Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery
Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery
1 I
Cavitation of
Hydraulic Machinery
S. C. Li
University of Warwick, U.K.
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ISBN 1-86094-257-1
Preface xiii
Foreword of the Editor xv
Contributing Authors xix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Cavitation 1
1.1.1 Discovery 1
1.1.2 Classification 1
1.2 Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation 3
1.2.1 Problems Caused by Cavitation 3
1.2.2 Combating Cavitation 5
References 8
2 Cavitation and Cavitation Types 9
A J Acosta
2.1 Cavitation Phenomenon 9
2.1.1 Cavitation 9
2.1.2 Hydrodynamic Cavitation 10
2.2 Types of Cavitation 11
2.2.1 Cavitation Index 11
2.2.2 Scale Effects and Cavitation Types 12
2.3 Cavitation Effects 24
2.3.1 General Phenomena 24
2.3.2 Influences on Machine Performance 25
2.3.3 System Stability 28
2.4 Cavitation Nucleation and Inception 30
2.4.1 Inception 30
2.4.2 Nuclei Measurement 34
3.3.2 Compressibility Effect 50
3.4 Bubble Rebound 53
3.4.1 Introduction 53
3.4.2 Studies of Rebound 53
3.5 Nonspherical Collapse and Micro-jet Formation 54
3.5.1 Collapse near Solid Wall 54
3.5.2 Collapse in Contact with Solid Wall 55
3.6 Pressures Generated at Collapse 57
3.6.1 Impact Pressure and Their Modes 57
3.6.2 Temperature Effect 60
References 61
Part 2: Multi-Bubbles (Stochastic Behaviour) 65
3.7 Origins of Bubble Stochasticity 65
3.7.1 Introduction 65
3.7.2 Bubble-Boundary Interaction 67
3.7.3 Bubble-Bubble Interaction 73
3.7.4 Bubble-Flow Field Interaction 94
3.7.5 Remarks 115
3.8 Stochastic Models of Cavitation Bubbles 117
3.8.1 Introduction 117
3.8.2 Single-Event Model 117
3.8.3 Multi-Event (Cluster) Model 118
3.8.4 Comprehensive Model 120
3.9 Power Spectrum 121
3.9.1 Introduction 121
3.9.2 Spectrum of Single-Bubble Collapse 121
3.9.3 Spectrum for Sequence of Single Events 127
3.9.4 Spectrum for Sequence of Clusters 137
3.9.5 Spectrum for Comprehensive Sequence 148
References 153
4 Cavitating Flow
4.1 General Features 157
H Murai
4.1.1 Sheet Cavitation 157
4.1.2 Travelling Bubble Cavitation 160
4.1.3 Vortical Cavitation 161
4.1.4 Hydraulic Loss Caused by Cavitation 161
4.2 Hydrofoil and Hydrofoil Cascade 166
H Murai
4.2.1 Cavitation Characteristics of Hydrofoil 166
4.2.2 Cavitation Characteristics of Conventional
Airfoil Sections 170
4.2.3 Cavitation Characteristics of Ogival Hydrofoils 171
4.2.4 Cavitation Characteristics of Hydrofoil Cascade 175
4.2.5 Cavitation Characteristics of Conventional Airfoil
and Ogival Profiles 176
4.2.6 Hydrofoil Profile Suitable for Decelerating
and Accelerating Cascades 180
4.2.7 Computer Simulation of Partially Cavitating Foil 182
4.2.8 Supercavitating Hydrofoil 184
4.2.9 Supercavitating Hydrofoil Cascade 186
4.3 Control Valves 187
E Outa
4.3.1 General Features of Control Valve Cavitation 187
4.3.2 Cavitation Pictures of Globe Valve Flows 194
4.3.3 Cavitation Inception due to Vortex Growth 197
4.3.4 Cavitation Erosion and Anti-Cavitation Valves 202
References 205
5 Cavitation P h e n o m e n a in Hydraulic Machinery 211
5.1 General Features of Turbine Cavitation 211
H Tanaka
5.1.1 Cavitation in Francis Turbines 211
5.1.2 Cavitation in Propeller Turbines 220
5.1.3 Cavitation in Pelton Turbines 225
5.1.4 Cavitation in Francis Pump-Turbines 226
5.2 General Features of Pump Cavitation 229
R K Turton
5.2.1 Introduction 229
5.2.2 General Effect on Pumps 229
8.3 Draft-Tube Column Separation Incidents 433
8.4 Physical Modelling of Cavitating Transient Flows 436
8.5 Two-Phase Flow Modelling in Conduits 440
8.5.1 Acoustic Velocity 441
8.5.2 Slug Flow 444
8.6 Analytical Modelling of Cavitating Transient Flows 444
References 445
Part 2: P u m p Transients 451
H Tsukamoto
8.7 Introduction 451
8.8 Transient Cavitation in Discharge Lines 451
8.8.1 Transient Cavitation Type 451
8.8.2 Water Column Separation 453
8.9 Transient Cavitating Flow in Turbopumps 453
8.9.1 True Total Pressure Rise 453
8.9.2 Transient Behaviour of a Cavitating Pump 455
8.9.3 Transient Characteristics of Pump 457
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S.P. Hutton
Emeritus Professor
University of Southampton
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'As agreed at the Inaugural Meeting of the International Editorial Committee, the
Book Series would deal only with hydro-turbines and pumps.
Such as Cavitation by Knapp/Daily/Hammitt (1970), Cavitation by Young (1989),
Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics by Brennen (1995) and 'Cavitation in Fluid Machinery
and Hydraulic Structure' (Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech) by Arndt (1981) etc.
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xvi Foreword of the Editor
experiences from North America, Europe, China, Russia, Japan etc, the
book aims to give a more balanced view of the various topics. The editor
is greatly indebted to all the authors for their valuable contributions and
effective cooperation over last 12 years. Without their great efforts, the
book would not have been possible. In particular, I would like to say a few
words in memory of Professor Pierre Henry who died on 26th April 1994
from cancer. We miss him very much, he was only 54 and had built up
the Lausanne Laboratory and established a brilliant reputation in unsteady
operating conditions due to cavitating vortices. The sections of §7.1.3, §7.3
and §7.4 he wrote were mainly based on that remarkable work.
The structure and content of this book was originally proposed by the
editor in 1983 as a monograph to be written in collaboration with Professor
Fredrick G. Hammitt (University of Michigan, USA) as an effort to bridge
the existing gap between fundamental cavitation phenomena and cavitation-
related subjects in hydraulic machines. This book, together with another
proposed joint book on the topic of transients in hydraulic machines, sub
sequently provided the inspiration for the Hydraulic Machinery book series.
The International Editorial Committee (IECBSHM) was established for this
purpose in 1986 in Beijing. Unfortunately, a deterioration in his health
denied Professor Hammitt the opportunity to participate in the book. Nev
ertheless, his enthusiastic response to the editor's initial motion was a vital
support and encouragement. I would like to take this opportunity to say a
special word of thanks in memory of Fred, who passed away in 1989.
In order to provide up-to-date information to our readers, authors were
allowed to amend their contributions right up to the last minute, squeez
ing the editing and compilation into the last few months. This presented
me with a very complicated and intensive job. The support of the follow
ing persons was invaluable in achieving this. Many experts were invited
to review manuscripts. Their constructive criticism, comments, discussion
and suggestions are highly valued by the authors and the editor. They are
Professor Peter W Carpenter (Warwick University, UK), Professors Allan
Acosta, Dr. M L Billet and Professor C E Brennen (California Institute of
Technology, USA), Dr. R K Turton (Loughborough University, UK) and Mr.
Harland Topham (Water Turbine and Pump Consultant, UK). Thanks also
go to Professor Duan C G and Dr A P Boldy of IECBSHM for their support;
to Professor H Murai for his assistance in coordinating with some authors in
the early stage; to Dr. Tony Price and Dr. Wanda Lewis (Warwick University,
UK) for their advice; to Mrs. Wendy Murray (IT Services, Warwick Univer
sity) for her assistance in preparing computer-editable source files from some
LI S C, Editor
University of Warwick
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xx Contributing Authors
Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, (UPC) at
Barcelona, Spain.
Born in Barcelona. Industrial Eng. and Dr.
Eng. at UPC. Assistant and Associate Professor
in 1977-83 at the Faculty of Industrial Engineer
ing (ETSEI) in Terrassa. Professor in 1983 at
the University of Oviedo and 1988 at the ETSEI
in Barcelona. Research on unsteady flows, flow
induced vibrations and condition monitoring in
turbomachinery (axial flow fans and hydraulic
S.C. Li
1.1 Cavitation
1.1.1 Discovery
Although the word CAVITATION was originally coined by R.E. Froude and
firstly cited by Barnaby & Thornycroft in 1895 [1.2], the phenomenon was
suggested much earlier by Euler in his theory of hydro-turbines in 1754 [1.3].
However, actual cavitation was firstly discovered and investigated by Barn
aby & Parsons in 1893 [1.1] when they found that the formation of vapour
bubbles on blades was responsible for the propeller failure of a British high
speed warship (HMS Daring with a design speed of 27 knots). In 1895,
Parsons established the first water tunnel 1 for cavitation study, and discov
ered the relation between cavitation and its damage on the propeller [1.8].
It was Rayleigh who laid the theoretical foundation for cavitation study by
solving the problem of the collapse of an empty cavity in a large mass of
liquid in 1917 [1.9].
Following the milestone work done by both Parsons and Rayleigh, more
than ten thousand articles and several books on this subject have been pub
lished. Nevertheless, our knowledge of cavitation is still very limited.
1.1.2 Classification
Cavitation is normally defined as the formation of bubbles filled with vapour/
gas or their mixture and subsequent activities (such as growth, collapse and
'This tunnel with a 12 in diameter test section is now at the University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK.
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2 Cavitation
i i i i
chine performance; cause noise, vibration and even entire system oscillation;
and enhance corrosion/silt erosion through synergism mechanisms. As exam
ples, such cavitation-damaged turbine and pump are shown in Fig. 1.3. The
They are used in some physical/medical/industrial applications. For, detail, see
Young, 1989 [1.10].
to avoid cavitation in the first place. On the other hand, if cavitation is
not avoidable, measures should be employed to minimise it to an acceptable
level and to reduce future repair cost by easing the repair/replacement of
the parts that are likely to be damaged.
When selecting or designing a machine for a given scheme, previous ex
perience or databases should be used as a prime reference since theoretical
calculation and prediction of cavitation occurrence in a machine, particu
larly for off-design operation, is not accurate and not always reliable. The
advanced flow-simulation technique, such as the 3D A; — e turbulence flow
model 5 , should be employed to optimise the hydraulic design of machine.
In broad definition, any machines that use a fluid as the working medium either to
change energy from one type to another or to transmit energy are referred as hydraulic
machinery. Based on their functions, they can be further categorised as four types: hydro
driving machines (e.g. hydro turbines), pumping machines, hydro transmissions and hydro
propulsions (e.g. ship propellers).
For example, the cavitation erosion rate increases with the 6th power of relative flow
A complete simulation of a Francis turbine (i.e. from the inlet of the spiral case to
the exit of the draft tube) with a k — e turbulent model has been reported recently by
It is vital to avoid the most damaging cavitations (such as the vortex cav
itation) and unsteady cavitating flows (such as cavitated vortex shedding
and cavitated vortex core in the draft tube). A proper model-test technique
should be adopted to detect critical flow structures prone to cavitation and,
by using a precise scaling law, to predict possible cavitation inception and
its development on the prototype. The proper selection of the machine
setting level is vital to avoid blade cavitation but it has little effect on non-
blade related cavitation. A safety factor is required for choosing the value of
NPSHreq or op to ensure an acceptable degree of cavitation 6 . However, this
will increase capital cost since a deeper setting of the machine requires more
civil work. Therefore, a careful trade-off is needed. The use of materials with
high-cavitation resistance and low cost (in terms of both the material itself
and the machining/repairing process) in the areas prone to cavitation attack
is effective in mitigating cavitation damage. From an operation view point,
if possible (e.g. for the turbines providing base load), avoiding off-design
operation is crucial. Besides, anti-cavitation devices such as air injection,
blade fin (for Kaplan/propeller machines) are the effective measures often
used. Novel designs are also sought for developing low-cavitation and high-
energy machines. For example, the idea of using a double-row cascade runner
was proposed by Li, 1964 [1.6], and has been proved successful in producing
such machines 7 . As concerns maintenance and repair, appropriate inspec
tion and maintenance programme and repair approach (which involves repair
Keck et al ( Sulzer Technical Review 1/97, pp26-29). This approach uses the technique of
'circumferential mixing plane interface' to simulate the interaction between the rotor and
the stator so that it can produce a full hill chart of machine performance. It is claimed t h a t
for retrofit-turbine projects this approach can design new runners matching the existing
components (for say, the stay ring) much better t h a n t h e costly model test approach does.
T h e machine value of NPSH or a is obtained by the test against a certain energy (e.g.
efficiency, pumping head etc) drop which is caused mainly by blade cavitation. Indeed, at
this stage, cavitation has already developed into a severe status.
This idea was tested with favourable results on the Francis turbine (Yunfeng Power
Station, China, in late 1960's) and on pumps (by Shanghai P u m p Factory in early 1970's).
