Embedded Web Technology: Applying World Wide Web Standards To Embedded Systems
Embedded Web Technology: Applying World Wide Web Standards To Embedded Systems
Embedded Web Technology: Applying World Wide Web Standards To Embedded Systems
R=20020038541 2019-11-07T16:47:48+00:00Z
March 2002
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NASA/TM--2002-211199 1
this, the web page is successfully transmitted to the web browser such as Netscape. A typical web client request
browser and properly displayed. of a service from a web server will consist of a GET
The World Wide Web is based on the Hypertext request. The web server responds to the GET request
Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the protocol used by web from the web client by transmitting the requested
servers and web browsers to communicate. The FCF information, typically an electronic file.
software engineers did an extensive search to find an The following is an example of the HTTP
HTTP compliant web server that would fit the messages that are exchanged when a web page gets
requirements of FCF. FCF, being an embedded, real- transferred from a web server to a web client. First, the
time system, would require the web server to be small, request from the client:
operate under VxWorks ®, and still allow the system to
meet its real-time requirements. The search failed to GET/index.html HTTP/1.0
find such a web server. Connection: Keep-Alive
The FCF software engineering team decided to User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)
write their own web server and this proved successful. Host: jgp6290.grc.nasa.gov
The web server, known as Tempest, is HTTP Accept: image/giL image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
compliant. It implements two of the seven request image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
methods defined in the HTTP specification, GET and Accept-Encoding: gzip
HEAD. The GET method is a request by a web browser Accept-Language: en
for a file from the web server. The HEAD method only Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1 ,*,utf-8
requests header information. These two methods are the
only two required to be implemented to make a web The first line tells the server that this client wants
server HTTP compliant and also offer a degree of to get index.html and it is following version 1.0 of the
security to the system by not allowing the web server to HTTP. The second line, Connection, requests that the
accept a file from a web browser. connection be left open. The third line, User Agent,
Tempest also met the other needs of FCF. It is describes the web client making the request. The fourth
small, requiring less than 50K of memory in its minimal line, Host, is the IP address of the web client. The last
configuration, does not take up a lot of disk space, and four lines describe the types of messages the web client
has minimal impact on system performance. It is active can receive.
only during the times that a web browser is requesting a The response from the web server is the following:
file. It can operate at a low priority with adequate
response time for the user so that it does not interfere HTTP/I.I 200 OK
with the real-time aspect of the system. Host: jgp6290/
The successful implementation of Tempest made it Date: Mon, 020 Aug 2001 17:27:31 GMT
apparent that there are advantages to utilizing other Server: Tempest Java 1.2 (NASA/GRC Java Version of
World Wide Web standards in an embedded system. Tempest)
These standards allow embedded system projects to Connection: Close
take advantage of work being done by thousands of Content-Length: 293 293
developers, thus reducing the problems inherent in Content-Type: text/html
developing and utilizing custom protocols.
The term "Embedded Web Technology" was the The first line tells the web client that the web
name given to this merger of embedded systems with server understands HTTP 1.1 and that the request from
World Wide Web Technology. the client is allowed. The second line, Host, is the IP
address of the web server. The third line, Date, time
OVERVIEW OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB tags the message. The fourth line, Server, identifies the
web server software that is responding to the request.
The World Wide Web is a collection of protocol The fifth line, Connection, tells the web client that the
standards that are controlled by the World Wide Web web server will be closing this connection upon
Consortium ®. The protocol standards promote evolution completion of this transaction. The sixth fine, Content-
of the World Wide Web and ensure its interoperability, Length, tells the web client how many characters to
The key protocol standard behind the World Wide expect in the file to be sent. The last fine, Content-
Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP, Type, tells the web client that the data will be in text.
specified in RFC 2616. HTTP is "an application-level After this line, there will be a blank line and then the
protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia file requested, index.html, will be sent to the web
information systems." (RFC 2616). browser.
HTTP is used to transfer information between a In the event that the web page sent to the web
web server and a web client, which is typically a web client contains references to image files, applets, etc.,
NASA/TM--2002-211199 2
thewebbrowserwill makeadditional requeststo the When an applet tag is found, the web browser
webserverfor theseresources. Eachoneof these automalically makes another request to the web server
will requireafull transaction
similartowhat for the applet. The applet gets sent to the web browser
wasjustdescribed. which in turn loads the Java TM Virtual Machine which
Thereare manyadditionalitemsthat can be starts running the applet.
