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Organic Fusion

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Developed by Transmind International

in partnership with ClariAct.

Helping leaders, individuals and teams deal

with organisational change and acquire EQ,
self-awareness and interpersonal skills to
deliver sustained high performance within
complex environments as cross-functional,
self-organising teams.
+27 (0)83 782 1249 | [email protected]

Concept art by Nico Simpson


Accessing cuts
Accessing Speed
combined cross-
awareness cuts
Crosses, Triads, Axes 1

and Zones
There are 9 Crosses, 12 Triads, 18 Axes and
18 Zones for possible combinations of domains
that belong together in the OSC. The combinations Neocortex
of domains and/or colours are called Fusions.
They point to movement and give meaning through their Limbic system
relationships. If we compare the OSC with a photograph, Brain stem
fusions give shape to the pixels, allowing us to see our
Index contours – the nose, chin or eyes. It helps us to recognise
ourselves in the major lines.
Crosses, Triads, Axes and Zones 1
By reading the fusions we transcend the details of the OSC
Zones 3 to obtain a better overview. These combinations then tell
a somewhat different story than the domains through
Crosses 10 which they have been formed. We thus find it far easier to
• Root 11 gain insight into our core being. This is truly speed-reading
• Trunk 12 awareness.
• Crown 13 Fusions have a logical mutual interdependence. The more Awareness
domains there are involved in a fusion, the more solid that patterns
Axes 14 fusion will become. Hence, the domains strengthen each
other. As the fusion grow “sturdier” and can rely on other The interpretation of
Triads 21 the scores strongly
• Form 22 domains, the mutual effect is strengthened.
depends on context.
• Source 23 The explanation of the fusion takes different combinations
of domains into account, which adds significance. It answers
• Check 24 questions like:
• Goal 25 • What is your current strategy, and why?
2018 TransMind - Appreciating colours 26 • What would your adapted strategy look like in
transmind.nl/transmind.co.za another situation?
Concept and product
development: • Does it deviate much?
ClariAct - www.clariact.com
• Do you recognise yourself?
Design and layout:
Out of the Blue Creative It is better to deal with these questions on the level of fusions
Communication Solutions -
www.outoftheblue.co.za (groups of domains) instead of domains.
Concept Art: May the Organic Fusion allow you to quickly start on your
Illustrations and graphics journey towards growth, deep-tuning your inner self and
by Nico Simpson -
www.claripics.com rediscovering your magic.
Printing and binding:
Print on Demand,
5 Koets Road,
Parow Industria 7493 -

Behaviour follows awareness
Awareness determines behaviour; behaviour determines success.
Zones 3

Awareness Behaviour Success


Your behaviour is always a little behind your awareness – because behaviour

is mainly built upon experience.

Awareness determines what we think and feel and how we act.

Cognitive domain
(intellectual capability,

Time Identity

Affective domain domain
(feelings, emotions, (manual and physical Environment
behaviour and attitude) skills)

Awareness manifests through our knowledge, attitudes and skills.

4 5
Self-directed zone
We throw ourselves into Outreach zone
action regardless of possible

outcomes. We focus on giving others
what they want.
We are open to change

and movement. We can be and do everything

and get everything done for
We can be exactly those we consider important.
who we want to be and
go where we want to go.

Grounding zone
Social zone

We create a vital working
We arrange and manage place.
everything and everybody.

We stand our ground and

We all go together. We make it determine where we are going.
work with the people we have.
It does not matter how, just as We don’t accept anything that
long as it works. does not support us. This is
how we change the world.

Vigilance zone Engagement zone
We enforce order where an Our primary purpose is to grasp
efficient system does not exist. opportunities and ensure that

We must do something. we reach the future.

We still don’t know how or We explore opportunities and

where – as long as something rediscover ourselves. We know
happens. Otherwise, everything is challenging and
everything will fall apart. changing. Nothing is certain or
has ever been certain.

6 7

Anchor zone Standing zone

We keep our core together. We perform as required
We are stable in who we are because we know who we are

and what we do. We recognise and know those around us. We

ourselves and are certain who are at our best in getting things
we are. done for others.

Support zone Backing zone

We meticulously facilitate what
We take on group support should be done.

