IDFC FIRST - Bank - Annual - Report - 2019 PDF
IDFC FIRST - Bank - Annual - Report - 2019 PDF
IDFC FIRST - Bank - Annual - Report - 2019 PDF
Key Numbers 1
A New Bank 3
A New Identity 14
Board of Directors 62
Directors' Report 86
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We constantly strive
to innovate in the
customer interest.
Action-Oriented Collaborative
We consistently demonstrate We develop, maintain and
focus, initiative and energy strengthen relationships
to deliver our promise of with both internal and
delighting customers. external stakeholders.
Our Cultural Tenets
to guide every
action we take:
We trust our employees'
ability to be successful,
Decisive especially at challenging
We exercise best new tasks; delegating
judgement by responsibility and authority.
making sound and
well-informed decisions.
Customer Focussed
We put the customer's interest
first by putting ourselves in
the customers' situations
and viewing things from
their perspective.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 3
A New Bank
Growth is real only when it is segment. Its quarterly annualised Net underserved and first-time borrowers.
sustainable and serves the long-term Interest Margin has expanded from The underserved segments are
interest of stakeholders. 1.9% to 3.0% post merger. The Bank important to us. We also have the
now enjoys a leading position in some opportunity to bring these customers
An aspiration for accelerated and of the retail asset segments. into the financial mainstream and
sustained growth paved the way for touch their lives in a positive way.
the merger of erstwhile IDFC Bank The Bank’s tech-driven liabilities
Ltd and erstwhile Capital First Ltd platform is ready to grow exponentially Serving the new aspiring India
on December 18, 2018. Thus, a new with a new focus on expanding We believe an immense opportunity
bank with a new DNA was born – footprint across the nation. awaits us, as IDFC FIRST Bank
IDFC FIRST Bank. The combined customer base is starts to invest in customer-driven
now 7.3 million and growing, with innovation that will create new liability
The merger is a milestone in the a significant share of it in India’s products, new credit markets and
history of the two institutions and booming hinterland. new jobs – keeping in view the needs
marks the end of one journey and of a New India.
beginning of a new one. Customer-focussed &
analytics-driven By financing the growth of business
Renewed focus on retail As a Bank, our approach is to keep and consumption, we not only
IDFC FIRST Bank is born to be banking simple, easy to know and participate in the growth of the country
distinctly different from what it was easy to understand. We enable but also generate employment for
earlier. It has a renewed focus on retail people to save, borrow, invest, millions. This, we believe, will lead to
business with an intent to fast-forward grow and protect their wealth. greater domestic production, greater
its growth trajectory, and to serve Our service is characterised by consumption and will contribute to the
many more customer segments that digitisation, personalisation and virtuous cycle of growth of the nation.
are seen as growth-drivers of the customer-centricity, in addition to
Indian economy. extensive physical reach. IDFC FIRST Bank is confident and
ready to chart out its own destiny.
Our new bank fuses state-of-the-art In addition to the exceptional strengths It is now better positioned for growth
technology and the superior liability of erstwhile IDFC Bank, we derive the in its business, deploy new digital
platform of erstwhile IDFC Bank with required expertise from the unique channels, enter new markets and
analytics-led lending capabilities, business model of erstwhile Capital serve more customers.
the retail DNA and strong profitability First, which deploys its greenfield
track record of erstwhile Capital First. method of assessing credit risk – a
It enables both the institutions to strength that has enabled it to lend
It is now geared to
expand capabilities and reach and to extensively to first-time borrowers and seize tomorrow’s
better serve customers. yet maintain a healthy asset quality
that has withstood the challenges of
opportunities, today.
Thus, the merger sets the stage economic cycles and policy changes.
for the creation of a financially
and strategically stronger entity. We are a people’s bank – for the
IDFC FIRST Bank now has a strong salaried and self-employed, small
funded asset base of more than businesses and micro-enterprises.
` 1,10,400 crore with 37% in the retail With a specific emphasis on the
4 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
A landmark year
Dear Shareholders,
The fiscal year 2019 turned out to Provided the monsoons are about
be an eventful year for the Indian normal, one might expect some
economy and also for the banking renewed buoyancy to consumption
sector. Economic growth faced some demand. That said, we must recognise
headwinds in the form of enhanced that challenges do remain in the form
global protectionism, volatility in the of headwinds from slowing global
global financial markets, as also economic growth and also problems
some domestic issues such as weak that the NBFC sector in India has
consumption and decelerating private been going through.
investment demand.
It is encouraging to note that
Domestic sentiment was also hit government and regulatory efforts
due to problems faced by the NBFC to address the “twin balance sheet
segment and uncertainties related problem” of the financial sector as
to the elections. Consequently, GDP well the corporate sector continue.
growth that was reported in the first Within banking, the three-way
quarter at 8%, fell off to 5.8% in the amalgamation of public sector banks
fourth quarter. However, full year is a step in the right direction towards
growth was at 6.8%, and by that strengthening the sector.
metric, India continued to be the
world’s fastest growing economy.
As a result of the slowing growth
momentum, inflation dipped through
the year and opened up space for the
RBI to reduce interest rates.
The merger with Capital First has been transformational
Despite a challenging year, the for the Bank. It greatly accelerates the Bank’s plans to
economy although weakening
has remained resilient with the
retailise the book and bring profitability to the franchise.
outlook looking positive into FY20. It is thus value accretive for all shareholders.
Importantly, uncertainties pertaining
to elections are behind us and the Dr. Rajiv B. Lall
majority mandate for the incumbent Non-Executive Chairman, IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
government provides hope for a
faster pace of economic reforms in
the coming years.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 5
Our merger with Capital First was transformative
because it brought together the exceptional and
complimentary strengths of IDFC Bank and Capital First.
Directors' Report
During the year, RBI has also (IBC) continues to hold the key to As part of the demerger, the Bank
sought to ease out the problems timely resolution of stressed assets inherited the large infrastructure
for the NBFC sector whereby it and a credit repayment culture. book of its parent IDFC Ltd. In order
announced relaxation of liquidity to diversify the balance sheet,
norms for NBFCs and also permitted we took a call to build a retail
Corporate Governance
A significant year for IDFC
banks to lend to non-banking FIRST Bank banking franchise.
finance companies (NBFCs) facing IDFC Bank launched operations on
asset-liability mismatches. October 1, 2015, with 23 branches By FY19, the Bank had successfully
and a state-of-the-art digital platform. expanded its reach to serve new
The other big development for the It was formally inaugurated by Prime customer segments both on the retail
banking sector in FY19 was related Minister Shri Narendra Modi at 7 Race as well as the wholesale side of the
to RBI’s February 12 circular, which Course in New Delhi. Within 35 days of business, and was well on course to
was a turning point for asset quality starting operations, IDFC Bank listed build a sustainable banking franchise.
recognition. Under this circular, banks on the Bombay Stock Exchange and
had to classify an asset as being in National Stock Exchange.
default if repayments were missed The Bank rolled out its retail
even by a day. This has now been businesses, both on the liabilities
replaced by a revised prudential As part of our evolution, we wanted to
front as well as on the retail assets
Financial Statements
framework for stressed asset be able to provide financial services side and the business was growing
resolution that allows banks 30 days to a larger segment of the population, well. The Bank built an integrated
to monitor the account and frame a diversify away from infrastructure technology architecture for delivering
plan, instead of mandatorily having to and provide banking services in digital-enabled banking services to
use the bankruptcy courts. The move underbanked locations in the country. our customers. In three years until
provides some flexibility to banks in September 2018, the Bank had raised
the resolution process for stressed With that in mind, IDFC Bank was ` 2,555 crore of retail CASA from over
assets while continuing to hold them founded by demerging the lending 4,00,000 customers and had acquired
to higher standards of financial business of IDFC Ltd, with a view over 1.8 million MFI customers,
discipline and corporate governance. to transforming its business from including customers of Grama Vidiyal.
Nevertheless, the progress under infrastructure financing to a diversified Quite a remarkable achievement in
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code universal bank. such short timespan.
6 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
It was deemed strategically vital for your Bank to expedite the building
of a retail assets and retail liabilities at scale through the inorganic
route. We therefore actively looked out for a partner who had already
achieved these capabilities as well as developed last-mile connectivity,
scale and profitability and would be a perfect complement to the
franchise we had launched.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 7
developed by Capital First could serve took it to scale with a loan book of
customers hitherto underserved by over ` 30,000 crore in underserved
the existing financial services system segments. I have no hesitation in
through unique credit models built endorsing him as the leader of
by them. Such excellent intellectual IDFC FIRST Bank.
property built over eight years at
scale is hard to build and takes I have no doubt that the combined
time, and got automatically entity will be a strong institution and
transferred to the combined entity I am happy that I was able to lead
Directors' Report
through the merger. the organisation to such scale with
multiple businesses built over the
last 15 years, navigate a complex
Such strong complementarity is hard
transition from an infrastructure-only
to find between merging institutions.
non-bank financier to a Bank that
It is thus value accretive for all
is now positioned successfully for
shareholders in the long run.
future growth.
It has been an absolute pleasure
As my role transitions to Non-Executive
to serve as Founder MD & CEO of
Chairman of IDFC FIRST Bank, I would
erstwhile IDFC Bank for three years
like to take a moment to thank you,
since its inception. Mr. Vaidyanathan,
our shareholders, for your continued
Corporate Governance
Founder & Chairman of erstwhile
support over the years.
Capital First, who is now MD & CEO
of IDFC FIRST Bank comes with an
Over the past three years, I have had
extraordinary track record of success
the privilege of working with many
in financial services. Mr. Vaidyanathan
talented, committed, and enthusiastic
had earlier built ICICI Bank’s retail
people who laid the foundations
banking business to great scale of
of this Bank. My sincere gratitude
` 1,30,000 crore, built a large liability
to all of them.
franchise with 1,419 branches,
4,713 ATMs, large Retail CASA and
Retail Term Deposits for the bank,
internet and mobile banking, and
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall
subsequently, in an entrepreneurial
Non-Executive Chairman,
role, founded Capital First and
Financial Statements
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
A New Beginning
Dear fellow Shareholders,
“The founding years, which I call the next five years, are
particularly important, as the DNA we establish now will be
hard to correct later. We will make every effort to sell the
right products to customers, avoid mis-selling, avoid selling
such third-party products that make wonderful fees for us
but at the cost of expensive products for the customer. If we
make a mistake, we will apologise and correct it. After all,
we do not want to take this Bank to great heights in profits
Directors' Report
and profitability while having earned any penny that truly
does not belong to us.”
since generations. Further, the middle entity, and when it was available after models and so on. These decisions
class was beginning to borrow for a lot of follow-up, it was expensive - look easy when working for a MNC,
consumption. The thought was to we were borrowing at Base Rate plus or a large profitable institution, but
provide finance for their businesses, 500 bps (about 14% rate of interest in not so when you are small, loss
and for buying homes, cars and today’s terms), and we lent upwards making and depend on the courtesy
consumption to the less organised. of 20%. Bit by bit, bank by bank, we of the markets.
Corporate Governance
I thought of this as a big need, and a borrowed ` 1,000 crore, and started
great opportunity. (Post-merger with building the loan book. I got the But one thing was clear: the target
IDFC Bank, our new banking platform timing all wrong because during this customer segment - it was the
offers opportunities to expand the period, the growth rate of the Indian unorganised, underserved segment,
scope of technology solutions to economy was falling precipitously by by using technology. They would
medium and large entrepreneurs and the quarter from 10% to 5%, inflation pay us the rates as appropriate to
these too are great opportunities. was high (9-10%), and the RBI was our borrowing costs. It was riskier to
This was not part of the plan then raising interest rates - they raised it 16 lend to, so we had to discover new
in 2010, though). times at a stretch. I didn’t know where ways to lend with greenfield research,
to spend my time - there was so much sans tax returns. Over 50% of our
I got an opportunity for this plan in to cover - we had to raise debt, raise target customers were not on the
2010. The NBFC I got involved with equity, build business, hire people, credit bureau as no one in the formal
was a loss-making one, it had made build relationships, build technology sector had lent to them. So we had to
losses of ` 30 crore & ` 32 crore stack, report quarterly results, make be extra careful.
Financial Statements
in the prior two years respectively. pitches, manage environment and
But it saved time in getting access media and so on. Fortunately, our team The Take-off: The idea took off well;
to a NBFC licence. So over time I was great and each one of them put within a year, the retail loan book grew
acquired significant equity stakes in in extraordinary effort to deliver from ` 94 crore to ` 770 crore and
the company mostly through personal on these. we had the desired proof of concept
leverage. We shut down unrelated to show to potential equity investors.
businesses like foreign exchange, And there were always dilemmas We were running out of equity and our
broking, asset management and whether to build business or slow maiden attempt to raise equity through
wealth management, and instead it down, grow out of trouble or play QIP had failed to take off. Then by
started consumer and small business conservative, focus on cost of funds the turn of certain circumstances, I
financing in the entity as part of or quantity, focus on immediate learnt there was another way to raise
the longer plan. profits for the sake of stakeholders equity - Private Equity. Meanwhile we
or to invest for the future, to book raised more debt of ` 2,000 crore, and
It was the hardest five years of my life securitisation profits upfront or took the loan book to ` 2,700 crore by
professionally. Raising debt funding amortise it, to buy a stack or make it, 2012. After countless presentations
was difficult for a start-up loss making greenfield research or off-the-stack for over a year to all major PE players
10 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
I am quite confident that once we see through
this investment phase (expansion of branch
network, retailising assets, retailising liabilities),
barring unforeseen circumstances, the Bank
is set for a continuous and one-way growth in
Directors' Report
profitability from thereon.
We both had a hearty laugh over entire team, 99.98% of IDFC Bank and to create a new composite,
our little secret! Shareholders and 99.90% of Capital forward-looking bank.
First Shareholders by value approved
The merger announcement: We the transaction. Investment bankers The two institutions bring extraordinary
announced the deal to the markets said near 100% approval rates were strengths to the table. Both companies
on January 13, 2018. What followed "astonishing", "extraordinary" and had high levels of corporate
was another high octane year. Dr. Lall, "unprecedented", considering that the governance, extremely professional
myself and the respective teams got two entities were publicly listed and people and energetic staff.
Corporate Governance
steadfastly working on putting the widely traded companies together with The complementarities are obvious
merger together. The teams spent near 8,00,000 shareholders. and explained elsewhere in this report.
time seeking approvals from the
Competition Commission of India, This was not the first time I had The New business model: The easiest
Stock Exchanges, SEBI, RBI, creditors, gone through such an experience. way to understand the new business
shareholders and NCLT, and other Earlier, when Capital First was model is as follows. We plan to
such approvals. founded, then too, it involved an open implant the erstwhile Capital First’s
offer, fresh equity raise, preferential tried and tested model of financing
Often, these approvals were allotment, change of ownership, small entrepreneurs and consumers
contingent on approvals from other change of brand name, FIPB approval [a retail franchise, growing at 29%
parties. I must say that every single for FDI and so on. But I do believe that per annum and profits 5-year CAGR
entity we approached during this doing business in India has become of 55%, (FY18 PAT grew by 37%)],
period for approvals was pretty easier over the years. on a bank platform, (IDFC Bank’s
straightforward in their approach and strong branch network of 242 and
Financial Statements
facilitative of the process. Despite the growing, excellent technology stack,
Our challenges were not these
fact that the integration was such a quality internet and mobile banking,
alone. It also involved putting
complex act involving a NBFC and a and strong rural presence). We will
together, merging and evolving the
bank, involving regulators, dealing with also find cutting edge solutions for
best architecture, and bringing the
Companies Act, Banking Regulations, larger entrepreneurs and corporates
best of both institutions together.
legal issues and other such, the and customise technology solutions
It involved integrating people,
processes went smoothly and I must to meet their needs for trade, forex,
varied processes, credit policies,
say to other observers of our country credit, deposits, and payments.
premises, customer segments,
that we are one of the finest places to
strategy, operations, treasury and
do business in. The Challenges: A number of research
so on. Putting these pieces together
has been back-breaking work for reports including those by reputed
We formally merged on December 18, the integration team, and it has entities such as Credit Suisse,
2018, and a new entity was founded been my greatest privilege to have Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley
by the merger, IDFC FIRST Bank. As a had this opportunity of leading the have pointed out that the bank faces
result of the work of Dr. Lall and the integration of the two organisations, many uphill tasks on profitability
12 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Our new bank has a new vision. We want to create the world’s best bank, right
here in India, for aspiring Consumers and for Entrepreneurs
and liabilities. I don’t deny these other concerns by research agencies. operating expenses less normalised
challenges, also thank them for their However, I’m sure this too will get credit losses) turned positive to ` 37
efforts to research us. For instance, fixed. The compounding power of a crore in 2013, there was no looking
Morgan Stanley’s report read “IDFC finely tuned retail lending machine back as profits compounded at 55%
has one of the weakest retail liability coupled with low cost of funds of a straight for the next five to take us to
franchises and one of the lowest share bank is phenomenal. The margins ` 328 crore and yet compounding
of retail loans among peers.” CNBC have already increased from 1.7% to at 37%, at the time of the merger.
says the issue of low CASA will be 3.03% as a result of the merger. It will I believe it is very much possible
hardest to fix. Deutsche Bank says increase year-on-year, you can see the to do it again.
the bank has a large loan book at trend in eight quarters.
over ` 1,00,000 crore and low CASA Plans: I have guided for the following
of ` 6,500 crore. Negligible CASA will We are going to invest in setting simple strategy. Grow CASA % from
have a very long gestation period.” up a large branch network across 10% to 30%, grow retail deposits
“Building CASA will be a costly and the country over the next two years. (CASA +TD) as % of total borrowings
long journey: Credit Suisse” This may appear to put pressure from 10% to 50%, grow retail loan
on the P&L but I assure you these book as % of total loan book from
Of course, we understand this issue, are table stakes to be able to play 35% to 70%, reduce infrastructure
and we are determined to fix it. a long-term game in banking as loans from 22% to 0%, reduce Cost
The only way to address this issue is a large bank in India. I am quite to income ratio from 80% to 55%,
to grow CASA faster than the growth confident that once we see through grow branches from 200 to 800,
of the loan book. Our liability products this phase, barring unforeseen grow NIM from 3% to 5%, all in
are already a hit in the marketplace circumstances, the bank is set for a five years. In short, build franchise,
and I think we will surprise continuous and one-way growth in diversify liabilities, diversify assets,
you on the upside. profitability from thereon. improve margins. It’s that simple.
You will see us consistently delivering
“Large infra book related issues”: I have experienced the same situation on these fronts.
says Deutsche Bank. Our response - before. The company I was associated
this will wind down over time to NIL. with earlier had posted losses of Our Customer Approach: It always
We are not doing this anymore. ` 30 crore and ` 32 crore. It took two starts with the customer. I have made
years to put all the building blocks in it clear to all that we don't want to do
“A very high opex ratio (79%) should place, develop intellectual properties anything that will hurt the customer’s
keep returns depressed for a long and gather momentum. But once the interest in the course of scaling
time.” “Low core profitability” are core profit (core NII + Core Fees less up our Bank. The founding years,
which I call the next five years, are
particularly important, as the DNA
of what we establish will be hard to
correct later. We will make every effort
to sell the right products to customers,
We want to touch the lives of millions of Indians in avoid mis-selling, avoid selling such
products that make wonderful fees for
a positive way by providing high quality banking us but at the cost of the customer’s
services to them, with particular focus on aspiring pocket. We will communicate all
material information to the customer
consumers and entrepreneurs of our new India, using in a transparent manner. If we make a
contemporary technologies mistake, we will apologise and correct
it. After all, we do not want to take this
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 13
Thank you, Dr. Lall, without you there would be no IDFC First Bank. I want to
whole heartedly appreciate you and the entire senior management team for the
wonderful platform that you built with your hard work. I also sincerely thank the
entire Board of erstwhile IDFC Bank for their guidance in building the bank, and to
bring it to great success
Directors' Report
Bank to great heights in profits and employment opportunities, and I thank the Media for very
profitability while having earned any finance the growth of business responsible reporting during the
penny that truly does not belong to us. and consumption. This will lead entire merger process.
to greater domestic production,
Hence, we selected a new public tag greater consumption, and we want I would like to express our sincere
line ‘Always You First’. It is a carefully to contribute in further fuelling thanks to the banking regulator for
thought-through line and reflects our the virtuous cycle of growth for their consent to the merger. What you
sincere commitment towards our our great nation. have offered is invaluable for us, and
customers. All of us employees stand we will treasure it and justify your faith.
committed to this. We sincerely thank the Competition
To our employees, I have this to say -
Commission of India, BSE, NSE, SEBI,
I know all of you have been through
Corporate Governance
A new bank: Since we have new NCLT, shareholders, creditors, rating
shareholding, new brand name, new a difficult one year because of the
agencies, and all other people who
brand colour, I see IDFC FIRST Bank merger, media breakouts and
were instrumental in our successes.
practically as a new bank, but with rumours at different stages of the
Thank you, customers.
great strengths of the two entities merger. I thank you for keeping your
incorporated into one. It pretty much chin up during the process. We are
V. Vaidyanathan
feels like how we felt when Capital First going to create an institution, for
Managing Director & CEO,
was founded in 2012, with all things all of you, and indeed India, will be
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
new - identity, name, brand colour, proud of, one day.
shareholders, and business model and
we set sail with the same gusto. Thank you, Dr. Lall, without you there
would be no IDFC First Bank.
Vision and mission: Our new bank Infrastructure financing may not be
has a new vision. “We want to create in vogue today and may be known
the world’s best bank, right here in
Financial Statements
for low margins and high losses, but
India, for aspiring Consumers and for back in 2007 it was the in-thing. And to
Entrepreneurs.” pull the group out of that and to get
a banking licence is a stupendous
We want to touch the lives of achievement few have achieved,
millions of Indians in a positive way and the merged entity rides upon
by providing high quality banking that today. I want to wholeheartedly
services to them, with particular appreciate you and the entire senior
focus on aspiring consumers and management team for the wonderful
entrepreneurs of our new India, using platform that you built with your hard
contemporary technologies. work. I also sincerely thank the entire
Board of erstwhile IDFC Bank for their
Our nation first: We are confident of guidance in building the bank, and
not only participating in the to bring it to great success. A
growth of Indian GDP, but also banking licence is a precious
contributing to the growth of our and sacred possession, and we
beloved nation and her people. will preserve it with the extreme
We aspire to create millions of respect it deserves.
14 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
About the Logo
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
The formation of a capitalised ‘F’ by the staked bars, stands for the principles of ‘FIRST’ as
in, always putting the Customer first.
Looked at in another way, the bars can be also seen as bars of progress which increase
continuously over time.
The design of the symbol is characterised by simplicity, connoting the ease of banking
with us. The colour maroon sets a powerful tone for the brand. The strong typeface is an
expression of our reliability & our constant endeavour to build trust with our customers.
The logo, as our new identity, in its entirety embodies the values of a new-age bank for
Financial Statements
today’s India – progressive, agile, simple, trustworthy and above all, keeping the customer
at the heart of everything we do.
Tag line –
Since this is the first annual report after the founding of the new entity,
it is important to share with our existing and prospective shareholders
the background and history of the two organisations that have come
together to create a new institution. This exercise, which includes trends
as well as past strategies leading to the merger will provide clarity to
our shareholders and prospective shareholders about the path that the
company will take in the future. In this context, we present this report.
IDFC’s evolution
1997 • IDFC incorporated in Chennai on the
recommendation of the Expert Group on
commercialisation of Infrastructure Projects
2003 • IDFC raises ` 893 crore for India’s first 2015 • Launch of IDFC Bank
infrastructure dedicated growth equity fund
Directors' Report
2014 • Secured licence from RBI
2005 • IDFC lists on both NSE and BSE.
Raises ` 1,372 crore of equity capital
Corporate Governance
and also receives the Silver for excellence
• Acquired SSKI, a leading domestic in Financial reporting from ICAI. Set up and
investment bank and institutional equities firm office in New York, USA
2008 • IDFC raises $700 million in a second growth 2011 • IDFC Mutual Fund ranked 10th in
equity fund and $930 million in a new the country by AUM
asset-class to recycle equity in completed
infrastructure projects
• Acquires AMC business of 2010 • IDFC Investment Bank ranked 2nd in
Standard Chartered Bank. Set up an the equity league tables by Bloomberg.
office in Singapore IDFC ranked among the top 50 companies
in India’s S&P ESG Index. IDFC launches the
Financial Statements
National PPP Capacity Building programme
2009 • IDFC becomes a part of Nifty 50 to train over 10,000 government officials
• IDFC is recognised as a top 5 Lead • IDFC raises ` 2,654 crore in its second QIP
Arranger for Project Finance Loans in at almost 5x of initial list price
Asha by Dealogic
• IDFC becomes a signatory to UNPRI, CDP
and the UNGC Global Compact
and also received the Silver Shield for excellence in financing player in terms of portfolio size, after State Bank
financial reporting from ICAI. In the same year, the of India, ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank. It was the
Company opened its office in New York City, USA. By the largest Infrastructure Financing NBFC in the country.
end of FY12, IDFC Limited was the 4th largest infrastructure
18 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
IDFC Limited showed an exemplary growth in approval to IDFC Limited to set up a new bank in the
infrastructure financing and diversified well in private sector.
broking, institutional equities, private equity, alternate
Thus erstwhile IDFC Bank was created by demerger of the
assets and mutual fund in the 15 years of operation.
infrastructure lending business of IDFC to IDFC Bank in
The Company’s ability to tap global as well as Indian
2015. The parent entity, IDFC Limited, retained businesses
financial resources made it the acknowledged expert
of AMC, Institutional Broking and Infrastructure Debt
in infrastructure finance. But around FY2013-14, India
Fund business through IDFC Financial Holding Company
started experiencing issues in the infrastructure segment
Limited (NOFHC).
and the growth slowed down, along with the policy
paralysis. Keenly observing this trend, IDFC Ltd wanted The shares of erstwhile IDFC Bank Limited were
to pivot itself into a bank and diversify more into the retail listed in the exchanges in November 2015. During the
banking businesses. subsequent three years, the bank developed a strong
and robust framework including strong IT capabilities
IDFC gets a banking licence and infrastructure for scaling up banking operations.
The Company applied for a commercial banking licence The Bank designed efficient treasury management system
to the RBI in 2013. Owing to the efforts of the Company for its own proprietary trading, as well as for managing
under the leadership of Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, in 2014, the client operations.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) granted an in-principle
Structure after demerger of IDFC Bank from IDFC Ltd. in October 2015
IDFC Shareholders
IDFC Limited
Key financial highlights of IDFC Bank Also, the Bank realised that infrastructure loans could
The first three years of the Bank from 2015 to 2018 were not give the necessary margins for profitability. Thus, the
spent in setting up the platform which would form the basis management put together a plan to retailise the balance
for growth in the future. It was also the time when the bank sheet which would give it enough cushion. The Bank
recognised stressed and non-performing infrastructure launched retail businesses successfully and was in the
loans and accounted for them in a transparent manner. process of scaling up and building a sustainable business.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 19
Some of the key financial parameters of the erstwhile IDFC • CASA Deposits: Within 3.5 years of operation, the Bank
Bank before the merger are shown below – was able to mobilise ` 6,426 crore of CASA deposits, out
of which ` 3,092 crore was in Savings Account deposit
• Loan Assets: The Loan Assets of the Bank increased
and ` 3,334 crore was in current account deposits.
at a moderate pace over the years as the Bank inherited This was done primarily through 140 branches, out of
the legacy infrastructure financing book from its parent which 92 branches were rural branches. This was the
IDFC Ltd. In FY16, the Bank started the retail financing set-up stage of the Bank.
book and increased it to ` 9,916 crore contributing 13%
of the overall funded assets as of September 30, 2018. CASA Deposits (K Cr)
Retail assets was planned for increase as a percentage
of overall loan book.
Directors' Report
Loan Assets (K Cr)
70,248 11%
53,903 2,094
1% 72%
Corporate Governance
15% Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Sep-18
26% 20%
Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Sep-18
• Net Interest Margin: The Net Interest Margin broadly
Others Wholesale Retail
remained in the range of 1.7% - 2.0% during the years of
operation. This was primarily because of the low
yielding wholesale infrastructure financing book and
• Net Worth: The Net worth of the Bank increased from comparatively higher cost of funds. The idea of the Bank
was to increase the margins by retailising
` 13,633 crore as of March 31, 2016 to ` 14,776 crore as
the loan books.
of September 2018. However, as the Bank accounted for
additional provisioning for loan accounts in its wholesale Net Interest Margin
loan book, and the net worth as of September 30, 2018
Financial Statements
was at ` 14,776 crore. 2.1%
• Return on Equity: Higher provisioning on loans in the through, as the business model has to be finely tuned
infrastructure book reduced income because of non between operating expenses, operating income and credit
recognition of income of NPA book and low NIM in losses. This also requires building teams that stay stable
core book reduced the RoE in recent years. This would and develop customer service capabilities across the
have increased with scale up of retail businesses
digital ecosystem as well as the physical premises where
after a few years.
the customers walk in.
RoE (%)
Hence, the erstwhile IDFC Bank
looked for a retail lending partner
who already had scale, profitability
(2.2%) and specialised skills, to merge
with so that it could jumpstart this
FY16 FY17 FY18 H1FY19
process which could otherwise
take many years to build, with its
The bank diversified from being a predominantly attendant probabilities.
infrastructure financier to wholesale banking operations.
But the erstwhile IDFC Bank clearly realised that a bank
entirely founded on infrastructure financing business
The merger talk between the erstwhile Bank and a
is subjected to relatively higher black swan risks.
diversified financial group in India was initiated in 2017
Since a large portion (90%) of the bank was wholesale
but during the second half of the year, it was called off.
(infrastructure and corporate loans) as a legacy from IDFC
Post that, erstwhile IDFC Bank started the discussion
Limited until 2017, the company put together a strategy
with the erstwhile Capital First Limited, one of the leading
to retailise its loan book. The bank launched businesses
retail financing NBFCs in India for a possible merger,
across retail liabilities including developing an advanced
as Capital First met the requirements.
technology stack, Internet and mobile banking, a branch
and ATM network, and supported by appropriate systems
and processes. Even on the retail assets businesses, the
bank launched home loans and other such businesses
including acquiring a stake in Grama Vidyal to further its
rural banking business. The Bank was well on its way to
building a sustainable retail banking franchise.
History of erstwhile Capital First Ltd. Business, and other unrelated business. In 2012, he
Around the same time (2010-2017), while these events concluded India’s largest Management Buyout by securing
were playing out at IDFC Group, certain events were equity backing of ` 810 crore from Warburg Pincus, got
playing out in parallel at Capital First. fresh equity into the company and founded Capital First
as a new entity with new shareholders, new Board, new
The then MD and CEO of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance business lines, and fresh equity infusion.
Company in 2009-10, Mr. Vaidyanathan, quit the group
Between March 31, 2010, to March 31, 2018, the
for an entrepreneurial foray. During 2010-11, he acquired
Company’s Retail Assets under Management increased
a significant stake in a small listed real-estate financing
from ` 94 crore to ` 25,243 crore. The company financed
diversified NBFC and then prepared the ground for a
seven million customers through new age technology
Leveraged Management Buyout of the firm by launching
models. The credit rating increased from A+ to AAA.
retail financial businesses for small entrepreneurs
Directors' Report
The Gross and Net NPA reduced from 5.28% and 3.78%
and consumers.
respectively to 2% and 1% respectively. The asset quality
remained consistently high.
Capital First’s technology-driven retail loan book reached
` 770 crore by March 2011, and this proof of concept The Gross NPA reduced from 5.28% in 2010 to 2% in
was presented to global private equity players for a 2018 and the net NPA reduced from 3.75% in 2010 to
management buyout. Meanwhile, he exited non-core 1% in 2018 and stayed low consistently. The asset quality
businesses like Retail Equity Broking, Foreign Exchange remained high.
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
22 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
During the last five years, between FY13 and FY18, Capital First as funding limit could be constrained during tight
First Limited grew its overall AUM with a CAGR of 29% liquidity condition and could lead to black swan risks for
and its Net Profit grew with a CAGR of 55% (FY18 PAT the Company. To continue the growth momentum going
grew 37%). During this period, the EPS for the Company forward, Capital First needed to diversify its liability base
grew with a CAGR of 47% and the market capitalisation towards retail liabilities which could provide better pricing
grew with a CAGR of 40%. However, the Company built and sustainable availability of the long-term funding. As per
its entire business model of retail lending on the basis on the current regulatory environment, this was only possible
wholesale borrowing. This was a critical issue for Capital under a banking platform.
R 29%
CAG 19,824
R 47% 1,640
327 14.87%
% 11.93%
239 G
CA 10.14%
Directors' Report
114 4.93%
FY-13 FY-14 FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 H1 FY-19 FY-13 FY-14 FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 H1 FY-19
Corporate Governance
Market Capitalisation (` Cr) Earnings per Share (`)
` 8,282 Cr#
` 7,628 Cr
X ` 6,096 Cr
R 24.53
Financial Statements
` 3,937 Cr 18.24
` 3,634 Cr
` 1,478 Cr 6.37
` 1,152Cr
` 781Cr*
31- 31- 31- 31- 31- 31- 12- 31- FY-13 FY-14 FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 H1 FY-19
Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Jan-18 Mar-18
* Last date of Financial Year immediately preceding the Management Buyout * Half-Yearly annualised.
Market Cap on the day before the announcement of merger with IDFC
Bank (Jan 13, 2018).
Excluding exceptional income of sale of property and upfront accounting for securitisation of ` 27 crore at PAT level
24 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The classic turnaround • The first two years prior to creation of Capital First,
Further, the company turned around from losses of ` 30 the company built certain business models financing
crore and ` 32 crore in FY08 and FY09 respectively, to small entrepreneurs and Indian consumers in a
` 327 crore by 2018, representing a 5-year CAGR increase differentiated way using technology and positioned
of 39.5%. The loan assets grew at a 5-year CAGR of 29%. it for a buyout.
The RoE steadily rose from 2.5% in 2013 to near 15%.
The market cap of the company increased ten-fold from • In its six years of existence as a standalone entity
` 780 crore as in March 2012 to over ` 7,800 crore in starting 2012, Capital First had consistently focussed
January 2018 at the time of announcement of the merger. on financing these chosen segments through
technology-driven solutions, thereby recording strong
Restructuring and sustained focus on Retail growth in its retail franchise.
As part of this recovery process, between 2010-12, the
company shut down broking, foreign exchange, property • The total Asset Under Management reached ` 32,622
broking, and single-mindedly focussed on building crore while the Retail Asset contribution to the
a platform that could easily convert itself to a bank. overall Asset under Management was at 91% as of
Importantly, in eight years, the company did not deviate September 30, 2018, the quarter before the merger,
into any other potentially attractive businesses which as compared to 10% in FY10.
could otherwise distract the approach of a bank such as
investment banking, broking or real estate. By 2017, the business was mature and large enough to
convert itself to migrate to a banking platform.
` 26,997 Cr. 9%
$ 4.15 bn
Retail Loans
Real Estate & Corporate Loans ` 19,824 Cr. 6%
$ 3.05 bn
Total AUM 91%
` 16,041 Cr.
$ 2.47 bn 7%
` 11,975 Cr.
$ 1.84 bn
14% 93%
` 9,679 Cr.
$ 1.49 bn
` 7,510 Cr. 16%
$ 1.16 bn 84%
` 6,186 Cr.
$ 0.95 bn 26% 81%
` 2,751 Cr. • Diversified over 600 industries
$ 0.42 bn 74%
` 935 Cr. 44% • 70 Lakh customers
$ 4.47 bn 56%
10% 72%
FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Q2 FY19
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 25
• Capital First’s successful product launches made it a significant player in the Indian retail financial services
landscape with its Retail Loan Book growing from ` 94 crore to touch nearly ` 30,000 crore as of September 30, 2018.
Growth varied between 25-30% over the last 5-6 years.
` 29,625 Cr.
($ 4,058 Mn)
` 25,243 Cr.
($ 3,891 Mn)
` 18,353 Cr.
Directors' Report
($ 2,824 Mn)
` 13,756 Cr.
($ 2,116 Mn)
` 10,113 Cr.
($ 1,556 Mn)
` 7,883 Cr.
($ 1,213 Mn)
` 5,560 Cr.
($ 855 Mn)
` 3,460 Cr.
($ 532 Mn)
` 771 Cr.
` 94 Cr.
($ 119 Mn)
Corporate Governance
($ 15 Mn)
31-Mar-10 31-Mar-11 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-18 30-Sep-19
• The company consistently grew its Net Profit over many quarters which was primarily driven by the growth in the Net
Interest Margins due to higher retail asset contribution and moderation of the cost of funds. The cost-to-income ratio
dipped from 76% to 50% within a span of 5 years.
Profit After Tax has grown consistently with a CAGR of 55% in the last 5 years. In FY18 PAT growth was 37%
Financial Statements
30 30
6 7
Q1- Q2- Q3- Q4- Q1- Q2- Q3- Q4- Q1- Q2- Q3- Q4- Q1- Q2- Q3- Q4- Q1- Q2- Q3- Q4-
FY14 FY14 FY14 FY14 FY15 FY15 FY15 FY15 FY16 FY16 FY16 FY16 FY17 FY17 FY17 FY17 FY18 FY18 FY18 FY18
PAT (In ` Cr)-LHS Cost to Income-RHS
* Includes one-time impact of change in Standard Asset Provisioning Policy as per RBI guidelines
26 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
• Rigorous underwriting process helped in maintaining high asset quality. The credit performance of Capital First,
over eight years, has been strong with Gross NPA not exceeding 2% and net NPA not exceeding 1% even during
economic cycles and even through phases of interest rate hikes (2010-2014), Demonetisation (2016), and GST
implementation (2017)
The Company reported NPA at 180 DPD till 2015, 150 DPD till FY16 at 120 DPD till FY17, and at 90 DPD since FY18 as per
RBI norms. In order to enable easy comparability of NPA as a common scale, the NPA chart below has been compiled at
90 DPD basis for the last nine quarters.
1.00% 1.00% 1.04% 1.00% 1.00%
0.97% 0.97%
• The dividend pay-out increased every year as the Company continued to grow its profitability and return ratios
over the years.
During the last five years, between FY13 and FY18,
Capital First Limited grew its overall AUM with a CAGR of
Shareholders of IDFC Bank 29% and its Net Profit grew with a CAGR of 55% (FY18
approved the merger with PAT grew by 37%). During this period, the EPS for the
Company grew with a CAGR of 30%.
an overwhelming 99.98%
votes in favour of the merger. Risks
However, the Company built its entire business model
Capital First shareholders too of retail lending on the basis on wholesale borrowing.
approved the merger with an This was risky in events of tight liquidity. To continue the
growth momentum going forward, Capital First needed
equally overwhelming approval
to diversify its liability base towards retail liabilities which
rate of 99.90%. could provide better pricing and sustainable availability
of the long-term funding. As per the current regulatory
environment, this was only possible under a banking
platform which would have also enhanced the retail
financing offerings of the Company.
if it came through. In November 2017, IDFC Bank had
a robust, technology-led, modern banking platform with
for the merger. Post the NCLT approvals received by both the entities
in the first week of December 2018, the merger was
consummated on December 18, 2018 and subsequently
high capital base for growth. With this, Capital First got the the new identity “IDFC FIRST Bank” was born.
opportunity to continue growth on a banking platform.
Initiating integration of Capital First with IDFC Bank
Post the business and synergy discussions, legal and Within the boundaries of the regulatory guidelines,
financial due diligence, both the entities came together the Companies, erstwhile IDFC Bank and Capital First
and announced the merger on of January 13, 2018 with an Limited kicked off the integration and synergy efforts
understanding to merge with each other and shareholders in 2018. Key integration teams were formed in various
of Capital First were to be issued 139 shares of the areas including technology, businesses, operations,
merged entity for every 10 shares of Capital First. Both the risk, people management and other support functions
companies went through a series of regulatory filings and which involved representations from both the entities.
approvals thereafter. With the excellent efforts put in by these core integration
teams without disrupting the usual business operations
Merger gets approved and completed of both the entities, on December 18, 2018, the Bank
The Competition Commission of India approved the started its operation as a combined entity through a
transaction in March 2018. Both the stock exchanges BSE smooth transition.
The strategy of the new bank is largely to superimpose the lending business model of the erstwhile Capital First on the
excellent liability platform built by the erstwhile IDFC Bank. The Bank will also focus on the tech-led solutions on trade, forex,
remittances, transactions and credit selectively for corporates. The foundation includes technology, branches and systems
that could be scaled up from here.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 29
+ =
• Liability franchise base • Robust retail asset franchise in • Strong Loan assets of more
niche segments than ` 1,04,660 crore, as of
• Pan India presence of 200 December 31, 2018, right after
branches (Dec 18) and CASA of • Analytics-driven technology
Directors' Report
the merger, out of which 35% of
` 2,800 crore (Dec 18) platform and strong credit skills
loans were in the retail segment
• Strong technology platform • Presence in 220 locations with • Quarterly annualised Gross
102 branches
• High Capital Adequacy spread increased from 1.7%
• High NIM (before merger), to 2.9% post
• High Corporate governance
merger (Q3 FY19)
• Profitable & sustainable growth
• Efficient treasury management
engine with five-year profit CAGR • Diversified asset profile
• Innovative digital banking and of 55%, (FY18 PAT grew by
• Strong platform to grow retail
payment solutions 37%), high RoE of 15%
deposits and CASA
Corporate Governance
• Retail lending businesses • Highly asset quality with • A large retail customer base of
seasoned loan book of 8 years
• Launched rural banking more than 70 lakh live customers
• Diverse offerings across asset • Granular book across retail including 30 lakh rural customers
including bottom of pyramid
and fee product
• High Capital Adequacy
• High Corporate governance
• Customer base of over 7 million
The merger of IDFC Bank and Capital First has created a new bank that builds on the strengths of both institutions and
positions the new entity for continued growth in the future.
Financial Statements
30 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Economic Times, January 15, 2018
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
32 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Business Standard, January 14, 2018
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
36 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
Multiple Voices
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 39
The social media was quick in its sense of humour about the merger and messages floated around quickly. We don’t
know who is the creator of this creative piece is, but even in the melee of the media, this piece of humour evoked laughter
among us all!
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
40 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Employees across the country in all branches greet the Employees greeted the merger with great creativity and
merger with celebrations on Day 1 - December 18, 2018 decorations across the country in all branches
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 41
& Kashmir
5 1 1
5 1 1 1
6 1 Punjab 1 1 1
Directors' Report
Chandigarh 1 10
Uttarakhand 5
15 7
20 NCT of Delhi
2 2
5 9 1 Assam
4 Uttar Pradesh
Corporate Governance
Jharkhand Tripura
31 3
Gujarat Madhya Pradesh
West Bengal 1
6 5
13 2
Chhattisgarh Odisha
44 28 1
7 17 2 2
25 37 1 1
29 1
Financial Statements
1 Goa 5
Andhra Pradesh 6 6
47 7 4
6 1 2
21 3
19 32 Tamil Nadu 14
10 1 Kerala 13
Map not to scale. For illustrative purposes only.
Directors' Report
Larger customer base
• More than 70 lakh live customers including 30 lakh rural customers
Corporate Governance
Growing distribution channels
• As of March 31, 2019, the Bank’s distribution network comprised 242 bank branches and
141 ATMs, as compared to 150 branches and 115 ATMs (including white label ATMs) in
the previous year. The Bank also has 102 asset branches (from erstwhile Capital First),
354 rural financing branches and 100 business correspondence centres.
Financial Statements
Combined power of digital technology
• Unique analytics-led credit assessment system, mobile and internet banking of erstwhile
Capital First allows for faster decision-making, and lending solution at bottom of the pyramid.
• Contemporary technology stack of erstwhile IDFC Bank, mobile & internet banking, enables
speedy account opening for savings accounts, current account, NRI business etc. and overall
setting up a platform for liability solutions.
Lakshmi Sarathe,
Entrepreneur, Hoshangabad
Vishwas Mudagal,
Promoter, Good Work Labs - Entrepreneur, Angel Investor,
Author – The Last Avatar, Motivational Speaker
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 45
“Yoga and dance have been a passion. After
my post-graduation, I started work as a Yoga
instructor and a dance teacher. I loved my work
but it meant a great deal of commute. I used to
borrow my sister’s vehicle to make it to class
in time. One day, I decided to borrow from a
bank instead and own a vehicle. I secured a
two-wheeler loan as a first-time borrower from
IDFC FIRST Bank. I now own a Suzuki, zip to
Directors' Report
classes and save time.”
Deepti Pathey,
Yoga and Dance Instructor, Nashik
Corporate Governance
needed funds, which I had no access
to. The small business loan from IDFC
FIRST Bank helped me furnish the store
and expand my business. This gave my
family additional income and made me a
successful entrepreneur.”
Jyoti Shirsath,
Shop Owner, Ahmednagar
Financial Statements
“The inlay of silver and gold in antique handicrafts
is a difficult task and I have spent a lifetime
doing it. My profession paid me well but it wasn’t
just enough to buy a home. It was my dream to
own a house. But as a self-employed person,
it was difficult to get a bank loan. A friend then
introduced me to IDFC FIRST Bank. I got a
home loan from the Bank and I now have an
independent house that I can call my own.”
Navratan Thanthera,
Craftsman, Bikaner
46 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Gaurav Khatri,
Businessman, Big Imports and Gifts, Mumbai
Aditya Satpute,
Proprietor, Kitchen Stories, Pune
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 47
“The world of fitness always interested
me. After completing my engineering and
management, I decided to deviate into
a completely unrelated area – fitness. A
business loan from IDFC FIRST Bank enabled
me to buy land and start, what is today,
Nashik’s coolest gym.”
Directors' Report
Vinod Waghmare,
Proprietor, New Xpose Fitness Club, Nashik
Corporate Governance
I looked for financing which would help me
manage my monthly budget better. I purchased
both appliances with an instant consumer
durable loan from IDFC FIRST Bank. The
new conveniences have brought a lot of
joy to my family.”
Gorakh Aher,
Businessman, Nashik
Financial Statements
I used to make bricks on a very small scale and
the money I earned used to supplement the family
income. Someone told me about IDFC FIRST
Bank and I approached them for a loan to expand
my business. After I secured a loan from IDFC
FIRST, I was able to not only grow my business
and income, but also employ others in my village.
I am happy that my endeavour has augmented
the income of even other women in my village.”
Beyond Business:
Enabling Social Transformation
Creating social value is integral to our existence. The Bank’s Corporate
Social Responsibility programmes have brought a positive and
sustainable impact in the lives of socially under-served communities.
Social inclusion, be it of students, women and and Health. We look for programmes that have the
communities, was the broad theme of your Bank’s CSR potential for long-term sustainability and where we
efforts in FY19. Our programmes focussed on improving can add value beyond financial support. We have been
people’s lives, giving them an opportunity to succeed, and able to successfully work with select impact
helping them become resilient to life’s challenges in the future. partners on influencing their strategy, partnering on
Your Bank’s corporate responsibility mission is focussed on advocacy programmes and supporting in on-ground
four areas: Education, Livelihoods, Women Empowerment implementation.
Education: Equal
opportunities to succeed
Our initiatives in the education space focus on supporting
the most vulnerable communities with the access to quality
education across different fields. We support youth
from poor socio-economic backgrounds, youth
with disabilities and those from shelter homes, to name a
few. Our approach includes offering direct scholarships
along with partnering with non-profits to reach
underserved communities.
Scholarship for education in Mental Health for people from weaker economic backgrounds. Stipends
Background and scholarships were awarded to students pursuing any
We facilitated capacity building for faculties teaching of the following courses from the Institute:
mental health and supported scholarships and stipends for • Mental Health Studies
students pursuing their Masters in Mental Health Studies • Diploma in Community Mental Health Care
from Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health. • Masters in Applied Psychology & Buddhist Studies
The support helped cover travel, living and other expenses • Students working with Vulnerable Children
62 students
Directors' Report
from economically
disadvantaged backgrounds
were given scholarship
this year which helped
them sustain the cost of
Mental Health education
and complete their
degree successfully.
Corporate Governance
Students of Diploma in Community Mental Health Studies supported by IDFC FIRST Bank at their
graduation ceremony
Financial Statements
supported scholarships for students with autism
who could not afford the cost of intervention
given their economically disadvantaged
• In our volunteer engagement ‘Buddy Sports program’,
25 employees from the Bengaluru branch got an
opportunity to play cricket and basketball with the youth
were supported with scholarships to pursue their of Bubbles in an inclusive manner at an indoor sports
education and skills training at Bubbles. centre in Bangalore.
• The Bank sponsored the Bubbles Theatre Program • We supported ‘Bubbles Centre for Autism’ with funding
which was held in Bengaluru in January 2019. for video-production for an advocacy series on autism
The students of Bubbles Centre for Autism performed and livelihoods. These films are screened on-ground
on a special edition of ‘Jungle Book’. This is a one and on-line as an advocacy initiative to influence
of its kind initiative in the country by Bubbles Centre
corporates, NGOs, parents of youth with autism and
for Autism where theatre was used for therapy and
performing arts for advocacy and awareness on the other important stakeholders.
subject of autism.
In our endeavour to make high-quality education
accessible to deserving students irrespective of their
of the Young India Fellowship were
socio-economic backgrounds, we supported need-
supported by us. The support was used
based scholarships for students enrolled in Young India
Fellowship programme of Ashoka University. This towards their tuition and accommodation
programme brought together a group of individuals from fees thereby relieving them of financial
across the country and trained them to become socially stress of sustaining their education.
committed agents of change. This is part of our effort to
support inclusion and gender, geographic, cultural, socio-
economic diversity.
IDFC FIRST Bank CSR team with Young India fellowship students 2018-2019 at Ashoka University campus
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 51
Aftercare Program
This programme is run in partnership with Make a
Difference and ensures youth from shelter homes complete
their education and are able to pursue their chosen career
paths agnostic of their financial backgrounds. The Aftercare
programme provided support to young adults in the form of
reliable mentorship after they left their shelter homes and
were admitted to college or when placed in a job.
Directors' Report
from shelter homes across five cities in
India : Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Chennai,
Mumbai and Mysore were supported by us.
Corporate Governance
Students of Aftercare programme at Make a Difference in
your own capacity. discussion with their mentors
Voice of Impact
Financial Statements
when I got through IIM, I With her limited income, she
was apprehensive as the has been supporting my
tuition fees were high. I didn’t education. This scholarship
want to let go of this golden has helped me reduce my
opportunity, so I decided to apply for the IDFC mother’s financial burden. It would have been very
FIRST scholarship. difficult to complete my studies without it.
I believe that getting awarded by IDFC FIRST Bank
Rashmi Aakode
is recognition in itself, which I can proudly present
Scholarship awardee studying M.A. in Applied Clinical
to others. Psychology from Banyan Academy of Leadership in
Mental Health
Valli Lakshmanan
MBA scholarship awardee, Indian Institute of
Management, Kolkata
52 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Women Empowerment:
Enabling economic
independence and social
Under this theme, we support programmes that have a Impact:
special focus on economic and social empowerment of
women. We do this in partnership with non-profits and
incubators supporting women entrepreneurs creating women
social impact. from low-income families of Kolar district in
Karnataka were trained through this program.
Self-Shakti Program
Background • Bangalore branch employees were invited to the
‘Self-Shakti’ is a women empowerment programme launch of this programme and also volunteered for a
in partnership with Buzz India Trust under which we ‘Buzz Buddy Program’ wherein they met the trainees
supported training of women on basic principles of at Kolar and engaged in conversations with them to
financial literacy, elements of personal growth and understand their challenges, difficulties and impact of
entrepreneurship skills across 92 villages of Karnataka. the program. The objective of this activity was to help
them evaluate how they could add value to the lives of
these women and mentor them to expand and run
their business.
IDFC FIRST Bank employee volunteers at the Launch of Self-Shakti programme in partnership with Buzz India Trust
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 53
Social Entrepreneurship Program and interaction tools for students with visual impairment.
Background Tactopus makes audio-tactile learning resources
In our endeavour to drive change through innovation, we which though are primarily designed for children with
supported Tactopus Learning Solution Private Limited, visual impairment but can be useful for children with
a women-led social enterprise that develops tactile kits developmental delays and learning disabilities too.
• The support has been extended in partnership with
Social Alpha, a technology business incubator
which supports social enterprises. The funds
are currently being used to develop proprietary
interaction content that would be worth five years of
Directors' Report
curriculum and will be deployed in at least 180 blind
schools, while making 3,900 Schools inclusive.
• We are also working closely with the Tactopus team
to guide their go-to market strategy, brand building
and developing their theory of change.
• This programme has been featured in the Stanford
A child with visual impairment learning numbers using Tactopus’s Social Innovation Review for its model and approach
tactile product kit focusing on sustainability.
Corporate Governance
Background and earn’ format. We run three centres in partnership with
This programme aims to upgrade skills and livelihood Animedh Charitable Trust at Jogeshwari West, Mahakali
potential of underprivileged women residing in urban slums Caves and Vashi that are strategically located inside slum
of Mumbai through a systematic tailoring internship in a ‘learn communities.
Financial Statements
Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha, CFO & Head-Corporate Centre and CSR team of IDFC FIRST Bank felicitating women trainees of Project
Saksham, Vashi centre
54 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
314 women
Superdeeva awardee for her dedication and unwavering
commitment to fighting the odds and earning a living for
herself and her family.
from low-income groups underwent training
across all our Saksham centres and have started • This year, we also started a Pilot Project Saksham 4,
working in tailoring units or started their own which was the rural extension of Project Saksham and
business from home. provided vocational training and guidance to
Adivasi women in six villages of Dadra Nagar Haveli
• On this International Women’s day, we felicitated to enable them to become self-sufficient through
our women achievers at the Deeva Excellence livelihood activities like Animal Husbandry and
Awards. The event included certificate distribution Organic Farming.
Voice of Impact
development and entrepreneurship `
We partner with various non-profits who provide Livelihoods training and support to marginalised communities in urban
and rural India. Our programmes range from supporting skills training to developing entrepreneurship programmes.
Entrepreneurship Program
Background was given as interest-free seed capital to the entrepreneur
This programme in partnership with Pratham Training and was repaid over a period of two years to Pratham
Directors' Report
Institute helped women from economically disadvantaged Institute. We aim to reinvest this funding pool into a new
backgrounds living in slums or rural areas to undertake batch of beauty business owners. The women we support
entrepreneurship activities in beauty services. This was an are from low-income groups living across Mumbai, Nashik,
example of a self-sustaining model where our grant money Nagpur, Indore, Dhamtari and Bareilly.
42 women
were supported with a seed
Corporate Governance
capital of up to
` 50,000 to help them set up
their beauty salons
Financial Statements
Vocational Training & Women Entrepreneurs We also supported the Women Entrepreneurs Program
Program which empowered underprivileged slum-dweller women
Background of Mangolpuri and Sultanpuri by enabling them to set-up
With an aim to skill the youth and help them gain and run profitable self-owned business enterprises thereby
meaningful employment, we supported the Vocational helping them earn income. Under this program, women
Training Program in partnership with ETASHA Society formed groups to share entrepreneurial roles in terms of
which trains youth from urban slums of Delhi and investing their resources, time and skills for a jointly owned
imparts them with sustainable and marketable skills for enterprise where decision-making was shared.
securing employment.
IDFC FIRST Bank CSR team with staff of ETASHA society and the women entrepreneurs of Women Entrepreneurship Program in Delhi
147 women
light fittings, repackaging & selling of spices, catering
of office lunches and snacks for parties, manufacturing
and retailing of handmade soaps & manfacturing of
in total have been supported under the
fashion accessories & garments.
Vocational Training Program and Women
Entrepreneurship Program • Employee volunteers of our Delhi branch attended the
launch of ‘Women Entrepreneurs Program’ and engaged
with the women of ETASHA to learn more about the
programme and ways in which they could contribute
to this program.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 57
Background Background
We supported SAMPARC Industrial Training Institute and The ‘Football program’ in partnership with Oscar
Vocational Training centre to train rural school dropout Foundation educated young adults and imparted them
youth in and around Lonavala and to help them gain with life-skills using the medium of sports. This sports-
employment in nearby industries in Electrician and based life-skills programme for marginalised students
Welder Jobs. recruited and trained youth and volunteers from the slums
and coached them in football. Here, sports was used
for development and to move children out of poverty by
nurturing them from childhood to adulthood using football
as a medium to bring about behaviour change. These
Directors' Report
young adults were given exposure to better opportunities
and encouraged to attend schools.
Corporate Governance
Students of Vocational Training programme at SAMPARC during a
classroom session in Lonavala
42 students
were trained in ITI and welder jobs. To ensure 100%
placement, SAMPARC Vocational Training Centre has
partnered with D.Y. Patil Academic Education Excellence
Federation, Pune. Students of Football programme at OSCAR Foundation during a
Financial Statements
organised by SAMPARC that is aimed at creating
awareness among people about the historical
importance and architectural significance of our
attended 41 football and life-skills sessions which
heritage monuments. included lessons on self-awareness, assertiveness
– confidence, creative thinking, leadership and the
importance of education.
IDFC FIRST Bank CSR team interacting with trainees of women IDFC FIRST Bank CSR team with Dr. Radhike Khanna, Founder
with intellectual disabilities programme in partnership with Om and Trustee discussing launch of Om Abode
Creations Trust
56 women
we supported made 95,529 ceramic/art
8 staff member
salaries were funded by the Bank. The team
and 46,702 food products.
comprised of special educators, trainers and
• The women beneficiaries successfully delivered an care-staff who work with adults with disabilities
order that they received from Israeli consulate for to turn their capabilities into a means of
National day customised gift bags, chocolates and sustenance and income.
Challah breads.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 59
Lighthouse Program
Digital Empowerment Program
Background Background
We supported the ‘Sustainable Livelihood Program’ which We supported digital literacy training of those enrolled in
is run through physical centres called ‘Lighthouses’. the ‘Digital Empowerment Program’, run in
This programme skilled the underprivileged youth from partnership with Pune City Connect and Pune Municipal
slum community of Aundh, Pune, and assisted them in Corporation. The objective of this programme was to
placements to enhance their employability and livelihood impart digital skills required for day-to-day functions
opportunities. It involves a multi-disciplinary project with of life to youth and adults from slum areas of Pune. We
a holistic approach to skill development. These centres supported five digital empowerment centres across
are run in partnership with Pune City Connect and Pune the Pune city in Janata Vasahat, Bopodi, Sagar Colony,
Municipal Corporation. Kothrud, Jai Bhawani Nagar & Aundh.
Directors' Report
188 students
underwent the training programme which
consisted of a foundation course of 40-50
hours followed by one-to-one counselling,
market exploration session and skills training.
Corporate Governance
education as the case may be.
Financial Statements
Dr.(Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar felicitating graduate trainees at
the 1st anniversary celebration of Digital literacy centre at
Bopodi, Pune
3,000 people
across the five centres have undergone training
Shwetdhara is a rural livelihood enhancement programme
which promotes dairy farming among small and marginal
farmers in rural areas of Rajasthan and M.P. This have been undertaken at the community level to
programme helped increase livelihoods and income disseminate best practices on dairy farming. These
opportunities for the farmers by increasing the milk trainings were focussed on key aspects of dairying like
output of their cattle. This program, is carried out in the breed improvement and nutrition. The capacity building
catchment areas of our rural bank branches. We are exercise is complemented with mechanisms that
currently operating in two states in partnership with three promote behaviour change among farmers.
organisations namely Vrutti, CARD and End Poverty.
