and
there is no significant difference in the percentage Health Meetings on Jobsite
of general and specialty contractors who report that
Percentage of Projects
management participates in safety and health meetings
High: More Than 70% 42%
on a high percentage of their project jobsites.
90% Moderate: 25% to 70% 39%
Most respondents (93%) report that their companies have
Practice Prevention Through Design
clearly defined safety and health expectations, and over
half of those respondents (57%) believe that this occurs at Percentage of Projects
a high level. There is no significant variation by company High: More Than 70% 34%
size or type, which is not surprising since this practice 84% Moderate: 25% to 70% 37%
is so widely adopted across the industry. It is notable, Low: Less Than 25% 29%
though, that this indicator is more subjective than many
of the others.
Safety/Health Data Used for Improvement
Percentage of Projects
Most of the respondents report that their companies
High: More Than 70% 33%
practice prevention through design (84%) and use safety
83% Moderate: 25% to 70% 40%
and health data for improvement (83%), but they are
Low: Less Than 25% 27%
adopted on a much lower percentage of projects than
the practices involving meetings. In both cases, those
who report that these practices are used at a moderate
level (37% and 40%, respectively) exceeds those who through design, there is a tendency for general
report it at a high level (34% and 33%). More research is contractors (33%) and very large companies of 500
needed to discover why these practices, which the data employees or more (51%) to use data for improvement on
demonstrate are widely known in the industry, are not more than 70% of their projects, compared with specialty
more widely used. contractors (21%) or smaller companies (24%). This may
While there are no significant variations by size or suggest that resource constraints could be a factor in the
type of firm for the level of use of practicing prevention lower adoption of this practice.
A safety culture depends on recognition across the Use of Practices That Indicate That
company, from management to workers, that the Safety and Health Are Fundamental
company has adopted safety and health as fundamental Company Values (All Respondents)
company values. Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
A key part of a safety culture is universal recognition Use of Practices That Create Accountability
within a company that all employees are accountable for on Projects for Safety and Health
safety on projects, not just designated safety personnel. (All Respondents)
Three indicators measure the degree to which a company Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
While management recognition of the value of safety Indicators of Worker Involvement in Jobsite
is critical to a safety culture (see page 8), it is equally Safety and Health (All Respondents)
important that the workers themselves are actively Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
SmartMarket Report Dodge Data & Analytics 12
Safety Culture Indicators
Worker Involvement in Jobsite Safety and Health (Indicator Category 4) CONTINUED
reporting this occurs on 70% or more of their projects. Worker Involvement in Safety
aspect of a safety culture that is critical to support greater Leadership on Safety and Health (All Respondents)
safety on the jobsite. Three indicators suggest whether Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Good communication across a company is important Communication Practices That Are Indicators
to help sustain a good safety culture. Four indicators of a Safety Culture (All Respondents)
directly deal with this issue. With the first two, which Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
While the findings indicate that owners are actively Indicators of Owner Involvement in Safety
engaged in helping to improve safety and health on and Health Measures on Projects
their projects, there is a relatively low degree of activity (All Respondents)
compared with many of the other indicators of a safety Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Owner support of safety and health audits ensures Owners Provide Incentives for Safety and
that concerns over productivity or schedule do not Health Performance
interfere with making safety a priority. A relatively high
percentage of contractors (82%) report that at least Percentage of Owners
some of their owners support these audits, and use of High: More Than 70% 28%
this at a high level is reported by the highest percentage 59% Moderate: 25% to 70% 29%
of contractors (43%) of any of the owner indicators. Low: Less Than 25% 43%
• 26% of respondents from companies with fewer than
100 employees do not report that any owners provide
this support, compared with just 2% of those from greater opportunities for safety and health issues
larger companies. This may be related to the size of the that could be captured by audits, and, therefore,
projects that smaller and larger companies are involved owners of those projects may be more attuned to the
with. Larger projects are often more complex and have risks they pose.
Just over three quarters of contractors (77%) report respondents from companies with 500 employees or
that at least some of the owners they work with more (4%). Again, this is currently much more likely to be
require safety and health precertification of all bidders. implemented on large projects than on small ones, but
However, this is just an emerging trend in the industry, the benefits reported may eventually encourage broader
and so it is not surprising that the largest share of adoption on smaller projects.
respondents (38%) report that less than one quarter of Only 59% of contractors report that any of the owners
their project owners engage in this practice. This finding they work with provide incentives for safety and health.
suggests a growing recognition in the industry of the Notably, the largest group of them (43%) only see this
importance of including safety and health considerations among less than 25% of owners. By being applied at the
in the team selection process. company rather than the individual employee level, this
As with safety and health audits, the reported level of could be a valuable incentive for prioritizing safety, but
use of this indicator is correlated with company size. A it must involve clear metrics that include the indicators
much higher percentage of respondents from companies of a safety culture rather than just the reported incidents
with fewer than 100 employees (35%) report not seeing on a project to avoid the possibility of inadvertently
this implemented at all by owners, compared with discouraging workers from reporting incidents.
Dodge Data & Analytics has developed a three-tier safety Degree of Use of Safety Culture Indicators
culture spectrum to rank respondents in terms of the level (All Respondents)
of their companies’ engagement with the 33 indicators of Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
efore Balfour Beatty help identify and measure the key A Two-Way Arrow
instituted its Zero Harm leading indicators of construction Safety culture and climate are
program in 2012, the safety, researchers organize the mutually formative—“a two-way
number of high-potential forces and factors shaping it into arrow,” says Linda Goldenhar,
incidents—near-misses that could two concepts: safety culture and CPWR’s director of research and
have resulted in serious injury— safety climate. evaluation—so that a change in either
reported annually throughout Safety culture encompasses “the one can yield results in the other.
the company’s global operations deeply held, but often unspoken, Balfour Beatty’s change in attitude
was almost none. Suspecting safety-related beliefs, attitudes toward high-potential incidents, for
significant underreporting, the firm and values that interact with an example, enabled it to learn more
changed its response to the high- organization’s systems, practices, about them, and to identify falling
potential incidents that did get people and leadership to establish objects from elevated work as the
reported. Instead of a fault-focused norms about how things are done most common type. In response,
investigation, the firm instituted in the organization,” according to a the firm focused education efforts
what it calls a 72-Hour Conference, definition published by CPWR—The on roping off areas below elevated
in which senior staff meet via Center for Construction Research work—adding the issue to a phone
Skype within days of an incident and Training. Balfour Beatty’s Zero app that prompts safety officers on
to generate an understanding of Harm program, with its goals of zero site tours, for example—thereby
it, and to determine what changes fatalities, zero injuries causing long-
could prevent similar incidents in the term disabilities and zero harm to the
future. As a result, the firm now leads public as a result of the company’s
the industry in the number of high- work, is an example of an explicit
potential incidents reported. safety culture.