includedin a transactionthataredescribed in RFC In the typical web environment, applets provide an
2616.For a real-time,embedded systemwhere interface that is dynamic but usually does not interact
resourcessuchas memoryare limited,it is not with the web server's computer. For security purposes,
toimplement theentire,
protocol. applets are very restricted in what the3' can do in a web
browser environment. It is possible to bypass these
COMPARISON OF A TYPICAL WEB SERVER restrictions with security certificates if they are an
REAL-TIME ENVIRONMENT One capability an applet has by default is the
ability to communicate back to the computer that served
A typical web server runs on a computer that is it to the web browser. This comnmnication can be
running a nonrealtime operating system. The web accomplished with basic socket technology, Java's TM
server software itself tends to be large and complex and Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Common Object
requires a lot of memory and dist, space, on the order of Request Broker Architecture (CORBA ®) technology, or
10 MB or more. The web servers are designed to run on other protocols. RMI is a communication technology
personal computers and general purpose workstations. specific to Java TM that allows networked Java TM
The embedded, real-time environment is much programs to interface in a platform independent
more restricted. The system generally consists of an manner. CORBA ®. developed by the Object
embedded processor running a real-time operating Management GroupTSL is a technology that allows
system and also running a real-time application. networked programs to communicate in a common
Embedded systems have limit_'d memory and disk manner that is independent of the underlying hardware,
space that is not easily extensible operating system or language. With this capability, it is
The users of these two environments have different possible to develop an applet that can interact
needs of the systems. The user of the nom'ealtime dynamically with an embedded, real-time system and,
environment is usually interested in obtaining static or thus, let the web browser provide a user interface that
slowly changing information. This information is stored meets the needs of the user.
in files and retrieved by the web browser for display by On the embedded system side, the problem is
the user. The user can read the information on the providing the capability to be a web server without
display at his own pace or pnnt it out and read it overburdening the system with all of the functionality
without the aid of the browser. A user of a real-time specified in the HTTP specification. The embedded
system, on the other hand, is interested in obtaining the system software still needs to be able to perform real-
most current data from the system at regular intervals. time command and control. This problem was solved
The user may require the capability to issue commands by the development of Tempest.
to the embedded system.
The Tempest software, which was written by
There are two problems thai need to be solved in software engineers at the NASA Glenn Research Center
order for an embedded system to become accessible on in Cleveland, Ohio, is a web server written specifically
the World Wide Web. One is providing a user interface for embedded, real-time systems. Tempest was
that provides the real-time interaction needed by the originally written for the VxWorks ® operating system
user in order to properly interface to the system. The from Wind Rivers Systems, Inc. and then ported to the
other is to give the embedded system the capability to Java TM language so that it can run on any operating
serve web pages over the World Wide Web. system that has a Java TM Virtual Machine.
One feature of the web browser that helped bridge Tempest requires fewer memory resources than
the gap between the two environments is the addition of web servers written for the typical web server
Java TM applets. Applets are programs that are capable environment. Memory requirements are under 100 KB,
of being executed by a web browser. They are written depending on how it is configured. The amount of disk
in the Java TM language, compiled and then stored on the space is also under 100 KB with additional space
web server's computer. When a web page is transmitted needed for the files that make up the web pages, images
to a web browser, the web browser scans through the and applets. Since Tempest is not intended to operate
web page, looking for, among other things, applet tags. as a general purpose web server, it is not necessary to
NASA/TM--2002-211199 3
implement the entireHTTPspecification. Only the dynamically alter a web page at the time of request.
GET andHEADrequestmethods from the HTTP Tempest accomplishes this by reading through any file
specificationareimplemented. Methods thatallowa the has an extension of ".sht", ".shtm" or ".shtml" and
webbrowserto write to the web serverare not searching for <Tempest> tags. These tags are a unique
implemented. Theresponses generatedby Tempest are feature of Tempest. When Tempest encounters one of
alsolimitedto thosethatanembedded system would these tags, it processes the contents of the tag and
need. substitutes the tag with the result of the processing.
Tempest canalsoberunata lowerprioritythan One of the tags is <Tempest image>. When this tag
otherapplication softwarerunningin the embedded is utilized in combination with the user I.D. and
system.Requests fromwebbrowser areverybriefso password, Tempest is able to associate the user to an
Tempest canservewebpages andotherresources atan image file and substitute in new html that will contain a
acceptablespeedwithouthavinganimpacton system tag to an image file specific to that user. The images.sys
performance. and users.sys configuration files need to be coordinated
An optional capabilityrequirestheusertohavean for this to work.
identificationandpassword in orderto gainaccess to The other tag is <Tempest execute=somecmd
thesystem. Thisprovides a limitedlevelof securityto param>. This tag causes Tempest to execute the
thesystem. Othersecurityfeaturessuchasfirewalis and command specified in commands.sys that corresponds
virtualprivatenetworkscanbeadded withoutchanging to somecmd. The parameters to the command are
theembedded system.It is mucheasierto havethe passed to the command. The resultant output from
securityfeatures addedon asseparate entitiesrather executing the command is inserted into the web page.
thanbuilt into the system.This allowsfor easier Error messages are displayed if somecmd is not found
upgrades to the securitysystemanddecouples the in commands.sys or the corresponding command is not
securityfromtheembedded system. found.