• Over 200 Shwetdhara groups met every month to
discuss the best practices in dairying. This process
was duly supported by a cadre of village level
women volunteers called the Gram Sakhis.
• 7 Pashu Vikas Kendras (PVK) were established
which acted as resource centres manned by a
veterinary doctor and extension officers.
• The programme enabled over 10,000 rural
households across over 200 villages, access good
quality inputs and services required for effective
dairy farming.
• During the year, the Artificial Insemination
Gram Sakhi and other field staff during training in Madhya Technicians (AITs) engaged with the programme
Pradesh have provided around 5,000 breed improvement
Voice of Impact
Health: Cleaner
surroundings for a better life
Project Swachh Worli Koliwada
Background Impact:
This is a programme started in partnership with
G5A Foundation for Contemporary Culture and
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation. 500 residents
have undergone various sessions on behaviour change
Apart from creating awareness, the programme also
involves locating community bins at the identified spots and basics of solid waste management.
Directors' Report
along the shoreline, setting up composting pits within the • An audit of 1,040 households was conducted and
community where the bins carrying the organic waste will 1,099 households were surveyed.
be offloaded. All of this forms a part of the larger Solid
Waste Management Plan. • In our effort to bring about social transformation
through arts, we also supported a theatre production
titled ‘Utterly Gutterly Atrocious” produced by G5A
in collaboration with Aarambh Mumbai. The play
which is a take on the classic hare and tortoise
story satirises our society’s attitude to waste, class
and caste featured children from Worli Koliwada
who had little or no experience in theatre prior to
Corporate Governance
this production. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was the Chief
Guest for the evening and he expressed his support
towards the programme as he thanked all the artists
for putting up a great show.
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, MD and CEO of IDFC FIRST Bank at G5A
Foundation for Contemporary Culture with volunteers and crew of
theatre production ‘Utterly Gutterly Atrocious’
Voice of Impact
Financial Statements
Project Swachh Worli There is a difference in
Koliwada will prove to be how theatre sessions are
beneficial for the residents of conducted in college and
Worli Koliwada. Plastic and here. We don’t have games
waste is not only impacting and sports as a part of
our surroundings, but also theatre in college. Here, they
fishing trade and marine life.
taught us how to speak,
Thus, the project by G5A
Foundation for Contemporary to modulate voice,
Culture and IDFC FIRST Bank is timely and has our indentation, eye contact with people, and trust
full support. Awareness plays an important role in your fellow actor.
the success of a project. So we are committed to
doing our bit.
community member and participant of theatre play
Harishchandra Nakhwa directed by G5A and supported by IDFC FIRST Bank
President - Nakhwa Machhimar Cooperative Society and
resident of Worli Koliwada community
62 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Board of Directors
DR. RAJIV B. LALL - Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman
Dr. Rajiv Lall is the Non-Executive Chairman of IDFC FIRST Bank. He was the Founder MD
& CEO of IDFC Bank from October 1, 2015, till December 18, 2018. Previously, he was the
Executive Chairman of IDFC Limited. A veteran economist for 30 years, Dr. Lall has been an
active part of the finance and policy landscape, both in India and internationally. In his diverse
career, he has also held leadership roles in global investment banks and multilateral agencies.
Ms. Anindita Sinharay is an Indian Statistical Service (2000) officer working as a Director in the
Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. She holds a post graduate degree in
Statistics from the University of Calcutta. She has vast working experience of more than one
decade in National Accounts Statistics in Central Statistics Office (CSO) and analysis of data
of large scale sample surveys conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO).
MR. AASHISH KAMAT - Independent Director
Mr. Aashish Kamat has over 30 years of experience in the corporate world, with 24 years
being in banking & financial services & 6 years in public accounting. Mr. Kamat was the
Country Head for UBS India, from 2012 until his retirement in January 2018. Prior to that
he was the Regional COO/CFO for Asia Pacific at JP Morgan based out of Hong Kong.
Before moving to Hong Kong, Mr. Kamat was in New York, where he was the Global
Directors' Report
Controller for the Investment Bank (IB) at JP Morgan in New York; & at Bank of America
as the Global CFO for the IB, and, Consumer and Mortgage Products. Mr. Kamat started
his career with Coopers & Lybrand, a public accounting firm, in 1988 before he joined JP
Morgan in 1994.
Corporate Governance
Mumbai. She has a brilliant academic record, with a Ph.D. in Economics from the Department
of Economics, University of Mumbai, M.S. in Economics from the University of California at
Davis, USA, M.A. in Economics from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune and
B.A. in Economics from Fergusson College, Pune. She has attended an Executive Programme
at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA and a leadership programme
at IIM Lucknow.
Financial Statements
newly formed initiative by IL&FS, namely IL&FS Investsmart Ltd. His last assignment from the
year 2006 onwards was in the area of Private Equity and Fund Management business with
Credit Suisse and Asia Growth Capital Advisers in India as MD and Head - India.
Mr. Sunil Kakar is the Managing Director & CEO of IDFC Limited. He started his career at
Bank of America where he worked in various roles, covering Business Planning & Financial
Control, Branch Administration and Operations Market Risk Management, Project Management
and Internal Controls. After Bank of America, Mr. Kakar was the CFO at Max New York Life
Insurance since 2001. He led numerous initiatives including Planning, Investments / Treasury,
Finance and Accounting, Budgeting and MIS, Regulatory Reporting and Taxation.
Macro-economic environment from 75% in end-March 2018. Importantly, as per the last
data reported by RBI, the asset quality of SCBs showed
improvement with the Gross NPA ratio moving lower to
Economic activity appeared to be on an uptrend as the Indian
10.8% as of September 2018 from 11.5% in March 2018, but
economy entered into FY19. From a low of 6% GDP growth in
with some stress continuing in the mining, food processing
April-June of FY18, there was a steady improvement in GDP
and construction sectors. The Net NPA ratio also registered
growth to 8% in April-June FY19.
a drop in this period.
A pick-up in sales growth, capacity utilisation and
Developments on the price front remained largely
Directors' Report
acceleration in the fast moving consumer goods space
comfortable, despite some uptick in the fuel and light
clearly indicated that demand was fast catching up with
inflation in the first half of the year. Given the closing of the
supply in the economy. On the supply side, manufacturing
output gap, core inflation had tended to move higher in the
activity picked up while services sector exhibited
first half of the year.
resilience. From the demand side, private final consumption
expenditure expanded to grow at 9.8% in July-September
However, this did not create much problems for the Headline
FY19 and was also amply supported by a steady pick-up in
CPI inflation, as food inflation remained on a persistent
the capital formation. Importantly, there was an increase in
softening trend, led by a lower-than-seasonal hardening
the share of Gross Fixed Capital Formation in GDP to 32.3%
in the prices of vegetables and also a softening in the
in FY19 from 31.4% a year ago, indicating a strengthening of
prices of fruits.
investment demand, mostly from the government’s drive to
boost spending on the road sector and affordable housing.
Corporate Governance
Food inflation dropped from 3.7% in Q4 FY18 to 2.2% in
the first half of FY19 and continued to move lower, entering
However, domestic economic activity lost some of the early
into a deflationary zone in the second half of FY19. Prices of
momentum in the second half of the year. GDP growth dipped
cereals and pulses also witnessed drops in the second half
to 6.6% in Q3FY19 – with aggregate demand showing some
of FY19, despite an increase in the minimum support prices.
softness with a dip in the consumption expenditures of both
The second half of FY19 was also blessed with a gradual
the private sector and the government sector.
dip in the core inflation as the economic growth also tended
to slacken in pace. Overall, Headline CPI inflation peaked
Full year FY19 growth is estimated by the CSO to be at
at around 4.9% in June 2018 but fell sharply to touch a low
7.0%, slightly weaker than the 7.1% growth recorded in
around 2% in January 2019, before rising back to around
FY18. The resilience of the economy is commendable
2.6% in February 2019.
given the global macroeconomic and financial market
conditions that have been guided by growing trade
Core inflation comes down while food
protectionism between major economies of the world, Brexit
inflation remains low
Financial Statements
related uncertainties, monetary tightening in the US that
also found an expression in bouts of volatility in financial
markets of EMs. Further, forward-looking surveys in India CPI inflation YoY
have indicated improvement in consumer confidence and 8.00
business expectations, that is likely to guide for a resurgence 7.00
in growth in FY2020. 6.00
Flow of credit to the commercial sector remained robust 3.00
with the credit growth of Scheduled Commercial Banks 2.00
(SCBs) improving to 13.2% by end-March 2019 from 10% in 0.00
end-March 2018. On the other hand, growth in the deposits -1.00
of the banking sector improved to 10% by end-March 2019
from around 6% as of end-March 2018.
With the growth in credit stronger than the growth in deposit, Headline CPI Core CPI Food and Beverage
the credit-deposit ratio rose to 78% by end-March 2019
66 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The tightening bias of monetary policy was however
short-lived as the second half of the FY19 witnessed India 10-year G-sec yield
slackening growth associated with an undershoot of actual
inflation compared to the RBI’s own projections. This led to Announcement of OMOs by the RBI, increase in the
the RBI to cut policy rate by 25 bps in February 2019 and FPI limit for investments in the debt segment and doing
it also shifted back the monetary policy stance to “neutral”. away with the 3-year maturity cap from FPI investments
The repo rate was again brought down in April 2019 by temporarily stabilised yields but failed to significantly alter
25 bps, thereby fully reversing the tightening seen in the course. 10-year benchmark G-sec yield reached its high of
earlier part of the FY19. 8.18% on September 11, 2019. In H2 FY19 and till about
mid-December 2019, 10-year benchmark yield was on
Financial markets – both global and domestic, witnessed a downward journey, supported by lower inflation prints,
large swings in FY19. This was the resultant of ongoing decline in crude oil prices and regular conduct of OMO
normalisation of monetary policy globally, volatility in crude purchases of G-sec by the RBI.
oil prices, global geopolitical tensions etc. 10-year G-sec
yields began FY19 on a positive note, backed by the Central However, this was balanced by concerns over fiscal status
government reducing its gross borrowing amounts from the with the announcement of farm relief packages and a
levels announced during the Budget. renewed rise in crude oil prices due to supply cuts by OPEC.
With gross borrowings of the Central government announced
Further, the RBI provided a leeway to banks to spread at ` 7.1trn for FY20, yield failed to soften despite a February
out MTM losses incurred in Q3 and Q4 of FY18 over repo rate cut by the RBI. 10-year yield ended FY19 at 7.35%.
four quarters. 10-year G-sec yield dropped to 7.18% by
April 6, 2019 from 7.40% close as of end-March 2019. Current Account Deficit is likely to have widened in FY19
However, this softening trend proved to be transitory and compared to FY18. For the first three quarters of the year,
the general direction of benchmark 10-year yield remained CAD was at US$ 35.7bn (1.9% as a proportion of GDP) in
skewed to the upside in the first half of FY19. Markets first FY18 and this increased to US$ 51.9bn (or 2.6% of GDP) in
gave a thumbs-down to the larger-than-expected borrowing FY19. The principal reason for deterioration in CAD was the
calendar of state governments. Further, a rising trend in trade deficit that deteriorated to US$ 176bn in FY19 from US$
international crude oil prices, normalisation of Fed monetary 162bn in FY18. Exports in FY19 were at US$ 331bn, 9.1%
policy that led to a hardening of the UST yields, depreciation higher than in FY18. On the other hand, total imports grew
pressure on the INR and its consequent risks for domestic by almost an identical amount of 9%. While oil imports were
inflation spooked the market. up by 29%, given the jump in oil prices, non-oil non-gold
imports increased by 3.4% - an indication of slowing
domestic demand. Capital flows were relatively weaker in
FY19. FDI flows were relatively healthy.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 67
However, FPI flows (equity and debt) cumulated at an outflow forecast. India’s growth is thus expected to be pushed up via
of US$ 6bn in FY19 compared to an inflow of US$ 22.5bn in domestic demand, facilitated by some degree of fiscal push.
FY18. Since the start of the Financial Year, Rupee traded with
a depreciation bias. To a large extent this was tied to the On the other hand, we see inflation remaining contained
policy normalisation in the US, that led to a US$ strength and within the target levels of the MPC and hence, monetary
depreciation pressures in EM currencies. Country specific easing is also likely and is expected to provide a push to
issues such as first quarterly Current Account Deficit in the economy. Going forward, with some resolution to “twin
China after 17 years, the US-China trade frictions and sell-off balance sheet” problems, one can expect freer flow of
in Turkish Lira led to risk-aversion and hence a pull-out by the funds to the commercial sector. Foreign investment is also
Directors' Report
FPI investors from the EMEs. expected to remain robust on the back of the fact that India
would continue to remain as the fastest growing economy
A sharp increase in the crude oil prices around the August to in FY19. Finally, one would expect a continuation of the
early-October period also led to a depreciation bias for INR. reforms programme in India to propel the country towards a
USD/INR depreciated to its weakest at 74.12 on October 11 sustainable high growth path.
against 65.01 at the beginning of FY19. In the second half
of the year, INR mostly traded with an appreciation bias, to
close the year at 69.15 after having appreciated to 68.53
IDFC FIRST Bank: New innings.
around mid-March 2019. This was backed by a sharp 20.7% And an integrated franchise.
moderation in crude oil prices between October 2018 and
March 2019, a dovish policy stance of the US Fed, some The fiscal 2019 leaves an indelible mark in the evolution
Corporate Governance
waning of US-China trade concerns, benign domestic journey of the Bank. IDFC FIRST Bank was founded by the
inflation outlook and a pick-up in the FPI investment flows. merger of erstwhile IDFC Bank and erstwhile Capital First
Limited, a systematically important non-Banking Finance
INR moves in tandem with global oil prices Services Company on December 18, 2018.
India 10 Year (%) In January 2018, IDFC Bank and Capital First announced
90 76
that they had reached an understanding to merge with each
80 other and shareholders of Capital First were to be issued
75 139 shares of the merged entity for every 10 shares of
70 Capital First.
60 The Competition Commission of India approved the
55 64
transaction in March 2018. The Reserve Bank approved the
50 62
transaction in June 2018.
Financial Statements
Thus, IDFC FIRST Bank was founded as a new entity by the • The Net Interest Income for the year ended on March 31,
merger of IDFC Bank and Capital First on December 18, 2019 was ` 3,199 crore.
2018. This was also the first merger between an NBFC
and a commercial bank. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, the Founder and • The Total Operating Income (net of Interest Cost) for the
Managing Director of erstwhile IDFC Bank, was appointed year ended on March 31, 2019 was ` 4,138 crore.
as the Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman of the newly
formed entity IDFC FIRST Bank. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, who • The Net Interest Margin for the year ended on March 31,
was the Founder and Chairman of erstwhile Capital First 2019 was at 2.37%.
Limited, was appointed the first Managing Director and CEO
of IDFC FIRST Bank. • The Cost to Income ratio for the year ended on March 31,
2019 was at 79.45%.
IDFC FIRST Bank is practically a new entity formed by the
merger of Capital First and IDFC Bank. Hence, the results for • The Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (without considering the
the Financial Year 2019 are not comparable either with IDFC exceptional item) for the year ended on March 31, 2019
Bank's or with Capital First's prior to Financial Year results. was ` (696) crore.
Further, from April 2018 to December 18, 2018 (the merger
date), the financial results reflect the performance of the • The Book Value of the Share (Net worth considering as of
erstwhile IDFC Bank and from then onwards to March 31, March 31, 2019 and total number of shares adjusted for
2019, it reflected the merged financials of both the erstwhile shares issued pursuant to merger on January 5, 2019) was
entities as a single entity. Hence, the performance of the at ` 37.98 per share.
financial year ended on March 31, 2019 are not comparable
with the previous financial years for the Bank. The key The integration that is underway, is transformative for the
financial parameters for the Financial Year ended March 31, Bank, in terms of an expanded product range straddling
2019 for IDFC FIRST Bank are as follows: both wholesale and retail banking, more customer segments
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 69
and new geographies. All of this signifies a forward and we have been able to shed riskier assets even earlier
momentum for business. than anticipated.
Post-merger, IDFC FIRST Bank has evolved as a large IDFC FIRST Bank has embarked on a growth journey
contemporary private bank, with a diversified loan book, with a new strategy keeping the business and financial
proven technology and analytics-based lending model and aspirations in mind, the broad strategic plan of the bank for
a strong platform for sustained growth in retail liabilities. the next 5 years -
Directors' Report
and with relationships that run deep in both the retail as • The Bank plans to grow the retail asset book from to over
well as the corporate sector. It brings together the banking ` 100,000 crore in the next 5-6 years
platform of IDFC Bank and retail capabilities of Capital
First. We believe that with direction, time and energy, and • The Bank plans to reduce the loans to infrastructure
consistency of approach, the trajectory can once again be segments as they mature
established to make the bank a successful predominantly
retail institution over the next five years. • For the Non-Infra Corporate Loans, the bank will continue
to grow the loan book, based on opportunities available in
The synergies of the merger have prepared the two the marketplace. The Bank will focu s on the tech-led
institutions for the future, for a marketplace disrupted by solutions on trade, forex, remittances, transactions and
emerging technologies, for varying customer preferences credit selectively for corporates
Corporate Governance
and for new risks. The underlying strengths of the new bank
give it a strong foundation to meet new business challenges. Diversification of Assets
The loan book of the bank needs to be well diversified across
The Bank is well positioned to meet the financial needs sectors and a large number of consumers. The Bank plans
of all customer segments - individuals, self-employed, to increase the retail book composition to more than 70% in
entrepreneurs, small businesses, corporates and the next 5-6 years.
the government.
Gross Yield Expansion
We put our customers first, ahead of everything else. As a result of the growth of the retail loan assets (at a
relatively higher yield compared to the wholesale loans), the
All our initiatives are guided by one thought – that of delighting gross yield of the Bank’s Loan Book is planned to increase to
customers with high quality banking services. We combine ~ 12% in the next 5-6 years. The Bank will expand Housing
unique digital experiences with a personal touch, so that we loan portfolio as one of its important product lines.
are there for our customers when they need us.
Financial Statements
CASA Growth
We use new-age analytics and advanced technology The key focus of the Bank would be to increase the CASA
platforms that give us insights on customer preferences, Ratio on a continuous basis year-on-year and strive to
credit behaviour, and emerging matters that are reach 30% CASA ratio within the next 5-6 years, as well as
important to them. set a trajectory to reach a CASA ratio of 40-50% thereon.
Array of digital savings & current accounts are to be offered
The combined strength of the two institutions is also to the customer base (more than 7 million customers) of
reflected in its distribution network, people and channels. erstwhile Capital First.
However, what is more important is how these elements work
seamlessly together to serve our customers, communities Diversification of Liabilities
and our country, better. Diversification of Liabilities in favour of the retail deposit
(including CASA and Retail Term Deposits) is essential for
Both erstwhile entities, i.e. Capital First and IDFC Bank have, the bank. As a percentage of the total borrowings, the Retail
in the past, demonstrated an ability to navigate difficult Term Deposits and CASA is proposed to increase from
economic and market conditions. In the recent financial 10.5% currently to over 50% in the next 5-6 years and set up
period, our deposits and assets have seen healthy growth a trajectory to reach 75% thereafter.
70 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Customers During the year ended March 31, 2019, the Bank complied
IDFC FIRST Bank has over 7.3 million live customers, of these with the RBI guidelines on single borrower and borrower
about 3.9 million are urban customers and the remaining group limit. As per the exposure limits permitted under
3.5 million customers are semi-urban and rural. The Bank extant RBI guidelines, the Bank with the approval of the
has 242 liabilities branches as on March 31, 2019.
Board of Directors can enhance exposure to single borrower
and borrower group by a further 5% of capital funds. In view
of the merger of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular, the
Pankaj Sanklecha Bank had taken prior approval of the Board of Directors for
Chief Financial Officer &
Head - Corporate Centre
exposure to the merged entity viz. Vodafone Idea Limited
which was within the prudential exposure limit of 25% of the
Bank’s capital funds.
Total Funded Assets (K in Cr) CASA (K in Cr)
Pre-Merger Post-Merger
Directors' Report
75,190 75,337
73,051 6,750
11% 13%
3,112 3,092 4,398
2,177 2,364
Corporate Governance
4% 4% 4% 3%
12% 11% 11% 8% Mar 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19
Mar 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19
Current Account Saving Account
Retail Funded Assets Stressed Equity / SRs
Wholesale Funded Assets PSL Buyouts
Core Deposits
The CASA franchise of the Bank has grown strongly.
The core deposits of the Bank (retail CASA and retail term
The Retail CASA Deposit which is primarily led by the
deposits) increased by 132% from ` 5,693 crore as on
branches, has increased by ` 2,859 crore from ` 1,586
March 31, 2018 to ` 13,214 crore as on March 31, 2019.
crore as of March 31, 2018 to ` 4,445 crore as of March 31,
Financial Statements
The core deposits now contribute about 9.41% to the
2019. The wholesale CASA, which is primarily driven by the
deposits and borrowings of the Bank. The Retail CASA
corporate relationships as well as government banking has
increased from ` 1,586 crore as of March 31, 2018 to ` 4,445
increased by ` 545 crore from ` 4,124 crore as of March 31,
crore as of March 31, 2019.
2018 to ` 4,669 crore as of March 31 2019. This includes
` 2,670 crore of Government Banking business as of
Overall Term Deposits have increased by 43% from ` 22,826
March 31, 2019. However, we are aware that these large
crore as of March 31, 2018 to ` 32,611 crore as of March 31,
wholesale deposits are largely rate sensitive and we do not
2019 which is primarily driven by the increase in Retail Term
count upon these as sticky funding sources. Under the new
Deposits by 114% from ` 4,107 crore as of March 31, 2018
strategy, the business model of the Bank is now prepared
to ` 8,769 crore as of March 31, 2019.
with a focus on the core deposits which primarily includes the
Retail CASA and Retail Term Deposits and the core deposit
Profit and Loss Statement
would continue to grow on a sustainable basis. The CASA
During the year, the Bank merged with Capital First Limited
to Total Deposits ratio of the Bank is 12.9% and the CASA to
and the ‘IDFC - CFL Merger’ has been accounted under
Total Deposits and Borrowings is now 6.5%. We recognise
the 'Purchase Method' as per Accounting Standard 14 on
this is low and want to improve it.
'Accounting for Amalgamations' and as per the specific
provisions of the scheme. Accordingly, net assets of erstwhile
72 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
profit and loss account for the year ended March 31, 2019
of ` 2,599.35 crore is exceptional in nature and resulted in
loss for the year.
However, as a result of this accounting for amalgamation Q4-FY18 Q1-FY19 Q2-FY19 Q3-FY19 Q4-FY19
Capital Adequacy Guided by a customer-centric culture, the Bank launched
The Bank has maintained a healthy Capital Adequacy Ratio new products and services at a rapid pace in FY19,
over the years, at well above levels as directed by RBI. As of delivered in multiple, convenient ways, for a high-quality
March 31, 2019 the Capital Adequacy Ratio is 15.47% with banking experience.
Tier-I Capital Adequacy Ratio at 15.28%.
NPA The Bank significantly expanded its retail footprint in FY19,
The Gross and Net NPA of the Bank as of March 31, 2019 adding branches and bankers to serve customers better.
was at 2.43% and 1.27% respectively. As a good corporate As of March 31, 2018 the erstwhile Bank had 150 branches
Directors' Report
governance practice, during the financial year ended on out of which 103 branches were in the rural areas and 47
March 31, 2019, the Bank has proactively identified stressed branches were in the urban areas. During the financial year
assets in the Wholesale Financing and Infrastructure ending March 31, 2019, 92 new branches were opened
Financing loan book and has created credit provisions across the country. As of March 31, 2019, IDFC FIRST Bank
on these accounts accordingly. The overall provisioning has a branch count of 242, out of which 133 branches are
coverage ratio on the NPA and other stressed assets is in the urban areas and 109 branches are in the rural areas.
55.9% as of March 31, 2019. The branches in the urban areas are primarily focussed on
increasing the retail liability base of the Bank. The Bank also
Retail Banking: Building a Better, increased the number of ATMs from 115 (including white
label ATMs) as of March 31, 2018 to 141 as of March 31,
Stronger Bank 2019. Apart from this network, the Bank also has 102 asset
Corporate Governance
servicing branches primarily in the urban areas which have
Mergers can be complex but the Bank has endeavoured to been acquired through the merger with Capital First Limited.
make it smooth and easy for its customers. For catering to our rural customers, IDFC FIRST Bank also
has 354 business correspondence branches through its
IDFC Bank-Capital First merger has created an extensive wholly-owned subsidiary IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited.
banking franchise as IDFC FIRST Bank which combines
erstwhile IDFC Bank’s retail liability franchisee, branch Deposits: Making relationships count
network and digital banking with Capital First’s innovative A slew of initiatives in FY19 enabled customers to make
approach to retail lending, distinctive credit underwriting, most of their Savings Accounts and Fixed Deposits with us.
and a robust financing model for the under-penetrated, yet We made savings a lot easier and encouraging by offering an
high-potential, market segments. interest rate of 7% p.a. on the Savings Account for balances
upwards of ` 1 Lakh. For balances below ` 1 Lakh, the Bank
The Bank now has a portfolio that straddles the entire offers interest rate of 6% p.a. This competitive banking
spectrum of retail banking, backed by analytics and proposition has helped garner significant growth in deposits
Financial Statements
technology-enabled platforms. It is thus uniquely from an existing customer base as well as new customers.
positioned to finance the growing aspirations of individuals,
entrepreneurs and small businesses. The Bank’s simplified The Bank remained committed to nurturing relationships and
digital channels and an innovative product range, bode well creating an exceptional customer experience, through digital
for growth in a highly competitive market. solutions and personalised guidance and advice. Over the
next few years, we want to be the first bank customers think
We are building a bank for all. Where the customer is at the of in every step of their financial lives.
heart of everything we do. Every product we design, every
service we offer, and every process we create, is inspired
by customers’ needs. Our new tagline ‘Always You First’
emphasises on customer centricity.
74 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
quickly. We lend to segments ranging from the salaried and in remote areas in every nook and corner of the country.
self-employed, to first-time borrowers. The Bank, has, thus, With a widespread reach among small hamlets and towns,
enabled many customers to start their first business or buy IDFC FIRST Bank has emerged as one of the forerunners in
their first home. providing the entire gamut of banking products, across both
assets and liabilities.
The merged entity expanded its retail lending operations
during the year and has cumulatively financed over 7.3 The Bank’s Rural Banking value proposition hinges around
million customers, and has built a retail loan portfolio of the 3Cs - Customer, Community and Capability Building.
` 40,812 crore, as on March 31, 2019.
Directors' Report
Under the broad umbrella of retail loans, the Bank offers We have designed an array of products customised
products and services for the Consumer Segment, MSME to specific needs of our customers in rural locations.
Segment and Rural Segment. These include the flagship group loan product, Sakhi Shakti,
which aims to financially empower rural women by providing
The Bank’s unique model for risk assessment enables quick them with credit facility for income generation: Vyapar
decisions for customers choosing to avail loans for two Vriddhi or Micro Enterprise Loan to support local businesses
wheelers, consumer durables, used cars, personal loans, and enterprises; Suvidha Shakti, which is uniquely crafted
home loans and such other common consumer financing to offer assistance to our customers home improvement
needs. These businesses continue to be our mainstay requirements such as renovation of the house, building of
for over eight years. Now, the retail financing loan book WASH (Water And Sanitation) structures for access to safe
Corporate Governance
for the consumer segment stood at ` 19,860 crore as of water and sanitation facilities; Sowbhagya Shakti or Regular
March 31, 2019. Savings Deposit, an innovative product to inculcate the habit
of savings among our rural customers.
The Bank offers various fund-based and non-fund based
facilities to its Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) In far-flung locations in the hinterland, we also offer last-mile
customers and entrepreneurs. Under the fund-based connectivity through our doorstep on-boarding and
products, the Bank offers secured long-term loans for collection process, to maximise customer satisfaction and
MSMEs, usually against the collateral of the property, after convenience. This has helped inculcate in people a savings
a thorough cash flow analysis, credit bureau and reference habit, given them access to organised finance and given
checks as well as legal and technical valuation of the security. them a product range that is specific to their needs.
These loans are usually EMI-based long-term funding to fulfil
the capital investment requirements of MSME customers. Community
The Bank also caters to working capital & Capex financing The Bank is committed to supporting the communities in
requirements of the fast-growing trading, services and locations it operates in. Corporate Social Responsibility
Financial Statements
manufacturing entities through fund-based facilities of Cash in such locations included financial literacy initiatives,
Credit / OD, Working Capital Demand Loans, Term Loans, enabling the enhancement of dairy livelihoods, and offering
Export Finance, Bill Discounting. Under the non-Fund based rural-specific banking solutions. In our effort to innovate in
facilities, the Bank offer Forex services, Letter of Credit and the rural banking space, we have joined hands with diverse
Bank Guarantees to these customers. The Bank caters to organisations.
Retail and Strategic Transporters, Logistic companies,
Captive users and School Bus operators primarily for their On one hand, we have tied up with Business Correspondents
CV asset purchases. - IBL, ASA, and Saggraha - to create a reach in new
geographies. We have also collaborated with international
The retail financing loan book for the MSME segment stood not-for-profit organisations like, that works towards
at ` 15,767 crore as of March 31, 2019. raising awareness-raising about the need for improved
access to water and sanitation facilities, and thereby
IDFC FIRST Bank’s Rural Banking division has been the assisting in market development.
bellwether in providing financial inclusion, particularly on the
credit side, with a commitment to serve unbanked locations
76 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The Bank also has comprehensive solutions for the • Best Co-branded Card of the Year at the 6th edition of
Agri-Corporate customers. They have access to multi-solution Payments and Cards Summit, 2018 – for IDFC FIRST Bank
internet banking platform which simplifies online banking Sodexo RuPay Platinum Prepaid Card
and offers a superior experience. Lending solutions to this
segment are swift and hassle-free. The Bank’s retail Agri Product Innovator of the Year at India Banking Summit &
Business solution is geared to meet the needs of individuals Awards 2018 for:
and businesses engaged in Agricultural and Agro Allied
activities. The seasonal nature of the agricultural business • India’s First Digital Credit on BHIM UPI in partnership with
increases scope for unpredictability and hence requires a ePayLater
flexible financial solution. The retail Agri business extends
credit to farmers for crop cultivation, purchase of inputs, • Digitising payments for employee tax benefits, corporate
maintenance of farm implements and other agriculture incentives & gifting in partnership with Zeta and Sodexo.
related activities.
The retail financing loan book for the rural segment stood at
Wholesale banking: Leveraging
` 5,185 crore as of March 31, 2019. expertise to serve large
Digitisation: Making banking simpler, intuitive,
During the year, the Wholesale Banking business
Our customers count on our integrated mobile banking,
successfully navigated a challenging business environment,
net banking and Banker-on-Call to transact on-the-go.
and leveraged expertise and corporate relationships to
New features in the Bank’s integrated mobile app that
deliver healthy financials. This has enabled the Bank to
placed all transactions and information at the fingertips of
further transition from an infrastructure player to a preferred
the account holder, were inspired by what customers would
bank in the emerging and mid-sized corporate space.
expect when they engage with us.
The Bank is a full service Corporate Bank with coverage
The Bank’s mobile banking app, which supports 90
across Large Corporates, Emerging Large Corporates,
functionalities, recorded 4.82 lakh downloads during the year.
NBFCs, Financial Institutions and SME and offering all
products in Lending, Transaction Banking, Financial
Over a million financial transactions were done regularly
Markets and Liabilities. The coverage teams are spread
through the Bank’s digital channels.
in key markets across the country and expanding further
into newer trading centres. The Bank will increase its focus
IDFC FIRST Bank has been constantly innovating in the
on granularising corporate exposures and continuously
Payments space. It continues to focus on the philosophy
improving product penetration across its clients with a focus
of Bank-as-a-Platform, through which it offers banking as a
to improve profitability.
service using APIs (Application Programming Interface).
Corporate Coverage Financial Institutional coverage
The Bank’s Corporate Coverage Group has focussed on The Bank’s Financial Institutions Group (FIG) addresses the
reducing the Bank’s balance sheet risk profile from long-term financial & banking needs of domestic as well as international
and big ticket Infrastructure legacy assets to predominantly Financial Institutions.
loans to operating mid-sized and more granular corporate
banking assets. The Domestic FIG team engages with domestic Commercial
Banks, Small Finance Banks, Insurance Companies,
In the year under review, the Corporate Coverage Group Financial Institutions, Capital Market participants such as
successfully managed to bring down funded exposure stock & commodity brokers, Exchanges, Mutual Funds,
Directors' Report
to Infrastructure Legacy Assets by around ` 5,373 crore Foreign Portfolio Investors and AIFs. The Bank continues
(21% decrease over last year). During the same period, the to enjoy strong relationships with counterparty banks by
Emerging Large Corporate assets grew by 14% growth over creating Interbank limits to meet its clients trade and other
last year. Consequently, the composition of Infrastructure non-funded requirements, correspondent banking and
Legacy assets in the total funded book has come down from money market activities. In the non-banking space, the
42% to 34% at the end of FY19. Bank has added a lot of marquee names as its clients, by
offering a multitude of products leveraging on the strong
You will be pleased to know that the credit rating threshold technology platform.
for initiating a relationship with the Bank continues to be in
a healthy zone with most of the business being initiated with The Bank is also focussed on boarding large liability-strong
the Upper Medium Investment grade corporates. clients like Insurance and Mutual Funds, by offering
Corporate Governance
superior Transaction Banking Services through innovative
Key focus areas for the Corporate Coverage Group will products and ensuring client centricity for product delivery.
continue to be (a) ELC segment asset growth, (b) Core This year, the Bank is creating traction with large domestic
CASA liabilities and New-to-Bank customers, (c) Higher and international portfolio investors by acting as a conduit
earnings from FX & Debt Capital Markets business, and (d) for the fund flows across boundaries and to strengthen its
New revenue streams & focus on higher yielding, fee-based product offering, the bank has tied up with one of the largest
earnings (e) Increasing product penetration including local custodian to offer custody services to its domestic
corporate salary mandates. and FPI clients.
Financial Statements
PSL assets to meet its regulatory requirements through
investing in IBPC issued by these entities and purchased
PSL Certificates through the RBI enabled platform.
IDFC FIRST Bank’s Government Business group places The Bank offers a complete suite of working capital, risk
emphasis on the technical integrations with Government management, trade finance, cash management & capex
platforms to offer customised solutions as value add. solutions and services. In short, we offer comprehensive
Some key milestones were: banking solutions for our clients. Our award winning online
trade and FX portal has been well appreciated and adopted
• Direct Bank Transfers (DBT) / Public Financial Management by most of our clients. We continue to build on our highly
System (PFMS) Related engagements: The Bank responsive relationship & service teams so that clients are
supported various state governments like Meghalaya and served on a first time right basis and with a solutioning
Karnataka / Mumbai at the Centre through PFMS related mindset. The business and teams are well poised to grow
activities. The Bank also implemented NPCI directive on multi-fold year-on-year and be one of the most profitable
DBT payments to be mandatorily routed through NACH businesses within the bank.
Transaction Banking
• The Bank commenced and depended business Digitisation and adoption of the India stack has been central
relationship with various leading Railways PSUs for to the Bank’s strategy for developing new solutions as
managing their receivables. IDFC FIRST Bank’s Net well as customising Transaction Banking products across
Banking is utilised as a preferred payment option for all Corporates, Financial Institutions & Government segments.
travel related bookings on Indian Railway Catering and The universe of Transaction Banking is ever evolving and
Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) portal, the official e-ticketing FY19 has witnessed significant changes in the way the Bank
arm of Indian Railways. as well as our customers adopt such changes.
• e-Tendering Initiatives: The Bank entered into strategic The Bank’s Integrated Transaction Banking Group caters
partnership with various e-tendering service provider and to Cash Management, Trade & Supply Chain Finance
also supported various government agencies in managing and Capital Market & Escrow Services offerings across
EMD related transactions. all business segments. The year which has gone by has
seen the business building upon the existing offerings as
• Other digital initiatives: The Bank supported newly well as launch of many new product offerings which has
launched City Bus Service in Gurugram to make cashless strengthened the Bank’s presence in the market.
journeys a reality.
New Bank. New Mission. New India. 79
In a bid to granular & consistent business, the Bank has more The Bank continues its journey on driving government-led
than 400+ relationships on Cash Management Services, with digital initiatives including the eToll. IDFC FIRST Bank
a fair mix of digital as well as physical collection & payments continue to be leading acquirer at 82 toll plazas, having
customised solutions. The Bank was the first one to onboard issued approximately over 1,80,000 tags in FY19. The Bank
one of the largest utility service provider on e-NACH via has further worked with various transporters and Tech
API based connectivity. In addition, the Bank has launched providers in the logistics space to provide Digital solutions
“Bill-in-a box” facility on BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System), which are simple and secure to use for the truck operators.
first in the industry along with NPCI. Also the Bank has The Bank was the first one to integrate UPI payments with
been able to provide BBPS solution as a payment solution eToll, thus enables the customer to top-up tags seamlessly
Directors' Report
to multiple corporate customers, where multiple utility bill using BHIM or any Bank’s UPI APP.
payments are done via a click of a button.
Financial Market Group
The Bank has continued to invest in its innovative internet The Bank’s Financial Market Group consists of Treasury and
banking portal, the BXP (Business eXperience Platform) as Foreign Currency and Domestic Capital Market business.
well as Corporate API framework. BXP has been enhanced Treasury manages Investments and funding from money
with multiple enhancements for ease of Bank’s customers markets for the bank. This function ensures that the bank meets
and the Bank now also has full stack of APIs which includes its regulatory requirements of maintaining CRR, SLR and
multiple modes of collections & payments and Account LCR. This is achieved through a well-defined and monitored
statements APIs. These enhancements and features helped asset liability management process carried out under the
to accelerate the momentum of digitisation as well as guidance of the Asset-liability committee (ALCO) of the bank.
Corporate Governance
process efficiency across customers of various segments. It also manages the sensitivity to interest rate movements
for the bank by utilising various market investments, money
During the year, Trade & Supply Chain team has added markets and permitted derivative products.
multiple new anchors under dealer / vendor programs.
In line with the technology focus for Transaction Banking, our The Treasury also carries out Financial Markets business
system has been developed to provide seamless solutions for its clients. To our clients, this group provides solutions to
for clients for initiating transactions. We have initiated meet (a) their foreign exchange conversion and exchange
by connecting with ERP systems of large corporates for risk hedging needs, (b) their debt capital markets financing
initiating transactions. In addition, our involvement across needs, and (c) their interest rates risk hedging needs.
all 3 platforms on TReDS (Trade Receivable e discounting Since its start, the Bank has successfully grown its business
System – initiative promoted by Reserve Bank of India) with clients by offering and transacting in the full suite of
continues to be strong. The outstanding on these platforms product solutions, which cover clients’ foreign exchange and
is a source of organic PSL for the Bank. interest rate needs.
Financial Statements
The Bank has envisioned certain differentiator offerings for Providing access to the local debt markets to our corporate
its customers as part of its Digital Initiative. One such offering customers has been another key area of opportunity, where
is to give Customers a one-stop shop for Remittances with the bank uses its well-established presence in the bond
the ability to book FX deals real-time within Trade Platform. markets. Our DCM business also extends itself to facilitating
This industry first, differentiated offering has given the Bank syndication of loans for our clients. In doing so, the group
and edge where customers now do not have to navigate maintains strong business relationships with institutional
across 2 different systems and can enjoy seamless FX investors and lenders. With increasing import and export
experience during Remittance. Further, this solution reduces activity in the economy and with more clients raising
the overall TAT to process an Outward Remittance leading to resources from global investors and lenders, we expect an
superior customer experience. increase in hedging needs from our clients Under the new
guidance from the regulators, we expect more corporate
clients to seek access to the bond markets for their fund
raising needs, we hope to meet our clients’ expectations by
providing them the right solutions.
80 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The Internal Audit Department reports all significant The Board is supported by various management committees
observations to the Audit Committee and follow up actions as part of the Risk Governance framework to ensure that
are taken accordingly. Further, the Audit Committee Bank has sound system of risk management and internal
reviews adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal controls including Risk Management Committee of the Board
control environment, monitors the implementation of audit (‘RMC’). The RMC assists the Board in relation to the oversight
and review of the Bank’s risk management principles and
recommendations and reviews the functioning of the Internal
policies, strategies, appetite, processes and controls.
Audit department.
Directors' Report
Srishti Sethi
Suketu Kapadia Chief Risk Officer
Head – Internal Audit
Corporate Governance
“A number of changes are happening
“We continue to build a strong third around us in the economy and we will need
line of defense focussed on providing to be cautious about our credit approach.
independent, objective and timely assurance We constantly track and monitor the full
to stakeholders, which is critical as the stack of risk parameters and try and stay
organisation grows and evolves.” ahead of the curve.”
Financial Statements
reinforce the Bank’s resilience by encouraging a holistic objectives. The risk appetite thus sets the outer boundaries
approach to management of risk & return and an effective for risk-taking at the Bank. The risk appetite is a top-down
management of risk, capital and reputational profile. process and consists of specific risk appetite statements,
which are approved by the Board and reviewed periodically.
Consequent to the merger of erstwhile IDFC Bank Limited Bank has re-visited the limits under Risk Appetite to
and erstwhile Capital First Limited effective December 2018, accommodate the combined position of the merged entity.
Bank has re-aligned its key policies and Risk Framework
forming an overall Risk framework of the merged entity. Credit Risk
The Bank operates within an effective risk management Bank’s credit risk is controlled and governed by the Board
framework to actively manage all the material risks faced by approved Credit Risk Management Policy. The Credit Risk
the Bank, in a manner consistent with the Bank’s risk appetite. group has been established to independently evaluate
The Bank aims to establish itself as an industry leader in the all proposals to estimate the various risks as well as
management of risks and strive to reach the efficient frontier their mitigation.
of risk and return for the Bank and its shareholders. The Board
has ultimate responsibility for the Bank’s risk management The Bank has rigorously adhered to the RBI mandated
framework. It is responsible for approving the Bank’s risk prudential norms on provisioning of stressed assets and
appetite, risk tolerance and related strategies and policies. has adopted a stringent approach in taking aggressive
82 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The team also conducts Information security awareness a comprehensive ICAAP policy and document, in line with
(for employees and customers) to address security at regulations prescribed by the RBI.
the weakest link.
The document aims to assess the risk profile of the Bank
and whether the capital maintained is commensurate with
the scale and complexity of operations. The document also
Satish Gaikwad
contains projections of financials for the Bank, and its capital
Company Secretary & Head - Legal
adequacy projections for next three years under normal
and stress conditions. It also contains relevant details of
Directors' Report
plans and strategies for meeting capital requirements.
Stress testing forms an essential part of ICAAP. It requires
the Bank to undertake rigorous, forward-looking assessment
of risks by identifying severe events or changes in market
conditions which could adversely impact the Bank.
Corporate Governance
regulatory requirements.” tail events and maintain sufficient levels of capital. It is used
to evaluate the financial position of the Bank under a severe
but plausible scenario to assist in decision-making. It also
assists the Bank in improving its risk monitoring processes.
Capital Adequacy
The Bank manages its capital position to maintain strong
capital ratios well in excess of regulatory and Board Environment & Social Policy and Appraisal Process
approved minimum capital adequacy at all times. The strong The Bank has a comprehensive environment and social
Tier I capital position of the Bank is a source of competitive policy and a robust environment and social risk management
advantage and provides assurance to regulators, credit framework for all its businesses.
rating agencies, depositors and shareholders. In accordance
with the RBI guidelines on Basel III, the Bank adopts the The Environmental Risk Group (‘ERG’) of IDFC FIRST
standardised approach for credit risk, basic indicator Bank works proactively with clients / internal teams to
approach for operational risk and standardised duration identify, mitigate and manage E&S risks associated with
Financial Statements
approach for market risk. Capital management practices are projects/transactions.
designed to maintain a risk reward balance, while ensuring
that businesses are adequately capitalised to absorb the The Bank obtains information on environment-related
impact of stress events. regulatory and compliance norms so as to ensure that the
projects / transactions it finances are in compliance with the
The Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process applicable national environmental legislations.
(‘ICAAP’) forms an integral part of the Supervisory Review
Process (‘SRP’) under Pillar 2 of the Basel III Framework. IDFC FIRST Bank has developed and adopted an exclusion
SRP under the Basel III Framework (pillar 2) envisages the list comprising sectors in which it will not engage in any
establishment of appropriate risk and capital management financing activity. The Bank continues to hold the distinction
processes in banks and their review by the supervisory of being India's first financial institution to sign up for the
authority. ICAAP is a structured approach to assess the Equator Principles (EP) – a credit risk management framework
risk profile of the Bank and determine the level of capital for determining, assessing and managing environmental
commensurate with the scale and complexity of operations. and social risk in Project Finance transactions.
As part of the Basel II implementation, Bank has developed
84 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
In line with this, the Bank has initiated training programmes corporate credit environment and debt capital market in the
aimed at enhancing technical and managerial capabilities. country. As of March 31, 2019, the Bank’s wholesale credit
These programmes aim to groom new talent and upskill book stood at close to 50% of the overall funded assets
existing employees. Among the several being rolled out, is and the Bank would defocus on some of the segments of
the Credit Power Certification programme, an industry first, wholesale credit book including the infrastructure financing.
which aims to bring objectivity to the underwriting process With the volatile external and global environment, the growth
and develop technical skills. The Bank closed the year with of the corporate credit, SME financing and consumption
more than two lakh learning hours, including offline and may get hampered. The new growth strategies of the larger
online training programs. banking players and adoption of new technology based
Directors' Report
products and processes by the new players like fintech
Opportunities & Outlook companies would offer greater competition for growth in
retail financing. As the Bank is starting to grow its retail
liabilities and branch network, the right talent acquisition for
IDFC FIRST Bank recognises the enormous opportunity
such growth also poses a threat for the future growth which
the New India is going to produce. Under a stable political
the Bank has been handling effectively.
environment, the Indian economy is poised for sustainable
growth which would be led by technology-driven initiatives,
The Bank would focus on utilising the retail banking
policy intervention, financial inclusion and consumption
opportunity available and use its core competencies in retail
led business models. After the merger with erstwhile
financing and technology based banking to capture larger
Capital First, which had a successful growth story as a
market share in both retail assets and liabilities. The bank
retail-focussed Non-Banking Financing Services, IDFC
Corporate Governance
would continue to increase its branch network to garner
FIRST Bank now has the robust business model with
the growth of its retail liabilities franchise and invest in the
seasoned businesses, excellent asset quality, distribution
technology led process and product innovations to offer
framework, effective underwriting and risk management
best-in-class service for its customers. Whereas the Bank
systems, technology-based origination and monitoring,
would focus on its Retail Banking growth, it would have an
efficient collection framework for catering to this vast
opportunistic growth strategy for select wholesale banking
opportunity, especially banking and financing requirement
segments and scaling down its infrastructure financing
of the aspiring consumers and emerging entrepreneurs in
book. The Bank would continue to enhance its sound risk
India. The Bank also recognises the enormous opportunity
management framework and keep the standard of corporate
for financing the aspiration and growth of rural consumers
governance high.
and entrepreneurs. With the technology and analytics driven
approach and increasing distribution network, the Bank, in
its renewed form, looks forward to a healthy growth of its Cautionary Statement
retail financing portfolio in the coming years. Although the
Financial Statements
deposit base growth of the Industry has been low in recent Statements made in this Management Discussion and
years, it still offers a great opportunity for growth in case of Analysis Report may contain certain forward-looking
the new-age private banks with offerings of better interest statements based on various assumptions on the Bank’s
rate for deposits, excellent customer-centricity, convenience present and future business strategies and the environment
of operations and technology-led services in a growing in which it operates. Actual results may differ substantially
economy where the banking habits of the customers are or materially from those expressed or implied due to risk
continuously improving. and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include
the effect of economic and political conditions in India and
The Bank also has the opportunity to provide technology abroad, volatility in interest rates and in the securities market,
enabled solutions in treasury, forex, payment solutions, new regulations and Government policies that may impact
transaction banking, cash management services and credit the Bank’s businesses as well as the ability to implement its
to its corporate customers. strategies. The information contained herein is as of the date
referenced and the Bank does not undertake any obligation
The recent turmoil driven by rising credit default risks from to update these statements. The Bank has obtained all
some of the large corporates in India has shattered the market data and other information from sources believed to
be reliable or its internal estimates, although its accuracy or
completeness cannot be guaranteed.
86 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Directors’ Report
Dear Members,
Your Directors are pleased to present the Fifth Annual Report of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
together with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2019.
Financial Highlights
(` in crore)
FY 2019 FY 2018
* The Board of Directors at their meeting held on May 10, 2019 had not proposed any dividend for FY 2018-19.
In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 ‘Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance sheet date’ as notified by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs through amendments to Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016, dated March 30, 2016, dividend for FY 2017-18
of ` 294.02 crore (net of DDT on dividend from Subsidiary) was paid in FY 2018-19 after necessary approvals from shareholders on July 31, 2018.
Amalgamation of erstwhile Capital First Group with ‘Capital First Group’) at their respective meetings held on
IDFC Bank Limited January 13, 2018 had approved a Composite Scheme of
The Board of Directors of IDFC Bank Limited (‘Amalgamated Amalgamation (‘Scheme’) of Amalgamating Companies with
Company’ or ‘the Bank’) and erstwhile Capital First Limited, Amalgamated Company and their respective shareholders
Capital First Home Finance Limited and Capital First and creditors under Sections 230 to 232 and other applicable
Securities Limited (‘Amalgamating Companies’ / provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Amalgamation’).
Pursuant to the Scheme being approved vide respective Your Bank had a customer base of 7.3 million live
Orders passed by the National Company Law Tribunal customers as on March 31, 2019.
('NCLT'), Chennai Bench and Mumbai Bench, the
Meetings of the Board of Directors ('the Board') of the Your Bank offers a wide gamut of products to cater to
Amalgamated Company and Amalgamating Companies the needs of customers from all segments which can be
were duly convened on December 18, 2018 and the viewed on our website:
said Board inter–alia considered and noted the 'Effective
Date' as December 18, 2018 pursuant to Orders passed Change of Name of the Bank
by both the NCLTs respectively filed with Registrar of The Board of Directors and Shareholders of the Bank
Companies ('ROC') as on that date. The 'Appointed Date' had approved the change of name of the Bank from
was October 01, 2018 as approved by both the NCLTs. ‘IDFC Bank Limited’ to ‘IDFC FIRST Bank Limited’ and
the consequential amendment to the Memorandum and
The Share Exchange Ratio for the Amalgamation was
Articles of Association of the Bank.
Directors' Report
139:10 i.e. 139 (One Hundred and Thirty Nine) fully paid-up
equity shares of the Bank for every 10 (Ten) fully paid-up The name of the Bank has changed from IDFC Bank
equity shares held in erstwhile Capital First Limited. Limited to ‘IDFC FIRST Bank Limited’ with effect from
January 12, 2019 by virtue of 'Certificate of Incorporation
Further, pursuant to the effectiveness of the Scheme on
pursuant to change of name' issued by the ROC, Chennai.
December 18, 2018, the Allotment, Transfer and Routine
Matters Committee of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Further, License No. 144 dated February 07, 2019
at its meeting held on January 05, 2019 had inter-alia (in lieu of license no. 111 dated July 23, 2015 in the
considered and approved the allotment of 1,377,109,057 name of IDFC Bank Limited) had been issued by the
equity shares of face value of ` 10 each, fully paid-up, Reserve Bank of India ('RBI') consequent upon the said
as per the said Share Exchange Ratio in terms of the change of name.
Corporate Governance
Scheme, to the eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile
Capital First Limited as on December 31, 2018, being The RBI vide its gazette letter no. DBR.PSBD.
the 'Record Date'. No. 7234/16.01.146/2018-19 dated March 01, 2019,
had informed that pursuant to Section 42(6)(c) of
State of Affairs of the Bank the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934), the
Your Bank has successfully diversified its business mix said alterations in the name of the Bank has been
and added new revenue streams after the Merger. Now it effective from January 12, 2019 in the Second Schedule
has expanded its reach to serve new customer segments to the said Act.
both on the retail as well as wholesale side of the business.
Also, the symbol of the Bank on the National Stock
As on March 31, 2019, your Bank has built a national Exchange of India Limited has been changed to
footprint through the operation of 242 branches (out of ‘IDFCFIRSTB’ and security code on BSE Limited
which 133 are Urban Bank Branches and 109 are Rural remains ‘539437’.
Financial Statements
Bank Branches) across many cities in India, 454 Corporate
Business Correspondent (‘BC’) branches, 141 ATMs,
3 Central Processing Centers and 1 Clearing Hub. Dividend
In accordance with Regulation 43A of the Securities
Points of Presence comparison chart: and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘Listing
Particulars FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Regulations’), your Bank has formulated a Dividend
Distribution Policy, which ensures a fair balance between
Urban Bank Branches 133 47 rewarding its Shareholders and retaining enough capital
Rural Bank Branches 109 103 for the Bank’s future growth.
ATMs 141 115
This Policy is available on the Bank’s web-link:
Asset Service Branches 102 NA
(Erstwhile Capital First Branches)
Rural BC Branches (IDFC FIRST During FY 2018-19, the Bank had incurred losses.
354 312
Bharat Limited) Accordingly, the Directors did not recommend dividend
Other BC Branches 100 75 on equity shares for the FY 2018-19.
88 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards through a resolution passed at its meeting held on
(‘Ind-AS’) April 05, 2019 had allotted 371,970 fully paid-up equity
The RBI vide Circular RBI/2018-2019/146 DBR. shares of ` 10 each to the allottees upon exercise of stock
BP.BC.No.29/21.07.001/2018-19 dated March 22, 2019 options pursuant to IDFC FIRST Bank Employee Stock
has decided to defer the implementation of Ind-AS till Option Scheme 2015 (IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015).
further notice.
Post the aforesaid allotment, the paid-up Equity Share
The Bank has made significant progress on Ind-AS Capital of the Bank stands at 4,782,048,382 equity
implementation. The main impacted area under shares of ` 10 each, aggregating to ` 47,820,483,820.
Ind-AS are Effective Interest Rate (‘EIR’), Expected
Credit Loss (‘ECL’) and Investment classification. Pursuant to the sanction of Scheme by both the
Your Bank had appointed a consultant for development NCLTs, and consequent upon the Amalgamation of
of ECL methodology and review and assessment of the the Amalgamating Companies with the Amalgamated
accounting policy gaps. Under the RBI guidelines, Banks Company, the Authorised Share Capital of IDFC
are not allowed to early adopt Ind-AS and should be FIRST Bank Limited ('IDFC FIRST Bank') stood after
guided by the RBI guidelines. Accordingly, the general Amalgamation as follows:
purpose financial statement of the Bank presented in the
Annual Report are not under Ind-AS. Authorised Share Capital – (Amount in `)
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (After Amalgamation)
Further, the Bank has also submitted quarterly 5,325,000,000 Equity shares of ` 10 each 53,250,000,000
Standalone Proforma financial in the format as
prescribed by the RBI. These submissions were 3,800,000 Preference Shares of ` 100 each 380,000,000
reviewed by the Management and the Audit Committee Total 53,630,000,000
of the Bank before submission to the RBI. The working
group of the Bank has prepared pro-forma Ind-AS Your Bank has not issued any equity shares with
financials as requested by the RBI vide its circular differential voting rights.
DBR.BP.BC.No.106/21.07.001/2015-16 dated June 23,
2016, letter DO. DBR.BP.No.2535/21.07.001/2017-18 Your Bank is well capitalised and has a Capital Adequacy
dated September 13, 2017 and subsequent Ratio (‘CAR’) under Basel III as at March 31, 2019 of 15.47%
communication from time to time. (as against a RBI minimum requirement of 10.88%) & with
Tier-I Capital Adequacy Ratio being 15.28%.
Capital Adequacy
During FY 2018-19, 492,450 equity shares of ` 10 each Ratings of various Debt Instruments
were issued and allotted to the eligible employees of the During the year ended March 31, 2019, your Bank has not
Bank on exercise of Options granted under IDFC FIRST issued any Senior Unsecured Redeemable Long Term
Bank Limited Employee Stock Option Scheme 2015 Bonds in the nature of Non-Convertible Debentures.
(‘IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015’).
Credit rating details for 80CCF Long Term
Further, pursuant to the effectiveness of the Composite Infrastructure Bonds, Private Placement Bonds and
Scheme of Amalgamation, the Allotment, Transfer and other instruments of IDFC FIRST Bank along with
Routine Matters Committee of the Board of Directors rating rationale are available on the Bank’s web-link:
of the Bank, at its meeting held on January 05, 2019,
inter-alia considered and approved the allotment of
1,377,109,057 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each, During the year under review, your Bank has not issued
fully paid-up, as per the Share Exchange Ratio to the any non-equity regulatory capital instrument.
eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile Capital First
Limited as on the Record Date. Deposits
Being a Banking Company, the disclosures required
As on March 31, 2019, the issued, subscribed and paid-up as per Rule 8(5)(v) & (vi) of the Companies (Accounts)
Equity Share Capital of your Bank was ` 47,816,764,120 Rules, 2014, read with Sections 73 and 74 of the
comprising 4,781,676,412 equity shares of ` 10 each. Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to your Bank.
Subsequent to the year under review, the Allotment, As per the applicable provisions of the Banking Regulation
Transfer and Routine Matters Committee of the Bank Act, 1949, details of the Bank’s deposits have been
included under Schedule 3 - Deposits, in the preparation FY 2017-18 was 8 lakh, which has increased to 12 lakh at
and presentation of the financial statements of the Bank. the end of FY 2018-19.
RBI Guidelines
IDFC FIRST Bank’s policy for determining material
As a Banking Company, your Bank always aims to
subsidiaries is available on the Bank’s web-link:
operate in compliance with applicable RBI guidelines
and regulations and employs its best efforts towards
The Bank does not have any material subsidiary company
achieving the same.
as per the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.
Loans, Guarantees or Acquisition of Securities In accordance with the provisions of Section 129(3) of the
Pursuant to Section 186(11) of the Companies Act, 2013, loans Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Accounts)
made, guarantees given or securities provided or acquisition Rules, 2014, the Bank has prepared its consolidated
Directors' Report
of securities by a Banking Company in its ordinary course of financial statements, which forms part of this Annual Report.
business are exempted from disclosure requirements under
Section 134(3)(g) of the Companies Act, 2013. Further, pursuant to Section 136(1) of the Companies Act,
2013, the Annual Report of the Bank, containing therein
Performance and Contribution of Subsidiary and its standalone and consolidated financial statements has
Associate Companies been hosted on the Bank’s website:
IDFC FIRST Bank has one wholly owned Subsidiary under the ‘Investor Relations’ section.
Company, namely IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited (‘IDFC FIRST
Bharat‘), which was formerly known as IDFC Bharat Limited. In addition thereto, the Annual Report of IDFC FIRST Bharat
containing therein its audited financial statements has also
IDFC FIRST Bharat is acting as a Business Correspondent been hosted on the Bank’s website:
Corporate Governance
(‘BC’) for distribution of the products of IDFC FIRST Bank under the ‘Investor Relations’ section.
and has given an added momentum to the financial inclusion
plan of the Bank. The Annual Reports of IDFC FIRST Bank and IDFC FIRST
Bharat are also available at the Registered Office of the
The Board of Directors and Shareholders of IDFC Bharat Bank during business hours i.e. from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
had approved the change of name of the Company from on all days (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays).
