Skyer CV 2019
Skyer CV 2019
Skyer CV 2019
Mail: Rochester Institute of Technology, 52 Lomb Memorial Dr. Lyndon Baines Johnson (Building 60)
Office: 2752, Rochester, NY 14623
Master of Science: Secondary Education for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
September 2007 – May 2009
National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, NY.
Thesis: Triad—Toward a Trimodal-Bilingual Educational Philosophy: Implications, Current
Research, and Continuing Questions
Senior Lecturer. Master of Science in Secondary Education for Students who are Deaf or
Hard of Hearing.
May 2017 – Present.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Master of Science in Secondary Education (MSSE)
Department. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
Adjunct Lecturer.
September 2011 – June 2012
NTID Department of Liberal Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
o Curriculum Developed:
Adapted Course Materials: Kindergarten; 2nd Grade Alternative, 2nd Grade,
5th Grade, and 12th Grade Coursework
Developed Curriculum: Language Acquisition, Self-Advocacy, Deaf
Community mentoring
o Curriculum Developed:
Pre-K through 12th Grade Art Curriculum
o Curriculum Developed:
Pre-K Special Education Curriculum
Professional Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Granted 2017. Valid until 2022.
Council on Education of the Deaf.
Ethical Principles in Research Program. Granted 2012, Renewed 2015, 2018. Valid until June
Human Subjects Protection Program Completion University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. EPRP
#16341217E, #5216874
Direct Support Professional & Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP). January
2008 – January 2009
Heritage Christian Services. Rochester, NY.
Skyer, M.E. (2019, in press). “Bodies in Dependence: A Foucauldian Genealogy of the Americans
with Disabilities Acts.” Disability Studies Quarterly.
Skyer, M.E. & Blair, L. (2019, in press). “Aesthetics, Culture, Power: Critical Deaf Pedagogy and
the Use of ASL Vlogs as Resistance to Audism” Critical Education, special issue series: Ableism in
the Academy: A Series about Disability Oppression and Resistance in Higher Education.
Skyer, M.E. (2011). God is deaf. Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA) Reader. ALDA
Conference, October 26th-30, 2011. pp. 48-52.
Skyer, M.E. (2019). “Injustice in the Absence of Language—A review of N.S. Glickman and W.C.
Hall’s (Eds) ‘Language Deprivation and Deaf Mental Health.’.” Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf
Education. DOI: 10.1093/deaf-ed/enz022
Skyer, M.E. (2019). “Critical Cartography: Mapping deaf research—A review of A. Young and B.
Temple’s ‘Approaches to Social Research: The Case of Deaf Studies’.” American Annals of the
Deaf, 164(1), 158-161. DOI: 10.1353/aad.2019.0013
Skyer, M.E. (2016). “Deaf Ecologies—A Review of H-D. L. Bauman & J. J. Murray’s (Eds): ‘Deaf
Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity’.” Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, DOI:
Skyer, M.E. (2019, June forthcoming). “Promise and Problems in MSSE, NTID’s Deaf Education
Teacher-Preparation Program: Findings from a Survey on Graduate Students’ Perceptions and
Experiences, 2009-2019.” Research report prepared for the Administrations of MSSE and NTID.
Skyer, M.E. (2018, December). “Preliminary Findings from Survey on MSSE Student and Alumni
Perceptions and Experiences.” Report prepared for the MSSE Chair and MSSE Faculty.
Skyer, M.E., C. Zuromskis, J. Oliphant, & J. Herzon. (2018, May). “Final Report on Gender
Inclusivity at the Rochester Institute of Technology.” Report for the Academic Senate by the Long-
Range Planning and Environment Committee (Chair: d.t. Ogilvie), Subcommittee LRPEC5 (Chair:
Michael Skyer).
Skyer, M.E. (2017 - Present, Ongoing study). “Survey of MSSE Student and Alumni Perceptions
and Experiences.” Survey instrument development, refinement, pilot-testing. Internal research study
for Department of Master of Science in Secondary Education for Students who are Deaf or Hard of
Hearing (Chair: Gerald Bateman).
