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UMN & LMN Disorders

Last updated: April 22, 2019
WEAKNESS (Loss of Voluntary Movement) ..................................................................................... 1
Treatment............................................................................................................................... 1
Muscle Tone Abnormalities ............................................................................................................. 1
Treatment of Spasticity ......................................................................................................... 2
Fatigability ....................................................................................................................................... 3
PYRAMIDAL UMN LESION....................................................................................................................... 4
Acute UMN lesion................................................................................................................. 4
Chronic stage of UMN lesion ................................................................................................ 4
Pseudobulbar Paralysis .......................................................................................................... 4
”Locked in” Syndrome (s. Pseudocoma) .............................................................................. 4
LMN LESION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Bulbar Paralysis ..................................................................................................................... 5
Primary sensory neuron lesion .............................................................................................. 5
Spontaneous Movements.................................................................................................................. 5
LESION LOCALIZATION GUIDE ............................................................................................................... 6
Acute Generalized Weakness ........................................................................................................... 9
Episodic Weakness ........................................................................................................................... 9
Drop Attack ........................................................................................................................... 9

Motor system generates three general TYPES OF MOVEMENTS:

Reflex responses - simplest form of coordinated movement - rapid, stereotyped involuntary
movements; elicited by sensory stimulus that requires quick reaction at involuntary level.
Rhythmical movements (e.g. walking, running) require stereotyped sequence of muscle activation.
Voluntary movements - most complex - goal-directed, initially require conscious direction.

 spinal cord contains circuitry for reflex responses and some rhythmical motor patterns.
 brain stem contains circuits for more complex patterns of motor movements including rhythm
 cortex is command center that plans and initiates movements and uses reflex and patterned
responses of brain stem and spinal cord to generate details of movement.

LOWER MOTONEURON (LMN) = α-motoneuron – neuron directly innervating striated skeletal

UPPER MOTONEURON (UMN) – term used in two senses:
a) senso stricto – cortical neurons forming tractus pyramidalis.
b) senso lato – all neurons forming descending tracts that ultimately play on LMN (tr.
pyramidalis, tr. reticulospinalis, tr. rubrospinalis, tr. vestibulospinalis, etc).


- muscle cannot exert normal force – most important clinical feature of motoneuron (UMN, LMN)
PARESIS – reduced voluntary movement;
PARALYSIS (s. -PLEGIA) – complete loss of voluntary movement.
 PALSY is older term (has been used interchangeably with either paralysis or paresis); currently, its
use is confined to historical diagnoses (e.g. Bell's palsy, cerebral palsy).
 distribution of paralysis / paresis is defined by prefixes:
mono- (one limb);
para- (both legs);
hemi- (limbs on one side of body);
quadri- or tetra- (all four limbs);
alternating (s. crossed) hemiplegia - hemiplegia on one side with contralateral cranial
nerve palsies.
bibrachial paresis – both arms.
 if clinical evaluation of weakness is limited by pain or lack of patient effort, needle EMG can
provide objective information.

- occupational therapist and physical therapist:
1. Strengthening & stretching exercises - maintain weak muscles in maximum tone, keep joints
from developing contractures.
2. Patient is trained to use adaptive movements - to facilitate function, to use canes and walkers.
3. Splints & braces - to stabilize joints.


Muscle tone changes usually accompany weakness!
muscle tone = resistance to passive muscle stretch
 tone is evaluated by passive movements of limbs. see p. D1 >>
 main components of muscle tone:
1) low-level background α-γ co-activation.
2) alteration in stretch reflexes (most important determinant of pathological alterations in
tone!) – via changes in rate of discharge in γ-neurons + changes in general excitability
of motor neuron pool.
3) viscoelastic properties of muscle & tendons (contribute to increased tone in chronic
spasticity and rigidity!).

TONUS↓ - A(HYPO)TONIA (s. FLACCIDITY) - LMN disease, cerebellar disease, sensory nerve damage.

a) SPASTICITY - UMN disease; resistance depends on:
– VELOCITY of passive motion - if limb is rapidly* moved: free interval → gradual
increase in tone (lengthening reaction, s. spastic catch due to hyperactive muscle
stretch reflex) → sudden decrease (inverse muscle stretch reflex) as limb goes through
its range of motion (“clasp-knife”).
*it is important to move rapidly because rate of stretch is
important in eliciting maximum stretch reflex response.
– DIRECTION of passive motion - tone is greater in antigravity muscles (arm flexors, leg
extensors & adductors).
spasticity in leg adductors causes "scissoring" over good leg (most easily seen in
spastic paraplegia).

b) RIGIDITY- extrapyramidal UMN disease.