“We turned it completely around,” Safety climate, on the other
says Steve Smithgall, senior vice hand, comprises “the shared
president of safety, health and perceptions of safety policies and
environment at Balfour Beatty. procedures by members of an
“Instead of assigning blame, we organization at a given point in time,”
thank the people onsite who put according to CPWR. And, just as an
the report together, and we turn the organization has a safety climate,
incident into a lesson learned that we so each construction project will
can share around the company.” have one too. A project’s safety
climate is a product of the multiple
Photos courtesy of Clark Concrete Contractors, LLC
translating an improvement in
The study looked at 16 practices used to promote safety Use of Safety Practices
by contractors. The practices fall into four major groups: Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
SmartMarket Report Dodge Data & Analytics 20
Types of Safety Practices
Practices Used on Projects to Promote Safety CONTINUED
Prevention Through Design: Integrate Safety correlated to this, with only 76% of respondents from
Mitigation Into Engineering and Design Processes: companies with fewer than 10 employees reporting this
Active consideration of project safety during practice, compared with 99% of those from companies
engineering and design can have a big impact on with 100 or more employees.
making projects safer without a big cost investment. Providing functional PPE (87%) is also widely used,
However, less than half (41%) of contractors report with no difference in use by size of company or type
engaging in this practice. The ongoing prevalence of of contractors.
contracting methods that only engage contractors However, there is an opportunity for the industry
toward the end of the design process are likely to be to improve when it comes to inspecting PPE for
preventing wider use. General contractors (50%) also functionality prior to use, a practice that is not
report wider use than specialty contractors (29%), expensive to adopt, but one that is only used by 73% of
which also underscores the need to engage specialty respondents and by less than two thirds of respondents
contractors earlier in the construction process to from small companies.
promote the strongest safety outcomes.
regulations as well as additional state requirements for use of prequalified subcontractors based on safety
Respondents were asked to rank the safety practices they Most Effective Safety Practices
personal protection equipment (PPE). Not only was this Ranked First
ranked first by the highest percentage of respondents Ranked Second or Third
(24%) , but it was also selected among the top three
choices by the highest percentage (45%). Clearly, there is Enforce Use of PPE
a strong call for enforcement of PPE use onsite to ensure 24% 21% 45%
a safer jobsite.
Conduct Job Hazard Analysis/Job Safety Analysis Before
Including jobsite workers in the safety process was Construction Begins
ranked among the top three by the second highest
13% 17% 30%
percentage of respondents (31%). However, it is
only ranked first by the fourth highest percentage of Provide Functional PPE
respondents (10%). This suggests that there is a general 11% 15% 26%
consensus that this is very important, but that many
Include Jobsite Workers in Safety Process
respondents find other issues more critical.
10% 21% 31%
Conducting job hazard/job safety analyses was
ranked by 30% among the top three practices and by Establish Site-Specific Training Programs for
13% as the most effective practice. This factor is also Supervisors, Workers, Specialty Contractors
considered most effective by 54% of respondents from 9% 17% 26%
companies with 500 or more employees, and over three
quarters of them rank it first, making it clear how valuable
they perceive it to be. It is possible that respondents
from the largest companies are more likely to have 2_2_Safety_Management_Batch2_Practices_Most Important
been involved in job hazard and job safety analyses,
so this high percentage is strong evidence for the value
of this practice.
However, it is notable that, despite the high degree
of effectiveness attributed to conducting job hazard/job
safety analyses, this practice is still in relatively limited
use (see page 20), especially compared with the other five
practices identified as most effective in the study. The
finding suggests that contractors have an opportunity to
improve site safety by adopting this practice more widely.
(By Year)
Management in the Construction Industry SmartMarket Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Report), contractors were asked to identify the essential
aspects of a world-class safety program. Asking that 2015 2012
question again in the current 2015 study allows for the
Jobsite Workers’ Involvement
analysis of shifting priorities in contractors’ perspectives
on various safety practices. 85%
By far, the most striking difference between 2012 66%
and 2015 is the importance placed on jobsite workers’ Strong Safety Leadership Abilities in Supervisors
involvement in a world-class safety program. In 2012, 82%
this was considered essential by 66% of respondents
and ranked sixth compared with other factors. In 2015,
85% of the contractors now consider it essential, and Regular Safety Meetings With Jobsite Workers and Supervisors
it ranks first. This finding is consistent with others 80%
throughout the 2015 study that show increasing industry 81%
recognition of the importance of engaging jobsite
Ongoing Access to Safety Training for
workers directly in safety. Supervisors and Jobsite Workers
It is notable that the only other significant difference 77%
between 2012 and 2015 in the top aspects of a world-
class safety program is an increase in the percentage
who consider ongoing access to safety training for Hazard Assessments and Safety Plans at Each New Jobsite
supervisors and jobsite workers essential. While the 76%
leap is less dramatic than the one for worker involvement 70%
(an eight percentage point increase in 2015 versus a 19 Strong Emphasis on Communication for Company and Project
point gain), it does further reinforce the general trend that
more emphasis is now being placed on jobsite workers in
safety programs. 68%
For the most part, the other aspects of a world-class Prompt and Thorough Incidence and Near-Miss Investigations
safety program were selected by a similar percentage of 63%
respondents between 2012 and 2015. This consistency 61%
reinforces the widespread recognition in the industry of
the importance of such program elements as leadership
ability in supervisors, regular safety meetings with the wide and growing recognition of the importance of
jobsite workers and supervisors, hazard assessments and the jobsite worker in the industry.
safety plans at each new jobsite, and a strong emphasis The priorities of larger companies versus smaller
on communication. companies, however, are more apparent when looking
at the next lower size, companies with 100 to 499
Variation by Size of Firm employees. 70% or more of respondents from these large
For the most part, a significantly higher percentage companies regard the following four factors as essential,
of respondents from companies with 500 or more but the percentage of respondents from companies with
employees consider each of the aspects of a world- fewer than 50 employees lag 12 to 30 percentage points
class safety program included in the study to be behind them in these same factors.