‘IDFC Bharat Limited’ to ‘IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited’ and
the consequential amendment to the Memorandum and Any Shareholder who is interested in obtaining a physical
Articles of Association of the Company. copy of the aforesaid Annual Reports may write to the
Company Secretary of the Bank by sending an e-mail on
The name of the Subsidiary has changed from IDFC Bharat
Limited to ‘IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited’ with effect from
April 29, 2019 by virtue of 'Certificate of Incorporation Pursuant to the RBI Guidelines for 'Licensing of New
Financial Statements
pursuant to change of name' issued by the ROC, Chennai. Banks in the Private Sector' dated February 22, 2013, the
Promoter - IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited (‘IDFC
During FY 2018-19, IDFC FIRST Bharat has disbursed ` 4,989 FHCL’) is required to hold a minimum of 40% of the paid-up
crore, of which ` 4,808 crore is in Joint Liability Group ('JLG'), voting equity capital of the Bank which shall be locked in
` 31 crore is in Micro Enterprises Loan ('MEL') and ` 149 for a period of five years from the date of commencement of
crore is in Micro Housing Loan ('MHL') products, as a BC business of the Bank i.e. from October 1, 2015. Further, the
to IDFC FIRST Bank. The year end portfolio outstanding shareholding by IDFC FHCL in the Bank in excess of 40%
managed by IDFC FIRST Bharat for the financial year of the total paid-up voting equity capital was required to be
ended March 31, 2019 has increased to ` 3,732 crore as brought down to 40% within three years from the date of
compared to ` 2,455 crore for the financial year ended on commencement of business of the Bank. Also, in the event
March 31, 2018. IDFC FIRST Bharat, as a BC to IDFC of the Bank raising further voting equity capital during the
FIRST Bank, has initiated mobilisation of savings from first five years from the date of commencement of business,
the clients and reached an outstanding balance of IDFC FHCL should continue to hold 40% of the enhanced
` 108 crore at the end of FY 2018-19. The number of clients voting equity capital of the Bank for a period of five years
for JLG loans has increased to 19 lakh during FY 2018-19 from the date of commencement of business of the Bank.
as against 13 lakh, at the end of FY 2017-18. The number of Accordingly, as and when equity shares are allotted by
saving accounts opened by IDFC FIRST Bharat during the IDFC FIRST Bank pursuant to the ESOP Scheme or by way
90 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
of any other allotment, IDFC FHCL purchases new shares stock option scheme enables retention of talent and aligning
for maintaining 40% shareholding in the Bank. employee interest to that of the Shareholders.
The Amalgamation of erstwhile Capital First Group with IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015 was approved by the Members
IDFC Bank led to reduction in shareholding of IDFC FHCL at their meeting held on December 09, 2014. The Members
from 56.18% (as on Record Date i.e. December 31, 2018) at the Annual General Meeting ('AGM') held on July 27, 2016
to 40% (as on the Date of Allotment i.e. January 05, 2019). approved an Employee Stock Options ('ESOP') pool of 6% of
Accordingly, IDFC FHCL ceased to be Holding Company the paid-up share capital of the Bank.
of IDFC FIRST Bank and thereby your Bank became an
Associate Company of IDFC FHCL. There were 90,711,660 Options outstanding at the beginning
of FY 2018-19. During FY 2018-19, 22,006,400 Options were
IDFC FIRST Bank has only one Associate Company as on granted to the eligible employees under IDFC FIRST Bank
March 31, 2019, namely Millennium City Expressways Private ESOS-2015. Further, in accordance with and pursuant to
Limited in which it holds 29.98% equity stake. effectiveness of Scheme of Amalgamation, 167,818,175
stock options were granted to eligible employees of erstwhile
The highlights on performance of the Subsidiary and Capital First Group on the basis of the Share Exchange
Associate Company and their contribution to the overall Ratio, i.e. for every 10 (Ten) options held by an Eligible
performance of the Bank can be referred to in Form AOC-1, Employee which entitle such Eligible Employee to acquire 10
appended as Annexure 1. (Ten) equity shares in the erstwhile Capital First Limited,
such Eligible Employee was conferred 139 (One Hundred
and Thirty Nine) options in the IDFC FIRST Bank which
Employees entitles him / her to hold 139 (One Hundred and Thirty Nine)
Your Bank has grown with a talent base of 12,257 employees equity shares in IDFC FIRST Bank under IDFC FIRST
as of March 31, 2019, after the Merger with the erstwhile Bank ESOS-2015.
Capital First Group. The Bank has a well defined process
of recruiting employees after rigorous screening of their
Further, 23,787,480 Options had lapsed / forfeited and
capabilities as assessed by the organisation for the
492,450 Options were exercised during the year ended
requirements of the new dynamic ecosystem of the country.
March 31, 2019. Accordingly, 256,256,305 Options remained
Your Bank has a merit oriented culture where performance
outstanding as on March 31, 2019. All Options vests in a
appraisal is conducted on an annual basis for all employees
graded manner and are required to be exercised within a
through a rigorous process. Employees are allocated ratings
specific period.
based on the performance and such performance ratings
are linked with employees’ rewards and compensation. The Bank has used the intrinsic value method to account
In general, the work environment in the organisation for the compensation cost of Stock Options to employees of
continued to be vibrant during the year. the Bank. Intrinsic value is the amount by which the quoted
market price of the underlying share on the date, prior to
The statement containing particulars of employees as the date of the grant, exceeds the exercise price on the
required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 Option. IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015 is administered by
read with Rule 5(2) of the Companies (Appointment and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee (‘NRC’) of the
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 may be Board of the Bank.
obtained by the Members by writing to the Head - Legal and
Company Secretary of your Bank. There has been no material change in IDFC FIRST Bank
ESOS-2015 during FY 2018-19 and the said scheme is in
Disclosures pertaining to remuneration and other details compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
as required under Section 197(12) of the Companies (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as
Act, 2013 read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment amended from time to time.
and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is
appended as Annexure 2. However, on recommendation of NRC at its meeting held
on May 09, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Bank at its
Employee Stock Option Scheme meeting held on May 10, 2019, approved the proposal to
The Employee Stock Option Scheme (IDFC FIRST Bank increase the existing pool from current 6% to 8% of the
ESOS-2015 / 'ESOS') was framed with an object of issued and paid-up share capital of the Bank, from time to
encouraging higher participation on the part of employees time and also modification of exercise period of the Scheme,
in the Bank’s financial growth and success. An effective subject to approval of the Shareholders of the Bank.
The proposal for consequential modification of Scheme years with effect from October 1, 2018 or for such other
subsequent to increase in ESOP pool and modification of period as the RBI may approve.
exercise period is placed for Shareholders approval in the
ensuing Annual General Meeting. Mr. Pravir Vohra (DIN: 00082545) was appointed as an
Additional Director in the category of Independent Director
The details and disclosures with respect to ESOS as of the Bank for a period of three (3) years with effect from
required under Securities and Exchange Board of India August 01, 2018 subject to approval of Members.
(Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 and
circulars issued thereunder, have been uploaded on the As per the terms of the Scheme of Amalgamation, the Board
Bank’s website: under the ‘Investor of the Bank was re-constituted to represent directors of both
Relations’ section. the merging entities.
Further, disclosure as per the 'Guidance Note on Accounting Immediately upon the effectiveness of the Scheme
Directors' Report
for Employee Share-based Payments' issued by the Institute of Amalgamation, the Board of IDFC FIRST Bank was
of Chartered Accountants of India, are appearing in the re-constituted and the Board of Directors of both, IDFC
Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements of IDFC FIRST FIRST Bank and erstwhile Capital First Limited, was equally
Bank, forming part of this Annual Report. represented on the re-constituted Board.
Directors and Key Managerial Personnel The Board, based on the recommendations of NRC,
Appointment & Cessation appointed following Directors on the Board of IDFC
All appointments of Directors are made in accordance with FIRST Bank for a period of five (5) years with effect from
the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and December 18, 2018, as per the provisions of applicable
the Rules framed thereunder, the Listing Regulations, the laws and rules made thereunder and subject to approvals of
Shareholders of the Bank:
Corporate Governance
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the rules, guidelines and
circulars issued by the RBI from time to time.
a. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar (DIN: 06979864) as an
Independent Director;
The NRC conducts due diligence before appointment of
Directors and ensures adherence to ‘Fit and Proper’ criteria,
b. Mr. Hemang Raja (DIN: 00040769) as an
as prescribed by RBI.
Independent Director;
During the year under review, the Board of Directors
c. Mr. Vishal Mahadevia (DIN: 01035771) as a
on the recommendation of the NRC, had re-appointed
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director;
Mr. Abhijit Sen (DIN: 00002593), Ms. Veena Mankar
(DIN: 00004168) and Mr. Ajay Sondhi (DIN: 01657614),
d. Mr. Aashish Kamat (DIN: 06371682) as an
as Non-Executive Independent Directors of the Bank for Independent Director; and
a second term of five (5) consecutive years effective from
Financial Statements
July 27, 2018 to hold office up to July 26, 2023 or for such e. Mr. Desh Raj Dogra (DIN: 00226775) as an
other period as the RBI may approve and they shall not be Independent Director
liable to retire by rotation. The aforesaid re-appointment
of Independent Directors was approved by the Members Mr. Ajay Sondhi and Mr. Rajan Anandan had tendered their
in the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Bank held resignation from the Board of the Bank with effect from
on July 31, 2018. The Members also approved the December 18, 2018.
re-appointment of Mr. Rajan Anandan (DIN: 02395272),
as Non-Executive Independent Director of the Bank for a Dr. Rajiv B. Lall stepped down as the Founder Managing
second term of five (5) consecutive years effective from Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank and
December 01, 2018 to hold office up to November 30, 2023 became Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman of the Bank in
or for such other period as the RBI may approve and he shall place of Ms. Veena Mankar with effect from December 19,
not be liable to retire by rotation. 2018. Ms. Veena Mankar continued to be on the Board of the
Bank as an Independent Director.
Further, Members at the 4th Annual General Meeting of the
Bank held on July 31, 2018 also approved the re-appointment The Board of Directors at its Meeting held on
of Dr. Rajiv B. Lall (DIN: 00131782) as the Founder Managing December 18, 2018, based on the recommendations of the
Director and Chief Executive Officer for a period of two (2) NRC, appointed Mr. V. Vaidyanathan (DIN: 00082596) as the
92 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (‘MD & CEO’) of Mr. Hemang Raja, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Aashish
IDFC FIRST Bank with effect from December 19, 2018 Kamat, Mr. Vishal Mahadevia, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan,
of the new entity, subject to necessary approvals. Mr. Anand Sinha and Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri.
Further, the RBI vide its letters dated December 14, 2018
and January 17, 2019 approved the appointment of The relevant details including brief profiles of
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan as the MD & CEO of the Bank for a period Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, Mr. Pravir Vohra, Mr. Hemang Raja,
of three (3) years with effect from December 19, 2018. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Aashish Kamat,
Mr. Vishal Mahadevia, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, Mr. Anand Sinha
The RBI vide its letter dated January 31, 2019 has accorded and Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri are given in the Exhibit to the
its approval for payment of remuneration of ` 46,000,000 p.a. Notice of the 5th AGM. Further, brief profiles of all the Directors
plus Perquisites payable to Mr. V. Vaidyanathan as the
of the Bank are also available on the Bank’s web-link:
MD & CEO of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited effective from
December 19, 2018.
under the 'Board of Directors' section.
Upon recommendation of NRC and receipt of requisite
None of the Directors of the Bank are disqualified in
approvals from the RBI relating to term of appointment
and payment of remuneration, the Board of Directors of the accordance with Section 164 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Bank at its Meeting held on February 05, 2019 considered
and approved the said term of appointment and The Board recommends to the Shareholders, the
remuneration of ` 46,000,000 p.a. plus Perquisites payable appointment of the aforesaid Directors at the ensuing AGM.
to Mr. V. Vaidyanathan as the md & ceo for a period of
three (3) years effective from December 19, 2018 in Further, the Bank had received a declaration from all the
compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, Independent Directors ('IDs'), at the time of appointment
2013 and other applicable regulations. The proposal and also at the first meeting of the Board of Directors held
for appointment and payment of remuneration to in FY 2018-19, that they meet the criteria of independence
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan is subject to approval of the Members specified under sub-section (6) of Section 149 of the
at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5 of the Companies
(Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014
Thereafter, Ms. Veena Mankar and Mr. Abhijit Sen tendered and Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations, for
their resignation from the Board of IDFC FIRST Bank effective holding the position of ID and that they shall abide by the
from March 25, 2019 in order to balance their expanding ‘Code for Independent Directors’ as per Schedule IV of the
work commitments. Companies Act, 2013.
Subsequent to the year under review, Mr. Desh Raj Dogra Further, it is reported by the Bank’s Secretarial Auditor
tendered his resignation from the Board of IDFC FIRST that during the financial year under review, the Board
Bank effective from April 04, 2019 in order to avoid potential
of Directors of the Bank is duly constituted with proper
conflict of interest with his other Board memberships.
balance of Executive Director, Non-Executive Directors and
Independent Directors. The changes in the composition of
Further, based on the recommendation of the NRC, the
the Board of Directors that took place during the period under
Board at its meeting held on May 10, 2019 approved the
reappointment of Mr. Anand Sinha (DIN: 00682433) as an review were carried out in compliance with the provisions of
Independent Director for second term of four (4) consecutive the Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations.
years with effect from August 01, 2019, subject to approval
of the shareholders of the Bank and other applicable Further, as per the Listing Regulations, the certificate from
statutory / regulatory approvals. Also, the appointment of the Bank’s Secretarial Auditor, being a Company Secretary
Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri (DIN: 03594427) as an Independent in Practice, has also been received that none of the Directors
Director for a period of four (4) consecutive years with effect on the Board of the Bank have been debarred or disqualified
from May 10, 2019 was approved at the Board Meeting held from being appointed or continuing as directors of
on May 10, 2019, based on the recommendation of the NRC Companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India/
and subject to approval of the shareholders of the Bank and Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority.
other applicable statutory / regulatory approvals.
Framework for Appointment of Directors
In terms of Section 160 of the Companies Act, 2013, The Bank has in place a framework for Board Diversity, Fit &
your Bank has received notice in writing from Proper Criteria and Succession Planning for appointment of
Members proposing candidature of Mr. Pravir Vohra, Directors on the Board of the Bank.
In accordance with the Articles of Association of the The Board of Directors has carried out an annual
Bank and pursuant to the provisions of Section 152 of the evaluation of its own performance, Board Committees,
Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Sunil Kakar (DIN: 03055561), and Individual Directors pursuant to the provisions of the
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director, would retire by Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations. Additionally,
rotation at the ensuing AGM and being eligible, offers himself the necessary evaluation was carried out by the NRC and
for re-appointment. IDs at their respective meetings held for the purpose.
Key Managerial Personnel The detailed process indicating the manner in which the
As on the date of this report, the following officials of the annual evaluation has been carried out pursuant to Listing
Bank are the ‘Key Managerial Personnel’ pursuant to the Regulations and Companies Act, 2013 is given in the Corporate
provisions of Section 203 of the Companies Act, 2013: Governance Report, which forms part of this Annual Report.
Directors' Report
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan Number of Meetings of the Board
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer The Board met seven (7) times during FY 2018-19
(appointed with effect from December 19, 2018) viz., April 24, 2018, July 30, 2018, October 24, 2018,
December 18, 2018 (two Board meetings held on December 18,
Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha 2018), January 08, 2019 and February 05, 2019; details of
Chief Financial Officer and Head – Corporate Centre which are given in the Corporate Governance Report, which
(appointed with effect from December 19, 2018) forms part of this Annual Report. The maximum interval between
any two consecutive meetings did not exceed 120 days.
Mr. Satish Gaikwad
Head – Legal and Company Secretary Board Committees
(appointed with effect from December 19, 2018) In compliance with various regulatory requirements, several
Corporate Governance
Board-level Committees have been constituted to delegate
During the year under review, Dr. Rajiv B. Lall stepped matters that require greater and more focused attention.
down as the Founder MD & CEO of the Bank and became
Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman of the Bank with effect Details on the constitution, brief terms of reference, meetings
from December 19, 2018. Further, Mr. Bipin Gemani resigned held and attendance of all the Board-level Committees are
as the Chief Financial Officer of the Bank with effect from given in the Corporate Governance Report which forms part
December 18, 2018 and Mr. Mahendra N. Shah resigned of this Annual Report.
as the Group Company Secretary and Group Compliance
A brief overview of some of the Board-level Committees is
Officer of the Bank with effect from December 18, 2018.
furnished below:
Familiarisation Programmes for Board Members
Audit Committee
At the time of appointment, all Directors of your Bank
The Audit Committee met nine (9) times during FY 2018-19
are familiarized with their roles, responsibilities, rights
and duties along with a brief overview of your Bank’s i.e. on April 23, 2018, July 30, 2018, August 14, 2018,
Financial Statements
operations in a nutshell. October 23, 2018, November 06, 2018, December 18, 2018,
January 07, 2019, February 04, 2019 and February 26, 2019.
The Board members are further provided with necessary All recommendations made by the Audit Committee during
documents, reports and internal policies to enable them to the year were accepted by the Board.
familiarise with the Bank’s procedures and practices.
Further, the Audit Committee comprises of the following
Periodic presentations are made at the Board and Committee members as on the date of this report :
meetings on business and performance of the Bank, global
Mr. Aashish Kamat
business environment, business strategy and associated
Chairman | Independent Director
risks, responsibilities of the Directors etc.
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar
Detailed presentations on the Bank’s business and updates Member | Independent Director
thereon were made at the meetings of the Board and
Committees, held during the year. Mr. Pravir Vohra
Member | Independent Director
The details of the said programmes are available on the Bank’s Mr. Sunil Kakar
web - link: Member | Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
94 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee Further, the NRC comprised of the following members as on
The CSR Committee met two (2) times during FY 2018-19 the date of this report:
on April 23, 2018 and February 04, 2019. The CSR
Policy of the Bank is available on the Bank’s web-link: Mr. Hemang Raja Chairman | Independent Director
The CSR initiatives of the Bank in FY 2018-19 were Mr. Aashish Kamat
implemented through various implementation agencies Member | Independent Director
/ partners. In order to achieve impact and scale, the CSR
activities undertaken during the year mainly focused on Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar
five areas: Education, Livelihoods, Women Empowerment, Member | Independent Director
Health and Financial Inclusion.
Mr. Vishal Mahadevia
The amount spent for CSR contribution by the Bank for
Member | Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
FY 2018-19 was ` 20.82 crore. Further, during the year
under review ` 0.34 crore was spent by IDFC FIRST Bank
in order to meet, discharge and satisfy all the obligations of In line with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the erstwhile Capital First Limited, to the extent they were RBI guidelines issued in this regard, from time to time, your
outstanding on the Effective Date (December 18, 2018) of Bank has a stable framework for remuneration of the various
Scheme of Amalgamation. categories of persons at IDFC FIRST Bank and accordingly
has two separate remuneration policies as given below:
Additionally, ` 4.48 crore incurred by erstwhile Capital First
Group towards CSR spend was also recognised as expense I. Remuneration Policy for the Whole Time / Executive
in the Statement of Profit and Loss of the Bank on CSR Directors, Non-Executive / Independent Directors,
related activities. Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management
The amount spent for CSR contribution by erstwhile Capital The various components of remuneration itemized in this
First Limited for the period between April 01, 2018 to policy inter-alia are as follows:
December 18, 2018 (i.e. prior Amalgamation) was ` 6.51 crore.
For Whole Time / Executive Directors:
Details of the CSR initiatives undertaken by IDFC First Bank
a. Fixed Pay benchmarked primarily to the Indian
through various implementation partners / agencies are
Private Sector Banks;
given in Annexure 3.
Further, the CSR Committee comprises of the following b. Variable Pay in the form of annual performance
members as on the date of this report: bonus will be determined based on the Bank,
business units and individual performance and other
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan evaluation criteria and is not an entitlement;
Chairman | Executive Director
c. Retiral benefits, allowances, perquisites and
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar other benefits;
Member | Independent Director
d. Stock Options;
Mr. Hemang Raja
e. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy;
Member | Independent Director
f. Severance Pay, if mandated by any applicable laws.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) / g. Malus/Clawback
Remuneration Policy
The NRC is constituted in compliance with the RBI
Guidelines, Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and For Non-Executive / Independent Directors:
Listing Regulations. a. Commission to Non-Executive / Independent
Directors (other than the Part - time Chairperson);
The NRC met seven (7) times during FY 2018-19 on b. Remuneration to Non-Executive Part-time Chairperson;
April 24, 2018, July 30, 2018, October 23, 2018,
December 18, 2018, January 08, 2019, January 28, 2019 c. Sitting Fees and Other Expenses; and
and February 04, 2019. d. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy.
For Key Managerial Personnel (‘KMP’) and Senior Both the remuneration policies are available
Management Personnel (‘SMP’): on the Bank’s web - link:
a. Fixed Pay benchmarked primarily to the Indian
Private Sector Banks;
b. Variable Pay in the form of annual performance Your Bank also has a process in place for identification
bonus will be determined based on Bank, business of independence, qualifications and positive attributes of
unit and individual performance and other evaluation its Directors. The NRC ensures a transparent nomination
criteria and is not an entitlement; process to the Board of Directors with the diversity of
gender, thought, experience, knowledge, perspective
c. Retiral benefits, allowances, perquisites and
and in the Board.
other benefits;
d. Stock Options; The NRC, after taking into consideration the
Remuneration Policy for the Whole Time / Executive
Directors' Report
e. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy;
Directors, Non-Executive / Independent Directors, KMP
f. Severance Pay, if mandated by any applicable laws.
and SMP, recommends their remuneration to the Board
g. Malus/Clawback for its approval.
II. Remuneration Policy for Employees (Including
Internal Financial Controls
Risk-Takers) except for the Whole Time / Executive
The Bank has adequate internal controls and processes
Directors, Non-Executive / Independent Directors,
in place with respect to its financial statements that
KMP and SMP.
provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability
The various components of remuneration itemized in this
of financial reporting and preparation of financial
policy inter-alia are as follows:
statements. These controls and processes are driven
through various policies, procedures and certifications
Corporate Governance
a. Fixed Pay benchmarked primarily to the Indian
Private Sector Banks; which also ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of the
Bank’s business, including adherence to Bank’s policies,
b. Variable Pay in the form of annual performance safeguarding of assets, prevention and detection of
bonus will be determined based on Bank, Business frauds and errors, accuracy and completeness of the
unit and individual performance and other evaluation accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable
criteria and is not an entitlement. financial information. The controls and processes are
The organization has a robust policy around being reviewed periodically. The Bank has a mechanism
performance management which has a direct of testing the controls and processes at regular intervals
bearing on Variable Pay. The organization applies for their design and operating effectiveness to ascertain
the malus model through the performance the reliability and authenticity of financial information.
management framework.
Information / Cyber Security Framework
In the event of significant negative contributions of
Financial Statements
IDFC FIRST Bank since its inception has put in place a
the bank and/ or the relevant line of business in any
robust Information / Cyber Security Framework. Our Bank
year, the deferred compensation (if any) would be
being a green field setup, has Information Security
subjected to clawback arrangement;
woven into our banking platform and seamlessly merges
c. Statutory Bonus, as may be mandated by any both culturally and technologically. A dedicated team of
applicable laws; security professionals are part of the Information Security
d. Stock Options; Group (‘ISG’) who govern the Information Security
practices in the Bank. Our Bank has put in place state of
e. Severance Pay, if mandated by any applicable laws. the art security technologies including several industry
The principles for remuneration at IDFC FIRST Bank are ‘firsts’ technology solutions and adopted 'defense in
guided by the Bank’s philosophy for driving employee depth' approach & industry best practices as part of our
performance to achieve its medium term and long security framework and architecture. Our Bank is mindful
term objectives, balanced with prudent risk taking of the need to always be on the guard and monitors
and are in compliance with the RBI’s Guidelines on its environment 24x7x365. Given the changing threat
Compensation of Whole-Time Directors / Chief Executive landscape and evolving technology platforms, the attempt
Officers / Risk takers and Control function staff, etc. is to progressively move towards adoption of proactive
dated January 13, 2012. and adaptive platforms for quick detection and recovery.
96 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Internal Ombudsman The Bank provided all assistance and facilities to the
In compliance with regulatory guidelines, the Bank has Secretarial Auditors for conducting their audit.
appointed Mr. Dayanand P. Kasabe, a senior retired Central
Banker as Internal Ombudsman for a period of 3 years The Secretarial Audit Report is appended as Annexure 5
with effect from December 03, 2018, as per the Internal to this report.
Ombudsman Scheme, 2018 to enhance your Bank's
customer grievance redressal mechanism and to improve There were no qualifications, reservations, adverse
service delivery. remarks or disclaimers made by the Secretarial Auditors
in their report for the financial year ended March 31, 2019.
Statutory Auditors
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited was incorporated on Compliance with applicable Secretarial
October 21, 2014. The Bank received the final banking license Standards
on July 23, 2015 and commenced its banking operations The Bank has generally complied with the applicable
from October 01, 2015. Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of Company
Secretaries of India.
Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP, Chartered Accountants,
Ahmedabad (Firm Registration No. 117365W) have been
Concurrent Audit
the Statutory Auditors of the Bank since incorporation.
Your Bank has a regular process of getting concurrent
audit done for important functions such as treasury,
In terms of RBI circular DBS.ARS.BC.04/08.91.001/
trade finance operations, retail operations, wholesale
2017-18 dated July 27, 2017 and titled ‘Appointment
operations etc. as required by extant regulatory
of Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs) – modification of
rest period’, an audit firm, after completing its four (4) guidelines. Reputed Chartered Accountant firms carry
years tenure in a particular private / foreign bank, will out the Concurrent Audit. Results of these audits are
not be eligible for appointment as SCA of the same placed before the Audit Committee of the Board on a
bank for a period of six (6) years. This practice is based quarterly basis.
on the guidelines on periodical rotation and resting of
statutory auditors. Requirement for Maintenance of Cost Records
The Bank is not required to maintain cost records
Further, in terms of Section 30(1) of the Banking as specified by the Central Government under
Regulation Act, 1949, the Statutory Auditors of banks Section 148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013.
are required to be appointed in the AGM, with the prior
approval of RBI. The Audit Committee and the Board of Awards and Recognitions
Directors of the Bank, vide circular resolutions dated During the year under review, your Bank was recognized
April 20, 2019 and April 23, 2019 respectively, approved in various ways and the significant awards presented to
the appointment of Statutory Auditors of the Bank for your Bank are listed below:
FY 2019-20 in the order of preference with a panel of
3 auditors for onward submission to the RBI. • Banking Frontiers Finnoviti Awards 2019
During the year under review, erstwhile Capital First received Consequent to the amalgamation of IDFC Bank and erstwhile
several award/ accolades. Select few awards/ rankings are Capital First Group, effective December 18, 2018, Bank
as mentioned below: has re-aligned its key policies and Risk Framework forming
an overall Risk framework of the merged entity. Your Bank
• 'CEO of the year 2018' by Business world : “Leaving a operates within an effective risk management framework
well-paying top job as an MD in the ICICI group and to actively manage all the material risks faced by the
acquiring stake in NBFC with the hope of converting to a Bank, in a manner consistent with the Bank’s risk appetite.
bank is a novel thought or weird, depending on the prism Your Bank aims to establish itself as an industry leader in the
you use, but certainly unique. But in the end, by merging management of risks and strive to reach the efficient frontier
with a bank, looks like a nice landing for Vaidyanathan of risk and return for the Bank and its shareholders. The Board
and Capital First. Certainly a big match player.” has ultimate responsibility for the Bank’s risk management
framework. It is responsible for approving the Bank’s risk
• 'Outstanding Corporate Transformation India 2018' appetite, risk tolerance and related strategies and policies.
Directors' Report
by Capital Finance International : “The judges The Board is supported by various management committees
agree that Capital First is a case of extra-ordinary as part of the Risk Governance framework to ensure that
transformation in Corporate in seven years, from Bank has sound system of risk management and internal
small to big, from loss making to highly profitable, controls including Risk Management Committee of the Board
concentrated to diversified, and the 2018 award is (‘RMC’). The RMC assists the Board in relation to the oversight
applauded by the jury”. and review of the Bank’s risk management principles and
policies, strategies, appetite, processes and controls.
• 'V. Vaidyanathan: Most Inspirational Management Buyout
India 2018' by Capital Finance International : “MBOs are To ensure the Bank has a sound system of risk
rare but successful leveraged ones with dramatic rise management and internal controls in place, the Board has
in market caps and squaring leverage through stake
established the Risk Management Committee of the Board.
Corporate Governance
sale, make for management textbooks. The
The Risk Management Committee of the Board reviews
judging panel applauds Vaidyanathan’s successful soft
risk management policies of the Bank pertaining to credit,
touchdown of the MBO in 2018, by merger with a
market, liquidity and operational risks. The Committee also
commercial bank, leading to his 2018 award win for
reviews the Risk Appetite & Enterprise Risk Management
Most Inspirational Management Buyout India.”
framework, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
(‘ICAAP’) and Stress Testing.
• 'Game Changers of India' – Economic Times Global
Business Summit 2018 : “From creating market linkages
Your Bank has in place a Board approved Risk Management
for micro enterprises to bridging rural-urban divide
Policy. The Policy aims at establishing a risk culture
these leaders are innovating the way new business
is done. These change–makers have recognized the and governance framework to enable identification,
possibilities to build sustainable businesses targeting measurement, mitigation and reporting of risks within the
the bottom of the pyramid and investors that are willing Bank in line with the Bank’s risk appetite, risk - return trade-off
to back them in their efforts." and the escalation & accountability framework.
Financial Statements
Instances of Fraud, if any reported by the Auditors Vigil Mechanism / Whistle Blower Policy
or the Management The Bank has implemented a Whistle Blower Policy in
No offence of fraud was reported by the Auditors of compliance with the provisions of the Listing Regulations,
the Bank under Section 143(12) of the Companies Companies Act, 2013 and RBI notification on Introduction
Act, 2013. The details of provisioning pertaining to Fraud of ‘Protected Disclosures Scheme for Private Sector and
Accounts during the year under review are provided in Foreign banks’. Pursuant to this policy, the Whistle Blowers
Note No. 18.17 to the Standalone Financial Statements as at can raise concerns relating to reportable matters (as defined
March 31, 2019. The Members are requested to refer to the in the policy) such as breach of IDFC FIRST Bank’s Code
said Note for details in this regard. of Conduct, employee misconduct, fraud, illegal unethical
imprudent behaviour, corruption, safety and misappropriation
Risk Management Framework or misuse of Bank funds / assets etc.
Your Bank promotes a strong risk culture throughout the
organization. A strong risk culture is designed to help Further, the mechanism adopted by the Bank encourages
reinforce the Bank’s resilience by encouraging a holistic the Whistle Blower to report genuine concerns or
approach to management of risk & return and an effective grievances and provides for adequate safeguards against
management of risk, capital and reputational profile. victimisation of Whistle Blower to those who avail such
98 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
mechanism and also provides for direct access to the of Directors ('the Board') of the Amalgamated Company
Chairman of the Audit Committee, in exceptional cases. and Amalgamating Companies were duly convened on
December 18, 2018 and the said Board inter–alia considered
The Audit Committee reviews the functioning and noted the 'Effective Date' as December 18, 2018
of the Vigil Mechanism from time to time. pursuant to Orders passed by both the NCLTs respectively
None of the Whistle Blowers has been denied access filed with Registrar of Companies ('ROC') as on that date.
to the Audit Committee of the Board. The Whistle The 'Appointed Date' was October 01, 2018 as approved by
Blower Policy is available on the Bank’s web-link: both the NCLTs.
The Whistle Blower Policy is communicated to the Accordingly, the Scheme of Amalgamation became effective
employees and is also posted on the Bank’s intranet. on December 18, 2018 pursuant to the filing of the Orders of
both the benches of the Hon’ble NCLT with the ROC.
In addition to the above, the Bank has formulated
a Vigilance Policy for effectively managing the Therefore, pursuant to the effectiveness of the Amalgamation
risks faced by the Bank on account of corruption, and by virtue of operation of law, the Amalgamating
malpractices and frauds. Companies stood dissolved without being wound up with
effect from December 18, 2018.
Mr. Avinash Saraiya is the Chief Vigilance
Officer of the Bank. Apart from the above, there were no other significant
and material orders passed by the regulators or courts
Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at or tribunals impacting the going concern status or the
the Workplace operations of the Bank.
Your Bank has an Internal Committee to investigate and
inquire into sexual harassment complaints in line with The Material Changes and Commitments affecting the
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Financial Position of the Bank
Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. There are no material changes and commitments, affecting
the financial position of the Bank between the end of the
Your Bank has in place a policy on Anti-Sexual Harassment, financial year of the Bank i.e. March 31, 2019 and the date
which reflects the Bank’s zero-tolerance towards any form of the Board Meeting in which the Directors' Report was
of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment at the approved i.e. May 10, 2019.
workplace. Your Bank has set up an Internal Committee
(‘IC’) to receive and redress complaints of sexual Related Party Transactions
harassment. Your Bank undertakes ongoing trainings All the related party transactions that were entered into
to create awareness on this policy. During FY 2018-19, during the financial year were on arm’s length basis and in
employees were given training on the subject so that the ordinary course of business of the Bank. IDFC Group
they understand the anti-sexual harassment policy, the including IDFC FIRST Bank have always been committed
complete framework adopted by the Bank to report and to good corporate governance practices, including matters
resolve instances of sexual harassment etc., details of relating to related party transactions.
which have been mentioned in the Business Responsibility
Report, which is hosted on the Bank’s web-link: All the related party transactions are placed before the Audit Committee for approval. Prior omnibus approval is
obtained from the Audit Committee for foreseen related
During the year under review, 6 sexual harassment cases party transactions. Prior omnibus approval is also obtained
were filed, all of which were resolved as on March 31, 2019. for unforeseen related party transactions subject to their
During FY 2018-19, employees were given online training value not exceeding ` 1 crore per transaction. The required
and classroom training was imparted to all IC members disclosures are made to the Audit Committee on a quarterly
in order to understand the Policy on Prevention of Sexual
basis in terms of the omnibus approval of the Committee.
Harassment and framework for reporting and resolving
instances of sexual harassment.
Pursuant to the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and Rules
made thereunder, Listing Regulations and in the back-drop
Significant and Material Orders passed by the of the Bank’s philosophy on such matters, the Bank has in
Regulators / Courts / Tribunals
place a Board approved policy on related party transactions.
Pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation being approved
The said policy is also uploaded on the Bank’s web-link:
vide respective Orders passed by the NCLT, Chennai
Bench and Mumbai Bench, the Meetings of the Board
Since all related party transactions entered into by the Bank
were in the ordinary course of business and on arm’s length Business Responsibility Report
basis, Form AOC-2 as prescribed under Section 134(3)(h) The Business Responsibility Report, in terms of Regulation
of the Companies Act, 2013 is not applicable to the Bank. 34(2)(f) of Listing Regulations, describing the initiatives
taken by IDFC FIRST Bank from an environmental, social
Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption, and governance perspective is hosted on the Bank’s
Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo website: under the ‘Investor
The provisions of Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, Relations’ section and constitutes a part of this Annual
2013 read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Report. Any Member interested in obtaining a physical
Rules, 2014 relating to conservation of energy and copy of the same may write to the Head - Legal and
technology absorption are given as under: Company Secretary of the Bank by sending an e-mail on
Detailed initiatives taken for conservation of energy
has been mentioned in the Business Responsibility Annual Return
Directors' Report
Report, which is hosted on the Bank’s website: An extract of the Annual Return as of March 31, 2019 under the ‘Investor Relations’ section. pursuant to the sub-section (3) of Section 92 of the
Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12 (1) of the Companies
Also, your Bank has been increasingly using information (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 and
technology in its operations, for more details, please refer forming part of this report is placed on the Bank’s website:
Management Discussion and Analysis Report, which forms under the ‘Investor Relations’
part of this Annual Report. section as per provisions of Section 134(3)(a) and is also
set out in Annexure 4 to this Annual Report.
Further, Foreign Exchange earnings and outgo are part of
the normal banking business of the Bank. The Annual Return of the Bank has been placed on the
website of the Bank and can be accessed under the
Management Discussion and Analysis Report
Corporate Governance
‘Investor Relations’ section.
The Management Discussion and Analysis Report for the
year under review, as required by Regulation 34(2)(e) of the
Directors’ Responsibility Statement
Listing Regulations, forms part of this Annual Report.
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 134(5) of the
Companies Act, 2013, it is hereby confirmed that:
Corporate Governance
Your Directors ensure the Bank’s prosperity by collectively a. in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable
directing its affairs, whilst meeting the appropriate interests accounting standards had been followed along with
of its Shareholders and other Stakeholders. proper explanation relating to material departures;
b. the Directors had selected such accounting policies
Your Bank is committed to achieve the highest standards and applied them consistently and made judgments
of Corporate Governance. A separate section on and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as
Corporate Governance standards followed by your Bank to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
and the relevant disclosures, as stipulated under Listing Bank as on March 31, 2019 and of the loss of the Bank
Financial Statements
Regulations, Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made for that period;
thereunder forms part of this Annual Report.
c. the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for
A Certificate from the Statutory Auditors of the Bank, Deloitte the maintenance of adequate accounting records in
Haskins & Sells LLP, Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act,
(Firm Registration No. 117365W), conforming compliance 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the Bank and for
to the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
under Listing Regulations is enclosed at the beginning d. the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a
of the Corporate Governance Report and forms part of going concern basis;
this Annual Report.
e. the Directors had laid down internal financial controls
CEO & CFO Certification to be followed by the Bank and that such internal
Certificate issued by Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, MD & CEO and financial controls are adequate and were operating
Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha, Chief Financial Officer and Head effectively; and
– Corporate Centre of the Bank, in terms of Regulation f. the Directors had devised proper systems to ensure
17(8) of Listing Regulations, for the year under review was compliance with the provisions of all applicable
placed before the Board of Directors and forms part of laws and that such systems were adequate and
this Annual Report. operating effectively.
100 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Form No. AOC-1
Statement Containing Salient Features of the Financial Statement of Subsidiaries / Associate Companies/
Joint Ventures as on the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2019
[Pursuant to first proviso to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]
A. Subsidiaries
(` in crore)
Name of Share Reserves Total Total Investments Turnover Profit Provision Profit Proposed % of
Directors' Report
Subsidiary Capital and Assets Liabilities Before For Tax After Dividend Shareholding
Company Surplus (Note 3)
Tax Tax (%)
Bharat Limited
1. 5.58 124.98 204.95 74.38 - 262.02 57.71 21.44 36.27 - 100%
(formerly known as
IDFC Bharat Limited)
1. Names of Subsidiaries which are yet to commence operations: Not Applicable
2. Names of Subsidiaries which have been liquidated or sold during the year: Not Applicable
3. Total Liabilities is excluding Share Capital, and Reserves and Surplus.
Corporate Governance
Sr. Name of Associate Company Millennium City Expressways Private Limited (Note 3)
1. Latest audited Balance Sheet Date March 31, 2019
2. Shares of Associate Company held by the Bank on the year end
Number of Equity Shares 226,383,431
Amount of Investment in Associate Company (` in crore) 226.38
Extent of Holding (%) 29.98%
3. Description of how there is significant influence Extent of equity holding in the Associate
Company exceeds 20%
4. Reason why the Associate Company is not consolidated Not Applicable
5. Networth attributable to Bank’s Shareholding as per latest Nil
audited Balance Sheet (` in crore)
Financial Statements
6. Profit/ (Loss) for the year ended March 31, 2019 (` in crore)
Considered in Consolidation (27.86)
Not Considered in Consolidation Not Applicable
1. Names of Associates or Joint Ventures which are yet to commence operations: Not Applicable
2. Names of Associates or Joint Ventures which have been liquidated or sold during the year: Not Applicable
3. The financials of Millennium City Expressways Private Limited for the year ended March 31, 2019 are unaudited.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall V. Vaidyanathan
Chairman Managing Director & CEO
DIN: 00131782 DIN: 00082596
Details in terms of sub-section 12 of Section 197 V.
Average percentile increase already made
of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5(1) of in the salaries of Employees other than the
the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration Managerial Personnel in the last financial year
of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014: and its comparison with the percentile increase
in the managerial remuneration and justification
I. The ratio of the remuneration of each Director to thereof and point out if there are any exceptional
the median remuneration of the Employees for the circumstances for increase in the managerial
financial year remuneration
The ratio of the remuneration of Mr. V. Vaidyanathan Average percentile increase for Managerial Personnel
(Managing Director & CEO) to the median for the financial year – Refer Point no. II of this Annexure.
remuneration of the employees of IDFC FIRST Bank for
FY 2018-19 was 128X. Average percentile increase for employees other
than the Managerial Personnel for the financial year -
Note: The aforesaid remuneration is computed Refer Point no. III of this Annexure.
on annual basis.
The average increase in the remuneration of
II. The percentage increase in remuneration of each employees compared to the increase in remuneration
Director, CFO, CEO, CS in the financial year of Managerial Personnel is in line with the market
Since Mr. V. Vaidyanathan (Managing Director bench mark study.
& CEO), Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha (CFO) and
Mr. Satish Gaikwad (CS) were appointed with effect There is no exceptional increase in the
from December 19, 2018, there is no increase in Managerial Remuneration.
remuneration in the FY 2018-19.
VI. Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the
The percentage increase in the median remuneration policy of the Bank
remuneration of Employees in the financial year Yes, it is confirmed.
The median remuneration of the employees of
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited increased by 8% in the For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
financial year. IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
IV. The number of permanent Employees on the rolls
of the Bank Dr. Rajiv B. Lall
There were 12,257 permanent employees on the rolls Date: May 10, 2019 Chairman
of the Bank as on March 31, 2019. Place: Mumbai DIN: 00131782
IDFC FIRST Bank Annual Corporate Social 4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (2% of the amount as in
Responsibility Report FY 2018-19 item 3 above): ` 20.82 crore
[Pursuant to clause (o) of sub-section (3) of section 134 of the Act and
Rule 9 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014] 5. Details of CSR spent during Financial Year:
Directors' Report
spent for CSR contribution by the Bank for
The CSR policy is to ensure that CSR activities are not FY 2018-19 was ` 20.82 crore. Further, during
performed in silos and that it be skillfully and inextricably the year under review ` 0.34 crore was spent by
woven into the fabric of the Bank’s business strategy for IDFC FIRST Bank in order to meet, discharge and
overall value creation for all stakeholders. IDFC FIRST satisfy all the obligations of the erstwhile Capital
Bank believes that profitability must be complemented First Limited, to the extent they were outstanding
by a sense of responsibility towards all stakeholders with on the Effective Date (December 18, 2018) of the
a view to make a material, visible and lasting difference Scheme of Amalgamation.
to the lives of disadvantaged sections of the people,
preferably in the immediate vicinity in which the Bank Additionally, ` 4.48 crore incurred by erstwhile
operates but at the same time ensure widespread spatial Capital First Group towards CSR spend was also
Corporate Governance
distribution of its CSR activities Pan-India befitting its
recognised as expense in the Statement of Profit
status as a conscientious corporate citizen.
and Loss of the Bank on CSR related activities.
Section 135 of Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) read
c) Amount unspent, if any: NIL
with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility
Policy) Rules 2014 requires IDFC FIRST Bank Limited to
d) Manner in which the amount spent during the
mandatorily spend on CSR.
financial year is detailed in Annexure – A
During the year, IDFC FIRST Bank Limited carried out
6. In case the Bank has failed to spend 2% of the
CSR activities through various not-for-profit implementing
average net profit of the last three financial years or
partners / agencies.
any part thereof, the Bank shall provide the reasons
IDFC FIRST Bank undertook the following CSR activities for not spending the amount in its Board report:
which fall within the ambit of the activities listed in Not Applicable
Financial Statements
Schedule VII of the Act for promoting the development of –
(a) Livelihoods 7.
The CSR Committee of the Bank hereby confirms
that the implementation and monitoring of CSR
(b) Health and sanitation Policy, is in compliance with CSR objectives and
(c) Education Policy of the Bank.
ANNEXURE A (` in crore)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Sr. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which the Projects or programs Amount Amount spent Cumulative Amount spent :
No. Project is covered (1) Local area or other outlay on the projects or expenditure up Direct or through
(clause no. of (2) Specify the State (budget) programs to the reporting Implementing
Schedule VII to the and district where Sub Heads: (1) Direct period Agency*
Companies Act, 2013, projects or programs Expenditure on
amended) was undertaken Projects or Programs
(2) Over Heads
1 Promoting learning outcomes of Cl.(ii) Mumbai, Maharashtra 0.41 0.25 0.45 IDFC Foundation
under privileged students in night promoting education.
schools in Maharashtra.
2 Vocational, Employability and Cl.(ii) promoting Delhi 0.07 0.07 0.07 ETASHA Society
entrepreneurship training to women employment enhancing
residing in slum areas of Delhi. vocation skills, livelihood
enhancement projects.
IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
3 Scholarship support and life-skills Cl.(ii) promoting Bangalore, Karnataka 0.17 0.17 0.17 Bubbles Centre for
training to young adults with Autism. education, including Autism
special education.
Total 0.65 0.49 0.69
4 Support for affordable and Cl.(i) promoting health All India coverage 0.37 0.21 0.24 IDFC Foundation
accessible healthcare services. care including
preventive health care.
5 Program on improving access to Cl.(i) Sanitation & Safe Odisha 0.25 0.12 0.20 IDFC Foundation
water and sanitation in Odisha. Drinking water.
6 Shwetdhara-Cattle Care Program to Cl.(ii) livelihood Madhya Pradesh - 1.56 2.43 IDFC Foundation
improve the productivity of milch enhancement projects. Hoshangabad, Dhar,
animals and increase the income of Dewas and Indore
small and marginal dairy farmers. Rajasthan -
Jaipur and Ajmer
7 Improving the competitiveness of Cl.(ii) livelihood All India coverage 0.14 0.16 IDFC Foundation
Indian economy through jobs and enhancement projects.
livelihood creation.
8 Providing house hold items and Cl.(ii) livelihood Kochi, Kerala 0.29 - IDFC Foundation
non-food items (NFIs) to meet the enhancement projects.
urgent needs to families affected by
flood in Kerala.
9 Promoting Financial Inclusion by Cl.(ii) livelihood Rural India coverage 4.73 11.09 IDFC Foundation
deploying interoperable Financial enhancement projects;
Inclusion Devices and organising Cl. (x) rural
Financial Literacy Programs. development projects.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Sr. CSR project or activity identified Sector in which the Projects or programs Amount Amount spent Cumulative Amount spent :
No. Project is covered (1) Local area or other outlay on the projects or expenditure up Direct or through
(clause no. of (2) Specify the State (budget) programs to the reporting Implementing
Schedule VII to the and district where Sub Heads: (1) Direct period Agency*
Companies Act, 2013, projects or programs Expenditure on
amended) was undertaken Projects or Programs
(2) Over Heads
10 Training rural school dropouts in Cl.(ii) promoting Lonavala, 0.10 0.10 0.10 Social Action for
Electrical and Welding courses and employment enhancing Maharashtra Manpower Creation
placing them into entry level jobs. vocation skills, livelihood (SAMPARC)
enhancement projects.
11 Improvement of Master Storm Water Cl.(iv) Environmental Gurugram, Haryana 0.27 0.27 IDFC Foundation
Drainage, Gurugram, HR. sustainability.
12 Research & studies on various Various clauses All India coverage 6.06 3.45 5.51 IDFC Foundation
social and economic issues directly of Schedule VII.
impacting welfare of people.
IDFC FIRST Bank, engages in Corporate Social Responsibility ('CSR') activities as per the CSR policy adopted by the Bank which is in line with the Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013. The Bank is primarily focussing on well defined projects or programmes which includes promoting and development of (a) Livelihoods, (b) Health and Sanitation,
(c) Education, (d) Women Empowerment in all or any of the activities mentioned in Schedule VII and (e) Others, with the help of various partners.
* Details of Implementing Agency:
IDFC Foundation, a wholly owned subsidiary of IDFC Limited, is an implementing agency of IDFC Limited and its group companies (including IDFC First Bank Limited) and is
engaged in CSR activities as per the CSR policy adopted by IDFC Limited & its group companies (including IDFC First Bank Limited).
ETASHA Society provides vocational training, placement, employability skills training and career guidance to the youth from disadvantaged sections of the society. ETASHA’s
community mobilization team works tirelessly to engage with the local community. ETASHA’s program-awareness stalls from which information, including leaflets, is disseminated are a
common feature in the area and posters and banners are placed in strategic locations.
Bubbles Centre for Autism is a unit of Biswa Gouri Charitable Trust which provides educational programs for children with learning difficulties. The Centre focusses on working with
children in the Autism Spectrum and other neuro developmental disorders.
Social Action for Manpower Creation ('SAMPARC') is a NGO which runs an orphanage, community education projects and vocational training. SAMPARC aims to change the life of
under privileged youth from below poverty level and from social and economic backwardness to develop the youth for skill development, to help them to gain confidence and to make
them employable.
Annexure 4
Form No. MGT-9
Extract of Annual Return as on the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2019
[Pursuant to Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12(1) of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
(a) Individual /HUF 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(b) Central Government/ 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
State Government(s)
(c) Bodies Corporate 1,797,512,668 0 1,797,512,668 52.80 1,912,670,691 0 1,912,670,691 40.00 (12.80)
Directors' Report
(d) Financial 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Institutions / Banks
(e) Others 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Sub-Total A(1) : 1,797,512,668 0 1,797,512,668 52.80 1,912,670,691 0 1,912,670,691 40.00 (12.80)
(a) Individuals (NRIs/ 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Foreign Individuals)
(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(d) Qualified Foreign Investor 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(e) Others 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Corporate Governance
Sub-Total A(2) :
Total A=A(1)+A(2) 1,797,512,668 0 1,797,512,668 52.80 1,912,670,691 0 1,912,670,691 40.00 (12.80)
(a) Mutual Funds /UTI 130,178,584 0 130,178,584 3.82 134,121,968 0 134,121,968 2.81 (1.01)
(b) Financial 10,336,715 0 10,336,715 0.30 16,486,051 0 16,486,051 0.35 0.05
Institutions /Banks
(c) Central Government / 261,400,000 0 261,400,000 7.68 261,400,000 0 261,400,000 5.47 (2.21)
State Government(s)
(d) Venture Capital Funds 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(e) Insurance Companies 47,541,155 0 47,541,155 1.40 44,686,809 0 44,686,809 0.93 (0.47)
(f) Foreign 500,303,429 0 500,303,429 14.70 645,293,039 0 645,293,039 13.49 (1.21)
Institutional Investors
(g) Foreign Venture 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Capital Investors
Financial Statements
(h) Qualified Foreign Investor 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
(i) Others - 4,601,271 0 4,601,271 0.14 538,175,265 0 538,175,265 11.25 11.11
Foreign Corporate Bodies
Sub-Total B(1) : 954,361,154 0 954,361,154 28.04 1,640,163,132 0 1,640,163,132 34.30 6.26
(a) Bodies Corporate 83,659,139 0 83,659,139 2.46 154,165,487 0 154,165,487 3.22 0.76
(b) Individuals
(i) Individuals holding 297,837,538 61,165 297,898,703 8.75 419,006,239 60,329 419,066,568 8.76 0.01
nominal share
capital up to `1 lakh
(ii) Individuals holding 225,229,383 0 225,229,383 6.62 570,354,585 20,850 570,375,435 11.93 5.31
nominal share capital in
excess of `1 lakh
108 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
(c) Others
Clearing Members 7,680,002 0 7,680,002 0.23 11,088,568 0 11,088,568 0.23 ß
IEPF 0 0 0 0.00 469,194 0 469,194 0.01 0.01
Non Resident Indians 25,838,593 1,527 25,840,120 0.76 66,560,841 1,527 66,562,368 1.40 0.64
NBFC registered with RBI 725,278 0 725,278 0.02 1,005,680 0 1,005,680 0.02 ß
Trusts 11,168,458 0 11,168,458 0.32 6,109,289 0 6,109,289 0.13 (0.19)
Sub-Total B(2) : 652,138,391 62,692 652,201,083 19.16 1,228,759,883 82,706 1,228,842,589 25.70 6.54
Total B=B(1)+B(2) : 1,606,499,545 62,692 1,606,562,237 47.20 2,868,923,015 82,706 2,869,005,721 60.00 12.80
Total (A+B) : 3,404,012,213 62,692 3,404,074,905 100.00 4,781,593,706 82,706 4,781,676,412 100.00 0.00
(C) Shares held
by custodians,
against which
Depository Receipts
have been issued
(1) Promoter 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
and Promoter Group
(2) Public 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) : 3,404,012,213 62,692 3,404,074,905 100.00 4,781,593,706 82,706 4,781,676,412 100.00
APRIL 01, 2018 MARCH 31, 2019
1. IDFC Financial 1,797,512,668 52.80 01/04/2018 - - 1,797,512,668 52.80
Holding 15/06/2018 6,248,109 Transfer (Purchase) 1,803,760,777 52.99
Company Limited 22/06/2018 15,242,830 Transfer (Purchase) 1,819,003,607 53.44
29/06/2018 29,509,061 Transfer (Purchase) 1,848,512,668 54.30
06/07/2018 14,000,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,862,512,668 54.71
13/07/2018 10,200,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,872,712,668 55.01
20/07/2018 3,400,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,876,112,668 55.11
Directors' Report
27/07/2018 1,400,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,877,512,668 55.15
10/08/2018 12,500,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,890,012,668 55.52
17/08/2018 6,800,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,896,812,668 55.72
24/08/2018 13,200,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,910,012,668 56.11
31/08/2018 1,000,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,911,012,668 56.14
07/09/2018 1,000,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,912,012,668 56.17
16/11/2018 595,973 Transfer (Purchase) 1,912,608,641 56.18
28/12/2018 50 Transfer (Purchase) 1,912,608,691 56.18
01/03/2019 62,000 Transfer (Purchase) 1,912,670,691 40.00*
31/03/2019 - - 1,912,670,691 40.00
* Pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Amalgamation, the Allotment, Transfer and Routine Matters Committee of the Board of Directors of the Bank, at its
Corporate Governance
meeting held on January 05, 2019, inter-alia allotted 1,377,109,057 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each, fully paid-up, as per the Share Exchange Ratio to
the eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited as on December 31, 2018 (‘Record Date’). This led to decrease in percentage shareholding of
IDFC FHCL from 56.18% to 40.00% of the paid-up share capital of the Bank.
Financial Statements
05/01/2019 471,733,265 471,733,265 9.87
Share Exchange Ratio***
31/03/2019 - - 471,733,265 9.87
MARCH 31, 2019
4 Caladium 0 0.00 01/04/2018 - - 0 0.00
Investment Pte Ltd Allotment pursuant to
05/01/2019 66,442,000 66,442,000 1.39
Share Exchange Ratio***
31/03/2019 - - 66,442,000 1.39
(Other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs)
MARCH 31, 2019
8 Vanguard 23,452,344 0.69 01/04/2018 - - 23,452,344 0.69
Emerging Markets 04/05/2018 (51,900) Transfer (Sale) 23,400,444 0.69
Stock Index 11/05/2018 (49,305) Transfer (Sale) 23,351,139 0.69
Fund, A Series 01/06/2018 (38,925) Transfer (Sale) 23,312,214 0.68
Directors' Report
of Vanguard 15/06/2018 (38,925) Transfer (Sale) 23,273,289 0.68
International Equity 22/06/2018 (116,276) Transfer (Sale) 23,157,013 0.68
Index Funds 29/06/2018 (187,176) Transfer (Sale) 22,969,837 0.67
06/07/2018 (76,572) Transfer (Sale) 22,893,265 0.67
13/07/2018 (121,948) Transfer (Sale) 22,771,317 0.67
16/11/2018 44,460 Transfer (Purchase) 22,815,777 0.67
23/11/2018 115,596 Transfer (Purchase) 22,931,373 0.67
07/12/2018 56,316 Transfer (Purchase) 22,987,689 0.68
21/12/2018 160,056 Transfer (Purchase) 23,147,745 0.68
05/01/2019 6,526,439 Transfer (Purchase) 29,674,184 0.62
01/02/2019 144,942 Transfer (Purchase) 29,819,126 0.62
08/02/2019 462,315 Transfer (Purchase) 30,281,441 0.63
Corporate Governance
22/03/2019 4,622,456 Transfer (Purchase) 34,903,897 0.73
29/03/2019 57,477 Transfer (Purchase) 34,961,374 0.73
31/03/2019 - - 34,961,374 0.73
Financial Statements
Trust, Emerging 15/03/2019 9,935,014 Transfer (Purchase) 30,834,213 0.64
Markets 22/03/2019 3,582,518 Transfer (Purchase) 34,416,731 0.72
31/03/2019 - - 34,416,731 0.72
* Top Ten Shareholders of the Bank as on March 31, 2019 have been considered on the basis of Folio No./ DP ID/ Client ID for the above disclosure.
** Shareholding at the beginning of the year is given on the basis of shareholding pattern as on March 31, 2018.
*** Shares allotted pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation of erstwhile Capital First Group with IDFC Bank Limited.
112 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
^ Shareholding pattern of Mr. V. Vaidyanathan during his tenure as Chairman & Managing Director of the erstwhile Capital First Limited from
April 01, 2018 to December 18, 2018 (Effective date of Amalgamation):
ON APRIL 01, 2018 DECEMBER 18, 2018
Directors' Report
First Limited)
professional colleagues.^
29/10/2018 (110,500) Gift of equity shares to 4,138,776 4.18
to close family members
31/10/2018 (none of the recipients are
his heirs or successors).#
(32,500) Gift of equity shares to 4,106,276 4.15
domestic support staff.@
30/11/2019 (1,800) Transfer (Sale)$ 4,104,476 4.14
14/12/2018 (6500) Gift of equity shares 4,097,976 4.14
to family member (the
recipient is neither his heir
or successor)*
18/12/2018 - - 4,097,976 4.14
Corporate Governance
Shares sold by Rukmani Social Welfare Trust, for philantrophic activities relating to education of slum children, medical assistance to minors, renovation of orphanage
and such activities.
Includes contribution to long standing employees responsible for creation of Capital First Group, as disclosed by erstwhile Capital First Limited to Stock Exchange(s)
on November 01, 2018.
Includes contribution to relatives, as disclosed by erstwhile Capital First Limited to Stock Exchange(s) on November 01, 2018.
Includes contribution to household support staff, as disclosed by erstwhile Capital First Limited to Stock Exchange(s) on November 01, 2018.
* Includes contribution to relatives, as disclosed by erstwhile Capital First Limited to Stock Exchange(s) on December 15, 2018.
05. Indebtedness
(Indebtedness of the Bank including interest outstanding / accrued but not due for payment)
(` in crore)
Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year
Financial Statements
i) Principal Amount 20,533.57 36,753.50 - 57,287.07
ii) Interest due but not paid - - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 28.47 2,951.75 - 2,980.22
Total (i+ii+iii) 20,562.04 39,705.25 - 60,267.29
Change in Indebtedness during the financial year
Addition*** 1,780,240.58 284,750.53 - 2,064,991.11
Reduction 1,786,564.29 265,774.31 - 2,052,338.60
Net Change (6,323.71) 18,976.22 - 12,652.51
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year
i) Principal Amount 14,215.56 55,767.83 - 69,983.39
ii) Interest due but not paid - - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 22.77 2,913.63 - 2,936.40
Total (i+ii+iii) 14,238.33 58,681.46 - 72,919.79
* Includes Borrowings under Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligations, Market Repurchase Transactions with banks and financial institutions,
transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility secured against Government Securities.