Recently, a novel Francis turbine (unit capacity 150 MW) using such a double-row struc
ture has been developed by Kvaerner Brug A / S (Norway) for the Lubuge Power Station,
China. By using a double-row (the blade chord-length of the second row is shorter) cas
cade runner, particularly for low n , Francis machines, machine cavitation number a can
be remarkably reduced owing to: (a) the favourable alteration of the pressure distribution
on the main blades; (b) the postponement of boundary-layer transition and separation
in some operating conditions which in turn delays cavitation inception; (c) the mitiga
tion of secondary-flow formation during part-load operation. Apart from a reduction, the
high-energy (efficiency) zone becomes much broader owing to the better flow conditions
1.1 Barnaby, S. W. and Parsons, C. (1897), Trans. Inst. Naval Arch. 38.
1.6 Li, S. C. (1964), 'Hydrodynamic Approach for Improvement of Hy-
droturbine Cavitation Performance', Graduation Thesis, Beijing Uni
versity of Hydro Engineering; also, Proc. 2nd National Conference on
Turbomachinery, Harbin, China.
1.9 Rayleigh, Lord (1917), 'On the Pressure Developed in a Liquid during
the Collapse of a Spherical Cavity', Phil. Mag. 34, pp94-98.
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10 Cavitation
is therefore a dynamic process. The phase change that results provides the
vapour of the liquid together with that of any other dissolved component.
There are further distinctions to be made, however, depending upon the
relative importance of the dissolved gas content. It may be recalled that a
thermodynamic system consisting of a pure liquid and a dissolved noncon-
densible gas (that is the most common situation in hydraulic machines and
for marine applications) may have an equilibrium composition at a given
temperature proportional to the partial pressure of the non-condensible gas.
(This relationship is known as Henry's Law.) It follows that if the mixture
total pressure at a given temperature and composition is less than equilib
rium one, the dissolved gas phase will come out of solution, thereby forming
a "cavity" or gaseous phase. This equilibrium pressure at which the gas
phase appears is called the "bubble point". Plainly, if the liquid pressure is
less than the bubble point, "cavitation" from this source can occur; if the
pressure is less than the vapour pressure of the pure liquid, both components,
gas and vapour of the liquid, can appear within the cavity 2 .
Although these effects are well-known, they can and do cause difficulty
and uncertainty in the interpretation of specific cavitation phenomena, as
will be mentioned subsequently. Professor J.W. Holl, in his influential article
(Holl, 1969) clearly distinguishes between the cavitation phenomena arising
from situations where the cavity contents are primarily non-condensible gas
on the one hand and condensible vapour on the other (it is assumed that
More complex multi-component systems are common in petro-chemical pumping ap
plications. Even sea water is different than the tap water commonly used in test facilities
and, as pointed out by Edstrand (1984), the presence of CO2 in sea water can affect the
cavitation occurrence and types expected from model tests.
2.2 Types of Cavitation
2.2.1 Cavitation Index
The cavitation index used herein and throughout the field is the dimension-
less pressure coefficient called the cavitation number
a = (Poo-Pv)/(pU20O/2) (2.1)
where p^ is the static reference pressure of the fluid, pv, the equilibrium
vapour pressure of the pure liquid medium, p the fluid density and C/oo the
reference speed. In hydraulic machinery applications, I / ^ is the inlet rela
tive velocity; sometimes the inlet total pressure pa (at the site of cavitation)
is used and the difference (pti - pv) is called the net positive suction pres
sure, NPSP. For vaporous cavitation to occur p m j„ < pv where p m j n is the
minimum pressure in the fluid. The value of Eq. 2.1 when the onset or in
ception of cavitation occurs is called cavitation inception index and denoted
0{. Sometimes the pressure is known (or computed) within the flow or on
the wetted surface and made dimensionless in coefficient form as
Cp = ( p - P o c ) / ( p ^ / 2 ) (2.2)
in the pump literature these several types are lumped together into simply
"blade surface" cavitation for items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 because it is not often
easy to observe these flows in machines. Cloud cavitation can take place in
the jet-like flows through wearing rings and in the mixing region with the
reverse flow and the oncoming meridional velocity as described by Stoffel and
Ludwig (1990). If a pump is operated far off-design, say at 25 percent design
flow rate, then strong reverse flows occur both at inlet and discharge and
then a severe cavitation environment may exist at the inlet with cavitation
and cavitation damage then occurring on the normal pressure surface of the
vane. Based on the observations of Giilich (1989), it is probable that an
intermittent collapsing cloud cavity is responsible for this damage.
These various kinds of cavitation, their description, origin and connection
to the underlying viscous fluid flow, population of micro-bubbles, and two-
phase flow mechanics has been studied intensively by the major hydraulic
and hydrodynamic laboratories of the world for the last twenty years and
this effort continues today with unabated effort. There have been several
conferences which highlight the many reasons leading to the long catalog
of Table 2.1. Among these may be mentioned the various International
Symposia in the References from which these various types of cavitation are
drawn. Of these various sources the review by Rood (pp. 1-22, Morgan and
Parkin, 1989) is most helpful, particularly for those in the hydrodynamics
field concerned with cavitation inception and the less available International
Towing Tank Conferences (Huang, 1990).
We mention again the two types of effects causing a scale effect; the first
of these is a real fluid, that is, a viscous effect. It is now realized in the
cavitation community, somewhat belatedly, that flows common in test lab
oratories may have a laminar separation present. The bubble ring, band,
and sheet cavitation forms all occur within a laminar separation. Some bod
ies do not have a laminar separation; an excellent example of one having
a deep minimum pressure coefficient and still no separation is the so-called
" Schiebe" body, named for Frank Schiebe, who was the first to use these par
ticular half-bodies for research (Schiebe, 1972). Figure 2.1 shows cavitation
on such a body in two different facilities. One has travelling bubble cavita
tion, the other an attached fixed patch; many intermediate forms can exist.
On the other hand, Fig. 2.2 shows the well-known ITTC standard head form
Bubble-ring cavitation on the hemisherical nose Band cavitation on the hemispherical nose
a =0.626. Voo= 18.3mps, a=9.5ppm a=0.610, Vo<pl8.3mps, a=9.2 ppm
Figure 2.3: Bubble ring (left) and band cavitation (right) on the hemisphere
body (Holl and Carroll, 1979 'Observations of the Various Types of Limited
Cavitation on Axisymmetric Bodies', Intl. Symp. on Cavitation Inception,
ASME, pp.87-101).
which is (now) known to have a laminar separation for the test conditions
of Johnsson's round-robin tests. There are clear and important differences
between the two types of bodies and the kinds of cavitation revealed. The
hemispherical head form, possibly the most tested body in hydrodynamics,
also contains a laminar separation and Fig. 2.3 shows the ring/band kind
of cavitation there. These important viscous effects were first pointed out
by Arakeri et al. (1973) and it then became clear that these viscous effects
could be manipulated by boundary layer excitation through polymer injec
tion, trips/roughness. More importantly, it may be that the prototype on
a large scale may not have a laminar separation while the laboratory scale
might. Curiously no travelling bubble cavitation was seen by Arakeri or Holl
in their work on the hemisphere body but in other experiments on the ITTC
headform Kodama et al. (Morgan and Parkin, 1979) was able to observe
them by supplying additional nuclei to the test fluid even for conditions far
beyond inception when a developed or sheet cavity had formed.
Figure 2.4: The same body as in Fig. 2.2 with different nuclei concentra
tion (Kodama et al, 1979 'The Effect of Nuclei on the Inception of Bubble
and Sheet Cavitation on Axisymmetric Bodies', Intl. Symp. on Cavitation
Inception, ASME, pp.75-78).
constant speed from inception the extent of cavitation in all cases increases.
Items 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 of Table 2.1 are all attached and limited forms of cavi-
Figure 2.5: An attached cavity formed on the Schiebe head form made in
acrylic resin: the cavitation index is a = 0.32 (Ceccio and Brennen, 1990a
Note the different appearances of the cavitation seen in Fig. 2.1 on the same
the papers by Murai (1968) and Puruya (1975) as samples of this extensive
The sequence of events is not so clearly understood when more extensive
cavitation is developed from the travelling bubble inception form. In that
situation, with a decrease in the cavitation index, more bubbles form which
tend to cover the surface of the test body until a condition is reached when
an attached cavity or a sheet is formed on the body. This process occurs
even on surfaces not having a laminar separation. This process was clearly
observed on the non-separating Schiebe body by Gates et al. (1976) and
more recently by Ceccio and Brennen (1990a) shown in Fig. 2.5. Implicit in
the formation of an attached sheet cavity is an upstream laminar separation
(Arakeri, 1975; Franc and Michel, 1985); that is, the formation of cavitation
surface itself requires the viscous layer upstream itself to separate. It would
seem then that the presence of the many travelling bubbles give rise for
the conditions of a laminar separation to occur on the body which would
otherwise not have the separation. This supposition remains to be shown,
-£ Htkorottu suffice
9»0 Q0
- 5 mm
Figure 2.6: Schematic diagram of a cavitating bubble evolution (a) the non-
separating Schiebe body, and (b) from the ITTC head form of Fig. 2.2
(Ceccio and Brennen, 1990b [2.17])
The process of travelling bubble cavitation even when the bubbles are
far apart, as first photographed by Knapp, have been recently studied ex
perimentally again by Ceccio and Brennen (1990b) who show by systematic
photography that the growth and collapse history of individual bubble cavi
tation is quite different depending on whether or not the body has a laminar
separation. In both cases the bubble is very non-spherical as shown in Figs.
2.6a,b; the presence or absence of a separation has an important effect upon
the process of cavitation re-bound and as a consequence upon the noise signa
ture of the collapse. It is particularly interesting that the trailing streamers
seen in Fig. 2.6b, which have been widely seen before, are now shown to
occur in the pressure of a laminar separation underneath the cavitating flow.
The presence of cloud cavitation has already been mentioned as a promi
nent feature near the terminus of a sheet cavity or in the wake of a recircu-
is however normally three-dimensional and the sheet cavity terminus has a
pronounced sweep back which streams smoothly off into a tip vortex and an
intense cloud cavity collapse is avoided. The unsteady cavitating flow past
hydrofoils continues to be a matter of great concern (e.g. Narasaka et al.,
1990) and the models of these flows based on a bubble "cloud" concept have
attracted much attention. Recent numerical studies (Kubota, 1988) show
remarkable similarity to experiments. The idea of a cloud cavity as a means
of greatly simplifying hydrodynamic interactions had already attracted con
siderable attention (Chahine (1982), d'Agostino and Brennen (1983)) and
further development of this approach may be expected.
Figure 2.8: Tip vortex cavitation in an axial flow pump with a rounded blade
tip (right) and a squared-off one (left). (Caltech photo)
A tip vortex flow and tip vortex cavitation is often a highly visible and
even spectacular feature of propellers and foils of finite aspect ratio. The
bound vorticity of the foil shed into the flow organises itself into a rolled
up vortex core forming low pressures in which cavitation can begin. The
flow can be exceedingly complex (see the review by Rood, 1989), is not
necessarily steady, and depends sensitively on viscous properties of the flow
as well as the dissolved and free gas content. It is thought that inception
can be either vaporous or gaseous depending upon the length of time of
exposure to cavitating conditions. Pumps and hydraulic machines in general
may experience tip vortex cavitation in the tip clearance space of unshrouded
machines as shown in Fig. 2.8 or in the leakage shear flow of the wear rings of
shrouded impellers as sketched in Fig. 2.9. In his survey paper Grein (1978)
Figure 2.9: Location of cavitation in a pump inlet (Stoffel and Ludwig, 1990
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24 Cavitation
cavitation alters the lift coefficient and generally increases the drag. If the
cavitation is a sheet cavity starting near the leading edge, the lift coefficient
may at first rise with increasing length of the cavity and then decrease to
a much lower value when the cavity becomes longer than the foil; several
examples are shown in Fig. 2.10. Generally, the cavitating flow is not steady
and typically when the sheet cavity becomes about 1/3 to 1/2 chord length
oscillations develop in which the entire cavity or perhaps only portions of
the cavity grow and collapse nearly periodically (Murai and Itoh, 1985) with
resulting fluctuations in lift force, that can be an appreciable fraction of the
average lift depending upon the foil type. These force fluctuations cease
when the cavity is significantly longer than the chord. The frequency of
the fluctuations is "high' just after inception and decrease with increasing
cavity length. The dimensionless reduced frequency k = u>c/U where w is
the angular frequency, c the chord and U the free stream velocity may range
from 5 for the high frequencies to about 0.1 for the low but there may be a
broad band of frequencies (Murai and Itoh loc cit).
r— 1
A, i
« I
90 ' r
( M
J il 100
MO ».«
1.0 1.6
13 1J
Figure 2.10: The effect of cavitation on lift and drag of a foil showing un
steady effect on lift and the frequency of these effects (Murai and Itoh, 1985
—r — I — T 1 F—|-—•" ~r~ — 1 — 1 "
—"- ♦,-OJS
" ■ * * . ,
0.41 -
■_ _ L 1_ 1 1 1 1 ' l , . 1 .
0 OJ 1.0 !>
for the Grand Coulee Pumps', Tran. ASME, Vol. 72, p. 53).
If both are based on the same reference dynamic pressure.
N« 10.000 tyre
8-H 0.117
*" OOJI-
ing from 6° to 15°, solidities 5 of 1.5 to about 3, values of the cavitation index
as low as 0.02 are readily achieved in fluids such as water and liquid oxygen.
When the fluid state becomes relatively nearer the critical point an addi
tional "thermodynamic" effect appears due to the adiabatic evaporation of
liquid to fill the vapour cavities causing a well-known depression of the local
vapour pressure and operation at a lower value ofCT,than would otherwise
be the case. This is a Type 2 similarity effect (Holl, 1969); see Arndt (1981)
for more detail.
These more extreme suction conditions frequently required for operation
of a pump are far removed inception itself. The ratio of the cavitation index
from inception to that of breakdown for medium specific pumps (0.55 <
Ns < 1.4) ranges from a low of 2.5 to over 10 (McNulty and Pearsall, 1979).