essential. Clearly, the largest companies take a broadly ■■Strong Safety Leadership Abilities in Supervisors
encompassing approach to safety and recognize that a ■■Ongoing Access to Safety Training for All Supervisors
It is notable that three of these four factors include Essential Aspects of a World-Class Safety
direct investments or resources needed, from access Program (By Companies at the Low and High
to ongoing training to dedicated staff. It may be easier Ends of the Safety Culture Spectrum)
for large companies to dedicate resources to these Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
initiatives. However, emphasis on strong leadership High Use of Safety Culture Indicators
abilities in supervisors seems equally attainable in a Low Use of Safety Culture Indicators
company of fewer than 10 employees and in a company
with more than 100, and more education in smaller Jobsite Workers’ Involvement
companies on the importance of this aspect of a safety 94%
program could yield immediate benefits. 73%
Strong Safety Leadership Abilities in Supervisors
Variation by Safety Culture Spectrum
As the chart at right demonstrates, respondents from 93%
companies at the high end of the safety culture spectrum 68%
(see page 17) are far more likely to consider each aspect Ongoing Access to Safety Training for
of a world-class safety program essential, compared Supervisors and Jobsite Workers
with respondents from companies at the low end of the 93%
spectrum. This strong degree of difference about the 58%
top aspects of a safety culture suggests that those with a
Hazard Assessments and Safety Plans at Each New Jobsite
strong safety culture in place are more likely to recognize
the need for a broad range of safety practices than those 93%
without that strong foundation. 60%
Regular Safety Meetings With Jobsite Workers and Supervisors
Variation by Type of Firm 90%
A significantly higher percentage of general contractors
than specialty contractors consider the following
essential to a world-class safety program: Strong Emphasis on Communication for Company and Project
■■Jobsite Workers’ Involvement: This finding is 84%
surprising, given that most jobsite workers are 56%
employed by specialty contractors.
Prompt and Thorough Incidence and Near-Miss Investigations
■■Hazard Assessments and Safety Plans at New Jobsites:
o date, the use of BIM
for safety applications
is limited, but emerging.
Recent Dodge Data &
Analytics data, published in the
Measuring the Impact of BIM on
Complex Buildings SmartMarket
Report, shows that 18% of owners
and 13% of contractors say BIM has
a high impact on reducing reportable
safety incidents, reflecting the
emerging nature of this BIM metric.
Jonathan Widney, president of
technology company Solibri, says
he sees untapped potential in the
application of BIM for safety. Solibri’s
suite of software includes a model
checker, which can be applied to
safety planning. A company’s ability Skanska is creating a library of simulated safety incidents that are inspired by
real events. These simulations help to highlight the root cause of incidents, as
to leverage data for safety depends well as showcase how to plan for or avoid similar incidents from happening.
largely on its commitment to detailed
and updated modeling throughout The company began its code check in a model, but difficult to keep
design and construction of a project, checking efforts in 2010, first looking track of as a person.”
he says. at building codes. “That evolved into Downey says that even simple
For example, he says gaps in floors the idea that you could go beyond model checking can be a time-saver.
could be modeled. “If you have an building codes to things that apply “If you can automate the low-level
opening of more than a half inch and to us like site safety,” says Jennifer work, it leaves more time for the
you need netting below that, you can Downey, national BIM manager at complex work,” she says. “You’re
have that applied as part of a rule Turner Construction. “Anything really taking advantage of the skills of
set,” he adds. “We’ve seen people that’s rules based, we wanted to see the person, so they aren’t spending
modeling to that detail, so it can be if we could check that.” time checking really manual
done and it can be checked. It takes The company can set up rules in laborious things.”
people who really understand the its models to check them against
value of modeling and being able OSHA and local requirements. Site Safety Plans
to visualize.” Downey notes that because codes In a parallel effort, Turner is
can vary significantly in different developing BIM-based safety
Code Checking locals, collecting those codes can be logistics plans. The initiative was
All images courtesy of Skanska USA
In recent years, Turner Construction daunting. “We set up a matrix of all launched in 2012 as a means of
has developed safety applications the different regulations and realized submitting 3D site safety plans to
of BIM data ranging from simple just how complicated it could be,” the New York City Dept. of Buildings.
pre-planning visualization to full she adds. “So we started to identify “It gives us a more comprehensive
BIM-based safety logistics plans. areas that were straightforward to plan that we can submit to the city,”
Downey says. “We are thinking on a potential risk area with a envisions that staff and employees
through in more detail, and we can selector tool. “You click on the could experience incidents more
understand the plan better.” PlanIt tool, and it automatically effectively using virtual reality.
Although Turner doesn’t submit downloads a prepopulated and “Rather than sitting and watching
these same logistics plans for preapproved corporate control a video, you can develop a virtual
projects in other cities, the initiative program that would mitigate that model as an experience, not just an
has created a useful template for specific risk,” says Paul Haining, chief education,” he adds.
safety planning on any project. environmental, health and safety The company also plans to
“They don’t have the regulations for officer at Skanska. use virtual reality for safety
submitting the drawings, but they PlanIt is part of a larger initiative training and analysis. Albert
are still going through the process by Skanska to collect, analyze and Zulps, regional director, virtual
and find it beneficial from a modeling leverage data relevant to safety. design & construction at Skanska
standpoint. Simply using the model Haining says that through collection USA, says the company hopes
to preplan in detail has been helpful.” of both lagging and leading to make animations of incidents
Charlie Whitney, a project indicators, Skanska aims to develop more interactive by using gaming
executive at Turner, says these BIM- more effective predictability models technology. “Gaming engines are all
based site safety plans help Turner on projects. “We’re creating a virtual based on physics and gravity,” he
“engineer safety into projects earlier, environment where we can predict says. “A gaming engine enables us
instead of leaving it to the project outcomes relative to BIM models, to use gravity and create different
team as an ‘add-on’ later.” relative to client processes, relative situations and explore things we
Other observed benefits include: to movement of people, relative didn’t even know about.”
• Better visualization of risk results to machinery and other factors,” Zulps says that gaming engines
in a better plan, and a better plan he says. “We want to be able to could help the company not only
results in a safer project. identify that risk way ahead of time, train employees, but also better
• The tool allows them to convey using data we’ve collected, before analyze risk. “We can inject
the plan to the client better we expose our employees to any situations that haven’t happened and
(especially valuable in campus or potential risk.” train people in that same manner,
institutional settings). One future step that the firm is therefore preventing future accidents
• More accurate definition of scope exploring is the use of virtual reality that we don’t know about yet,” he
results in a tighter buy and better to help better inform its employees. says. “You learn from your mistakes
execution in field. In the past, Skanska has created as much as you do from doing it
• It is easier to implement and animations of accidents to better correctly. That’s what makes having
administer safety. analyze and demonstrate the factors BIM and the ability to access this
that led to those incidents. Haining information very powerful.” n
Safety Planning,
Training and Evaluation
Skanska is developing multiple
digital tools for safety planning,
training and evaluation. The
company’s initial step is automating
the corporate manuals for
environmental health and safety
that it uses to develop risk profiles
for projects and the controls for
mitigating those risks. Skanska is
VDC Director Albert Zulps views Skanska’s virtual Global Safety Stand Down,
deploying a new system, called which is a safety incident report along with an interactive simulation that walks
PlanIt, which allows users to click through why and how the incident happened.
o better monitor potential on a construction site. If a worker safety. The helmet features a
safety issues in the field in is not qualified to enter an area, the visor that can provide an augmented
real time, the construction wearable device can give off a visible reality view of a jobsite. Workers
industry is rapidly moving and audible alert. These zones could are increasingly provided with
toward wearable technology for be set up to restrict all access to an tablets and other devices that
workers. A broad range of practices area or to specific individuals based can offer access to 3D models
and technology exists—from simple on skills, training, certifications or and BIM models. These smart
identification systems to advanced other factors. Tags can also be placed helmets can provide a hands-free
health and motion monitoring. on pieces of equipment to track the view of models, laying the model
proximity of workers to potentially view over real view via the visor.