** Deposits accepted by the Bank are in normal course of banking business and an operating activity of the Bank and hence not included in the
Indebtedness Disclosure.
*** Additions also include the effect of exchange rate fluctuation and net change in interest accrued but not due between the beginning of financial year and
the end of financial year. It also includes borrowing portfolio of erstwhile Capital First Limited, Capital First Home Finance Limited and Capital First Securities
Limited, post amalgamation with IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (formerly known as IDFC Bank Limited).
114 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
6B Remuneration to Other Directors
(in `)
1. Independent Dr. Rajiv Anand Pravir Brinda Hemang Aashish Desh Veena Abhijit Rajan Ajay
Directors B. Lall Sinha Vohra Jagirdar Raja Kamat Raj Mankar Sen Anandan Sondhi
Fee for attending
board & committee - 1,750,000 650,000 600,000 950,000 350,000 650,000 1,400,000 2,350,000 350,000 1,800,000 10,850,000
Commission /
- 1,000,000 - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000
Remuneration (Note 6)
Others, please -
- - - - - - - - - - -
Directors' Report
Total (1) - 2,750,000 650,000 600,000 950,000 350,000 650,000 2,400,000 3,350,000 1,350,000 2,800,000 15,850,000
2. Other
Fee for attending
board committee 200,000 - - - - - - - - - - 200,000
Commission - - - - - - - - - - - -
Others, please -
- - - - - - - - - - -
Total (2) 200,000 - - - - - - - - - - 200,000
Total (B) = (1 + 2) 200,000 2,750,000 650,000 600,000 950,000 350,000 650,000 2,400,000 3,350,000 1,350,000 2,800,000 16,050,000
Total Managerial
Corporate Governance
Overall Ceiling as
Refer Notes
per the Act
1. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall was the Founder Managing Director & CEO of the Bank until December 18, 2018. Post Amalgamation, Dr. Lall was appointed
as Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman of the Bank with effect from December 19, 2018. Dr. Lall was paid sitting fees of ` 200,000 for attending
Board Meetings as Non-Executive Director during FY 2018-19.
2. Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Mr. Rajan Anandan, Mr. Abhijit Sen, Ms. Veena Mankar and Mr. Desh Raj Dogra resigned as Non-Executive Independent
Directors from the Board of the Bank with effect from December 18, 2018, December 18, 2018, March 25, 2019, March 25, 2019 and April 04,
2019 respectively.
3. Mr. Pravir Kumar Vohra has been appointed as Independent Director with effect from August 01, 2018.
4. Mr. Aashish Kamat, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Desh Raj Dogra, Mr. Hemang Raja were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors of
the Bank and Mr. Vishal Mahadevia was appointed as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of the Bank with effect from December 18, 2018.
Financial Statements
5. r. Sunil Kakar, Ms. Anindita Sinharay and Mr. Vishal Mahadevia who are the Non-Executive Non-Independent Directors of the Bank, have not
been paid any remuneration from IDFC FIRST Bank during FY 2018-19.
6. ommission / Remuneration is for the year FY 2017-18 which has been paid in FY 2018-19. Commission is paid as per the limits approved by the
Shareholders of the Bank at the 2nd AGM held on July 27, 2016 at a rate not exceeding 1% of the net profits of the Bank in accordance with the
Companies Act, 2013 or maximum limit of ` 10 lakh as prescribed by RBI to each of such Directors, whichever is lower. The remuneration paid
to all the Directors is well within the said limits.
116 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
2. Mr. Satish Gaikwad was appointed as Head – Legal and Company Secretary of the Bank with effect from December 19, 2018. Prior to
Amalgamation, Mr. Satish Gaikwad was the Head – Legal, Compliance and Company Secretary of erstwhile Capital First Limited until
December 18, 2018 wherein he was paid a remuneration of ` 7,944,129 from erstwhile Capital First Limited, which includes Performance
Bonus of ` 3,500,000 for FY 2017-18 that was paid in FY 2018-19.
3. Pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation, Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha and Mr. Satish Gaikwad were granted 1,077,250 and 576,850 stock options
respectively under IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS – 2015 for the stock options held by them in erstwhile Capital First Limited.
4. Mr. Gemani was deputed to the Bank from IDFC Limited. Mr. Bipin Gemani was the Chief Financial Officer of the Bank until December 18, 2018.
During FY 2018-19, Mr. Gemani was paid remuneration from IDFC Limited. During FY 2018-19, Mr. Gemani was paid Performance Bonus of
` 10,000,000 for FY 2017-18 from IDFC Limited. During FY 2018-19, Mr. Gemani was granted 12,00,000 stock options of IDFC Limited.
5. Mr. Mahendra N. Shah was the Group Company Secretary and Group Compliance Officer of the Bank until December 18, 2018. During
FY 2018-19, Mr. Shah was paid Performance Bonus of ` 17,500,000 for FY 2017-18. During FY 2018-19, Mr. Shah was granted 500,000
stock options under IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS - 2015.
07. Penalties / Punishment / Compounding of Offences
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
Place : Mumbai DIN: 00131782
Financial Statements
118 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Secretarial Audit Report iv. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the
rules and regulations made thereunder to the extent
For The Financial Year Ended March 31, 2019
of Foreign Direct Investment. The Bank did not
[Pursuant to Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 have any Overseas Direct Investment and External
and Rule No. 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Commercial Borrowings during the financial year.
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]
v. The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed
under the Securities and Exchange Board of India
To Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’):-
The Members,
a. The Securities and Exchange Board of
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
(Formerly known as IDFC Bank Limited)
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 ;
CIN: L65110TN2014PLC097792
b. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
We have conducted the Secretarial Audit of the compliance (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015;
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to
c. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
good corporate practices by IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
(hereinafter called 'the Bank'). Secretarial Audit was
Regulations, 2018;
conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable
basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/ statutory d. The Securities and Exchange Board of
compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. India (Share Based Employee Benefits)
Regulation, 2014;
Based on our verification of the Bank’s books, papers,
e. The Securities and Exchange Board of
minute books, forms and returns filed and other records
India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities)
maintained by the Bank and also the information
Regulations, 2008;
provided by the Bank, its officers, agents and authorized
representatives during the conduct of secretarial audit, f. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
we hereby report that in our opinion, the Bank has, during (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer
the audit period covering the financial year ended on Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the
March 31, 2019 complied with the statutory provisions Companies Act and dealing with client;
listed hereunder and also that the Bank has proper
g. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Board-processes and compliance mechanism in place
(Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009#;
to the extent, in the manner and subject to the reporting
made hereinafter: h. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 2018;
We have examined the books, papers, minute books,
i. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
forms and returns filed and other records maintained by
(Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992;
the Bank for the financial year ended on March 31, 2019
according to the provisions of: j. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Bankers to an Issue) Regulations, 1994;
i. The Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) and the rules
k. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
made thereunder;
(Stock Brokers & Sub-Brokers) Regulations, 1992.
ii. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 #
he Regulations or Guidelines, as the case may be
(‘SCRA’) and the rules made thereunder; were not applicable for the period under review.
iii. The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and
Bye-laws framed thereunder;
he list of Acts, Laws and Regulations specifically applicable
T issue of debt securities including but not limited
to the Bank are given below: to Non-Convertible Debentures and Bonds on
private placement basis upto an amount not
vi. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949. exceeding ` 5,000 crores, outstanding at any
point of time, within the overall borrowing limits of
We have also examined compliance with the applicable ` 1,50,000 crores.
clauses of the following:
i. Secretarial Standards issued by the Institute of ii. Composite Scheme of Amalgamation between
Company Secretaries of India.; the Bank and Capital First Limited, Capital First
Home Finance Limited and Capital First Securities
ii. The Securities and Exchange Board of India Limited (‘Scheme of Amalgamation’) has been
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) approved by the Reserve Bank of India, the
Regulations, 2015 ['Listing Regulations'].
Directors' Report
Competition Commission of India, the Securities
During the period under review, the Bank has complied and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges,
with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, the respective Shareholders and Creditors of each
Guidelines, Standards, etc. mentioned above, to the entities and the National Company Law Tribunal
extent applicable. (NCLT) with appointed date as October 1, 2018
and effective date as December 18, 2018.
We further report that -
iii. The name of IDFC Bank Limited has changed to
The Board of Directors of the Bank is duly constituted with 'IDFC FIRST Bank Limited' w.e.f January 12, 2019
proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive by virtue of 'Certificate of Incorporation pursuant
Directors and Independent Directors. The changes to change of name' issued by the Registrar of
in the composition of the Board of Directors that took Companies, Chennai.
Corporate Governance
place during the period under review were carried out
in compliance with the provisions of the Act. iv. The Allotment, Transfer and Routine Matters
Committee of the Bank at its meeting held on
Adequate notice was given to all directors to schedule January 5, 2019 has approved the allotment of
the Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on 137,71,09,057 equity shares of face value of
agenda were sent at least seven days in advance ` 10/- each, fully paid-up, to the eligible equity
for meetings other than those held at shorter notice, shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited
and a system exists for seeking and obtaining further based on record date as December 31, 2018,
information and clarifications on the agenda items as per the Share Exchange Ratio of 13.9:1 as
before the meeting and for meaningful participation approved in the Scheme of Amalgamation.
at the meeting.
v. During the year under review, the Bank has bought
During the period under review, decisions were carried back Private Placement Bonds aggregating to
Financial Statements
through unanimously and no dissenting views were ` 26,334,000,000/-
observed, while reviewing the minutes.
Annexure A
1. Maintenance of secretarial record is the responsibility 6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance
of the management of the Bank. Our responsibility is as to the future viability of the Bank nor of the efficacy
to express an opinion on these secretarial records or effectiveness with which the Management has
based on our audit. conducted the affairs of the Bank.
Corporate Governance
TO THE MEMBERS OF IDFC FIRST BANK LIMITED Note on Certification of Corporate Governance issued
by the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ CERTIFICATE ON (the ICAI), the Standards on Auditing specified under
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Section 143(10) of the Companies Act 2013, in so far
1. This certificate is issued in accordance with the terms as applicable for the purpose of this certificate and
of our engagement letter reference no. PG/6443 as per the Guidance Note on Reports or Certificates
dated 03 August 2018. for Special Purposes (Revised 2016) issued by the
Directors' Report
ICAI which requires that we comply with the ethical
2. We, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants, requirements of the Code of Ethics issued by the ICAI.
the Statutory Auditors of IDFC FIRST BANK LIMITED
(formerly, IDFC Bank Limited) (the “Bank”), have 7. We have complied with the relevant applicable
examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate requirements of the Standard on Quality Control
Governance by the Bank, for the year ended 31 (SQC) 1, Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits
March 2019, as stipulated in regulations 17 to 27 and and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and
clauses (b) to (i) of regulation 46(2) and para C and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements.
D of Schedule V of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the Opinion
Listing Regulations). 8. Based on our examination of the relevant records
Corporate Governance
and according to the information and explanations
Management’s Responsibility provided to us and the representations provided
3. The compliance of conditions of Corporate by the Management, we certify that the Bank
Governance is the responsibility of the Management. has complied with the conditions of Corporate
This responsibility includes the design, Governance as stipulated in regulations 17 to 27 and
implementation and maintenance of internal control clauses (b) to (i) of regulation 46(2) and para C and
and procedures to ensure compliance with the D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the
conditions of the Corporate Governance stipulated in year ended 31 March 2019.
the Listing Regulations.
9. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance
Auditors’ Responsibility as to the future viability of the Bank nor the efficiency
4. Our responsibility is limited to examining the or effectiveness with which the Management has
procedures and implementation thereof, adopted conducted the affairs of the Bank.
by the Bank for ensuring compliance with the
Financial Statements
conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither
an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial For Deloitte Haskins & Sells
statements of the Bank. Chartered Accountants
ICAI Regn. No. 117365W
5. We have examined the books of account and other
relevant records and documents maintained by
Pallavi A. Gorakshakar
the Bank for the purposes of providing reasonable
assurance on the compliance with Corporate
Membership No. 105035
Governance requirements by the Bank.
Accordingly from the said Effective Date, erstwhile Capital Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar,
First Group have been dissolved without winding up. Mr. Hemang Raja and Mr. Vishal Mahadevia were the
Directors of erstwhile Capital First Limited.
Pursuant to the Scheme becoming effective on
December 18, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the Mr. Abhijit Sen (DIN: 00002593) and Ms. Veena Mankar
following changes in the composition of the Board of Bank: (DIN: 00004168) have resigned with effect from
March 25, 2019 as Independent Directors ('IDs') of the
1. Appointment of Dr. Rajiv B. Lall (DIN: 00131782) as Bank before the expiry of their tenure in order to balance
Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman for a period of their expanding work commitments.
two (2) years with effect from December 19, 2018.
Accordingly, as on March 31, 2019, the Board of the Bank
2. Appointment of Mr. V. Vaidyanathan (DIN: 00082596) consisted of eleven (11) Directors, out of which six (6)
as the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer were IDs, one (1) Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman,
Directors' Report
('MD & CEO') for a period of three (3) years with three (3) Non-Executive Non-Independent Directors and
effect from December 19, 2018, subject to approval one (1) Executive Director. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall as the Part-Time
of the Shareholders of the Bank. Non-Executive Chairman of the Bank. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan as
the MD & CEO of the Bank. Mr. Aashish Kamat, Mr. Anand
Appointment of Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Sinha (DIN: 00682433), Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar,
(DIN: 06979864) as an Independent Director Mr. Desh Raj Dogra, Mr. Hemang Raja and
for a period of five (5) years with effect from Mr. Pravir Vohra were IDs of the Bank. Mr. Vishal Mahadevia,
Mr. Sunil Kakar (DIN: 03055561) and Ms. Anindita Sinharay
December 18, 2018, subject to approval of the
(DIN: 07724555) were Non-Executive Non-Independent
Shareholders of the Bank.
Directors of the Bank. Mr. Sunil Kakar and
Ms. Anindita Sinharay are representing IDFC Limited
4. Appointment of Mr. Hemang Raja (DIN: 00040769)
Corporate Governance
and the Government of India (‘GOI’), respectively. As on
as an Independent Director for a period of five (5)
March 31, 2019, IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited
years with effect from December 18, 2018, subject to
and Government of India held 40.00% and 5.47% equity
approval of the Shareholders of the Bank.
shares respectively in the Bank.
5. Appointment of Mr. Aashish Kamat (DIN: 06371682)
Subsequent to the year under review, Mr. Desh Raj Dogra
as an Independent Director for a period of five (5)
resigned from the Bank with effect from April 04, 2019
years with effect from December 18, 2018, subject to before the expiry of his term in order to avoid potential
approval of the Shareholders of the Bank. conflict of interest with his other Board memberships.
Also, Mr. Dogra has confirmed that there is no other
6. Appointment of Mr. Desh Raj Dogra (DIN: 00226775) material reason for his resignation other than the aforesaid.
as an Independent Director for a period of five (5)
years with effect from December 18, 2018, subject to Further, Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri (DIN: 03594427) was
approval of the Shareholders of the Bank. appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director of the
Financial Statements
Bank for a period of four (4) years with effect from May 10,
7. Appointment of Mr. Vishal Mahadevia (DIN: 01035771) 2019, subject to approval of the Shareholders of the Bank.
as a Non-Executive Non-Independent Director for a
period of five (5) years with effect from December 18, The Board at its meeting held on May 10, 2019, approved
2018, subject to approval of the Shareholders of the Bank. the re-appointment of Mr. Anand Sinha for second term
of four (4) consecutive years with effect from August 01,
Resignation of Mr. Ajay Sondhi (DIN: 01657614) 2019. The aforesaid appointment is subject to approval of
as an Independent Director with effect from the Shareholders of the Bank.
December 18, 2018.
On attaining the age of 70 years by Mr. Anand Sinha,
9. Resignation of Mr. Rajan Anandan (DIN: 02395272) Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar and Mr. Sanjeeb Chaudhuri,
as an Independent Director with effect from permission may be sought from Reserve Bank of India ('RBI'),
December 18, 2018. if required, for their continuation as Directors of the Bank.
124 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Brief Profile of all the Directors is available on the Bank’s Further, not less than two Directors shall be persons
website: having special knowledge or practical experience in
respect of agriculture and rural economy, co-operation or
The Board has complete access to all the information small-scale industry.
about the Bank. The Board is frequently provided with
The Board of Directors of the Bank is guided by the
necessary documents, reports and internal policies
above provisions and the business requirements during
to enable them to get familiarised with the Bank’s appointment of any new Director on the Board.
procedures and practices. The details of familiarisation
programmes imparted to Directors are disclosed on the As on date of this Report, the Board of your Bank is formed
Bank’s website: under ‘Investor in compliance with the requirements of all applicable laws.
Relations’ section.
The Bank has in place a Code of Conduct ('Code') for
Skills/ Expertise/ Competence of Board of Directors
Board of Directors and designated Senior Management
Your Bank, being a Banking Company, is regulated by Personnel (‘SMP’) of the Bank. The Code is available
the provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Listing on the Bank’s website: under
Regulations and the Companies Act, 2013. In terms of ‘Investor Relations’ section.
Section 10A(2)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, not All Directors and designated SMP have affirmed their
less than fifty-one per cent, of the total number of members compliance with the Code. A declaration to this effect
of the Board shall consist of persons, who shall have duly signed by the MD & CEO is enclosed at the end
special knowledge or practical experience in respect of of this Report.
one or more of the following matters, namely;
Further, all the IDs have confirmed that they meet the
criteria mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the
(i) accountancy
Listing Regulations read with Section 149(6) of the
(ii) agriculture and rural economy Companies Act, 2013. Also, they have given a declaration
of independence pursuant to Section 149(7) of the
(iii) banking
Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5 of Companies
(iv) co-operation (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014
along with their affirmance to the Code of Independent
(v) economics Directors as prescribed under Schedule IV of the
(vi) finance Companies Act, 2013. The Board confirms that in the
opinion of the Board, the Independent Directors fulfill the
(vii) law conditions specified in the Listing Regulations and are
independent of the Management.
(viii) small-scale industry
(ix) Information Technology Further, the Bank has received certificate from M/s. Bhandari
& Associates, Company Secretaries that none of the
(x) Payment & Settlement Systems Directors on the Board of the Bank have been debarred
or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as
(xi) Human Resources
Directors of Companies by the Securities and Exchange
(xii) Risk Management Board of India/ Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such
statutory authority (Certificate annexed to this Report
(xiii) Business Management as Annexure A).
(xiv) a
ny other matter the special knowledge of, and The terms and conditions of appointment of IDs are also
practical experience in, which would, in the opinion disclosed on the Bank’s website:
of the RBI, be useful to the Banking Company. under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
The Board meets at least once a quarter to review the Reports and their integrity, Compliance, Customer
quarterly results along with other agenda items and Protection, Financial Inclusion and Human Resources.
additional meetings are conducted from time to time Agenda items within the scope of these themes are primarily
to consider significant matters, whenever required. presented to the relevant Committees of the Board, report
The dates of Board meetings for the next financial year of which is then placed at the Board meetings.
are decided well in advance and are informed to the
Directors so as to enable them to manage their schedule During FY 2018-19, seven (7) Board meetings were held
effectively and prepare for the meetings well in advance. on the following dates:
Directors' Report
• October 24, 2018
In consultation with the Chairman, and the MD & CEO, • December 18, 2018 (two Board meetings held on
the Company Secretary prepares the agenda along with December 18, 2018)
the detailed notes thereon. Directors and invitees are • January 08, 2019
free to recommend inclusion of any matter in the agenda
for discussion. • February 05, 2019
The maximum gap between any two consecutive
SMP are also invited to attend the Board meetings, make meetings was less than 120 days. The necessary quorum
presentations and provide additional inputs to the agenda was present for all the meetings.
items under discussion, whenever required.
Periodic presentations are made at the Board/ Committee
Corporate Governance
The responsibilities of the Board inter-alia include meetings on business strategy, performance updates,
formulating and monitoring plans, business strategies, financial statements etc. Minimum Information to be
budgets, information security methods, reviewing financial placed before the Board of Directors as mentioned in
results, appointment/ cessation and remuneration of Schedule II Part A of the Listing Regulations is
SMP and Key Managerial Personnel (‘KMP’), perusing placed before the Board for its consideration, as and
of policies and procedures, etc. The Board reviews when applicable.
on a quarterly basis the compliance reports of all
laws applicable to the Bank, including the Corporate The name and age of the Directors along with their
Governance reports submitted to the Stock Exchanges. attendance at the Board meetings held during
FY 2018-19 and the last AGM, directorships, name of other
The RBI prescribes seven comprehensive critical themes listed companies in which the Director holds directorship
in board deliberation, to be placed before the Board and memberships/ chairmanships in Committees of other
of Directors, vide its circular on 'Calendar of Reviews'. companies are given in Table No. 1.
Financial Statements
126 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Name of the Director DIN Age Position on the Board No. of No. of Percentage
Board Meetings Board of
Held in FY 2018-19 Meetings Attendance
(Meetings held during Attended in
tenure of Director) FY 2018-19
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall 00131782 61 Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman 7 (7) 5 71.43%
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan 00082596 51 Managing Director & 7 (2) 2 100%
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Aashish Kamat 06371682 53 Non-Executive Independent Director 7 (3) 2 66.67%
Mr. Anand Sinha 00682433 68 Non-Executive Independent Director 7 (7) 7 100%
Ms. Anindita Sinharay 07724555 43 Non-Executive Non-Independent 7 (7) 2 28.57%
Director (Representing Ministry of
Finance, GOI-equity investor)
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar 06979864 66 Non-Executive Independent Director 7 (3) 3 100%
Mr. Pravir Vohra has been appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director with effect from August 01, 2018. Mr. Aashish Kamat,
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Desh Raj Dogra and Mr. Hemang Raja have been appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors of the Bank,
and Mr. Vishal Mahadevia has been appointed as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of the Bank with effect from December 18, 2018.
2 Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Mr. Rajan Anandan, Mr. Abhijit Sen, Ms. Veena Mankar and Mr. Desh Raj Dogra have resigned as Non-Executive Independent
Directors of the Bank with effect from December 18, 2018, December 18, 2018, March 25, 2019, March 25, 2019 and April 04, 2019 respectively.
3 Dr. Rajiv B. Lall was the Founder MD & CEO of the Bank till December 18, 2018. From December 19, 2018, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan has been
appointed as the MD & CEO of the Bank. Ms. Veena Mankar was Chairperson of the Board till December 18, 2018. From December 19, 2018,
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall has been appointment as the Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman of the Bank.
4 None of the Directors of the Bank was Member of more than 10 committees or acted as Chairperson of more than 5 committees across all Public
Limited Companies in which they were Directors in terms of Regulation 26 of the Listing Regulations.
5 None of the Directors held directorship in more than 10 Public Limited Companies.
Whether Number of Directorships Directorship in other Listed Companies No. of Committee
attended of Indian Public of other excluding IDFC FIRST Bank Membership
Fourth AGM Limited Companies Companies** (Category of Directorship) (Chairmanship) of
held on (including Companies (including
July 31, 2018* IDFC FIRST Bank) IDFC FIRST Bank)***
Yes 3 3 None 0 (0)
NA 1 0 None 1 (0)
NA 1 0 None 1 (1)
Yes 2 2 None 0 (0)
No 1 0 None 0 (0)
Directors' Report
NA 3 0 Rane Engine Valve Limited 3 (1)
(Non-Executive - Independent Director)
NA 4 0 Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited 3 (1)
(Non-Executive – Non-Independent Director)
[Shareholder Nominee Director]
NA 4 0 Thomas Cook (India) Limited 6 (2)
(Non-Executive - Independent Director)
Quess Corp Limited
(Non-Executive - Independent Director)
NA 4 3 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited 1 (0)
Corporate Governance
(Non-Executive - Independent Director)
PVR Limited
(Non-Executive - Non Independent Director)
Yes 8 3 IDFC Limited (Executive Director, MD & CEO) 5 (0)
Financial Statements
No NA : Not Applicable, as they have ceased to be
Yes Directors of the Bank as on March 31, 2019.
7 None of the Directors of the Bank served as Independent Director in more than 7 listed companies.
8 Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, MD & CEO, was not an Independent Director of any other listed company.
* Chairpersons of the Audit Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and the Stakeholders’ Relationship and Customer Service
Committee were present at the 4th AGM held on July 31, 2018. Ms. Anindita Sinharay and Mr. Rajan Anandan, could not attend the 4th AGM held
on July 31, 2018 due to other official commitments.
** Excludes directorship held in Foreign Companies but includes Private Limited Companies and Section 8 Companies in India.
*** Includes memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of all Indian Public Limited Companies including IDFC
FIRST Bank Limited; figures in brackets indicate number of Committee Chairmanships as per Regulation 26 of the Listing Regulations. Section 8
Companies have been excluded for the purpose of Committee Memberships/ Chairmanships.
128 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
MEETING OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS As on March 31, 2019, Bank had the following
As per Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013 and Management Committees:
the rules made thereunder, the IDs of a Company shall
hold at least one (1) meeting in a year, without the • Credit and Market Risk Committee
attendance of Non-Independent Directors and members • Operational and Information Security Risk Committee
of the Management. This meeting is expected to review the
• Asset Liability Management Committee
performance of Non-Independent Directors and the Board
as a whole; review the performance of the Chairperson of the • Product and Process Approval Committee
Board and assess the quality, quantity and timeliness of the
• Internal Audit and Controls Committee
flow of information between the Management and the Board
that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably • Information Technology Steering Committee
perform their duties. Accordingly, a separate meeting of IDs • Premises and Outsourcing Committee
of the Bank was held on April 24, 2018 without the presence
of MD & CEO, Non-Independent Directors and SMP. • Executive Committee
The meeting was attended by all the five (5) IDs. • Human Resources, Ex Culture, Brand, Reputation and
Public Relations Committee
• Investment Committee
The Board has constituted various Board-level Committees
to delegate particular matters that require greater and • Customer Service Committee
more focused attention. These Committees take informed
decisions in the best interest of the Bank. Also, these Majority of the members of most of the Board - level
Committees monitor the activities falling within their terms of Committees are IDs and most of these Committees are
reference and recommend their views to the Board. chaired by IDs.
Also, the Bank has put in place, a Management Committee Mr. Satish Gaikwad, Head – Legal & Company Secretary
framework to ensure that various submissions to the acts as the Secretary for all the Board - level Committees
and ensures adherence to all laws and regulations for
Board and its Committees are first reviewed, approved
conducting Committee meetings. Till December 18, 2018,
and recommended by the Management Committees.
Mr. Mahendra N. Shah, Group Company Secretary &
This enhances governance and helps to strengthen the
Group Compliance Officer was the Secretary for all the
compliances within the Bank. Board-level Committees and ensured adherence to all laws
and regulations for conducting Committee meetings.
As on March 31, 2019, the Bank had the following
Board-level Committees: Details on composition of the Board-level Committees, brief
• Audit Committee terms of reference and number of meetings held during
FY 2018-19, are given hereinafter:
• Nomination and Remuneration Committee
• Stakeholders’ Relationship & Customer 1. Audit Committee
Service Committee As on March 31, 2019, the Audit Committee comprised
• Corporate Social Responsibility Committee four (4) members, three (3) of whom were IDs and one (1)
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director viz. Mr. Aashish
• Risk Management Committee Kamat – Chairman, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Pravir Vohra
• Credit Committee and Mr. Sunil Kakar.
• Allotment, Transfer and Routine Matters Committee Mr. Vishal Mahadevia is the Permanent Invitee to
• IT Strategy Committee the Committee.
• Fraud Monitoring Committee Also, the Chief Financial Officer & Head-Corporate Centre,
• Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative Borrower Statutory Auditors and the Internal Auditors are invitees to
Review Committee the meetings of the Audit Committee.
All members of the Audit Committee were/ are financially gap between two consecutive meetings was less than
literate and had/ have accounting and related financial 120 days. All the meetings were held during the year with
management expertise. requisite quorum.
The Committee met nine (9) times during FY 2018-19, on The composition, names of members and chairperson, and
April 23, 2018, July 30, 2018, August 14, 2018, October 23, their attendance at the Audit Committee meetings held
2018, November 06, 2018, December 18, 2018, January 07, during FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 2.
2019, February 04, 2019 and February 26, 2019. The time
Table No. 2 : Attendance Details of Audit Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings held % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
during tenure of Attendance
Directors' Report
Mr. Aashish Kamat Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 9 (3) 2 66.67%
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Pravir Vohra Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Sunil Kakar Non-Executive Non-Independent Member 9 (9) 9 100%
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Member 9 (1) 1 100%
Ms. Veena Mankar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 9 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Member 9 (6) 6 100%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 9 (9) 9 100%
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Member 9 (3) 3 100%
Corporate Governance
1. Mr. Aashish Kamat, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar and Mr. Pravir Vohra were appointed as the members of Audit Committee with effect from
December 18, 2018, March 25, 2019 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
2. Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Ms. Veena Mankar, Mr. Anand Sinha and Mr. Abhijit Sen ceased to be members of the Audit Committee with effect from
April 24, 2018, April 24, 2018, December 18, 2018 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
3. Mr. Hemang Raja held the position of member of Audit Committee from December 18, 2018 to March 25, 2019.
4. Pursuant to resignation of Mr. Abhijit Sen from the Board of Bank with effect from March 25, 2019, he ceased to be Chairman of the Audit
Committee with effect from the said date. Mr. Aashish Kamat was appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from March 25, 2019.
The Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee of the • Evaluation of internal financial controls and risk
Board inter-alia includes the following: management systems.
• Oversight of the Bank’s financial reporting process and
• Review compliance report on directives issued by
the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that
Financial Statements
ACB/ Board/ RBI.
the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible.
• Review the functioning of the Whistle Blower/
• Reviewing with management the annual financial
Vigil Mechanism.
statements and auditor’s report before submission to
the Board with special emphasis on accounting policies • Reviewing the adequacy of the Audit and Compliance
and practices, compliance with accounting standards, functions, including their policies, procedures,
disclosure of related party transactions and other legal techniques and other regulatory requirements.
requirements relating to financial statements.
• Any other terms of reference as may be included
• Recommending to the Board, the appointment, from time to time in the Companies Act, 2013, Listing
re-appointment, remuneration, terms of appointment Regulations, and/ or applicable RBI Guidelines/
and, if required, the replacement or removal of the Regulations, or any re-enactment, amendment or
statutory auditor and fixation of audit fees. modification thereto from time to time.
130 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee The Committee met seven (7) times during FY 2018-19,
As on March 31, 2019, the Nomination and Remuneration on April 24, 2018, July 30, 2018, October 23, 2018,
Committee ('NRC') comprised four (4) members, three (3) of December 18, 2018, January 08, 2019, January 28, 2019
whom were IDs and one (1) Non-Executive Non-Independent and February 04, 2019. All the meetings were held during
Director viz. Mr. Hemang Raja – Chairman, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda the year with requisite quorum.
Jagirdar, Mr. Vishal Mahadevia and Mr. Aashish Kamat.
The composition, names of members and chairperson,
and their attendance at the NRC meetings held during
FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 3.
Table No. 3 : Attendance Details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings held % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
during tenure of Attendance
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 7 (3) 3 100%
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 7 (3) 3 100%
Mr. Vishal Mahadevia Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Member 7 (3) 2 66.67%
Mr. Aashish Kamat Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 7 (4) 4 100%
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Member 7 (4) 4 100%
Ms. Veena Mankar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 7 (7) 6 85.71%
1. Mr. Hemang Raja, Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar, Mr. Vishal Mahadevia and Mr. Aashish Kamat were appointed as members of NRC with effect from
December 18, 2018, December 18, 2018, December 18, 2018 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
2. Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Mr. Anand Sinha and Ms. Veena Mankar ceased to be members of the NRC with effect from December 18, 2018, December 18,
2018 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
3. Pursuant to resignation of Mr. Ajay Sondhi from the Board of Bank with effect from December 18, 2018, he ceased to be Chairman of the NRC
with effect from the said date. Mr. Hemang Raja was appointed as Chairman of the NRC with effect from December 18, 2018.
The Terms of Reference of the Nomination and • The NRC shall review and recommend to the Board the
Remuneration Committee of the Board inter-alia includes payment of profit related commission to the Non-Executive
the following: Directors of the Bank within the overall limits as may be
• Formulation of the criteria for determining qualifications, approved by the shareholders of the Bank, in terms of the
positive attributes and independence of a Director and Companies Act, 2013 and RBI Guidelines.
recommend to the Board of Directors a policy relating • The Committee shall plan for CEO/ Senior Management
to the remuneration of the Directors, key managerial succession including plans for interim succession in the
personnel and other employees. event of an unexpected occurrence and submit a report
to the Board to nominate potential successors to CEO/
• Devising a policy on diversity of Board of Directors.
Senior Management personnel.
• Identifying persons who are qualified to become • Oversee the Director’s succession planning process for
Directors and who may be appointed in senior ensuring the right mix of Directors on the Board.
management in accordance with the criteria laid • Approve and monitor grant of employee stock options as
down, and recommend to the Board of Directors their a part of compensation of Whole-time Directors, Senior
appointment and removal and shall specify the manner Management Personnel, Key Managerial Personnel and
for effective evaluation of performance of Board, its other employees.
committees and individual directors to be carried out
• Provide a framework for the remuneration of all
either by the Board, by the Nomination and Remuneration
employees (including risk-takers).
Committee or by an independent external agency and
• Abide by any other requirement in accordance with
review its implementation and compliance.
the applicable provisions of the Listing Regulations,
• Determine the Bank’s policy on specific remuneration Companies Act, 2013 and/ or applicable RBI Guidelines/
packages for Whole-time Directors/ Executive Directors Regulations, or any re-enactment, amendment or
including pension rights and any compensation payment. modification thereto from time to time.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA I. Remuneration policy for Whole Time/ Executive Directors,
The Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations contain Non-Executive/ Independent Directors, Key Managerial
broad provisions on Board evaluation i.e. evaluation of the Personnel and Senior Management Personnel
performance of (a) Board as a Whole, (b) Individual Directors
(including Independent Directors and Chairperson) and II.
Remuneration policy for Employees (including
(c) Various Committees of the Board. Risk-Takers) (except for the Whole Time/
Executive Directors, Non-Executive/ Independent
SEBI vide its circular no. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2017/004 Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior
dated January 05, 2017 issued a guidance note on Board Management Personnel)
evaluation in order to guide listed entities by elaborating
various aspects of board evaluation that may help them to These policies are in line with the provisions of the Banking
improve the evaluation process, derive the best possible Regulation Act, 1949 and RBI guidelines issued in this
Directors' Report
benefit and achieve the objective of the entire process. regard, from time to time.
Accordingly, on April 24, 2018, all-inclusive three (3) Salient features of both the remuneration policies are
questionnaires for the above categories were circulated to all produced in the Directors' Report, which forms part of
the Directors of the Bank for Evaluation Process of FY 2017-18. this Annual Report.
Duly filled in questionnaires pertaining to the evaluation of Both the policies are available on the Bank’s website at
the Board as a Whole and Various Committees of the Board under 'Investor Relations' section.
were received from all the Directors. Evaluation process
for “Individual Directors (including Independent Directors The NRC, after taking into consideration the Remuneration
and Chairperson of the Board)” was carried out on a Policy for the Whole time/ Executive Directors, Non-Executive/
Corporate Governance
software named 'Diligent' wherein the Software kept all Independent Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior
submissions 'Anonymous'. Management Personnel, recommends their remuneration to
the Board for its approval.
Questionnaire for evaluation of Chairperson of the Board
was sent to all the Directors of the Bank (except the IDFC FIRST Bank pays remuneration to the Executive
Chairperson herself) and the results thereon were sent Directors by way of salary, allowance, perquisites including
directly to Mr. Ajay Sondhi, former Chairperson of the NRC. retirement benefits (fixed component), stock options and
a variable component based on the recommendation of
Further, Questionnaire for evaluation of other individual
the NRC and approvals of the RBI, Board of Directors and
Directors (i.e. excluding the Chairperson of the Board) was
Members of the Bank.
sent to all the Directors and the results thereon were sent
directly to Ms. Veena Mankar, former Chairperson of the Board.
The detailed break-up of the remuneration paid to
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall and Mr. V. Vaidyanathan for FY 2018-19 have
Mr. Sondhi and Ms. Mankar informed Mr. Mahendra Shah,
Financial Statements
been disclosed in the Directors' Report, which forms part of
former Group Company Secretary and Group Compliance
this Annual Report.
Officer, that the performance evaluation results for evaluation
of “individual directors (including Independent Directors
The IDs are paid by way of commission/ remuneration and
and Chairperson of the Board)” were communicated to each
sitting fees. Based on the recommendation of the NRC, the
individual Director and accordingly, the entire evaluation
Board approved sitting fees to be paid to Non-Executive
process for FY 2017-18 had been completed satisfactorily.
Directors ('NEDs') at ` 100,000 per Board meeting and
` 50,000 per Committee meeting.
The IDs at their meeting held on May 09, 2019 commenced
the evaluation process for FY 2018-19 in the same manner. Further, the members at their meeting held on July 27, 2016
approved payment of remuneration by way of commission
REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS to the NEDs of the Bank (i.e. Directors other than Managing
Pursuant to effectiveness of the Amalgamation of erstwhile Director and Whole-time Directors), not exceeding in
Capital First Group with the Bank and based on the aggregate, 1% of the net profits of the Bank as computed in
recommendation of the NRC, the Board at its meeting the manner laid down in Section 198 of the Companies Act,
held on January 08, 2019, approved the following revised 2013 or maximum of ` 10 Lakh per annum to each of such
remuneration policies: Directors as per RBI guidelines, whichever is lower.
132 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The criteria for making payments to NEDs has been Except Mr. Sunil Kakar and Mr. Pravir Vohra who held 20,000
disseminated on the Bank’s website: equity shares and 250,000 equity shares of the Bank as
under ‘Investor Relations’ section. on March 31, 2019 respectively, no other NEDs held any
shares or convertible instruments of IDFC FIRST Bank as on
The Bank had incurred losses during FY 2018-19, therefore
March 31, 2019.
the Bank did not pay any commission to its IDs.
There were no pecuniary relationships or transactions of
During FY 2018-19, the Bank had not granted any stock
NEDs vis-à-vis the Bank which has potential conflict with the
options to NEDs of the Bank. The Bank did not advance
interests of the Bank at large.
loans to any of its Directors during FY 2018-19. None of the
Directors are entitled to severance fee. The notice period for The remuneration paid to the Directors is well within the limits
Executive Directors is three months. None of the employees prescribed under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and is
of the Bank are related to any of the Directors. There is no in line with the guidelines issued by RBI, from time to time.
inter-se relationship between the members of the Board.
Details of remuneration paid to the Directors during
None of the Directors of the Bank are related to each other.
FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 4.
3. Stakeholders’ Relationship and Customer Service The Bank has a dedicated team of professionals to respond
Committee to queries and grievances received from the investors,
As on March 31, 2019, the Stakeholders’ Relationship customers, shareholders and bond holders. The designated
and Customer Service (‘SRCS’) Committee comprised e-mail address for lodging equity and bond complaints is
four (4) members, two (2) of whom were IDs, one (1)
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director and one
(1) Executive Director viz. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar – The Committee met four (4) times during FY 2018-19,
Chairperson, Mr. Pravir Vohra, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan and on April 23, 2018, July 30, 2018, October 23, 2018 and
Mr. Sunil Kakar. February 04, 2019. All the meetings were held during
the year with requisite quorum. The Committee looks into
Mr. Satish Gaikwad, Head – Legal and Company Secretary various aspects of interests of the Bank’s Shareholders and
is the designated person responsible for handling Investor/ Debenture holders.
Shareholder Grievances and is the Compliance Officer of
Directors' Report
the Bank under Listing Regulations. He is also the Nodal The composition, names of members and chairperson, and
Officer of the Bank for handling Investor Grievances with their attendance at the SRCS Committee meetings held
respect to Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF’). during FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 5.
Table No. 5 : Attendance Details of Stakeholders’ Relationship and Customer Service Committee Meetings held
during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Non-Executive Independent Director Chairperson - - -
Corporate Governance
Mr. Pravir Vohra Non-Executive Independent Director Member 4 (1) 1 100%
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Member 4 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Sunil Kakar Non-Executive Non-Independent Member 4 (4) 4 100%
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Member 4 (3) 3 100%
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Member 4 (3) 3 100%
Ms. Veena Mankar Non-Executive Independent Director Chairperson 4 (4) 4 100%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Member 4 (1) 1 100%
1. Mr. Pravir Vohra and Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar were appointed as the members of SRCS Committee with effect from December 18, 2018 and
March 25, 2019 respectively. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of SRCS Committee with effect from December 19, 2018.
2. Mr. Anand Sinha, Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, Ms. Veena Mankar ceased to be members of the SRCS Committee with effect from December 18, 2018,
Financial Statements
December 18, 2018 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
3. Mr. Abhijit Sen held the position of member of SRCS Committee from December 18, 2018 to March 25, 2019.
4. Pursuant to resignation of Ms. Veena Mankar from the Board of Bank with effect from March 25, 2019, she ceased to be Chairperson of the
SRCS Committee with effect from the said date. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar was appointed as Chairperson of the SRCS Committee with effect
from March 25, 2019.
134 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Details of Complaints received and attended by the Bank during FY 2018-19 for Equity Shares and 80CCF Infrastructure
Bonds are given in Table Nos. 6A and 6B respectively.
Table No. 6A : Nature of Complaints received and attended during FY 2018-19 for Equity Shares
Pending as on Received Resolved Pending as on
Nature of Complaint
April 01, 2018 during the year during the year March 31, 2019
Non-receipt of Refund NIL NIL NIL NIL
Non-receipt of Electronic Credit NIL NIL NIL NIL
Non-receipt of Annual Report NIL 210 210 NIL
Non-receipt of Securities NIL 2 2 NIL
Non-receipt of Dividend Warrants NIL 755 746 9*
Stock Exchange NIL 7 7 NIL
Total NIL 981 972 9
* These 9 Complaints were resolved post March 31, 2019 within the prescribed time.
Table No. 6B : Nature of Complaints received and attended during FY 2018-19 for Infrastructure Bonds issued under
Section 80CCF of Income Tax Act, 1961
Pending as on Received Resolved Pending as on
Nature of Complaint
April 01, 2018 during the year during the year March 31, 2019
Non-receipt of Bond Certificates NIL 1,071 1,071 NIL
Non-receipt of Securities after Transfer NIL 43 43 NIL
Non-receipt of Electronic Credit NIL 9 9 NIL
Non-receipt of Refund NIL 10 10 NIL
Non-receipt of Interest Warrant NIL 3,816 3,816 NIL
Stock Exchange/ Depositories NIL 3 3 NIL
TOTAL NIL 4,974 4,974 NIL
During FY 2018-19, no Complaints were received in respect • Propose to the Board of Directors, the appointment/
of the bonds/ Non-Convertible Debentures issued by the re-appointment of the Registrar and Share Transfer
Bank on private placement basis. Agent, including the terms and conditions, remuneration,
service Charge/ fees.
During FY 2018-19, total 3,131 complaints were received • Review of adherence to the service standards adopted
from the customers of the Bank. As on March 31, 2019, by the listed entity in respect of various services being
96% of the cases were resolved and 4% of the cases were rendered by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
pending. Post March 31, 2019, all complaints were resolved
• Review the existing “Stakeholder Redressal System”
within prescribed time. and suggest measures for improvement.
The Terms of Reference of the Stakeholders' Relationship • Take measures to enhance operational transparency to
and Customer Service Committee of the Board inter-alia Stakeholders and suggest measures for improvement
in Stakeholder relations.
includes the following:
For Security and Other Stakeholders • Develop mechanism to provide access to Stakeholders
• To consider and resolve the grievances of security to relevant, sufficient and reliable information on a
holders of the Bank including complaints related to timely and regular basis to enable them to participate
transfer/ transmission of shares, non-receipt of balance in Corporate Governance process.
sheet, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of • Any other requirement in accordance with the applicable
declared dividend, issue of new/ duplicate certificates, provisions of the Companies Act, Listing Regulations
general meetings etc. and RBI Guidelines.
• To oversee the functioning of the Bank’s internal The Board of Directors has constituted the Corporate
committee set-up for customer service. Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) Committee pursuant to Section
• To review the level of customer service in the Bank 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and corresponding
including customer complaints and the nature of rules thereunder.
their resolution.
As on March 31, 2019, the CSR Committee comprised
• To ensure customers are treated fairly all the
three (3) members, two (2) of whom were IDs and one (1)
times and complaints raised by them is dealt with
courtesy and in time. Executive Director viz. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan – Chairman,
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar and Mr. Hemang Raja.
• To formulate comprehensive deposit policy incorporating
the issues arising out of the demise of a depositor for The Committee met two (2) times during FY 2018-19, on
operation of his account, the product approval process,
Directors' Report
April 23, 2018 and February 04, 2019. All the meetings were
the annual survey of depositor satisfaction and the
held during the year with requisite quorum.
triennial audit of such services.
• To monitor implementation of awards under the Banking The composition, names of members and chairperson,
Ombudsman Scheme. and their attendance at the CSR Committee meetings held
• To ensure implementation of directives received during FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 7.
from RBI with respect to rendering services to
customers of the Bank.
• Any other requirement in accordance with the applicable
provisions of RBI Guidelines.
Corporate Governance
Table No. 7: Attendance Details of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Chairman 2 (1) 1 100%
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Chairman 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Ms. Veena Mankar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (2) 2 100%
Financial Statements
1. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar and Mr. Hemang Raja were appointed as the members of CSR Committee with effect from December 18, 2018 and
March 25, 2019 respectively. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of CSR Committee with effect from December 19, 2018.
2. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, Mr. Abhijit Sen and Ms. Veena Mankar ceased to be members of the CSR Committee with effect from December 18, 2018,
December 18, 2018 and March 25, 2019 respectively.
3. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall was Chairman of the CSR Committee till December 18, 2018. Pursuant to re-constitution of Board as per the Scheme of
Amalgamation, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as Chairman of the CSR Committee with effect from December 19, 2018.
Details of CSR initiatives undertaken by IDFC FIRST Bank The Terms of Reference of the Corporate Social
can be referred in the Directors' Report, which forms part of Responsibility Committee inter-alia includes the
this Annual Report. following:
• Formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR Policy
The Board approved CSR Policy is placed on the which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken
Bank’s website: under ‘Investor by the Bank as specified in Schedule VII of the
Relations’ section. Companies Act, 2013 and applicable rules as amended
from time to time.
136 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Table No. 8 : Attendance Details of the Risk Management Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 5 (5) 5 100%
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Pravir Vohra Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Member 5 (2) 2 100%
Mr. Desh Raj Dogra Non-Executive Independent Director Member 5 (2) 2 100%
Mr. Aashish Kamat Non-Executive Independent Director Member 5 (2) 1 50%
Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 5 (2) 2 100%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Member 5 (3) 3 100%
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Member 5 (3) 3 100%
Mr. Sunil Kakar Non-Executive Non-Independent Member 5 (3) 3 100%
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Member 5 (3) 3 100%
1. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of RMC with effect from December 19, 2018. Mr. Hemang Raja and Mr. Pravir Vohra were
appointed as the members of RMC with effect from March 25, 2019.
2. Mr. Aashish Kamat and Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Jagirdar held the position of members of RMC from December 18, 2018 to March 25, 2019.
Mr. Desh Raj Dogra held the position of member of RMC from December 18, 2018 to April 04, 2019.
3. Mr. Abhijit Sen, Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Mr. Sunil Kakar and Dr. Rajiv B. Lall ceased to be members of the RMC with effect from December 18, 2018.
The Terms of Reference of the Risk Management
Committee inter-alia includes the following: group or industry does not exceed the internally set
• o identify, monitor and measure the risk profile of the
T limits and that the risk is prudently diversified.
Bank (including market risk, liquidity risk, operational • To carry out any other function as referred by the Board
risk, reputational risk, fraud management and credit risk). from time to time or enforced by any statutory authority,
as may be applicable.
• To monitor and review the cyber security
processes of the Bank. 6. Credit Committee
• To oversee the risk management policy. As on March 31, 2019, the Credit Committee comprised four
(4) members, two (2) of whom were IDs, one (1) Non-Executive
• To monitor and review the risk management Non-Independent Director and one (1) Executive Director
plan of the Bank. viz. Mr. Hemang Raja – Chairman, Mr. Vishal Mahadevia,
• To oversee the Bank’s integrated risk Mr. V. Vaidyanathan and Mr. Desh Raj Dogra.
measurement system.
Directors' Report
The Committee met twenty two (22) times during FY 2018-19,
• To review and evaluate the overall risk faced by the on April 03, 2018, April 18, 2018, May 09, 2018, May 24,
bank including market risk and liquidity risk. 2018, June 08, 2018, June 21, 2018, July 05, 2018, July 19,
• To review management’s formulation of procedures, 2018, August 09, 2018, August 23, 2018, September 06,
action plans and strategies to mitigate risks on short 2018, September 21, 2018, October 04, 2018, November 06,
term as well as long term basis. 2018, November 21, 2018, December 14, 2018, January 08,
• To review and recommend to the Board the Bank’s 2019, January 22, 2019, February 04, 2019, February 21,
ICAAP proposal. 2019, March 05, 2019 and March 19, 2019. All the meetings
were held during the year with requisite quorum.
• Design stress scenarios to measure the impact of
unusual market conditions and monitor variance The composition, names of members and chairperson, and
between actual volatility of portfolio value and that their attendance at the Credit Committee meetings held
Corporate Governance
predicted by risk measures. during FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 9.
Table No. 9 : Attendance Details of the Credit Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 22 (6) 6 100%
Mr. Vishal Mahadevia Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Member 22 (6) 4 66.67%
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Chairman 22 (6) 6 100%
Mr. Desh Raj Dogra Non-Executive Independent Director Member 22 (6) 3 50%
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Chairman 22 (16) 6 37.50%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Member 22 (16) 16 100%
Financial Statements
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Member 22 (16) 16 100%
Mr. Sunil Kakar Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Member 22 (16) 15 93.75%
Mr. Hemang Raja and Mr. Vishal Mahadevia were appointed as the members of Credit Committee with effect from December 18, 2018.
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of Credit Committee with effect from December 19, 2018.
2. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, Mr. Abhijit Sen, Mr. Ajay Sondhi and Mr. Sunil Kakar ceased to be members of the Credit Committee with effect from
December 18, 2018.
3. Mr. Desh Raj Dogra held the position of member of Credit Committee from December 18, 2018 to April 04, 2019.
4. Dr. Rajiv B. Lall was Chairman of the Credit Committee till December 18, 2018. Pursuant to re-constitution of Board as per the Scheme
of Amalgamation, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as Chairman of the Credit Committee with effect from December 19, 2018. Further,
Mr. Hemang Raja was designated as Chairman of the Credit Committee in place of Mr. V. Vaidyanathan with effect from March 25, 2019.
138 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The Terms of Reference of the Credit Committee directions to the banks for operating of accounts, for transfer
inter-alia includes the following: and allotment of securities and other routine operational
• To formulate clear policies on standards for presentation matters.
of credit proposals, financial covenants, rating standards
and benchmarks, delegation of credit approving The Terms of Reference of the Allotment, Transfer and
powers, prudential limits on large credit exposures, Routine Matters Committee inter-alia includes the
asset concentrations, standards for loan collateral, following:
portfolio management, loan review mechanism, risk • To address, approve and monitor all matters related
concentrations, risk monitoring and evaluation, pricing of with the allotment, transfer, transmission, transposition,
loans, provisioning, norms for write-off and compromise/
name deletion, consolidation, rematerialization,
settlement proposals, recovery procedures, sale of
dematerialization and splitting of share and debenture
NPAs, regulatory/ legal compliance, etc.
certificates of the Bank.
• To approve credit exposures which are beyond the • To open, operate and close different types of bank
powers delegated to executives of the Bank as per the accounts/ Demat accounts of the Bank as may be
Delegation of Authority. necessary, from time to time and update the operating
instructions of existing bank accounts of the Bank.
• To control the risk through effective loan review
• To apply for memberships to various exchanges, central
mechanism and portfolio management.
counterparties and other quasi regulatory bodies.
7. Allotment, Transfer and Routine Matters Committee • To grant authorization for labour and HR operations matter
The Allotment and Share Transfer Committee was combined including signing of leave and license agreement(s).
with the Finance and Operations Committee and a new
Committee known as “Allotment, Transfer and Routine Matters • To appoint/ empanel such intermediaries and
Committee” was formed with effect from April 01, 2018. consultants or service providers, as may be required
from time to time.
As on March 31, 2019, the Allotment, Transfer and Routine • To open/ operate/ close dividend account/ G Sec account.
Matters Committee comprised four (4) members, two
(2) of whom were Directors viz. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan and • To give authority for signing documents for
Mr. Sunil Kakar and two (2) were officers of the Bank viz. treasury transactions.
Mr. Pankaj Sanklecha and Mr. Adrian Andrade. • To do such other things as may be delegated by the
Board/ any other Committee of the Bank.
The Committee met fifteen (15) times during FY 2018-19, on
April 02, 2018, April 04, 2018, April 16, 2018, July 02, 2018, In line with the RBI guidelines and as a step towards
July 13, 2018, July 23, 2018, August 14, 2018, August 24, a stronger Governance Framework, the Board at its
2018, September 25, 2018, October 09, 2018, November 22, meeting held on April 24, 2018 inter-alia approved certain
2018, December 19, 2018, January 05, 2019, January 17, modifications to the Bank’s Board and Management
2019 and February 26, 2019. All the meetings were held Committee structure, as follows:
during the year with requisite quorum. Addition of three (3) new Board-level Committees namely:
• IT Strategy Committee
These meetings were held mainly for dematerialisation/
• Fraud Monitoring Committee
rematerialisation of Infrastructure Bonds issued under
Section 80CCF of the Income Tax Act, 1961, delegation • Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative Borrower
powers for opening and closing of Bank accounts, Review Committee
8. IT Strategy Committee The Committee met three (3) times during FY 2018-19,
The IT Strategy Committee was constituted with effect on July 24, 2018, November 06, 2018 and January 07, 2019.
from April 24, 2018, in compliance with the applicable All the meetings were held during the year with
RBI Guidelines. requisite quorum.
Table No. 10 : Attendance Details of the IT Strategy Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
Directors' Report
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Mr. Pravir Vohra Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 3 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Member 3 (1) 1 100%
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Member 3 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Desh Raj Dogra Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Rajan Anandan Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 3 (2) 2 100%
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Member 3 (2) 2 100%
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Member 3 (2) 1 50%
Corporate Governance
1. Mr. Pravir Vohra and Mr. Anand Sinha were appointed as the members of IT Strategy Committee with effect from December 18, 2018.
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of IT Strategy Committee with effect from December 19, 2018.
2. Mr. Rajan Anandan, Mr. Ajay Sondhi and Dr. Rajiv B. Lall ceased to be members of the IT Strategy Committee with effect from December 18, 2018.
3. Mr. Desh Raj Dogra held the position of member of IT Strategy Committee from March 25, 2019 to April 04, 2019.
4. Mr. Rajan Anandan was Chairman of the IT Strategy Committee till December 18, 2018. Pursuant to re-constitution of Board as per the Scheme
of Amalgamation, Mr. Pravir Vohra was appointed as Chairman of the IT Strategy Committee.
Financial Statements
As on March 31, 2019, the Fraud Monitoring Committee
• Ascertaining that management has implemented
comprised five (5) members, three (3) of whom were IDs,
processes and practices that ensure that the IT delivers
one (1) Non-Executive Non-Independent Director and
value to the business.
one (1) Executive Director viz. Mr. Anand Sinha – Chairman,
• Ensuring IT investments represent a balance of risks Mr. Aashish Kamat, Mr. Sunil Kakar, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan and
and benefits and that budgets are acceptable. Mr. Desh Raj Dogra.
• Monitoring the method that management uses to The Committee met two (2) times during FY 2018-19, on
determine the IT resources needed to achieve strategic November 06, 2018 and March 20, 2019. All the meetings
goals and provide high-level direction for sourcing and were held during the year with requisite quorum.
use of IT resources.
The composition, names of members and chairperson,
• Ensuring proper balance of IT investments for sustaining
and their attendance at the Fraud Monitoring Committee
Bank’s growth and becoming aware about exposure
meetings held during FY 2018-19 are given in Table No. 11.
towards IT risks and controls.
• Such other roles and functions as may be prescribed by
Reserve Bank of India or as may be delegated by the
Board of Directors from time to time.
140 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Table No. 11 : Attendance Details of the Fraud Monitoring Committee Meetings held during FY 2018-19
No. of Meetings
No. of
held (Meetings % of
Name of the Member Position on the Board Status Meetings
held during tenure Attendance
of Director)
Mr. Anand Sinha Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Aashish Kamat Non-Executive Independent Director Member - - -
Mr. Sunil Kakar Non-Executive Non-Independent Member - - -
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan MD & CEO Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Desh Raj Dogra Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Pravir Vohra Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Ajay Sondhi Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Ms. Veena Mankar Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Hemang Raja Non-Executive Independent Director Member 2 (1) 1 100%
Mr. Abhijit Sen Non-Executive Independent Director Chairman 2 (2) 2 100%
1. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan was appointed as the member of Fraud Monitoring Committee with effect from December 19, 2018. Mr. Anand
Sinha, Mr. Aashish Kamat and Mr. Sunil Kakar were appointed as the members of Fraud Monitoring Committee with effect from
March 25, 2019.
2. Mr. Ajay Sondhi, Dr. Rajiv B. Lall, Ms. Veena Mankar and Mr. Anand Sinha ceased to be members of the Fraud Monitoring Committee with effect
from December 18, 2018.
3. Mr. Desh Raj Dogra held the position of member of the Fraud Monitoring Committee from December 18, 2018 to April 04, 2019. Mr. Pravir
Vohra held the position of member of the Fraud Monitoring Committee from December 18, 2018 to March 25, 2019. Mr. Pravir Vohra was again
appointed as member of Fraud Monitoring Committee with effect from April 05, 2019. Mr. Hemang Raja held the position of member of the
Fraud Monitoring Committee from December 18, 2018 to March 25, 2019. Mr. Abhijit Sen held the position of member of the Fraud Monitoring
Committee till March 25, 2019
4. Mr. Abhijit Sen was Chairman of the Fraud Monitoring Committee till December 18, 2018. Pursuant to re-constitution of Board as per the Scheme
of Amalgamation, Mr. Desh Raj Dogra was appointed as Chairman of the Fraud Monitoring Committee who held position of Chairman till
March 25, 2019. Mr. Anand Sinha was appointed as Chairman of the Fraud Monitoring Committee with effect from March 25, 2019.
The Terms of Reference of the Fraud Monitoring • Review the efficacy of the remedial action taken to
Committee inter-alia includes the following: prevent recurrence of frauds, such as strengthening of
The major functions of the Fraud Monitoring Committee internal controls.
would be to monitor and review all the frauds of ` 10 million
and above so as to: • Put in place other measures as may be considered
relevant to strengthen preventive measures
• Identify the systemic lacunae, if any, that facilitated against frauds.
perpetration of the fraud, and put in place measures
to plug the same. • To initiate process of fixing staff accountability for cases
involving very senior executive of the Bank.
