Sample MV Plan
Sample MV Plan
Sample MV Plan
Example M&V Plan
for a
February 2007
This document was developed for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy
Management Program by Nexant, Inc., and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This
CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................... 2
1.2 M&V PLAN SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 3
METHODS ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2 ENERGY AND WATER BASELINE DEVELOPMENT .................................................. 8
METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 12
METHODS ............................................................................................................. 15
4.1 O
............................................................................................................................ 17
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Example M&V Plan
METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 25
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Example M&V Plan
This document is a comprehensive M&V Plan for a fictitious energy performance
contract project. This document is intended to serve the following purposes:
• Provide examples of M&V Plans for common ECMs that comply with the
requirements set forth in the FEMP M&V guidelines, Version 2.21, and
• Provide and promote use of a consistent format for M&V Plans for Federal ESPC
projects, as detailed by the M&V Plan Outline2.
This document contains M&V Plans for three measures, using Options A and B, at a
fictitious federal office building. The ECMs include lighting, energy management and
control system (EMCS) installation, and a chiller retrofit:
• Lighting Efficiency Measure – Option A, FEMP Method LE-A-02
• Energy Management Control System Installation – Option B, FEMP Method
• Chiller Replacement Measure – Option B, FEMP Method CH-B-02
FEMP M&V Guideline V 2.2 available at
M&V Plan Outline for FEMP Super ESPC projects is available at
for the
April 1, 2003
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Example M&V Plan
Utility usage for site during the period from January to December 2002 iscompared to
project savings in Table 1.2.
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Example M&V Plan
Project square
footage (KSF) 664
Total site
square footage
(KSF) 664
% Total site
area affected 100%
MBtu = 106 Btu = 293 kWh
*Annual electric demand savings (kW/yr) is the sum of the monthly demand savings.
KSF = 103 square feet.
If energy is reported in units other than MBtu, provide a conversion factor to MBtu for link to delivery order
schedules (e.g. 0.004313 MBtu / kWh).
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Example M&V Plan
The Federal Building purchases both electricity and gas from Public Service Electric &
Gas (PSE&G). Electricity is provided under rate schedule GS-1. The following rates
apply for the duration of the contract:
NISTIR 85-3273-17 (Rev. 4/01) Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
– April 2002, Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135 and NBS Publication 709
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Example M&V Plan
The Post-Installation Report will be submitted within 30 days of project completion. The
Federal Building’s representative will then have 30 days to review and approve the Post-
Installation Report. Commissioning will be reported separately. After receipt of the Post-
Installation Report, GSA will issue ABC Engineering a written notification of
The Post-Installation Report will document any deviations from the specified equipment
and, if necessary, make recommendations for approval of any adjustments to M&V plans
specified herein. The Post-Installation Report will follow the format and content defined
for Super ESPC projects. The specific items that will be reported are described in the
M&V plan for each ECM.
The Annual Report will be due within 30 days of the end of the annual performance
period. The Federal Building’s representative will have 30 days to review and approve
the Annual Report. The Annual Report will follow the format and content defined for
Super ESPC projects. The specific items that will be reported are described in the M&V
plan for each ECM.
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Example M&V Plan
receive rebates for the lighting efficiency measure. Incentives will be provided directly
from PSE&G to the GSA.
Table 2-3: Lighting Rebates from Public Service Electric & Gas
Fixture type # Fixtures Rebate $ / Total rebate
T-8, 4-lamp 1,347 $10 $13,470
T-8, 2-lamp 94 $10 $940
Screw-in CFLs 307 $0 $0
Exit Sign LEDs 39 $20 $780
TOTAL 1,745 $15,190
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The M&V Plan for the lighting efficiency retrofit at the Federal Center will follow FEMP
M&V Option A, Method LE-A-02. The variables affecting savings from this lighting
project are fixture powers, hours of operation, and level of coincident operation
(% operation when the building peak demand is set). Fixture powers will be measured on
a sample of the most common fixture types. For less common fixture types, fixture power
will be based on a table of standard fixture powers or manufacturer’s data.