Identifying Worker hazardous equipment that is in use. The helmet is also equipped
Skills, Training The system can store data for with 360-degree camera views,
and Locations future analysis, including tracking allowing workers to see their
Based on studies of best practices, near-misses or other incidents. full surroundings.
Associated General Contractors of Human Condition Safety is in
America (AGC) recommended last Warning Systems early stage development of a system
year that a simple first step could Researchers at Virginia Tech are that combines wearable technology
be giving all workers badges with developing a wearable warning with virtual reality and cloud
scannable QR codes (quick response system that can communicate computing to monitor and analyze
codes that can be easily read by a cell between workers and the driving worker safety on construction sites.
phone) that identify each worker’s public. The InZoneAlert system The system, which started piloting
level of training and certification for aims to work with in-vehicle projects at Citi Field in New York
operating equipment. communication technology and City last year, aims to provide real-
“If you tell a worker to go do a task, mobile devices such as cell phones. time tracking of worker movement
most workers, especially new ones, Tests are centered on dedicated in the hopes of preventing accidents
want to say ‘yes’ to the boss,” says short-range communication systems and injuries. The system is being
AGC spokesperson Brian Turmail. (DSRC), which can allow vehicles to developed to not only monitor
“The worker’s badge could be communicate with each other. DSRC when a worker enters an unsafe
scanned so you don’t send someone is being developed in part to aid in environment, but also when the
to work on a piece of equipment that operation of autonomous and semi- worker is in an unsafe condition.
they don’t know how to use.” autonomous vehicles. The DSRC This could include detecting when
That type of information could system can also communicate with a worker carries too much weight,
also be included in more automated sensors in a worker’s safety vest. loses balance or falls, according to
monitoring systems. Redpoint When a collision between a motorist the company.
Positioning offers a “real-time and a worker is imminent, the worker Although the company is an
location system” that can track and motorist would both be alerted. early-stage startup, it already
worker locations using indoor GPS has significant backing. Global
that reads tags worn by workers Augmented and insurance firm AIG announced
on vests or helmets. The system Virtual Reality in January 2016 that it had made
allows users to map out hazardous A new “smart” helmet is available a strategic investment in Human
zones or restricted-access areas that could have an impact on worker Condition Safety. n
In the 2012 study published in the 2013 Safety Impact of Safety on Project and/or Business
Management in the Construction Industry SmartMarket Success Factors (Respondents Who Report a
Report, contractors were asked about the impact of the Positive Impact by Year)
safety practices they had implemented on 10 different Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Positive and Negative Impacts of Safety on Project Budget, Schedule, ROI and Reportable Injuries
(By Year) _Impact_Benefits_Year_#01
Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
2012 2015
43% 43%
15% 17%
13% 10%
5% 6% 5% 2%
The value of reducing reportable injuries and contracting Impact of Safety on Project and/or Business
new work is clear, but it is particularly notable in the Success Factors (Respondents Reporting a
current job climate in the construction industry that Positive Impact by Type of Company)
safety is also increasingly helpful to retain and attract Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
The size of a company affects the reported impact that Business Success Factors (Percentage at the
safety has on most benefits, likely due to their greater High and Low End of the Safety Culture Spectrum
investment in safety practices. This includes a notably Reporting Positive Impact From Safety)
greater percentage of respondents from large companies Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
reporting improvements in project ROI and reportable High Use of Safety Culture Indicators
injury rates. Low Use of Safety Culture Indicators
■■Improved Project ROI: 75% of respondents from
companies with 100 or more employees report Willingness of Jobsite Workers to Report Unsafe Conditions
improved project ROI, compared with 45% of 95%
smaller companies. 60%
■■Reportable Injury Rates: Most respondents from large
Reportable Injuries
companies and medium-size companies experienced
reduced reportable injury rates due to their safety 90%
investments, including 90% from those with more than 64%
100 employees and 93% from companies with 50 to 99 Standing in the Industry
employees. However, there is a notable drop-off among
smaller companies. In fact, only 59% of those with fewer
than 10 employees report a reduction in injury rates due
to their safety practices. Ability to Contract New Work
However, large companies with 100 or more employees
see a high degree of impact on less tangible measures 63%
dealing with staffing and industry standing. Project Quality
• 92% of respondents from large companies report that 88%
their standing in the industry is improved. 56%
• 89% report improved ability to contract new work.
Staff Retention
• 76% report that they see improved staff retention.
• 59% report improved ability to attract new staff. 79%
Large companies may be able to capitalize on better
measures of these impacts, as well as more formal Project ROI
safety processes. However, smaller companies will be 75%
competing against them for a limited pool of skilled 38%
workers, and they will need to be able to demonstrate Ability to Attract New Staff
through safety that they are attractive employers.
Variation by Safety Culture Spectrum
A strong safety culture is the most influential factor in Project Schedule
generating high levels of benefits. Unlike variations by 61%
firm type or size, every benefit included in the study is 31%
more widely reported by companies at the high end of the
Project Budget
safety culture spectrum than by companies at the low end
(see page 17). Also the differences between these two 59%
groups exceed any other differences reported in 32%
the study. In fact, three quarters or more of respondents
from companies at the high end of the safety culture These findings demonstrate that investment, not just
spectrum report that they experience seven out of 10 in safety practices but in an overall safety culture, are
of the benefits measured. 3_04_Safety_Management_Batch3_
critical to experience the full benefits of safety.