The conditions near inception are still of intrinsic interest, however, and we
shall return to this point in the next section.
The unsteady cavitation oscillations seen on individual hydrofoils also
occur within complete pumps and gives rise to unsteady pump discharge
and suction pressures (Murai and Itoh, 1985) as well as cavitation noise,
an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.13 for an inducer pump. It is now
2*0 ~\ r
220 -O 0 O-
200 J i I I L
110 1 1 1 1 -i r »' ■
20- 40KH*
40- 60KHz
{<* IOO - 60- 80KHz
ST MI- ~
fr-"*-!**-' o -
70 -
1" -
<>§ eo
30 i
K) 20 30 40
Figure 2.13: Variation of acoustic output at various frequency bands and the
total developed head vs Net Positive Suction Head for a 5 in inducer pump
rotating at 3600 rpm; the flow is 600 gpm (U.S.) (adapted from Gopalakr-
ishnan, 1985 [2.31])
generally agreed that cavitation noise, readily detected for hydrofoils, can
be separated from the machinery noise of cavitating pumps and used as a
diagnostic test for the presence of cavitation (Gulich, 1989; McNulty and
Pearsall, 1979) and even erosion (van der Muelen, 1986).
( Z ) -I* ( Z ) ■ ("'
Here Ap represents the fluctuating dimensionless total pressure increase, m?
the fluctuating discharge flow coefficient, p, the fluctuating inlet cavitation
number and M, the fluctuating inlet flow coefficient. All these fluctuations
are supposed to be small compared to average quantities. The term [Z] is
called the transfer matrix whose coefficients are complex in time and are
functions of a reduced frequency (e.g. k = w/fi) where w is the oscillation
frequency and ft, is the shaft rotational speed as before. (Additional terms
are needed if the shaft speed is not constant.) Certain of the terms of [Z] may
be estimated if k « 1, that is, the oscillations are quasi-steady, from nor
mal steady pump performance data (see Sack and Nottage, 1965 for one such
example). Measurements of all four (complex) components of [Z] were made
at Caltech about 1975 (see the summary paper of Brennen, 1978) and it was
found that all four complex terms could be determined; they were found to
be a function of reduced frequency and to be dependent upon the cavitation
index. In other respects they follow normal pump similarity laws. In ad
dition, for the more extensive cavitation found in inducer pumps, Brennen
and Braisted (1980) found that the cavitating flow pump could put energy
into the oscillations, that is, the pump became an "active" element rather
than a "passive", consisting of capacitive, resistive and inertance lumped
parameter elements as earlier works. More recent developments at Sulzer
Bros, with a different experimental approach (Stirnemann et al., 1987) have
made similar dynamic measurements on a centrifugal pump with Ns ~ 0.6
typical of a boiler feed pump stage. They find more recently (Bolleter et
al., 1990) that in the cavitation domain typical of these pumps (less than
3 percent head loss), that the very simple passive representation mentioned
above was sufficient in analysing the acoustics of hydraulic systems and, in
effect, revert to earlier lumped-parameter estimates. It may be mentioned,
anticipating the results of Chapter 7, that these quasi-steady lumped param
eter terms have the following physical interpretations: The real part of Zne
corresponds to the slope of the standard cavitation performance curve (Fig.
2.11), and the real part of Z12 corresponds to the slope of the normal pump
characteristic curve. The effects of inertia due to liquid oscillation through
the pump correspond to the imaginary part of Z12. The outlet and inlet mass
flow rates can differ if the effective density within the pump changes with
time; this includes both the effect of the volume of the cavitation formed
as a function of pressure as well as the liquid compressibility and elasticity
of the housing. Thus the term Z21; and finally the angle of attack on the
blade inlet edges can change the cavity volume and thereby one is led to
the term Z22. These terms are the focus of the work reported by Brennen
(loc cit) and more recently by Nishiyama (Nishiyama and Nishiyama, 1980).
In essence, Bolleter's observation is that for large hydraulic systems which
Corr**f4 rvtotti*
Figure 2.14: Values of cavitation inception index on the test body of Fig.
2.2 (Johnsson, 1969 [2.41])
on otherwise smooth bodies, wall shear layers and free shear layers (jets).
These are all complicated and inter-related effects due to the two types of
scale effect previously mentioned. At present from Arndt (1981), Rood and
other sources, there seems to be a general consensus that cavitation that
forms in pre-existing regions of a laminar separation (Types 2,4,5 on smooth
bodies) has an inception index of the form
where —CpS, denotes the mean pressure coefficient near the end of the sep
aration region and Cpt is a " measure" of the unsteady pressure fluctuations.
Generally,CT;< —Cp min except when mass diffusion (Holl, 1969) drives the
process and gaseous cavitation results can be seen in Fig. 2.15 for the cases
15 63 IS IS
Figure 2.15: Cavitation inception data at the inlet of the pump shown in
Fig. 2.5 (Stoffel and Ludwig, 1990 [2.72]).
These data were obtained visually for one set of gap clearances.
j j > —Cp min. The characteristics of the turbulent pressure fluctuations are
not well known, although rms measurements for flows near turbulent reat-
tachment locations and laminar/turbulent boundary layer transitions may
exceed several percent of the dynamic pressure. In the absence of a pre
existing laminar separation either travelling bubble (Type 1) or attached
cavities (Types 6, 7, 8) may appear at inception. In these cases including
travelling bubble cavitation
where Cptr is the pressure coefficient at the site of transition (itself not a
constant in real flows) and Cptt an equivalent unsteady term caused by tur
bulent pressure fluctuations. Again, although these may approach 20% of
the dynamic pressure, little is known of the statistical spatial or temporal
properties of these fluctuations. The last case, 12, pure wall shear flow is a
limiting case and Arndt (1969) gives the relationship
CTj = l6Cf (2.6)
separation and then the inception rule tends to follow Eq. 2.5 (Huang, et
al., 1986; Huang, 1984) but is still nuclei dependent. Despite these advances
in technique and nuclei measurement methods it does not yet appear pos
sible to predict beforehand the onset of attached cavitation or travelling
bubble cavitation on non-separating arbitrary bodies with arbitrary nuclei
concentrations and dissolved gas content.
All of these considerations apply to hydraulic machines except that the
additional complexities of these flows call into play the other types of cavita
tion as shown in Fig. 2.15; here as mentioned before the "blade" cavitation
includes attached as well as travelling bubble types. Determination of the
inception point is not readily possible in most hydraulic machines hence
the growing interest in acoustic detection already mentioned (Gopalakrish-
nan, 1985; Gulich, 1986, 1989; McNulty and Pearsall, 1979; McNulty, 1985)
and there does appear to be a useful correlation between noise and erosion.
But, as Gopalakrishnan emphasises, erosion is so important for long life in
commercial/industrial application that visual observation of the blade cavi
tation is often required as an acceptance procedure. Gulich, in an extensive
series of tests, correlates the relationship between the "bubble length" of
blade cavitation at a pump inlet, erosion and empirically finds a cavitation
noise-bubble length correlation for one type of pump in a specific acoustic
measuring location (relative to the impeller inlet). But it is not often pos
sible in a commercial development visually to observe cavitation inception
in a pump as reported by Grein, Gulich and others and alternative means
based on the erosion of "soft coatings" have been widely used in recent years
(Gopalakrishnan, 1985, among others) to infer the presence of cavitation on
the inlet portions of a pump. Such "witnesses" to cavitation coincide with
the collapse of travelling bubbles (leading to the "pits" described in Knapp
et al., 1979) or the termination region of a sheet cavity already known to
be a source of great cavitation intensity, and they fulfill a useful but limited
role in the prediction of the subsequent erosive wear.
Present holographic methods have a practical limit of about 10 micrometers. If ac
tive nuclei in tests are shown to be less than this value, new schemes capable of exact
calibration, possibly the PDA will have to be developed.
direct holographic methods and the PDA approach are comparable to mi-
crobubbles in the absence of many solid particulates. There seems to be
some problem for light scattering and the PDA methods when the test fluid
contains both microbubbles and solid microparticulates; clearly further de
velopment is needed and appears to be underway. Based upon these results,
the I.T.T.C. cavitation committee concludes that the cavitation susceptibil
ity devices (the Venturi tubes) be used as a reference device for continu
ously monitoring during cavitation tests; that significant progress has been
made with phase Doppler anemometry, but that holography remains the
best method to discriminate solid and gas microparticulates.
It is of course possible to detect microbubbles acoustically; indeed this is
a standard oceanographic technique (Akulichev et al., 1986; Medwin, 1977).
More recently, the attention of acoustic beams by microbubbles in a water
tunnel test facility has been used to infer microbubble distributions (Taka-
gawa, 1989) which appears to have avoided the difficulties with these kinds
of measurements for internal flows in water tunnels and pumps.
In closing this section we review briefly the number and size distributions
of nuclei found in different circumstances; Fig. 2.17 shows such a "global"
collection from many sources. Note that at a given size, say 20 to 50 microm
eters, there are five orders of magnitude difference in these populations. The
shape of all these distributions is of the form N(R) ~ Rn where n lies be
tween 3 and 4. There must be a cut off size below which N(R) decreases but
this is not known for the present data. One may ask what are the important
sizes for cavitation inception on the bodies and in the machines described
for travelling bubble cavitation (the only form for which bubble mechanics
closely applicable). We may follow Knapp et al. to state that the critical
bubble radius from which vaporous growth may proceed is given by
where S is the surface tension (N/m), R is the radius of the bubble at the
location where the pressure is minimum and q is the free stream dynamic
pressure. For example, from the test data of Fig. 2.14 for a test speed
of 13 m/s , values of Oi + Cp m j n — —0.25 are evident and from Eq. 2.7
we obtain a value of R = 4.6 micrometers (taking 5" = .073 N/m). The
implication of the inception data and this result is that no larger bubbles
were available to cavitate. But this critical formulation is a quasi-static
process; on real bodies the physical space and time available for classical
bubble growth are all limited so that even much larger bubbles will not
71975) to-=0.49,
(I975)(<7»0.49 1
~ I0I2£ (1976)
12.5 ppm
o (1970) (1976)
3 0 ppm
KATZ0978) .
KELLER (1976)
(1973) 6.3 ppm
z (1964)
MEDWIN (1977)
5 / (1978)
MEDWIN (1977)
RADIUS R (micrometers)
2.1 Acosta, A.J., 1973, "Hydrofoils and Hydrofoil Craft", Ann. Rev. Fi.
Mech., Vol. 5, pp. 161-185, Van Dyke, M., Vincenti, W.G. and We-
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2.2 Acosta, A.J. and Parkin, B.R., 1980, "Report of the ATTC Cav
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2.3 Akulichev, V.A. and Ilychev, V.I., 1986, "Acoustic Cavitation in Sea
Water", Proc. Int. Symp. on Propellers and Cavitation, Wuxi, China,
2.5 Arakeri, V.H. and Acosta, A.J., 1973, "Viscous Effects in Inception
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2.7 Arakeri, V.H. and Shanumugathan, V., 1985, "On the Evidence for
the Effect of Bubble Interference on Cavitation Noise", J. FI. Mech.,
Vol. 159, pp. 137-150.
2.10 Arndt, R.E.A. and Webb, D.R. (eds.), 1985, Cavitation in Hydraulic
Structures and Turbomachinery, A.S.M.E. FI. Eng. Div., Vol. 25.
2.11 Avellan, F., Gindroz, B., Henry, P., Bachmani, P., Vulliod, G. and
Wegner, M., 1986, "Influence of the Test Head and of the Water Nu
clei Content on the Cavitation Performance of Water Turbine Mod
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2.12 Avellan, F., Dupont, P. and Rhyming, I., 1988, "Generation Mech
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tems with Focus on Cavitating Pumps", 10th I.A.H.R. Symp. on Hy
draulic Res., Tokyo, pp. 255-269.
2.15 Bolleter, U., Stirnemann, A. and Eberl, J., 1990, "The dynamic
Transfer Matrix of a Pump and its Use in Pumping System Design,"
article in Kim and Yang (1990).
2.16 Ceccio, S.L. and Brennen, C.E., 1990a, "Observations of the Dynam
ics and Acoustics of Attached Cavities", Cavitation and Multiphase
Flow Forum, Furuya, 0. (ed.), A.S.M.E., Vol. 98, pp. 79-84.
2.17 Ceccio, S.L. and Brennen, C.E., 1990b, "The Dynamics and Acoustics
of Travelling Bubble Cavitation", Eighteenth Symposium on Naval
Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor, MI.
2.23 Edstrand, H., 1984, "Remarks on Ship Model Testing, Facilities and
Test Results", David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development
Center Rept. DTNSRDC-83/054.
2.24 Falcao de Campos, J.A.C., George, M.F. and Mackay, M., 1989, 'Ex
perimental Investigation of Tip Vortex Cavitation for Elliptical and
Rectangular Wings", Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, Fu-
ruya, O. (ed.), A.S.M.E., La Jolla.
2.25 Franc, J.P. and Michel, J.M., 1985, "Attached Cavitation and the
Boundary Layer and the Boundary Layer ...", J. Fl. Mech., Vol. 154,
pp. 63-90.
1990, A.S.M.E. Fed. Vol. 98.
2.28 Gates, E.M. and Acosta, A.J., 1978, "Some Effects of Several
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ies", 12th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, D.C.
2.29 Gates, E.M. and Billet, M.L., 1980, "Cavitation Nuclei and Incep
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2.30 Gindroz, B., 1990, "A New Nuclei Counter", Report from Inst. de
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2.34 Hart, D.P., Brennen, C.E. and Acosta, A.J., 1990, "Observations of
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2.35 Henry, P., 1978, "Influence of the Amount of Bubble Nuclei on Cav
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2.36 Holl, J.W., 1969, "Limited Cavitation", Robertson and Wislicenus
(1969), pp. 26-64.