Operating hours will be measured on a sample of space types during the Detailed Energy
Survey. The measured hours will then be used to estimate the energy and demand savings
during performance period and will not be adjusted even if the actual operating schedules
Option A has been selected for this retrofit due to the measure’s relatively small cost
savings contribution of all the retrofits installed at the Federal Center, and due to the high
confidence with which the fixture demand and operating hours may be determined.
Equipment numbers and locations will not vary, and operating hours are not projected to
change after the project is implemented.
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When the fixtures are replaced, power measurements will again be taken on a sample of
fixtures that represent more than 75% of the new connected load. For the remaining
fixture types that are not measured, fixture powers will be taken from a table of standard
fixture powers or from manufacturer specifications. The table of fixture powers to be
used is from PSG&E as part of their rebate program.
In all cases, the number of power measurements taken is sufficient to achieve a 10%
precision at 90% confidence as discussed in Section 3.2.3 Sample Size. Because fixture
powers tend to be in close agreement with each other, usually only three measurements
were required to meet this precision and confidence criteria. In some cases, three lighting
circuits (rather than three fixtures) were measured where all fixtures were the same and
no other loads were present. The total power measured was then divided by the number
of fixtures on each circuit to determine the average fixture power. The results of the
measurements are presented in Table 3-3 in section 3.2.4.
A Fluke 39 single phase power meter was used for all measurements. Measured lighting
fixtures had been operating at least one hour prior to measurement in order to achieve
typical operating temperature. The Fluke was used to measure actual wattage, which
considers volts, amperes, and power factor.
3.2.2 Usage Group Operating Hours
Lighting usage groups were identified based on space functionality and estimated annual
operation hours. For usage groups that represented more than 5% of the savings, fixture
operating hours were monitored to determine the typical operating hours. Groups that
represent 5% or less of the expected energy savings were not metered; operating hours
were based on typical hours of occupancy. However, sufficient usage groups were
monitored to account for at least 75% of the total energy savings.
During the audit, the operating hours for a sample of lighting fixtures in each usage group
was measured over a three-week period. The monitored operating hours were used to
PSG&E table…www…
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Example M&V Plan
estimate the annual operating hours for each of the seven usage groups with a precision
of 20% at 80% confidence. Initial sample size for each usage group was eleven loggers
before correcting for finite populations. In one case, additional loggers were deployed for
a second three-week period in order to meet the desired precision and confidence criteria.
The measured operating hours will be stipulated as annual operating hours during the
performance period.
Hobo lighting loggers were installed inside the lighting fixtures. These loggers record the
time of the change-of-state between on and off. In addition to the total operating hours
recorded, logger data was evaluated to determine the number of hours that a fixture was
operating between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. This information was used to estimate the
probability that fixtures in each usage group would be operating coincident with the
building peak load. This data was used to determine an overall peak coincidence factor
for the lighting. The results of the measurements are presented in Table 3-2 in
Section 3.2.4.
The specification of the loggers is: light threshold range is 10 to 300 lumens/ft2
(fluorescent light); the sensitivity to incandescent light is about ten times greater. The
lighting loggers record on-off times with an accuracy of ±1 minute per week). The results
of the metered data are summarized in the following section and all metered data are
included in the Appendix.
A sample of monitoring points for each usage groups was determined by the following
1. Define the desired precision and confidence for each measured parameter. For
measuring fixture powers, 10% precision at 90% confidence is desired. For
measuring usage group operating hours, 20% precision at 80% confidence was
2. Since sample size required to meet stated precision and confidence criteria is
dependent on the actual measurement results, assume an initial coefficient of
variation for each measured parameter. For fixture power, use Cv = 0.1; for operating
hours, use Cv = 0.5. The actual precision achieved will be calculated and additional
measurements made if the stated precision criteria is not initially met.