One third of the respondents who report a positive Impact of Safety on Project Budget
impact from their safety practices on the project (According to Respondents Who Report a
budget (see page 29) report decreases of 1% to 5%, with Positive Impact)
an average decrease of 4.7%. With profit margins on Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
29% of respondents who said that they experience a Impact of Safety on Project Schedule
positive impact on project schedule due to their safety (According to Respondents Who Report a
practices report decreases of 1% to 5%, with an average Positive Impact)
response of 4.9%. It is notable that 23% see decreases of Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Well over one third (36%) of respondents who said Impact of Safety on Project ROI
that they experience a positive impact on project ROI (According to Respondents Who Report a
due to their safety practices report increases of 1% Positive Impact)
to 5%, with an average response of 3.0%. When only Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Among the respondents who were able to quantify Impact of Safety on Injury Rates
the impact of their safety program on injury rates, the (According to Respondents Who Report a
highest proportion (20%) reported decreases of more Positive Impact)
than 20%, with an average injury rate reduction of 13%. Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
lthough the direct “Improved safety is a natural Howell is part of a study with
correlation between by-product of lean tools and the Project Production System
lean and safety isn’t techniques,” says Heinemeier. Laboratory at UC Berkeley that is
always apparent, “The more you remove waste from researching how lean construction
research continues to show how project sites and better organize the improves safety performance.
lean can reduce risk. In fact, Dan flow of a project, the less scope there Some lean techniques have
Heinemeier, executive director of is for accidents.” shown obvious benefits for both
Lean Construction Institute (LCI), Greg Howell, a co-founder of LCI, productivity and safety, Heinemeier
says safety improvements were says companies often report a 30% says. For example, modular
realized early on, even though to 50% reduction in accidents on lean construction and prefabrication
the primary initial goals of lean projects compared with non-lean can be performed offsite in a
construction aimed at being more projects. “That’s the good news—the controlled environment—out of
efficient, better serving owner needs bad news is we don’t know exactly the elements and at ground level—
and removing waste. why it happens,” he says. before being shipped to project
sites to be installed.
Planning, Collaboration
and Safety
Southland Industries has employed
lean thinking on safety planning
for installation. On a recent project
that used multi-trade modular racks
in corridors, the initial concept
called for skating the racks into
the building and using chain falls.
With safety professionals engaged
in the planning process, the team
instead chose to use a side-load
forklift. This technique meant the
operator and other workers were not
under the rack during installation;
exposure to sprain and strain injuries
was eliminated; and productivity
increased by eliminating the need for
Photo courtesy of Balfour Beatty Construction
chain falls.
Henry Nutt, general sheet metal
Image of a weekly work plan using the Last Planner system. The yellow dots superintendent at Southland
represent a phase change that requires a safety discussion. An onsite safety Industries, says that collaborative
professional brings the safety committee through and they discuss the phase
planning efforts provide the “biggest
change as well. The blue dot is a quality control hold—meaning significant
coordination is required or an inspection is needed before work can proceed or be bang for the buck” on lean. By
considered complete. working together, different firms can
streamline their efforts and Predictability and Safety Improvement program. The
find ways to reduce manpower Will Lichtig, construction executive program calls on workers to identify
deployed in specific work areas, at The Boldt Company, says lean potentially hazardous conditions
using crews more efficiently. tools like Last Planner help improve in the workplace and submit any
“You avoid congesting an area safety by providing better controls. concerns to management. “When we
that you’re working in,” he says. “When people do work when they began the program, people thought
“That’s a big factor we’ve found in plan to do it and with materials that it was a snitch card,” Lichtig says.
improving safety.” are delivered and ready for them “It took a while for people to realize
Nutt also says that safety to use, the likelihood that you’ll it wasn’t there to rat people out. It
personnel from multiple companies have things out of place is greatly was an honest and legitimate look at
can work together to streamline reduced,” he says. the opportunities for improvement
their planning and processes, Lichtig says that, historically, at the jobsite. How it is organized or
and not duplicate efforts. “It’s a construction firms have used a maintained. What tools could make
more seamless effort, so we don’t “compliance mentality” in regard the job safer.”
have injuries,” he says. “All of to safety—establishing rules and Lichtig says that the program not
that collaborative front-end work punishing workers who violate only helps the company improve
prevents stuff from happening down those rules. Under the “continuous its planning and practices, it also
the line.” improvement” philosophy of lean, engages workers to think more
On a recent Southland IPD Lichtig says factors other than worker about site safety. He even believes
project with a collaborative safety error need to be considered. “We’re that it serves as an audit of its site-
approach, the team realized not saying that the rules don’t matter, specific safety plan and job hazard
significant budget savings while but the reason people end up not analysis. “Even though we are
maintaining a clean safety record. following the rules isn’t because they planning at those levels, conditions
The team’s lean process saved set out in the morning to not follow will arise at the site that are unsafe,”
$300,000 in one work area, while the rules—it’s because we have he says. “The CSI program is a way
mechanical trade partners and tiered conflicting priorities and we haven’t for workers to say that, despite all of
subs worked more than 800,000 done enough to enable them to the work [Boldt has] done, we’re still
hours without injury. approach their work safely.” experiencing conditions that expose
Balfour Beatty Construction Lichtig cites the example of us to risk.”
incorporates safety planning into its someone working above the ceiling Lichtig says that the company’s
pull planning sessions on projects. on a 6-foot ladder, when the task safety record improved significantly
The technique allows the company requires an 8-foot ladder. “The with its adoption of lean techniques
to adjust safety plans to address typical response is to write up the nearly 15 years ago, but it eventually
changes in plans for daily tasks. For person on the ladder, send him home plateaued. Following introduction
example, when mapping out tasks on and punish him for using the ladder,” of the CSI program, he says that as
a timeline, the company uses yellow he says. “What we want to know is, the number of CSI cards delivered
safety stickers to denote major why he had the wrong size ladder. on a project and across the company
changes that could affect safety Why didn’t he have an 8-foot ladder? increased, Boldt’s safety incident
such as logistics, environmental Why didn’t he have access to the rate improved.
conditions, staging or access. right ladder and only that ladder? “On a big job in San Francisco right
“As a mind-set, for us, lean We look at that as a planning failure, now, we’ll get close to 100 CSI per
is a philosophy of continuous rather than a personal failure.” week,” he says. “That’s from a job
improvement built on a respect for force of a few hundred field workers.
people working smarter,” says Bevan Worker Involvement It provides a feedback mechanism,
Mace, vice president of operations/ Similarly, Boldt tries to enable and it keeps them more mindful of
lean at Balfour Beatty. “Respect for workers to be part of the process the environment they are working in.
people and safety are intertwined.” under its Continuous Safety There’s tremendous value in that.” n
Respondents were asked to rank the three most Most Influential People/Positions for
influential people or positions within their company for Improving Safety (Based on Rankings by
improving safety. Please note that, for this question only, All Respondents)
the term “owner” refers to the owner of the construction Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
company and not the owner of the construction project, Ranked First
as it does in the rest of the study. Ranked Second or Third
The chart at right shows the people or positions
ranked first, second or third by most respondents. The Construction Company Owners
differences in how they were ranked are revealing. 31% 9% 40%
■■Owners and Company Leadership: Owners and
The top factor that influenced companies to adopt their Current Safety Management Practices
current safety management practices is concern about (By Year)
worker health and safety, consistent with the findings Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
• Size of Company: 70% of respondents from Factors That Influenced Companies to Adopt
companies with over 100 employees consider this very Current Safety Management Practices
influential, but only 46% of those from companies with (By Position on the Safety Culture Spectrum)
fewer than 50 employees agree. Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Reduced insurance rates are the most influential factor Factors Encouraging Future Safety Investments
spectrum (see page 17) place a much greater importance High Use of Safety Culture Indicators
on a few factors indicated in the chart at right than those Low Use of Safety Culture Indicators
at the low end of the spectrum do.