2.37 Huang, T.T., 1964, "The Effects of Turbulent Stimulation on Cavi
tation of Axisymmetric Headforms", in Morgan and Parkin (1964).
2.38 Huang, T.T. and Shen, Y.T., 1986, "The Application of Turbulence
Stimulator to Reduce Scale Effect on Cavitation", in Anon. (1986),
pp. 182-190.
2.39 Huang, T.T., 1990, Report of the Cavitation Committee, Interna
tional Towing Tank Conference, Madrid.
2.40 Janigro, A. and Ferrini, F., 1973, "Inducer Pumps", article in Chau-
vin (1973).
2.41 Johnsson, C.A., 1969, "Cavitation Inception on Headforms, Further
Tests", 12th I.T.T.C, Rome, pp. 381-392.
2.42 Kanijo, K., Suzuki, A., Shimura, T., Hashimoto, R., Watanabe, M.,
Watanabe, Y., Iwabuchi, T. and Mori, Y., 1975, "Experimental In
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Cavity Flows", Int'l. Symp. Jets and Cavities, Kim, J., Furuya, O.
and Parkin, B.R. (eds.), A.S.M.E., F.E.D., Vol. 31.
2.44 Keller, A.P., 1979, "Cavitation Inception Measurement and Flow Vi
sualisation on Axisymmetric Bodies at Two Different Free Stream
Turbulence Levels and Test Procedures", article in Margan and
Parkin (1979).
2.45 Kim, J.H. and Yang, W.J. (eds.), 1990, "Third International Sympo
sium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machin
ery", ISROMAC-3, Hemisphere.
2.46 Knapp, R.T., 1952, "Cavitation Mechanics and its Relation to the
Design of Hydraulic Equipment," Proc. (a) Inst. Mech. Engr., Vol.
166, pp. 150-163.
2.47 Knapp, R.T., Daily, J.W. and Hammitt, F.G., 1979, Cavitation, Inst.
Hydraulic Research, U. Iowa, Iowa USA.
2.49 Kubota, S., Kato, H., Yamaguchi, H. and Maeda, M., 1987, "Un
steady Structure Measurement of Cloud Cavitation on a Foil Section
Using Conditional Sampling Technique", Int'l. Symp. on Cavitation
Research Facilities, A.S.M.E., F.E.D. Vol. 57, Holl, J.W. and Billet,
M.L. (eds.), pp. 161-169.
2.50 Kuiper, G., 1979, "Some Experiments with Distinguished Types of
Cavitation on Ship Propellers", Morgan and Parkin (1979), pp. 171-
2.52 Li, S., Ni, A., Huang, J. and Xu, F., 1986, "Estimation of Incipi
ent Cavitation Number by a Probability Method", Int'l. Symp. on
Propeller and Cavitation, Wuxi, China (1986), pp. 281-285.
2.56 Meyer, R.S., Billet, M.L. and Holl, J.W., 1990, "Free-Stream Nuclei
and Cavitation", in Morgan and Parkin (1990), pp. 55-62.
2.58 Morgan, W.B. and Parkin, B.R. (eds.), 1984, Int'l. Symp. Cavitation,
2.59 Morgan, W.B. and Parkin, B.R. (eds.), 1989, Int'l. Symp. Cavitation,
2.60 Murai, H and Kinoe, T., 1968, Rep. Inst. High Speed Mechanics
(Sendai), Vol. 20, pp. 263-285.
2.61 Murai, H. and Itoh,, H., 1985, "Pressure Fluctuations in Axial Flow
Pump Induced by Transient Cavitation", article in Arndt and Webb
(1985), pp. 111-118.
2.63 Narasaka, T., Oba, R. and Hirata, Y., 1990, "Cavitation Observations
Around the CY4-Hydrofoil by Means of High Speed Photography",
Rept. Inst. of Fl. Science, Tohoku Univ., Vol. 1, pp. 1-13.
2.66 Ooi, K.K. and Acosta, A.J., 1983, "The Utilization of Specially Tai
lored Air Bubbles as Static Pressure Sensors in a Jet', J. Fl. Eng.,
Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 459-465.
Knowledge, A.S.M.E.
2.69 Sacks, L.E. and Nottage, H.B., 1965, "System Oscillations Associated
with a Cavitating Inducer", / . Basic Eng., A.S.M.E. Ser. D., vol. 87.
2.70 Schiebe, F.R., 1972, "Measurements of the Cavitation Susceptibility
of Water Using Standard Bodies", Rept. 118, St. Anthony Falls Hyd.
Lab., Univ. of Minnesota.
2.71 Stirnemann, A., Eberl, J. and Bolleter, U., 1987, "Experimental De
termination of the Dynamic Transfer Matrix for a Pump", J. Fl. Eng.
Trans., A.S.M.E., Vol. 109, No. 3, pp. 218-225.
2.72 Stouffel, B. and Ludwig, G., 1990, "The Influence of the Gap Flow
at the Impeller Inlet on Cavitation and Part Load Recirculation of a
Centrifugal Pump", article in Kim and Yang (1990).
2.73 Takagawa, S., 1989, "A New Acoustic Attenuation Method for Profil
ing of Cavitation Nuclei Distribution", in Morgan and Parkin (1989),
pp. 73-78.
2.74 Takamatsu, Y., Ishizaka, K., Kishikawa, T. and Kusaka, Y., 1980,
"An Investigation of Tandem-Bladed Helical Inducer for Cavitation-
Resistant Pump", 10th I.A.H.R. Symp. on Hydraulic Res. Sect, for
Hyd. Mech., Equip, and Cavitation, Tokyo, pp. 291-303.
2.75 Valensek, B., 1983, "Pump Prestages for Extreme Suction Heads",
Mechanical Engineering Journal, Turboinstitut, Ljubljana.
2.76 van der Muelen, J.H.J., 1986, "On Correlating Erosion and Lumines
cence from Cavitation on a Hydrofoil", article in Anon. (1986), pp.
2.77 van der Muelen, J.H.J. and Wijnant, I.L., 1990, "On the Structure
and Intensity of Sheet Cavitation", in Cavitation and Multiphase
Flow Forum, Furuya, O. (ed.) loc cit.
2.78 Wood, G.M. and Whippen, W.G., 1969, "Cavitation Effects in Turbo-
machinery", article in Robertson and Wislicenus (1969), pp. 148-165.
2.79 Wu, T.Y., 1972, "Cavity and Wake Flows", Ann. Rev. Fl. Mech., Vol.
4, pp. 243-285.
2.80 Xu, W., Chen, G. and Pan, S., 1986, "The Influence of Cavitation
Nuclei on Cavitation Inception on the Smooth Axisymmetric Bodies",
article in Anon. (1986).
Bubble Dynamics
Part 1: Single Bubble
A. Shima
Single bubble behaviour is the basis of bubble dynamics, helping to build
an understanding of the cavitation problems involved in hydraulic machin
ery. In particular, the bubble collapse is responsible for the generation of
impulsive pressures, shock waves, noise, and cavitation damage, etc. These
subjects are well documented 1 . Therefore, only a brief review, with the
emphasis on bubble collapse, is given.
'For example, Cavitation (Knapp, Daily and Hammitt, 1970, McGrow-Hill); Cavitation
and Bubble Dynamics (Brennen, 1995, Oxford); and, several review articles.
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48 Cavitation
i =£ (3-D
R r2
Using eqn. (3.1), the kinematic energy of the liquid around a bubble is given
1 f°°
-p / u24irr2dr = 2wpR2R3, (3.2)
2 JR
where p is the liquid density.
The work done by the liquid in which the bubble radius changes from
Ro to R is
PooAV = 4-^(Rl-R% (3.3)
where p ^ is the pressure of liquid at an infinite distance from the bubble;
and, the pressure at the bubble surface is assumed to be zero.
Equating equation (3.2) with equation (3.3), we obtain
#=!&[(*,._„. ,3.4)
= 5L/* r-Ro #3/2
(R*-R*y/*dR- (3
V 2Poo JR
3.2.2 Stability
According to Plesset and Mitchell [3.16], for nucleus-expansion, a bubble
with a spherical shape is stable as long as A/R (ie the ratio of the deforma
tion amplitude A to the initial bubble radius Rg) is small.
For the collapse of a vaporous bubble, its deformation is small for 1 >
R/R0 > 0.2. As R -> 0, the deformation increases in proportion to i ? - 1 / 4 ,
and the bubble becomes unstable.
For a collapsing gas-bubble, provided that the initial gas pressure in the
bubble is not extremely low, the bubble keeps a spherical form quite well
almost until its minimum radius.
M+|i?2 = V - P o o ) - ^ - ~ , (3-8)
2 p pit pH
where a is the surface tension of the liquid, pv is the saturated vapour
pressure and \i is the viscosity.
The numerical analysis by Poritsky [6] shows that if the non-dimensional
M- B ,,4/< v, (3-9)
p! > p0.
Its solution includes the velocity and pressure fields in the liquid. For the
first-order approximation, the assumption is that the liquid velocity u is
small compared with the sound velocity C in the liquid. A brief review of
their important results is given below.
Assuming that the velocity potential satisfies the acoustic equation for
the diverging spherical waves, Trilling [3.35] derived the following equation
for bubble motion,
Poo + k>
H = !fc^[(^±4)^_il
( n - l ) p \>Poo + B J '
{B w 300 MPa, n ~ 7.0
for water at temperature 293.2 K);
Pw = Pt-^-^x- (313)
For IH |<SC C2 (corresponding to |pi — poo |4C 2000 MPa for water), which is
usually the case in bubble collapse, the following solution can be obtained
from equation (3.10),
V,22 _
= 2(Poo-p
^ ° ° - ^t )[ ( % )3
^R> _ 1] (3.14)
3P (l--£)
If this result (ie V oc R~xl2) is compared with that (ie V oc R~2/2) for the
incompressible case, it is evident that the compressibility slows down the
motion of bubble, in particular for the final stage of collapse.
Apart from the above approximation, Benjamin [3.1] obtained the second-
order approximation of velocity potential <j> by using a perturbation method;
and, Jahsman [3.8] obtained a second-order approximation for a gas bubble
by using a similar approach. Their analytical investigations have been ver
ified by Lilliston's numerical calculation [3.11]. Tomita-Shima [3.31, 3.22]
obtained the following second-order approximation of bubble motion by the
PLK approach.
o Louterborn
or \ Irrcomp.
t x 10 sec
Figure 3.2: Comparison with experimental values of the variation with time
of the bubble radius silicone oil. RQ = 2.525 mm, 7 = 1.33 Shima-Fujiwara
. _ , « „ _ * * + » # , + »#(,_<* + -—
10 ci 3Coo 5 CQQ
+ Poo - P2r=ft - + ^2- { 2 A R p i r = R
Coo C
+ P
°°~ P l r = *[i? 2 + 3(Poo Plr=R)
)} (3.15)
/•R0x3 7 2<T R
Plr=R = M-R) ~R~A^
Our knowledge about the final collapse of a bubble and its subsequent re
bound is very limited. However, it is understood that in these processes the
liquid compressibility and viscosity play more important roles and the effect
of heat transfer is no longer negligible.
predicted the bubble motion quite well. A remarkable damping after the
rebound and the heat-transfer effect were also demonstrated.
The study by Fujikawa and Akamatsu [3.5] demonstrated the bubble
behaviour from its collapse to the rebound, and showed a strong influence
of the evaporation and condensation.
Insrlio l _ Re-100.7 kPo
Inflrfio + Heof Transfer] y T„= 295.4 K
4.0 o Exper\wet\t
Rmai-3.1 m/n
R, =0.7 mm
-0.295 -0.2
Figure 3.3: Effect of the heat transfer on the variation of the bubble radius
with time: i? ma x — 3.1 mm, L —> oo. Shima-Tomita [3.25]
o Experiment
— Theory
y////////////A soiid;^irmm^%
Figure 3.4: Comparison of experimentally determined bubble shapes on col
lapse of a spherical bubble near a solid wall with theoretical curves taken
from Plesset & Chapman. Lauterborn-Bolle [3.10].
the distance between the bubble centre and the solid wall, R0 is the initial
bubble-radius) coincides quite well with the experimental results for a laser
induced bubble by Lauterborn and Bolle [3.10] (see Figure 3.4). Nakajima
and Shima [3.13] showed that the jet formation is decelerated by the liquid
viscosity [3.28] (see Figure 3.5).
developed into a jet and finally struck against the solid wall. This phe
nomenon was also confirmed by the high-speed photograph of a spark
induced bubble. Shima and Nakajima [3.21], using a variational method,
show that the surface tension accelerates the bubble collapse and accents
the deformation of bubble during the final collapsing stages. However, the
deformation of bubble-shape during the process of collapse will be very dif
ferent if the contact angle a is not 90° as for those studies mentioned before.
Particularly, if the contact angle a < 90°, the deformation at the end of col
lapse will be remarkably large. The projecting part appears with a greatly
increased velocity at the late stage of collapse. Therefore, the jet produced by
such a projecting part possesses a destructive power and will cause damage
if it strikes against the solid wall. This has been experimentally confirmed
[3.24, 3.29).