– symmetric - similar resistance at all angles of motion; doesn’t depend on passive motion
velocity; constant through range of motion - “lead-pipe” rigidity (plastic type of rigidity
– limbs accept positions they are left in) or “cogwheel” rigidity (superimposed on
– cogwheeling is enhanced by voluntary movement of contralateral limb (reinforcement).
N.B. cogwheeling can occur in patients with essential or familial tremor (may be confused
with parkinsonism), but clinician feels alternate activation of flexors and extensors that
produce tremor, but does not feel hypertonicity!

c) PARATONIA / GEGENHALTEN (German "hold against") – diffuse forebrain dysfunction

(dementia, frontal lobe or thalamic disorders).
– pseudovoluntary* resistance by patient against any passive movement of limb (i.e. not
true increase in muscle tone!) - each attempt at moving limb by examiner is met with
equal and opposing force.
– felt as increase in tone that fluctuates with repetitive passive movements.
– often accompanied by tonic grasp reflex.
*it is involuntary to extent that patient has great difficulty
in voluntarily suppressing urge to resist.

Spasticity may be helpful in compensating for weakness, especially in gait - overzealous
treatment of spasticity (esp. with systemic drugs) may in fact cause decrement in function!

1. Stretching exercises (to maintain joint mobility).

at least passive range of motion (ROM) activities (to prevent contractures) are started in
immediate setting if patient cannot participate actively
 full range motion exercises; avoid over-stretching of soft tissues (deformity may result!).
 avoid knee hyperextension.
 keep feet flexed at 90 (use pillow between soles and bed foot).
 electrical stimulation of antagonist muscles and splinting may help.

2. Drugs with systemic effects (sedation is usually limiting barrier, esp. for school-age children!) -
primarily used in patients who are confined to wheelchair or bed (drugs allow easier transfers
from bed to chair, facilitate hygiene, alleviate painful flexor spasms):

1) GABAB agonist - BACLOFEN (20-240 mg/d in divided doses q8hrs*) - most effective
drug available! *i.e. single oral max dose is 70-80 mg
 originally synthesized as an anticonvulsant but it was found to have no significant
anticonvulsant activity.
 in severe cases - intrathecal via implanted pump; see p. Op240 >>
 intrathecal baclofen given to normal patients does not interfere with movement or
decrease strength, but the same dose given to a spastic patient markedly decreases
spasticity and muscle tone.
 activation of the GABAB receptors reduces the influx of calcium into the
presynaptic terminals, the result being a reduction in the release of excitatory

Baclofen withdrawal – “itchy, twitchy, bitchy” (severe itching without a rash,

excessive sweating, priapism, mood fluctuation, rebound spasticity↑ can
progress to severe rigidity, fever from increased muscle activity,
irritability/confusion/agitation/hallucinations, labile blood pressure, seizures);
potentially lethal - can lead to rhabdomyolysis, DIC, organ failure, and can
look like autonomic dysreflexia, malignant hyperthermia (vs. opioid
withdrawal), septic shock.
Treatment: oral baclofen, IV benzodiazepines (DIAZEPAM, 2-5 mg q 6 hours) or
CYPROHEPTADINE (6 mg q 6 hours for 24 hours), if due to IT system failure and
unable to replace full dose orally (try oral baclofen 20 mg po q6-8hrs) → insert
temporary IT catheter and post for surgery.

Baclofen overdose may result in somnolence, respiratory depression,

hypothermia, seizures, rostral progression of hypotonia, coma.
Treatment: no antidote (if no heart conduction defects, PHYSOSTIGMINE 0.5-2
mg often reverses the somnolence and respiratory effects), aspirate drug from
pump reservoir, aspirate 30-40 mL of CSF. The central effects of an overdose
should clear in 24 to 48 hours.

2) GABAA agonist - DIAZEPAM (2-4 mg at bedtime) - for leg spasms that interrupt sleep; CNS
 unlike baclofen, which directly activates GABA receptor, diazepam works only
when GABA is released, and it enhances response to the transmitter.

3) α2-agonists (central muscle relaxants):

a) TIZANIDINE (Zanaflex®) (4-8 mg q8h)

4) direct muscle inhibitor - DANTROLENE (25 → increase up to 100 mg qid) - for

nonambulatory patients; no cognitive / sedative adverse effects!

5) CYCLOBENZAPRINE (Flexeril®, Amrix®)

 dosage: 10 mg q 6 h (5 and 10 mg tablets).
 chemical structure related to first-generation tricyclic antidepressants.
 mechanism of action is unclear; studies from 1980s in rats indicate that drug
activates locus ceruleus → ↑ release of norepinephrine in ventral horn of spinal
cord → inhibitory action on alpha motor neurons.
 decreases pain in first two weeks, peaking in first few days, but has no proven
benefit after two weeks (therapy should not be continued long-term).
 not useful for spasticity due to neurologic conditions such as cerebral palsy.
 adverse effects: drowsiness (38% of patients), dry mouth (24%), urinary retention
(in males with large prostates).

6) METHOCARBAMOL (Robaxin®) - central muscle relaxant.

 dosage: 1500 mg q 6 h for 2-3 days then decrease to maintenance 1000 mg q 6 h.
 adverse effects: CNS depressant, may cause urine to turn black, blue, or green.

7) CARISOPRODOL (Soma®) – not recommended! (converted into benzodiazepines –

addictive potential!)