■■Increased Owner/Client Requirements: Increased Owner/Client Requirements
The companies at the high end of the spectrum 74%
buck the general decline in the importance of owner 38%
requirements, suggesting that those with a strong
More Data on Positive Financial Impact of
safety culture recognize the need for owners to be Improving Safety
part of a collaborative approach to safety.
■■Data on Safety: Not only do the respondents from
companies at the high end of the safety culture
spectrum place greater importance on data on financial Wider Adoption of Risk Analysis
impacts, but they also see strong influence in the 56%
data drawn from risk analysis to help encourage 24%
safety investments.
Not all workers are equally at risk for occupational injury and
illness, even if they have the same job. In the construction industry,
Hispanic workers may face greater risks due to language barriers
and cultural mores that can reinforce risky behaviors.
n construction, Hispanic An increasing number of jobsite,” says Eileen Betit,
immigrant workers, construction companies are a research director at CPWR.
young workers and small introducing initiatives to help “They’re very inexpensive and
business employees are all workers cross the language barrier easy to use.” In February this year,
at increased risk, according to a to safety. Clark Construction, CPWR initiated a study to evaluate
2015 report published jointly by the for example, provides Spanish this new tool’s effectiveness.
National Institute for Occupational translation at every all-hands
Safety and Health (NIOSH) and meeting, including weekly crew Cultural Vulnerabilities
the American Society of Safety meetings, daily Safe Plan of Action While language is the elephant
Engineers. Put all three categories meetings and at every other in the room, a more subtle yet
together in one worker, and opportunity possible, either on significant factor in increasing the
you’ve got what the report calls paper or in person. When Balfour risks for Hispanic workers is culture.
“overlapping vulnerabilities.” Beatty Construction produced a For example, a 2010 study of Hispanic
Between 1990 and 2010, the new safety orientation video last immigrant workers in Chicago by
proportion of U.S. construction year, instead of dubbing the English Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz at Loyola
workers who identified themselves version into Spanish, the company University Chicago, found that
as Hispanic almost tripled, an elected to remake the video from workers’ behaviors reflected
increase mainly accounted for scratch using Hispanic actors. a culture that placed a high value
by immigration. By 2013, some That effort wins the video an on being perceived as hard workers
1.8 million Hispanic immigrant appreciative audience, says Steve by their employers, a cultural
workers made up about 20% Smithgall, Balfour Beatty’s senior value which increased their likelihood
of the construction labor force. vice president of safety, health and of taking risks, such as working
With this rapid growth in numbers environment: “It’s great to see the too fast.
has come a corresponding increase look on Hispanic workers’ faces Mention these studies to a
in injuries. when they realize that we actually long-time construction worker,
made the video in their language.” and he knows how this works
First, Language But the majority of Hispanic firsthand. Here’s how one such
Language, not surprisingly, immigrants are employed in worker sums it up: “You need
is key. Communication is the smaller companies, with less than somebody to climb up that
single most significant factor 50 employees, where only 28% scaffolding with a jack hammer. You
in fostering jobsite safety, from of workers receive training in any look around, and you’re not going to
formal communications, such language. To address the overlapping ask the guys you’ve been working
as site orientation and vulnerabilities of Hispanic workers with a long time, or the guys who’ll
equipment training, to informal in smaller companies, CPWR has complain and maybe mess it up.
communications, such translated a series of toolbox talks You ask the new Hispanic guy, who’s
as tips from peers. Yet more than into Spanish. Based on NIOSH really glad to have the job: ‘Sure, I
80% of site supervisors and safety research, each talk focuses on a can do that!’ And he becomes your
directors, and more than 90% of single construction workplace go-to. None of that’s about safety:
company leadership speak little to hazard. “Smaller employers can use Everything’s safe enough. It’s just a
no Spanish, according to a recent them at tailgate meetings to help set of relationships. But then it comes
survey by Dodge Data & Analytics. identify and mitigate an issue at that down to safety in the end.” n
Nearly all the contractors participating in the study report Safety Training Availability and Requirements
that their companies have basic safety training available Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
safety at the jobsite. General and specialty trade contractors report different
One factor made clear by the findings is the relatively levels of implementation for two of these requirements
wide recognition of the need to tackle safety on a and practices, both of which involve the training
jobsite-by-jobsite basis. 93% of contractors report requirements for supervisors.
that their employees receive orientation training when ■■Supervisors Are Required to Have Basic Safety &
starting work on a new site, and well over two thirds Health Training: 69% of general contractors report
(69%) of those that have adopted that practice do so that supervisors are required to have basic training on
on more than 70% of their projects. Each jobsite may more than 70% of their projects, compared with 56% of
pose a unique set of hazards, and increasing supervisor specialty contractors.
and worker awareness of the unique hazards posed by ■■Supervisors Are Required to Have Safety & Health
specific jobsites can be critical to helping mitigate Leadership Training: 64% of general contractors report
those risks. that supervisors are required to receive safety and
health leadership training on more than 70% of their
Variation by Size of Company projects, compared with 51% of specialty contractors.
Consistently, for all of these practices and requirements,
Since project supervisors at general contractors hold
a higher percentage of respondents from large
responsibility for the safety of the entire project, it is
companies, those with 100 or more employees, report
perhaps not surprising that supervisory training is of
that they are more widely implemented than those
particular importance for them as a safety requirement.
from companies with fewer than 50 employees.
However, the difference between small and
large companies is only evident in the degree of
Variation by Safety Culture Spectrum
Perhaps not surprisingly, companies at the low end
implementation, not in whether they use any of these
of the safety culture spectrum (see page 17) are less
requirements and practices. This demonstrates that
likely than those higher on the spectrum to use or have
small companies are as familiar with these training
requirements in place for safety and health training.
practices and requirements as large companies, and the
That was true for each of the five factors studied, and, in
difference appears to lie in their ability to consistently
fact, around one quarter of companies at the low end of
implement them across the company.
the safety culture spectrum report that they have
The most notable gap in the level of implementation
not implemented:
is in the use of orientation training when starting work
• Requirements that supervisors have basic safety and
on a new site. 84% of respondents from companies
health training (24%)
with more than 100 employees report that this occurs
• Requirements that supervisors have safety and health
on more than 70% of their projects, but less than half
leadership training (25%)
(46%) of respondents from companies with fewer than
• Requirements that jobsite workers have basic safety
50 employees report the same. It is possible that larger
and health training (26%)
companies have clear-cut policies in place regarding
this, while smaller companies may have more variation These findings again reinforce the importance of a safety
depending on the project leadership, a factor that could culture to encourage widespread adoption and use of
also contribute to the other, less dramatic, statistically basic sound safety practices, including training.
significant differences in the degree of implementation
between small and large companies.