J W = Po(7£L)Slr-7p-; (3.17)
Ro 37 2a 4/i(^+Q , Ro .37 n x ,,itt
Pmax = P 0 ( p ) ~ p + „ 2 P 2 r2 l P o ( p ) ~ R Poo}- (3-18)
■n-min •"•-min y n m i n oo ■flmin "min
where po is the initial gas pressure inside the bubble, p ^ is the liquid pressure
at infinity, Ro is the initial bubble radius, i? m i n is the minimum bubble
radius, p is the liquid density at infinity, a is the surface tension of the liquid,
\i is the viscosity of the liquid, 7 is the specific heats ratio of gas, and £ is
the bubble viscosity of the liquid. Such estimated values for the maximum
impulsive pressure pmax/Poo a n d the minimum bubble radius i?min &re shown
in Table 3.1. The inclusion of liquid compressibility reduces the value of
Pmax/PooJ a n < i, the difference between the compressible and incompressible
cases increases as the pressure-ratio q(= po/poo) reduces.
The effect of liquid temperature around the bubble on the maximum
impulsive pressure and the minimum bubble radius was numerically studied
[3.32]. One of the results is shown in Figure 3.6.
It is found by the experimental investigation into the collapse of a single
spark generated bubble near a solid wall [3.26] that there are three types of
collapse modes subject to the value of L/Rmax (L is the distance between
the electrodes and the solid wall, i?max is the maximum bubble radius): (a)
10s I
Pa, = 10 [.3 kPo
R0 = 1 mm
C? Equilibrium
V (aH=oo)
T. [K]
50 i i i ■ . i ■. i
Ro-101.3 kPa
'£ 10
i i
3 5 \\u\
0.5 - o T<o =293.2 K
^ =313.2
o =333.2
- o =343 2
" =353.2
0.1 , . i . . .. , . i . . ..
0. 0.5 5 10
Ro mm 10 1 HT1 W2 W*
Emu lOitmin Pmax £mu 10 Rmin £mu 10 Rmin Emu
■Kmin 10 Rm\n Poo
Poo Poo Poo Poo
q mm mm mm mm mm
0.10 Comp. 2.731 23 2.729 23 2.706 24 2.511 33 1.784 132
0.10 Incomp. 2.649 27 2.647 27 2.623 28 2.422 38 1.658 181
0.05 Comp. 1.712 83 1.711 83 1.698 86 1.588 113 1.209 347
0.05 Incomp. 1.609 108 1.607 108 1.594 112 1.477 153 1.063 602
0.02 Comp. 0.9228 444 0.9222 445 0.9170 456 0.8730 559 0.7364 1130
0.02 Incomp. 0.7923 843 0.7917 845 0.7858 872 0.7353 1151 0.5681 3394
0.01 Comp. 0.5980 1373 0.5978 1376 0.5953 1399 0.5747 1620 0.5179 2497
0.01 Incomp. 0.4538 4377 0.4535 4391 0.4504 4517 0.4242 5805 0.3340 15984
Table 3.1: The calculated values of the maximum impulse pressure Pmax/Poo
and the minimum radius of bubble (Poo = 101.3 kPa, Too= 273 K, 7 = 1.4)
Tomita-Shima [3.31].
For L/R max < 0.3 and > 1.5, the shock wave is dominant in the impact wall
pressure; (b) For 0.6 < L/Rmax < 0.8, the liquid jet is dominant; and, (c)
For 0.3 < L/Rmax < 0.6 and 0.8 < <L/RL/R
max fs
< 1-5)
1-5, both
the liquid jet contribute to the wall-impact-pressure the
the shock
both shock wave
wave and
the liquid jet contribute to the wall-impact-pressure [3.29].
3.6.2 Temperature Effect
The effect of temperature on the single-bubble collapse and the impulsive
pressure were experimentally studied [3.27] as shown in Figure 3.7. The
Pmax — L/Rmax curve changes similarly with increasing water temperatures
higher than 333 K. For L/Rmax > 1.2, p m a x maintains its inverse-drop
off relationship with increasing L/Rmax. This is presumably because of the
heat transfer through a solid wall and the decrease of shock-wave strength
at higher water temperatures.
The relationship between the maximum impulsive pressures (at both the
first and second collapses of a bubble) with L/Rmax was experimentally
obtained. The impulsive pressure (which is responsible for the plastic defor
mation of wall material) was closely related to the motion of liquid jet [3.33
and 3.34].
3.1 Benjamin, T. B., (1956) 'Pressure Waves From Collapsing Cavities',
Proc. 2nd. Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington. D. C , 1956,
pp. 207-233.
3.2 Besant, W. H., (1859) Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics, art. 158,
Cambridge Univ. Press, London.
3.3 Blake, F. G., Jr., (1949) The Onset of Cavitation in Liquids, I, Har
vard Acoustics Res. Lab., TM 12, Sept., 1949.
3.4 Brennen, C. E., (1995) Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics, Oxford
Univ. Press, 1995.
3.6 Gilmore, F. R., (1952) The Growth and Collapse of a Spherical Bubble
in a Viscous Compressible Liquid, Colif. Inst. of Tech., Hydrodyn.
Lab., Rep. No. 26-4 (1952), pp. 1-40.
3.7 Herring, C , (1941) Theory of the Pulsations of the Gas Bubble Pro
duced by an Underwater Explosion, OSRD Report 236 (1941).
3.8 Jahsman, W. E., (1968) 'Collapse of a Gas-Filled Spherical Cavity',
J. Appl. Mech., Trans. ASME, Ser.E, Vol. 35 (1968), pp. 579-587.
3.9 Lauterborn, W., (1974) 'Kavitation durch Laserlicht', Acustica, Vol.
31 (1974), pp. 51-78.
3.14 Naude, C. F. and Ellis, A. T., (1961) 'On the Mechanism of Cavi
tation Damage by Nonhemispherical Cavities Collapsing in Contact
with a Solid Boundary', J. Basic Engng., Trans. ASME, Ser. D, Vol.
8 (1961), pp. 648-656.
3.16 Plesset, M. S., and Mitchell. T. P, (1956) 'On the Stability of the
Spherical Shape of a Vapor Cavity in a Liquid', Quart. Appl. Math.,
Vol. 13 (1956), pp. 419-430.
3.20 Shima, A. and Tomita, Y., (1975) 'On the Impulse Pressure Accom
panying Spherical Bubble Collapse in Liquids', Rep. Inst. High Speed
Mech., Tohoku Univ. Vol. 31 (1975), pp. 97-135.
3.23 Shima, A. and Fujiwara, T., (1980) 'The Collapse of Bubbles in Com
pressible Hydraulic Oils', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 68 (1980), pp.
3.24 Shima, A., Takayama, K., Tomita, Y. and Miura, N., (1981) 'An Ex
perimental Study on Effects of a Solid Wall on the Method of Bubbles
and Shock Waves in Bubble Collapse', Acustica, Vol. 48 (1981), pp.
3.25 Shima, A.and Tomita, Y., (1981) 'The Behavior of a Spherical Bub
ble Near a Solid Wall in a Compressible Liquid', Ing.-Arch., Bd. 51
(1981), S. 243-255.
3.26 Shima, A., Takayama, K., Tomita, Y. and Ohsawa, N., (1983) 'Mech
anism of Impact Pressure Generation from Spark-Generated Bubble
Collapse Near a Wall', AIAA Journal, Vol. 21 (1983), pp. 55-59.
3.27 Shima, A., Tomita, Y and Ohno, T., (1988) 'Temperature Effects on
Single Bubble Collapse and Induced Impulsive Pressure', J. Fluids
Engng., Trans. ASME, Vol. 10 (1988), pp. 194-199.
3.28 Shima, A. and Tomita, Y., (1989) 'Some Numerical Aspects of Cav-
itation Bubble Collapse', Annual Rev. Numerical Fluid Mech. and
Heat Trans. Vol. 11 (1989), pp. 198-226.
3.29 Shima, A., (1997) 'Studies on Bubble Dynamics', Shock Waves, Vol.
7 (1997), pp. 33-42.
3.31 Tomita, Y. and Shima, A., (1977) 'On the Behavior of a Spherical
Bubble and the Impulse Pressure in a Viscous Compressible Liquid',
Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 20 (1977), pp. 1453-1460.
3.32 Tomita, Y. and Shima, A., (1979) 'The Effects of Heat Transfer on
the Behavior of a Bubble and the Impulse Pressure in a Viscous
Compressible Liquid', ZAMM, Bd. 59 (1979), S. 297-306.
3.35 Trilling, L., (1952) 'The Collapse and Rebound of a Gas Bubble', J.
Appl. Phys., Vol. 23 (1952), pp. 14-17.
cavitating draft-tube flow of a Francis turbine model (Li, 1988 [3.67]).
. . t (6.7 ms/div) „. t (6.7 ms/div)
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66 Cavitation
Pressure Pressure
Time Time
(a) (b)
• The size and content of nuclei, the speeds of bubble growth and col
lapse, the nonsphericity of collapse and the intensity of the impulsive
• The spatial position where a particular event (e.g. collapse) occurs for
different bubbles; and
fc* =
(Poo -Pc)Rma
The study of Blake (1988 [3.44]) by evaluating Kelvin impulse over the
half-space boundary with the low-order singularity method illustrates how
the global motion and jet formation are affected by the presence of various
boundaries such as rigid boundary, free surface, two-fluid interface, inertial
I = p I <jmds
here p is fluid density; <j> is velocity potential; s is the surface of the cavitation
bubble and n is the outward normal to the fluid. The Kelvin impulse can
be caused by the presence of nearby boundary, the ambient velocity and
pressure fields.1 As an example, the case for a buoyant cavitation bubble
(i.e. the buoyancy force is included) collapsing near a rigid wall (below the
bubble) is cited. The Kelvin impulse at the completion of collapse for such
a bubble is
TR = 1.83Rmax
'For example, in the case of rigid wall, the presence of a boundary makes the far side
of the bubble obtain a stronger acceleration during the collapsing phase than the near
side does, resulting in a global migration of the bubble towards the boundary. That is,
the bubble achieves a Kelvin impulse due to the Bjerknes Force which is created by the
pressure gradient normal to the boundary. The Kelvin impulse can be considered as linear
momentum if a virtual mass induced by the fluid motion is attributed to the cavity. Kelvin
impulse was first introduced by Benjamin & Ellis, 1966 [3.43], to analyse bubble dynamics.
6- pg- Ap
For I(TR) > 0, the bubble will migrate away from the boundary and vice
versa. Thus, the neutral collapse (spherical collapse without migration) line
corresponds to I{TR) = 0 yielding
i Yo**o**a
Figure 3.10: The global motion of a buoyant vapour bubble near a rigid
boundary. Comparison with numerical experiments (Blake, 1988 [3.44])
well explain how the parameters such as 7 and S affect the global motion
and jet formation, but it does not provide detailed information on the bubble
surface deformation and does not give any clues to the microbubble gener
ation and the bubble-microbubble interaction since the Kelvin impulse is a
global integral value which only describes the gross characteristics of bubble
In summary, the bubble-boundary interaction increases with decreasing
7. According to the nature of boundaries, there are basically three cases:
(1) For rigid boundary (m* and k* —► 00), the interaction increases bubble
life-time. During growth phase, the boundary retards the expansion of near
side of bubble, forming a nonspherical bubble with a flattened near side;
whereas during collapse phase, it attracts the bubble resulting in a toroidal
cavity moving towards the boundary and breaking into small microbubbles.
The resultant jet velocity, impact pressure on the boundary, and the damage
potential are generally enhanced with the reduction of 7.
(2) For a free surface (which is such an opposite extreme to the rigid bound
ary that m* and k* -> 0, producing a constant-pressure boundary function
ing as a complete compliance), if buoyancy is not considered, the bubble at
a large value of 7 will move away from the surface during the collapse phase
forming a jet in the same direction of bubble migration; whereas the surface
will develop a spike moving away from the bubble. The numerical results
of bubble-wall movement, particle pathlines, and pressure contours during
growth and collapse for two cases of vapour bubble, 7 = 1.0 and 7 = 1.5,
are shown in Figure 3.11. The free surface influences are clearly seen: The
Bjerknes effect is always directed away from the surface with a sharper jet
for smaller values of 7; for 7 = 1.5, the surface rises and falls during bubble
growth and collapse, whereas for reduced value (7 = 1.0) the surface rises
significantly and even continues rising in the collapse phase producing a pro
nounced spike. If buoyancy is not negligible, it will reduce the spike strength
and give the bubble a component of movement rising towards the free sur
face during the collapse phase, particularly for the case of larger values of 7
which might lead to a rising movement of the bubble.
(3) For boundaries between the above two extreme cases (i.e. the compliant
boundaries which are made of composite/flexible materials with non-zero
finite values of surface parameters m* and fc*), there is an energy exchange
process involved between the fluid motions and the boundary. The boundary
might extract energy from the liquid motion which could partially dissipate
in the boundary and return the remainder back to the fluid motion. Through
such an energy exchange process, the performance of bubble growth and col
lapse is altered. The manner of this energy exchange is mainly subject to
the relative location 7 and boundary parameters m* and k*. The favourable
■1.0 I 1 -1.5
Figure 3.11: The growth and collapse of a vapour bubble in the proximity
of a free surface, 7 = 1.0 and 1.5 respectively (Blake & Gibson 1987 [3.45])
(a) Bubble shape, 7 = 1.5; (b) Bubble shape, 7 = 1.0; (c) Particle pathlines,
7 = 1.5; (d) Particle pathlines, 7 = 1.0; (e) Pressure contours, 7 = 1.0 and
T = 1.186; (f) Pressure contours, 7 = 1.0 and T = 1.310
effect of such a compliant boundary is to retard the bubble migration and its
jet. For certain combinations of 7, m* and k* values, the bubble might be
repelled away and the jet might disappear or even be redirected away from
the boundary, resulting in little damage potential to the boundary. These
concepts are based on recent studies (Shima et al 1989 [3.77] and Zhang et
al 1993 [3.82]) and are shown in Figure 3.12. The relation of relative bubble
Rmax • =1.14 , filled: experimental \
3 ■ =1.43 open: numerical j
A =1.71 v
0 1 2 3 4 5
distance at the final stage of collapse, RSc (Sc is the bubble distance to
the boundary at the final stage of collapse), with m* (ranging from 0 to 00)
for three 7 values (1.14, 1.43 and 1.71) reveals that collapses occur in either
a repelling zone (RZ) or an attracting zone (AZ), separated by a neutral
collapsing line (dotted line) on which no bubble-migration takes place dur
ing collapse process. This neutral collapsing line passes through the points
where Sc/Rmax = 7-
1.40 _ 0
o No
• Week
1.35 A Pronounced
1.30 - A Strong
1.25 - o
1.15 - o
1.10 o •
1.05 -
1.00 1 o ia o io
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 y
same time) and then coalesce again during rebound. It migrates toward
the solid boundary and starts to expand as soon as it reaches the boundary.