8) CHLORZOXAZONE (Lorzone®, Parafon®)

9) METAXALONE (Skelaxin®)


3. Local injections of BOTULINUM TOXIN (effect for 3-6 months) - no deleterious effects on helpful
spasticity; target muscles:
1) leg adductors - to facilitate nursing care.
2) arm muscles - to relieve painful spasms;
article about arm spasticity and botulinum toxin injections:
3) gastrocnemius-soleus muscle - to convert toe walking to plantigrade foot placement.


 if fixed contracture has developed → surgical tendon release (most commonly - Achilles,
thigh adductor, hamstring tendons).
 for CP kids, ortho procedures are delayed after spasticity is addressed.


N.B. ablative procedures (convert spastic into flaccid paralysis) - reserved for extensive
or complete loss of cord function!
– patients sometimes use some spasticity for support during ambulation
1) intrathecal baclofen delivery system. see Op220 >>
2) selective posterior rhizotomy (procedure of choice for spasticity due to cerebral palsy).
 exposure of cauda equina (through L2-5 laminectomy).
 after anatomic identification of L2 root at its exit foramen, S1 anterior root is
identified by low-frequency stimulation.
 fascicles of each of L2-S1 posterior roots are isolated and stimulated - those
fascicles, stimulation of which causes ipsilateral tetanic or multisegmental motor
responses or any contralateral motor responses*, are sectioned.
*intraoperative clinical responses are correlated
with intraoperative EMG.
 usually, 60-80% fascicles are sectioned (diminished sensation lasting no longer
than several weeks) - if patients are young, have adequate cognitive function and
aggressive physical therapy is carried out postoperatively, results are excellent.
 spare fascicles innervating sphincters!
 can be done percutaneously - may be performed at any segment (e.g. RF, local or
general anesthesia, fluoroscopy and low-frequency stimulation to verify electrode
positioning, therapeutic response may last several years)
3) limited ablative procedures (for spasticity confined to bladder or to single limb):
a) posterior root ganglionectomy of sacral segments (for spastic bladder).
b) selective peripheral neurotomy (sectioning nerve fascicles - identified by
intraoperative stimulation - which maintain spastic tone; e.g. tibial nerve at
popliteal region for spastic foot; obturator neurotomy).
4) spinal cord stimulation (SCS) - better when stimulating epidural electrode is implanted
caudal to level of injury.
 also benefits reflex and voluntary bladder control in MS.
5) Bischof myelotomy (longitudinal myelotomy) - dividing cord into anterior and
posterior halves over segments involved in flexor spasms (typically L2-S1) - interrupts local
reflex arcs; may not prevent spasms triggered by stimuli from segments rostral to L2 or
caudal to S1.
6) stereotactic dentatotomy (limited usefulness in management of spasticity)
N.B. selective posterior rhizotomy provides much higher success rate.
 indication - congenital spasticity with congenital choreoathetosis: thalamotomy
controls choreoathetosis; if subsequently worse spasticity develops → ipsilateral

FATIGUE - feeling of being tired and not being able to put out full effort:
NORMAL FATIGUE - results from intense muscular contraction.
 accompanied by firing frequency↓ in motor-unit - result of reduced excitatory drive to
motoneurons (central mechanism!).

FATIGABILITY (dysfunction at neuromuscular junction) - muscles become weaker and weaker with
repetitive but normal use (inability to sustain performance of activity).
 accompanied by amplitude↓ of muscle action potentials.
N.B. with exception of neuromuscular junction disorders, fatigue is rarely complaint of
diseases of motor unit!!!
"Fatigue," "tiredness", "lack of energy" are common complaints in following disorders:
1) UMN disease (bilateral corticospinal tract or extrapyramidal disease)
2) multifocal CNS disease (e.g. established MS)
3) sleep disorders, psychiatric and behavioral disorders
4) chronic fatigue syndrome
5) fibromyalgia
6) renal, hepatic, cardiac, pulmonary diseases, anemia
7) hyperventilation, hypoglycemia

Pyramidal UMN lesion

CEREBRAL SHOCK - transient depression of reflex activity below level of injury; in addition to
1. Hypotonia of muscles
2. Absence of reflexes (muscle stretch, plantar, abdominal & cremasteric)

If lesion transects spinal cord (SPINAL SHOCK → see p. Spin1 >>), it is also accompanied by:
3. Hypotonic paralysis of bowel & bladder
4. Hypotension, anhydrosis


1. Paralysis involves large areas (hemi-, para-, quadriplegia) – at and distal to capsula interna
small lesion affects large body regions; rostral to capsula interna, pyramidal neurons are
dispersed (e.g. small stroke in arm area of motor cortex can produce brachial monoplegia).
– CORTICOSPINAL lesions: distal muscle groups are affected more severely
than proximal ones, and axial movements are spared unless lesion is
severe and bilateral.
– CORTICOBULBAR lesions: weakness only in lower face and tongue;
extraocular, upper facial, pharyngeal, and jaw muscles are almost
always spared (but with bilateral corticobulbar lesions →