3. Using the stated assumptions and Equations D.3 and D.4 from the FEMP M&V
Guidelines, estimate the sample size n for the total population of lighting circuits
using the following standard statistical equations for estimating sample populations:
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Example M&V Plan
Z 2 C 2v Nn
n= (D.3); n * = (D.4)
p2 N+n
Z = Z statistic for desired confidence interval
p = desired precision
Cv = coefficient of variation
N = population of usage groups or fixtures
Because the sample sizes n and n* must be integers, the results from Equations D.3
and D.4 need to be rounded up to the nearest integer value. The coefficient of
variation (Cv) is simply the standard deviation of the measurement divided by the
average measurement value.
Cv =
σ = standard deviation
x = average measured value
When the measurements have been taken, the Cv can be quickly calculated. If the
actual Cv is less than the assumed value, then the precision and confidence criteria
have been met. If the actual Cv is greater than the assumed value, then additional
measurements must be taken. Alternatively, an investigation may reveal that one
sample was misidentified and belongs in another usage group or fixture category.
When taking power measurements, the standard deviation will be calculated in the
field. If the Cv is greater than 0.1, three additional fixtures or circuits will be
measured and the fixtures will be inspected to reveal whether any were misidentified.
For operating hour measurements, a Cv significantly greater than 0.5 will require
additional measurement samples such that the total number of samples satisfies
Equations D.3 and D.4 using the measured Cv.
4. Using the actual Cv, the precision can be calculated from the previous equations after
some simple algebraic manipulation. In practice, the finite population correction only
needs to be used where the actual population (N) is less than 100.
ZC v Nn * ZC v
p= ; n= ; p =
n N − n* Nn *
N − n*
5. Fixture powers will be based on the average of the measured values. Usage group
operating hours will be based on the average of the measured values. The coincidence
factor (CF, probability that operation coincides with building peak) for each usage
group will be based on the operating hours between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. as follows:
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Example M&V Plan
3.2.4 Results
Based on Equations D.3 and D.4 and the assumed initial coefficient of variation, the
following table lists the initial sample size for each of the measured parameters for
The fixture groups and metering results are shown in Table 3-2 above. The number of
samples in the Exit signs was set to zero because of their small contribution to the overall
savings. The initial three measurements of the 8-ft. fluorescent fixtures revealed a Cv
greater than 0.1, a result likely caused by all of the fixtures having old and flickering
lamps. An additional three measurements were taken to compensate. The resulting
precision of 10.1% with six measurements is considered as meeting the established
statistical criteria.
The operating hours for three usage groups were monitored for a three-week period in
April – May 2003. The average annual operating hours for each usage group are shown in
Table 3-3, along with the actual Cv of each group. The table shows that the estimated Cv
for two of the groups was less than the assumed value of 0.5 and so the precision criteria
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Example M&V Plan
for those two groups was met. For the closed office areas, the large variability in usage
resulted in a Cv greater than 0.5 and an initial precision of 24% with eleven samples. As a
result, an additional eleven loggers were deployed in different closed office spaces for
another three-week period in May 2003. With a total of 22 measurements, the achieved
precision is less than 20% at 80% confidence as desired.
The weighted peak coincidence factor is used to calculate the demand cost savings from
the demand savings. The demand reduction listed in Table 3-3 is based on a reduction in
the connected load. However, not all of this reduction will appear in the form of reduced
demand charges on the utility bill. The coincidence factor for each usage group represents
the fraction of fixtures operating when the building peak demand is set and therefore
represents that usage group’s contribution to the demand reduction seen at the utility
Equation 3-1:
kW UsageGroupU,baseline = Σu (kWbaseline fixture)
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Energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings will be calculated using Equation 3-2 and
Equation 3-3, respectively.