After the second collapse, the vortex core takes a polygonal shape due to the
instability waves on the vortex. During first and second bubble collapse, the
migration is accelerated (Figure 3.15) owing to the conservation of Kelvin
The second collapse of the bubble with decreasing 7 values is different
from those with 7 values higher than 2. In Figure 3.16 (7 = 1.66), the
bubble touches the boundary during rebound after first collapse so that a
ring vortex can only exist for a very short period during second collapse
when the bubble lower side is again detached from the boundary (the third
and fourth frames in Figure 3.16). The generation of microbubbles from the
first collapse is caused by the the bubble-wall instabilities (nonsphericity)
which grows during collapse and finally breaks up the bubble. The schlieren
technique makes these microbubbles visible3 in Figure 3.16. The second
collapse strikes these microbubbles which collapse quickly and vanish (frame
5 of Figure 3.16).
With further decreasing 7 (7 = 1-37), no ring vortex forms after the first
Sincc the main bubble blocks out the light and the cloud of microbubbles (which
surround the cavity) appear bright due to their high scattering efficiency.
1 First collapse
| Second collapse
First collapse
y =2-55 t V ^| x
Rmax =2.5 mm Second collapse"
y =2.15
° Rmax =2.05 mm
1.2 t(ms)
f*% 'VM
Figure 3.16: The second collapse of a bubble, 7 = 1.66, Umax — 3.3 mm.
Taken with spatial filtering at 20,000 frames/s. The location of the solid
boundary is marked with the white horizontal bar in the first frame (Vogel
et al 1989 [3.80])
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Bubble Dynamics: Multi-Bubbles (Stochastic Behaviour) 77
collapse. A radial outward flow on the solid boundary arises from the jet,
decelerating the second collapse in the horizontal direction as shown in Fig
ure 3.17. The toroidal bubble disintegrates into several separately collapsing
' f^' 1*i
-■*•> r ^ ^ \ / * * ^ ^ >**■
Figure 3.17: The first and the second collapses of a bubble, 7 = 1.37, Rmax =
4.0 mm. Taken with spatial filtering at 20,000 frames/s. The location of
the solid boundary is marked with the white horizontal bar in the first frame
(Vogel et al 1989 [3.80])
parts which can be observed in frame 15 where two acoustic transients are
emitted from different sides during second collapse. The microbubbles ap
pear on the upper side of the bubble as a cloud, and the protrusion of the
upper side indicates that a counter-jet is formed from the first collapse.
For the case where 7 is about unity, the bubble dynamics are of interest.
During the first collapse phase, a ring vortex forms before the final stage
of collapse and the microbubbles generated from the first collapse attached
on the boundary wall appear as a white dotted line in Figure 3.18. Figure
3.18(a) shows a bubble at the stage of maximum expansion after the first
As the vortex ring forms before the completion of the first collapse, the fluid
motion directed radially towards the bubble centre during the collapse is
thus partially transformed into the rotational movement of the ring vortex;
consequently the bubble implosion is decelerated; and the bubble remains
relatively larger during collapse compared with the case for 7 > 1. Therefore,
the pressure rise inside the bubble is quite low for 7 being about unity,
resulting in a weak sound emission.
When 7 < 1, there is no counter-jet formation and the main jet becomes
thicker and hits the lower bubble wall at earlier stage of collapse as shown
in Figure 3.13(c). When 7 is further reduced, for say 7 = 0.34 as shown in
Figure 3.13(d), the jet diameter diminishes again. In the range of 0 < 7 <
1, the microbubbles are produced by the jet flow during bubble collapse,
referring to Figure 3.13(c) and (d). In this range of 7 values, with the
reduction of 7 value, the intensity of bubble collapse increases and achieves
the highest pressure amplitudes for solid boundary at 7 -> 0.
From the above observations, it can be concluded that the main bubble
collapse and the microbubble generation are mainly dominated by the pa
rameter 7; and the (main) bubble-microbubble interaction plays a significant
role in bubble collapse and its damage to boundary materials. Only if the
bubble-microbubble interaction occurs will the cavitation bubble produce
enough power to damage boundary materials. Otherwise (i.e. if the dam
age capacity from the main jet were only accounted for), cavitation bubble
collapses would not cause any damage, not even a tiny pit, to the very soft
99% pure aluminium 4 .
B u b b l e - B u b b l e (Large-Scale) Interaction
investigate bubble-bubble interactions by simulating multibubbles collapses
in static fluid field instead of in real cavitation flows.
Two effects of bubble-bubble interactions under the impact of shock
waves 5 are revealed by employing 2D water/gelatine technique (Dear &
Field, 1988 [3.53]). One is the Divergence Effect on jet direction when a
row of cavities are struck by a shock wave simultaneously, even when they
are struck at slightly different times, as shown by Figure 3.19. The jets
in the cavities are well-formed by the strike of shock wave, with the jet-
For example, the jet velocity from a collapsing bubble at 7 = 1.0 in water under
atmospheric pressure is about 100 m/sec or less, which is only capable of producing water
hammer pressure of 4.5 kbar. This is in the same range as the pressure of 2.5 kbar achieved
inside a collapsed cavity attached to the boundary. Both values are merely close to the
(static) Brinell hardness of 99% pure aluminium (3 kbar), i.e. far below its dynamic
hardness (13 kbar). Hence such collapses are not capable of eroding soft aluminium.
If, however, we consider the interaction of bubble-microbubbles we shall see that the
collapse of the microbubbles has very considerable damage capacity. For instance, let us
analyse such a case that the microbubbles are generated by the impact of the outward-
flowing jet with the contracting cavity surface (Tomita & Shima, 1986 [3.78]). At small
7-values, referring to Figure 3.13(c) (7 = 0.75) and 3.13(d) (7 = 0.34), the cavitation
bubble reaches its minimum size about 50 psec after the jet hits the boundary. That
is, the microbubbles produced by the jet flow shortly after their generation are struck
by a pressure pulse of 2.5 kbar arising from the main cavity collapse (which is much
higher than the ambient driving pressure), causing a much more violent collapse of these
microbubbles and producing much higher pressures locally at the solid boundary well
beyond the dynamic hardness of aluminium or other materials. The ring-shaped damage
pattern located at the periphery of a collapsing bubble commonly observed in damage
tests is the evidence of this type bubble-microbubble interaction.
The shocks are produced by a striker and visualised with schlieren optics. These shock
waves, in reality, are the consequence of collapses of neighbouring bubbles.
Figure 3.19: The divergence effect on the jet direction. Three cavities with
3 mm of diameter, 6 mm apart, parallel to the shock wave S (=0.26 GPa).
The jet velocities are 400 m/s approximately. Interframe time is 0.96 fis
(Dear & Field 1988 [3.53])
directions in the outer cavities forced away from the centre one. This jet
divergence effect is a general feature of this sort of bubble mutual influence
and becomes stronger with closer cavities, even forming two jets in each cav
ity due to cavity-wall irregularity and shock-front perturbation. The second
is the Chain Reaction, i.e. the collapse and rebound of one cavity (or one
row of cavities) generates strong radial shock wave which then drives the
next one (or row) to collapse and so on. Figure 3.20 shows such a chain
reaction in which the first cavity is collapsed by the shock wave S, forming
a jet as marked with J in frame 2. A rebound shock wave S' is formed
as shown in frame 3. The initial shock wave S has little influence on the
second cavity which is shielded by the first cavity, only causing a slightly
lateral compression (frame 3). Whereas the rebound shock of t h e first cavity
causes t h e second cavity collapsing and forming a jet (frames 4 a n d 5). T h e
t h i r d cavity collapses in a similar way by the collapse a n d r e b o u n d of second
one. T h u s , a chain reaction along a line of cavities is possible subject to t h e
shock strength, cavity diameter a n d spacing. T h e speed of chain reaction
(which differs from the shock-wave velocity) depends on t h e cavity size a n d
j e t velocity.
According to Lesser's model 6 , the jet velocity caused by shock wave
The reflection of the shock wave S acting upon on the cavity wall produces a corner
wave C and a reflected tensile wave R, referring to Fig. 3.21. The velocity, V/, imparted
to the free surface is V/ = 2V sin0 (here, V is the particle velocity behind the shock wave).
With a linear assumption, p = pcV (here, c is the speed of sound in water, c = 1500 m/sec),
the resulting shapes of the cavity wall can be obtained for various nondimensional times t
(t = tc/R, here R is the radius of cavity). Figure 3.21 is for V = 150 m/sec and t = 1 — 5.
The maximum velocity of the cavity wall , i.e. the jet velocity Vjet, is achieved at the
(a) (b)
Figure 3.21: Cavity-shock wave action (Dear & Field 1988 [3.53])
(a) A plane shock wave S acts upon a circular cavity, producing a corner
wave C and a reflected wave R; (b) Resulting shapes of cavity wall for non-
dimensional times i = 1 — 5
impacting on the bubble is much higher than the jet velocity caused by
nonspherical collapse of a bubble near a solid boundary wall 7 . Therefore,
the shock-wave/bubble action plays an amplifying role in producing a high-
velocity jet which causes very high "water hammer" pressure capable of
damaging materials exposed to it or driving neighbouring bubble to collapse
much more violently even forming a chain reaction. Experimental evidence
shows that a high fraction of collapse energy, i.e. 80 — 90% estimated from
the ratio of jet velocity squared, of one collapsing bubble is transmitted to
the next. So, this is why the chain reaction can remain and even strengthen
the subsequent bubble collapsing.
centre of cavity, Vjct = 2V. If the effect of jet tip convergence and nonlinear shock wave
relation are concerned, Vjct « 3V.
For example, the jet velocity will be approximately 400 m/sec for the shock wave-
bubble action case (bubble diameter 3 mm, shock wave strength 2.6 kPa) which is much
higher than the jet velocity of 100 m/sec produced by the nonspherical collapse of bubble
itself. Some experiment even shows that if the shock wave of 10 kPa produced from the
collapse of vortex cavitation bubble hits a bubble near a solid wall, it could produce a very
high jet velocity of 1000 m/sec and "water hammer" pressure of 20 kbar
For the case of two bubbles interacting through the shock waves emit
ted from their own collapses, their behaviour is affected by bubble size and
sphericity, spacing, and collapse timing. With a linear approximation ap
proach, Fujikawa, 1986 [3.58], numerically studied two initially spherical bub
bles with different radii. 8 Their interaction is shown in Figure 3.22, in which
the bubble radii are normalised by their own initial values i?ioo(= 1 mm) and
#200 (= 0.5 mm) with M = jf00- = 0.5; the time is normalised by Rayleigh
collapse time, T = # i o o ( ^ ) 0 5 = 99.3 fisec. In Figure 3.22(a), the two ve
locities of left (u/ = 0°) and right (a/ = 180°) walls of bubble 2, the relative
velocity of ambient liquid to bubble 2, the actual time and the normalised
time (in brackets) are indicated in each frame. The initial gas pressure in
both bubbles is Pi g 0 = P2go = Pgo = 7091 kPa equivalent to 0.07 P^. The
saturated vapour pressure is Pv = 2.337 kPa. The initial distance between
two bubbles is 5 mm. The interaction, referring to Figure 3.22, is featured as
follows. The larger bubble (here, bubble 1) behaves almost spherically as if
there were no neighbouring bubble. Whereas, the smaller bubble is affected
dramatically. In the phase of first collapse, although its wall shape still re
mains spherical, the whole bubble is attracted by the larger one, causing a
translatory movement towards left. Then in the phase of first rebound, the
smaller bubble becomes a slightly flat due to the influence from larger bub
ble. At the late stage of second collapse, bubble 2 is elongated parallel to the
relative flow direction and, at second rebound stage, the left part 9 of wall (at
(j = 0°) becomes abruptly unstable forming a protrusion directed to bubble
1 with the speed exceeding 120 m/sec, referring to the spike of R (u/ = 0°)
in Figure 3.22(c). The right side (u/ = 180°) of the bubble wall is stable
and remains basically spherical in shape. Both parts of wall do not rebound
simultaneously which makes the pressure waves radiated from different parts
of the bubble wall non-spherical. The non-condensible gas content affects
the bubble-wall instability. When the value of gas pressure Pgo is reduced
to 5.065 kPa, much larger instabilities appear at the second collapse and
rebound stages forming a faster protrusion at w' = 0° with the velocity ex
ceeding 750 m/sec. Further reducing Pgo to 1.013 kPa even causes the early
He assumed two initially spherical cavitation bubbles in irrotational unbounded liquid
(water) undergoing a collapse process under the step rising of water pressure at infinity. His
model included liquid compressibility, gas content in the bubbles and bubble translatory
motion. For details see [3.57, 3.58 and 3.59].
I t is at the downstream side of the relative flow because at this instance bubble 2
is moving away from bubble 1 at a speed much faster than the mean velocity of the
surrounding fluid causing the relative flow velocity towards bubble 1.