• Identify the reasons for delay in detection, if any,
reporting to top management of the Bank and RBI. • To monitor and review the progress of the mitigating
steps taken by the Bank in case of electronic
• Monitor progress of CBI/ Police Investigation, and frauds and efficacy of the same in containing fraud
recovery position. numbers and values.
• Ensure that staff accountability is examined at all levels • To review a report providing inter-alia, a synopsis of the
in all the cases of frauds and staff side action, if required, remedial action taken together with their current status
is completed quickly without loss of time. of the Red Flagged Accounts.
Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative Borrower RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS
Review Committee During FY 2018-19, all transactions entered into with related
The Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative Borrower Review parties as defined under the Companies Act, 2013 and the
Committee was constituted with effect from April 24, 2018, in Listing Regulations, were in the ordinary course of business
compliance with the applicable RBI Guidelines. and on arm’s length basis and did not attract the provisions
of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013. There were no
As on March 31, 2019, the Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative materially significant transactions with related parties during
Borrower Review Committee comprised three (3) members, the financial year which were in conflict with the interest of
two (2) of whom were IDs and one (1) Executive Director the Bank. Suitable disclosures as required by the Accounting
viz. Mr. V. Vaidyanathan – Chairman, Mr. Anand Sinha and Standards (AS18) have been made in the notes to the
Mr. Aashish Kamat. Financial Statements. The details of the transactions with
related parties are placed before the Audit Committee, from
No Meeting of Wilful Defaulter or Non-Cooperative Borrower time to time. The Board has approved a policy for related
Directors' Report
party transactions in compliance with the provisions of the
Review Committee has been held during FY 2018-19.
Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations which
is available on the Bank’s website:
The Terms of Reference of the Wilful Defaulter or
under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
Non-Cooperative Borrower Review Committee inter-alia
includes the following:
• To review the order passed by the Identification
In compliance with Regulation 17 of the Listing Regulations,
Committee which concludes that an event of wilful
the MD & CEO and Chief Financial Officer certification on
default or non-cooperation has occurred and issues a the financial statements and internal controls relating to
Show Cause Notice to the concerned borrower (and financial reporting for FY 2018-19 is enclosed at the end
the promoter/ whole time director) and calls for their of this Report.
submissions and after considering their submissions,
Corporate Governance
issues an order, recording the fact of wilful default or POLICY FOR DETERMINING ‘MATERIAL’
non-cooperation and the reasons for the same. SUBSIDIARIES
In accordance with the provisions of Listing Regulations,
• To review as on half yearly basis the status of every listed entity shall formulate a policy for determining its
non–cooperative borrowers for deciding whether their ‘material’ subsidiaries. IDFC FIRST Bank has one subsidiary
names can be declassified as evidenced by its return to company viz. IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited (formerly known as
credit discipline and cooperative dealings. IDFC Bharat Limited) and it does not fall under the definition
of material subsidiary as per Regulation 16(1)(c) of the Listing
• To review the status of and matters relating to Regulations. The policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries
Non-Cooperative Borrowers or Wilful Defaulters. is available on the Bank’s website:
under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
• Any other requirement in accordance with the applicable
Financial Statements
• Any other matters which the Committee may deem The Bank has adopted a Code of Conduct for Prohibition
fit in this connection and as may be required by any of Insider Trading (the ‘Code’) in accordance with the
regulatory authority, from time to time. requirements of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015, with a view to regulate trading in
Composition of all the Board-level Committees is available on securities by the Board of Directors and Employees of IDFC
the Bank’s website: under ‘Investor FIRST Bank, their immediate relatives and other insiders
Relations’ section. as defined in the Code. When the trading window is open,
142 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
‘Designated Persons’ as defined in the Code are required of the Whistle Blower Policy, for the Directors and Employees
to obtain pre-clearance from the Compliance Officer to report concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or
before trading (buy/ sell) in securities of IDFC FIRST Bank. suspected fraud or violation of the Bank’s Code of Conduct or
Also, during the period of closure of the trading window, no ethics policy. It also provides adequate safeguards against
Employee/ Designated Person is permitted to trade with or the victimisation of employees who avail this mechanism
without pre-clearance in securities of restricted companies and allows direct access to the Chairperson of the Audit
as informed by the Secretarial Department, from time to Committee in exceptional cases. No employee has been
time. Timely disclosures are made to the Stock Exchanges denied access to the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee
by the Bank where transactions over any calendar quarter, oversees the Vigil Mechanism of the Bank. All employees
aggregates to a traded value (buy/ sell) in excess of ` 10 lakh. of the Bank are informed about the Whistle Blower Policy
which is posted on the Bank’s intranet. The Whistle Blower
No Employee/ Designated Person is permitted to Policy has also been posted on the Bank’s website at:
communicate, provide, or allow access to any Unpublished under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
Price Sensitive Information relating to IDFC FIRST Bank, its
securities or any other company (listed or proposed to be In addition to the above, IDFC FIRST Bank has formulated
listed), to any person except where such communication is a Vigilance Policy for effectively managing the risks
in furtherance of legitimate purpose, performance of duties faced by the Bank on account of corruption, malpractices
or discharge of legal obligations. and frauds. Mr. Avinash Saraiya is the Chief Vigilance
Officer of the Bank.
The Bank periodically monitors and facilitates compliance with
the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. PENALTIES AND STRICTURES
During FY 2018-19, there were no instances of non-
VIGIL MECHANISM/ WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY compliance by the Bank or any penalties and/ or strictures
Pursuant to provisions of Section 177(9) of the Companies imposed on the Bank by the RBI or stock exchange(s) or
Act, 2013 and Listing Regulations and other applicable SEBI or any other statutory authority, on any matter relating
laws, the Bank has established a Vigil Mechanism, as part to capital markets.
Details of the Annual General Meetings held in the last three (3) years have been given in Table No.12.
Directors' Report
3 Ratification of IDFC Bank Limited Employee
Stock Option Scheme 2015 (‘IDFC Bank
ESOS- 2015’ or the ‘Scheme’) and grant of
Options to the Eligible Employees/ Directors
of the Subsidiary Company(ies) of the Bank
under the Scheme.
FY 2016-17 The Music Academy, July 28, 2017 10:30 a.m. 1 Offer and Issue of Debt Securities on Private
T.T.K Auditorium (Main Hall), Placement basis.
Near Acropolis Building,
New No. 168 (Old No. 306),
T.T.K. Road, Royapettah,
Chennai - 600 014,
Corporate Governance
Tamil Nadu, India
FY 2017-18 Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao July 31, 2018 10:30 a.m. 1 Offer and Issue of Debt Securities on Private
Concert Hall (Inside Lady Andal Placement basis.
School Premises),
Re-appointment of Mr. Abhijit Sen as an
Shenstone Park, # 13/1
Independent Director of the Bank.
Harrington Road, Chetpet,
Chennai – 600 031, 3 Re-appointment of Ms. Veena Mankar as an
Tamil Nadu, India Independent Director of the Bank.
Re-appointment of Mr. Ajay Sondhi as an
Independent Director of the Bank.
5 Re-appointment of Mr. Rajan Anandan as an
Independent Director of the Bank.
Financial Statements
6 Alteration of Articles of Association.
144 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
1. Equity Shareholders
SN Date of *Requisite Majority Resolution Votes in favour Votes
declaration of of the resolution against the resolution
No. of % to total No. of % to total
votes votes votes votes
2. Unsecured Creditors
SN Date of *Requisite Majority Resolution Votes in favour of the resolution Votes against the resolution
declaration of
Amount due % of total Amount due % of total
covered by the Amount due covered by the Amount due
votes cast covered by the votes cast covered by the
(`) votes cast (`) votes cast
3. Secured Creditors
The Clearing Corporation of India Limited ('CCIL') and the Reserve Bank of India ('RBI') were the only Secured Creditors of
the Bank. In view of the submission given by CCIL and since NOC had already been obtained from RBI for the Amalgamation,
it was implied that a tacit consent had been given to the Amalgamation by CCIL and RBI. Therefore, the resolution for
Amalgamation was deemed to have been passed with requisite majority by Secured Creditors of the Bank.
Mr. B Narasimhan of M/s. BN & Associates, Company Secretaries, was the Scrutinizer for carrying out the voting process of
aforesaid NCLT Meetings, through Postal Ballot, Remote e-voting and / or Ballot Paper at the Meeting as applicable, in a fair
and transparent manner.
During FY 2018-19, the Bank has passed the following resolution by Postal Ballot:
Date of declaration of Votes in favour of the resolution Votes against the resolution
SN Special Resolution % to total % to total
Postal Ballot results No. of votes No. of votes
votes votes
1. January 03, 2019 Change of Name of the Bank from “IDFC Bank 1,482,449,344 99.99 179,251 0.01
Limited” to “IDFC FIRST Bank Limited” and
consequential alteration to the Memorandum
and Articles of Association of the Bank.
Invalid votes cast were 1,034,464,295 shares.
Directors' Report
Mr. B Narasimhan of M/s. BN & Associates, Company The financial and other information filed by the Bank from
Secretaries, was the Scrutinizer for carrying out the time to time is also available on the website of the Stock
aforesaid Postal Ballot process (includes e-voting) in a fair Exchanges i.e. NSE and BSE.
and transparent manner.
The quarterly, half-yearly and annual results of IDFC FIRST
The Postal Ballot was carried out as per the provisions of Bank’s performance and other news articles are published
Sections 108 and 110 and other applicable provisions of the in leading newspapers like the Hindu Business Line (All
Companies Act, 2013 read with the rules framed thereunder. India), Financial Express (All India) & Makkal Kural in
Chennai and are also displayed on the Bank’s website:
Resolution(s), if any, to be passed through Postal Ballot under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
during FY 2019-20 will be taken up as and when necessary.
Corporate Governance
As per Regulation 46 of Listing Regulations, IDFC FIRST Bank IDFC FIRST Bank has duly complied with all the mandatory
maintains a website viz. containing Corporate Governance requirements as given under
information about the Bank, such as details of its business, Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation
46(2) of the Listing Regulations, to the extent applicable.
financial results, shareholding pattern, compliance with the
corporate governance requirements and contact details of
The Bank has also adopted and complied with the
the designated officials who are responsible for assisting
non-mandatory requirements as follows:
and handling investor grievances.
Separate Posts of Chairperson and CEO
The Bank also displays all official press releases and
The Bank has complied with the requirement of having
presentations to institutional investors or analysts separate persons to the post of Chairperson, and MD & CEO.
made by the Bank.
Financial Statements
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall is the Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman
and Mr. V. Vaidyanathan is the MD & CEO of the Bank.
This information is regularly updated on the Bank’s website Till December 18, 2018, Ms. Veena Mankar was the
Independent Non-Executive Chairperson and Dr. Rajiv B.
The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (‘NSE’) Lall was the Founder MD & CEO of the Bank.
and BSE Limited (‘BSE’) have introduced their respective
electronic platforms namely NSE Electronic Application Audit Qualification
Processing System (‘NEAPS’) and BSE Listing Centre Online For the year under review, there were no audit qualifications
Portal for submission of various filings by listed companies. with repect to Bank’s financial statements. IDFC FIRST Bank
IDFC FIRST Bank ensures that the requisite compliances strives to adopt the best practices to ensure a regime of
are filed through these platforms on time. financial statements with unmodified audit opinion.
146 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Reporting of Internal Auditor For the year ending March 31, 2020, results will be
The Internal Auditor of the Bank reports directly to the Audit announced latest by:
Committee of the Bank. • Second week of August 2019 for first quarter
80CCF Infrastructure Bonds
Infrastructure Bonds issued by IDFC Limited under Section 80CCF of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the Bonds issued
by IDFC Limited on private placement basis were transferred to IDFC FIRST Bank on October 01, 2015 pursuant to the
Demerger Scheme. The 80CCF Infrastructure Bonds of IDFC FIRST Bank are listed and traded on NSE and BSE. The trading
details for the 80CCF Infrastructure Bonds are mentioned in Table No. 13.
Directors' Report
Corporate Governance
The annual listing fees for FY 2019-20 for both the aforesaid bonds have been paid.
Table No. 14 : Monthly High & Low Prices of IDFC FIRST Bank’s Equity Shares during FY 2018-19 along with Traded Volumes
Financial Statements
HIGH Low Volume High Low Volume
April 2018 51.05 47.00 9,553,914 51.05 47.00 122,493,392
May 2018 48.60 39.40 15,016,131 48.60 39.40 367,302,121
June 2018 44.55 37.65 17,354,743 44.60 37.60 389,945,002
July 2018 41.90 35.85 14,412,334 41.95 35.80 218,406,479
August 2018 49.55 38.80 17,851,314 49.55 38.80 250,076,413
September 2018 48.85 35.80 17,177,673 48.85 35.80 198,538,302
October 2018 38.55 32.70 23,225,015 38.65 32.70 223,900,228
November 2018 40.40 34.50 16,188,005 40.40 34.45 221,917,937
December 2018 44.55 35.20 27,009,459 44.55 35.35 273,820,457
January 2019 49.50 42.25 36,707,516 49.50 42.20 353,130,699
February 2019 46.20 40.25 31,113,989 46.25 40.25 266,715,170
March 2019 55.60 45.10 38,329,609 55.70 45.15 444,631,130
148 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Apr 18 May 18 Jun 18 Jul 18 Aug 18 Sep 18 Oct 18 Nov 18 Dec 18 Jan 19 Feb 19 Mar 19
Apr 18 May 18 Jun 18 Jul 18 Aug 18 Sep 18 Oct 18 Nov 18 Dec 18 Jan 19 Feb 19 Mar 19
Unclaimed Shares lying in the Escrow Account Suspense Account of IDFC FIRST Bank held 28,253 equity
Pursuant to SEBI’s Circular No. CIR/ CFD/ DIL/ 10/ 2010 shares of ` 10 each belonging to 99 shareholders.
dated December 16, 2010, IDFC Limited had credited
the unclaimed shares lying in the Escrow Account, The voting rights on the shares outstanding shall remain
allotted in the Initial Public Offer of the company during frozen till the rightful owner claims their shares. The details of
July – August 2005, into a Demat Suspense Account
the Shareholders whose equity shares are lying in the Demat
opened specifically for this purpose. Pursuant to the
Suspense Account are available on the Bank’s website:
Demerger Scheme, the shareholders of IDFC Limited as
on the record date i.e. October 05, 2015 were allotted one under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
equity share of IDFC FIRST Bank for every one equity share
Unclaimed/ Unpaid Interest/ Dividend and Shares
held by them in IDFC Limited. Therefore, 100 Members who
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 and 125 of the
were holders of 28,453 shares lying in the Demat Suspense
Account of IDFC Limited were eligible and allotted equity Companies Act, 2013, read with the Investor Education and
shares of IDFC FIRST Bank. Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and
Refund) Rules, 2016 ('IEPF Rules'), any dividend/ refund
As on April 01, 2018, the Demat Suspense Account of which remains unclaimed/ unpaid for a period of seven
IDFC FIRST Bank held 28,253 equity shares of ` 10 each years from the date of transfer to the unpaid dividend/ refund
belonging to 99 shareholders. During FY 2018-19, no account is required to be transferred to the IEPF established
shareholder had approached the Registrar and Share by the Central Government. After such a transfer, no claim
Transfer Agent for transfer of shares from the Demat shall lie against the Bank. However, the investor can claim
Suspense Account. As on March 31, 2019, the Demat the unpaid dividend from the IEPF Authority.
As on March 31, 2019, the amounts lying in the unclaimed/ unpaid dividend account with respect to the final dividend that
were declared by the Bank and erstwhile Capital First Limited and last date for claiming dividend before they become due
to be credited to the IEPF are as below:
IDFC FIRST Bank Last Tentative Date for erstwhile Capital First Last Tentative Date for
SN Financial Year
(`) claiming Dividend Limited (`) claiming Dividend
1. 2011-2012 NA NA 356,536.50 October 25, 2019
2. 2012-2013 NA NA 366,028.20 September 21, 2020
3. 2013-2014 NA NA 362,358.00 July 18, 2021
4. 2014-2015 NA NA 434,564.00 August 19, 2022
5. 2015-2016 1,077,088.00 August 26, 2023 431,465.20 August 04, 2023
6. 2016-2017 3,494,501.25 August 27, 2024 522,449.80 August 04, 2024
7. 2017-2018 4,375,486.50 August 30, 2025 629,235.60 August 03, 2025
Directors' Report
Members who either have not received or have not Erstwhile Capital First Limited had transferred to the IEPF,
encashed their dividend warrant(s) as specified the following unclaimed dividends and corresponding
above, are requested to write to Karvy Fintech Private shares thereto:
Limited [earlier Karvy Computershare Private Limited]
Amount of
(‘Karvy’), mentioning the relevant Folio number(s)/ DP Particulars
Dividend (`)
No. of shares
ID and Client ID, for issuance of duplicate/ revalidated
dividend warrant(s). Final Dividend for the FY 2009-10 266,001 29,572
and Shares (including 2,856
equity shares of Unclaimed
All shares in respect of which dividend has not been
Suspense Account) transferred
claimed or paid for a period of seven consecutive years
Corporate Governance
during FY 2017-18
or more from the date they became due for payment are
required to be transferred to the demat account of IEPF in the Final Dividend for the FY 2010-11 374,235 4,230
manner prescribed under the IEPF Authority (Accounting, and Shares transferred during
FY 2018-19
Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2017 as
may be amended from time to time. Upon transfer of such
shares, all benefits (e.g. bonus, spilt etc.), if any, accruing During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Bank would
be transferring unclaimed final dividend amount for
on such shares shall also be credited to the IEPF Demat
the financial year ended March 31, 2012 on or before
Account and the voting rights on such shares shall remain
November 29, 2019 to IEPF.
frozen till the rightful owner claims the shares.
The dividend amount and shares transferred to the IEPF
In this connection, erstwhile Capital First Limited had sent
can be claimed by the concerned members from the IEPF
intimation letters to members in respect of the shares on Authority after complying with the procedure prescribed
Financial Statements
which dividend had remained unpaid or unclaimed for under the IEPF Rules. The details of the unclaimed
seven consecutive years or more, requesting them to claim dividends are also available on the Bank’s website at
such dividend so as to avoid the corresponding shares under ‘Investor Relations’ section
being transferred to the IEPF Authority. Simultaneously, and the said details have also been uploaded on the website
an advertisement to this effect was published in leading of the IEPF Authority and the same can be accessed through
English and vernacular newspapers. the link
150 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Further, pursuant to Amalgamation of erstwhile Capital same were transferred to IEPF. As on March 31, 2019,
First Group with the Bank with effect from December 18, 469,194 equity shares are lying with IEPF.
2018, shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited as on
December 31, 2018 (‘Record Date’) were allotted equity Pursuant to the Demerger Scheme, the Financing Undertaking
shares of IDFC FIRST Bank, in accordance with the Share of IDFC Limited was transferred to IDFC FIRST Bank with
Exchange Ratio as per the Scheme. Further, fractional effect from October 01, 2015 (Effective Date of Demerger
shares were sold in the market and their proceeds thereof Scheme). Accordingly, Infra Bonds issued by IDFC Limited
were paid to shareholders respectively in proportion of their under Section 80CCF of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the
fractional entitlements. Bonds issued by IDFC Limited on private placement basis
were transferred to IDFC FIRST Bank on October 01, 2015.
Accordingly, 33,802 equity shares of erstwhile Capital First The status of unclaimed interest/ buyback amount on 80CCF
Limited held by IEPF were allotted shares of IDFC FIRST Bank Infrastructure Bonds is given in Table No. 15 and is also
at Share Exchange Ratio of 139:10 and 653.80 fractional uploaded on the Bank’s website:
shares thereof were sold in the market and proceeds from under ‘Investor Relations’ section.
Table No. 15 : Status of Unclaimed Interest/ Buyback amount on 80CCF Infrastructure Bonds as on March 31, 2019
Unclaimed Interest/ Date of Payment of Last date for
Year Particulars
Buyback Amount (`) Interest/ Buyback Claiming Interest
2011-2012 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 1,414,725 12-Nov-11 11-Nov-18
2011-2012 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 708,760 12-Nov-11 11-Nov-18
2011-2012 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 6,189,800 21-Feb-12 20-Feb-19
2011-2012 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 2,851,166 30-Mar-12 30-Mar-19
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 682,400 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-19
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 1,531,125 12-Nov-12 12-Nov-19
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 3,741,750 30-Dec-12 30-Dec-19
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 7,086,000 21-Feb-13 21-Feb-20
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 10,209,537 21-Mar-13 20-Mar-20
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 3,028,583 30-Mar-13 29-Mar-20
2012-2013 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 3,890,033 31-Mar-13 30-Mar-20
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 7,433,200 21-Feb-14 20-Feb-21
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 9,367,290 21-Mar-14 20-Mar-21
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 2,877,198 30-Mar-14 29-Mar-21
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 3,592,451 31-Mar-14 30-Mar-21
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 4,046,130 30-Dec-14 29-Dec-21
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 810,400 12-Nov-13 11-Nov-20
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 3,634,650 30-Dec-13 29-Dec-20
2013-2014 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 1,541,250 12-Nov-13 11-Nov-20
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 1,933,125 12-Nov-14 11-Nov-21
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 952,000 12-Nov-14 11-Nov-21
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 8,548,160 21-Feb-15 20-Feb-22
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 9,837,438 21-Mar-15 20-Mar-22
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 3,188,556 30-Mar-15 29-Mar-22
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 3,624,410 31-Mar-15 30-Mar-22
2014-2015 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 4,405,950 30-Dec-15 29-Dec-22
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 8,250 30-Mar-16 30-Mar-23
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 3-Series 2/2010-11 29,740 31-Mar-16 NA
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 10,959 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-23
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 6,125,436 12-Nov-15 NA
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 1-Series 4/2010-11 24,855,643 12-Nov-15 NA
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 2-Series 2/2010-11 33,670,350 21-Feb-16 NA
Unclaimed Interest/ Date of Payment of Last date for
Year Particulars
Buyback Amount (`) Interest/ Buyback Claiming Interest
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 5,570,000 21-Feb-16 NA
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 9,195,080 21-Feb-16 20-Feb-23
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 10,612,086 21-Mar-16 21-Mar-23
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 100,000 31-Mar-16 NA
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 1,569,225 12-Nov-16 12-Nov-23
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 953,360 12-Nov-16 12-Nov-23
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 5,838,390 30-Dec-16 30-Dec-23
2015-2016 Buyback Payment- Tranche 1-Series 2/2011-12 7,953,299 31-Dec-16 NA
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche1-Series3/2010-11 1,797,075 12-Nov-15 11-Nov-22
2015-2016 Interest Payment- Tranche1-Series1/2010-11 917,600 12-Nov-15 11-Nov-22
Directors' Report
2016-2017 Buyback Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 1,400,000 31-Dec-16 NA
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 9,273,560 21-Feb-17 21-Feb-24
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 13,069,923 21-Mar-17 20-Mar-24
2016-2017 Buyback Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 2,890,000 21-Mar-17 NA
2016-2017 Buyback Payment- Tranche 2-Series 2/2011-12 19,984,470 21-Mar-17 NA
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 3,856,642 30-Mar-17 29-Mar-24
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 4,699,827 31-Mar-17 30-Mar-24
2016-2017 Buyback Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 895,000 31-Mar-17 NA
2016-2017 Buyback Payment- Tranche 3-Series 2/2011-12 4,684,375 31-Mar-17 NA
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 1,600 12-Nov-17 11-Nov-24
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 - 12-Nov-17 NA
Corporate Governance
2016-2017 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 6,084,900 30-Dec-17 29-Dec-24
2017-2018 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 10,261,680 21-Feb-18 20-Feb-25
2017-2018 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 13,785,585 21-Mar-18 20-Mar-25
2017-2018 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 4,232,262 30-Mar-18 29-Mar-25
2017-2018 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 4,319,533 31-Mar-18 30-Mar-25
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2010-11 800 12-Nov-18 11-Nov-25
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 3/2010-11 - 12-Nov-18 NA
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 1-Series 1/2011-12 4,803,120 30-Dec-18 29-Dec-25
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2010-11 12,039,280 21-Feb-19 20-Feb-26
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 2-Series 1/2011-12 23,729,946 21-Mar-19 20-Mar-26
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2010-11 11,545,202 30-Mar-19 29-Mar-26
2018-2019 Interest Payment- Tranche 3-Series 1/2011-12 12,796,675 30-Mar-19 29-Mar-26
Financial Statements
Share Transfer System
IDFC FIRST Bank has appointed Karvy as its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. All share transfers and related operations
are conducted by Karvy, which is registered with SEBI as a Category I Registrar.
The shares sent for physical transfer are effected after giving a 15 days notice to the seller for confirmation of the sale.
IDFC FIRST Bank has a Stakeholders’ Relationship and Customer Service Committee for redressing complaints and queries
raised by Shareholders, Investors and Customers, from time to time.
IDFC FIRST Bank’s shares are compulsorily traded in dematerialised mode. A half-yearly certificate of compliance with
the share transfer formalities as required under Regulation 40(9) of the Listing Regulations is obtained from the Practising
Company Secretary and a copy of the certificate is filed with the Stock Exchanges.
152 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
As required by SEBI, Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit is conducted by a Practising Company Secretary on a quarterly
basis, for the purpose, inter-alia, of reconciliation of the total admitted equity share capital with the depositories and in the
physical form with the total issued/ paid-up equity capital of the Bank.
Certificates issued in this regard are filed with BSE and NSE on a quarterly basis.
Distribution of Shareholding
The distribution of the shareholding of IDFC FIRST Bank’s equity shares by size and by ownership as on March 31, 2019
are given in Table No. 16 and Table No. 17 respectively. Top ten equity shareholders of IDFC FIRST Bank as on March 31,
2019 are given in Table No. 18.
Table No. 16 : Distribution of Shareholding as on March 31, 2019 (Total) (By Size)
No. of Equity
SN Category (Shares) No. of Holders % To Holders Shares (Face Value % To Equity
of ` 10 each)
1. 1 - 5,000 740,463 96.64 343,638,244 7.19
2. 5,001 - 10,000 13,139 1.72 96,148,798 2.01
3. 10,001 - 20,000 6,528 0.85 92,888,951 1.94
4. 20,001 - 30,000 2,103 0.28 52,098,264 1.09
5. 30,001 - 40,000 993 0.13 34,782,702 0.73
6. 40,001 - 50,000 629 0.08 28,802,421 0.60
7. 50,001 - 100,000 1,168 0.15 83,955,781 1.76
8. 100,001 and above 1,168 0.15 4,049,361,251 84.68
TOTAL 766,191 100.00 4,781,676,412 100.00
Table No. 17 : Distribution of Shareholding as on March 31, 2019 (Total) (By Ownership)
No. of Equity
SN Description No. of Holders Shares (Face Value % To Equity
of ` 10 each)
1. Promoter – IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited 1 1,912,670,691 40.00
2. Resident Individuals 731,955 950,043,304 19.87
3. Foreign Portfolio - Corp 173 645,228,702 13.49
4. Foreign Corporate Bodies 2 538,175,265 11.25
5. President of India 1 261,400,000 5.47
6. Bodies Corporates 3,871 154,165,487 3.22
7. Mutual Funds 23 131,263,398 2.75
8. Non Resident Indians 6,488 49,719,387 1.04
9. Insurance Companies 26 44,686,809 0.94
10. Hindu Undivided Family 19,507 39,370,807 0.82
11. Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 3,528 16,842,981 0.35
12. Clearing Members 492 11,088,568 0.23
13. Indian Financial Institutions 7 9,762,256 0.20
14. Banks 20 6,723,795 0.14
15. Trusts 48 6,109,289 0.13
16. Alternative Investment Fund 6 2,858,570 0.06
17. NBFC 32 1,005,680 0.02
18. Investor Education and Protection Fund 1 469,194 0.01
19. Foreign Institutional Investors 1 64,337 ß
20. Foreign Nationals 9 27,892 ß
TOTAL 766,191 4,781,676,412 100.00
ß denotes negligible value
Table No. 18 : Top Ten Equity Shareholders as on March 31, 2019
No. of Equity Shares
SN Name (Face Value of ` 10 % To Equity
1. IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited 1,912,670,691 40.00
2. Cloverdell Investment Ltd 471,733,265 9.87
3. President of India 261,400,000 5.47
4. Government of Singapore 121,875,005 2.55
5. Caladium Investment Pte Ltd 66,442,000 1.39
6. V. Vaidyanathan 56,776,816* 1.19
7. Platinum International Fund 49,475,422 1.03
8. Aditya Birla Sun Life Trustee Private Limited A/C Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 47,625,290 1.00
Directors' Report
9. Aditya Birla Sun Life Trustee Private Limited A/C Aditya Birla Sun Life MNC Fund 37,330,284 0.78
10. Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund 35,953,169 0.75
* Includes 6,716,260 fully paid up equity shares of IDFC FIRST Bank held by Rukmani Social Welfare Trust. It is hereby disclosed that prior to
Amalgamation, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan donated 500,000 shares of Capital First Limited to Rukmani Social Welfare Trust, which pursuant to Amalgamation
and Share Exchange Ratio got converted into aforesaid shares of IDFC FIRST Bank net of sale of stock by the trust. Rukmani Social Welfare Trust
is a trust set up and managed by Mr. V. Vaidyanathan where he is Trustee. It is disclosed that the trust undertakes only social activities for defined
causes relating to education, medical assistance to minors, renovation of child home, contribution to educational institutions and such activities.
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan is the Trustee of the Trust and hence disclosed as part of this report.
As on March 31, 2019, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan holds 124,405,000 stock options, and upon exercise of said options, his shareholding would be 3.69% of
the equity share capital of the Bank.
Corporate Governance
The Bank’s shares are compulsorily traded in dematerialised form on NSE and BSE and are available for trading on both the
depositories in India i.e. NSDL and CDSL. As on March 31, 2019, over 99.99% equity shares of IDFC FIRST Bank were held
in dematerialised form. Details on the same are given in Table No. 19.
Financial Statements
Credit Ratings and Change/ Revisions in Credit Ratings:
As on the date of this report, the credit ratings assigned by the rating agencies are as below:
* The Instruments have been transferred from erstwhile Capital First Limited and erstwhile Capital First Home Finance Limited to IDFC FIRST Bank
Limited (erstwhile IDFC Bank Limited) as per the Scheme of Amalgamation between Capital First Group with IDFC FIRST Bank Limited.
Note: The rating of instruments of erstwhile Capital First Limited and Capital First Home Finance Limited rated by Brickwork Ratings was under
migration to IDFC FIRST Bank. For details, please refer
154 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
During the FY 2018-19 following revisions in credit rating the complete framework adopted by the Bank to report and
took place: resolve instances of sexual harassment etc.
India Ratings: Long term ratings of IDFC FIRST Bank’s NCD
and Infrastructure Bonds was revised to IND AA+ (Stable) The following is the summary of the complaints received and
from IND AAA (June 2018) disposed of during FY 2018-19:
number of complaints received during the
ICRA: Long term ratings of IDFC FIRST Bank’s NCD and
financial year: 6
Infrastructure Bonds was revised to ICRA AA+ (Stable) from
ICRA AAA (Stable) (November 2018) b.
number of complaints disposed off during the
financial year: 6
Details of utilization of funds raised through preferential
allotment or qualified institutions placement: c.
number of complaints pending as on end of the
The Bank has not raised any fund through Preferential financial year: Nil
Allotment or Qualified Institutional Placement as specified
under Regulation 32(7A) of the Listing Regulations, during Outstanding GDRs/ ADRs/ Warrants or any Convertible
the FY 2018-19. Instruments, Conversion Date and likely impact on
Recommendations of Committees of the Board The Bank does not have any Outstanding GDRs/ ADRs/
There were no instances during the FY 2018-19, wherein the Warrants or any other convertible instruments as on date.
Board had not accepted recommendations made by any
Committee of the Board. Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and
Commodity Hedging Activities
Total fees paid to Statutory Auditors of the bank The Bank has a Board approved Market Risk Management
During FY 2018-19, total fees of ` 3.41 crore was paid/ Policy, Limit Management Framework and Foreign Exchange
provided on a consolidated basis to Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Derivatives Policy which defines the risk control
LLP, Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad (Firm Registration framework for undertaking foreign exchange transactions
No.: 117365W), the Statutory Auditors, for all the services and for managing the risks associated with it. The Board of
provided by them to the Bank. the Bank has defined Net Overnight Open Position (‘NOOP’)
Limit, Aggregate Gap limit (‘AGL’), Stop Loss Limit, Value at
Disclosures in relation to the Sexual Harassment of Risk (‘VaR’) limit to control the Foreign exchange risk within
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and the approved framework. The Bank uses derivatives including
Redressal) Act, 2013: Forwards and Swaps for hedging its currency risk in its
The Bank has in place a policy on Anti-Sexual Harassment, balance sheet and offers these products to customers and
which reflects the Bank’s zero-tolerance towards any form proprietary trading in due compliance with overall risk limits,
of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment at the control framework and applicable regulatory guidelines.
workplace. The Bank has set up an Internal Complaints The Bank does not offer commodity hedging products.
Committee (‘ICC’) to receive and redress complaints of
sexual harassment. The management of these products is governed by the
policies mentioned above. The Bank did not exceed any of
The Bank undertakes ongoing trainings to create awareness the Board approved risk limits during the period under review.
on this policy. During FY 2018-19, employees were given
online training on the subject and classroom training for Plant Location
all ICC members, and Directors & above level in order to As the Bank is engaged in the business of banking/ financial
understand the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy, services, the Bank does not have any plant location.
ADDRESSED TO: issued on Private Placement basis
Registered Office Address NSDL Database Management Limited
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited 4th Floor, Trade World, A Wing, Kamala Mills Compound,
(Formerly IDFC Bank Limited) Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013,
KRM Tower, 7th Floor, No. 1 Harrington Road, Chetpet, Maharashtra, India
Chennai - 600 031, Tamil Nadu, India. Tel: +91 22 4914 2700 Fax: +91 22 4914 2503
Tel: +91 44 4564 4000 Fax: +91 44 4564 4022 Email:
E-mail: Website:
Link Intime India Private Limited
Mr. Satish Gaikwad C 101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,
Head – Legal & Company Secretary Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400 083,
Directors' Report
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited Maharashtra, India
(Formerly IDFC Bank Limited) Tel: +91 22 4918 6000 Fax: +91 22 4918 6060
Naman Chambers, C-32, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, E-mail :
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051, Maharashtra, India. Website:
Tel: +91 22 7132 5500 Fax: +91 22 2654 0354
E-mail: TSR Darashaw Consultants Private Limited
Website: 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate,
20, Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi,
Details of the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent Mumbai – 400 011,
For Equity Shares and 80CCF Long Term Infrastructure Maharashtra, India.
Bonds Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 Fax: +91 22 6656 8494
E-mail :
Corporate Governance
Karvy Fintech Private Limited
(Unit: IDFC FIRST Bank Limited) Website:
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31 & 32, Gachibowli,
Financial District, Details of the Debenture Trustee
Nanakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad - 500 032, IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Telangana, India. Asian Building, Ground Floor, 17, R. Kamani Marg,
Tel: +91 40 6716 2222 Fax: +91 40 2342 0814; Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001,
Toll Free: 1800 345 4001 Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: Tel: +91 22 4080 7018 Fax: +91 22 6631 1776
Website: E-mail :
Financial Statements
Paud Road, Pune – 411 038,
Maharashtra, India.
Tel: +91 20 2528 0081 Fax: +91 20 2528 0275
Annexure - A
The Members of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(Formerly known as IDFC Bank Limited)
Sub: Certificate under Regulation 34 and Schedule V of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
According to the information and explanations given to us and based on the verification of the relevant records and
documents related to the Directors of the IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (“the Bank”) as on March 31, 2019 with respect to the
regulation 34 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 [“Listing Regulations”], we certify
that none of the Directors on the Board of the Bank have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing
as directors by the Securities and Exchange Board of India/ Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority.
S. N. Bhandari
FCS No: 761; C P No. : 366
We, V. Vaidyanathan, Managing Director & Chief d.
We have indicated to the Auditors and the
Executive Officer and Pankaj Sanklecha, Chief Audit Committee
Financial Officer & Head - Corporate Centre of IDFC
FIRST Bank Limited (‘the Bank’) hereby certify to i. significant changes in internal control over
the Board that: financial reporting during the year;
a. We have reviewed financial statements and the cash
flow statement for the year ended March 31, 2019 and ii. significant changes in accounting policies during
that to the best of our knowledge and belief: the year and the same have been disclosed in the
notes to the financial statements; and
Directors' Report
i. these statements do not contain any materially
untrue statement or omit any material fact or iii. instances of significant fraud of which we have
contain statements that might be misleading; become aware and the involvement therein, if
any, of the management or an employee having a
ii. these statements together present a true and fair significant role in the listed entity’s internal control
view of the Bank’s affairs and are in compliance system over financial reporting.
with existing accounting standards, applicable
laws and regulations. e. We affirm that no personnel has been denied access to
the Audit Committee of the Bank (in respect of matters
b. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no
involving alleged misconduct, if any).
transactions entered into by the Bank during the year
Corporate Governance
which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Bank’s
f. We further declare that all Board members and Senior
Code of Conduct.
Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with
the ‘Code of Conduct for Board of Directors & Senior
c. We are responsible for establishing and maintaining
Management Personnel’ for the current year.
internal controls for financial reporting and we have
evaluated the effectiveness of internal control systems
of the Bank pertaining to financial reporting. We have
disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee, V. Vaidyanathan Pankaj Sanklecha
deficiencies in the design or operation of such Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer &
internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and Chief Executive Officer Head – Corporate Centre
the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify
these deficiencies. Date: May 10, 2019
Place: Mumbai
Financial Statements
158 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
1 Identification of and provisioning for non-performing Our audit approach included testing the design,
advances in accordance with the Reserve Bank operating effectiveness of internal controls and
of India (RBI) guidelines and Bank’s Board substantive audit procedures in respect of income
approved policy. recognition, asset classification and provisioning
(Refer Schedule 9 read with Note 17.2) pertaining to advances. In particular:
The Bank has net advances amounting to ` 86,30,22,859 • we have evaluated the Bank’s internal control
thousands as at 31 March 2019. Identification of system in adhering to the Relevant RBI guidelines
and provisioning for non-performing advances in and regulations;
accordance with relevant prudential norms issued
• we have evaluated key IT systems/ applications
by the RBI in respect of income recognition, asset
Directors' Report
used and tested the design and implementation as
classification and provisioning pertaining to advances
well as operational effectiveness of relevant controls,
(herein after referred as “Relevant RBI guidelines”)
including manual controls in relation to income
and as per the Bank’s Board approved policy is a key
recognition, asset classification and provisioning
audit matter due to materiality of balances involved,
pertaining to advances;
which requires management estimates, judgement,
manual interventions and level of regulatory and other • we tested a selection of advances to examine the
stakeholders focus. validity of the recorded amounts, loan documentation,
examined the statement of accounts, indicators of
Accordingly, our audit was focused on income impairment, provision for non-performing advances,
recognition, asset classification and provisioning and compliance with Relevant RBI guidelines; and
pertaining to advances.
• we evaluated the governance process and
Corporate Governance
review controls over calculations of provision of
non-performing advances, basis of provisioning
approved in accordance with the Board approved
policy by the Chief Risk Officer and Chief
Finance Officer.
We discussed the provisions made with senior
management including the Chief Executive Officer,
Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer and with those
charged with governance.
2 Accounting for Amalgamation
Our audit approach for testing of accounting of
As set out in note 17A and 18.01, the Bank completed amalgamation included in particular :
its Amalgamation with Capital First Limited, Capital
Financial Statements
First Home Finance Limited and Capital First Securities • we evaluated the Scheme of Amalgamation approved
Limited (together referred to as “the CFL Group”) with by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT);
appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date
• we evaluated appropriateness of the Bank’s selection
as December 18, 2018.
of amalgamation accounting by Purchase method
against the compliance with each of the conditions
The Bank has accounted for the amalgamation
stipulated in AS 14 - Accounting for Amalgamation;
by Purchase method as per AS 14 - Accounting
for Amalgamations. • we tested internal controls over financial reporting of
the merged entity;
The amalgamation resulted in recognition of Intangible
assets – (Brand and Goodwill) aggregating to ` 2,599.35
crore which have been subjected to accelerated
amortisation through Profit and Loss Account during the
year ended 31 March 2019.
160 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The aforesaid intangible assets have been considered • we obtained management’s workings for the
to be eligible for tax depreciation, consequently deferred accounting of the amalgamation and evaluated
tax asset has been recognised on timing difference. management’s determination of the fair value of the
net assets acquired, focusing on the valuation of
The Bank was also required to integrate internal controls intangible asset which is based on independent
over financial reporting of the merged entity. valuer’s report engaged by the Management;
• we evaluated the fair value of the acquired assets,
Due to the complexity of the transaction and the
focusing on the valuation methodologies and key
associated significant risk of misstatement involved in
assumptions applied;
• integration of internal controls over financial reporting • we evaluated the competence of independent valuer
of the merged entity; engaged by management and involved our valuation
specialists to assist in our assessment of the fair value
• assumptions and estimates required to be made by
of the acquired assets;
the Management to determine the value of Intangible
Assets which is based on independent valuer’s report • we evaluated the reasonableness of key assumptions
engaged by the management; based on our knowledge of the business and industry;
• subsequent accelerated amortisation ofthese • we evaluated the basis determined by the Management
Intangible assets; and for accelerated amortisation of Intangible Assets
through Profit and Loss Account during the year
• significant management judgements involved
ended 31 March 2019;
regarding the future profit forecasts and application
of tax laws for the recognition and measurement of • with the support of our taxation specialists we
deferred tax asset on amortised intangible assets performed evaluation of tax laws applicable to
the Bank and verification of the management’s
The Accounting for Amalgamation is considered as
assessment with respect to eligibility of intangible
key audit matter.
assets for tax depreciation;
• we evaluated management’s assessment of future
revenues and operating margins by comparing
actual results and with the help our internal valuation
specialists we assessed the reasonableness of the
revenue forecast by performing sensitivity analysis of
the growth rates compared to peer banks.
Sr. Key Audit Matter Auditor’s Response
Accordingly, our audit was focussed on key IT systems • we obtained an understanding of the Bank’s IT control
and controls along with the integration of IT systems environment and key changes if any during the audit
acquired on amalgamation, due to the pervasive nature period that may be relevant to the audit and reviewed
and complexity of the IT environment. the minutes of IT strategy committee meetings;
• we tested the design, implementation and operating
effectiveness of the Bank’s General IT controls over
the key IT systems. This included evaluation of bank’s
controls to evaluate segregation of duties and access
rights being provisioned / modified based on duly
approved requests, access for exit cases being
Directors' Report
revoked in a timely manner and access of all users
being re-certified during the period of audit;
• we also tested key automated and manual business
cycle controls, integration of IT systems of the CFL
Group with the financial reporting application of the
Bank and report logic for system generated reports
relevant to the audit; including testing of alternate
procedures to assess whether there were any
unaddressed IT risks that would materially impact the
financial statements.
Corporate Governance
Information Other than the Financial is a material misstatement therein, we are required to
Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon communicate the matter to those charged with governance
The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for preparation as required under SA 720 ‘The Auditor’s responsibilities
of the other information. The other information comprises the Relating to Other Information’.
information included in the Management Discussion and
Management’s Responsibility for the
Analysis, Board’s Report, Corporate Governance Report, Standalone Financial Statements
Chairperson’s Statement and Managing Director & Chief The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters
Executive Officer’s Statement, but does not include the stated in section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the
standalone financial statements, the Pillar III Disclosure preparation of these standalone financial statements that
under the New Capital Adequacy Framework (Basel III give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial
disclosures) and our auditor’s report thereon, which is performance and cash flows of the Bank in accordance with
expected to be made available to us after that date. the Accounting Standards and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India. This responsibility also includes
Financial Statements
• Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
not cover the other information and the Basel III disclosure with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets
and accordingly, we do not and will not express any form of the Bank and for preventing and detecting frauds and
of assurance conclusion thereon. other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate
• In connection with our audit of the standalone financial accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that
statements, our responsibility is to read the other are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls,
information is materially inconsistent with the standalone that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy
financial statements or our knowledge obtained during and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to
the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial
the course of our audit or otherwise appears to be
statement that give a true and fair view and are free from
materially misstated.
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
• When we read the Management Discussion and
Analysis, Board’s Report, Corporate Governance Report, In preparing the standalone financial statements,
Chairperson’s Statement and Managing Director & Chief management is responsible for assessing the Bank’s ability
Executive Officer’s Statement, if we conclude that there to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable,
162 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
matters related to going concern and using the going statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to
concern basis of accounting unless management either modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the
intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
no realistic alternative but to do so. Those Board of Directors report. However, future events or conditions may cause
are also responsible for overseeing the Bank’s financial the Bank to cease to continue as a going concern.
reporting process.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content
of the standalone financial statements, including the
Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of
disclosures, and whether the standalone financial
the Standalone Financial Statements
statements represent the underlying transactions and
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about
events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
whether the standalone financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud Materiality is the magnitude of misstatements in the
or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our standalone financial statements that, individually or in
opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, aggregate, makes it probable that the economic decisions
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance of a reasonably knowledgeable user of the standalone
with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it financial statements may be influenced. We consider
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are quantitative materiality and qualitative factors in (i) planning
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they the scope of our audit work and in evaluating the results
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic of our work; and (ii) to evaluate the effect of any identified
decisions of users taken on the basis of these standalone misstatements in the standalone financial statements.
financial statements.
We communicate with those charged with governance
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including
throughout the audit. We also: any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify
during our audit.
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of
the standalone financial statements, whether due to fraud We also provide those charged with governance with a
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient requirements regarding independence, and to communicate
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. with them all relationships and other matters that may
The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and
from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as where applicable, related safeguards.
fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. From the matters communicated with those charged with
• Obtain an understanding of internal financial control governance, we determine those matters that were of
relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures most significance in the audit of the standalone financial
that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section statements of the current period and are therefore the key
143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s
our opinion on whether the Bank has adequate internal report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
financial controls system in place and the operating about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
effectiveness of such controls. we determine that a matter should not be communicated
in our report because the adverse consequences of doing
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public
and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
interest benefits of such communication.
related disclosures made by the management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of Other Matters
the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the The audit of special purpose financial information of Capital
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty First Limited and its subsidiaries Capital First Home Finance
exists related to events or conditions that may cast Limited and Capital First Securities Limited (together
significant doubt on the Bank’s ability to continue as a referred to as “the CFL Group”) as at and for the period
going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty ended 30 September 2018, as considered for the merger
exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s accounting as on the appointed date, was carried out by the
report to the related disclosures in the standalone financial statutory auditors of the CFL Group.
Our Opinion is not modified in respect of this matter. of section 197(16) of the Act, as amended, in our
opinion and to the best of our information and according
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory to the explanations given to us the entity being a
Requirements banking company, section 197 of the Act related to the
1. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, and section 30 managerial remuneration is not applicable by virtue of
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 based on our audit section 35B (2A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
we report that:
j) With respect to the other matters to be included in
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of
explanations which to the best of our knowledge and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as
belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. amended in our opinion and to the best of our information
and according to the explanations given to us:
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by
Directors' Report
law have been kept by the Bank. i. The Bank has disclosed the impact of pending
litigations on its financial position in its standalone
In our opinion, the transactions of the Bank which financial statements;
have come to our notice have been within the
powers of the Bank. ii. The Bank has made provision, as required under
the applicable law or accounting standards, for
d) As explained in paragraph 2 below, the financial material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term
accounting systems of the Bank are centralised and, contracts including derivative contracts;
therefore, accounting returns are not required to be
submitted by the Branches. iii. there were no amounts which were required to
be transferred to the Investor Education and
Corporate Governance
e) The Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and Protection Fund by the Bank.
the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are
in agreement with the books of account. 2. We report that during the course of our audit we have
visited and performed select relevant procedures at 17
f) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial branches. Since the Bank considers its key operations
statements comply with the Accounting Standards to be automated, with the key applications largely
specified under Section 133 of the Act. integrated to the core banking systems, it does not
require its branches to submit any financial returns.
g) On the basis of the written representations received Accordingly, our audit is carried out centrally at the
from the directors as on 31 March 2019 taken on record Head Office and Central Processing Units based on the
by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is necessary records and data required for the purposes
disqualified as on 31 March 2019 from being appointed of the audit being made available to us.
as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
Financial Statements
h) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial Chartered Accountants
controls over financial reporting of the Bank and the (Firm’s Registration No. 117365W)
operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our
separate Report in “Annexure A”. Our report expresses
an unmodified opinion on the adequacy and operating Kalpesh J. Mehta
effectiveness of the Bank’s internal financial controls (Partner)
over financial reporting. (Membership No. 48791)
Report on The Internal Financial Controls Over controls over financial reporting were established and
Financial Reporting Under Clause (I) of sub- maintained and if such controls operated effectively in
Section 3 of Section 143 of The Companies Act, all material respects.
2013 (“The Act”)
We have audited the internal financial controls over Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
financial reporting of IDFC FIRST Bank Ltd. (“the Bank”) evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
as of 31 March 2019 in conjunction with our audit of the controls system over financial reporting and their
standalone financial statements of the Bank for the year operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial
ended on that date. controls over financial reporting included obtaining an
understanding of internal financial controls over financial
Management’s Responsibility for Internal reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness
Financial Controls exists, and testing and evaluating the design and
The Bank’s management is responsible for establishing operating effectiveness of internal control based on the
and maintaining internal financial controls based on assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the
the internal control over financial reporting criteria auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the
established by the Bank considering the essential risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
components of internal control stated in the Guidance whether due to fraud or error.
Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over
Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
Accountants of India. These responsibilities include the sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
design, implementation and maintenance of adequate opinion on the Bank’s internal financial controls system
internal financial controls that were operating effectively over financial reporting.
for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its
business, including adherence to respective Bank’s Meaning of Internal Financial Controls Over
policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention Financial Reporting
and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and A Bank’s internal financial control over financial
completeness of the accounting records, and the reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable
timely preparation of reliable financial information, as assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
required under the Companies Act, 2013, the Banking and the preparation of financial statements for external
Regulation Act, 1949 and the guidelines issued by the purposes in accordance with generally accepted
Reserve Bank of India. accounting principles. A Bank’s internal financial
control over financial reporting includes those policies
Auditor’s Responsibility and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Bank’s of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and
internal financial controls over financial reporting of fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the
the Bank based on our audit. We conducted our audit assets of the Bank; (2) provide reasonable assurance
in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit
Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting (the preparation of financial statements in accordance with
“Guidance Note”) issued by the Institute of Chartered generally accepted accounting principles, and that
Accountants of India and the Standards on Auditing receipts and expenditures of the Bank are being made
prescribed under Section 143(10) of the Companies only in accordance with authorisations of management
Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal and directors of the Bank; and (3) provide reasonable
financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
Note require that we comply with ethical requirements of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of the
and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable Bank’s assets that could have a material effect on the
assurance about whether adequate internal financial financial statements.
Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial over financial reporting were operating effectively as at
Controls Over Financial Reporting 31 March 2019, based on the criteria for internal financial
Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial control over financial reporting established by the Bank
controls over financial reporting, including the possibility considering the essential components of internal control
of collusion or improper management override of controls, stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial
material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute
and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of Chartered Accountants of India.
of the internal financial controls over financial reporting
to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS
financial control over financial reporting may become Chartered Accountants
inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the (Firm’s Registration No. 117365W)
degree of compliance with the policies or procedures
Directors' Report
may deteriorate.
Kalpesh J. Mehta
Opinion (Partner)
In our opinion, to the best of our information and according (Membership No. 48791)
to the explanations given to us, the Bank has, in all material
respects, an adequate internal financial controls system Place: Mumbai
over financial reporting and such internal financial controls Date: 10 May 2019
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
166 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Balance Sheet
as at March 31, 2019
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
Particulars Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Capital and Liabilities
Capital 1 47,816,764 34,040,749
Reserves and surplus 2 133,775,850 118,524,635
Deposits 3 704,790,087 481,982,025
Borrowings 4 699,833,902 572,870,654
Other liabilities and provisions 5 85,632,012 57,783,725
Total 1,671,848,615 1,265,201,788
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 41,495,314 30,508,556
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 54,172,456 18,409,418
Investments 8 584,753,854 612,015,342
Advances 9 863,022,859 521,648,881
Fixed assets 10 9,502,051 7,841,307
Other assets 11 118,902,081 74,778,284
Total 1,671,848,615 1,265,201,788
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in Thousands)
Year Ended Year Ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Income
Interest earned 13 119,481,724 89,300,046
Other income 14 9,385,647 11,178,927
Total 128,867,371 100,478,973
II Expenditure
Interest expended 15 87,490,834 71,319,074
Directors' Report
Operating expenses 16 & 18.01 58,867,333 16,525,943
Provisions and contingencies 18.30 1,950,987 4,040,923
Total 148,309,154 91,885,940
III Net Profit / (Loss) for the year (I-Ii) (19,441,783) 8,593,033
Balance in profit and loss account brought forward from previous 17,096,651 16,465,871
IV Amount Available for Appropriation (2,345,132) 25,058,904
V Appropriations:
Transfer to statutory reserve 18.32 - 2,150,000
Transfer from investment reserve 18.32 - (5,500)
Transfer to capital reserve 18.32 15,100 2,020,000
- 750,000
Corporate Governance
Transfer to special reserve 18.32
Transfer to investment fluctuation reserve 18.32 - -
Dividend paid (includes tax on dividend) 18.55 2,940,240 3,047,753
Balance in profit and loss account carried forward (5,300,472) 17,096,651
Total (2,345,132) 25,058,904
VI Earnings per Equity Share 18.49
(Face value ` 10 per share)
Basic (`) (4.75) 2.53
Diluted (`) (4.71) 2.52
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts 17 & 18
The schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Profit and Loss Account
Financial Statements
For Deloitte Haskins & Sells
Chartered Accountants
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
Kalpesh J. Mehta Dr. Rajiv B. Lall V. Vaidyanathan
Partner Chairman Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
(Membership No. 48791) DIN: 00131782 DIN: 00082596
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
168 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
(` in Thousands)
Year ended Year ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
A. Cash flow from operating activities
Profit / (Loss) after tax (19,441,783) 8,593,033
Add: Provision for tax (13,510,081) 1,679,966
Net profit / (loss) before taxes (32,951,864) 10,272,999
Adjustments for:
Depreciation on fixed assets 16 (V) 28,126,751 1,634,849
Amortisation of premium on held to maturity investments 1,335,469 1,135,794
Provision for / (release of) depreciation in value of investments 18.30 3,741,035 (956,000)
Write back of provision for non performing advances 18.30 (1,059,177) (5,796,120)
Write back of provision for restructured assets 18.30 (202,065) (400)
Additional / (write back) of specific provisions 18.30 551,954 (1,085,200)
Provision for standard assets 18.30 37,215 95,824
Loss on sale of loans to ARC 18.30 8,136,830 -
Bad-debts including technical / prudential write off 18.30 3,730,996 9,978,783
Other provisions and contingencies 18.30 524,388 123,971
Loss on sale of fixed assets (net) 14 (IV) 12,257 10,875
Adjustments for:
(Increase) / decrease in investments (excluding held to 35,144,987 (99,023,449)
maturity investment and investment in subsidiary)
Increase in advances (75,993,585) (30,729,113)
Increase in deposits 222,808,061 79,899,779
Increase in other assets (24,543,729) (9,205,478)
Increase / (decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 2,759,530 (12,424,087)
Direct taxes paid (net) 774,727 (3,399,440)
Net cash flow generated from / (used in) operating activities (A) 172,933,780 (59,413,413)
B Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets (2,608,504) (1,650,451)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 41,980 28,935
Increase in held to maturity investments (10,927,732) (8,566,326)
Dividend from subsidiary 669,600 111,600
Net cash flow used in investing activities (B) (12,824,656) (10,076,242)
for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in Thousands)
Year ended Year ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
C Cash flow from financing activities
Increase / (decrease) in borrowings (119,099,415) 70,248,797
Proceeds from issue of share capital (other than shares issued on 21,541 239,614
Payment of securities issue expenses (47,388) -
Payment of dividend including dividend distribution tax (net off (2,940,240) (3,047,753)
Directors' Report
dividend distribution tax paid by subsidiary)
Net cash flow generated from / (used in) financing activities (C) (122,065,502) 67,440,658
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 38,043,622 (2,048,997)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 48,917,974 51,019,971
Cash and cash equivalents acquired on amalgamation 8,706,174 -
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 95,667,770 48,970,974
Represented by:
Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 41,495,314 30,508,556
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 7 54,172,456 18,409,418
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 95,667,770 48,917,974
Corporate Governance
In terms of our report attached.
Financial Statements
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
170 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 1 - Capital^
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Authorised capital
5,325,000,000 (Previous Year - 5,000,000,000) equity shares of ` 10 each 53,250,000 50,000,000
3,800,000 (Previous Year - Nil) Preference shares of ` 100 each 380,000 -
Equity Share Capital
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
4,781,676,412 (Previous Year - 3,404,074,905) equity shares of ` 10 each, fully paid up 47,816,764 34,040,749
Total 47,816,764 34,040,749
^ During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Bank approved a merger of Capital First Limited and its wholly owned
subsidiaries, Capital First Home Finance Limited & Capital First Securities Limited (“Merging entities”) with the Bank ('IDFC - CFL Merger') in an
all-stock transaction through a Composite Scheme of Arrangement (“Scheme”). The same has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India, the
Competition Commission of India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, the respective Shareholders and Creditors of each
entities and the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), with appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date as December 18, 2018.
Accordingly, 1,377,109,057 equity shares were allotted to the eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited as per the Share Exchange
Ratio of 13.9:1 as approved in the scheme.
Also, includes 492,450 equity shares (Previous Year 5,068,721 equity shares) allotted pursuant to the exercise of options under the Employee Stock
Option Scheme.
Pursuant to Amalgamation scheme becoming effective, the authorised share capital of the Bank has increased to equity share capital of ` 5,325.00
crore (Previous Year ` 5,000.00 crore) and preference share capital of ` 38.00 crore (Previous Year Nil).
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
IV General reserve
Opening balance 6,882,161 6,882,152
Additions during the year (refer note 18.32) - 9
Deduction during the year - -
Closing balance 6,882,161 6,882,161
V Amalgamation Reserve (refer note 18.01) (2,317,951) -
Directors' Report
VI Special reserve
Opening balance 5,450,000 4,700,000
Additions during the year (refer note 18.32) - 750,000
Deduction during the year - -
Closing balance 5,450,000 5,450,000
VII Investment Fluctuation Reserve (refer note 18.32) - -
VIII Investment Reserve Account (IRA)
Opening balance - 5,500
Additions during the year - -
Deduction during the year (refer note 18.32) - (5,500)
Closing balance - -
Corporate Governance
IX Balance in Profit and Loss Account (5,300,472) 17,096,651
Total (I+II+III+IV+V+VI+VII+VIII+IX) 133,775,850 118,524,635
Schedule 3 - Deposits
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
A I Demand deposits
(i) From banks 1,694,280 1,520,653
(ii) From others 21,944,561 20,248,849
II Savings bank deposits 67,500,193 35,326,606
III Term deposits
(i) From banks 47,518,700 34,033,515
Financial Statements
(ii) From others 566,132,353 390,852,402
Total (I+Ii+Iii) 704,790,087 481,982,025
B. I Deposits of branches in India 704,790,087 481,982,025
II Deposits of branches outside India - -
Total 704,790,087 481,982,025
172 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 4 - Borrowings
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Borrowings in India
(i) Reserve Bank of India 62,500,000 94,810,000
(ii) Other banks ^ 123,960,784 38,451,964
(iii) Other institutions and agencies $ 444,691,784 419,929,623
II Borrowings outside India* 68,681,334 19,679,067
Total (I + Ii) 699,833,902 572,870,654
Secured borrowings included in I and II above ** 142,155,583 205,335,651
^ Borrowings from banks include long term infrastructure bonds of ` 281.50 crore (Previous Year ` 281.50 crore).