TheuserI.D.'sandpasswords arestoredin an The commands may be either commands that are
externalfile. Newuserscanbe addedto thesystem built into the operating system or conunands written by
withouthavingtorecompile Tempest. the developing team. This feature can be very useful
A configuration file that allows Tempest to during the development stage as a debugging aid. The
associate a user with a specific image file is another output from various commands made to the embedded
feature. This allows a user to set up the system so that system can be displayed in a web page. For example,
when a remote user gains access to the embedded task information, network statistics, etc.. can be
system, the web page can be customized to that user on retrieved in real-time and be monitored from anywhere
the fly by displaying an image file created for that by system engineers.
specific user. The following is an example of how tasking
Tempest also has configuration files that allow the information can be displayed. Here is the text from a
user to specify which remote clients have access to the file called taskshow2.shtml:
embedded system. Tempest utilizes a configuration file
to maintain a list of MIME types, used when <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML
responding to a request to assist the web browser in 3.2//EN">
determining the type of data is being received. <HTML>
All of the configuration files are read in by <HEAD>
Tempest when it starts up. Tempest first reads in a file <TITLE>VxWorks Task Information</TITLE>
called tempest.sys that contains a list of the <META HTTP-EQUIV="Author"
configuration files. Updates to any of the configuration CONTENT="Joseph. G. Ponyik">
files require the system to be restarted before the <META HTTP-EQUIV="ReplyTo"
changes take effect. CONTENT="Joseph.G.Ponyik @grc.nasa.gov">
Web browsers are denied access to any file with a </HEAD>
".sys" extension. If the configuration files use this <BODY BGCOLOR="Aqua" TEXT="Black"
extension, it is not possible for the person using the web LINK="Blue" ALINK="Red" VLINK="Purple" >
browser to have them displayed. <HI ALIGN=CENTER><B>VxWorks Operating
Tempest will not process any request that contains System Task Information</B></H 1>
"..". The ".." (double dot) is used on most computer
systems to refer to the parent directory on the disk. By <P><PRE>
not allowing this, it is not possible for remote users to <TEMPEST EXECUTE=task 0 2>
snoop around the system. </PRE></P>
Tempest has a feature known as Server Side <HR WIDTH="50%">
Includes (SSI). SSI is the ability of the web server to
NASA/TM--2002-211199 4
Inc.</A></P> Utilizing Tempest, it is now possible to have an
</BODY> embedded, real-time system appear as a node on the
</HTML> World Wide Web. To the remote user, the embedded
system appears as a World Wide Web node. The remote
Whenthis file is requestedby a webbrowser, user simply needs a computer with a web browser
will scanthefile andfindthelinethatreads capable of running a Java TM applet. The remote user
<TEMPESTEXECUTE=task 0 2>. Tempest will then only needs to enter the uniform resource locator (URL)
match "task" against the contents of commands.sys. of the embedded system into the browser.
Since this is a VxWorks ® implementation, Tempest will The embedded system needs to be up and running.
execute the taskShow command with the first two Minimally, it needs to have Tempest running and an
parameters being 0 and 2. Tempest will then replace the application to interface to the system and handle
line with the results of taskShow. The resultant output requests from the user interface.
in a web browser will be similar to: The web browser sends an HTTP message to the
embedded system, requesting the web page. If the user
VxWorks ® Operating System Task Information needs to enter a user I.D. and password, Tempest
The Java TM version of Temp,:st has features similar responds with a request for the user to be authenticated.
to the VxWorks ® version. All of the configuration files Once the user is authorized, Tempest retrieves the web
except for commands.sys will work with both versions. page from local storage. If the file has an extension of
Commands.sys needs to be modified to include ".sht", "'.shtnf', or ".shtml", Tempest reads through the
commands that will work on the platform that Tempest file and processes any Tempest tags When this step is
will be operating on. The <Tempest execute> tag also complete, the web page is delivered to the web browser.
includes a Wait=truelfalselyeslno parameter and a The web browser displays the web page and also
Message="some message" parameter. The Wait requests any additional resources from the embedded
parameter indicates if Tempest should wait (yes or true) system. These resources may include images and an
for the command to finish execution. The Message will applet. When the applet gets sent to the browser, the
be inserted into the web page if Wait is false or no. browser starts up its Java TM Virtual Machine which
The Java TM version of Tempest also includes a tag starts up the applet.
to allow Tempest to call another Java TM class external The applet establishes a connection back to the
to Tempest and insert the resultant output into the web embedded system, utilizing a different TCP port form
page. The format is <Tempest Object=o Method=m the one being used by Tempest, which is typically 80.