-22.50 -28.52
Ji I )l I I L
7.38 0.0 -Or
, 55.20(0.556) _^ -7.16 -15.85
-U—i—U 1——i 1—Qh—L 130.63(1.316)
_U I Li I I I rh I
4.02 4.76 0.0
< % ■
19.02 2.89
82.93(0.835) -20.45
I I I H 1 L 131.10(1.320)
I I I 1
0.0 ' ' <a ■
75.80 22.14
100.19(1.009) -17.62
j—£Dj—I 1 L 131.74(1.327)
_U I LJ I I I ^ti L
0.0 ^
-10.61 -10.51
-0.60 123.20 26.02
I I I Lj _L I IZ L If I II "I"1*'?5' , ^ ■
0.0 / \ 5.0/ 0.0
Velocity m/s
R2( (0
R2 • (0
20 (\ <
"" \l 1 ^ T
-Vr /
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 16 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
(b) Time 1/T (c) Time 1/x
appearance of the instabilities (at the stages of first collapse and rebound)
which occur at the right part of wall (w' = 180°) forming a inrushing shape
(i.e. jet), instead of a protrusion shape on the left (a/ = 0°), with the jet
velocity above 500 m/sec. The parameter M affects the dynamics of interac
tion as well. When M reduces to 0.3 (R\oo = 1 mm, i?200 — 0-3 mm), both
bubbles behave more or less like that for M = 0.5 but the instabilities occur
at the right part (u/ = 180°), instead of at the left part (u/ = 0°), of wall
in the phase of second collapse and rebound. The right part of wall firstly
starts to flatten out at the downstream side of the relative flow (a/ = 180°)
in the late phase of second collapse it then indents and eventually forms a
crater in subsequent rebound. The study also shows that once the insta
bilities occurs on the wall it will be further amplified by the interactions.
The reciprocal of relative spacing, i.e. i—, is demonstrated to be
a dominant parameter in a similar study by Tomita & Shima, 1986 [3.79].
The interaction increases with the reduction of relative spacing. The wave
form (particularly the rise time) of the pressure wave significantly affects the
bubble behaviour. For the impact pulses with finite energy, e.g. triangular
and exponential waves, there is a bubble size that makes the mostly violent
collapsing, which indicates the response time of bubble compatible with the
acting durations of pulse.
For the interaction with a multibubble configuration in a 3-D spatial
domain (which is more close to reality), Chahine's work employing an ana
lytical technique (asymptotic expansions) and a numerical simulation tech
nique (3-D boundary element method - BEM) seems to be the first work on
this subject 10 . However, due to the assumptions of incompressible liquid,
the interactions investigated (e.g. Chahine et al 1992 [3.51]) take place in
deed through the variations of hydro static pressure rather than shock-wave
action. Chihane adopted the following nondimensionalisation,
Poo(0) -Pv.
The asymptotic expansion approach requires less computation and provides fairly
precise solutions to the problem in which the characteristic size rto of bubbles (taken as
initial bubble size) is smaller compared with the characteristic inter-bubble distance lo
(taken as initially minimum distance between any two bubbles), which is referred as weak
interactions. Whereas the BEM model developed by Chahine et al is capable of simulating
strong interactions.
w = rb0Ap
v = wrbo
(AP) '
where e: measure of void fraction with rjo being the charac
teristic size of the bubbles and /o being the charac
teristic inter-bubble distance;
7: cavitation number;
W: Weber number;
v: ratio of driving force frequency OJ to natural fre
quency of a bubble with radius r&o;
Ap: characteristic pressure variation associated with
driving force poo-
" T h e calculation assumed: The bubbles contain both vapour and noncondensible gas;
the pressure inside the bubble is the sum of gas pressure pg and vapour pressure p„; p„ is
constant equivalent to equilibrium vapour pressure; the amount of noncondensible gas is
constant; and, a polytropic relation, PgV = const, for the gas. For details see [3.48 and
Normalised pressure
0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalised time
Normalised pressure
Normalised time
bubbles being centred on the corners of a square with such a time delay
being imposed that at t = 0 the bubbles have relative initial size in the ratio
of 2, 1, 3, 1 counterclockwise starting from the bubble at the origin. The
time periods for the bubbles with larger size at t — 0 are increased whereas
for the "delayed" bubbles (i.e. smaller ones at t = 0) are prevented from
growing very much by the neighbouring bubbles resulting in very early col
lapse. These earlier collapsing bubbles, on the other hand, produce large
pressure rises which make the larger bubbles collapse very strongly. Thirdly,
the growth of the outer bubbles in a cloud shields the inner bubbles from
behaving as the outer bubbles do, i.e. Screen or Shielding Effect. Figure 3.26
is a typical case of five bubbles. Initially, the inner bubble grows similarly to
the outer ones but later remains unchanged for a certain time period. Nev
ertheless the outer bubbles have proceeded to the violent collapse stage with
the development of re-entrant jet toward the central bubble. The central
(inner) bubble seems to be shielded by the outer ones, with its time period
being approximately doubled. The study on a 16-bubble cloud also shows a
similar screen effect. Actually, the time delay between the outer-layer and
Figure 3.26: Screen/shielding effect of bubble interaction, 5 bubble configu
ration, e = 0.474 (Chahine & Duraiswami 1992 [3.51])
The compliance model is currently used for analysing pressure oscillations of cavitating
hydraulic systems. In this model the cavitation cloud is simply represented by a lumped
parameter, capacitance C, C = —jj9 a" v (here VCOI> is the volume of the cavitation
cloud; a is the cavitation number defined as usual; and H is the pressure head) which
implies that all bubbles oscillate uniformly in compliance with the surrounding pressure
That is, the cloud itself is a complete oscillating system rather than a simply lumped-
capacitive element in an oscillating system. Apart from compliance, it possesses, at least,
the inertial-mass, elasticity and viscous resistance. And, for some cases, these parameters
have rather discrete nature than lumped parameters, subject to the geometric shape and
properties of the cloud.
For cavitation resonance, the cavitation cloud and the liquid phase portion in the
ness of the shock front at the cluster boundary is ignored. Therefore, this
model becomes invalid when the cluster radius reduces to the mean bubble
spacing AZ,
here subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the conditions in front of and behind the
shock front respectively; capital letter is designated for conditions at the
cluster boundary. The thickness of the shock front, which is of the order of
[/3(1-Mf 2 )]s '
is neglected. If the value of /? is neither close to zero nor to unity, the
value of Cm, i.e. the sound speed within the bubbly mixture domain, can be
approximated as
r2 Pl
here p is liquid density. When the bubbles are inwardly annihilated by the
shock wave, the cluster boundary moves toward the centre at the velocity
Vsh = CmMi = R = - (3.19)
00(1 - 0)
The velocity at radius r in the liquid domain is radial, vT. Using the relation
Vr = (3R (Vr is liquid particle velocity at boundary R), the velocity vr can
be related to the inward-moving velocity R of the cluster boundary as
vr = Vr\=0R^-.
, ,, / J1RR +R R „oR R
P(r,t)=Poo+P [P /?2^r
Finally, the collapse equation of the cluster can be obtained with p — Pi at
r = R,
RR+(I + ^P)R2 = - ' ^ (3.20)
or in nondimensional form
P 2 =P2 /Poo
R* = R / R 0
50 - \
"- 1 — — 1
05 1.0
R*=R/Ro t _ ( \
Figure 3.28: The variations of pressure P2 and cluster radius R during the
collapse with /3 « 1 (Hansson & M0ch 1980 [3.61])
can be determined from eqn (3.20). The numerical results for both the
hemispherical- and cylindrical clusters show: the spatially highest pressure
in the liquid domain is the pressure at the boundary of collapsing clus
ter, i.e. the pressure driving the boundary bubbles collapsing which is
Pr,t |r-»ft= p{R>t) = A(*); a nd, the temporally highest driving pressure
Pi{t) will be achieved when R —> 0, i.e. the driving pressure reaches the
highest level (infinity) at the cluster centre when t* —> 1, forming a focusing
collapse when the inward velocity of cluster boundary also reaches infinity
as shown in Figure 3.28. The total collapse time T of cluster is shown to be
proportional to the value of ( ^ - ) 5 •
It should be noticed that if the cluster shape differs from such focusing
configurations, i.e. hemispherical and cylindrical forms, the inward-moving
increasing pressure will be defocused resulting in less pressure increase at the
end of the cluster collapse. Besides, the bubble distributions (e.g. size- and
spatial distributions etc.) within the cluster are also important parameters
influencing the energy transfer and shock-wave action.
• The pressure gradient will cause bubble flattening. In some cases, the
flattening will form dimpling or even a liquid jet penetrating into and
through the cavity, with the flattened part of bubble on the side of
highest pressure and parallel with the constant-pressure surface in the
flow field [3.65].
However, these early studies were restrained by the simplest flow assump
tions of either static fluid or uniform flow and are not adequate to understand
the situation in real flows.
The advance in the BEM technique facilitates the study of multibubble
dynamics with flow assumptions closer to real flow environment, such as
the bubble interactions with the line vortex flow [3.50] and the boundary
shear flow [3.49]. In Chahine's work, the real flow field 7 (incorporating
the performing bubbles) is decomposed into a basic flow field 3"o in absence
of bubble and a bubble flow 3~b owing to bubble dynamics. The basic flow
GFo and real flow 9" both are incompressible and satisfy the Navier Stokes
equations. The 3& is restricted to incompressible and inviscid flow. There
fore, the bubble flow is a potential flow with velocity potential <pb satisfying
Laplace equation
V2<& = 0 .
This main assumption holds as long as the Reynolds number based on the
bubble flow (i.e. maximum bubble size and bubble life-time) is large enough
to allow us to neglect the viscosity and the bubble does not generate addi
tional vorticity.
For bubbles in the boundary flow with linear velocity profiles17, two ef
fects were revealed (see Figure 3.29 where S is the distance from the initial
bubble centre to the wall; Rmax is the maximum radius the bubble would
reach if it grew spherically in an infinite domain, Pgo is the initial gas pres
sure) :
1w 0.0 0.3
0.2 0.2
Growth J^tS ^n^^ Row Collapse Flow
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 0.0 0.3 -0.3 0.0 0.3
Figure 3.29: The influence of a linear shear flow on the bubble dynamics in
for the case of very small shear, \ = 0.043 (Figure 3.29 (a)), compared
with the case in absence of shear flow. The jet direction is being
reversed while the bubble is undergoing its collapse process, i.e. from
the direction inclining towards upstream (the angle between upstream
and downward) to the direction inclining towards downstream (the
angle between downstream and downward).
The dominant parameters in such bubble dynamics are the relative distance,
7 — SI Rmax, characterising the strength of wall influence, and the nondi-
mensional shear strength \, which is the ratio of Vshear to the mean Rayleigh
velocity V/jayjetjh (VRayieigh is based on the Rayleigh time r and the value
Of Rmax, Vfayleigh = \/AP/p),
'shear 'shear
VRayieigh J^E
The stretching and jet modification effects are enhanced by increased value
of x while the parameter 7 functions similarly as for the single bubble in
static fluid.
The influence of line vortex on bubble dynamics is demonstrated (Chahine
1990 [3.49]) to be different from the commonly assumed mode that the bub
ble grows and collapses spherically while it is being captured by the vortex.
If the bubble is initially located in the centre of vortex, it will be stretched
at the direction along the axis of rotation during its growth and further
disintegrate into two tear-shaped bubbles (Figure 3.30). Here, a nondimen-
sional parameter Q, the ratio of the pressure drop caused by rotation to the
ambient pressure,
(£) <" »
ft = P (
is adopted to characterise the vortex strength. The nondimensional pressure
at the vortex axis is valued as (1 — Q). For given value of fi, the parameter
of normalised core radius a^ affects bubble deformation,
cTc=-^- (3.23)
here Rmax is the maximum radius the bubble would grow to in an infinite
medium with the ambient pressure equal to the pressure at the vortex axis.
The bubble elongation depends strongly on fi. The bubble splitting is one
of the sources contributing to the inception noise observed in the inception
1 1"
I 1
Viscous kvtm
■ ■■*"«H5
1 -
Figure 3.30: Bubble growth and collapse in the centre of a line vortex,
il — 0.95, PgQ I Pamb = 584 (PgQ is the initial partial-pressure of the gas
inside the bubble and Pamb is the pressure at the infinity) (Chahine 1990
(a) ac = 1.18; (b) ac = 0.5; (c) ac = 0.2
-i 1 •1 -I 1
l=.00l s 1=463 s I=.534 s
(a) XOY plane view (perpendicular to the vortex axis); (b) Side view
stage of vortex cavitation. The bubble capture process has also been demon
strated by positioning the bubble initially at a normalised distance from the
vortex axis located at X — 2, Y ~ 0 as shown in Figure 3.31. From Figure
3.31(a), it is seen that the bubble approaches to the vortex axis in a spi
ralling form around the axis and, due to the presence of pressure gradient,
the bubble surface deforms remarkably, forming a reentrant jet directed to
wards the axis. From Figure 3.31(b), the bubble elongation along the axis as
well as the reentrant jet (side view) are revealed. Chahine [3.50] found that
the deformation of bubble surface during capture process is related to the
ratio of the acceleration force ^gradient (due to the pressure gradient) to the
bubble wall acceleration ^growth, and this ratio can be expressed in terms of
a characteristic bubble radius i?(, (for say Rmax here) to the viscous core size
^gradient _ 4/tfc , .