$ Borrowings from other institutions and agencies include long term infrastructure bonds of ` 10,152.50 crore (Previous Year ` 10,152.50 crore)
and Bonds under section 80CCF of the Income tax Act, 1961 of ` 1,690.03 crore (Previous Year ` 1,690.05 crore).
* Borrowings outside India include External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) of ` 550.88 crore (Previous Year ` 623.45 crore).
** Secured borrowings includes borrowings under Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation / Triparty Repo (TREPS), market repurchase
transactions with banks & financial institutions, transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility secured against
Government Securities.
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 7 - Balances with Banks and Money at call and short notice
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I In India
(i) Balance with banks
(a) In current accounts 6,166,390 64,319
(b) In other deposit accounts - -
Directors' Report
(ii) Money at call and short notice
(a) With banks 31,000,000 1,850,000
(b) With other institutions - 194,091
Total 37,166,390 2,108,410
II Outside India
(i) In current accounts 80,836 76,148
(ii) In other deposit accounts - 11,405,625
(iii) Money at call and short notice 16,925,230 4,819,235
Total 17,006,066 16,301,008
Grand Total (I+Ii) 54,172,456 18,409,418
Corporate Governance
Schedule 8 - Investments (Net of Provisions)
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Investments in India in:
(i) Government securities 353,849,422 387,985,608
(ii) Other approved securities - -
(iii) Shares# 1,776,289 3,709,044
(iv) Debentures and bonds 127,326,566 122,080,787
(v) Investment in subsidiaries / joint ventures* 2,324,021 2,993,621
(vi) O thers (venture capital funds, commercial papers, certificate of deposits, 99,477,556 95,246,282
security receipts, PTC etc.)
Total Investments in India 584,753,854 612,015,342
Financial Statements
II Investments Outside India in:
(i) Government securities (including local authorities) - -
(ii) Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad - -
(iii) Others - -
Total Investments outside India - -
Grand Total (I+Ii) 584,753,854 612,015,342
# Includes investments in associates
* Dividend from subsidiary out of pre-acquisition profits of ` 78.12 crore (Previous Year ` 11.16 crore) is reduced from cost of investments as per
AS ‑ 13 - Accounting for Investments.
174 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
CI Advances in India
(i) Priority sector 156,825,124 64,179,608
(ii) Public sector 10,705,977 35,199,879
(iii) Banks 2,722,896 2,415,366
(iv) Others 692,768,862 419,854,028
Total 863,022,859 521,648,881
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Additions during the year
Deductions during the year (24,814) -
Total 2,963,562 2,969,142
As at the beginning of the year 492,276 439,925
Additions on Amalgamation (refer note 18.01) - -
Charge for the year 52,038 52,351
Deductions during the year (7,481) -
Depreciation to date 536,833 492,276
Net block of premises 2,426,729 2,476,866
Corporate Governance
II Other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) (refer note 18.53)
Gross block
At cost at the beginning of the year 8,866,260 7,276,553
Additions on Amalgamation (refer note 18.01) 28,098,250 -
Additions during the year 2,339,043 1,669,206
Deductions during the year (124,853) (79,499)
TOTAL 39,178,700 8,866,260
As at the beginning of the year 3,535,693 1,992,884
Additions on Amalgamation (refer note 18.01) 917,052 -
Charge for the year (refer note 18.01) 28,074,713 1,582,498
Deductions during the year (87,950) (39,689)
Financial Statements
Depreciation to date 32,439,508 3,535,693
Net block of other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) 6,739,192 5,330,567
forming part of the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
forming part of the Profit & Loss Account for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
* Includes interest on income tax refunds amounting to ` 32.03 crore(Previous Year ` 41.23 crore).
Corporate Governance
joint venture abroad / in India *
Miscellaneous Income [including recovery from borrower on written off accounts 957,623 23,683
of ` 86.48 crore (Previous Year Nil)]
Total 9,385,647 11,178,927
* Dividend received from subsidiary out of pre-acquisition profits of ` 66.96 crore (Previous Year ` 11.16 crore) is reduced from cost of investments
as per AS - 13 - Accounting for Investments.
Financial Statements
III Others 38,749,791 41,649,018
Total 87,490,834 71,319,074
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
17 Significant accounting policies forming part extent applicable and practices generally prevalent in
of the financial statements for the year ended the banking industry in India.
March 31, 2019
C Use of estimates
A Background The preparation of financial statements in conformity
"IDFC FIRST Bank Limited ("the Bank") was incorporated with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
on October 21, 2014 as a Company under the requires the Management to make estimates and
Companies Act, 2013. Further, the Bank commenced assumptions that affects the reported amount of assets
its banking operations on October 1, 2015 after and liabilities, revenues and expenses and disclosure
receiving universal banking license from the Reserve of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial
Bank of India (‘the RBI’) on July 23, 2015. Pursuant to statements. The management believes that the
approval from shareholders and Central Government - estimates used in preparation of financial statements
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the name of the Bank has are prudent and reasonable. Actual results could differ
changed to IDFC FIRST Bank Limited and the change from those estimates and the differences between the
has been incorporated in the Second Schedule to actual results and the estimates would be recognised in
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with effect from the periods in which the results are known / materialised.
January 12, 2019.
D Significant accounting policies:
The merger of Capital First Limited and its wholly 17.1 Investments Classification:
owned subsidiaries, Capital First Home Finance In accordance with the RBI Guidelines on investment
Limited and Capital First Securities Limited (“Merging classification and valuation; Investments are classified
entities”) with IDFC Bank Limited ('IDFC - CFL Merger') into following categories:
has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India,
• Held for Trading ('HFT'),
the Competition Commission of India, the Securities
• Available for Sale ('AFS') and
and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, the
• Held to Maturity ('HTM').
respective Shareholders and Creditors of each entities
and the National Company Law Tribunal ('NCLT'), with
Transfer of securities between categories of investments
appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date
is accounted as per the RBI guidelines. However, for
as December 18, 2018. Accordingly, the scheme has
disclosure in the Balance Sheet, investments in India
been given effect to in the financial results for the year
are classified under six categories - Government
ended March 31, 2019 and it includes results for the
Securities, Other approved securities, Shares,
merged entity for the period from October 1, 2018 to
Debentures and Bonds, Investment in Subsidiaries/Joint
March 31, 2019.
Ventures and Others.
The Bank has 242 branches and 102 Banking Outlets
Basis of classification and accounting:
in India. The Bank's shares are listed on National Stock
Investments that are held principally for resale within
Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited.
90 days from the date of purchase are classified under
HFT category. Further, as per the RBI guidelines, HFT
B Basis of preparation
securities, which remain unsold for a period of 90 days
The financial statements have been prepared based
are reclassified to AFS category. Investments which
on historical cost convention and accrual basis of
the Bank intends to hold till maturity are classified as
accounting in accordance with the requirements
HTM securities. Investments which are not classified
prescribed under Section 29 and third schedule of the
in either of the above categories are classified under
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and in conformity with
AFS category. Investments in the equity of subsidiaries
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India
/ joint ventures are categorised as HTM in accordance
to comply with the statutory requirements prescribed
with the RBI guidelines. Investments are recorded on
under the circulars and guidelines issued by the RBI
value date except for equity shares which are recorded
from time to time and the Accounting Standards notified
on trade date.
under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, to the
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
/ sale of instrument) on debt instrument is treated as Deposits being discounted instruments, are valued
a revenue item. at carrying cost. Accretion of discount on discounted
Money Market Securities is computed on straight
Valuation: line method and for long term discounted securities,
Investments classified under HTM category are constant YTM method is used.
carried at their acquisition cost and not marked to • Security receipts (SR) are valued as per NAV as
market. Any premium on acquisition is amortised provided by the Reconstruction Company ('RC') /
over the remaining maturity period of the security Securitization Company (SC).
on a straight line method basis, while discount is not • Units of Venture Capital Funds (‘VCF’) and Alternate
accreted. Such amortisation of premium is adjusted Investment Fund ('AIF') held under AFS category are
against interest income under the head “Income from marked to market based on the NAV provided by
Corporate Governance
investments” as per the RBI guidelines. Any diminution, VCF/AIF based on the latest audited financial statements.
other than temporary, in the value of investments in In case the audited financials are not available for a
HTM Category is provided. period beyond 18 months, the investments are valued
at ` 1 per VCF/AIF. Banks’ investments in units of
Investments classified under AFS and HFT categories VCFs is classified under HTM for an initial period of
are marked to market as per the extant RBI guidelines. three years and valued at cost during this period, in
Traded investments are valued based on the trades accordance with the RBI guidelines.
/ quotes on the recognised stock exchanges, or • Priority Sector pass through certificates ('PTCs') are
prices/yields declared by Primary Dealers Association valued at book value as per FIMMDA guidelines.
of India ('PDAI') jointly with Fixed Income Money Market
and Derivatives Association (‘FIMMDA’) / Financial Investments in subsidiaries are categorised as HTM
Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd. (‘FBIL’), periodically. and assessed for impairment to determine permanent
diminution, if any, in accordance with the RBI guidelines.
• The market value of unquoted government Dividend received from pre-acquisition profits is
Financial Statements
securities which qualify for determining the Statutory reduced from cost of investments as per AS - 13 -
Liquidity Ratio (‘SLR’) included in the AFS and HFT Accounting for Investments.
categories is computed as per the prices published
by FIMMDA / FBIL. Securities are valued script wise and depreciation
• Special bonds such as oil bonds, DISCOM bonds, / appreciation is aggregated for each category.
fertilizer bonds etc. that do not qualify for SLR are Net depreciation, if any, compared to the acquisition
valued using the prices published by FIMMDA / cost, in any of the categories, is charged to the Profit
FBIL by applying the appropriate mark up above the and Loss Account. The net appreciation in each
corresponding yield on GOI securities. category, if any, is not recognised except to the extent
• The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities of depreciation already provided. The valuation of
(viz. State Government securities, Other approved investments includes securities under repo transactions.
securities, Bonds and Debentures) and preference
shares, wherever linked to the YTM rates, is done with Non-performing investments ('NPI') are identified and
a mark-up (reflecting associated credit and liquidity depreciation / provision is made thereon based on the
risk) over the YTM rates for government securities RBI guidelines. The depreciation / provision against
published by FIMMDA / FBIL. For Tax-free bonds, the NPI is not set off against the appreciation in respect of
180 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
other performing securities. Interest on non-performing along with other securities in that category and loss, if
investments is recognised on cash basis. any, is charged to the Profit and Loss Account while gain,
if any, is ignored. Profit / loss on settlement of the short
As a prudent risk measure, specific provision position are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
against identified investments are made based on
management’s assessment of impairment based Repo and Reverse Repo Transaction:
on qualitative factors, subject to minimum provision In accordance with the RBI guidelines Repo and
determined under FIMMDA valuation guidelines. Reverse Repo transactions in government securities
These provisions are netted off from carrying value of and corporate debt securities, including transactions
such investments. conducted under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (‘LAF’)
and Marginal Standby Facility (‘MSF’) with RBI are
Investment Fluctuation Reserve ('IFR'): reflected as borrowing and lending transactions
The RBI has advised banks to create an Investment respectively. Borrowing cost on repo transactions is
Fluctuation Reserve ('IFR') with effect from FY 2018-19. accounted as interest expense and revenue on reverse
Accordingly, an amount not less than the lower of net repo transactions are accounted as interest income.
profit on sale of investments during the year or net profit
for the year less mandatory appropriations shall be 17.2 Advances
transferred to the IFR, until the amount of IFR is at least In accordance with the RBI guidelines, advances
2 percent of the HFT and AFS portfolio, on a continuing are classified as performing and non-performing.
basis. Where feasible, this should be achieved within a Non-Performing advances ('NPA') are further
period of 3 years. classified as Sub-Standard, Doubtful and Loss
Assets in accordance with the RBI guidelines on
Further, the Bank may, at its discretion, draw down Income Recognition and Asset Classification ('IRAC').
the balance available in IFR in excess of 2 percent of In addition, based on extant environment or specific
its HFT and AFS portfolio, for credit to the balance of information on risk of possible slippages or current
profit/loss as disclosed in the profit and loss account pattern of servicing, the Bank makes provision on
at the end of any accounting year. In the event the specific advances which are classified as standard
balance in the IFR is less than 2 percent of the HFT advances as these are not non-performing advances
and AFS investment portfolio, a draw down is permitted ('identified advances'). Advances are stated net of
subject to the following conditions: provisions against NPA, specific provisions against
identified advances, provisions for non-performing
(a) The drawn down amount is used only for meeting funded interest term loan and provisions in lieu of
the minimum Common Equity Tier 1/Tier 1 capital diminution in the fair value of restructured asset.
requirements by way of appropriation to free
reserves or reducing the balance of loss and The Bank may transfer advances through inter-bank
participation with and without risk. In accordance with
(b) The amount drawn down is not more than the extent the RBI guidelines, in the case of participation with
the MTM provisions made during the aforesaid risk, the aggregate amount of the participation issued
year exceed the net profit on sale of investments by the Bank is reduced from advances and where the
during that year. Bank is participating, the aggregate amount of the
participation is classified under advances. In the case
IFR is eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 capital. of participation without risk, the aggregate amount of
participation issued by the Bank is classified under
Short sales: borrowings and where the Bank is participating, the
The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in Central aggregate amount of participation is shown as due
Government dated securities in accordance with the from banks under advances.
RBI guidelines and these are shown under Schedule
8 - Investments. The short position is marked to market The Bank makes general provisions on all standard
advances and restructured advances based on the
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
rates under each category of advance as prescribed outside the IBC framework. As per the revised framework
by the RBI. In addition, the Bank makes provisions for in case of restructuring, the accounts classified as
standard assets in telecom sector (as defined by RBI) standard shall be immediately downgraded as NPAs.
and other stressed sectors, at rates higher than the The NPAs, upon restructuring, would continue to have
regulatory minimum, based on evaluation of risk and the same asset classification as prior to restructuring.
stress as per the Board approved policy. The provision In both cases, the asset classification shall continue to
on standard advances is not reckoned for arriving at be governed by the ageing criteria as per extant IRAC
net NPAs. The provision against standard advances guidelines. These are upgraded to standard only after
(other than provision against identified advances) is satisfaction of certain payment and rating threshold
Directors' Report
shown separately as “Contingent Provisions against criteria specified in the Framework.
Standard Assets” under “Schedule 5 - Other Liabilities”.
Any additional finance approved under the RP (including
In case of corporate loans, specific loan loss provisions any resolution plan approved by the Adjudicating
in respect of identified advances and non-performing Authority under IBC) may be treated as 'standard
advances are made based on the management’s asset' during the specified period under the approved
assessment of the degree of impairment, subject to RP, provided the account performs satisfactorily
the minimum provisioning level prescribed by the RBI. during the specified period. If the restructured asset
The Bank can provide additional specific provision on fails to perform satisfactorily during the specified
standard advances at higher than prescribed rates as period or does not qualify for upgradation at the end
a prudent risk measure. These provisions are reviewed of the specified period, the additional finance shall be
Corporate Governance
and reassessed at least once in a year. Provision on placed in the same asset classification category as the
/ write off of homogeneous retail loans and advances, restructured debt.
subject to minimum provisioning requirement of
the RBI, is assessed on the basis of ageing of loans
The RBI has issued guidelines on enhancing
as prescribed in the Board approved policy of the credit supply for Large Borrowers through Market
Bank. Provision due to diminution in the fair value of Mechanism dated August 25, 2016. The said
restructured/rescheduled loans and advances is made guidelines are applicable to exposure on all single
in accordance with the applicable the RBI guidelines. counterparties of the Bank.
The RBI has revised ‘Framework for Resolution of The guidelines came into effect from the financial
Stressed Assets’ and extant instructions on resolution year 2017-18 onwards for identification of specified
of stressed assets such as Framework for Revitalising borrowers. The bank’s incremental exposures from FY
Distressed Assets, Corporate Debt Restructuring 2018-19 onwards to the specified borrowers exceeding
Scheme, Flexible Structuring of Existing Long-Term the Net Permitted Lending Limits ('NPLL') will attract
Financial Statements
Project Loans, Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme prudential measures.
('SDR'), Change in Ownership outside SDR, and Scheme
for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets ('S4A') Incremental Exposure of the Banking System to a
stand withdrawn from February 12, 2018. Also, Joint specified borrower beyond NPLL shall be deemed
Lenders Forum ('JLF') as an institutional mechanism for to carry higher risk which shall be recognized by
resolution of stressed accounts stands discontinued. way of additional standard asset provisioning and
higher risk weights.
As per the revised framework, the Bank is required
to form a Resolution Plan ('RP') for a borrower who In the event of substantial erosion in value of loan and
defaults in repayment of debt. Asset classification and remote possibility of collection, non performing loans
provisioning in respect of exposure to borrower entities with adequate provisions are evaluated for technical /
against whom insolvency applications are filed under prudential write off based on Bank’s policy and the RBI
the IBC shall be as per the extant IRAC guidelines. guidelines. Such write off does not have an impact on
the Bank’s legal claim against the borrower. The Bank
The RBI has also revised prudential norms applicable to may also write off non performing loans on one time
any restructuring, whether under the IBC framework or settlement ('OTS') with the borrower or otherwise.
182 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Amounts recovered from borrowers against debts Interest Income on coupon bearing securities is
written off is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. recognised over the tenure of the instrument on a
straight line method and on non-coupon bearing
Provision for Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure securities over the tenure on yield basis. Any premium
of borrowers is made as per the RBI guidelines and on acquisition of securities held under HTM category
disclosed under Contingent Provision against Standard is amortised over the remaining maturity period of the
Assets. In addition to the provisions required to be held security on a straight line method basis.
according to the asset classification status, provisions
are held for individual country exposure (other than for Dividend on equity shares, preference shares and on
home country as per the RBI guidelines). The countries mutual fund units is recognised as income when the
are categorised into seven risk categories as right to receive the dividend is established.
mentioned in the ECGC guidelines namely insignificant,
low, moderate, high, very high, restricted and off-credit Fees and charges:
and provision is made on exposures exceeding 180 Loan originating fees, when it becomes due, is
days on a graded scale ranging from 0.25% to 100%. recognised upfront as income. Arrangership /
For exposures with contractual maturity of less than syndication fee is accounted on completion of
180 days, 25% of the normal provision requirement the agreed service and when right to receive is
is held. If the country exposure (net) of the Bank in established. Fee and commission income is recognised
respect of each country does not exceed 1% of the as income when due and reasonable right of recovery
total funded assets, no provision is maintained on such is established and can be reliably measured.
country exposure.
Commission received on guarantees and letter of
17.3 Revenue recognition credit issued is recognised on straight line basis
Interest income: over the period of the contract or the period for which
Interest Income is recognised on accrual basis in commission is received except for commission not
the Profit and Loss Account, except in the case of exceeding ` 25 lacs which is recognised at the time of
Non-Performing Assets ('NPAs') and identified stressed issuance of the guarantee or letter of credit.
advances, where it is recognised upon realisation.
The unrealised interest, fees and charges booked in Fee on rescheduling of outstanding debt is recognised
respect of NPAs and identified stressed advances and on accrual basis over the period of time covered by the
any other facility given to the same borrower is reversed rescheduled extension period.
to the Profit and Loss and subsequent interest income
is accounted into interest suspense. Underwriting commission earned to the extent not
reduced from the cost of the securities is recognised
The unrealized interest represented by Funded as fees on closure of issue.
Interest Term Loan ('FITL') is reversed in Profit & Loss
Account with the corresponding credit in Sundry All other fees and charges is recognised as and when
Liabilities Account - Interest Capitalization account. they become due and revenue can be reliably measured
Interest income is booked in Profit & Loss account upon and reasonable right of recovery is established.
realization, by debiting the sundry liabilities account.
Subvention income on loans is recognised as income Profit / loss on sale of investments under the HTM, AFS
over the tenor of the loan agreements. The unamortized and HFT categories are recognised in the Profit and
balance is disclosed as part of other liabilities. Loss Account. The profit from sale of investment under
On foreclosure, balance unamortised subvention HTM category, is appropriated from Profit and Loss
income is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Account to “Capital Reserve” (net of applicable taxes
Income on retained interest in the assigned asset, if any, and transfer to Statutory Reserve) in accordance with
is accounted on accrual basis except in case of NPAs the RBI guidelines.
wherein interest income is recognised upon realisation.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Exchange gain or loss arising on account of revaluation In case of a purchase transaction the bank buys the
of monetary assets and liabilities is recognised in the fulfillment of priority sector obligation and in case of a
Profit and Loss Account as per the revaluation rates sale transaction, the bank sells the fulfillment of priority
published by Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association of sector obligation through the RBI trading platform
India ('FEDAI'). without any transfer of underlying risk or loan assets.
Fees paid for purchase of the PSLCs is recorded as
Other operating income: ‘Other Expenditure’ and fees received for the sale of
Securitisation transactions: PSLCs is recorded as ‘Miscellaneous Income’ in Profit
"Net income arising on account of sale of standard asset, and Loss Account.
Directors' Report
being the difference between the sale consideration and
book value, is amortised over the life of the securities 17.5 Transactions involving foreign exchange
issued by the Special Purpose Vehicle ('SPV'). Any loss Foreign currency income and expenditure items of
arising on account of sale is recognised in the Profit domestic operations are translated at the exchange
and Loss Account in the year in which the sale occurs. rates prevailing on the date of the transaction.
In case of Non-Performing Assets sold to Securitisation Monetary foreign currency assets and liabilities
Company ('SC') / Reconstruction Company ('RC') of domestic and integral foreign operations are
for cash, excess provision is reversed to Profit and translated at closing exchange rates notified by FEDAI.
Loss Account. Any loss arising on account of sale is The resulting gain or loss on revaluation are included in
recognised in the Profit and Loss Account in the year the Profit and Loss Account in accordance with the RBI
in which the sale occurs. If sale is against issuance of / FEDAI guidelines. The forward exchange contracts of
Corporate Governance
SRs by SC / RC, the sale will be recognised at lower of longer maturities where exchange rates are not notified
redemption value of SRs and net book value of financial by FEDAI are revalued at the forward exchange rates
asset sold. On realisation, the proceeds are reduced implied by the swap curves in respective currencies.
against the carrying value of SRs and surplus, if any, is The resultant gains or losses are recognized in the
recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. " Profit and Loss Account.
With effect from April 1, 2018 investments in SRs by Contingent liabilities on account of forward exchange
more than 10 percent of the SRs backed by the assets and derivative contracts, guarantees, acceptances,
sold and issued under the scheme of securitization, endorsements and other obligations denominated in
provisioning requirement on SRs will be higher of foreign currencies are disclosed at closing rates of
provisioning rate required in terms of net asset value exchange notified by FEDAI.
declared by the SCs/RCs or provisioning rate as
applicable to the underlying loans, assuming that the 17.6 Accounting for derivative transactions
loans notionally continued in the books. Derivative transactions comprises of forward contracts,
Financial Statements
futures, swaps and options. The Bank undertakes
Direct Assignments: derivative transactions for trading and hedging
Profit / premium arising on account of sale of on-balance sheet assets and liabilities. All trading
standard asset, being the difference between the sale transactions are marked to market and resultant gain or
consideration and book value, is amortised over the loss is recognized in the Profit and Loss Account.
residual life of the loan. Any loss arising on account of
sale is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account in the For hedge transactions, the Bank identifies the hedged
year in which the sale occurs. In case of gain on sale item (asset or liability) and assesses the effectiveness
of non-performing assets, the excess provision shall at inception as well as at each reporting date.
not be reversed but will be utilised to meet the shortfall Funding swaps are accounted in accordance with FEDAI
/ loss on account of sale of other non-performing guidelines. The Hedge swaps and funding swaps are
financial assets and shortfall if any is charged to the accounted on accrual basis except the swap designated
Profit and Loss Account. with an asset or liability that is carried at lower of cost or
market value in the financial statements. In such cases
17.4 Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) swaps are marked to market with the resulting gain or
The bank may enter into transactions for the purchase loss recorded as an adjustment to the market value of
or sale of Priority Sector Lending Certificates ('PSLCs'). designated asset or liability. Any resultant profit or loss
184 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
on termination of hedge swaps is amortized over the life at deal level, i.e. Gross Positive MTM after netting of
of the swap or underlying liability whichever is shorter. margin to the extent of Positive MTM. The credit exposure
Upon ineffectiveness of hedge on re-assessment or reckoned for standard provisioning on QCCP is
termination of underlying, the Bank shall de-designate calculated at counterparty level i.e. Net Positive MTM.
the derivative as trade.
17.7 Fixed assets and depreciation
Premium / discount on currency swaps undertaken Fixed assets are carried at cost of acquisition
to hedge foreign currency assets and liabilities and less accumulated depreciation and impairment,
funding swaps is recognized as interest income / if any. Cost includes freight, duties, taxes and
expense on accrual basis and is amortized on a incidental expenses related to the acquisition and
pro-rata basis over the underlying swap period. installation of the asset.
Premium in option transaction is recognized as Capital work-in-progress includes cost of fixed assets
income / expense on expiry or early termination of that are not ready for their intended use and also
the transaction. Mark to market gain / loss (adjusted include advances paid to acquire fixed assets.
for premium received / paid on options contracts) is
recorded as other income. The amounts received / Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life
paid on cancellation of option contracts are recognized of a fixed asset on a straight-line basis. The rates of
as realized gain / loss on options. Pursuant to the depreciation for fixed assets, which are not lower than
RBI guidelines, any receivables under derivative
the rates prescribed in Part C of Schedule II of the
contracts which remain overdue for more than 90 days
Companies Act, 2013, are given below:
and mark-to-market gains on all derivative contracts
with the same counter-parties are reversed in Profit
Asset Estimated Useful Life
and Loss Account.
Building – RCC Frame 60 Years
Currency futures contracts are marked-to-market using Building – Other than RCC Frame 30 Years
daily settlement price on a trading day, which is the Computers – Desktops, Laptops, 3 Years
closing price of the respective futures contracts on that End User Devices
day. All open positions are marked to market based on Computers – Server & Network 6 Years
the settlement price and the resultant marked to market Vehicles 4 Years
profit/loss settled with the exchange. Charges receivable Furniture 10 Years
/ payable on cancellation / termination of foreign Office Equipment 5 Years
exchange forward contracts is recognized as income / Over the extended
Leasehold Improvements period of lease
expense on the date of cancellation / termination under
‘Other Income’. Others (including software and 5 years
system development)
Valuation of Exchange Traded Currency Options
('ETCO') is carried out on the basis of the daily Depreciation on Vehicles and mobile phone is higher
settlement price of each individual option provided by than the rates prescribed under the Schedule II of the
the exchange and valuation of Interest Rate Futures Companies Act, 2013, based on the internal assessment
('IRF') is carried out on the basis of the daily settlement of the useful life of these assets.
price of each contract provided by the exchange.
Fixed assets individually costing less than ` 5,000 are
As per the RBI guidelines on ‘Prudential Norms for Off fully depreciated in the year of installation.
Balance Sheet Exposures of Banks’ a general provision
is made on the current gross MTM gain of the contract The Bank has accounted for the intangibles acquired
for all outstanding interest rate and foreign exchange and arising on account of IDFC-CFL merger as
derivative transactions. For provisioning purpose, per Accounting Standard 14 on 'Accounting for
the credit exposure for all the counterparties except Amalgamations' and as per the specific provisions
Qualified Central Counter Party ('QCCP') are calculated of the scheme.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Under AS 14, the goodwill arising on amalgamation deferred tax assets / liabilities is recognised in the Profit
should be amortised over period not exceeding and Loss Account.
five years unless a longer period can be justified.
However, in view of restriction under Section 15 of 17.9 Employee stock option scheme
the Banking Regulation Act 1949 to declare dividend The Bank has formulated Employees' Stock Option
in the event a bank carries intangible assets such Scheme - IDFC FIRST Bank Limited ESOS -2015 (‘the
as goodwill on its Balance Sheet, as a prudent Scheme’) in accordance with the SEBI (Employee
measure, the intangible assets acquired or arising on Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase
amalgamation have been fully amortised through Profit Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The scheme provides for
Directors' Report
and Loss Account." the grant of options to acquire equity shares of the Bank
to its employees. The options granted to employees
Depreciation on assets sold during the year is vest in a graded manner and these may be exercised
recognized on a pro-rata basis to the Profit and Loss by the employees within a specified period.
Account till the date of sale. Profit on sale of premises net
of taxes and transfer to statutory reserve is appropriated The Bank follows the intrinsic value method to account
to Capital Reserve as per the RBI guidelines. for its stock-based employee compensation plans.
Compensation cost is measured by the excess, if
17.8 Income tax any, of the market price of the underlying stock over
Income tax expense is the aggregate amount of current the grant price as determined under the option
tax and deferred tax charge. The current tax expense plan. Compensation cost, if any is amortized over
Corporate Governance
and deferred tax expense is determined in accordance the vesting period on a straight line method. In case
with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and as the vested stock options expire unexercised, the
per Accounting Standard 22 - Accounting for Taxes on balance in stock options outstanding is transferred
Income respectively. to the general reserve. In case the unvested stock
options get lapsed/cancelled, the balance in stock
Deferred income taxes reflects the impact of current option outstanding account is transferred to the Profit
year timing differences between taxable income and and Loss Account.
accounting income for the year and reversal of timing
differences of earlier years. Deferred tax assets and 17.10 Employee benefits
liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws Defined contribution plan:
that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the The contribution to provident fund, superannuation fund
Balance Sheet date. and pension fund are considered as defined plans and
are charged to the Profit and Loss Account as they fall
Current tax assets and liabilities and deferred tax due, based on the amount of contribution required to
Financial Statements
assets and liabilities are off-set when they relate to be made and when services are rendered.
income taxes levied by the same taxation authority,
when the Bank has a legal right to off-set and when the Defined benefit plan:
Bank intends to settle on a net basis. The net present value of obligations towards gratuity to
employees is actuarially determined as at the Balance
Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent Sheet based on the projected unit credit method.
there is reasonable certainty that the assets can Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in the Profit
be realized in future. In case of history of tax losses, and Loss Account for the year.
deferred tax assets on unabsorbed depreciation
or carried forward loss under taxation laws are Compensated absences:
recognized only if there is virtual certainty of realization Based on the leave rules of the Bank, employees are
of such assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at not permitted to accumulate leave for encashment.
each balance sheet date and appropriately adjusted Any unavailed privilege leave to the extent encashable
to reflect the amount that is reasonably / virtually is subsequently paid to the employees and charged to
certain to be realized. The impact of changes in the the Profit and Loss Account for the year.
186 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
estimated and impairment is recognised wherever the be immediately recognised in Profit and Loss Account.
carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable However, the banks have an option to make provisions
amount. The recoverable amount is the greater of the over a period, not exceeding four quarters, commencing
net selling price and its value in use, which is arrived from the quarter in which the fraud has been detected.
at by discounting the future cash flows to their present
value, based on an appropriate discounting factor. 17.18 Cash and cash equivalents
If at the Balance Sheet date, there is an indication that Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand,
previously recognised impairment loss no longer exists, balances with the RBI, balances with other banks and
the recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset money at call and short notice.
Directors' Report
is reflected at the recoverable amount, subject to a
maximum of the depreciable historical cost and reversal 17.19 Corporate social responsibility
of such impairment loss is recognised in the Profit and Spends towards corporate social responsibility, in
Loss Account, except in case of revalued assets. accordance with Companies Act, 2013, are recognised
in the Profit and Loss Account.
17.17 Fraud Provisioning
As per the RBI guidelines, in case of frauds due to the
Bank or for which the Bank is liable, provision needs to
Corporate Governance
Financial Statements
188 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18 Notes forming part of the financial statements issued and paid up equity share capital of the Bank
for the year ended March 31, 2019 increased to ` 4,781.52 crore (4,781,521,604 equity
Amounts in notes forming part of the financial statements shares of ` 10 each).
for the year ended March 31, 2019 are denominated in
` crore to conform with the extant RBI guidelines. The IDFC-CFL Merger has been accounted under the
‘Purchase Method’ as per Accounting Standard 14 on
18.01 'Accounting for Amalgamations' and as per the specific
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (Formerly 'IDFC Bank provisions of the Scheme. Accordingly, net assets
Limited') ("the Bank") was incorporated on October 21, of erstwhile Capital First Limited and its subsidiaries
2014 as a Company under the Companies Act, 2013. aggregating to ` 2,752.98 crore as at appointed date
Further, the Bank commenced its banking operations has been recorded by the Bank at their fair values
on October 1, 2015 after receiving universal banking as determined by an independent valuer. In view
license from the Reserve Bank of India (‘the RBI’) on of the share swap ratio of 13.9:1, the Bank issued
July 23, 2015. Pursuant to approval from shareholders 1,377,109,057 equity shares as purchase consideration
and Central Government - Ministry of Corporate Affairs, at fair value. The difference between the purchase
the name of the Bank has changed to IDFC FIRST Bank consideration and fair value of net assets is represented
Limited and the change has been incorporated in the by Goodwill on amalgamation of ` 2,390.53 crore and
Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, recorded accordingly.
1934 with effect from January 12, 2019.
Details of fair values of net assets acquired on
During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Board of account of IDFC-CFL Merger are given below:
Directors of the Bank approved a merger of Capital
First Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Capital Particulars ` in crore
First Home Finance Limited & Capital First Securities Cash and bank balances 870.62
Limited (“Merging entities”) with the Bank ('IDFC - CFL Loans and advances 27,653.89
Merger') in an all-stock transaction through a Composite Fixed Assets 123.98
Scheme of Arrangement (“Scheme”). The same has Brand 208.82
been approved by the Reserve Bank of India, the Investments 270.19
Competition Commission of India, the Securities Deferred tax assets (Net) 209.79
and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, the Other Assets 485.11
respective Shareholders and Creditors of each entities Total Assets 29,822.40
and the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), with Borrowings 24,606.27
appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date Provisions 596.54
as December 18, 2018. Accordingly, the Scheme has Other Liabilities 1,866.46
been given effect to in the financial results for the year Share Application Money Pending 0.15
ended March 31, 2019 and it includes results for the Allotment
Merging entities for the period from October 1, 2018 Total Liabilities 27,069.42
to March 31, 2019. The Bank has sought dispensation Net Assets Acquired 2,752.98
from the Reserve Bank of India to grandfather certain Sale Consideration 5,143.51
operational aspects of financial products which were - Share Capital 1,377.11
permitted to the erstwhile Capital First Limited as - Share Premium 3,766.40
Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC). This has no Goodwill on Amalgamation 2,390.53
impact on the results.
Under Section 15 of the Banking Regulation Act
The Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting 1949, banks are restricted from declaring dividend
held on January 5, 2019 approved the allotment of in the event a bank carries intangible assets on its
1,377,109,057 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each, Balance Sheet. Therefore, while the Bank has acquired
fully paid-up, to the eligible equity shareholders of intangibles as part of the merger and continues to have
erstwhile Capital First Limited based on record date of access to these intangibles, as a prudent measure, the
December 31, 2018, as per the Share Exchange Ratio Bank fully amortised such intangibles through profit
of 13.9:1 as approved in the scheme. Accordingly, the
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
and loss account in FY 2018-19. This accelerated the Bank by a corresponding debit to 'Amalgamation
amortisation charge to profit and loss account for the Adjustment Account’ which is disclosed as a part of
year of ` 2,599.35 crore is exceptional in nature and ‘Reserve and Surplus’ in the balance sheet.
resulted in loss for the year.
Details of Statutory Reserves of eCFL recorded in the
Statutory reserves created by erstwhile Capital First books of the Bank are as under:
Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries (eCFL) prior
to the appointed date pursuant to the requirements of Particulars ` in crore
applicable statute and are required to be maintained
Directors' Report
Special Reserve under Section 45-IC 226.30
under those statute, are transferred to the Bank in the of the RBI Act
same form in which they appeared in the financials Special Reserve under Section 29C 5.50
statements of the respective entities. The statutory of the NHB Act
reserves are recorded in the financials statements of Total 231.80
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Tier I capital 17,373.23 14,948.76
Corporate Governance
of which common equity tier I capital 17,373.23 14,948.76
Tier II capital 219.16 271.69
Total capital 17,592.39 15,220.45
Total Risk Weighted Assets 113,745.82 84,581.50
Common equity Tier I capital ratio (%) 15.28% 17.68%
Tier I capital ratio (%) 15.28% 17.68%
Tier II capital ratio (%) 0.19% 0.32%
Total capital ratio (CRAR) (%) 15.47% 18.00%
Percentage of the shareholding of the Government of India 5.47% 7.68%
Amount of equity capital raised* - -
Amount of additional Tier I capital raised; of which
Perpetual non cumulative preference shares - -
Perpetual debt instruments - -
Amount of Tier II capital raised; of which
Financial Statements
Debt capital instrument - -
Preference share capital instruments - -
* The Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting held on January 5, 2019 approved the allotment of 1,377,109,057 equity shares of face value
of ` 10 each, fully paid-up, to the eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited based on record date of December 31, 2018,
as per the Share Exchange Ratio of 13.9:1 as approved in the scheme. Accordingly, the paid up equity share capital of the Bank increased
to ` 4,781.52 crore (4,781,521,604 equity shares of ` 10 each).
190 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18.04 Investments
I Value of investments:
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
i. Gross value of investments
a. In India 60,287.28 62,639.32
b. Outside India - -
ii Provisions for depreciation
a. In India (1,811.89) (1,437.79)
b. Outside India - -
iii Net value of investments
a. In India 58,475.39 61,201.53
b. Outside India - -
II Movement of provisions held towards depreciation on investments (including provision towards non-performing
investments and specific provision against identified investments)
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Opening balance 1,437.79 1,533.39
Add: Provisions made during the year 436.70 113.86
Less: Write-back of provisions during the year (62.60) (209.46)
Closing balance 1,811.89 1,437.79
In accordance with RBI circular DBR.No.BP.BC.113/21.04.048/2017-18 dated June 15, 2018, the Bank had exercised
the option in Q1 FY 2018‑19 to spread MTM loss on investment in Available For Sale (AFS) and Held For Trading (HFT)
portfolio equally over four quarters. Accordingly, the Bank had provided for MTM loss of ` 19.80 crore for the quarter
ended June 30, 2018 and MTM loss of ` 59.40 crore was spread over remaining quarters of FY 2018-19. There was no
unamortised portion in balance sheet as on March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Securities sold under repo
i Government securities 1,232.98 19,770.66 7,136.63 8,804.07
ii Corporate debt securities - - - -
Securities purchased under reverse
i Government securities - 2,946.38 612.89 2,946.38
ii Corporate debt securities - - - -
Corporate Governance
Securities sold under repo
i Government securities 3,034.88 19,770.66 12,896.06 19,770.66
ii Corporate debt securities - - - -
Financial Statements
securities securities securities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Public sector 1,033.42 215.61 - - ß
ii Financial institutions 7,800.26 5,670.18 - 88.40 284.14
iii Banks 535.85 535.85 - 27.36 27.36
iv Private corporates 5,132.65 5,129.56 - 1,188.49 1,438.48
Subsidiaries / joint 232.40 232.40 - 232.40 232.40
vi Others 10,167.75 10,167.75 - 549.65 10,167.75
Provision held towards (1,811.89)
Total 23,090.44 21,951.35 - 2,086.30 12,150.13
Amounts reported under columns (4), (5), (6) and (7) above are not mutually exclusive.
* excludes investment in excess SLR government securities of ` 11,473.99 crore.
192 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
During the year ended March 31, 2019, the value of sales / transfers of securities to / from HTM category
(excluding one-time transfer of securities permitted to be undertaken by banks at the beginning of the
accounting year and with approval of the Board of Directors and sales to the RBI under open market operation
auctions) did not exceed 5% of the book value of investments held in HTM category at the beginning of the year.
During the year ended March 31, 2018, the value of sales / transfers of securities to / from HTM category (excluding
one-time transfer of securities permitted to be undertaken by banks at the beginning of the accounting year and with
approval of the Board of Directors and sales to the RBI under open market operation auctions) exceeded 5% of the
book value of investments held in HTM category at the beginning of the year.
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Market value of investments held in HTM category N.A. 15,199.97
Excess of book value over market value for which provision is not made N.A. 247.59
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
* Concentration of credit risk (basis CEM) arising from swaps is with bank counterparties.
The nature and terms of the IRS as on March 31, 2019 are set out below:
(` in crore)
Nature No. of deals Notional principal Benchmark Terms
Trading 1,126 52,131.63 INROIS Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Trading 1,097 98,707.89 INROIS Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Trading 121 16,082.92 USD LIBOR Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Trading 83 21,328.62 USD LIBOR Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Corporate Governance
Trading 1 54.37 EURIBOR Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Trading 1 54.37 EURIBOR Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Trading 73 3,307.25 INRMIFOR Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Trading 35 2,525.00 INRMIFOR Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Total 2,537 194,192.05
The nature and terms of the IRS as on March 31, 2018 are set out below:
(` in crore)
Nature No. of deals Notional principal Benchmark Terms
Trading 793 37,701.11 INROIS Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Trading 331 27,113.97 INROIS Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Trading 72 12,374.82 USD LIBOR Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Trading 48 16,958.07 USD LIBOR Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Financial Statements
Trading 39 1,747.25 INRMIFOR Pay Floating/Receive Fixed
Trading 33 1,750.00 INRMIFOR Pay Fixed/Receive Floating
Total 1,316 97,645.22
194 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
ii Treasury Sale Desk is a customer centric desk that caters to customers’ requirements in FX and Derivatives
products subject to regulatory and internal requirements. Product offering to the clients is based on Suitability
and Appropriateness policy of the Bank as well as by the extant RBI guidelines. The policy ensures that the
product being offered by the Bank are in sync with the nature of the underlying risk sought to be hedged giving
due regard to the risk appetite of the customer and understanding of the risk by the customer. Market Risk
exposures of clients arising out of FX and Derivative transactions are monitored by the Bank on a daily basis
through current exposure method. Exposures are independently monitored and reported.
iii The Bank recognises all derivative contracts (other than those designated as hedges) at fair value. The mark
to market movement on the positions is monitored on a daily basis. Changes in the fair value of derivatives
other than those designated as hedges are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Hedge transactions
are accounted for on an accrual basis. Hedging transactions are undertaken by the Bank to protect the
variability in the fair value or the cash flow of the underlying Balance Sheet item.
iv All the derivative transactions are governed by the FX & Derivative policy, Market Risk Management policy
and Limit Management Framework of the Bank. Limit Management Framework details various types of market
risk limits which are monitored on a daily basis and breaches, if any, are reported promptly. Risk assessment
of the portfolio is undertaken periodically and presented to the Market Risk Committee / Asset Liability
Committee. These limits are set up taking into account market volatility, risk appetite, business strategy and
management experience. The Bank has a clear functional segregation of Treasury operations between Front
Office, Market Risk and Back Office.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
b. Accounting policy for recording hedge and non-hedge transactions; recognition of income, premiums and
discounts; valuation of outstanding contracts; provisioning, collateral and credit risk mitigation:
For hedge transactions, the Bank identifies the hedged item (asset or liability) and assesses the effectiveness at
inception as well as at each reporting date. Funding swaps are accounted in accordance with FEDAI guidelines.
Interest rate swaps are booked with the objective of managing the interest rate risk on liabilities. Interest rate
swaps in the nature of hedge are recorded on accrual basis and these transactions are not marked-to-market.
Any resultant profit or loss on termination of the hedge swaps is amortised over the life of the swap or underlying
Directors' Report
liability, whichever is shorter.
Currency interest rate swaps in the nature of hedge, booked with the objective of managing the currency and
interest rate risk on foreign currency liabilities are recorded on accrual basis and these transactions are not
marked-to-market. Any resultant profit or loss on termination of hedge swaps is amortised over the life of swap or
underlying liability, whichever is shorter. The foreign currency balances on account of principal of currency interest
rate swaps outstanding as at the balance sheet date are revalued using the closing rate.
(` in crore)
March 31, 2019
Corporate Governance
Particulars Currency Interest rate
Derivatives derivatives
1 Derivatives (notional principal amount)
a. For hedging 8,232.83 -
b. For trading 70,250.02 194,192.05
2 Marked to market positions *
a. Asset (+) 1,094.57 1,013.38
b. Liability (-) (1,244.57) (960.14)
3 Credit exposure 3,749.46 2,605.37
4 Likely impact of one percentage change in interest rate (100*PV01)
a. On hedging derivatives 0.35 -
b. On trading derivatives 8.47 138.43
5 Maximum and minimum of 100*PV01 observed during year
a. On hedging
Financial Statements
- minimum 0.35 -
- maximum 0.63 -
b. On trading
- minimum 0.26 68.33
- maximum 8.47 471.71
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
March 31, 2018
Particulars Currency Interest rate
Derivatives derivatives
1 Derivatives (notional principal amount)
a. For hedging 8,994.99 -
b. For trading 80,787.95 97,645.22
2 Marked to market positions *
a. Asset (+) 700.53 580.10
b. Liability (-) (606.68) (483.28)
3 Credit exposure 2,693.41 1,186.17
4 Likely impact of one percentage change in interest rate (100*PV01)
a. On hedging derivatives 0.54 -
b. On trading derivatives 4.87 406.37
5 Maximum and minimum of 100*PV01 observed during year
a. On hedging
- minimum 0.50 -
- maximum 0.80 107.37
b. On trading
- minimum 3.69 136.18
- maximum 31.37 406.37
i The notional principal amount of derivatives reflect the volume of transactions outstanding as at the balance sheet
date and do not represent the amounts at risk.
ii The Bank has computed the maximum and minimum of PV01 for the year based on daily average.
iii In respect of derivative contracts, the Bank evaluates the credit exposure arising therefrom, in line with RBI
guidelines. Credit exposure has been computed using the Current Exposure Method (CEM) which is the sum of:
a. the current replacement cost (marked-to-market value including accrued interest) of the contract or zero
whichever is higher; and
b. the Potential Future Exposure (PFE) is a product of the notional principal amount of the contract and a factor
that is based on the grid of credit conversion factors prescribed in RBI guidelines, which is applied on the
basis of the residual maturity and the type of contract.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
- Upgradation (72.64) (0.25)
- Recoveries (excluding recoveries made from upgraded (220.27) (16.55)
- Write offs including technical / prudential write-offs (316.45) (997.83)
- Sale to ARC (1,403.12) -
e. Closing balance 2,136.04 1,779.05
iii Movement of net NPAs:
a. Opening balance 891.16 576.47
b. Additions during the year 637.17 321.82
c. Additions on amalgamation 371.94 -
d. Reductions during the year (793.64) (7.13)
Corporate Governance
e. Closing balance 1,106.63 891.16
iv Movement of provisions for NPAs (excluding provisions on
standard assets):
a. Opening balance 887.89 965.63
b. Additions during the year:
Additions 956.82 427.88
Additions on amalgamation 211.22 -
Transfer on downgrade of restructured advances 132.46 229.79
Transfer on downgrade of identified advances 59.86 272.09
c. Reductions during the year:
Write-back of provision on sale to ARC (739.36) -
Write-offs including technical / prudential write-offs (314.61) (997.83)
Write-back on recovery / upgradation (164.87) (9.67)
d. Closing balance 1,029.41 887.89
Financial Statements
198 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
1 Gross NPAs as reported by the bank N.A. 1,542.10
2 Gross NPAs as assessed by RBI N.A. 1,812.80
3 Divergence in Gross NPAs (2-1) N.A. 270.70
4 Net NPAs as reported by the bank N.A. 576.47
5 Net NPAs as assessed by RBI N.A. 779.49
6 Divergence in Net NPAs (5-4) N.A. 203.02
7 Provisions for NPAs as reported by the bank* N.A. 1,082.13
8 Provisions for NPAs as assessed by RBI N.A. 1,033.30
9 Divergence in provisioning (8-7) N.A. -
10 Reported Net Profit after Tax (PAT) N.A. 1,019.74
11 Adjusted (notional) Net Profit after Tax (PAT) after taking into account N.A. 1,019.74
the divergence in provisioning
* Provision for NPAs as reported by the Bank is adjusted to include a specific provision of ` 116.50 crore as on March 31, 2017 held
against a particular asset identified by RBI for divergence in financial year ended March 31, 2017. The said provision was made in
earlier years in line with the Bank's provisioning policy and was in excess of the provision assessed by RBI. Accordingly, there is no
divergence in provisioning and no impact on Profit After Tax for the year ended March 31, 2017 due to divergence.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
d Disclosures on Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme (accounts which are currently under the stand-still period)
Year ended March 31, 2019 (` in crore)
Amount outstanding as on the Amount outstanding as on the
Amount outstanding as on the reporting date with respect to reporting date with respect to
No. of accounts where SDR has reporting date accounts where conversion of accounts where conversion of
been invoked debt to equity is pending debt to equity has taken place
Directors' Report
- - - - - -
Corporate Governance
As on March 31, 2019, investments classified under AFS category include equity shares aggregating to ` 274.02 crore (Previous
Year ` 307.39 crore) acquired by the Bank under the Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme, 2015 (‘Scheme’) framed by the
Reserve Bank of India. The Bank has made full provision against unlisted shares.
e Disclosures on Change in Ownership outside SDR Scheme (accounts which are currently under the stand-still
Financial Statements
equity shares is pending
place promoters equity
Classified Classified Classified Classified
Classified Classified Classified Classified
as as as as
as NPA as NPA as NPA as NPA
standard standard standard standard
- - - - - - - - -
200 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
f Disclosures on Change in Ownership of Projects Under Implementation (accounts which are currently under the
stand-still period)
Year ended March 31, 2019 (` in crore)
No. of project loan accounts where Amount outstanding as on the reporting date
banks have decided to effect change Classified as standard
in ownership Classified as standard Classified as NPA
- - - -
The RBI vide its circular RBI/2017-18/131 DBR.No.BP.BC.101/21.04.048/2017-18 dated February 12, 2018 has
revised ‘Framework for Resolution of Stressed Assets’ and extant instructions on resolution of stressed assets
such as Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets, Corporate Debt Restructuring Scheme, Flexible Structuring
of Existing Long-Term Project Loans, Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme (SDR), Change in Ownership outside
SDR, and Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets (S4A) stand withdrawn with effect from
February 12, 2018. All accounts, including such accounts where any of the schemes have been invoked but not
yet implemented, shall be governed by the revised framework.
18.14 Particulars of Accounts Restructured
Details of loans subjected to restructuring during the year ended March 31, 2019 are given below:
(` in crore)
Type of Restructuring Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism Others Total
No. Asset Classification Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-
Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total
standard standard standard standard
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - 6 - 5 - 11 6 - 5 - 11
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 677.86 - 690.13 - 1,367.99 677.86 - 690.13 - 1,367.99
Restructured accounts as
(restructured facility)
1 on April 1, 2018
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 34.83 - - 34.83 34.83 - - - 34.83
(opening figures)
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - 194.04 - 454.64 - 648.68 194.04 - 454.64 - 648.68
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - 2 1 1 - - 2
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 229.10 118.45 - - 347.55 229.10 118.45 - - 347.55
Fresh restructuring during (restructured facility)
the year Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - 11.45 68.11 - - 79.56 11.45 68.11 - - 79.56
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upgradations to
(restructured facility)
3 restructured standard
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
category during the year
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - (14.32) (90.95) (85.93) - (191.20) (14.32) (90.95) (85.93) - (191.20)
Increase / (decrease) in Amount outstanding
borrower level outstanding (restructured facility)
4 of existing restructured Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - (2.15) - - - (2.15) (2.15) - - - (2.15)
cases during the year (other facility)
ended March 31, 2019 * Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - (0.04) (63.98) (29.57) - (93.59) (0.04) (63.98) (29.57) - (93.59)
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - -
Restructured standard
advances which cease to Amount outstanding - - - - - - - -
attract higher provisioning (restructured facility)
and / or additional risk
5 weight at the end of the Amount outstanding - - - - - -
year and hence need not (other facility)
be shown as restructured - - - - - - - -
standard advances at the
Provision there on
beginning of the next year
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - (1) - 1 - - (1) - 1 - -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - (487.46) - 487.46 - - (487.46) - 487.46 - -
Downgradations of
(restructured facility)
6 restructured accounts
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
during the year
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - (132.46) - 132.46 - - (132.46) - 132.46 - -
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - (1) - (5) - (6) (1) - (5) - (6)
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - (51.81) - (690.13) - (741.94) (51.81) - (690.13) - (741.94)
Write-offs / recoveries
(restructured facility)
7 of restructured accounts
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
during the year
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - (23.00) - (454.64) - (477.64) (23.00) - (454.64) - (477.64)
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - 5 1 1 - 7 5 1 1 - 7
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 353.38 27.50 401.53 - 782.41 353.38 27.50 401.53 - 782.41
Restructured Accounts
(restructured facility)
8 as on March 31, 2019
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 32.68 - - - 32.68 32.68 - - - 32.68
(closing figures)
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - 49.99 4.13 102.89 - 157.01 49.99 4.13 102.89 - 157.01
* Increase / (decrease) in borrower level outstanding of existing restructured accounts includes actual write offs amounting to ` 55.25 Crore
(` in crore)
Type of Restructuring Under CDR Mechanism Under SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism Others Total
No. Asset Classification Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-
Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total Standard Doubtful Loss Total
standard standard standard standard
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - 7 - 6 - 13 7 - 6 - 13
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 1,095.61 - 1,134.54 - 2,230.15 1,095.61 - 1,134.54 - 2,230.15
Restructured accounts as
(restructured facility)
1 on April 1, 2017
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 36.54 - - - 36.54 36.54 - - - 36.54
(opening figures)
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - 406.49 - 809.29 - 1,215.78 406.49 - 809.29 - 1,215.78
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fresh restructuring during (restructured facility)
the year Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upgradations to
(restructured facility)
3 restructured standard
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
category during the year
(other facility)
Provision there on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Increase / (decrease) in Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - 40.29 - (4.74) - 35.55 40.29 - (4.74) - 35.55
borrower level outstanding (restructured facility)
of existing restructured Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - (1.71) - - - (1.71) (1.71) - - - (1.71)
cases during the year (other facility)
ended - - - - - - - - - - 17.35 - 313.28 - 330.63 17.35 - 313.28 - 330.63
March 31, 2018 Provision there on
Restructured standard No. of borrowers - - - - - - - -
advances which cease to Amount outstanding - - - - - - - -
attract higher provisioning (restructured facility)
and / or additional risk Amount outstanding - - - - - - - -
5 weight at the end of the (other facility)
year and hence need not
- - - - - - - -
be shown as restructured
standard advances at the Provision there on
beginning of the next year
No. of borrowers - - - - - - - - - - (1) - - 1 - (1) - - 1 -
Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - (458.04) - 419.04 39.00 - (458.04) - 419.04 39.00 -
Downgradations of (restructured facility)
6 restructured accounts Amount outstanding - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Transfer due to conversion of loans into investments
Transfer to provisions on NPA (59.86) (272.09)
Closing balance 695.15 619.89
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Corporate Governance
Opening balance of technical / prudential written- off accounts 997.56 0.01
Add: Technical / prudential write-offs during the year 13.52 997.60
Recoveries made from previously technical / prudential written-off accounts (0.28) (0.05)
during the year
Less: Sacrifice made from previously technical/prudential written-off accounts (34.59) -
Less: Sale to ARC (955.86) -
Closing balance of technical / prudential write off 20.35 997.56
Financial Statements
Provisions made during the year 0.73 0.07
Release in provision (0.14) (0.11)
Provisions held at the end of the year 0.60 0.01
Unamortised provision debited from ‘other reserves’ as at the end of the year - -
* Includes 3 fraudulent accounts which are NPAs and provision of ` 39.04 crore has been made as part of NPA provisions.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Others 10.42 -
b On-balance sheet exposures
First loss - -
Others* 478.87 -
4 Amount of exposures to securitisation transactions other than MRR
a Off-balance sheet exposures
i. Exposure to own securitizations
First loss - -
Others - -
ii. Exposure to third party securitisations
First loss - -
Corporate Governance
Others - -
b On-balance sheet exposures
i. Exposure to own securitizations
First loss - -
Others - -
ii. Exposure to third party securitisations
First loss - -
Others - -
* Represents MRR portion for direct assignment transactions done by the Merging entities before the appointed date of the merger.
Note: Loans of ` 499.02 crore (Previous year ` 2,112.01 crore) are sold as part of loan syndication.
18.19 Details of non-performing financial assets purchased / sold (excluding securitisation / reconstruction
Financial Statements
A Details of non performing financial assets purchased:
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
1 a. No. of accounts purchased during the year 21 -
b. Aggregate outstanding 2.40 -
2 a. Of these, number of accounts restructured during the year - -
b. Aggregate outstanding - -
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Very High
Restricted - - - -
Off-credit - - - -
Total 14,139.01 - 12,299.25 -
Corporate Governance
Deposits 162.88 3,332.32 2,682.82 4,154.96 9,516.85 10,184.71 11,791.66 14,597.71 12,801.30 529.85 723.95 70,479.01
Advances 29.15 1,600.21 724.30 2,388.99 3,261.95 3,820.62 7,548.97 8,384.65 24,960.70 20,327.73 13,255.02 86,302.29
Investments 1,105.58 15,337.15 1,613.99 1,501.42 2,170.50 229.81 3,848.99 5,678.46 12,376.81 3,347.75 11,264.93 58,475.39
Borrowings - 16,060.71 818.41 595.67 2,630.28 2,698.90 4,205.68 8,763.44 11,826.40 8,875.80 13,508.10 69,983.39
Foreign Currency
8.70 1,737.95 4.92 67.38 108.94 218.33 216.82 26.83 133.98 33.19 34.58 2,591.62
Foreign Currency
0.31 1.86 2.48 21.66 1,446.19 1,931.20 2,335.19 3,418.86 413.05 126.42 44.91 9,742.13
liabilities *
* The net FX risk is dynamically hedged by the Balance Sheet Management Group of the Bank.
A maturity pattern of certain items of assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2018:
(` in crore)
Particulars Day 1 2 days 8 days 15 days 31 days Over Over Over Over Over Over Total
to to to to 2 months 3 months 6 Months 1 year 3 years 5 years
7 days 14 days 30 days 2 months to and up to and up to & up to & up to
Financial Statements
3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
Deposits 131.28 3,532.06 1,914.93 3,168.11 10,753.05 7,806.14 5,539.84 8,125.81 7,005.25 70.22 151.51 48,198.20
Advances 869.58 558.01 918.79 1,688.80 2,351.39 1,557.14 3,626.13 3,216.19 11,403.79 9,174.41 16,800.66 52,164.89
Investments 1,974.05 16,481.47 4,664.79 3,353.14 1,343.57 1,975.12 1,740.97 5,001.11 5,598.98 4,845.53 14,222.80 61,201.53
Borrowings - 15,710.88 3,791.93 3,045.75 1,907.49 882.15 765.90 3,984.70 8,415.26 2,998.75 15,784.26 57,287.07
Foreign Currency
7.62 485.43 3.67 1,196.55 94.45 119.83 55.83 12.75 134.90 41.53 40.24 2,192.80
Foreign Currency
0.16 261.64 1.25 329.95 607.66 305.65 25.19 1,266.82 214.25 174.09 89.72 3,276.38
liabilities *
* The net FX risk is dynamically hedged by the Balance Sheet Management Group of the Bank.