We work after we planned

Together we will get there if well and thought everything
each one of us does exactly through. We know exactly
what and how we have where we stand and we do
decided. what must be done.

Maintenance zone Planning zone

We maintain things the way We design the plans for future
they are supposed to be. activities and developments.

We do things the way they We stabilise the future from

should be done, in the way we our insights in the past. We

know they should be done – know things are the way they
because of the inevitability of are and will always remain
the process. this way.

8 9

Brand zone Peacekeeping zone

We live according to trademark We serenely oversee the
of who we are. present situation.

We are grateful for who we are We are fully allowed to be

and why we are like this. We ourselves. We feel lucky and
will continue to do this in an are surrounded by so many
open way. wonderful people.

Welcoming zone

We welcome everyone to the Supervision zone
community. We supervise everything.

We are friendly and If we all do our own thing well,

accommodating towards our place will be great because
others. We create space for this is the best way to work.
each other and this helps us to
get things done.

Engagement zone
Happiness zone Our primary purpose is to
trust we will make use of
We don’t worry; we are happy. opportunities and ensure that
we reach the future.

We know things have always

gone well and they will We can explore opportunities

continue to go well. and rediscover ourselves.
We relax in this knowledge. We know everything is
challenging and changing.
Nothing is certain or has ever
been certain.

10 Crosses Roots 11

Two perpendicular axes combined establish a part of one’s Existence: How aware am I of my right to exist in life?
life story. These parts are called the crosses: Stability: How aware am I of where I stand in life and with others?
1 Origin: Roots Existence axe + Stability axe

2 Growth: Trunk Empowerment axe + Ordering axe Our brainstem activity gives us the opportunity
to explore our deepest basics: our existential
3 Evolvement: Crown Change axe + Adaptation axe being and our balance between being unique
and together.
Through development and change we re-
explore these basics over and over again.
In times of stability as well as times of change,
brainstem activity in our roots makes us
restless and uncertain.

Limbic energy stabilises our lives and gives us a

certainty of ‘not having to worry for a while’.
We are resting, taking our lives and the people
in it for granted and focussing on other things
as opportunities.
But we are also always on the brink of peace
and rigidity.

• The experienced power to Roots
Crown direct one’s life. Existence
Change • How aware am I of the • The basics of being, the felt We often experience faith, trust and hope, as
• The felt possibilities for change. influence of my original being right to exist. energised by our neocortex, as a deep, calm
• How aware am I of the move­ in relationship to others? • How aware am I of my right and peaceful surrender to life.
ment in me and in others? Ordering to exist in life? It could, on the other hand, give us a ‘fly on the
Adaptation • The longing for structured Stability wall’ experience.
• The seen necessity for fitting in. being. • The neccessary support, in
• How aware am I of what I • How aware am I of the people and continuity.
show in terms of what is being consistancy of my inner and • How aware am I of where I
asked of me? outside patterns? stand in life and with others?

12 Trunk Crown 13

Ordering: How aware am I of the consistency of my inner and outer patterns? Adaptation: How aware am I of what I show in terms of what is being asked of me?
Empowerment: How aware am I of the influence of my existential right in Change: How aware am I of the movement in me and in others?
relationship to others?

When we show ever questioning reptile brain

Our reptile brain activity is always balancing energy in our crown, it makes our image
between change and search. altering and unstable.
Our trunk shows our exploration of our This leads to something new or leads us away
possibilities with what we have experienced from something old.
and learned in life so far.
This makes it difficult for others (and even for
Our need to recreate ourselves or to take ourselves) to predict what we will do.
on new responsibilities is questioned and
examined. We are shifting between refreshing energy
and demanding attention of others.

Limbic energy in our crown represents our

capacity to please or adapt.
Limbic energy in the trunk has the taste of We firmly believe that everyone should walk
‘never change a winning team’. straight on the path.
Strategy is what you have; just work with This could result in denying or overlooking
the tools that are yours in life. The comfort signs of the opposite.
this brings could, however, turn into a false
soothing and an excuse not to face change or We are predictable to others and comfortable
risks. in what we do.
We guard the borders of what is a proper
paradigm for others.