2. Muscle atrophy of disuse only (late and slight).

3. Spasticity (muscle tonus↑)

 spasticity is more pronounced in ANTIGRAVITY MUSCLES – arm flexors, leg
extensors (WERNICKE-MAN posture).
N.B. when intact, tr. pyramidalis constantly inhibits muscle tone!
 resistance depends on velocity and direction of passive motion → “clasp knife”
phenomenon. see above >>
 if patient can walk, spasticity causes SCISSORS GAIT (in bilateral lesions), leg
circumduction (in unilateral lesions). see p. Mov7 >>
 pure pyramidal tract lesions cause mild paralysis without spasticity – because
control of tone is mediated by other tracts (particularly corticorubrospinal and
corticoreticulospinal) - this may explain why degrees of weakness and spasticity
often do not correspond.

4. Hyperreflexia (lost UMN inhibition on various reflexes):

1) muscle stretch reflexes↑↑
2) CLONUS (rhythmic, rapid alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation caused by
sudden, passive tendon stretching) about mechanism → see p. A18 >>
N.B. only sustained clonus suggests UMN damage!
3) BABINSKI sign and other pathologic withdrawal reflexes (normally, they are inhibited
by intact pyramidal system).
 normally only painful stimulus elicits withdrawal reflex.
 when UMN is damaged (but also in normal infants – immature CNS), lighter
nonpainful stimulus may elicit withdrawal reflex - strength of response
parallels extent to which UMN lesion has allowed upregulation of reflex:
– small hemispheric lesion - only small fragment of reflex may be elicited
(i.e. extension of great toe - Babinski sign);
– complete spinal cord transection - entire withdrawal reflex (with flexion
at hip, knee, and ankle) may occur.
Symmetrical hyperactive reflexes in presence
of down-going toes are usually normal!

5. Absent normal skin reflexes (abdominal, cremasteric).

6. Synkinesias

7. Movements are slow, coarse but with normal rhythmicity and coordination (e.g. finger-nose-
finger and heel-knee-shin are performed slowly but adequately); “incoordination” is obvious
with rapidly repeated movements (e.g. tapping index finger on thumb).

EMG - normal number of motor units are activated at given frequency but in which maximum
discharge frequency is decreased (vs. LMN lesions - number↓, frequency normal).

- bilateral corticobulbar tract lesion (i.e. central-supranuclear palsy of CN 7, 9, 10, 12):
1) spastic 3D (dysarthria, dysphonia, dysphagia)
2) bifacial paresis
3) hyperactive gag reflex, hyperactive facial and jaw jerks (CN 5 → CN 7);
uvula movements are more vigorous on reflex than on volition (i.e. uvula does not
move well (or at all) on phonation, but vigorous response is seen in pharyngeal or gag
4) oral automatisms (snout, suck, etc)
5) emotional incontinence (reflexive crying* and spasmodic, mirthless laughing with minimal
provocation) - release of limbic functions; patient is aware of lack of control!
*can be erroneously regarded as reactive depression because of diagnosis.
FDA approved first treatment for pseudobulbar affect!
 most common causes: bilateral hemisphere lesions, bilateral lacunar infarctions in internal capsule.
 patients may have dementia (due to pathology involving bilateral frontal areas).


- bilateral basis pontis lesion, i.e. damage to corticospinal-corticopontine-corticobulbar tracts below
reticular formation (therefore sparing consciousness) but above ventilatory nuclei of medulla
(therefore, precluding death).
 most commonly due to basilar artery infarction; other causes - central pontine myelinolysis.
 almost complete de-efferentation:
1) quadriplegia – due to corticospinal tracts damage.
2) paralysis of horizontal eye movements (horizontal ophthalmoplegia) – due to PPRF
and CN6 nuclei, corticopontine tracts damage.
3) paralysis of jaw-face-bulbar muscles (facial & bulbar diplegia; no volitional
vocalization!) – due to CN7 nuclei, corticobulbar tracts damage.
 very resembles coma, but:
1) fully conscious and mentally intact
2) can feel, see, hear
3) preserved vertical eye movements – the only way to communicate!; when patient is not
actively moving eyes, spontaneous ocular bobbing may occur.
4) eyes are open and partially blink (via inhibition of levator palpebrae) – another way to
 if lesion also affects dorsal pontine tegmentum → sudden coma, pinpoint pupils, ophthalmoplegia,
hyperthermia, progression to death.
 patients must be identified rapidly for intravenous rt-PA treatment.
 mortality rate is high (40-70%); survival in locked-in state has lasted as long as 18 years.
 recovery to independence can occur over weeks to 3-4 months (magnetic stimulation of motor
cortex producing motor evoked potentials is positive prognostic feature).

Similar state may occur in severe Guillain-Barré syndrome, but vertical eye movements are not
selectively spared.