Equation 3-2:
kWh Savings = ∑u [ (kW UsageGroupU,baseline - kW UsageGroupU,post ) x Annual Hours
of Operation]
Equation 3-3:
kW Savings = ∑u [(kW UsageGroupU,baseline - kW UsageGroupU,post) x
Coincidence Factor]
kWh Savings = kilowatt-hour savings realized during
one year post-installation
kW Savings = Coincident kilowatt demand saving
kW UsageGroup U,baseline = Lighting baseline demand for usage
group u
kW UsageGroup U,post = Lighting demand during post-
installation period for usage group u
Annual Hours of Operation = Annual number of operating hours for
the usage group u
Coincidence Factor = Maximum percent of lighting
operating during at time building peak
electrical demand, as determined from
metered data from time-of-use loggers
Equation 3-4:
Annual Cost Savings = [RatekWh × kWhSavings] + [12 × RatekW × kWSavings]
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The Annual Report will detail the results of annual inspections, noting significant
problems such as burned-out lamps and ballasts and deviations with the expected number
of operating fixtures, etc. An estimate of energy and cost savings for the year will be
provided. As stated in the Responsibility Matrix, the GSA is responsible for the
consistency of operating hours and equipment replacement with identical or comparable
equipment. Changes in equipment type or operating hours will not result in adjustments
to the reported (guaranteed) savings.
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Currently, the HVAC fans and pumps operate at constant speed under manual on/off
control. The fan motors operate continuously and the chiller and pump motors run longer
than necessary. The control system will use an “optimum start” sequence to determine the
start-up time for this system, which will likely range between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
This sequence will evaluate indoor and outdoor conditions by taking temperature (indoor
and outdoor) and humidity (outdoor) measurements and start the equipment accordingly,
so that proper set-points are reached prior to occupancy. Shut-off time will be set to 9:00
p.m. in order to give cleaning crews time to work.
Current heating and cooling set-points are determined by pneumatic thermostats which
are no longer calibrated and can be changed by the occupants. The current heating and
cooling set-points are not easily quantifiable, but range from 68ºF to 76ºF winter and
summer. The new winter set-point (October – April) will be 68°F and the summer set-
point (May – September) will be 72°F, as agreed to between ABC and GSA.
The new control system will start and stop the equipment as needed, thereby reducing
operating hours, and provide savings in the form of reduced kilowatt-hour consumption.
Demand savings will not be realized for this measure, because the reduced operation
hours will take place at night and not during daytime peak periods.
Chiller savings due to reduced chiller runtimes will not be claimed. While the existing
chiller is enabled during the evenings in the cooling season, the actual hours of evening
operation are uncertain. Rather than stipulate an uncertain number of operating hours as
the baseline case, savings due to reduced runtimes will not be claimed. GSA will still
benefit from this reduced runtime. Operating conditions for the chiller will be monitored,
but this information will be used for chiller savings verification.
Natural gas savings from reduced heating are not included due to the difficulty in
quantifying these savings.
The measurement and verification plan for the EMCS installation will follow FEMP
Option B, Method GVL-B-01: generic variable load project with continuous metering.
The EMCS system will be used to record the actual run time of the equipment during the
performance period.
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Option B was chosen for this measure because of the concern that post-installation motor
operation hours may not turn out as estimated. In addition, Option B was selected
because the installation of the new control system readily lends itself to ongoing
measurement. The control system can track the actual run times of equipment with great
accuracy and very little added cost.
Motor kW demand is assumed to remain constant for the duration of the contract. The
nameplate data of each motor was recorded, and the power draw from each was measured
on May 1, 2003 by ABC staff in the presence of Mr. Handy, the Federal Center Facility
Manager. These values are shown in Table 4-2.
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Example M&V Plan
Annually, Equation 4-1 and Equation 4-2 will be used to calculate the energy savings
resulting from the EMCS installation for each piece of equipment listed in Table 4-1.