Neocortex energy in ordering and empower­ Faith, trust and hope are the signs we show,
ment in life brings an agreeable peace of mind. believe in and carry around with us as wide
We are just fine with who and where we are. cloths.
We accept being what is needed with ample We are so friendly and smiling that people
thoughts. don’t need to or don’t feel comfortable to
Whether we are alert enough to move when come really close.
necessary is an important question; our ‘fly on We seldom explore if it would be helpful to
the wall’ attitude could prevent or inhibit that. take a meaningful look behind our masks.

14 Axes The basics of being, the sensed right to exist


May I be? What is my right to exist?

Motivation Position

My p
Mother Shepherd

ure in

in my






I c an a nt
rest h
er e you w

g I accept my being and feel totally ‘me’.

ethin toge
br ing s
om the r wit
h you I have a sense of long-term reassurance.
I c an




My p

ur e a Grandma Winemaker





in lif

d me

I recognise myself and the place I occupy.

I am allowed to be who I am and I am doing
what should be done.

Caretaker Farmer

I am driven to create life, searching

everywhere to keep initiative
in establishing my Self.

Life giver Hunter


16 17
The necessary support, in people and continuity. The experienced power to direct one’s life.
Stability Empowerment

Is there continuity in me and my connection with others? Do I matter and how much of me is part of that?
Planning Connection Knowledge Relevance
Sage Host Fountain Giver

I love and trust everything and everybody. I am open and will receive what I need when I
I trust it will last for me. need it and I trust being of value.

Master Innkeeper Believer Provider

I rest in the current stable situation and I get knowledge at the source and do my
ensure that I’m there for others. utmost to deliver precisely what the other
person wants.

Apprentice Organiser Bookworm Tailor

I am open to the here and now, I am an inexhaustible source of creativity

saying goodbye to things that seems solid, and inspiration and use it to deliver
while taking initiative to involve everybody. what others need.

Doubter Joker Inventor Seller

Roots Trunk
Carrier Builder

18 19
The longing for structured being. The sensed possibilities for change.
Ordering Change

To what degree do I look for recognisability, in myself and around me? What role do I have in (my) change, and how can I control it?
Insight Structure Agility Values
Philosopher Contractor Visionary Chief

I accept what life has given me -

ups and downs - and enjoy I’ll see what I need to see (when I need to)
what is offered to me. and give others space.

Dreamer Dweller Wizard Elder

I gather information to know myself well I formulate scenarios and map the future
and build a natural new order. and ensure that everyone knows
where they stand in that.

Diarist Bricklayer Chess player Mediator

I am agile and ready to handle

I look for the treasure inside myself and work what is coming towards me.
towards the new order I’m envisioning. I take charge.

Treasure seeker Wrecker Explorer Captain

Trunk Crown
Builder Architect

The perceived need to fit in. Triads 21

Each perspective (as in Ambition I perspective
I, ME, WE) has an inner
scaffolding: It has a 1 Form Planning IT perspective
How do I conform to what I think is expected of me? form to show, a source Structure WE perspective
to investigate from, a
Norms Ambition checking point to verify Motivation I perspective
Ethicist Messenger what is happening and 2 Source Knowledge IT perspective
a goal to aim for.
Values WE perspective
If someone scores
on one of these Insights I perspective
scaffoldings in all 3 Check Norms IT perspective
three domains, the Connection WE perspective
I attract people. I am friendly meaning or importance
and listen deeply. of that specific part is Agility I perspective
strengthened. It rises 4 Goal Position IT perspective
above the meaning of
an individual domain. Relevance WE perspective
Guru Advisor

I embrace my place, I know my gifts

and I show my qualities.

Mayor Teacher

I break down obstacles,

fight against injustice and stand out
in the crowd.

Revolutionary Actor


Form Source
22 23
Form: Ambition, Planning, Structure. Source: Motivation, Knowledge and Values.
Holding onto Mask, Inner Stature and Outer Grid. Looking for spirit, wisdom and recognition. Sources are the wells of
Form can be seen as the possible safe haven in ways you do knowledge, that can be searched for, set in stone or accepted.
not have to think about anymore. These domains are the hand
behind your back without showing your inner turbulence.

Actor, Doubter and Wrecker Life giver, Inventor and Captain

We are always chameleonising, questioning We are always anticipating, exploring infinity
and reorganising. and (re)directing.