Skyer, M.E. (2019, August). “Confronting Dissensus in Deaf Education Research: Conflicts in
Theory and Practice.” Second Biennial Deaf-Engaged Academic Forum (DEAF-ROC), August 8-
9th, 2019. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf - Rochester, NY. 2012 – Present
Mentorship with Dr. Todd Pagano, for Deaf Research and Higher Education pedagogy. Spring 2017
– Present
Mentor for MSSE Student and Fulbright Scholar, Zahra Ketoun. Spring-Fall, 2019.
Mentor for MSSE Alumni, Sheila Puzio, Current English Teacher at the Rochester School for the
Deaf, Rochester, NY. Fall 2014 – Present
MSSE Faculty Mentor for Prospective PhD students. 2015 – Present.
Mentor for School of Individualized Studies Graduate Student, Mistie Munton. Partial requirement
for completion of Master of Science in Professional Studies. Capstone Research Project: “Deaf
Women and Substance Abuse in Society and Schools.” Fall, 2017 – Present
Faculty Mentor for Carolyn Davis, BS in Biomedical Sciences, as part of the 2017 Faculty Learning
Community (FLC) Research Protocol on “Access, Engagement, and Academic Success for Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Students.” PI: Dr. Sara Schley. Fall 2017.
Mentor for MSSE Graduate Student, Valerie Narr. Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant. Fall
Mentor for MSSE Graduate Student, Megan Albertz. Graduate teaching assistant for “Psychology
and Human Development.” Fall 2016.
Mentorship with Dr. Ila Parsanis for development of new curriculum for “Psychology and Human
Development.” Fall 2015.
Host for MSSE Graduate Student Teacher, Sheila Puzio. Graduate teaching assistant for “Critical
Reading and Writing.” Fall 2014.
Host for Scouten Intern, Jennifer Herges. Academic Reading and Writing, 2013.
Host for MSSE Graduate Student Teacher, Mark Holcomb. Graduate assistant for “Critical Reading
and Writing.” Fall 2013.
Mentorship with Dr. Pamela Kincheloe and Dr. Linda Rubel for “Writing Seminar.” Spring 2013.
Host for MSSE Graduate Student Teacher, Kathleen Davis. Graduate Assistant for “Critical Reading
and Writing.” Fall 2012, Spring 2013.
Mentorship with Dr. Peter Haggerty for Intensive English, Writing IV. Fall 2012, Spring 2013.
Book Review Editor. American Annals of the Deaf. (September 2018 – Present)
NTID Transdisciplinary Reading Group Committee, Founding Member (2018-Present)
Deaf Education Research and International Deaf Education Program/Certificate Proposal Public
Forum. (2018)
MSSE Department Survey Research Project: Survey of MSSE Student and Alumni Perceptions and
Experiences. Departmental Special Project. Coordinator, developer, pilot-testing, and researcher.
(2017- Present)
Long Range Planning and Environment Committee (LRPEC), Elected NTID Representative, 2-year
term (2017-18)
Chair of LRPEC Sub-Committee on Gender Inclusivity (2017-18)
Hiring Committees: NTID Student Life Team, MSSE Administrative Assistant (2017)
Substitute for Graduate Council Committee (2016-present)
Master of Science in Special Secondary Education for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
(MSSE) Department (2015-present)
Liberal Arts Working Group (LAWG) for First Year Writing and Critical Reading and Writing
College of Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee (2015)
NTID Faculty Congress Substitute Representative (2014-15)
English Resolution Committee (2014-15)
University Writing Program Committee (2013-14)
Critical Literacy at NTID Sub-Committee (2013)
RIT First Year Writing Committee
NTID Semester Conversion Curriculum Committee (2012-13)
Department of Liberal Studies Committee (2011-2015)
Intensive English Committee (2011-2)
Master of Special Secondary Education Advisory Committee (2009)
Winner of the 2018 Irving K. Zola Award for Emerging Scholars in Disability Studies for “Bodies in
Dependence: A Foucauldian Genealogy of the Americans with Disabilities Acts.” Award
announcement: March 5th, 2019.