Respondents were asked about the frequency with which Safety Training Conducted Online
they have conducted or expect to conduct safety training Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
online in three time frames: 2013, 2015 and expected in No Safety Training Conducted Online
2017. The chart at right reflects their responses. Less Than 25% of Safety Training Conducted Online
The findings reveal a higher expectation for increased 25% to 70% of Safety Training Conducted Online
use in safety training online over the next two years than More Than 70% of Safety Training Conducted Online
the increase that has occurred over the last two years.
• From 2013 to 2015, the percentage using online safety 77%
training has only increased by one percentage point. 66% 67% 15%
However, there has been a shift to more use of online 7% 9%
safety training among those who are already using
it, with a six percentage point increase among those 19% 29%
conducting 25% or more of their safety training online. 34% 33%
• Between 2015 and 2017, though, there is a 10
percentage point increase in those who expect to use 40% 35% 33%
online safety training. In addition, there is an expected
12 percentage point increase in those who expect to
use it for 25% of their safety training or more.
2013 2015 2017 (expected)
These findings are likely affected by contractor
expectations regarding improvements of devices
used onsite and better availability of safety training
software and apps. A 2015 study on information 3_13_Safety_Management_Batch3_Training_Online_#01
mobility improvements in the construction industry,
published in the first edition of the SmartMarket Brief:
BIM Advancements series of reports, reveals that 95% of
contractors report that they’ve experienced at least some
improvement in their information mobility in the last two
years, with the majority (43%) reporting a very high level
of improvement. These improvements, though, have only
set the stage for greater expectations about technology
advancements, with 76% still reporting the need for
improved devices at the jobsite.
General contractors are also significantly more likely
than specialty trade contractors to be using online
safety training currently, with 75% of general contractors
reporting at least some safety training occurring online
compared with 57% of specialty contractors. However, by
2017, the difference drops from 18 to 9 percentage points,
which now places it within the margin of error. This
suggests that specialty contractors have been slower to
embrace online training thus far, but that improved, less
costly equipment may eventually eliminate that gap.
In both the 2012 and 2015 studies, respondents were Impact of Safety Training by Role
asked to rate the level of influence of safety training (Percentage Selecting Highly Positive Influence in
for different roles within their companies, from jobsite 2012 and 2015)
workers to company leadership. The chart at right Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
In the current study, respondents were asked to rate the Value of Different Modes of Safety Training
value of different modes of training for jobsite workers by Role (Percentage Who Consider Safety
and for supervisors. The chart at right represents the Training to be of Great Value)
percentage of those who find the different modes of Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Keeping jobsite workers well trained about safety is continue to offer training more frequently than smaller
widely recognized as important in the construction companies. However, there are also some distinctions
industry (see page 42), but it also presents several critical year over year that suggest trends in how frequently
challenges. Depending on the company and the type of safety training is offered across the industry.
construction, jobsite workers may experience higher
turnover than other functions in the industry. Their
productivity also directly impacts factors like project
Over half (53%) of respondents from companies with
schedule and budget. They may be the least likely to
500 or more employees offer their jobsite workers safety
have access to computers and other means of delivering
training at least once a quarter, a finding consistent with
training. These and other factors may influence the
the percentage of very large companies that offered
frequency with which these workers are trained.
training at that frequency in 2012. This is in contrast to
Industry best practices about who trains these
the smaller companies. In fact, in the current study, the
workers and how safety messages are communicated to
percentage of respondents from the largest companies is
them most effectively can help contracting companies
more than double any other category.
determine the best approach to safety training and
There is also a notable increase in the percentage of
communication with jobsite workers.
respondents from the largest contracting companies
who report that they deliver training twice a year, from
Frequency of Training 6% in 2012 to 13% in 2015, and a corresponding decrease
In both the 2012 study, published in the 2013 Safety
in training delivered less frequently. This suggests that
Management in the Construction Industry SmartMarket
the largest companies are increasingly recognizing the
Report, and in the current study, contractors were asked
value of frequent training of jobsite workers and continue
how frequently they offer formal safety training to jobsite
to increase their investments to provide that training.
workers. As the findings indicate, larger companies
** Respondents could also select an “Other” response, which is not reflected in the data listed.
MIDSIZE TO LARGE COMPANIES (THOSE WITH Person/Role Who Conducts Safety Training
clear what is driving this decline. Perhaps it is in part due Most Effective Means of Communicating
to the lingering effects of the 2007 to 2010 recession and Safety Messages to Jobsite Workers
the sluggish recovery, which may have impacted the funds (Ranked First By Year)
available to use third-party sources for training. Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
Safety and health leadership by supervisors is an Would Have Supervisors Request Leadership
essential part of a strong safety culture at a company. Training as an Elective for OSHA 30-Hour
The findings in this study show that the need for that Training (By Size of Company)
leadership is widely recognized across the industry, Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016
with 97% of respondents reporting that at least some of 100 or More Employees
their supervisors lead by example, and the vast majority 94%
reporting that most of their supervisors do (see page
14). However, a lower percentage (89%) report that their 50 to 99 Employees
company requires leadership training on health and 88%
safety to their supervisors (see page 42), which suggests Fewer Than 50 Employees
a gap that needs to be filled.
Part of the challenge may be the availability of
leadership training for construction supervisors with a
focus on health and safety. Therefore, the study asked
respondents whether they would encourage their
supervisors to take leadership training if it were added to
the OSHA 30-Hour training for supervisors as an elective.
A high percentage of respondents (84%) agree that
they would encourage their supervisors to request that
leadership training.
As the chart at right reveals, the larger the company
that the respondents work for, the more likely they
are to believe that they would encourage their
supervisors to undertake leadership training. This
corresponds with the greater emphasis on training
opportunities and requirements from larger companies
throughout the data.
In addition, 94% of respondents at the high end of the
safety culture spectrum (see page 17) report that they
would encourage their supervisors to undertake the
training, compared with 69% at the low end, reinforcing
the recognition of supervisors as important contributors
to a safety culture.