Teacher, Caretaker,
Apprentice and Bookworm and
Bricklayer Mediator
We are always We are always
telling, learning and reliable, knowing
structuring. and appeasing.

Advisor, Wise and Dweller

Grandmother, Believer and Elder
We are always self-relying, over-viewing
We are always loving, trusting and gathering.
and enjoying.

Form: The importance of grip Source: The importance of origin

Holding onto forms of reality: Drawing from the wells of life:
• (Known I) Ambition: my mask that protects me from the outside world • (Known I) Motivation: the recognition of my inner flame giving me the right to live
• (Unknown ME) Planning: my shelter that reassures me in every uncertainty • (Unknown ME) Knowledge: the connection with my eternal wisdom
• (Known WE) Structure: the thoughtful grids in reality, supporting my actions • (Known WE) Values: in tune with others we cherish our mutual importance

Check Goal
24 25
Check: Insights, Norms and Connection. Goal: Agility, Position and Relevance.
Verifying your being and findings in life. Checking on your Aiming at your ‘dot on the horizon’, your personal end-in-mind, whether for
growth, your roots and your fellows. your own growth, your meaning in life or your meaning for others.

Treasure seeker, Revolutionary Explorer, Hunter and Seller

and Joker We are always finding out, eager and searching
We are always introspecting, unconventional needs.
and stirring up.

Diarist, Mayor Chess player,

and Organiser Farmer and Tailor
We are always We are always
chronicling, thinking ahead,
guarding and steady and
arranging. adjusting.

Dreamer, Guru and Innkeeper Wizard, Winemaker and Provider

We are always accepting, embodying the way We are always floating, surrendering and
and welcoming. achieving.

Check: The importance of soul tuning Goal: The importance of end in mind
Evaluating our experience of life: Setting the targets in life:
• (Known I) Insights: introspection of why I do what I do • (Known I) Agility: preparing myself for whatever is coming
• (Unknown ME) Norms: the appreciation of my timeless roots • (Unknown ME) Position: finding the place in life ever meant for me
• (Known WE) Connection: overcoming duality • (Known WE) Relevance: where my actions and my being really meets expectations and longings

26 Appreciating colours
Activating Electric Impassioned Productive
Ambitious Emotional Impressible Progressive
Animated Energetic Influential Reactive
Blazing Energizing Innovative Receptive
Changing Enterprising Intense Responsive
Charismatic Enthusiastic Intuitive Seeing
Concerned Exhilarated Keen Sensitive
Enthusiastic Delicate Fascinated Lively Spirited
Dynamic Devoted Feeling Motivated Understanding
Driven Fierce Passionate Warm
Vulnerable Dynamic Forceful Perceiving Willing
Resisting Eager Go-getting Perceptive Whole-hearted
Earnest Hearty Powerful Zealous
Effective High-powered Precise

Accurate Devoted Meticulous Stable
Candid Discerning Painstaking Steadfast
Careful Efficiently Patient Steady
Certain Empathetic Perceptive Strong
Compassionate Exact Positive Sure
Comprehensive Exhaustive Predictable Sympathetic
Conditional Faithful Reliable Thorough
Reliable Conscientious Firm Reputable True-hearted
Sure Considerate Generous Respectable Trustworthy
Constant Good Responsible Understanding
Rigid Decisive High-principled Righteous Unfailing
Doubtless Definite Honest Safe Upright
Dependable Honorable Sincere
Detailed Impeccable Solid
Determined Loyal Sound

Accepting Cordial Innocent Thoughtful
Admiring Delegating Kind Tolerant
Amiable Depending Laid-back Tranquil
Appreciative Devoted Lenient Trusting
Believing Easy Loving Unconditional
Benevolent Entrusting Moderate Uncritical
Calm Even-tempered Nonchalant Undemandding
Trusting Carefree Faithful Patient Understanding
Freeing Caring Flexible Placid Unhurried
Casual Fond Poised Unsuspicious
Detached Collected Free and easy Reflective Valuing
Naive Complaisant Friendly Relaxed Warm-hearted
Composed Generous Reliable Welcoming
Concerned Impassioned Respecting
Confiding Independent Serene
Considerate Informal Tender

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