Most-Read Research Award by College/Department on, June 10th, 2019
Top 1% of Page-views by Researchers on, February 12, 2019.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. International Conference Travel Grant.
2019. Grant total: $1,000.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. Faculty Education and Development
(FEAD) Grant for Lecturer Terminal Degree Support, $5,000 Grant. Application accepted 2014.
Renewed in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Grant total: $20,000
University of Rochester, Warner School of Education and Human Development. Graduate Research
Assistantship, 2016. Grant total: $4,000.
St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, Buffalo NY. Air and Waste Management Association, Niagara
Frontier Section, Project Green Dream: Science-Literacy and Environmental Awareness Curriculum
Kindergarten and 10th Grade Alternative, 2011. Grant total: $500.
Skyer, M.E. (2018, January). Original Empirical Manuscript: “Bodies in Dependence: A
Foucauldian Genealogy of the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 and 2009.” For the Journal
of Rhetoric of Health and Medicine. December 10th, 2017. (Manuscript prepared, proposal
submitted, declined).
Skyer, M.E. (2017, May). Poster Proposal: “Visual Pedagogy and Ocularcentric Deaf Education:
Confluences and Conflicts in Research on Deaf Pedagogy.” Abstract prepared, submitted, and
presented at Rochester Summer Research Training Institute at the University of Rochester Medical
Center (URMC). University of Rochester, School of Nursing, Rochester NY. June 11-13, 2017.
(Poster submission prepared, accepted, presented).
Skyer, M.E. & Blair, L. (2016). Session Proposal: “Biocultural Deaf Aesthetics: A Critique for a
new 21st Century Deaf Education Model” For the NTID Research Colloquium II. January 21, 2016.
Proposal submitted and paper presented.
Skyer, M.E. (2016). Original Empirical Manuscript: “Deaf Digital Learning Platforms (DDLPs)
and Online Teaching and Learning: Multimodality as a Lens for Understanding Deaf Student
Communication Practices in Higher Education.” Manuscript prepared for The Journal of
Multimodal Rhetorics. December, 2016. Manuscript prepared, proposal submitted, declined.
Skyer, M.E. (2016). Original Empirical Manuscript: “Multimodal Deaf Digital Learning
Platforms.” Manuscript prepared for The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. September,
2016. Manuscript prepared, proposal submitted, declined.
Skyer, M.E. (2014). Session Proposal: “Eradicating the ‘Thought Ceiling’ of Academic Rhetoric:
Multimodality and Disability.” 16th Annual ASSETS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
at Rochester Institute of Technology. October 20th, 2014. Manuscript prepared, proposal submitted,
Skyer, M.E. (2013). Session Proposal: “Embracing the Visual Nature of Deaf Education.” 2013
NTID Liberal Arts Research Symposium. Proposal submitted, accepted, presented.
Fingler, S. (2019, August). “Second Biennial Deaf-Engaged Academic Forum (DEAF-ROC).”
August 8-9th, 2019. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Multiple Sessions. (Attendee).
Van Lente, D. (2019). “Technology and Power.” ICOHTEC (International Committee for the
History of Technology) 46th Symposium. July 22nd 27th, 2019. Katowice, Poland. Multiple Sessions.
Samar, V. (2019). “RISE (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement) RCR (Responsible
Conduct of Research). Two-day workshop. July 9-10, 2019. Presented at Rochester Institute of
Technology. (Attendee).
Nae, H-J. (2019). “Visual Design Principles that Impact Learning.” Teaching and Learning
Services: Teachers on Teaching Series. April 23, 2019. Presented at Rochester Institute of
Technology. (Attendee).
Canale, A.M. (2019). “Pitching and Publishing Your Next (or First) Book.” Presented at Rochester
Institute of Technology. (Attendee).