However, it is notable that there are no significant
differences on this point between general and specialty
contractors. That finding is somewhat surprising since
a much higher percentage of general contractors than
specialty contractors require their supervisors to have
basic safety and health training, and safety and health
leadership training (see page 43). Clearly specialty
contractors place enough emphasis on this issue to at
least encourage their supervisors to take advantage of
available training, even if many are not willing to actually
require it at this point.
hen Balfour Beatty workers switch on when they arrive Anton, an associate professor in the
Construction launched at the jobsite, safety becomes a department of physical therapy at
its Zero Harm program full-time attitude. Eastern Washington University. “We
in 2012, it required want them to have long careers.”
new employees to sit through a video Catch Them Young
that parsed jobsite safety rules and The earlier that attitude begins, Keep It Fresh
regulations. “It was 27 minutes of the better: That’s the idea behind a With any safety training, the constant
pain,” says Steve Smithgall, senior new program that integrates safety challenge is to keep it fresh. SAVE,
vice president of safety, health and skills into masonry apprenticeship. for example, uses text messages and
environment at Balfour Beatty. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) emails to deliver refresher training
So in 2015, the company replaced are the scourge of the masonry four times a month over a one-year
that initial effort with a new video sector, and of the construction period to maximize retention. An
exemplifying a more progressive industry in general. The best way increasing number of phone apps
approach to safety training: one that to avoid them is through ergonomics; offer safety reminders, and futuristic
aims to get project teams “to truly but beyond—perhaps—“proper” equipment with augmented-reality
embrace a safety culture focused on lifting, many construction trade (AR) safety training is coming down
positive, proactively safe behaviors,” workers, and especially young the pipe. “The future of safety is
says Smithgall. apprentices, have no training going to be wearables [such as
in ergonomics. helmets and vests] that tell you
This Time, It’s Personal The Safety Voice for Ergonomics how to do a task correctly and in
Mandatory viewing for all workers (SAVE) program, a national a safe manner,” Peter Grant, CEO
joining a Balfour Beatty jobsite, the program developed by a team of of Safesite, an Australia-based
new film introduces nine safety researchers in collaboration with app provider, predicted at a recent
principles that address construction’s the International Masonry Institute BuiltWorlds event. And wearables
most common safety challenges, and the Masonry r2p Partnership, may turn out to be only a bridge
and it does so in a way that makes integrates evidence-based health technology until construction tools
them personal. First, the film makes and safety training strategies into themselves train workers in safe
explicit the link between working masonry apprenticeship. And, use, predicts Mark Barry, chief
safely during the day, and going because apprenticeship programs technology officer at Capital
home safe at the end of it: “Thinking often lack soft-skills training in Construction Solutions.
about the family the worker has to how to respond appropriately to A more timeless approach to
support hopefully makes him ask unsafe environments and practices, keeping safety training fresh is the
whether taking a risk is really worth the program combines training in growing practice of onsite morning
it,” says Smithgall. Second, the film ergonomics with problem-solving, warm-ups, in which the entire crew
extends the nine safety principles to self-management and leadership limbers up together. This simple
personal contexts—a man stops his skills to help young masons develop practice works on multiple levels—
child from climbing a ladder at home, their safety voice. individual and collective, immediate
for example, and puts up a guard “We’re trying to introduce these and long-term—delivering the
to keep himself safe on scaffolding ideas during their apprenticeship, safety message to the body directly,
at work—so that, rather than a and not when they’re 30 and where hopefully it will become
compartmentalized behavior that already injured,” says Daniel second nature. n
Dodge Data & Analytics conducted The survey data was collected CULTURE SPECTRUM
the 2015 Safety Management in the using an online survey of industry See page 17 for more information
Construction Industry Study with professionals between October on how this analytical variable
two purposes in mind: 27th and November 4th, 2015. was derived and the percentage
■■Longitudinal Comparison to Study The Dodge Data & Analytics of respondents that fall into
Conducted in 2012: The study Contractor Panel was used to reach each category.
sought to assess trends in the general and specialty contractors
industry for the following topics throughout the U.S. This panel
The survey respondents identified
by including comparisons with the contains a representative sample
themselves as follows:
benchmark Safety Study completed of construction contractors across
■■111 general contractors (44%)
in 2012. the U.S. The panelists are identified
■■115 specialty contractors (45%)
• The use of specific by many categories, including size,
■■8 design-build contractors (3%)
safety practices region, types of projects undertaken
■■19 construction management
• The impact of a safety and specialty. To gain an industry-
firms (8%)
management program on project wide perspective, no specific
■■1 engineering firm (.4%)
safety and outcomes, including contractor group was excluded from
productivity benefits the study. For the analysis in this report, the
• Influence factors category general contractor includes
• Training practices Survey Respondents the design-build and construction
■■Indicators of a Safety Culture: In The survey had 254 complete management firms, and the
addition, new data was gathered responses. The use of a sample engineering firm was included in the
on 33 indicators of a safety culture to represent a true population is specialty contractor category.
in seven categories. These 33 based on the firm foundation of Respondents were working on
indicators were used to formulate statistics. The sampling size and projects across the commercial,
a safety culture spectrum. The technique used in this study conform institutional and manufacturing sectors.
findings from the rest of the study to accepted industry standards
were then analyzed in regard to expected to produce results with a
Respondents were asked to identify
this safety culture spectrum to high degree of confidence and low
the size of their companies by
demonstrate the effectiveness margin of error.
the number of employees in the
of working toward creating a The total sample size (n=254)
following categories:
safety culture on the use of safety benchmarks at a 95% confidence
■■Less Than 10 (11%)
practices and the benefits accrued interval with a margin of error of 6.1%
■■10 to 49 (32%)
from that use. for dichotomous inquiries.
■■50 to 99 (16%)
Three analytical variables were
■■100 to 499 (20%)
used for the majority of this analysis:
■■500 or More (21%)
■■Position on the Safety Culture
The authors wish to thank our premier partners, the Center for Construction
Research and Training (CPWR) and United Rentals, for helping us bring this
information to the market. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge Pete Stafford
Dodge Data & Analytics
and Patricia Quinn at CPWR, along with the CPWR staff, and Jim Dorris and Jeremy
Main Website :
Fountain at United Rentals for their support.
Dodge :
Research & Analytics : Additional thanks to the supporting sponsors as well, including Autodesk, ClickSafety and Procore. We also thank our contributing partners, the National
dodge-market-research.asp Institute of Building Sciences and PCL Construction, and our association partners,
Sweets : the Construction Users Roundtable and the Lean Construction Institute.
SmartMarket Reports : We would also like to thank all of the experts who shared their insights and photos
with in the articles in this report.
United Rentals
This publication was supported by CPWR through NIOSH cooperative agreement OH009762. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the official views of CPWR or NIOSH. CPWR does not endorse any of the other funding partners associated with this project.
■ Design and Construction Intelligence
SmartMarket Report