LMN lesion
“Three A”:
1. A(hypo)reflexia (all reflexes ↓↓↓ or absent – grade 1 or 0) – lost efferent portion of reflex arc!
N.B. reflexes present only with reinforcement (grade 1) imply intact reflex pathway and
may or may not be abnormal!
– loss of γ-motoneurons does not cause weakness but decreases tension on muscle
spindles → tendon reflexes↓
2. A(hypo)tonia
3. Atrophy of denervation (early & severe – in 2-3 months muscle loses 50% of its mass!), abnormal
electrical activity.
– maximum degree of denervation atrophy after acute injury to axons occurs in 90-
120 days and reduces muscle volume by 75-80% (vs. disuse atrophy does not
reduce muscle volume by more than 25-30%); in 3-4 years, most of denervated
fibers will have degenerated
4. Paralysis of individual muscles (or groups of muscles)
5. Fasciculations, Fibrillations see below >>

EMG - recruitment of motor units is delayed / reduced (fewer than normal are activated at given
discharge frequency).

– peripheral (LMN) palsy of CN 9, 10, 12:
1. 3D: dysphagia, dysphonia, dysarthria
2. Absent swallowing & gag reflexes (vs. in pseudobulbar paralysis!)
3. Tongue atrophy and fasciculations
4. Velum palati does not elevate during “aaaa”; uvula deviates to intact side.

Primary SENSORY neuron lesion

1. Hypotonia
2. Areflexia (absent all reflexes) – lost afferent portion of reflex arc!
3. Volitional movements and their strength remain normal!
4. Patient’s appearance looks normal!
5. Coordination normal only with eyes open.

Cause of spontaneous movements can reside at any level of nervous system:
– movements that occur in entire limb or in more than one muscle group concurrently are
caused by UMN disease:
a) extrapyramidal see p. Mov1 >>
b) seizure disorders
– movements confined to single muscle are likely to be reflection of disease of motor unit
(LMN of brain stem and spinal cord ÷ muscle).

FASCICULATIONS - visible fine, rapid, flickering / twitching movements in small group of
muscle fibers (fascicles or bundles).
FIBRILLATIONS - invisible contractions of individual muscle fibers - can be detected by EMG
→ see p. D20 >>

 vary irregularly in frequency and extent.

 do not move joint!
 etiology – LMN disease:
1) diseased anterior horn cell may spontaneously
2) Acch receptors in denervated muscle fibers fail to
cluster at motor end plate and become spread across Source of picture: Barbara Bates “Ard
Guide to Physical Examination”, 3
muscle membrane → muscle fibers may then ed. (1983); J.B. Lippincott Company;
discharge spontaneously → FIBRILLATIONS. ISBN-13: 978-0397543991 >>
 FASCICULATIONS are seldom seen with peripheral nerve lesions (atrophy without fasciculations
is more compatible with peripheral nerve lesion).
 in long-standing muscle denervation and reinnervation, motor unit size enlarges and
fasciculations may be so large as to produce movement of limbs, particularly of fingers

N.B. fasciculations are commonly experienced as benign phenomenon in absence of any disorder!
(e.g. in incompletely relaxed muscles)
Benign fasciculations (Denny- Malignant (neuropathologic)
Brown, Foley syndrome) fasciculations
Gender predilection males* –
Predilection for certain
calves and thighs –
muscle groups
repetitive twitch in same muscle
random nonstereotyped twitches of
Nature fascicle; may be accompanied by
many parts of muscle
frequent cramps
Associated weakness or
– +
appears like normal motor unit; no complex, longer duration, higher
features of muscle denervation amplitude
*medical students, physicians, and other medical workers - they are only people
in society who know malignant implications of fasciculating muscles

- continuous involuntary quivering or rippling (numerous, repetitive fasciculations) of muscles
at rest.
 caused by spontaneous, repetitive firing of groups of motor units – specific EMG pattern.
see p. D20 >>
 etiology:
a) lesions of pons (e.g. neoplasm or multiple sclerosis) - FACIAL MYOKYMIA - nearly
continuous twitching of facial muscles (palpebral fissure narrowing, continuous
undulation of facial skin surface = “bag of worms” appearance).
b) defects of nerve K+ channels (e.g. neuromyotonia).
c) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


- sudden transient (up to few minutes) intense tonic contraction of single / multiple muscles.
 associated with severe pain.
 prolonged severe cramps can produce muscle injury (e.g. creatine kinase↑ in blood,
 etiology:
2) neurogenic disease of LMN (esp. ALS), nerve roots, peripheral nerve.
3) myogenic disease - muscle ischemia, myopathy (e.g. phosphorylase deficiency,
phosphofructokinase deficiency).
4) dehydration, hyponatremia, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, uremia
 EMG - brief, periodic bursts of motor unit potentials at 200-300 Hz (much higher than with
voluntary contraction), intermingling with similar discharges from adjacent motor units.
– several foci within same muscle may discharge independently.
– electrical activity clearly arises within LMN (whether it occurs in soma, in
peripheral nerve, or in intramuscular nerve terminals is still debated); chemical
mechanisms are not understood.