Bosworth, R. (2018). “The Impact of Sensory and Language Experience on Perception.” Lecture,
December 11th, 2018. Presented by the University of Rochester’s Medical Center and The Clinical
and Translational Science Institute. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2018). 4th Annual NTID Scholarship Symposium. Sponsored by NTID Academic Affairs.
Multiple Lecture Sessions. December 11, 2018. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
Kitzel, M.E. (2018). “NTID’s Spaces: Physical Expressions of Deaf Education, 1968-Present.”
Lecture, December, 7, 2018). Sponsored by RADSCC and 2-5-8 Series. Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Flahive, C., (2018).“RSRB Training & the CLICK System: Warner School Doctoral Students”
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (Trainee, November 30th, 2018). (Trainee).
RIT (2017). “Mentoring Graduate Students: An Exchange of Best Practices.” Panel Discussion.
November 14th, 2017. Workshop presented at Campus Center, Rochester Institute of Technology,
Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Voight-Campbell, R. (2017). “Deafblind Education and Pro-Tactile ASL in Learning
Communications,” Special Guest Speaker Rhonda Voight Campbell for MSSE 703, Special
Education in the Social Context. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. (Host,
discussion facilitator).
Schley, S. (2017). NTID Faculty Learning Community (FLC): Access and Inclusion. Meetings
ongoing, NTID/Rosica Hall, LBJ Building. Fall Semester, 2017. National Technical Institute for the
Deaf, Rochester, NY. (Participant).
Remmington, R. (2017). “Evaluating Visual Communication”: Kern Conference on Visual
Communication. October 17, 2017. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Kane, M. (2017). Student-Generated Flipped Classrooms. Workshop presented by Mike Kane.
NTID Power Workshop. October 16, 2017. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBH
Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Simkins, D. & Marchetti, C. (2017). “Out of this World Learning: Building Learning Games to
Engage Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students.” Research Lecture, Dr. David Simkins and Dr. Carol
Marchetti. October 11th, 2017. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Student Development
Center, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Edwards, L. (2017). “Psychosocial and Socioemotional Assessment of Students who are Deaf or
Hard or Hearing.” Research Lecture, Dr. Lindsey Edwards. October 11, 2017. National Technical
Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Skyer, M.E. (2015). “Deaf Digital Communications Discussion and Policy Recommendation work
with the Democratic National Committee representatives regarding disability, deafness, and
educational policy.” November – December, 2015. (Interviewee).
UR (2015). Complicating Normalcy: Disability, Technology, and Society in the Twenty-First
Century. Conference, multiple sessions. November 2015. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
Skyer, M.E. (2015). Interview for Huffington Post article regarding deaf musicians. November,
2015. (Interviewee).
Hursh, D. (2015). “The End of Public Schools.” Book reading by Dr. David Hursh. December 10,
2015. Gates Public Library, Gates, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2015). “Dialogue on Hearing Privilege.” Panel Discussion. November 18, 2015. National
Technical Institute for the Deaf, Student Development Center, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2015). “Student Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Title IX Training.” May 26, 2015.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Student Development Center, Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
Sounis, N. (2015). “Unflattening: Reimagining Interdisciplinary Scholarship Through Comics,” An
element of the Collaboration, Disciplinarity, and the Rhetoric of Inquiry Workshop Lecture
presented by Dr. Nick Sounis, April 29, 2015. Rochester Institute of Technology, College of
Imaging Arts and Sciences, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
UR (2015). Quantitative Methods Consulting Workshop, April 9, 2015. University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
RIT (2015). “Publishing without Perishing: Symposium for Scholars on Academic Book
Publishing.” Workshop series. Sponsored by the Wallace Center, Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rochester, NY. January 15, 2015. (Attendee).
NTID (2015). “Liberal Arts Placement Test (LAPT) and Writing Placement Exam (WPE):
Assessments, Rubrics, and Norming.” NTID DLS Working Group. Ongoing Meetings, 2015.