Classification of assets and liabilities under the different maturity buckets is based on the same estimates and
assumptions as used by the Bank for compiling the return submitted to the RBI, which has been relied upon by the
auditors. Maturity profile of foreign currency assets and liabilities is excluding off balance sheet items.
208 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
ii Gratuity
The following tables summarise the components of net benefit expenses recognised in the Profit and Loss Account
and funded status and amounts recognised in the balance sheet for the gratuity benefit plan:
Profit and Loss Account
Net employee benefit expenses (recognised in payments to and provisions for employees):
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Current service cost 9.72 6.99
Interest on defined benefit obligation 3.98 3.03
Expected return on plan assets (2.84) (2.81)
Net actuarial losses / (gains) recognised in the year 0.45 (4.29)
Past service cost 0.20 0.32
Losses / (gains) on Acquisition / Divestiture ß (0.71)
Total included in “employee benefit expense” [schedule 16(I)] 11.51 2.53
Actual return on plan assets 2.65 2.62
Balance Sheet
Details of provision for gratuity:
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Fair value of plan assets 52.64 37.19
Present value of funded obligations (53.13) (36.90)
Unrecognised Past Service Cost 0.59 0.79
Net Asset (Included under Schedule 11 - Other Assets) 0.10 1.08
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Opening defined benefit obligation 36.90 36.13
Current service cost 9.72 6.99
Interest cost 3.98 3.03
Actuarial losses / (gains) 0.27 (4.49)
Past service cost - 1.11
Directors' Report
Liabilities assumed on acquisition / (settled on divestiture) 9.67 (0.94)
Benefits paid (7.41) (4.93)
Closing defined benefit obligation 53.13 36.90
Corporate Governance
Assets acquired on acquisition / (distributed on divestiture) - (0.23)
Benefits paid (7.41) (4.93)
Closing fair value of plan assets 52.64 37.19
Expected Employers Contribution Next Year 6.00 6.00
Experience adjustments
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016
Defined benefit obligations 53.13 36.90 36.13 26.68
Plan assets 52.64 37.19 36.44 25.43
Surplus / (deficit) (0.49) 0.29 0.31 (1.25)
Experience adjustments on plan (1.57) (1.59) 2.02 0.51
Experience adjustments on plan (0.20) (0.20) 1.12 (0.12)
Financial Statements
Major categories of plan assets (managed by Insurers) as a percentage of fair value of total plan assets:
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Government securities 31.18% 28.84%
Bonds, debentures and other fixed income instruments 54.65% 51.75%
Deposits and money market instruments 3.07% 5.50%
Equity shares 11.10% 13.91%
Principal actuarial assumptions at the balance sheet date:
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Discount rate (p.a.) 7.70% 8.05%
Expected rate of return on plan assets (p.a.) 7.50% 7.50%
Salary escalation rate (p.a.) 8.00% 8.00%
210 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Segmental reporting for the year ended March 31, 2019 are set out below:
(` in crore)
Retail Other Banking
Particulars Treasury Wholesale Unallocated Total
Banking Business
Revenue (i) 6,552.68 4,671.72 3,985.69 21.06 34.86 15,266.01
Less: inter segment revenue (ii) - - - - - (2,379.27)
Total Revenue (i-ii) 12,886.74
Directors' Report
Segment Results before tax (175.96) 532.87 (427.48) 7.47 (3,232.09) (3,295.19)
Less: Provision for tax - - - - - 1,351.01
Net Profit (1,944.18)
Total Segment assets 72,624.84 45,557.51 44,943.44 7.49 4,051.58 167,184.86
Total Segment liabilities 62,516.66 43,445.25 42,812.97 9.58 241.14 149,025.60
Net assets 10,108.18 2,112.26 2,130.47 (2.09) 3,810.44 18,159.26
Capital expenditure for the year 0.12 15.04 131.03 0.27 89.10 235.56
Depreciation on fixed assets for 1.72 22.83 74.53 0.49 2,713.11 2,812.68
the year
Segmental reporting for the year ended March 31, 2018 are set out below:
Corporate Governance
(` in crore)
Retail Other Banking
Particulars Treasury Wholesale Unallocated Total
Banking Business
Revenue (i) 6,486.77 4,358.58 788.46 8.04 41.18 11,683.03
Less: inter segment revenue (ii) - - - - - (1,635.13)
Total Revenue (i-ii) 10,047.90
Segment Results before tax 1,048.82 834.76 (335.70) (2.11) (518.47) 1,027.30
Less: Provision for tax - - - - - (168.00)
Net Profit 859.30
Total Segment assets 69,473.61 45,325.99 9,139.55 7.09 2,573.94 126,520.18
Total Segment liabilities 58,918.90 43,451.50 8,760.07 2.11 131.06 111,263.64
Financial Statements
Net assets 10,554.71 1,874.49 379.48 4.98 2,442.88 15,256.54
Capital expenditure for the year 0.64 9.09 54.91 0.12 102.27 167.03
Depreciation on fixed assets for 1.92 22.88 40.31 0.37 98.00 163.48
the year
Geographic segments
The business of the Bank is concentrated in India. Accordingly, geographical segment results have not been reported.
212 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Deferred tax assets on account of provisions for loan losses 777.17 709.80
Deferred tax assets on account of provision for diminution in value of investments 579.70 426.11
Deferred tax assets on account of other contingencies 445.09 102.88
Deferred tax assets on account of depreciation on fixed assets 820.95 -
Deferred tax assets (A)* 2,622.91 1,238.79
Deferred tax liabilities on account of depreciation on fixed assets - 85.27
Others (Special Reserve under section 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961) 104.16 102.54
Deferred tax liabilities (B) 104.16 187.81
Net Deferred tax assets (A-B) 2,518.75 1,050.98
* Includes DTA of ` 209.79 crore of Merging entities acquired on amalgamation and DTA of ` 908.32 crore arising on accelerated
amortisation (refer note 18.01).
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Provision made towards income tax
Current tax * (89.01) (12.57)
Deferred tax (1,262.00) 180.57
(1,351.01) 168.00
Provisions for / (release of) depreciation on investment 374.10 (95.60)
Write back towards non-performing advances (105.92) (579.61)
Write back for restructured assets (20.21) (0.04)
Write back of specific provisions 55.20 (108.52)
Provision against Standard Asset 3.72 9.58
Loss on sale of loans to ARC (net) 813.68 -
Bad-debts written off / technical write off ^ 373.10 997.88
Provision and other contingencies 52.44 12.40
Total 195.10 404.09
* Net of tax adjustment of prior years of ` 77.02 crore (Previous Year ` 62.57 crore) relating to Financing Undertaking demerged from IDFC
Limited to the Bank
^ Bad-debt recoveries from borrowers on written off accounts of ` 86.48 crore has been shown in Schedule 14 - Other Income
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Appropriation to Reserves
i Statutory Reserve
As mandated by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, all banking companies incorporated in India shall create a
reserve fund, out of the balance of profit of each year as disclosed in the profit and loss account and before any
Directors' Report
dividend is declared and transfer a sum equivalent to not less than twenty five per cent of such profit. In view of
net loss of ` 1,944.18 crore during FY 2018-19 the bank has not transferred any amount to statutory reserve. In
FY 2017-18 the bank transferred ` 215.00 crore to statutory reserve.
Corporate Governance
year ended March 31, 2019, as per RBI guidelines, the Bank has appropriated Nil to Investment Reserve Account.
During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Bank has transferred ` 0.55 crore from Investment Reserve Account
to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.
iv Capital Reserve
As per RBI Guidelines, profit/loss on sale of investments in the ‘Held to Maturity’ category is recognised in the
Financial Statements
Profit and Loss Account and profit is thereafter appropriated (net of applicable taxes and statutory reserve
requirements) to Capital Reserve. Profit / loss on sale of investments in ‘Available for Sale’ and ‘Held for Trading’
categories is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. Accordingly, the Bank has appropriated ` 1.51 crore
(Previous Year ` 202.00 crore) to capital reserve.
v Special Reserve
As per the provisions under Section 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961, specified entities like banks are allowed
deduction in respect of any special reserve created and maintained, i.e. an amount not exceeding twenty per
cent of the profits derived from eligible business computed under the head "Profits and gains of business or
profession" is carried to such reserve account. This would be applicable till the aggregate of the amounts carried
to such reserve account from time to time exceeds twice the amount of the paid up share capital and general
reserves of the entity. During the year, the Bank has transferred an amount of Nil (Previous Year ` 75.00 crore) to
Special Reserve.
vi General Reserve
During the year ended March 31, 2018, there were certain vested stock options that expired unexercised and
hence the balance in stock options outstanding was transferred to the general reserve.
214 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(b) Disclosure of customer complaints relating to Bank’s customers on other bank’s ATMs*
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
a No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year - 4
b No. of complaints received during the year 228 33
c No. of complaints redressed during the year 228 37
d No. of complaints pending at the end of the year - -
ii Investors complaints:
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
a No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year - -
b No. of complaints received during the year 981 640
c No. of complaints redressed during the year 972 640
d No. of complaints pending at the end of the year 9 -
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
Directors' Report
Nature of Income March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
1 For selling life insurance policies 9.75 1.20
2 For selling non-life insurance policies 5.82 0.70
3 For selling mutual fund products 3.15 2.70
4 Others 2.34 3.44
Total 21.06 8.04
Corporate Governance
Total Deposits of twenty largest depositors 24,370.86 17,910.62
Percentage of deposits of twenty largest depositors to total deposits of 34.58% 37.16%
the bank
ii Concentration of advances *
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Total advances to twenty largest borrowers 19,973.29 25,782.34
Percentage of advances to twenty largest borrowers to total advances of 16.84% 30.61%
the bank
* Advances represent credit exposure (funded and non-funded) including derivative exposure computed as per current exposure
method in accordance with RBI guidelines.
Financial Statements
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Total exposure to twenty largest borrowers / customers 30,637.81 32,997.18
Percentage of exposures to twenty largest borrowers / customers to total 16.47% 22.73%
exposure of the bank on borrowers / customers
* Exposure includes credit exposure (funded and non-funded), derivative exposure and investment exposure (including underwriting
and similar commitments) in accordance with RBI guidelines.
iv Concentration of NPAs
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Total exposure to top four NPA accounts 1,152.00 1,487.75
216 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18.37 Exposure to Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (ILFS) and its group entities
With reference to the RBI circular DBR.BP.BC.No.37/21.04.048/2018-19 dated April 24, 2019, Banks are advised to
disclose exposure to ILFS and its group entities:
18.38 Details of single borrower limit (SGL) / group borrower limit (GBL) exceeded by the bank
During the years ended March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018, the Bank’s credit exposure to single borrower and group
borrowers was within the prudential exposure limits prescribed by the RBI.
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
i Total amount of intra-group exposures 1,319.59 1,640.27
ii Total amount of top-20 intra-group exposures 1,319.59 1,640.27
Percentage of intra-group exposures to total exposure of the bank on 0.71% 1.13%
borrowers / customers
iv Details of breach of limits on intra-group exposures and regulatory action - -
thereon, if any
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
sector lending
iii Services 6,519.98 139.88 2.15%
iv Personal loans, of which: * 2,687.89 41.58 1.55%
Housing 2,644.26 41.58 1.57%
Subtotal (A) 15,783.55 219.78 1.39%
B Non Priority Sector
i Agriculture and allied activities 185.08 11.02 5.96%
ii Industry, of which * 28,748.63 940.85 3.27%
Infrastructure- Energy 8,600.35 118.92 1.38%
Infrastructure- Transport 6,838.10 752.53 11.00%
iii Services 14,008.88 271.73 1.94%
iv Personal loans, of which: * 29,329.03 692.66 2.36%
Corporate Governance
Housing 3,773.93 31.49 0.83%
Vehicle Loans 5,837.60 136.98 2.35%
Subtotal (B) 72,271.62 1,916.26 2.65%
Total (A)+(B) 88,055.17 2,136.04 2.43%
* Sub-sectors have been disclosed where advances exceed 10% of total advances in that sector at reporting date.
(` in crore)
March 31, 2018
% of Gross
Sector Outstanding total NPAs to total advances
Gross NPAs
advances in that
A Priority Sector
i Agriculture and allied activities 2,288.98 2.72 0.12%
Financial Statements
Advances to industries sector eligible as priority 372.47 0.96 0.26%
sector lending
iii Services 2,129.16 2.90 0.14%
iv Personal loans, of which: * 1,632.88 2.50 0.15%
Housing 1,538.63 2.46 0.16%
Subtotal (A) 6,423.49 9.08 0.14%
B Non Priority Sector
i Agriculture and allied activities 47.72 0.01 0.02%
ii Industry, of which * 35,823.14 1,752.35 4.89%
Infrastructure- Energy 14,748.72 1,394.79 9.46%
Infrastructure- Transport 7,513.64 357.53 4.76%
Infrastructure- Communication 1,864.65 - -
iii Services 8,685.18 16.59 0.19%
iv Personal loans, of which: * 2,773.29 1.02 0.04%
Housing 1,586.66 0.14 0.01%
Subtotal (B) 47,329.33 1,769.97 3.74%
Total (A)+(B) 53,752.82 1,779.05 3.31%
* Sub-sectors have been disclosed where advances exceed 10% of total advances in that sector at reporting date.
218 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18.42 Amount of Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) purchased / sold by the Bank
Category wise PSLCs purchased:
(` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
PSLC - Agriculture 1,800.00 -
PSLC - Small/Marginal Farmers 10,690.00 2,160.00
PSLC - Micro Enterprises 1,000.00 -
PSLC - General 1,550.00 7,115.00
15,040.00 9,275.00
18.44 Off-balance sheet SPVs sponsored (which are required to be consolidated as per accounting norms)
Off-balance sheet SPVs sponsored as on March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Name of the SPV sponsored
Domestic Overseas Domestic Overseas
Nil Nil Nil Nil
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Mr. Vishal Mahadevia Member
Make recommendations on remuneration (including performance bonus and perquisites) of
Whole Time Directors
iii Approve policy and quantum of variable pay, bonus, stock options and increments for the employees of the Bank
iv Frame guidelines for the Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and recommend grants of the Bank’s
Corporate Governance
stock options to Whole Time Directors of the Bank
b Information relating to the design and structure of remuneration processes and the key features and objectives of
remuneration policy:
The principles for Remuneration Policy at the Bank have been formulated with the approval of the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee ('NRC'). They are guided by the organization’s philosophy for enabling
employee performance to achieve the organization’s short term and long term objectives, balanced with
prudent risk taking and are in compliance with the RBI’s Guidelines on Compensation of Whole Time
Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Risk takers and Control function staff, etc. dated January 13, 2012.
The principles are as follows:
• To ensure that the level and composition of remuneration is reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain and
motivate talent.
Financial Statements
• To ensure that the remuneration is balanced between fixed pay, variable pay and ESOPs, with adequate focus on
prudent risk taking and the short-term as well as the long-term objectives of the Bank and its shareholders.
• To ensure a clear relationship between remuneration and performance with adequate focus on achievement of
performance objectives incorporating elements of risk, compliance and service measures.
• To respect employee needs basis relevant market anchors and to compensate adequately for the contribution
towards the Bank’s growth.
• To ensure that the cost/income ratio of the Bank supports the remuneration package consistent with maintenance
of sound capital adequacy ratio.
c Description of the ways in which current and future risks are taken into account in the remuneration process
including the nature and type of the key measures used to take account of these risks:
The Board approves the risk framework for the Bank. Business activities of the Bank are undertaken within this
framework to achieve the financial plan. The risk framework includes the Bank’s risk appetite, limits framework and
policies and procedures governing various types of risk. The performance evaluation framework of Whole Time
220 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors, equivalent positions and senior management personnel in material risk taker roles, incorporates these
risk and control aspects as detailed by the Board. These factors include (but are not limited to) elements such as
consistency in asset quality, rating slippage of existing loans, RORWA, operational risk parameters and quality of
systems. The performance management framework of the Bank will evolve over time and get more sophisticated
and mature. As regards linkage to remuneration, the compensation for Whole Time Director's, etc. is paid in fixed
pay, performance linked variable pay and stock options which is approved by the NRC.
d Description of the ways in which the bank seeks to link performance during a performance measurement period
with levels of remuneration:
Performance and its linkage to levels of remuneration will be guided by the objectives / principles as spelt out in
Item b above. Annual Remuneration package comprises of a combination of fixed salary, cash bonus and ESOPs,
in a mix that ensures appropriate alignment with RBI guidelines, long term value creation and stability of the Bank.
Further, total pay levels will be referenced against 66th percentile of Indian private sector banks.
e Bank’s policy on deferral and vesting of variable remuneration and a discussion of the bank’s policy and criteria for
adjusting deferred remuneration before vesting and after vesting:
As outlined in Item (d) above, deferral structures have been incorporated and published to the staff. For senior
levels and material risk taker roles, remuneration package represents a mix of fixed pay, cash bonus and ESOP
with deferred vesting schedule. Further, the deferred / unvested portions will be subject to "malus" provision in
conformity with RBI guidelines.
f Description of the different forms of variable remuneration (i.e. cash, shares, ESOPs and other forms) that the bank
utilizes and the rationale for using these different forms:
The bank has the following forms of variable remuneration
• Annual Cash Bonus - This is part of the annual performance and compensation review cycle and is basis the
performance rating of the individual employee.
• Sales Incentive Plan - employees in sales, customer relationship / service, collections & operations are covered
under Incentive Plan. The coverage and payout plan is defined on the basis of business plans and budgets, it is
designed keeping in mind, requisite emphasis on risk and control parameters.
• Promotional activities which may result in rewards on achieving threshold targets. This may be in cash or kind and
is subject to perquisite tax as applicable.
• The ESOP scheme has been designed with a view to ensure an appropriate risk balanced remuneration architecture.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Quantitative disclosures
The quantitative disclosures cover the Bank’s Whole Time Directors.
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Number of meetings held by the Remuneration Committee during the 7 6
a i
financial year
ii Remuneration paid to its members (sitting fees) (` in crore) 0.11 0.09
Number of employees having received a variable remuneration award during 1 1
the financial year
Directors' Report
c Number and total amount of sign-on awards made during the financial year - -
d Details of guaranteed bonus, if any, paid as joining / sign-on bonus - -
e Details of severance pay, in addition to accrued benefits, if any - -
Total amount of outstanding deferred remuneration, split into cash, shares 0.13 0.27
and share-linked instruments and other forms (` in crore).
g Total amount of deferred remuneration paid out in the financial year 0.13 0.13
Fixed- ` 5.82 cr ^ Fixed- ` 3.91 cr
Breakdown of amount of remuneration awards for the financial year to show
h Variable- ` 1.65 cr Variable- Nil
fixed and variable, deferred and non-deferred *
Deferred- Nil Deferred- Nil
Total amount of outstanding deferred remuneration and retained 0.13 0.27
remuneration exposed to ex-post explicit and/or implicit adjustments
Total amount of reductions during the financial year due to ex-post explicit NA NA
Corporate Governance
Total amount of reductions during the financial year due to ex-post implicit NA NA
* excluding ESOP perquisites
^ Includes fixed pay for Dr. Rajiv Lall of ` 4.13 crore (for the period from April 1, 2018 to December 18, 2018) and for Mr. V. Vaidyanathan of
` 1.69 crore (for the period from December 19, 2018 to March 31, 2019, subject to shareholders approval)
Financial Statements
Less: Amounts reimbursed towards claims - -
Closing balance of amounts transferred to DEAF - -
222 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended
March 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 September 30, 2018 June 30, 2018
Particulars Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total
Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted Unweighted Weighted
Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
(average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average) (average)
4 Secured wholesale - - - -
5 Additional requirements, 3,935.98 3,147.52 3,551.94 2,864.68 3,655.81 2,898.01 2,352.01 2,176.26
Directors' Report
of which:
Outflows related to 3,101.25 3,101.25 2,828.51 2,828.51 2,837.81 2,837.81 2,167.01 2,167.01
derivative exposures
and other collateral
Outflows related to - - - - - - - -
ii loss of funding on
debt products
Credit and liquidity 834.73 46.27 723.43 36.17 818.00 60.20 185.00 9.25
6 Other contractual funding 645.35 645.35 599.70 599.70 367.63 367.63 526.24 526.24
Corporate Governance
7 Other contingent funding 39,236.55 1,432.75 38,339.43 1,397.56 35,407.61 1,270.17 26,362.69 790.88
8 Total cash outflows 27,368.12 25,814.61 24,185.95 22,976.52
Cash inflows
9 Secured lending 373.08 - 471.77 - 1,063.31 - 648.33 -
(e.g.reverse repos)
10 Inflows from fully 6,198.17 4,263.59 5,436.98 3,852.99 5,683.51 3,813.81 5,964.44 4,169.99
performing exposures
11 Other cash inflows 3,478.49 3,182.08 3,279.76 2,923.46 3,048.29 2,802.24 2,460.67 2,184.13
12 Total Cash Inflows 10,049.74 7,445.67 9,188.51 6,776.45 9,795.11 6,616.05 9,073.44 6,354.12
Financial Statements
TOTAL HQLA 23,974.40 23,360.50 19,007.25 18,604.88
Total Net Cash Outflows 19,922.45 19,038.16 17,569.90 16,622.39
Liquidity coverage ratio 120.34% 122.70% 108.18% 111.93%
The average weighted and unweighted amounts are calculated taking daily averages.
224 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended
March 31, 2018 December 31, 2017 September 30, 2017 June 30, 2017
The average weighted and unweighted amounts are calculated taking daily averages.
Note: Classification of inflows and outflows for determining the run off factors is based on the same estimates and assumptions as used by the Bank for
compiling the return submitted to the RBI, which has been relied upon by the auditors.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
IDFC Limited
IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited
c Fellow Subsidiaries*
IDFC Alternatives Limited
IDFC Asset Management Company Limited
IDFC AMC Trustee Company Limited
IDFC Foundation
IDFC Infrastructure Finance Limited
Corporate Governance
IDFC Projects Limited
IDFC Securities Limited
IDFC Trustee Company Limited
IDFC Capital (USA) Inc.
IDFC Capital (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
IDFC Investment Managers (Mauritius) Limited
IDFC Securities Singapore Pte. Limited
d Subsidiary
IDFC Bharat Limited (IDFC FIRST Bharat Limited wef. April 29, 2019)
Financial Statements
e Associates
i Direct
Millennium City Expressways Private Limited
Feedback Infra Private Limited (Cease to be a associate wef. March 19, 2018)
ii Indirect (through fellow subsidiaries)*
Jetpur Somnath Tollways Private Limited
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Limited
Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited
Uttarakhand Infrastructure Development Company Limited
IndianOil LNG Private Limited
f Key Management Personnel
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan (Appointed wef. December 19, 2018)
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall (Resigned wef. December 18, 2018)
226 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
In accordance with paragraph 5 and 6 of AS - 18, the Bank has not disclosed certain transactions with relatives of
key management personnel as they are in the nature of banker-customer relationship.
* Consequent to issuance of equity under the scheme of amalgamation (IDFC - CFL merger), the share holding of
IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited in IDFC FIRST Bank Limited has reduced to 40% wef January 5, 2019.
Accordingly IDFC Limited & IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited are now entities with significant influence
and certain entities has ceased to be related parties of the Bank (refer note 18.01).
All transactions with fellow subsidiaries and indirect associate companies have been disclosed till existence of
related party relationship.
The significant transactions between the Bank and related parties for year ended March 31, 2019 are given below.
A specific related party transaction is disclosed as a significant related party transaction wherever it exceeds 10%
of all related party transactions in that category:
• Interest on Deposits:
IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited ` 2.55 crore (Previous Year ` 6.72 crore); IDFC Bharat Limited
` 5.84 crore (Previous Year ` 5.94 crore); IDFC Securities Limited ` 1.87 crore (Previous Year ` 1.23 crore)
• Interest on Advances:
Millennium City Expressways Private Limited ` 19.76 crore (Previous Year ` 24.64 crore).
• Dividend Income earned:
IDFC Bharat Limited ` 66.96 crore (Previous Year ` 11.16 crore). Dividend received from pre-acquisition
profits of subsidiary is reduced from cost of investments
• Fees for services received:
IDFC Bharat Limited ` 255.69 crore (Previous Year ` 167.24 Crore)
• Rendering of services:
IDFC Asset Management Company Limited ` 2.23 crore (Previous Year ` 1.43 crore); IDFC Alternatives
Limited ` 5.23 crore (Previous Year ` 0.75 Crore).
• Managerial Remuneration:
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall ` 5.91 crore (Previous Year ` 4.04 crore), Mr. V. Vaidyanathan ` 1.69 crore (Subject to approval
from Shareholders) (Previous Year N.A.)
• Sale of investments:
IDFC Limited ` 15.69 crore (Previous Year Nil).
• Profit on sale of investments:
IDFC Limited ` 5.30 crore (Previous Year Nil).
• Sale of fixed assets:
IDFC Limited ` 0.21 crore (Previous Year Nil), IDFC Infrastructure Finance Limited ` 0.12 crore (Previous Year
Nil), IDFC Securities Limited 0.37 Crore (Previous Year Nil)
• Purchase of Fixed Assets:
Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System Limited ` 2.48 Crore (Previous Year ` 5.25 Crore)
• Corporate Social Responsibility:
IDFC Foundation ` 20.82 crore (Previous Year ` 14.23 crore)
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The details of the transactions of the Bank with its related party during the year ended March 31, 2019 are given below:
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Company/Entities Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Subsidiary Associates
having Significant Companies Personnel
Interest expense 3.31 4.30 5.84 1.11 1.07
Directors' Report
Interest income earned - 0.02 - 19.76 -
Dividend Income earned* - - 66.96 - -
Sale of investments 15.69 - - - -
Profit on sale of investments 5.30 - - - -
Managerial Remuneration - - - - 7.60**
Purchase of fixed assets - - - 2.48 -
Sale of fixed assets 0.21 0.56 - - -
Corporate Social Responsibility - 20.82 - - -
Advance repaid - - - 3.49 -
Receiving of services 2.22 13.48 255.69 0.04 -
Rendering of services 0.59 7.95 - - -
Corporate Governance
* Dividend received from pre-acquisition profits of subsidiary is reduced from cost of investments as per AS - 13 - Accounting for
** Refer Note 18.45 - Quantitative Disclosure
The balances payable to / receivable from the related parties of the Bank as on March 31, 2019 are given below:
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Company/Entities Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Subsidiary Associates
having Significant Companies Personnel
Deposits with the Bank 14.11 - 125.42 - 0.35
Interest accrued on Deposit 0.01 - 0.44 - ß
Advances - - - 351.00 -
Financial Statements
Investment of the Bank - - 232.40 226.38 -
Investment of related party in - - - - -
the Bank$
Other receivables (net) # - - 48.94 - -
Other Payable (net) - - 24.57 - -
Other receivable includes cash with business correspondents.
As at March 31, 2019, IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited holds 1,91,26,70,691 and KMP holds 50,060,556 equity shares in the Bank.
228 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The maximum balances payable to/receivable from the related parties of the Bank during the year ended
March 31, 2019 are given below:
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Company/Entities Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Subsidiary Associates
having Significant Companies Personnel
Deposits with the Bank 338.51 - 193.33 - 2.77
Advances - - - 354.49 -
Investment of the Bank - - 299.36 226.38 -
Other receivables (net) # 0.37 - 55.74 - -
Other payables (net) - - 26.96 - -
Other receivable includes cash with business correspondents.
The details of the transactions of the Bank with its related party during the year ended March 31, 2018 are given below:
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Holding Company Subsidiary Associates
Companies Personnel
Interest expense 7.40 3.35 5.94 1.25 0.58
Interest income earned - 0.14 - 38.02 -
Dividend Income earned* - - 11.16 0.70 -
Investment of related party in - - - - 0.82
the Bank
Investment in related party by - - - 8.10 -
Purchase of investments 35.05 - - - -
Sale of investments - 100.51 - - -
Managerial Remuneration - - - - 4.04 **
Purchase of fixed assets - - - 5.25 -
Corporate Social Responsibility - 14.23 - - -
Advance repaid - - - 94.72 -
Receiving of services 0.25 42.46 167.24 2.19 -
Rendering of services 0.39 7.75 - 0.20 -
Non fund based exposure - - - 2.74 -
* Dividend received from pre-acquisition profits of subsidiary is reduced from cost of investments as per AS - 13 - Accounting for Investments.
** Refer Note 18.45 - Quantitative Disclosure
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The balances payable to / receivable from the related parties of the Bank as on March 31, 2018 are given below:
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Holding Company Subsidiary Associates
Companies Personnel
Deposits with the Bank 109.43 100.47 158.76 13.52 15.40
Interest Accrued on Deposit 0.72 0.52 0.90 0.09 0.18
Advances - - - 417.53 -
- - 299.36 241.43 -
Directors' Report
Investment of the Bank
Investment of related party in - - - - -
the Bank $
Security Deposit Outstanding - 1.77 - - -
Other receivables (net) # - - 30.04 - -
Other Payable (net) - 4.27 18.01 - -
Non Fund Based Exposure - 0.08 - 9.96 -
Other receivable includes cash with business correspondents.
As at March 31, 2018, IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited holds 1,797,512,668 and KMP holds 2,624,286 equity shares in the Bank.
The maximum balances payable to/receivable from the related parties of the Bank during the year ended March 31,
2018 are given below:
Corporate Governance
(` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Holding Company Subsidiary Associates
Companies Personnel
Deposits with the Bank 829.70 111.24 180.56 32.05 28.01
Advances - 13.09 - 516.38 -
Investment of the Bank - - 310.52 246.47 -
Security Deposit Outstanding - 1.77 - - -
Other receivables (net) # 1.21 2.97 59.69 - -
Other payables (net) - 15.38 18.20 - -
Non Fund Based Exposure - 0.08 - 9.99 -
Other receivable includes cash with business correspondents.
Financial Statements
18.49 Earning per share ('EPS')
Basic and diluted earnings per equity share are computed in accordance with AS 20 - Earnings per share.
Basic earnings per equity share is computed by dividing net profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders by the
weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per equity share is computed
by dividing net profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares and
weighted average number of dilutive potential equity shares outstanding during the year, except where the results are
anti-dilutive. Dilution of equity is on account of stock options granted to employees by the Bank.
230 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Equity shares issued as part of the consideration for the IDFC - CFL Merger are included in the weighted average
number of shares as of the appointed date of the merger.
18.50 Movement in stock options granted is as under:
Employee Stock Option Scheme of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited viz. IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015 was framed with
an object of encouraging higher participation on the part of employees in the Bank’s financial growth and success.
An effective stock option scheme enables retention of talent and aligning employee interest to that of the Shareholders.
The Shareholders of the Bank at its 2nd Annual General Meeting held on July 27, 2016 had approved IDFC FIRST Bank
ESOS - 2015 and had granted its approval to Employee Stock Options pool of 6% of the issued and paid up share
capital of the Bank.
IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015 is in compliance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee
Benefits) Regulations, 2014, as amended from time to time. IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015 is administered by the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (‘NRC’) of the Bank. As per IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015, the Bank is
authorized to issue Employee Stock Options to Eligible Employees and Executive Directors of the Bank and its
Subsidiary Companies.
All Options vests in a graded manner and are required to be exercised within a specific period. The Bank has used the
intrinsic value method to account for the compensation cost of stock options to employees of the Bank. Intrinsic value is
the amount by which the quoted market price of the underlying share on the date, prior to the date of the grant, exceeds
the exercise price on the Option. Accounting for the stock options has been in accordance with the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, to the extent applicable.
During FY 2018-19, there has been no material change in IDFC FIRST Bank ESOS-2015.
Stock option activity under the Scheme for the year ended 31 March, 2019 is set out below:
Range of Weighted average
Particulars Outstanding at the average remaining
exercise prices (`) exercise price (`)
contractual life (Years)
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 90,711,660 31.73 - 83.81 51.34 4.04
Granted during the year 22,006,400 43.25 - 47.40 45.96 4.77
Addition on amalgamation 167,818,175 11.20 - 57.54 29.03 4.58
Forfeited during the year (23,590,980) 44.74 - 74.20 51.41 -
Expired during the year (196,500) 53.34 - 83.81 55.67 -
Exercised during the year (492,450) 34.71 - 47.00 43.90 -
Outstanding at the end of the year 256,256,305 11.20 - 79.85 36.28 4.23
Exercisable at the end of the year 175,566,355 11.20 - 79.85 30.41 0.59
The weighted average share price in respect of options exercised during the year was ` 41.05
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Stock option activity under the Scheme for the year ended 31 March, 2018 is set out below:
Range of Weighted average average remaining
Particulars Outstanding at the
exercise prices (`) exercise price (`) contractual life
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 90,712,744 31.73 - 83.81 49.52 4.91
Granted during the year 20,419,100 49.25 - 58.80 54.17 -
Forfeited during the year (15,157,900) 45.20 - 64.70 50.39 -
Expired during the year (193,563) 45.69 - 83.81 55.82 -
Exercised during the year (5,068,721) 44.74 - 62.95 47.27 -
Directors' Report
Outstanding at the end of the year 90,711,660 31.73 - 83.81 51.34 4.04
Exercisable at the end of the year 41,519,950 31.73 - 83.81 49.91 2.62
The weighted average share price in respect of options exercised during the year was ` 57.87
Corporate Governance
Stock based employee compensation expense included in net income - -
(` in crores)
Stock based employee compensation expense determined under fair 104.46 55.18
value based method (proforma) (` in crores)
Net Profit (Proforma) (` in crores) (2,048.64) 804.12
Earnings per share: Basic (in `)
As reported (4.75) 2.53
Proforma (5.01) 2.36
Earnings per share: Diluted (in `)
As reported (4.71) 2.52
Proforma (4.97) 2.36
The fair value of the options is estimated on the date of the grant using the Black-Scholes options pricing model,
with the following assumptions:
Financial Statements
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Dividend yield 2.08% 1.27%
Expected life 3.86 years 4.06 years
Risk free interest rate 7.60% 6.68%
Volatility 33.11% 33.52%
232 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18.52 Leases
In accordance with Accounting Standard 19 on 'Leases' as notified under the Accounting Standards specified under
Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, the following
disclosures in respect of operating leases are made:
The Bank has not sub-leased any of its properties taken on lease. There are no provisions relating to contingent rent.
The terms of renewal / purchase options and escalation clauses are those normally prevalent in similar agreements.
There are generally no undue restrictions or onerous clauses in the agreements.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
(` in crore)
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Software Other Intangibles* Software Other Intangibles
At the beginning of the year 493.96 - 421.77 -
Directors' Report
Additions on Amalgamation 57.90 2,599.51 - -
(refer note 18.01)
Additions during the year 96.58 - 72.19 -
Deductions during the year - (0.16) - -
Total (i) 648.44 2,599.35 493.96 -
Accumulated depreciation at the 203.58 - 113.10 -
beginning of the year
Additions on Amalgamation 30.34 0.16 - -
Depreciation charge for the year 113.04 2,599.35 90.48 -
(refer note 18.01)
Deductions during the year - (0.16) - -
Total (ii) 346.96 2,599.35 203.58 -
Corporate Governance
Net Value (i-ii) 301.48 - 290.38 -
* Other intangibles includes Goodwill & Brand acquired and arising on amalgamation (refer note 18.01)
ii Amount spent towards CSR during the year and recognised as expense in the statement of profit and loss
on CSR related activities is ` 25.64 crores (Previous Year ` 14.23 crores), which comprise of following -
Financial Statements
On purpose other than above 25.64 - 25.64
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 ‘Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance sheet
date’ as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs through amendments to Companies (Accounting Standards)
Amendment Rules, 2016, dated March 30, 2016, proposed dividend of ` 307.79 crore was appropriated from
Profit and Loss Account in FY 2018-19.
Dividend paid during the year ended March 31, 2019 represents dividend of ` 294.02 crore (net of DDT on
dividend from subsidiary) pertaining to previous year.
forming part of the Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
in one currency against another, based on predetermined rates. Interest rate swaps are commitments to
exchange fixed and floating interest rate cash flows. Interest rate futures are standardised, exchange-traded
contracts that represent a pledge to undertake a certain interest rate transaction at a specified price, on
a specified future date. Forward rate agreements are agreements to pay or receive a certain sum based
on a differential interest rate on a notional amount for an agreed period. A foreign currency option is an
agreement between two parties in which one grants to the other the right to buy or sell a specified amount of
currency at a specific price within a specified time period or at a specified future time. An exchange traded
currency option contract is a standardised foreign exchange derivative contract, which gives the owner
the right, but not the obligation, to exchange money denominated in one currency into another currency
Directors' Report
at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date on the date of expiry. Currency Futures contract is a
standardised, exchange-traded contract, to buy or sell a certain underlying currency at a certain date in
the future, at a specified price.
Corporate Governance
vi Other items
Other items represent estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account.
Financial Statements
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
Kalpesh J. Mehta Dr. Rajiv B. Lall V. Vaidyanathan
Partner Chairman Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
(Membership No. 48791) DIN: 00131782 DIN: 00082596
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
236 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Sr. Key Audit Matter Auditor’s Response
1 Identification of and provisioning for non-performing Our audit approach included testing the design,
advances in accordance with the Reserve Bank of India operating effectiveness of internal controls and
(RBI) guidelines and Bank’s Board approved policy. substantive audit procedures in respect of income
(Refer Schedule 9 read with Note 17.2) recognition, asset classification and provisioning
pertaining to advances. In particular:
The Bank has net advances amounting to ` 86,30,22,859
• we have evaluated the Bank’s internal control
thousands as at 31 March 2019. Identification of and
system in adhering to the Relevant RBI guidelines
provisioning for non-performing advances in accordance
and regulations;
with relevant prudential norms issued by the RBI in
respect of income recognition, asset classification and • we have evaluated key IT systems/ applications
provisioning pertaining to advances (herein after referred used and tested the design and implementation as
Directors' Report
as “Relevant RBI guidelines”) and as per the Bank’s Board well as operational effectiveness of relevant controls,
approved policy is a key audit matter due to materiality including manual controls in relation to income
of balances involved, which requires management recognition, asset classification and provisioning
estimates, judgement, manual interventions and level of pertaining to advances;
regulatory and other stakeholders focus.
• we tested a selection of advances to examine the
validity of the recorded amounts, loan documentation,
Accordingly, our audit was focused on income
examined the statement of accounts, indicators of
recognition, asset classification and provisioning
impairment, provision for non-performing advances,
pertaining to advances.
and compliance with Relevant RBI guidelines; and
• we evaluated the governance process and
Corporate Governance
review controls over calculations of provision of
non-performing advances, basis of provisioning
approved in accordance with the Board approved
policy by the Chief Risk Officer and Chief
Finance Officer.
We discussed the provisions made with senior
management including the Chief Executive Officer,
Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer and with those
charged with governance.
2 Accounting for Amalgamation Our audit approach for testing of accounting of
As set out in Note 17A and 18.01, the Bank completed amalgamation included in particular :
its Amalgamation with Capital First Limited, Capital
• we evaluated the Scheme of Amalgamation approved
First Home Finance Limited and Capital First Securities
Financial Statements
by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT);
Limited (together referred to as “the CFL Group”) with
appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date as • we evaluated appropriateness of the Bank’s selection
December 18, 2018. of amalgamation accounting by Purchase method
against the compliance with each of the conditions
The Bank has accounted for the amalgamation
stipulated in AS 14 - Accounting for Amalgamation;
by Purchase method as per AS 14 - Accounting
for Amalgamations. • we tested internal controls over financial reporting of
the merged entity;
The amalgamation resulted in recognition of Intangible
assets – (Brand and Goodwill) aggregating to ` 2,599.35 • we obtained management’s workings for the
crore which have been subjected to accelerated accounting of the amalgamation and evaluated
amortisation through Profit and Loss Account during the management’s determination of the fair value of
year ended 31 March 2019. the net assets acquired, focusing on the valuation
of intangible asset which is based on independent
The aforesaid intangible assets have been considered
valuer’s report engaged by the Management;
to be eligible for tax depreciation, consequently deferred
tax asset has been recognised on timing difference. • we evaluated the fair value of the acquired assets,
focusing on the valuation methodologies and key
assumptions applied;
238 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
The Bank was also required to integrate internal controls • we evaluated the competence of independent valuer
over financial reporting of the merged entity. engaged by management and involved our valuation
specialists to assist in our assessment of the fair value
Due to the complexity of the transaction and the of the acquired assets;
associated significant risk of misstatement involved in
• we evaluated the reasonableness of key assumptions
based on our knowledge of the business and industry;
• integration of internal controls over financial reporting
of the merged entity; • we evaluated the basis determined by the
Management for accelerated amortisation of
• assumptions and estimates required to be made by
Intangible Assets through Profit and Loss Account
the Management to determine the value of Intangible
during the year ended 31 March 2019;
Assets which is based on independent valuer’s report
engaged by the management; • with the support of our taxation specialists we
performed evaluation of tax laws applicable to
• subsequent accelerated amortisation of these
the Bank and verification of the management’s
Intangible assets; and
assessment with respect to eligibility of intangible
• significant management judgements involved regarding assets for tax depreciation;
the future profit forecasts and application of tax laws for
• we evaluated management’s assessment of future
the recognition and measurement of deferred tax asset
revenues and operating margins by comparing
on amortised intangible assets
actual results and with the help our internal valuation
the Accounting for Amalgamation is considered as specialists we assessed the reasonableness of the
key audit matter. revenue forecast by performing sensitivity analysis of
the growth rates compared to peer banks.
3 Evaluation of General Information Technology (IT) We involved our IT specialists to obtain an understanding
Controls for Key IT systems used in financial reporting
of the Bank’s IT related control environment including the
process along with the integration of IT systems
systems acquired during the course of amalgamation.
acquired on Amalgamation
The Bank’s operational and financial processes are Furthermore, we conducted an assessment and
highly dependent on IT systems due to large volume of identified key IT applications, databases and operating
transactions that are processed daily. systems, applications used in accounting for and
recording of Advances, Treasury transactions and the
The Bank has also acquired IT systems of CFL Group on
systems used in financial reporting process, that are
amalgamation which were integrated with the financial
relevant to our audit.
reporting application of the Bank.
For the key IT systems, applications and databases
The Bank has constituted an IT Strategy Committee at the
that are relevant to our audit and used in preparation of
Board level to oversee implementation of IT strategy.
accounting and financial information , our areas of audit
Accordingly, our audit was focussed on key IT systems focus included Access Security (including controls over
and controls along with the integration of IT systems privileged access), Program Change controls, database
acquired on amalgamation, due to the pervasive nature management and Network Operations. In particular:
and complexity of the IT environment.
• we obtained an understanding of the Bank’s IT control
environment and key changes if any during the audit
period that may be relevant to the audit and reviewed
the minutes of IT strategy committee meetings;
• we tested the design, implementation and operating
effectiveness of the Bank’s General IT controls over
the key IT systems. This included evaluation of bank’s
controls to evaluate segregation of duties and access
rights being provisioned / modified based on duly
approved requests, access for exit cases being
revoked in a timely manner and access of all users
being re-certified during the period of audit;
Sr. Key Audit Matter Auditor’s Response
Directors' Report
Information Other than the Financial Statements and
Auditor’s Report Thereon of the companies included in the Group and of its associate
are responsible for maintenance of adequate accounting
The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the
records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for
other information. The other information comprises the
safeguarding the assets of the Group and its associate and
information included in the Management Discussion and
for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities;
Analysis, Board’s Report, Corporate Governance Report,
selection and application of appropriate accounting policies;
Chairperson’s Statement and Managing Director & Chief
making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
Executive Officer’s Statement, but does not include the
prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of
consolidated financial statements, the Pillar III Disclosure
adequate internal financial controls, that were operating
under the New Capital Adequacy Framework (Basel III
effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness
disclosures) and our auditor’s report thereon, which is
of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and
expected to be made available to us after that date.
Corporate Governance
presentation of the financial statements that give a true and
fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether
• Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does
due to fraud or error, which have been used for the purpose
not cover the other information and the Basel III disclosure
of preparation of the consolidated financial statements by
and accordingly, we do not and will not express any form
the Directors of the Bank, as aforesaid.
of assurance conclusion thereon.
• In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the
statements, our responsibility is to read the other respective Board of Directors of the companies included
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other in the Group and of its associate are responsible for
information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated assessing the ability of the Group and of its associate to
financial statements or our knowledge obtained during continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable,
the course of our audit or otherwise appears to be matters related to going concern and using the going
materially misstated. concern basis of accounting unless the management either
intends to liquidate or cease operations, or has no realistic
Financial Statements
• When we read the Management Discussion and
alternative but to do so.
Analysis, Board’s Report, Corporate Governance Report,
Chairperson’s Statement and Managing Director & Chief
The respective Board of Directors of the companies included
Executive Officer’s Statement, if we conclude that there
in the Group and of its associate are also responsible for
is a material misstatement therein, we are required to
overseeing the financial reporting process of the Group and
communicate the matter to those charged with governance
of its associate.
as required under SA 720 ‘The Auditor’s responsibilities
Relating to Other Information’
Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Consolidated
Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about
The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole
stated in section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud
preparation of these consolidated financial statements that or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our
give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,
consolidated financial performance and consolidated cash but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
flows of the Group including its Associate in accordance with with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it
the Accounting Standards and other accounting principles exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
240 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they financial statements of which we are the independent
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic auditors. For the other branches or entities or business
decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated activities included in the consolidated financial statements,
financial statements. which have been audited by the branch auditors or other
auditors, such branch auditors and other auditors remain
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance
professional judgment and maintain professional
of the audits carried out by them. We remain solely
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
responsible for our audit opinion.
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of
Materiality is the magnitude of misstatements in the
the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud
consolidated financial statements that, individually or in
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive
aggregate, makes it probable that the economic decisions of a
to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient
reasonably knowledgeable user of the consolidated financial
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk
statements may be influenced. We consider quantitative
of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
materiality and qualitative factors in (i) planning the scope of
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud
our audit work and in evaluating the results of our work; and
may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
(ii) to evaluate the effect of any identified misstatements in the
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
consolidated financial statements.
• Obtain an understanding of internal financial control
We communicate with those charged with governance of the
relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
Bank and such other entities included in the consolidated
that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section
financial statements of which we are the independent auditors
143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing
regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
our opinion on whether the Bank has adequate internal
timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including
financial controls system in place and the operating
any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify
effectiveness of such controls.
during our audit.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used
We also provide those charged with governance with a
and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
related disclosures made by the management.
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use with them all relationships and other matters that may
of the going concern basis of accounting and, based reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and
on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material where applicable, related safeguards.
uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may
From the matters communicated with those charged with
cast significant doubt on the ability of the Group and its
governance, we determine those matters that were of
associate to continue as a going concern. If we conclude
most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial
that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
statements of the current period and are therefore the key
attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in
audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s
the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures
report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in
auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may
our report because the adverse consequences of doing so
cause the Group and its associate to cease to continue as
would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest
a going concern.
benefits of such communication.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content Other Matters
of the consolidated financial statements, including the
(a) We did not audit the financial statements of one
disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial
subsidiary, whose financial statements reflect total assets
statements represent the underlying transactions and
of ` 20,548.86 lacs as at 31 March 2019, total revenues
events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
of ` 26,202.04 lacs and net cash (outflows) amounting
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the to ` (30.26) lacs for the year ended on that date, as
financial information of the branches, entities or business considered in the consolidated financial statements.
activities within the Group and its associate to express an
(b) The consolidated financial statements also include the
opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are
Group’s share of net loss of ` 2,786.25 lacs for the year
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance
ended 31 March 2019, as considered in the consolidated
of the audit of the financial statements of such branches or
financial statements, in respect of one associate, whose
entities or business activities included in the consolidated
financial statements have not been audited by us. e) On the basis of the written representations received from
These financial statements are unaudited and have the directors of the Bank as on 31 March 2019 taken on
been furnished to us by the Management and our record by the Board of Directors of the Company and the
opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in reports of the statutory auditors of its, subsidiary company,
so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures incorporated in India, none of the directors of the Group
included in respect this associate, is based solely on companies is disqualified as on 31st March 2019 from
such unaudited financial statements. In our opinion and being appointed as a director in terms of Section
according to the information and explanations given to 164(2) of the Act.
us by the Management, these financial statements are
f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial
not material to the Group. controls over financial reporting and the operating
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate
above and our report on Other Legal and Regulatory report in “Annexure A” which is based on the auditors’
Requirements below, is not modified in respect of the reports of the Bank, subsidiary company incorporated in
Directors' Report
above matters with respect to our reliance on the work India. Our report expresses an unmodified opinion on the
done and the reports of the other auditors and the adequacy and operating effectiveness of internal financial
financial statements certified by the Management. controls over financial reporting of those companies.
(c) The audit of special purpose financial information of g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the
Capital First Limited and its subsidiaries Capital First Auditor’s Report in accordance with the requirements of
Home Finance Limited and Capital First Securities section 197(16) of the Act, as amended,
Limited (together referred to as “the CFL Group”) in our opinion and to the best of our information and
as at and for the period ended 30 September 2018, according to the explanations given to us the entity being
as considered for the merger accounting as on the a banking company, section 197 of the Act related to the
appointed date, was carried out by the statutory managerial remuneration is not applicable by virtue of
Corporate Governance
auditors of the CFL Group. section 35B (2A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and ii)
Provision has been made in the consolidated
explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and financial statements, as required under the
belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit of applicable law or accounting standards, for material
Financial Statements
the aforesaid consolidated financial statements. foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts
including derivative contracts.
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required
by law relating to preparation of the aforesaid iii) There were no amounts which were required to be
consolidated financial statements have been kept so transferred to the Investor Education and Protection
Fund by the Bank, its subsidiary and associate
far as it appears from our examination of those books
companies incorporated in India.
and the reports of the other auditors.
For Deloitte Haskins & Sells
The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated
Chartered Accountants
Profit and Loss Account and the Consolidated
(Firm’s Registration No. 117365W)
Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are
in agreement with the relevant books of account
Kalpesh J. Mehta
maintained for the purpose of preparation of the
consolidated financial statements.
(Membership No. 48791)
d) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial
statements comply with the Accounting Standards Place: Mumbai
specified under Section 133 of the Act. Date: 10 May 2019
242 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Report on the Internal Financial Controls Over comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform
Financial Reporting under Clause (i) of Sub-section the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting
Act”) was established and maintained and if such controls
In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated financial operated effectively in all material respects.
statements of the Company as of and for the year ended
March 31, 2019, we have audited the internal financial Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
controls over financial reporting of IDFC FIRST Bank evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
Limited (formerly, IDFC BANK LIMITED) (”the Bank”/ “the controls system over financial reporting and their operating
Holding Company”) and its subsidiary company, which are effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over
companies incorporated in India, as of that date. financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of
internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing
the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial
Controls evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of
The respective Board of Directors of the Bank, its subsidiary internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures
company, which are companies incorporated in India, selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the
are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
financial controls based on the internal control over financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
financial reporting criteria established by the respective
Companies considering the essential components of We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained and
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors of the
Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting (the subsidiary company which are companies incorporated in
“Guidance Note”) issued by the Institute of Chartered India, in terms of their reports referred to in the Other Matters
Accountants of India (ICAI). These responsibilities include paragraph below, is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate basis for our audit opinion on the internal financial controls
internal financial controls that were operating effectively for system over financial reporting of the Bank and its subsidiary
ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, company, which are companies incorporated in India.
including adherence to the respective company’s policies,
the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection Meaning of Internal Financial Controls Over
of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the Financial Reporting
accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable A company's internal financial control over financial reporting
financial information, as required under the Companies Act, is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance
2013, the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the guidelines regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the
issued by the Reserve Bank of India. preparation of financial statements for external purposes in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Auditor’s Responsibility A company's internal financial control over financial
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the internal reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1)
financial controls over financial reporting of the Bank and pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable
its subsidiary company, which are companies incorporated detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and
in India, based on our audit. We conducted our audit in dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide
accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as
Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting (the “Guidance necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in
Note”) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,
of India and the Standards on Auditing, prescribed under and that receipts and expenditures of the company are
Section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the being made only in accordance with authorisations of
extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls. management and directors of the company; and (3) provide
Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely
detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of effectively as at March 31, 2019, based on the internal control
the company's assets that could have a material effect on over financial reporting criteria established by the respective
the financial statements. companies considering the essential components of internal
control stated in the Guidance Note.
Inherent Limitations Of Internal Financial Controls
Over Financial Reporting Other Matters
Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial Our aforesaid report under Section 143(3)(i) of the Act on
controls over financial reporting, including the possibility the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal
of collusion or improper management override of controls, financial controls over financial reporting insofar as it relates
material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and to a subsidiary company, which is a company incorporated
not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the
in India, is based solely on the corresponding reports of the
internal financial controls over financial reporting to future
auditors of such companies incorporated in India.
periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial
Directors' Report
control over financial reporting may become inadequate
Our opinion is not modified in respect of the above matters.
because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Opinion Chartered Accountants
In our opinion to the best of our information and according to (Firm’s Registration No.117365W)
the explanations given to us and based on the consideration
of the reports of the other auditors referred to in the Other Kalpesh J. Mehta
Matters paragraph below, the Bank and its subsidiary Partner
company, which are companies incorporated in India, (Membership No. 48791)
have, in all material respects, an adequate internal financial
Corporate Governance
controls system over financial reporting and such internal Place: Mumbai
financial controls over financial reporting were operating Date: 10 May 2019
Financial Statements
244 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
Particulars Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Capital and Liabilities
Capital 1 47,816,764 34,040,749
Reserves and surplus 2 134,176,874 118,700,312
Deposits 3 703,535,907 480,394,414
Borrowings 4 699,833,902 572,870,654
Other liabilities and provisions 5 85,625,892 57,813,793
Total 1,670,989,339 1,263,819,922
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 41,009,321 30,210,987
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 54,252,213 18,557,175
Investments 8 582,452,291 609,044,180
Advances 9 863,022,859 521,648,881
Fixed assets 10 9,740,409 8,002,591
Other assets 11 120,512,246 76,356,108
Total 1,670,989,339 1,263,819,922
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
for the year ended March 31, 2019
( ` in Thousands)
Year Ended Year Ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Income
Interest earned 13 122,040,164 90,984,723
Other income 14 9,386,434 11,198,743
Total 131,426,598 102,183,466
II Expenditure
Interest expended 15 87,432,414 71,259,628
Directors' Report
Operating expenses 16 60,906,359 17,969,066
Provisions and contingencies 18.05 1,887,998 3,399,966
Total 150,226,771 92,628,660
Net Profit/(Loss) before share in loss of associates (18,800,173) 9,554,806
Add : Share in loss of associates (278,625) (755,659)
III Consolidated Profit / (Loss) For The Year (19,078,798) 8,799,147
Attributable To The Group
Balance in profit and loss account brought forward 17,272,328 16,458,662
from previous year
IV Amount Available for Appropriation (1,806,470) 25,257,809
V Appropriations :
Transfer to statutory reserve 18.06 - 2,150,000
Corporate Governance
Transfer (from) investment reserve 18.06 - (5,500)
Transfer to capital reserve 18.06 15,100.00 2,020,000
Transfer to special reserve 18.06 - 750,000
Transfer to investment fluctuation reserve 18.06 - -
Dividend paid (includes tax on dividend) 18.13 3,077,878 3,070,472
Share of movement in reserves of associate - 508
Balance in profit and loss account carried forward (4,899,448) 17,272,328
Total (1,806,470) 25,257,809
VI Earnings Per Equity Share 18.08
(Face value ` 10 per share)
Basic (`) (4.66) 2.59
Diluted (`) (4.63) 2.58
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts 17 & 18
Financial Statements
The schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Profit and Loss Account
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
246 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
( ` in Thousands)
Year ended Year ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
A. Cash flow from operating activities
Profit / (Loss) after tax (19,078,798) 8,799,147
Add: Provision for tax (13,295,538) 1,796,910
Net profit / (loss) before taxes (32,374,336) 10,596,057
Adjustments for :
Depreciation on fixed assets 16 (V) 28,203,169 1,682,136
Amortisation of premium on held to maturity investments 1,335,469 1,135,794
Provision for / (release of) depreciation in value of investments 18.05 3,462,440 (1,713,901)
Write back of provision for non performing advances 18.05 (1,059,177) (5,796,120)
Write back of provision for restructured assets 18.05 (202,065) (400)
Write back of specific provisions 18.05 551,954 (1,085,200)
Provision for standard assets 18.05 37,215 95,824
Loss on sale of loans to ARC 18.05 8,136,830 -
Bad debts including technical / prudential write off 18.05 3,730,996 9,978,783
Other provisions and contingencies 18.05 525,380 123,971
Loss on sale of fixed assets (net) 14 (IV) 11,929 10,450
Share in loss of associates 278,625 755,659
Adjustments for :
(Increase) / decrease in investments (excluding held to 35,144,987 (99,014,803)
maturity investment and investment in subsidiary)
Increase in advances (75,993,585) (30,729,113)
Increase in deposits 223,141,492 79,416,118
Increase in other assets (24,552,259) (9,197,132)
Increase / (decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 2,723,342 (12,551,714)
Direct taxes paid (net) 535,354 (3,484,654)
Net cash flow generated from / (used in) operating activities (A) 173,637,760 (59,778,245)
B Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets (2,763,445) (1,738,108)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 43,755 31,625
Increase in held to maturity investments (10,927,732) (8,566,326)
Net cash flow generated from / (used in) investing activities (B) (13,647,422) (10,272,809)
for the year ended March 31, 2019
( ` in Thousands)
Year ended Year ended
Schedule No.
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
C. Cash flow from financing activities
Increase / (decrease) in borrowings (119,099,415) 70,248,797
Proceeds from issue of share capital 21,541 239,614
(other than shares issued on amalgamation)
Payment of securities issue expenses (47,388) -
Payment of dividend (including dividend distribution tax) (3,077,878) (3,070,472)
Directors' Report
Net cash flow generated from / (used in) financing activities (C) (122,203,140) 67,417,939
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 37,787,198 (2,633,115)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 48,768,162 51,401,277
Cash and cash equivalents acquired on amalgamation 8,706,174 -
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 95,261,534 48,768,162
Represented by :
Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 41,009,321 30,210,987
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 7 54,252,213 18,557,175
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 95,261,534 48,768,162
Corporate Governance
In terms of our report attached.
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
Financial Statements
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
248 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 1 - Capital^
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Authorised capital
5,325,000,000 (Previous Year - 5,000,000,000) equity shares of ` 10 each 53,250,000 50,000,000
3,800,000 (Previous Year - Nil) Preference shares of ` 100 each 380,000 -
Equity Share Capital
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital ^
4,781,676,412 equity shares (Previous year: 3,404,074,905 equity shares) 47,816,764 34,040,749
of ` 10 each, fully paid up
Total 47,816,764 34,040,749
^ During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Holding company approved a merger of Capital First Limited and its wholly
owned subsidiaries, Capital First Home Finance Limited & Capital First Securities Limited ('Merging entities') with the Bank ('IDFC - CFL Merger') in
an all-stock transaction through a Composite Scheme of Arrangement. The same has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India, the Competition
Commission of India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, the respective Shareholders and Creditors of each entities and
the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), with appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date as December 18, 2018.