Args=a> where o is the class to be run, m is the method While the connection is being established, the applet
to call and a are the arguments to be supplied in the also begins the user interface. Since Java TM supports
method call. multitasking, the applet should be designed so that the
NASA/TM--2002-211199 5
userinterfacescreens runin a separatetaskfromthe Tempest also provides the capability to provide
interfaceto the embedded system.This gives a output to the remote user in any format the system
smoother runninginterfaceandalsomakes it easierto designer desires. Although the Tempest tag is typically
recover fromcommunication dropswithoutlockingthe embedded into a web page that is html, it is possible to
userout. set up a file that consists of only a Tempest tag calling a
By takingadvantage of theCORBA ®technology, local command that outputs something other than html,
moreflexibility is addedto the system.CORBA ® such as XML. As an example, Tempest could be used
providesan interfacethat is independent of the to feed real-time data into a database using XML.
underlying hardware platform,operating systemand
implementinglanguage.Futureupgradesto the SUMMARY
embedded systemor thewebbrowser will beeasierto
implement sincethechange will betransparent to the Embedded Web Technology provides for the
otherendoftheinterface. development of an embedded, real-time system that
appears to the users of the system as a node on the
OTHERADVANTAGES World Wide Web. This capability provides for great
savings by eliminating the need to develop and
In addition to the above features, utilizing distribute user interface software that is platform
Embedded Web Technology also provides an added specific and somewhat cumbersome to configuration
security feature. Since the web browser does not store manage.
the applet permanently, the user interface software is Tempest software is a small, flexible web server
not accessible to unauthorized users once the web that makes it easy to interface to embedded systems. It
browser is turned off. It is possible to configure present also has the potential to be an aid in debugging systems.
day web browsers to eliminate the cache so that the Tempest workshops have been held for customers
applet gets deleted. in the private sector. Customer remote data acquisition
User interface software upgrades are simpler with and control applications include medical, tele-
Embedded Web Technology. Without Embedded Web communications, aerospace, factory automation,
Technology, the user of the real-time system also needs instrumentation, automotive, building management and
to have the user interface software stored locally. The education.
result is that the user is restricted to using only the Tempest is available from the NASA Glenn
computer that has the user interface software loaded Research Center by contacting the Commercial
and upgrades to the software can be more difficult to Technology Office at 216--433-3484.
obtain. The updates require the user to find out about
the upgrade and then a process needs to be put in place REFERENCES
to deliver the upgraded software to the user. The
upgraded software may also need to be capable of RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol----HTTP/l. 1,
running on vffrious platforms, making upgrades more http://www, w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616, html
difficult for the developer. World Wide Web Consortium®---http://www.w3.orff
With Embedded Web Technology, the user XML---http://www.w3.org/XML/
interface software is stored in the embedded system and CORBA ® and Object Management Group TM---
delivered to the user when it is needed. When the user http://www.omg.org/
interface software is upgraded, it only needs to be JavaTUt---http://java.sun.com/
stored in the embedded system. The user gets the new
software the next time they access the system.
NASA/TM----2002-211199 6
OMB No. 0704-0188
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
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Prepared for the International Space Station Utilization--2001 sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Cape Canaveral, Florida, October 15-18, 2001. Responsible person, Joseph G. Ponyik, organization code
7750, 216-433-8592.
Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category: 62 Distribution: Nonstandard
Embedded Systems have traditionally been developed in a highly customized manner. The user interface hardware and
software along with the interface to the embedded system are typically unique to the system for which they are built,
resulting in extra cost to the system in terms of development time and maintenance effort. World Wide Web standards have
been developed in the passed ten years with the goal of allowing servers and clients to interoperate seamlessly. The client
and server systems can consist of differing hardware and software platforms but the World Wide Web standards allow
them to interface without knowing about the details of system at the other end of the interface. Embedded Web Technol-
ogy is the merging of Embedded Systems with the World Wide Web. Embedded Web Technology decreases the cost of
developing and maintaining the user interface by allowing the user to interface to the embedded system through a web
browser running on a standard personal computer. Embedded Web Technology can also be used to simplify an Embedded
System's internal network.
Embedded systems; Real-time systems; Web server; Tempest 16. PRICECODE