Equation 4-1:
Annual kWhsaved motori = kWbaseline motori ×
( Op. Hoursbaseline motori – Op. Hoursmeasured motori )
Equation 4-2:
Total Annual kWhsaved = Annual kWhsaved AHU-1 +
Annual kWhsaved EX-1 +
Annual kWhsaved HWP-1
The maximum operating hours expected for the equipment with the EMCS installed are
listed in Table 4-3 below. These values will be used if actual facility occupancy hours
Cost savings will be determined using energy rates detailed in Table 2-1 of Section 2.2.
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The EMCS system will be set up to automatically write the run-time data to the dedicated
control computer’s hard-drive each day at midnight. Every other month, ABC
Engineering staff will remotely download that data for analysis and back-up purposes.
The data will be reviewed at that time to ensure that the control system is operating
The equipment that was used for taking the baseline power measurements will be used
during the annual site visit to verify that equipment performance has not changed. The
meter to be used is a digital multi-meter, ACME model 40, which is calibrated by the
manufacturer on a semi-annual basis. The meter has an accuracy of +0.5%. The meter
specifications are included in the Appendices. Elite Industries thermistor sensors shall be
used for taking temperature measurements. These sensors are rated at ±1ºF accuracy.
Cut sheets are included in an Attachment to this document. Calibration will be provided
each performance year.
Elite Industries humidity sensors shall be used for taking humidity measurements. These
sensors are rated at ±5% accuracy. Cut sheets are included in an Attachment to this
document. Calibration will be provided each performance year.
Ongoing quality assurance procedures for the metered run times of equipment include a
bi-monthly review of the data to see if it is reasonable and corresponds to anticipated
values. Raw data files will be stored separately and made available to the Agency upon
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Example M&V Plan
request. In the case that some data are missing, a check for a valid reason for missing data
will be made. If the data is truly missing, then operating hours for the period with missing
data will be derived from data from a similar period. Sources of data used to make up for
missing data will be clearly identified and will be described in the Annual Report.
The Annual Report will summarize the results of calculations that determine the savings.
Monitored data and details of all calculations will be provided electronically in MS
Excel™ spreadsheets. An example spreadsheet format is provided in Table 4-6.
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As part of this ESPC project, the existing chiller will be replaced with a new, high
efficiency unit with the same capacity. The proposed chiller will have a nominal full-load
rating of 0.52 kW/ton at ARI conditions. Part-load performance is significantly improved
due to the VFD option, which allows better part-load performance than the existing
chiller with inlet guide vanes. The cooling tower was replaced five years ago, and will
not be modified; however, condenser water temperature will be allowed to drop below
85ºF when the wet-bulb conditions allow. This will further improve the part-load chiller
performance. The chilled water and condenser water pumps will be serviced, but not
replaced. No other changes to the cooling plant will be made. Energy savings for this
measure will result from the reduction of chiller demand to provide the same cooling as
in the baseline case.
FEMP Option B, Method CH-B-02 will be used to measure and verify the energy savings
from this retrofit. This method requires metering of chiller electric and load variables in
both the baseline and post-installation period. Baseline metering was performed over a
short-term period, and continuous metering via the EMCS will be done in the post-
installation period. It is appropriate to use Option B for this project for several reasons.
There is a significant uncertainty in what the actual operating hours and loads of the new
chiller will be, data collection is available with the use of the new EMCS (ECM 2), and
analysis of the collected data will provide a continuous performance check on the new
The purpose of collecting baseline chiller data was to develop a model of the existing
chiller’s performance. This model will enable the prediction of the baseline chiller
demand from load and system operating parameter data. Approximately one month
(August 13 to September 17, 2003) of baseline metering was conducted, with enough
data points collected to successfully build the performance model.
In the post-installation period, chiller demand (kW), load data (tons, as calculated from
water temperature and flow measurements), and system operating parameters (chilled and
condenser water temperatures) will be collected continuously in 15-minute intervals. The
load data will be used to determine the equivalent baseline chiller demand for the same
interval. Savings will be determined from the difference in the calculated baseline chiller
demand and the actual post-installation chiller demand.