Accordingly, 1,377,109,057 equity shares were alloted to the eligible equity shareholders of erstwhile Capital First Limited as per the Share Exchange
Ratio of 13.9:1 as approved in the scheme.
Also, includes 492,450 equity shares (Previous Year 5,068,721 equity shares) alloted pursuant to the exercise of options under the Employee Stock
Option Scheme.
Pursuant to Amalgamation scheme becoming effective, the authorised share capital of the Bank has increased to equity share capital of ` 5,325.00
crore (Previous Year ` 5,000.00 crore) and preference share capital of ` 38.00 crore (Previous Year Nil).
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
IV General reserve
Opening balance 6,882,161 6,882,152
Additions during the year (refer note 18.06) - 9
Deduction during the year - -
Closing balance 6,882,161 6,882,161
V Amalgamation Reserve (refer note 18.01) (2,317,951) -
Directors' Report
VI Special reserve
Opening balance 5,450,000 4,700,000
Additions during the year (refer note 18.06) - 750,000
Deduction during the year - -
Closing balance 5,450,000 5,450,000
VII Investment Fluctuation Reserve (refer note 18.06) - -
VIII Investment Reserve Account (IRA)
Opening balance - 5,500
Additions during the year - -
Deduction during the year (refer note 18.06) - (5,500)
Closing balance - -
Corporate Governance
IX Balance in Profit and Loss Account (4,899,448) 17,272,328
Total (I+Ii+Iii+Iv+V+Vi+Vii+Viii+Ix) 134,176,874 118,700,312
Schedule 3 - Deposits
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
A I Demand deposits
(i) From banks 1,694,280 1,520,653
(ii) From others 21,359,073 19,781,137
II Savings bank deposits 67,500,193 35,326,606
III Term deposits
(i) From banks 47,518,700 34,033,515
Financial Statements
(ii) From others 565,463,661 389,732,503
Total (I+Ii+Iii) 703,535,907 480,394,414
B. I Deposits of branches in India 703,535,907 480,394,414
II Deposits of branches outside India - -
Total (I+Ii) 703,535,907 480,394,414
250 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 4 - Borrowings
(` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Borrowings in India
(i) Reserve Bank of India 62,500,000 94,810,000
(ii) Other banks^ 123,960,784 38,451,964
(iii) Other institutions and agencies$ 444,691,784 419,929,623
II Borrowings outside India* 68,681,334 19,679,067
Total (I + Ii) 699,833,902 572,870,654
Secured borrowings included in I and II above ** 142,155,583 205,335,651
^ Borrowings from banks include long term infrastructure bonds of ` 281.50 crore (Previous Year ` 281.50 crore).
$ Borrowings from other institutions and agencies include long term infrastructure bonds of ` 10,152.50 crore (Previous Year ` 10,152.50 crore)
and Bonds under section 80CCF of the Income tax Act, 1961 of ` 1,690.03 crore (Previous Year ` 1,690.05 crore).
* Borrowings outside India include External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) of ` 550.88 crore (Previous Year ` 623.45 crore).
** Secured borrowings includes borrowings under Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation / Triparty Repo (TREPS), market repurchase
transactions with banks & financial institutions, transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility secured against
Government Securities.
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Schedule 7 - Balances with Banks and Money at call and short notice
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I In India
(i) Balance with banks
(a) In current accounts 6,246,147 212,076
(b) In other deposit accounts - -
(ii) Money at call and short notice
Directors' Report
(a) With banks 31,000,000 1,850,000
(b) With other institutions - 194,091
Total 37,246,147 2,256,167
II Outside India
(i) In current accounts 80,836 76,148
(ii) In other deposit accounts - 11,405,625
(iii) Money at call and short notice 16,925,230 4,819,235
Total 17,006,066 16,301,008
Grand Total (I+Ii) 54,252,213 18,557,175
Corporate Governance
Schedule 8 - Investments (Net of Provisions)
( ` in Thousands)
As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Investments in India in :
(i) Government securities 353,849,422 387,985,608
(ii) Other approved securities - -
(iii) Shares * 1,798,747 3,731,503
(iv) Debentures and bonds 127,326,566 122,080,787
(v) Others (venture capital funds, commercial papers, certificate of deposits, 99,477,556 95,246,282
security receipts, PTC etc.)
Total Investments in India 582,452,291 609,044,180
* Gross Investments in associates ` 226.39 crore (Previous Year ` 226.39 crore), Net Investments in associate Nil (Previous Year ` 27.86 crore).
Financial Statements
II Investments Outside India in :
(i) Government securities (including local authorities) - -
(ii) Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad - -
(iii) Others - -
Total Investments outside India - -
Grand Total (I+Ii) 582,452,291 609,044,180
252 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
CI Advances in India
(i) Priority sector 156,825,124 64,179,608
(ii) Public sector 10,705,977 35,199,879
(iii) Banks 2,722,896 2,415,366
(iv) Others 692,768,862 419,854,028
Total 863,022,859 521,648,881
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Deductions during the year (24,814) -
Total 3,001,176 3,006,756
As at the beginning of the year 492,276 439,925
Additions on Amalgamation - -
Charge for the year 52,036 52,351
Deductions during the year (7,481) -
Depreciation to date 536,831 492,276
Net block of premises 2,464,345 2,514,480
Corporate Governance
II Other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) (refer note 18.11)
Gross block
At cost at the beginning of the year 9,179,953 7,761,317
Additions on Amalgamation 28,098,250 -
Additions during the year 2,488,969 1,762,320
Deductions during the year (160,846) (343,684)
Total 39,606,326 9,179,953
As at the beginning of the year 3,725,716 2,397,541
Additions on Amalgamation 917,052 -
Charge for the year 28,151,133 1,629,784
Deductions during the year (122,495) (301,609)
Depreciation to date 32,671,406 3,725,716
Financial Statements
Net block of other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) 6,934,920 5,454,237
III Capital Work-In-Progress (Including Capital Advances) 341,144 33,874
Grand Total (I+Ii+Iii) 9,740,409 8,002,591
254 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019
forming part of the Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
* Includes interest on income tax refunds amounting to ` 32.03 crore (Previous Year ` 41.23 crore)
Corporate Governance
joint venture abroad / in India
VII Miscellaneous Income [including recoveries on account of advances 958,003 24,151
written off of ` 86.48 crore (Previous year Nil)]
Total 9,386,434 11,198,743
Financial Statements
Schedule 16 - Operating Expenses
( ` in thousands)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
I Payments to and provisions for employees 12,793,748 7,863,800
II Rent, taxes and lighting 1,789,397 1,093,957
III Printing and stationery 387,308 183,434
IV Advertisement and publicity 612,309 246,390
V Depreciation on group's property (refer note 18.01) 28,203,169 1,682,136
VI Directors' fees, allowance and expenses 9,891 14,551
VII Auditors' fees and expenses 36,526 20,225
VIII Law charges 46,551 73,301
IX Postage, telegrams, telephones etc. 534,773 326,615
X Repairs and maintenance 994,066 327,304
XI Insurance 453,640 375,275
XII Other expenditure 15,044,981 5,762,078
Total 60,906,359 17,969,066
256 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The audited financial statements of the subsidiary HFT category. Further, as per the RBI guidelines, HFT
company and the un-audited financial statements securities, which remain unsold for a period of 90 days
of associate have been drawn up to the same are reclassified to AFS category. Investments which
reporting date as that of the Bank, i.e. March 31, 2019. the Bank intends to hold till maturity are classified as
The standalone financial statements of the subsidiary HTM securities. Investments which are not classified in
has been prepared in accordance with notified Indian either of the above categories are classified under AFS
Accounting Standards('Ind-AS') with effect from April 1, category. Investments are recorded on value date except
2018. The financial statements of the subsidiary used for for equity shares which are recorded on trade date.
consolidation of the consolidated financial statements
Directors' Report
are special purpose financial statements prepared in Cost of acquisition :
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles • Costs including brokerage and commission pertaining
in India (‘GAAP’) specified under Section 133 of the to investments paid at the time of acquisition are
Companies Act, 2013 read together with paragraph 7 of charged to the Profit and Loss Account.
the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and the Companies • Cost of investments is computed based on First in
(Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016." First out Method for all categories of Investments
including Short sales.
D Use of estimates • Broken period interest (the amount of interest from the
The preparation of financial statements in conformity previous interest payment date till the date of purchase
with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles / sale of instrument) on debt instrument is treated as
requires the Management to make estimates and a revenue item.
Corporate Governance
assumptions that affects the reported amount of assets
and liabilities, revenues and expenses and disclosure Valuation :
of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial Investments classified under HTM category are
statements. The management believes that the carried at their acquisition cost and not marked to
estimates used in preparation of financial statements market. Any premium on acquisition is amortised
are prudent and reasonable. Actual results could differ over the remaining maturity period of the security
from those estimates and the differences between the on a straight line method basis, while discount is not
actual results and the estimates would be recognised in
accreted. Such amortisation of premium is adjusted
the periods in which the results are known / materialised.
against interest income under the head “Income from
investments” as per the RBI guidelines. Any diminution,
E Significant accounting policies :
other than temporary, in the value of investments in
17.1 Investments Classification :
HTM Category is provided.
In accordance with the RBI Guidelines on investment
classification and valuation; Investments are
Financial Statements
Investments classified under AFS and HFT categories
classified into:
are marked to market as per the RBI guidelines.
• Held for Trading (HFT), Traded investments are valued based on the trades
• Available for Sale (AFS) and / quotes on the recognised stock exchanges, or
• Held to Maturity (HTM). prices/yields declared by Primary Dealers Association
of India ('PDAI') jointly with Fixed Income Money Market
Reclassification of securities if any, in any categories are and Derivatives Association (‘FIMMDA’) / Financial
accounted for as per the RBI guidelines. However, for Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd. (‘FBIL’), periodically.
disclosure in the Balance Sheet, investments in India
are classified under six categories - Government • The market value of unquoted government securities
Securities, Other approved securities, Shares, which qualify for determining the Statutory Liquidity
Debentures and Bonds, Investment in Subsidiaries/Joint Ratio (‘SLR’) included in the AFS and HFT categories
Ventures and Others. is computed as per the prices published by
Basis of classification and accounting : • The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities
Investments that are held principally for resale within (viz. State Government securities, Other approved
90 days from the date of purchase are classified under securities, Bonds and Debentures) and preference
258 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
shares, wherever linked to the YTM rates, is done with As a prudent risk measure, specific provision
a mark-up (reflecting associated credit and liquidity against identified investments are made based on
risk) over the YTM rates for government securities management’s assessment of impairment based
published by FIMMDA / FIBIL. For Tax-free bonds, the on qualitative factors, subject to minimum provision
valuation is done after grossing up the coupon in line determined under FIMMDA valuation guidelines.
with FIMMDA/FBIL guidelines. These provisions are netted off from carrying value of
• Unquoted equity shares are valued at the break-up such investments.
value, if the latest balance sheet is available or at ` 1
as per the RBI guidelines. Investment Fluctuation Reserve ('IFR') :
• Units of mutual funds are valued at the latest The RBI has advised banks to create an Investment
repurchase price / net asset value ('NAV') declared by Fluctuation Reserve ('IFR') with effect from FY 2018-19.
the mutual fund. Accordingly, an amount not less than the lower of net
• Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers and Certificate of profit on sale of investments during the year or net
Deposits being discounted instruments, are valued profit for the year less mandatory appropriations shall
at carrying cost. Accretion of discount on discounted be transferred to the IFR by the Holding company, until
Money Market Securities is computed on straight the amount of IFR is at least 2 percent of the HFT and
line method and for long term discounted securities, AFS portfolio, on a continuing basis. Where feasible,
constant YTM method is used. this should be achieved within a period of 3 years.
• Security receipts ('SR') are valued as per NAV as
Further, the Holding company may, at its discretion,
provided by the Reconstruction Company ('RC') /
draw down the balance available in IFR in excess of
Securitization Company ('SC').
2 percent of its HFT and AFS portfolio, for credit to the
• Units of Venture Capital Funds (‘VCF’) and Alternate
balance of profit/loss as disclosed in the profit and loss
Investment Fund ('AIF') held under AFS category are
account at the end of any accounting year. In the event
marked to market based on the NAV provided by
the balance in the IFR is less than 2 percent of the HFT
VCF/AIF based on the latest audited financial statements.
and AFS investment portfolio, a draw down is permitted
In case the audited financials are not available for a
subject to the following conditions:
period beyond 18 months, the investments are valued
at ` 1 per VCF/AIF. Banks’ investments in units of
(a) The drawn down amount is used only for meeting
VCFs is classified under HTM for an initial period of the minimum Common Equity Tier 1/Tier 1 capital
three years and valued at cost during this period, in requirements by way of appropriation to free
accordance with the RBI guidelines. reserves or reducing the balance of loss and
• Priority Sector Pass Through Certificates (PTC) are
valued at book value as per FIMMDA guidelines. (b) The amount drawn down is not more than the extent
Securities are valued script wise and depreciation the MTM provisions made during the aforesaid
/ appreciation is aggregated for each category. year exceed the net profit on sale of investments
Net depreciation, if any, compared to the acquisition during that year.
cost, in any of the categories, is charged to the Profit
and Loss Account. The net appreciation in each IFR is eligible for inclusion in Tier 2 capital.
category, if any, is not recognised except to the extent
of depreciation already provided. The valuation of Short sales :
investments includes securities under repo transactions. The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in Central
Government dated securities in accordance with RBI
Non-performing investments are identified and guidelines and these are shown under Schedule 8 -
depreciation / provision is made thereon based on the Investments. The short position is marked to market
RBI guidelines. The depreciation / provision is not set off along with other securities in that category and loss, if
against the appreciation in respect of other performing any, is charged to the Profit and Loss Account while gain,
securities. Interest on non-performing investments is if any, is ignored. Profit / loss on settlement of the short
recognised on cash basis. position are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Repo and Reverse Repo Transaction : standard advances is not reckoned for arriving at net
In accordance with the RBI guidelines Repo and NPAs. The provision against standard advances (other
Reverse Repo transactions in government securities than provision against identified advances) is shown
and corporate debt securities, including transactions separately as “Contingent Provisions against Standard
conducted under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (‘LAF’) Assets” under “Schedule 5 - Other Liabilities”.
and Marginal Standby Facility (‘MSF’) with the RBI
are reflected as borrowing and lending transactions In case of corporate loans, specific loan loss provisions
respectively. Borrowing cost on repo transactions is in respect of identified advances and non-performing
accounted as interest expense and revenue on reverse advances are made based on the management’s
Directors' Report
repo transactions are accounted as interest income. assessment of the degree of impairment, subject to
the minimum provisioning level prescribed by the RBI.
17.2 Advances The Bank can provide additional specific provision on
In accordance with the RBI guidelines, advances standard advances at higher than prescribed rates as
are classified as performing and non-performing. a prudent risk measure. These provisions are reviewed
Non-Performing advances ('NPA') are further and reassessed at least once in a year. Provision on
classified as Sub-Standard, Doubtful and Loss / write off of homogeneous retail loans and advances,
Assets in accordance with the RBI guidelines on subject to minimum provisioning requirement of
Income Recognition and Asset Classification ('IRAC'). the RBI, is assessed on the basis of ageing of loans
In addition, based on extant environment or specific as prescribed in the Board approved policy of the
information on risk of possible slippages or current Bank. Provision due to diminution in the fair value of
Corporate Governance
pattern of servicing, the Bank makes provision on restructured/rescheduled loans and advances is made
specific advances which are classified as standard in accordance with the applicable the RBI guidelines.
advances as these are not non-performing advances
('identified advances'). Advances are stated net of The RBI has revised ‘Framework for Resolution of
provisions against NPA, specific provisions against Stressed Assets’ and extant instructions on resolution
identified advances, provisions for non-performing of stressed assets such as Framework for Revitalising
funded interest term loan and provisions in lieu of Distressed Assets, Corporate Debt Restructuring
diminution in the fair value of restructured asset. Scheme, Flexible Structuring of Existing Long-Term
Project Loans, Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme
The Holding company may transfer advances ('SDR'), Change in Ownership outside SDR, and Scheme
through inter-bank participation with and without risk. for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets ('S4A')
In accordance with the RBI guidelines, in the case stand withdrawn from February 12, 2018. Also, Joint
of participation with risk, the aggregate amount of Lenders Forum ('JLF') as an institutional mechanism for
Financial Statements
the participation issued by the Bank is reduced from resolution of stressed accounts stands discontinued.
advances and where the Bank is participating, the
aggregate amount of the participation is classified under As per the revised framework, the Bank is required
advances. In the case of participation without risk, the to form a Resolution Plan ('RP') for a borrower who
aggregate amount of participation issued by the Bank defaults in repayment of debt. Asset classification and
is classified under borrowings and where the Bank is provisioning in respect of exposure to borrower entities
participating, the aggregate amount of participation is against whom insolvency applications are filed under
shown as due from banks under advances. the IBC shall be as per the extant IRAC guidelines.
The Holding company makes general provisions The RBI has also revised prudential norms applicable to
on all standard advances based on the rates under any restructuring, whether under the IBC framework or
each category of advance as prescribed by the RBI. outside the IBC framework. As per the revised framework
In addition, the Bank makes provisions for standard in case of restructuring, the accounts classified as
assets in telecom sector (as defined by RBI) and other standard shall be immediately downgraded as NPAs.
stressed sectors, at rates higher than the regulatory The NPAs, upon restructuring, would continue to have
minimum, based on evaluation of risk and stress as the same asset classification as prior to restructuring.
per the Board approved policy. The provision on In both cases, the asset classification shall continue to
260 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
be governed by the ageing criteria as per extant IRAC according to the asset classification status, provisions
guidelines. These are upgraded to standard only after are held for individual country exposure (other than for
satisfaction of certain payment and rating threshold home country as per the RBI guidelines). The countries
criteria specified in the Framework. are categorised into seven risk categories as
mentioned in the ECGC guidelines namely insignificant,
Any additional finance approved under the RP (including low, moderate, high, very high, restricted and off-credit
any resolution plan approved by the Adjudicating and provision is made on exposures exceeding 180
Authority under IBC) may be treated as 'standard days on a graded scale ranging from 0.25% to 100%.
asset' during the specified period under the approved For exposures with contractual maturity of less than
RP, provided the account performs satisfactorily 180 days, 25% of the normal provision requirement
during the specified period. If the restructured asset is held. If the country exposure (net) of the Bank in
fails to perform satisfactorily during the specified respect of each country does not exceed 1% of the
period or does not qualify for upgradation at the end total funded assets, no provision is maintained on such
of the specified period, the additional finance shall be country exposure.
placed in the same asset classification category as the
restructured debt. 17.3 Revenue recognition
Interest income :
The RBI has issued guidelines on enhancing credit supply Interest Income is recognised on accrual basis in
for Large Borrowers through Market Mechanism dated the Profit and Loss Account, except in the case of
August 25, 2016. The said guidelines are applicable to Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and identified stressed
exposure on all single counterparties of the Bank. advances, where it is recognised upon realisation.
The unrealised interest, fees and charges booked in
The guidelines came into effect from the financial respect of NPAs and identified stressed advances and
year 2017-18 onwards for identification of specified any other facility given to the same borrower is reversed
borrowers. The bank’s incremental exposures from FY to the Profit and Loss and subsequent interest income
2018-19 onwards to the specified borrowers exceeding is accounted into interest suspense.
the Net Permitted Lending Limits ('NPLL') will attract
prudential measures.
The unrealized interest represented by Funded
Interest Term Loan ('FITL') is reversed in Profit & Loss
Incremental Exposure of the Banking System to a Account with the corresponding credit in Sundry
specified borrower beyond NPLL shall be deemed Liabilities Account- Interest Capitalization account.
to carry higher risk which shall be recognized by Interest income is booked in Profit & Loss account upon
way of additional standard asset provisioning and realization, by debiting the sundry liabilities account.
higher risk weights.
Subvention income on loans is recognised as income
In the event of substantial erosion in value of loan and over the tenor of the loan agreements. The unamortized
remote possibility of collection, non performing loans balance is disclosed as part of other liabilities .
with adequate provisions are evaluated for technical / On foreclosure, balance unamortised subvention
prudential write off based on Bank’s policy and the RBI income is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
guidelines. Such write off does not have an impact on Income on retained interest in the assigned asset, if any,
the Bank’s legal claim against the borrower. The Bank is accounted on accrual basis except in case of NPAs
may also write off non performing loans on one time wherein interest income is recognised upon realisation.
settlement ('OTS') with the borrower or otherwise.
Amounts recovered form borrowers against debts
Interest Income on coupon bearing securities is
written off is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. recognised over the tenure of the instrument on a
straight line method and on non-coupon bearing
Provision for Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure securities over the tenure on yield basis. Any premium
of borrowers is made as per the RBI guidelines and on acquisition of securities held under HTM category
disclosed under Contingent Provision against Standard is amortised over the remaining maturity period of the
Assets. In addition to the provisions required to be held security on a straight line method basis.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Dividend on equity shares, preference shares and on book value, is amortised over the life of the securities
mutual fund units is recognised as income when the issued by the Special Purpose Vehicle ('SPV'). Any loss
right to receive the dividend is established. arising on account of sale is recognised in the Profit
and Loss Account in the year in which the sale occurs.
Fees and charges :
Loan originating fees, when it becomes due, is In case of Non-Performing Assets sold to Securitisation
recognised upfront as income. Arrangership / syndication Company ('SC') / Reconstruction Company ('RC')
fee is accounted on completion of the agreed service for cash, excess provision is reversed to Profit and
and when right to receive is established. Fee and Loss Account. Any loss arising on account of sale is
Directors' Report
commission income is recognised as income when due recognised in the Profit and Loss Account in the year
and reasonable right of recovery is established and in which the sale occurs. If sale is against issuance of
can be reliably measured. SRs by SC / RC, the sale will be recognised at lower of
redemption value of SRs and net book value of financial
Commission received on guarantees and letter of asset sold. On realisation, the proceeds are reduced
credit issued is recognised on straight line basis against the carrying value of SRs and surplus, if any, is
over the period of the contract or the period for which recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
commission is received except for commission not
exceeding ` 25 lacs which is recognised at the time of With effect from April 1, 2018 investments in SRs by
issuance of the guarantee or letter of credit. more than 10 percent of the SRs backed by the assets
sold and issued under the scheme of securitization,
Corporate Governance
Fee on rescheduling of outstanding debt is recognised provisioning requirement on SRs will be higher of
on accrual basis over the period of time covered by the provisioning rate required in terms of net asset value
rescheduled extension period. declared by the SCs/RCs or provisioning rate as
applicable to the underlying loans, assuming that the
Underwriting commission earned to the extent not loans notionally continued in the books.
reduced from the cost of the securities is recognised
as fees on closure of issue. Direct Assignments :
Profit / premium arising on account of sale of
All other fees and charges is recognised as and when standard asset, being the difference between the sale
they become due and revenue can be reliably measured consideration and book value, is amortised over the
and reasonable right of recovery is established. residual life of the loan. Any loss arising on account of
sale is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account in the
Investments : year in which the sale occurs. In case of gain on sale
Profit / loss on sale of investments under the HTM, AFS of non-performing assets, the excess provision shall
Financial Statements
and HFT categories are recognised in the Profit and not be reversed but will be utilised to meet the shortfall
Loss Account. The profit from sale of investment under / loss on account of sale of other non-performing
HTM category is appropriated from Profit and Loss financial assets and shortfall if any is charged to the
Account to “Capital Reserve” (net of applicable taxes Profit and Loss Account.
and transfer to Statutory Reserve) in accordance with
the RBI guidelines. 17.4 Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs)
The Holding company may enter into transactions
Exchange gain or loss arising on account of revaluation for the purchase or sale of Priority Sector Lending
of monetary assets and liabilities is recognised in the Certificates ('PSLCs'). In case of a purchase transaction
Profit and Loss Account as per the revaluation rates the bank buys the fulfillment of priority sector obligation
published by Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association of and in case of a sale transaction, the bank sells the
India ('FEDAI'). fulfillment of priority sector obligation through the RBI
trading platform without any transfer of underlying risk
Other operating income : or loan assets. Fees paid for purchase of the PSLCs
Securitisation transactions : is recorded as ‘Other Expenditure’ and fees received
Net income arising on account of sale of standard asset, for the sale of PSLCs is recorded as ‘Miscellaneous
being the difference between the sale consideration and Income’ in Profit and Loss Account.
262 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
17.6 Accounting for derivative transactions Valuation of Exchange Traded Currency Options
Derivative transactions comprises of forward contracts, ('ETCO') is carried out on the basis of the daily
futures, swaps and options. The Holding company settlement price of each individual option provided by
undertakes derivative transactions for trading and the exchange and valuation of Interest Rate Futures
hedging on-balance sheet assets and liabilities. ('IRF') is carried out on the basis of the daily settlement
All trading transactions are marked to market and price of each contract provided by the exchange.
resultant gain or loss is recognized in the Profit
and Loss Account. As per the RBI guidelines on ‘Prudential Norms for Off
Balance Sheet Exposures of Banks’ a general provision
For hedge transactions, the Holding company identifies is made on the current gross MTM gain of the contract
the hedged item (asset or liability) and assesses the for all outstanding interest rate and foreign exchange
effectiveness at inception as well as at each reporting derivative transactions. For provisioning purpose,
date. Funding swaps are accounted in accordance the credit exposure for all the counterparties except
with FEDAI guidelines. The Hedge swaps and funding Qualified Central Counter Party ('QCCP') are calculated
swaps are accounted on accrual basis except the swap at deal level, i.e. Gross Positive MTM after netting
designated with an asset or liability that is carried at of margin to the extent of Positive MTM. The credit
lower of cost or market value in the financial statements. exposure reckoned for standard provisioning on QCCP
In such cases swaps are marked to market with the is calculated at counterparty level i.e. Net Positive MTM.
resulting gain or loss recorded as an adjustment
to the market value of designated asset or liability. 17.7 Fixed assets and depreciation
Any resultant profit or loss on termination of hedge Fixed assets are carried at cost of acquisition or
swaps is amortized over the life of the swap or underlying construction less accumulated depreciation and
liability whichever is shorter. Upon ineffectiveness of impairment, if any. Cost includes freight, duties, taxes
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
and incidental expenses related to the acquisition and 17.8 Income tax
installation of the asset. Income tax expense is the aggregate amount of current
tax and deferred tax charge. The current tax expense
Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life and deferred tax expense is determined in accordance
of a fixed asset on a straight-line basis. The rates of with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and as
depreciation for fixed assets, which are not lower than per Accounting Standard 22 - Accounting for Taxes on
Income respectively.
the rates prescribed in Part C of Schedule II of the
Companies Act, 2013, are given below : Deferred income taxes reflects the impact of current
Directors' Report
year timing differences between taxable income and
Asset Estimated Useful Life accounting income for the year and reversal of timing
Building – RCC Frame 60 Years differences of earlier years. Deferred tax assets and
Building – Other than RCC Frame 30 Years liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws
Computers – Desktops, Laptops, 3 Years that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the
End User Devices balance sheet date.
Computers – Server & Network 6 Years
Vehicles 4 Years to 8 years Current tax assets and liabilities and deferred tax
Furniture 10 Years assets and liabilities are off-set when they relate to
Office Equipment 5 Years income taxes levied by the same taxation authority,
Leasehold Improvements Over the extended when the Bank has a legal right to off-set and when the
Corporate Governance
period of lease Bank intends to settle on a net basis.
Others (including software and 5 years
system development) Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent
there is reasonable certainty that the assets can
All fixed assets individually costing less than ` 5,000 are fully be realized in future. In case of history of tax losses,
depreciated in the year of installation. deferred tax assets on unabsorbed depreciation or
carried forward loss under taxation laws are recognized
The Holding company has accounted for the intangibles only if there is virtual certainty of realization of such
acquired and arising on account of IDFC-CFL merger assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each
under AS 14 on 'Accounting of Amalgamation' and as per balance sheet date and appropriately adjusted to
the specific provisions of the scheme. Under AS 14, the reflect the amount that is reasonably / virtually certain
to be realized. The impact of changes in the deferred
goodwill arising on amalgamation should be amortised over
tax assets / liabilities is recognised in the Profit
Financial Statements
period not exceeding five years unless a longer period can
and Loss Account.
be justified. However, in view of restriction under Section 15
of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 to declare dividend in 17.9 Employee stock option scheme
the event a bank carries intangible assets such as goodwill The Holding company has formulated Employee Stock
on its Balance Sheet, as a prudent measure, the intangible Option Scheme - IDFC FIRST Bank Limited ESOS -2015
assets acquired or arising on amalgamation have been fully (‘the Scheme’) in accordance with the SEBI (Employee
amortised through Profit and Loss Account. Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase
Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The ESOS provides for the
Depreciation on assets sold during the year is recognized on grant of options to acquire equity shares of the Bank to
a pro-rata basis to the Profit and Loss Account till the date its employees. The options granted to employees vest
in a graded manner and these may be exercised by the
of sale. Profit on sale of premises net of taxes and transfer to
employees within a specified period.
statutory reserve is appropriated to Capital Reserve as per
the RBI guidelines. The Subsidiary Company recognises the The Holding company follows the intrinsic value method
gains or losses arising on the disposal of the tangible assets to account for its stock-based employee compensation
in the Profit and Loss Account within other income or other plans. Compensation cost is measured by the excess,
expenses, as the case may be. if any, of the market price / fair value of the underlying
264 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
stock over the grant price as determined under the contract and the expected net cost of continuing with
option plan. Compensation cost, if any is amortized the contract. Before a provision is established, the
over the vesting period on a straight line method. Group recognises any impairment loss on the assets
In case the vested stock options expire unexercised, associated with that contract.
the balance in stock options outstanding is transferred
to the general reserve. In case the unvested stock A disclosure of contingent liability is made when there is :
options get lapsed/cancelled, the balance in stock
option outstanding account is transferred to the Profit • a possible obligation arising from a past event, the
and Loss Account.
existence of which will be confirmed by occurrence
or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future
17.10 Employee benefits
events not within the control of the Bank; or
Defined contribution plan :
The contribution to provident fund, superannuation fund • a present obligation arising from a past event which
and pension fund are considered as defined plans and is not recognised as it is not probable that an outflow
are charged to the Profit and Loss Account as they fall of resources will be required to settle the obligation
due, based on the amount of contribution required to or a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation
be made and when services are rendered. cannot be made.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
in the year in which they are incurred. 17.16 Fraud Provisioning
As per RBI guidelines, in case of frauds due to the
17.14 Segment reporting Holding company or for which the Holding company is
As per the RBI guidelines, the Holding company's liable, provision needs to be immediately recognised
business segments are divided under a) Treasury b) in Profit and Loss Account. However, the Holding
Corporate and wholesale banking c) Retail Banking company have an option to make provisions over a
and d) Other Banking Business. period, not exceeding four quarters, commencing from
the quarter in which the fraud has been detected.
17.15 Impairment of assets
The carrying amount of the assets at each Balance 17.17 Cash and cash equivalents
Sheet date is reviewed for impairment. If any indication
Corporate Governance
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand,
of impairment based on internal / external factors
balances with the RBI, balances with other banks and
exists, the recoverable amount of such assets is
estimated and impairment is recognised wherever the money at call and short notice.
carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable
amount. The recoverable amount is the greater of the 17.18 Corporate social responsibility
net selling price and its value in use, which is arrived Expenditure towards corporate social responsibility, in
at by discounting the future cash flows to their present accordance with Companies Act, 2013, are recognised
value, based on an appropriate discounting factor. in the Profit and Loss Account.
Financial Statements
266 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
18 Notes forming part of the financial statements of 13.9:1 as approved in the scheme. Accordingly, the
for the year ended March 31, 2019 issued and paid up equity share capital of the Bank
Amounts in notes forming part of the financial statements increased to ` 4,781.52 crore (4,781,521,604 equity
for the year ended March 31, 2019 are denominated in shares of ` 10 each).
` crore to conform with the extant RBI guidelines.
The IDFC-CFL Merger has been accounted under the
18.01 ‘Purchase Method’ as per Accounting Standard 14 on
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited (Formerly 'IDFC Bank Limited') 'Accounting for Amalgamations' and as per the specific
("the Bank" or "Holding company") was incorporated on provisions of the Scheme. Accordingly, net assets
October 21, 2014 as a Company under the Companies of erstwhile Capital First Limited and its subsidiaries
Act, 2013. Further, the Bank commenced its banking aggregating to ` 2,752.98 crore as at appointed date
operations on October 1, 2015 after receiving universal has been recorded by the Bank at their fair values
banking license from the Reserve Bank of India (‘the as determined by an independent valuer. In view
RBI’) on July 23, 2015. Pursuant to approval from of the share swap ratio of 13.9:1, the Bank issued
shareholders and Central Government - Ministry of 1,377,109,057 equity shares as purchase consideration
Corporate Affairs, the name of the Bank has changed at fair value. The difference between the purchase
to IDFC FIRST Bank Limited and the change has been consideration and fair value of net assets is represented
incorporated in the Second Schedule to the Reserve by Goodwill on amalgamation of ` 2,390.53 crore and
Bank of India Act, 1934 with effect from January 12, 2019. recorded accordingly.
During the year ended March 31, 2018, the Board of Details of fair values of net assets acquired on
Directors of the Bank approved a merger of Capital account of IDFC-CFL Merger are given below :
First Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Capital
First Home Finance Limited & Capital First Securities Particulars ` in crore
Limited (“Merging entities”) with the Bank ('IDFC - CFL Cash and bank balances. 870.62
Merger') in an all-stock transaction through a Composite Loans and advances 27,653.89
Scheme of Arrangement (“Scheme”). The same has Fixed Assets 123.98
been approved by the Reserve Bank of India, the Brand 208.82
Competition Commission of India, the Securities Investments 270.19
and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, the Deferred tax assets (Net) 209.79
respective Shareholders and Creditors of each entities Other Assets 485.11
and the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), with Total Assets 29,822.40
appointed date as October 1, 2018 and effective date Borrowings 24,606.27
as December 18, 2018. Accordingly, the Scheme has Provisions 596.54
been given effect to in the financial results for the year Other Liabilities 1,866.46
ended March 31, 2019 and it includes results for the Share Application Money 0.15
Merging entities for the period from October 1, 2018 Pending Allotment
to March 31, 2019. The Bank has sought dispensation Total Liabilities 27,069.42
from the Reserve Bank of India to grandfather certain Net Assets Acquired 2,752.98
operational aspects of financial products which were Sale Consideration 5,143.51
permitted to the erstwhile Capital First Limited as - Share Capital 1,377.11
Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC). This has no - Share Premium 3,766.40
impact on the results. Goodwill on Amalgamation 2,390.53
The Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting Under Section 15 of the Banking Regulation Act
held on January 5, 2019 approved the allotment of 1949, banks are restricted from declaring dividend
1,377,109,057 equity shares of face value of ` 10 each, in the event a bank carries intangible assets on its
fully paid-up, to the eligible equity shareholders of Balance Sheet. Therefore, while the Bank has acquired
erstwhile Capital First Limited based on record date of intangibles as part of the merger and continues to have
December 31, 2018, as per the Share Exchange Ratio access to these intangibles, as a prudent measure, the
Bank fully amortised such intangibles through profit
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
and loss account in FY 2018-19. This accelerated the Bank by a corresponding debit to 'Amalgamation
amortisation charge to profit and loss account for the Adjustment Account’ which is disclosed as a part of
year of ` 2,599.35 crore is exceptional in nature and ‘Reserve and Surplus’ in the balance sheet.
resulted in loss for the year.
Details of Statutory Reserves of eCFL recorded in the
Statutory reserves created by erstwhile Capital First books of the Holding company are as under:
Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries (eCFL) prior
to the appointed date pursuant to the requirements of Particulars ` in crore
applicable statute and are required to be maintained Special Reserve under Section 45-
Directors' Report
under those statute, are transferred to the Bank in the IC of the RBI Act
same form in which they appeared in the financials Special Reserve under Section 5.50
statements of the respective entities. The statutory 29C of the NHB Act
reserves are recorded in the financials statements of Total 231.80
( ` in crore)
Corporate Governance
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Provident fund 43.38 29.73
Superannuation fund 1.12 1.66
Pension fund 2.89 2.79
ii Gratuity
The following tables summarise the components of net benefit expenses recognised in the Profit and Loss Account
and funded status and amounts recognised in the balance sheet for the gratuity benefit plan :
Financial Statements
Current service cost 12.12 8.25
Interest on defined benefit obligation 4.81 3.72
Expected return on plan assets (3.68) (3.42)
Net actuarial losses / (gains) recognised in the year 2.93 (4.73)
Past service cost 0.20 0.32
Losses / (gains) on Acquisition / Divestiture ß (0.71)
Total included in “employee benefit expense” [schedule 16(I)] 16.38 3.43
Actual return on plan assets 3.62 3.19
268 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Balance Sheet
Details of provision for gratuity :
( ` in crore)
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Fair value of plan assets 65.62 46.92
Present value of funded obligations (69.23) (48.14)
Unrecognised Past Service Cost 0.59 0.78
Net Liability (3.02) (0.44)
Amounts in balance sheet
Liabilities (included under schedule 5 – other liabilities) (3.12) (0.44)
Assets (included under schedule 11 – other assets) 0.10 -
Net Liability (3.02) (0.44)
Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows :
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Opening defined benefit obligation 48.14 46.38
Current service cost 12.12 8.25
Interest cost 4.81 3.72
Actuarial losses / (gains) 2.88 (4.96)
Past service cost - 1.11
Liabilities assumed on acquisition / (settled on divestiture) 9.70 (0.94)
Benefits paid (8.42) (5.42)
Closing defined benefit obligation 69.23 48.14
Experience adjustments
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Defined benefit obligations 69.23 48.14 46.38
Plan assets 65.62 46.92 43.70
Surplus / (deficit) (3.61) (1.22) (2.68)
Experience adjustments on plan liabilities (1.57) (1.68) 1.29
Experience adjustments on plan assets (0.20) (0.16) 1.13
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Major categories of plan assets (managed by Insurers) as a percentage of fair value of total plan assets :
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Government securities 31.18% 28.84%
Bonds, debentures and other fixed income instruments 54.65% 51.75%
Deposits and money market instruments 3.07% 5.50%
Equity shares 11.10% 13.91%
Directors' Report
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Discount rate (p.a.) 7.70% to 7.75% 7.45% to 8.05%
Expected rate of return on plan assets (p.a.) 7.45% to 7.50% 7.45% to 7.50%
Salary escalation rate (p.a.) 8.00% to 10.00% 8.00%
Corporate Governance
Segment Principal activities
Treasury The treasury segment primarily consists of Group’s investment portfolio, money market borrowing
and lending, investment operations and entire foreign exchange and derivative portfolio of the Group.
Revenue of treasury segment consist of interest income on investment portfolio, gains or losses from
trading operations, fees on FX & derivative trades etc. The principal expenses consists of interest
expenses from external sources, premises expenses, personnel cost, direct and allocated overheads.
Corporate / The wholesale banking segment provides loans, non-fund facilities and transaction services to corporate
Wholesale Banking relationship not included under Retail Banking, corporate advisory, project appraisal placement and
syndication. Revenues of the wholesale banking segment consists of interest earned on loans to
customers, interest / fees earned on transaction services, earnings from trade services and other non-
fund facilities. The principal expenses of the segment consists of interest expense on funds borrowed
Financial Statements
from internal segments, premises expenses, personnel costs, other direct overheads and allocated
expenses of delivery channels, specialist product groups, processing units and support groups.
Retail Banking Retail Banking constitutes lending to individuals / business banking customers through the branch
network and other delivery channels subject to the orientation, nature of product, granularity of the
exposure and the quantum thereof. Revenues of the retail banking segment are derived from interest
earned on retail loans and fees from services rendered. Expenses of this segment primarily comprise
interest expense on deposits, commission paid to retail assets sales agents, infrastructure and premises
expenses for operating the branch network and other delivery channels, personnel costs, other direct
overheads and allocated expenses of specialist product groups, processing units and support groups.
Other This segment includes revenue from distribution of third party products and the associated costs.
Banking Business
Unallocated All items which are reckoned at an enterprise level are classified under this segment. This includes
assets and liabilities which are not directly attributable to any segment. Revenue & expense of this
segment includes income & expenditure which are not directly attributable to any of the above segments.
Revenue includes interest on income tax refund and expense of this segment mainly includes employee
cost, establishment & technology expense which is not directly attributable to any segment.
270 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Segmental reporting for the year ended March 31, 2019 are set out below :
( ` in crore)
Particulars Treasury Corporate/ Retail Other Unallocated Total
Wholesale Banking Banking
Banking Business
Segment Results before tax (148.10) 532.87 (369.72) 7.47 (3,232.09) (3,209.57)
Less: Provision for tax - - - - - 1,329.55
Net Profit before earnings from (1,880.02)
Add: Share of loss in Associate (27.86)
Net Profit (1,907.88)
Total Segment assets 72,394.68 45,557.51 45,081.43 7.49 4,057.82 167,098.93
Total Segment liabilities 62,515.96 43,442.10 42,700.51 9.58 231.42 148,899.57
Net assets 9,878.72 2,115.41 2,380.92 (2.09) 3,826.40 18,199.36
Capital expenditure for the year 0.12 15.04 146.02 0.27 89.10 250.55
Depreciation on fixed 1.72 22.83 82.17 0.49 2,713.11 2,820.32
assets for the year
Segmental reporting for the year ended March 31, 2018 are set out below :
( ` in crore)
Retail Other Banking
Particulars Treasury Wholesale Unallocated Total
Banking Business
Revenue (i) 6,485.91 4,358.58 959.77 8.04 41.18 11,853.48
Less : inter segment revenue (ii) - - - - - (1,635.13)
Total Revenue (i-ii) 10,218.35
Segment Results before tax 1,123.74 834.76 (302.75) (2.11) (518.47) 1,135.17
Less: Provision for tax - - - - - (179.69)
Net Profit before earnings from 955.48
Add: Share of loss in Associate (75.57)
Net Profit 879.91
Total Segment assets 69,176.49 45,325.99 9,294.72 7.09 2,577.70 126,381.99
Total Segment liabilities 58,918.42 43,448.80 8,615.45 2.11 123.11 111,107.89
Net assets 10,258.07 1,877.19 679.27 4.98 2,454.59 15,274.10
Capital expenditure for the year 0.64 9.09 64.22 0.12 102.27 176.34
Depreciation on fixed 1.92 22.88 45.04 0.37 98.00 168.21
assets for the year
Geographic segments
The business of the Group is concentrated in India. Accordingly, geographical segment results have not been reported.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Deferred tax assets on account of other contingencies 445.09 102.88
Deferred tax assets (A)* 2,624.67 1,240.21
Deferred tax liabilities on account of depreciation on fixed assets - 85.27
Others (special reserve under section 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961) 104.16 102.54
Deferred tax liabilities (B) 104.16 187.81
Net Deferred tax assets (A-B) 2,520.51 1,052.40
* Includes DTA of ` 209.79 crore of Merging entities acquired on amalgamation and DTA of ` 908.32 crore arising on accelerated
amortisation (refer note 18.01).
Corporate Governance
Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Provision made towards income tax
Current tax * (67.21) (1.85)
Deferred tax (1,262.34) 181.54
(1,329.55) 179.69
Provisions for/ (release of) depreciation on investment 346.24 (171.39)
Write back of provisions for non-performing advances (105.92) (579.61)
Write back of provisions for restructured assets (20.21) (0.04)
Write back of specific provisions 55.20 (108.52)
Provision against Standard Assets 3.72 9.58
Loss on sale of loans to ARC (net) 813.68 -
Bad-debts written off / technical write off ^ 373.10 997.88
Provision and other contingencies 52.54 12.40
Financial Statements
Total 188.80 339.99
* net of tax adjustment of prior years of ` 77.02 crore (Previous Year ` 62.57 crore) relating to Financing Undertaking demerged from IDFC
Limited to the Bank
^ Bad-debt recoveries from borrowers on written off accounts of ` 86.48 crore has been shown in Schedule 14 - Other Income
Appropriation to Reserves
i Statutory Reserve
As mandated by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, all banking companies incorporated in India shall create a
reserve fund, out of the balance of profit of each year as disclosed in the profit and loss account and before any
dividend is declared and transfer a sum equivalent to not less than twenty five per cent of such profit. The Group
has transferred Nil (Previous Year ` 215.00 crore) to Statutory Reserve for the year.
272 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
ii Investment Reserve Account (IRA) HTM category net of applicable taxes and transfer
As per RBI guidelines, if provisions created on to capital reserve.
account of depreciation in the ‘AFS’ or ‘HFT’
categories are found to be in excess of the v Special Reserve
required amount in any year, the excess shall be As per the provisions under Section 36(1) (viii)
credited to the Profit and Loss Account and an of Income Tax Act, 1961, the specified entity is
equivalent amount (net of taxes, if any and net allowed the deduction in respect of any special
of transfer to Statutory Reserves as applicable reserve created and maintained by it, i.e.
to such excess provision) shall be appropriated an amount not exceeding twenty per cent of the
to Investment Reserve Account. Further, the profits derived from eligible business computed
Holding company may draw down from the IRA under the head "Profits and gains of business or
to the extent of provision made during the year profession" (before making any deduction under
towards depreciation in investment in AFS and this clause). This would be applicable till the
HFT categories (net of taxes, if any, and net of aggregate of the amounts carried to such reserve
transfer to Statutory Reserves as applicable to account from time to time exceeds twice the
such excess provision). During the year ended amount of the paid up share capital (excluding the
March 31, 2019, as per RBI guidelines, the Holding amounts capitalized from reserves) and general
company has appropriated Nil to Investment reserves of the entity. During the year, the Group
Reserve Account. During the year ended March 31, has transferred an amount of ` Nil (Previous Year
2018, the Holding company has transferred ` 0.55 ` 75.00 crore) to Special Reserve.
crore from Investment Reserve Account to Profit
and Loss Account. vi General Reserve
During the year ended March 31, 2018, there
iii Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR) were certain vested stock options that expired
The RBI vide circular DBR.No.BP.BC.102/ unexercised and hence the balance in stock
21.04.048/2017-18 dated April 2, 2018 advised options outstanding was transferred to the
banks to create an Investment Fluctuation general reserve.
Reserve (IFR) with effect from the year 2018-19.
Accordingly, an amount not less than the lower of 18.07 Related party disclosure :
net profit on sale of investments during the year or As per AS-18, Related Party Disclosure, the Group’s
net profit for the year less mandatory appropriations related parties are disclosed below :
shall be transferred to the IFR, until the amount
of IFR is at least 2 percent of the HFT and AFS a Holding Company (upto January 4, 2019)*
portfolio, on a continuing basis. Where feasible, IDFC Limited
this should be achieved within a period of 3 years. IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited
During the year ended March 31, 2019 the Holding
company has not created IFR.
b Entities having Significant Influence (wef. January
5, 2019) *
iv Capital Reserve IDFC Limited
As per RBI Guidelines, profit / loss on sale of IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited
investments in the ‘Held to Maturity’ category is
recognised in the Profit and Loss Account and c Fellow Subsidiaries*
profit is thereafter appropriated (net of applicable IDFC Alternatives Limited
taxes and statutory reserve requirements) to IDFC Asset Management Company Limited
Capital Reserve. Profit / loss on sale of investments IDFC AMC Trustee Company Limited
in ‘Available for Sale’ and ‘Held for Trading’ IDFC Foundation
categories is recognised in the Profit and Loss IDFC Infrastructure Finance Limited
Account. Accordingly, the Holding company has IDFC Projects Limited
appropriated ` 1.51 crore (Previous Year ` 202.00 IDFC Securities Limited
crore) being profit on sale of investments in the IDFC Trustee Company Limited
IDFC Capital (USA) Inc.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
IDFC Capital (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. The significant transactions between the Group
IDFC Investment Managers (Mauritius) Limited and related parties for year ended March 31,
IDFC Securities Singapore Pte. Limited 2019 are given below. A specific related party
transaction is disclosed as a significant related
c Associates party transaction wherever it exceeds 10% of all
i Direct related party transactions in that category:
Feedback Infra Private Limited (Cease to be a
• Interest on Deposits :
associate wef. March 19, 2018)
IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited ` 2.55 crore
Directors' Report
Millennium City Expressway Private Limited (Previous Year ` 6.72 crore); IDFC Securities Limited
` 1.87 crore (Previous Year ` 1.23 crore); Dr. Rajiv Lall
ii Indirect (through fellow subsidiaries)* ` 1.06 crore (Previous year ` 0.58 crore); IDFC Foundation
Jetpur Somnath Tollways Private Limited ` 1.31 crore (Previous Year ` 2.01 crore); Infrastructure
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Limited Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited ` 1.00
Infrastructure Development Corporation crore (previous year ` 0.95 crore)
(Karnataka) Limited • Interest on Advances :
Uttarakhand Infrastructure Development Millennium City Expressways Private Limited ` 19.76
Company Limited (Under Liquidation) crore (Previous Year ` 24.64 crore).
IndianOil LNG Private Limited
• Fees for services received :
Corporate Governance
IDFC Securities Limited ` 10.06 crore (Previous Year
e Key Management Personnel
` 37.08 Crore); IDFC Alternatives Limited ` 3.02 crore
Mr. V. Vaidyanathan
(Previous Year ` 3.95 Crore); IDFC Limited ` 2.22 crore
(Appointed wef. December 19, 2018)
(Previous Year Nil)
Dr. Rajiv B. Lall • Rendering of services :
(Resigned wef. December 18, 2018) IDFC Asset Management Company Limited ` 2.23 crore
(Previous Year ` 1.43 crore); IDFC Alternatives Limited
f Relatives of key management personnel: ` 5.23 crore (Previous Year ` 0.75 Crore).
Jeyashree Vaidyanathan, Mr. K. Vembu, Captain
V. Satyamurthy, Maj V Krishnamurthy, Savitri • Managerial Remuneration :
Krishnamoorthy, Tara Lall, Ambika Lall, Indrani Dr. Rajiv B. Lall ` 5.91 crore (Previous Year ` 4.04 crore),
Gangadhar, Kishen Behari Lall, Bunty Chand, Mr. V. Vaidyanathan ` 1.69 crore (subject to approval
Ashok B. Lall, Ranjana Pandey, Veenu Shah from Shareholders) (Previous Year N.A.).
Financial Statements
• Sale of investments :
In accordance with paragraph 5 and 6 of AS - 18, the IDFC Limited ` 15.69 crore (Previous Year Nil).
Group has not disclosed certain transactions with
relatives of key management personnel as they • Profit on Sale of investments :
are in the nature of banker-customer relationship. IDFC Limited ` 5.30 crore (Previous Year Nil).
• Sale of fixed assets :
Consequent to issuance of equity under the IDFC Limited ` 0.21 crore (Previous Year Nil), IDFC
scheme of amalgamation (IDFC - CFL merger), Infrastructure Finance Limited ` 0.12 crore (Previous
the share holding of IDFC Financial Holding
Year Nil), IDFC Securities Limited ` 0.37 Crore
Company Limited in IDFC FIRST Bank Limited has
(Previous Year Nil)
reduced to 40% wef. January 5, 2019. Accordingly
IDFC Limited & IDFC Financial Holding Company • Purchase of Fixed Assets :
Limited are now entities with significant Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System Limited
influence and certain entities has ceased to be ` 2.48 Crore (Previous Year ` 5.25 Crore)
related parties of the Bank (refer note 18.01).
• Corporate Social Responsibility:
All transactions with fellow subsidiaries and
IDFC Foundation ` 20.82 crore (Previous
indirect associate companies have been disclosed
Year ` 14.23 crore)
till existence of related party relationship.
274 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The details of the transactions of the Bank with its related party during the year ended March 31, 2019 are given below :
( ` in crore)
Particulars Related Party
Holding Company/ Fellow Subsidiary Associates Key Management
Entities having Companies Personnel
Significant Influence
The balances payable to / receivable from the related parties of the Bank as on March 31, 2019 are given below:
( ` in crore)
Related Party
Holding Company/ Fellow Subsidiary Associates Key Management
Entities having Companies Personnel
Significant Influence
Deposits with the Bank 14.11 - - 0.35
Interest Accrued on Deposit 0.01 - - ß
Advances - - 351.00 -
Investment of the Bank - - 226.38 -
Investment of related party in - - - -
the Bank#
# As at March 31, 2019, IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited holds 1,91,26,70,691 and KMP holds 50,060,556 equity shares of the Bank.
The maximum balances payable to/receivable from the related parties of the Bank during the year ended March 31, 2019
are given below:
( ` in crore)
Related Party
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
The details of the transactions of the Group with its related party during the year ended March 31, 2018 are given below :
( ` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Fellow Subsidiary Key Management
Holding Company Associates
Companies Personnel
Directors' Report
Investment of related party in - - - 0.82
the Bank
Investment in related party by Bank - - 8.10 -
Purchase of investments 35.05 - - -
Sale of investments - 100.51 - -
Managerial Remuneration - - - 4.04
Purchase of fixed assets - - 5.25 -
Corporate Social Responsibility - 14.23 - -
Advance repaid - - 94.72 -
Receiving of services 0.25 42.46 2.19 -
Rendering of services 0.39 7.75 0.20 -
Corporate Governance
Non fund based exposure (Issued) - - 2.74 -
The balances payable to / receivable from the related parties of the Group as on March 31, 2018 are given below:
( ` in crore)
Related Party
Particulars Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Associates Key Management
Companies Personnel
Financial Statements
Other Payable (net) - 4.27 - -
Non Fund Based Exposure - 0.08 9.96 -
** As at March 31, 2018, IDFC Financial Holding Company Limited holds 1,797,512,668 and KMP holds 2,624,286 equity shares in the Bank,
The maximum balances payable to/receivable from the related parties of the Bank during the year ended March 31, 2018
are given below:
( ` in crore)
Particulars Related Party
Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Associates Key Management
Companies Personnel
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Other Disclosures
18.08 Earning per share ('EPS')
Basic and diluted earnings per equity share are computed in accordance with AS 20 - Earnings per share.
Basic earnings per equity share is computed by dividing net profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders by the
weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per equity share is computed
by dividing net profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares and
weighted average number of dilutive potential equity shares outstanding during the year, except where the results are
anti-dilutive. Dilution of equity is on account of stock options granted to employees by the Bank.
Equity shares issued as part of the consideration for the IDFC - CFL Merger are included in the weighted average
number of shares as of the appointed date of the merger.
18.10 Leases
In accordance with Accounting Standard 19 on 'Leases' as specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act
2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, the following disclosures in respect of operating
leases are made:
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
Total of future minimum sub-lease payments expected to be - -
received under non-cancellable subleases
Sub-lease payments recognised in the Profit and Loss Account for the year - -
The Group has not sub-leased any of its properties taken on lease. There are no provisions relating to contingent rent.
The terms of renewal / purchase options and escalation clauses are those normally prevalent in similar agreements.
There are generally no undue restrictions or onerous clauses in the agreements.
Corporate Governance
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Software Other Intangibles* Software Other Intangibles
At the beginning of the year 498.39 - 424.97 12.24
Additions on Amalgamation (refer note 18.01) 57.90 2,599.51
Additions during the year 99.40 - 73.42 -
Deductions during the year ß (0.16) - (12.24)
Total (i) 655.69 2,599.35 498.39 -
Accumulated depreciation at the 206.34 - 115.52 12.24
beginning of the year
Additions on Amalgamation 30.34 0.16 - -
Depreciation charge for the year 113.86 2,599.35 90.82 -
Financial Statements
(refer note 18.01)
Deductions during the year ß (0.16) - (12.24)
Total (ii) 350.54 2,599.35 206.34 -
Net Value (i-ii) 305.15 - 292.05 -
* Other intangibles includes Goodwill & Brand acquired and arising on amalgamation (refer note 18.01).
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 ‘Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance sheet date’ as
notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs through amendments to Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment
Rules, 2016, dated March 30, 2016, proposed dividend of ` 307.79 crore was approriated from Profit and Loss
Account in FY 2018-19.
Dividend paid during the year ended March 31, 2019 represents dividend of ` 307.79 crore pertaining to previous year.
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Directors' Report
A foreign currency option is an agreement between two parties in which one grants to the other the right to buy
or sell a specified amount of currency at a specific price within a specified time period or at a specified future
time. An exchange traded currency option contract is a standardised foreign exchange derivative contract, which
gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to exchange money denominated in one currency into another
currency at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date on the date of expiry. Currency Futures contract is a
standardised, exchange-traded contract, to buy or sell a certain underlying currency at a certain date in the future,
at a specified price.
Corporate Governance
customer failing to fulfil its financial or performance obligations.
vi Other items
Other items represent estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account.
18.17 Statement of Net Assets as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013
Financial Statements
minus total liabilities
Name of the entity
% of total net Amount % of total net loss / Amount
assets (` in crore) (profit) (` in crore)
Holding company
IDFC FIRST Bank 99.78 18,159.26 101.90 (1,944.18)
IDFC Bharat Limited 0.72 130.59 (1.90) 36.30
Millennium City Expressways Private Limited - - 1.46 (27.86)
Inter-company adjustments (0.50) (90.49) (1.46) 27.86
Total net assets/net profit 100.00 18,199.36 100.00 (1,907.88)
280 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019
Date: May 10, 2019 Aashish Kamat Pankaj Sanklecha Satish Gaikwad
Place: Mumbai Director Chief Financial Officer & Head - Legal &
DIN: 06371682 Head Corporate Centre Company Secretary
as at March 31, 2019
Pillar 3 disclosures as at March 31, 2019 as per Basel III guidelines of Reserve Bank of India have been disclosed separately
on the Bank’s website under “Regulatory Disclosures” on the home page.
• Capital Adequacy
Directors' Report
• Risk Management at IDFC FIRST Bank
• Operational Risk
Corporate Governance
• Interest rate risk in the Banking Book (‘IRRBB’)
4. Capital Disclosure
• Composition of Capital
Financial Statements
• Main Features of Regulatory Capital Instruments March 31, 2019
284 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
286 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
288 IDFC First Bank | Annual Report 2018-19
Company Information
Registered Office Debenture Trustee
KRM Towers, 7th Floor, IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
No.1, Harrington Road, Chetpet, Asian Building, Ground Floor,
Chennai-600 031 17, R. Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate,
Tamil Nadu, India. Mumbai-400 001
Tel: +91 44 4564 4000 Maharashtra, India.
Fax: +91 44 4564 4022 Tel: +91 22 4080 7018
Fax: +91 22 6631 1776
Corporate Office
Naman Chambers, C-32, G-Block, Registrar & Transfer Agent
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Karvy Fintech Private Limited
Mumbai-400 051 Unit: IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
Maharashtra, India. Karvy Selenium Tower B,
Tel: +91 22 7132 5500 Plot No.31 & 32, Gachibowli,
Fax: +91 22 2654 0354 Financial District,
CIN: L65110TN2014PLC097792 Nanakramguda, Serilingampally,
Website: Hyderabad–500 032
E-mail: Telangana, India.
Tel: +91 40 6716 2222
Statutory Auditors Fax: +91 40 2342 0814
Deloitte Haskins & Sells Toll Free: 1800 345 4001
Chartered Accountants Website:
Solicitors & Advocates
AZB & Partners
Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
Wadia Ghandy & Co.
IDFC FIRST Bank Limited
(formerly IDFC Bank Limited)
Corporate Identity Number: L65110TN2014PLC097792
Email: Website:
Naman Chambers, C-32, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051, Maharashtra, India
Tel: + 91 22 7132 5500 Fax: +91 22 2654 0354