ORDINARY MUSCLE CRAMPS - cramps in normal persons.

 can affect almost any voluntary muscle; most frequently in lower extremities (e.g. nocturnal
calf cramps).
 often starts with fasciculations → muscle becomes intermittently hard and knot-like as
involuntary contraction waxes and wanes, passing from one part of muscle to another.
 particularly common in older patients.
 provoked by trivial movement or by contracting shortened muscle; may occur during vigorous
exercise, but are more likely to occur after exercise ceases.
 treatment - stretching affected muscle.
 prophylaxis:
a) avoid caffeine and other stimulants.
b) bedtime QUININE SULFATE 300 mg!!! - FDA warns against use of this drug for this
unapproved indication “Qualaquin should not be used for night time leg cramps - may
result in thrombocytopenia, HUS/ TTP”
c) calcium supplements (CALCIUM GLUCONATE 1-2 g bid) - effectiveness is doubtful.
d) MAGNESIUM OXIDE 100-200 mg bid.
e) low doses of benzodiazepines.
g) MEXILETINE 150 mg tid - effective when increased LMN irritability is suspected.

- intense tonic painful muscle cramps (e.g. carpopedal spasms, laryngospasm, opisthotonus).
 pathophysiology – hyperexcitability* of LMN or peripheral nerves → spontaneous firing of
peripheral nerves.
*demonstrated by reactions to ischemia [Trousseau sign] and percussion [Chvostek sign]
 etiology:
1) hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia
2) tetanus toxin (GABA receptor blocker) – causes TETANUS.
3) strychnine (glycine antagonist)
4) black widow spider toxin.
5) latent tetany (s. normocalcemic tetany, spasmophilia)
 EMG - individual motor units discharge independently at 5-25 Hz; each discharge consists of
group of ≥ 2 identical potentials.

- state of continuous muscle contraction at rest.
 etiology:
1) malignant hyperthermia. see p. 3910 >>
2) neuroleptic malignant syndrome
3) stiff-man syndrome see p. Spin27 >>
4) myotonic disorders – myotonic dystrophy, channelopathies. see p. Mus5 >>, p. Mus7 >>
MYOTONY - impaired muscle relaxation after forceful
voluntary contraction (painless muscle stiffness).

- prolonged severe, exercise-provoked tonic muscle shortening* (unassociated with muscle
membrane depolarization).
*do not confuse with limitation of joint range of motion (also termed contracture).
 etiology – glycolytic enzyme deficiencies that interfere with substrate utilization as fuel (e.g.
McArdle disease).
 intensely painful, and result in muscle damage (→ myoglobinuria → renal failure).
 contractures are electrically silent by EMG (vs. cramps - intense motor unit activity).
N.B. disorders of muscle contractile system cause electrically inactive contractions!


Lesion of pyramidal UMN:
A) above DECUSSATIO PYRAMIDUM (pyramidal tract) → CONTRALATERAL hemiplegia
(including lower face; lesions below pons spare face).
 bilateral lesions can cause PSEUDOBULBAR PARALYSIS. see above >>
B) below DECUSSATIO PYRAMIDUM (anterior and lateral corticospinal tracts) → IPSILATERAL
 in some cases only paresis (esp. in trunk muscles) – due to contralateral tr.
corticospinalis ant. (if well-developed – may account for some degree of recovery).

In general, only BILATERAL lesions cause UMN-type weakness in trunk and cranial muscles!

Sign UMN weakness LMN weakness Myopathic weakness
Atrophy – +++ +
Fasciculations – + –
Tone ↑ (spastic) ↓ normal / ↓
Distribution of weakness pyramidal/regional distal/segmental proximal
Tendon reflexes ↑↑↑ ↓ / absent normal / ↓
Babinski sign + – –

Weakness distribution, UMN or LMN signs Lesion location

Hemiparesis (with lower face on same side) (UMN) Contralateral cerebral hemisphere
Tetraparesis (UMN) + pseudobulbar palsy (UMN) Bilateral cerebral hemispheres
Hemiparesis (UMN) + cranial nerve signs (LMN) Brain stem
Tetraparesis (UMN) + cranial nerve signs (LMN) Bilateral brain stem
Tetraparesis (UMN) Mid or upper cervical cord
Paraparesis (UMN) + hands (LMN) Low cervical cord
Thoracic spinal cord
Paraparesis (UMN)
Bilateral medial motor cortex
All limbs, proximal > distal (LMN) Muscle (myopathy or dystrophy)
Legs, distal > proximal (LMN) Nerve (polyneuropathy)
Ocular muscles, eyelids, jaw, face, pharynx, tongue (LMN) Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
Jaw, face, pharynx, tongue; sparing ocular muscles, eyelids
Motor neuron disease (ALS)
(UMN and LMN)
Specific muscle groups in one limb (LMN) Nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerve

- lesion location is BILATERAL (!):
Lesion Location Pattern of Signs
Medial hemispheres (leg area) Spastic leg paraparesis with no sensory level
Thoracic spinal cord Spastic leg paraparesis, thoracic sensory level
Lumbar spinal cord Flaccid paraparesis, double incontinence (flaccid bladder and sphincters)