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The following figure will help illustrate the savings verification process:
Figure 5-1
Chiller Performance and Savings
kW New
kW Baseline ASHRAE model for
kW measured baseline chiller
1. Measure the chiller load (tons) from the chilled water supply and return temperatures
and flow rates.
2. Estimate the baseline kW demand from the model of the old chiller at current
operating conditions (actual chilled water temperature, tons). The baseline condenser
water temperature will be held 85ºF since that was the steady-state case in the
baseline due to the old chiller’s operating limitations).
4. Calculate the demand savings for each 15-minute interval as the difference between
the baseline model and the measured value.
6. Annual energy savings will be calculated as the sum of the 15-minute savings. This
savings calculation assumes a minimum number of ton-hours of cooling per year. In
the event that the measured ton-hours are less than a specified minimum, savings
based on measured chiller performance may be adjusted upwards to reflect what
would have occurred had the minimum number of ton-hours been provided.
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The monitored data collected during the baseline period were used to develop the
following model of the existing chiller performance. Because the performance depends
on so many variables, the chiller model was based on ASHRAE energy efficiency
Standard 90.1. The model is based on a set of bi-quadratic and quadratic equations,
detailed in Equations 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3.
The following notations are applicable to the equations used in this section:
CHWF Chilled water flow in gallons per minute (GPM)
ECHWT Entering chilled water temperature (return temperature,°F)
LCHWT Leaving chilled water temperature (supply temperature, °F)
CWT Condenser water temperature (°F) to chiller
PLR Part Load Ratio
500 Conversion from GPM to pounds per hour Btu per pound-degree
12,000 Conversion from Btuh to tons
See Attachment 4.
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The maximum capacity (tons) of the chiller varies with operating parameters, and can be
determined from Equation 5-1:
Equation 5-1:
CAPt = CAPnom[a + b(CHWT) + c(CHWT)2 + d(CWT) + e(CWT)2 + f(CHWT)(CWT)]
In addition, the instantaneous chiller load and current part-load ratio are calculated by the
following equations:
Equation 5-2:
TONSt = (CHWF)(500)(ECHWT – LCHWT)(1) / (12,000)
Equation 5-3:
The baseline chiller electric demand is calculated with the following equations:
Equation 5-4:
EIRadj = g + h(CHWT) + i(CHWT)2 + j(CWT) + k(CWT)2 + l(CHWT)(CWT)
Equation 5-5:
PLRadj = m + n(PLRt) + o(PLRt)2
Equation 5-6:
kWt = (kWnom)(PLRadj)(EIRadj)
The ASHRAE model coefficients a through o for a water-cooled chiller are listed in the
table below:
Table 5-1: Chiller performance coefficients (water-cooled)
a b c d e f
CAPt -1.74204 -0.029292 -0.000067 0.048054 -0.000291 -0.000106
g h i j k l
EIRadj 3.1175 -0.109236 0.001389 0.00375 0.00015 -0.000375
m n o
PLRadj 0.222903 0.313387 0.46371
These calculations will be executed using a spreadsheet model. When estimating the
baseline chiller performance, the actual chilled water temperature and tons will be used,
along with a fixed condenser water temperature of 85°F. The baseline chiller currently
operates at a fixed condenser water temperature and it is not appropriate to adjust the
baseline to account for the new condenser water temperature strategy, as the existing
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chiller could not take advantage of reduced condenser water temperatures because of
physical operating limitations.
Equation 5-7
Energy Savings (kWh) = Σt (kWht, baseline, est – kWht, measured, post )
= 0.25 × Σt (kWt, baseline –kWt,measured post)
kWt,baseline = demand that the baseline chiller would have used
under the load conditions encountered for 15minute
interval t in the post-installation period
kWt, measured, post = measured demand of the new chiller during 15
minute interval t.