(Evaluator and participant in norming).
NTID (2014). “Viva De’VIA: Celebrating 25 years of Art about the Deaf Experience.” Conference.
Lecture presented by Dr. Paddy Ladd, Deafhood Pedagogies, November 9, 2014. National
Technical Institute for the Deaf, Dyer Gallery, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
RIT (2014). “Access to Openness: National and Global Futures and the Translingual Approach.”
Innovative UWP/NTID First Year Writing Collaboration. Symposium. November 4th, 2014.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. (Participant).
Hursh, D. (2014). “PISA Testing and OECD: How do US Schools and Students Stack up Against
Nations Around the World?” Town Hall Meeting at Gates Public Library with Dr. David Hursh.
October 22, 2014. (Attendee).
Skyer, M.E. (2014). LAPT Administrative Assistant. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ
Hall, Rochester, NY. August, 2014. (Exam administer).
RIT (2014). Kern Conference on Visual Communication. Conference, multiple sessions. April 22-
26, 2014, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Khalsa, B.K. (2014). NTID Classroom Communication Committee: Observation and Assessment,
Observer: Dr. Baldev Kaur Khalsa. April, 2014. (Observed and evaluated).
RIT (2014). “Multimodality across the Disciplines.” University Writing Program Brown Bag
Lunch. April, 2014. (Attendee).
UR (2014). “Crossroads: An Opportunity for Progress.” 5th Annual Diversity Conference.
Rochester, NY, March 18, 2014. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (Poster presented,
NTID (2014). Liberal Arts Placement Test (LAPT) and Writing Placement Exam (WPE):
Assessments, Rubrics and Norming. NTID DLS Working Group. Ongoing Meetings, 2014.
(Evaluator and participant in norming).
Martins, D. (2013). “Translingual English Pedagogies.” Brown Bag Lunch with the University
Writing Program Chair, Dr. Martins. February, 2013 (Attendee).
Matsuda, P. (2013). “This is Not a Writing Course: Language Issues in University Courses.” Part of
the Translingual Writing Approaches and World Englishes Series. Reading Discussion and
Seminar, with Dr. Paul Matsuda. January, 2013. Sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts,
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Skyer, M.E. (2014). “NTID Department of Liberal Studies Communication Policy, AY 2013.” (Co-
author, editor, coordinator).
Scheffield, C. (2013). “Applied Critical Thinking.” Workshop with Eugene H. Fram Chair, Clifford
Sheffield. September, 2013. (Attendee).
CAID (2013). Council of American Instructors of the Deaf. Conference. June 24-8, 2013.
NTID (2013). Writing in the Disciplines at NTID. Innovation Seminars. (Attendee).
NTID (2013). “NTID Liberal Arts Research Symposium 1.” (Presenter, attendee).
Toscano, R.M., Rubel, L. & Winslow, D. (2013). Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Hearing
Multimodal Writing Collaboration, hosted by Rose Marie Toscano and Drs. Linda Rubel and
Dianne Winslow. November 2013. Rochester Institute of Technology, Bamboo Room, Rochester,
NY. (Attendee).
Odum, K. (2012). “Classroom Observation by Mr. Kofi Odum of Ghana, Founder and Executive
President of Friends of the Handicapped International.” October, 2012. National Technical Institute
for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Observed).
NTID (2012). Working with Multilingual Writers. Workshop, 2012 National Technical Institute for
the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2012). MyCourses – Idea-Tools Migration. Workshop, 2012-13. National Technical
Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Participant).
NTID (2012). Course (re)design On-Site Support. Seminar. 2012. National Technical Institute for
the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2012). “Deaf and Hearing Value Systems.” Seminar. 2012. Rochester Institute of
Technology, Bamboo Room, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
Aldersley, S. (2012). Hosted the Lawlor Group for a discussion on NTID Branding, with Dr.
Stephen Aldersley. September, 2011. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall,
Rochester, NY. (Host).