Paraparesis implies lesion below cervical cord; exceptions:

1) leg areas (on medial side of each hemisphere, at apex of motor strip) face each other in
interhemispheric fissure - parasagittal lesion in interhemispheric fissure (most commonly
parasagittal meningioma; other - ACA ischemia, superior sagittal sinus thrombosis) could
affect both legs - PARAPARESIS simulating spinal cord lesion.
N.B. this possibility seems more theoretical than real, however, because no well-
documented cases have been reported!
2) hydrocephalus may be another supraspinal cause (parasagittal leg fibers are stretched most by
dilated lateral ventricles).

In adults, most common cause of paraparesis is multiple sclerosis
(“spastic paraparesis of middle life”).
Other causes:
 cervical spondylotic myelopathy;
 hereditary spastic paraparesis;
 primary lateral sclerosis;
 HTLV-I infection, HIV myelopathy.

DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH begins with spinal MRI or myelography.

- lesions are UNILATERAL (!):
Lesion Location Pattern of Signs
Cerebral cortex Contralateral weakness (arm, leg, face; sometimes tongue)*.
LEFT HEMISPHERE: aphasia, apraxia.
RIGHT HEMISPHERE: left hemi-inattention, extinction of sensory stimuli,
constructional apraxia, spatial disorientation.
Homonymous hemianopia on weak side.
Cortical sensory loss (decreased graphesthesia, stereognosis, point localization).
Horizontal eye deviation (toward lesion side).
Internal capsule (posterior Contralateral weakness (face = arm = leg); face may be spared!
limb)** No sensory loss or aphasia
Brain stem: see p. A59 >> Contralateral weakness (arm = leg) + ipsilateral peripheral cranial nerve palsy:
Midbrain (crus cerebri) Lesion of CN3 (Weber syndrome), red nucleus, superior cerebellar
peduncle (limb ataxia contralateral to hemiparesis side)
Pons (basis pontis) Lesion of CN6 (Foville syndrome), CN7 (Millard-Gubler syndrome);
internuclear ophthalmoplegia

Lesion Location Pattern of Signs

Medulla (pyramid) Lesion of CN12; face spared
Cervical spinal hemicord Ipsilateral weakness sparing face.
(Brown-Séquard syndrome) Ipsilateral loss of proprioception and vibration.
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature.

*face & arm > leg (MCA territory); face & arm < leg (ACA territory).
**lesion in internal capsule may be very small and still cause complete hemiparesis;
– "pure motor hemiplegia" - weakness that affects entire side of body equally without
associated sensory signs;
– small strokes (lacunar infarcts in posterior limb near genu) can produce more focal weakness
(e.g. weakness in face and arm - dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome).
Another possible cause of dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome - lacunar infarction in basis pontis (esp.
at junction of upper third and lower two-thirds) – lesion of corticobulbar & corticopontocerebellar
In general, hemiparesis usually signifies cerebral lesion and etiology* is likely to be denoted by
clinical course + brain-imaging.
* in adults - most commonly cerebral infarction / hemorrhage

DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH - brain CT; if CT normal and ischemic stroke is unlikely → MRI of brain →
MRI of cervical spine.

Acute hemiparesis
a) usually vascular pathogenesis
b) traumatic rupture of normal vessels
c) hemorrhage into primary / metastatic brain tumors
d) focal inflammatory lesion (multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis)
e) acute bacterial abscess

Subacute hemiparesis
a) subacute subdural hematoma
b) infection - cerebral bacterial abscess, fungal granuloma or meningitis, parasitic
c) malignant primary / metastatic neoplasms
N.B. AIDS may present with subacute hemiparesis due to toxoplasmosis or
primary CNS lymphoma!
d) focal inflammatory lesion (multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis).

Chronic hemiparesis (slowly develops over months)

a) histologically benign neoplasm
b) unruptured AVM
c) chronic subdural hematoma
d) degenerative disease.

- lesion locations are BILATERAL (!):
Lesion Location Pattern of Signs
Cerebral hemispheres Pseudobulbar palsy, decorticate posturing (large acute lesions)
Midbrain Coma, mid-size poorly reactive pupils, decerebrate posturing
Basis pontis "Locked-in" syndrome
Cervicomedullary junction Legs > arms, ± weakness of pharynx & tongue, facial hypalgesia
(descending tract of CN 5)
High cervical No cerebral signs (cranial nerve palsies, etc)
Mid cervical Preservation of shoulder movements
Peripheral nerves (e.g. acute Distal weakness
demyelinating polyneuropathy)
Muscles (myopathy) Proximal weakness

A. With pain:
1. Compressive lesion of spinal cord.
2. Acute brachial plexus neuritis (neuralgic amyotrophy).
3. Peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes
B. Painless:
1. Thoracic spinal lesions (e.g. ALS, tumor, demyelinative plaque).
2. Cerebral lesions (theoretically; because abnormal signs are almost always present in leg,
i.e. syndrome is really hemiparesis) - weakness predominantly in distal and nonantigravity

- arms hang limply at side while patient walks with normal movements of legs.
1. Cervical LMN lesion in some cases of ALS (with or without UMN signs in legs).
2. Myopathy of unusual distribution.
3. Cerebral lesion (bilateral prerolandic) – “man-in-the-barrel syndrome” seen in comatose patients
who survive bout of severe hypotension.