Equation 5-8
Monthly Demand Savings (kW) = MAX(kWt,baseline) – COINCIDENT(kWt,post)
MAX(kWt,baseline) = maximum monthly demand of baseline
chiller predicted for each 15-minute interval
in the peak period (between noon and 6 p.m.
weekdays, May through October) during the
current month using the model developed
for the baseline chiller.
COINCIDENT(kWt,post) = measured demand of the new chiller during
the period when the predicted baseline
chiller demand was at its maximum value.
Equation 5-9:
Annual Cost Savings = Energy Savings (kWh) * RatekWh +
Σmonth(Monthly Demand Savings * RatekW)
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Using the monitored post-installation data, the baseline energy use will be computed
using the ASHRAE model and assuming standard (ARI) conditions as previously
The new chiller’s performance will be compared to the manufacturers’ rated performance
annually to ensure that the chiller is operating as expected. This will be accomplished by
using the manufacturer’s performance curves, which are analogous to the ASHRAE
performance curves used for the baseline chiller. The actual chilled and condenser water
temperatures will be used with the manufacturer’s model.
Some degradation in chiller performance is expected over the course of the delivery order
contract (5 years), which has been considered in determining the expected energy savings
and the annual contract payments. If substantial equipment performance degradation
occurs (>15% increase in annual energy use relative to the manufacturer’s model), the
Agency will be responsible for taking the necessary maintenance actions to restore the
chiller performance.
In the event of an unseasonably mild summer or change to the facility that decreases
cooling load, the savings claimed will be based on a minimum cooling load of six
hundred thousand ton-hours as defined by the typical monthly load curves included in the
Chiller demand: The chiller demand will be monitored using solid core current
transducers and voltage leads connected to each leg of the chiller’s 3-phase circuit. All
leads will be installed at the time of EMCS installation. These transducers will be
installed on Breakers 1, 3 and 5 (the A, B and C phases) of Switch-Gear SW-1.
Calibration of these sensors will be accomplished using an ACME True-RMS kW meter.
Calibration of this parameter will be carried out once per year.
Chilled water flow: Chilled water flow will also be monitored through the EMCS. At the
time of chiller installation, an ACME inline flow meter will be installed in the chilled
water loop. The flow meter is specified by the manufacturer to have an accuracy of
±10%. The chilled water flow will be verified bi-monthly by downloading and checking
data to identify sensors that have fallen out of calibration or to determine whether pump
or chiller performance has degraded.
Condenser and chilled water temperatures: Water temperature sensors will be the
insertion type, installed in new thermo-wells for both the condenser and chilled water
temperatures. The sensors used will be ACME 2-wire, 1,000 OHM platinum RTDs
paired with a 4-20 mA transmitter. The combined units will have an operating range of
20–120°F with an accuracy of ±0.50°F. An annual field check of calibration will be
conducted using the analog thermometers installed in the supply and condenser water
In addition to the calibration and testing procedures outlined above, all components will
be tested and evaluated once each contract year. Also, the EMCS will continuously
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monitor the calculated kW/ton of the new chiller and issue an alarm when this value
moves outside the expected range (0.40 - 1.10 kW/ton).
The data will be collected using quality control procedures for checking the
measurements for reasonableness. Any and all missing intervals will be replaced either
by interpolation or use of average values. Such data will be described in the Annual
The Annual Report will summarize the calculated savings for the past year. Savings
calculations will also be provided electronically, in MS Excel spreadsheets. All
calculations will follow the procedure described in this M&V plan. In addition to the
reports, all monitored data will be submitted in electronic format.
The spreadsheet will show all intermediate steps in calculating baseline chiller kW, and
show how energy savings will be determined. A sample spreadsheet format is provided in
Table 5-3, with variable names as described in the Chiller M&V Plan.
Time ECHWT, LCHWT, CHW CWT, kWpost Tonst CAPt PLRt PLRadj EIRadj kWbase kWSaved
°F °F flow °F
2/07 page 28
Example M&V Plan
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Example M&V Plan
2/07 page 30
Example M&V Plan
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