NTID (2012). “Writing in the Disciplines at NTID.” Innovation Seminars. AY 2012. National
Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2012). “Liberal Arts Placement Test (LAPT) and Writing Placement Exam (WPE):
Assessments, Rubrics and Norming.” NTID DLS Working Group. Ongoing Meetings, 2012.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Evaluator and participant in
NTID (2012). LAPT Administrative Assistant. August, 2012. National Technical Institute for the
Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Exam administer).
Skyer, M.E. (2012). “What is Deaf culture? Who are Deaf visual artists?” Presentation at Deaf
Culture Night at Rochester School for the Deaf, March, 2012. Rochester School for the Deaf,
Rochester NY. (Presenter).
RIT (2012). “Student Information System (SIS) Training.” April 9th. Rochester Institute of
Technology, Bamboo Room, Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
RIT (2012). “Language Use in Research and Academic Settings.” Seminar, 2012. Rochester
Institute of Technology, Bamboo Room, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
ALDA (2012). “Association for Late Deafened Adults (ALDA)” Convention. February 25, 2012.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
UR (2012). Application Materials and Interviews at University of Rochester, Warner School for
PhD Application, January-March, 2012. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (Applicant).
RIT (2011). “Teaching and Learning Services @ Wally.” Seminar, 2011. Rochester Institute of
Technology, Wallace Center, Rochester, NY. (Attendee).
NTID (2011). “Liberal Arts Placement Test (LAPT) and Writing Placement Exam (WPE):
Assessments, Rubrics and Norming.” NTID DLS Working Group. Ongoing Meetings, 2011.
2008 – 2009.
Heritage (2010). “Certified Direct Support Professional.” Certification Training Course. Heritage
Christian Services, East Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
Heritage (2010). “Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP).” Certification Training
Course. Heritage Christian Services, East Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
Heritage (2010). SCIP-R Intervention Method: Intervention Modules. Heritage Christian Services,
East Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
Heritage (2010). Medical Administration, CPR, First Aid: Course and Certification. Heritage
Christian Services, East Rochester, NY. (Trainee).
New York State (2008). “Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE).” Workshop and
Certification: Course. May, 2008. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, LBJ Hall, Rochester,
NY. (Attendee, coursework completed).
NTID (2009). “MSSE Observation practicum. Fall quarter, 2009. (Observer, 100 hours).
Dr. Scary and Mr. Gory. 2018 – present.
Children’s literature, poetry, and illustrations.
The Pupil and the Pedagogue: Dissensus in Theorizing Deaf Visual Pedagogy Axiology in
the Biosocial Paradigm.
Proposal for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Written proposal accepted, May 23, 2018.
Oral defense accepted, June 18, 2018.
University of Rochester RSRB exempt request approved, December 20th, 2018.
Rochester Institute of Technology exempt request approved, February 21st, 2019
Deaf Digital Learning Platforms (DDLPs) and Online Teaching and Learning:
Multimodality as Lens for Understanding Deaf Student Communication Practices in
Higher Education
Literature Review – (Academic Writing for Educators, ED-513)
Biocultural Deaf Aesthetics: A Critique for a new 21st Century Deaf Education Model
Film Discourse Analysis – Co-Authored Paper with L. Blair – (Theory of Teaching, EDU 523)
Disability and Metaphors Within a Critical Pedagogy Framework for Deaf or Hard of
Hearing Students
Digital Video and Discourse Analysis Paper – (Text and Medium: The Digital Page, ENG-585)
Synthesis Paper — (Theory and Research on Teaching and Learning, EDU 525)
This is Your Brain on Language: Language Activated Neural Patterns in the Deaf and
Hearing Populations
Research Paper and Presentation — (Current Instructional Methods for English, MSSE 712)
Cultural and Intelligence Diversity in the Fine Arts Classroom and Studio
Research Portfolio — (Cultural Perspectives, MSSE 703)
Current Impact of International Schools for the Deaf on American Educational Practice
and Policy
Research Paper — (Political and Legal Environment, MSSE 705)