Never in UMN disorders!
1. ALS
2. Myasthenia gravis
3. Polymyositis
4. Tick-borne encephalitis

1. Normally hypoactive reflexes.
2. Hypothyroidism (delayed relaxation phase of reflex) - this unique "hypoactive" reflex is classic
for this metabolic abnormality (best seen in ankle jerk).
3. Spinal shock
4. Acute stroke (initially, there is hyporeflexia on hemiparesis side; later, hyperreflexia develops).
5. Holmes-Adie syndrome (asymptomatic areflexia with large pupil that reacts to accommodation
but not to direct light) see p. Eye64 >>
6. Myopathy
7. Neuropathy (incl. radiculopathy)
N.B. patient with no reflexes usually has neuropathy!
1. Normal anxious patients
2. Metabolic causes (e.g. hepatic and uremic encephalopathy)
3. Spinal cord compression
4. Multiple sclerosis
5. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
6. Multiple small strokes (état lacunaire)
7. Familial spastic paraplegia
8. Cerebral palsy
9. Parasagittal intracranial mass (may affect cortical leg fibers)
10. Hydrocephalus (may stretch leg fibers)

LMN impairment → soft, weak, low-pitched, monotonous voice.
UMN impairment → harsh and strained voice.


- pace of disease is so rapid that by time patient is seen in hospital weakness has become generalized.

Lesion Location (cause) Differentiating Features

Midbrain (stroke, trauma, tentorial Coma, mid-size poorly reactive pupils, decorticate/decerebrate
herniation) posturing, hyperreflexia, bilateral Babinski signs
Basis pontis (stroke) "Locked-in" syndrome
Spinal cord (trauma, infarction, Spinal shock
metastatic tumor, transverse
Polyradicular neuropathy (acute Limb weakness (legs before arms), areflexia, absent or flexor
inflammatory demyelinating toe response, minimal distal sensory loss without sensory level
polyneuropathy, tick paralysis,
Neuromuscular junction (botulism, Ocular (incl. loss of pupillary light reflex) and pharyngeal
organophosphates) weakness → absolutely generalized weakness with no
sensory loss, no decorticate / decerebrate posturing; preserved

- attacks of severe weakness occurring in patient with baseline normal strength.
Disorders Key Features Diagnostic Tests
Transient ischemic attack All symptoms begin at once (abrupt Carotid ultrasound
and simultaneous onset of weakness
in all muscles that will be affected
during attack)
Partial motor seizure, Todd's Gradual "march" of symptoms in EEG
paresis (postictal weakness) several seconds to few minutes
Hemiplegic migraine Gradual development over several
minutes; family history
Myasthenia gravis Fatigability, recovery with rest; Tensilon test, repetitive
predilection for ocular and cranial stimulation test
Hysteria Normal reflexes, nonanatomic
distribution of sensory loss
Cataplexy Triggered by emotion; association Sleep study
with other features of narcolepsy;
episodes very brief
Sleep paralysis Narcolepsy; terminated by touch Sleep study
Drop attacks Sudden loss of postural tone without MRI, MRA, X-ray of cervical
see below >> loss of consciousness spine with flexion-extension,
Negative myoclonus Sudden, brief, rapid, unpredictable
see p. Mov1 >> (shocklike) inhibition of muscle tone
(single muscle ÷ entire body).
Periodic paralyses Familial channelopathies Serum K+

- sudden falling spell (loss of postural tone);
– no warning, no loss of consciousness!!!
– attack is very brief; no postictal symptoms; person is immediately able to get to his feet after
hitting ground.
 pathophysiology - dysfunction of pyramidal tracts in medulla / high cervical cord.
 etiology
1) brief ISCHEMIA (e.g. vertebrobasilar ischemic attack)
a) ligament holding odontoid in place destroyed by RA or trauma: head movement
(esp. extension) → excessive odontoid movement → compression of
cervicomedullary junction.
b) chronic cerebellar tonsillar herniation (characteristic of Chiari malformation).
c) severe congenital cervical spinal stenosis during Valsalva maneuvers or after
d) idiopathic drop attacks in elderly women; benign prognosis.
 differentiate from disorders with very brief loss of consciousness (unnoticeable by patient):
1) akinetic seizures (H: EEG)
2) syncope (H: history of brief warning).
BIBLIOGRAPHY for ch. “Movement disorders, Ataxias” → follow this LINK >>

Viktor’s Notes℠ for the Neurosurgery Resident

Please visit website at www.NeurosurgeryResident.net

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