^growth c
This indicates that Rt,/ac is a dominant parameter in such bubble interaction
with line vortex flow. The Weber number, i.e. the ratio of the variation of
local pressure around the bubble to the surface tension (coefficient as) which
can be expressed as
Wt -A(±)(*) (3.25)
is also a parameter affecting the deformation of bubble shape during the
capture process. The larger the Weber number, the higher the instability of
the bubble surface. Therefore, these four parameters, namely vortex strength
Q, nondimensional viscous core size a^, acceleration ratio -7'gradient/l'growth
and the Weber number We, are the parameters dominating the bubble-flow
Statistical S t u d y
The classic static theory states that the microbubbles (nuclei) will cavitate
if the ambient pressure Pamb is equal to or lower than the critical pressure
Pcrit, i e .
*amb S *crit ■
P - P -2-2<Js
with N being constant for a fixed mass of gas in the bubble; T being the
temperature; and as being the coefficient of surface tension. Actually, hy-
drodynamic cavitation is a stochastic and dynamic phenomenon, which can
be revealed by examining the dynamic equation for spherical bubbles, i.e.
the Rayleigh-Plesset equation,
2as 4uR / •• 3 A 2 \
*amb — Pg + Pv-^r — + p(RR+-R>) (3.26)
sphericity effect of bubbles. Another is that the level of pressure fluctuation
in that flow field will be further randomly enhanced by these violent bubble
activities involved in the cavitation process. The phenomenon of Cavitation
Hysteresis is just such an evidence. 18 .
Most of investigations examine two types of flow, namely boundary shear
flow and free shear flow. They seek to show how microbubbles (nuclei)
statistically respond to pressure fluctuations; and how the statistic properties
of these bubbles and the consequent cavitation inceptions are altered by
the flow. Although the statistical studies have been conducted since the
early 1950's, the phenomenon still remains obscure in many aspects. Knapp,
Daily & Hammit [3.65] and Arndt [3.38] reviewed the early investigations
up to 1970's. The main knowledge acquired from statistic studies can be
summarised as follows.
For cavitation in the boundary shear layer, the statistical properties of
bubbles are dominated by the pressure fluctuation field in terms of their
intensity and duration 19 . For turbulent flows, the instantaneous pressure
The cavitation hysteresis is such a phenomenon that the desinent cavitation number
ad is often higher than the incipient cavitation number o~i. It can be reasoned as follows.
Once the rather intermittent incipient cavitation occurs, the cavitating microbubbles will
further increase the pressure fluctuation level in the flow field which thus provides more
intensive driving force for bubbles to cavitate; and through this interaction mechanism,
the cavitation becomes a rather statistically steady one and can well remain so even for
an increased cavitation number during the desinent cavitation process.
Knowledge of turbulent pressure fields in boundary shear layers is much less than that
for free shear layers. This is due to the presence of the wall and the small scales near the
wall which make the problem theoretically and experimentally difficult to solve.
droppt is 5.5 to 7.9 times its rms value yp12 [3.52], i.e.
-- 5.5 ~ 7.9 . (3.27)
Va = ^pK(u'^) . (3.29)
Therefore, the distribution of the turbulence level, which varies across the
boundary layer, alters the statistical characteristics of the microbubbles' in
ception performance across the boundary layer. This phenomenon was firstly
demonstrated by Daily & Johnson, 1956 [3.52]. They applied Prandtl's or
der of magnitude argument to Reynolds' equation for 2D steady flow in x
direction and assumed the gradients of turbulence terms are negligible in the
x direction. A simple relation is obtained [3.65] as follows
Turbulent boundary layer
p + pv12 = p i ( x )
where p\ (x): pressure in the free flow region beyond the boundary layer
where v'2 is negligible (referring to Figure 3.32);
p: mean pressure.
This relation indicates that the lowest mean pressure across the boundary
layer is at the location where the turbulence level is highest. It is obvious
that bubbles at this particular location have the highest probability to cav-
itate owing to the minimum value of mean pressure p and the maximum
value of instant pressure drop pt- The variation of va across the boundary
layer thus shifting the statistical distribution of cavitating microbubbles was
experimentally observed by Daily & Johnson [3.52]. The value of vn usually
increases from zero at y/S = 0 to a maximum at y/S = 0.1 ~ 0.2 then
gradually reduces to a certain small value at y/6 = 1. Daily & Johnson have
shown that in a boundary layer the statistical distribution of the cavitating
bubble population (Figure 3.33(c)) moves away from the statistical distribu
tion of the total bubble population (Figure 3.33(a)) towards the boundary
wall and it peaks at a distance y/6 where vn reaches a maximum. Following
Daily & Johnson's work, Arndt & Ippen [3.40] show a similar turbulence
influence for the boundary wall with distributed roughness. The influences
of magnitude and time scale of turbulence on cavitation inception were also
demonstrated by many other studies on inception scale effect. Arakari &
Acosta, 1981 [3.36], emphasise the importance of time scale by postulating
that the turbulent fluctuations may actually stall the local flow near the
wall, leading to a brief period of separation or a turbulent burst with re
verse flow. Then the nuclei within these regions may be exposed to a low
pressure longer than would otherwise be the case, thereby promoting the
growth of microbubbles. This is supported by the fact that the frequency of
the most unstable Tollmien-Schlichting wave in the laminar boundary layer
just prior to transition (on a 1.5 cal ogive axisymmetric body used in their
experiment) is about 5 kHz equal to a reference time period of 0.2 msec for
growth, which is about the same order as the bubble life-time (0.1 msec) ob
served. Huang [3.62] found that the inception is correlated with the spatial
amplification ratio A through the mechanism of laminar to turbulent tran
sition or laminar separation. For the tunnel with low level of free-stream
Nucleation and Inception"). It is also found, e.g. [3.72], that due to the
Off-body Effect*0, the statistical distribution of cavitating bubble population
along the off-body direction (i.e. perpendicular to the surface) will be altered
since the off-body distance, which is a dominating factor in bubble's cavi
tating, has been randomly changed owing to the off-body effect. Therefore,
all these factors possessing strong randomness will thus affect the statistical
That is, the bubbles will deviate off the convex boundary surface when they travel in
the flow.
<Ti = CtCs-^r .
whereas the turbulent kinetic energy -£- is often higher than that in bound
ary shear layer and so is the ratio of peak pressure drop pt to the rms value
p' 2 [3-52],
= 10 ~ 13 .
Therefore, much higher local pressure drops will randomly occur in such
turbulent shear flows, leading to a much higher inception coefficient values
than in boundary shear flows.
For cavitation in a mixing layer, the temporal pressure fluctuations play a more im
portant role [3.38].
where Cp\, is the base pressure coefficient based on the local pressure and
The cavitation coefficiency OL is defined as CL = (J>L — Pv)/(^pUl), here PL is the
minimum local pressure above the shear region; p„ and p are the water vapour pressure
and density respectively; UL is the maximum velocity above the shear layer.
(a) (b)
(e) (0
velocity. Owing to the random nature of the vortices and pressure fluctua
tions, the cavitation inception takes place at random locations throughout
the shear layer and no clear downstream or upstream location of the most
probable occurrence of inception could be found. Another feature of this
vortex cavitation is its shedding frequency which is characterised by the
Strouhal number
where /: vortex shedding frequency;
d: characteristic length, e.g. the jet diameter;
U: characteristic velocity, e.g. the jet velocity.
This is because the coherent structures play a vital role in the determination
of large-scale pressure fluctuations. For example, the cavitation in ring-like
bursts in turbulent jets appear to have a Strouhal number close to the value
(0.5) for the coherent vortex ring structure in the non-cavitating jet [3.38].
This Strouhal frequency often adds a periodic attribution to the randomness
of cavitation (Further discussion can be found in §3.9 "Power Spectrum of
Cavitation Noise"). The occurrence of cavitation will also alter the flow
structure. Young & Holl [3.81] and France & Michel [3.56] reported the
variations of vortex spacing and Strouhal frequency with cavitation number.
(a) Trigger transducer is at x/d — 1.25 and r/d = 1.5; (b) Trigger transducer
is at x/d — 2.5 and r/d — 1.5
N |/No Poo =1.7 bar; Vj=17 5 m/s N l/No p„ = |,7bar; Vj=17.5 m/s
050 O.SU
N | -number of pressure peaks with N l -number of pressure peaks with
040 the indicated amplitude 0.40 the indicated amplitude
No -total number of pressure peaks No -total number of pressure peaks
0.30 0.30
ooo I
■ ■
HiMM li
■ 11
-10 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4
-0< -0.2 00 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -02 00
C M P 1 -P ooV(05 pVj 5 Cp=(P 1 -P oo)/(0.5 PVj \
(a) (b)
Obviously, this assumption neglects the capture effect of bubbles by the vortices
as demonstrated by Chahine's study (see "Single/Individual Bubble Study" of §3.7.4
timate the probability of inception /J.(<J = <Ti,x, r) by
Here, fi(p < pv — ^,x,r) is the probability that the local pressure is low
enough to induce inception (which can be evaluated from the probability
density distribution of pressure peaks), and fi{R, x, r) is the probability that
a bubble presents at the site (which can be evaluated from the test as shown
in Figure 3.38). It is noticed that there is a local bubble population den-
MCitucin »
Figure 3.39: Probability of cavitation inception within the entire near field,
i.e. 0 < x/d < 3.5 and 0 < r/d < 1.0 (Ran & Katz 1993 [3.76])
(a) Contour plots; (b) Comparison with another two cases which assumed a
uniform bubble-density and a uniform bubble-flux respectively
for three cases of different bubble distributions (i.e. the measured density
distribution, uniform density distribution and uniform bubble flux distri
bution 25 ), referring to Figure 3.39(b). This result is a good example of
bubble-flow interaction: The migration of bubbles into the primary vor
tices increases the bubble density at the locations of high-negative-pressure
peaks, leading to a higher likelihood of cavitation inception. Therefore, the
inception probability for the measured bubble distribution possesses highest
In the last case, bubble flux in the shear layer is uniformly distributed but the bubble
density decreases along the x direction as the shear layer grows.
values over the range of a = 0.84 ~ 0.96, i.e. the re-distribution of bubble
density by the bubble-flow interaction modifies the statistical characteristics
of cavitation bubbles in terms of promoting their inception.
In this jet flow, inception occurs in pairing vortices rather than in the
braid region (i.e. the secondary structure as demonstrated by O'hern [3.74]
in the 2D free shear layer flow). This can be reasoned as follows [3.76]. The
circulation of a single vortex can be estimated as VjA (A is the characteristic
wave length). With a Rankine vortex model, the pressure coefficient in the
centre of vortex is
r, Pc-Poo 1_ /_A_
°p \pVJ ~ TT^UC
During early stages of vortex pairing, the radius of vortex ring rv increases
from rv/d — 0.62 to 0.77, causing the vortex stretching and ac reducing. If
the volume of the vortex ring, i.e. a%rv, remains constant, the cavitation
inception number Oi (i.e. —Op) is then proportional to rv. Therefore, the
stretching increases the value of —C'v from 0.78 to 0.97, resulting in the early
inception in the stage of vortex pairing. However, if the jet diameter is large
enough, the high-pressure peaks and corresponding inception would firstly
occur in the braids because the secondary structure of shear layer for larger
jet plays more significant role and so does its stretching.
The attempt, by using the Kolmogorov theory for homogeneous and
isotropic turbulence, to relate the properties of the temporal pressure field
to cavitation inception for both free turbulent shear flow and fully developed
boundary-layer flow has been made by Arndt & George 1979 [3.39]. For
free shear flow, a hypothetical pressure spectrum in Lagrangian frame of
reference (Figure 3.40) was proposed for analysing the bubble responses to
the pressure fluctuations. The spectrum is normalised with respect to the
mean square pressure and the Lagrangian time scale, d,
d ~ -7
here / is the length scale of smallest eddies, u' is its velocity. Based on Figure
3.40(a), by integrating the spectrum from u> = 0 to w = ^~ (TB is the time
scale for bubble growth at inception) and assuming a normal distribution
of nuclei size, the fraction of the mean square pressure contributing to bub
ble growth without appreciable tension can be evaluated since any pressure
fluctuation will persist for a time longer than the time scale of bubble as
long as its frequency w is less than J-. If the bubble frequency is larger
f Ap^coOdco'
A nn(CO)
Mean square pressurefluctuation(Lagrangian)
(a) (b)
,TB -- II u
, T
25 - =0.1 25 =1.5
' - 1 I h
20 - 1 _ 20
r 1
15 - 15 -
' 1 1
10 - 1 10 1
— J
|~ 1 ,__, _ 1
5 r. 5 -
1 1
1 1 ">- 1 1 i i r~l—
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 0 .2 .4 .6 1.0 1.2
y/ 8 y/ 6
the nuclei in the flow will have enough time to respond to the entire spec
trum. Otherwise only a fraction below the frequency of ?p- is sensed by
the bubbles. The experiment by Arndt & Ippen [3.40] demonstrates the
impact of above time-scale ratio on the statistical characteristics of bubble
cavitation performance: the zone of maximum cavitation is shifted inwards
as ( ^ ) TB is reduced from 1.5 to 0.1 (Figure 3.41).
3.7.5 Remarks
The stochasticities of the original nucleus properties are modified and char
acterised by bubble-boundary, bubble-bubble and bubble-flow interactions
throughout entire cavitation process. The resultant cavitation and the asso
ciated noise is thus a highly stochastic phenomenon.
Cavitation is not only a passive visualisation of flow; it also changes
the flow structure. Therefore, the resultant flow is definitely not the non-
cavitated structure embedded with bubbles.
The introduction of flow-wall interaction by using a compliant bound
ary will lead to a triple interaction between bubble-flow-wall, resulting in
a more complicated stochastic process which is still a subject that has not
been addressed. A Markov chain featured by a random-walk model with an
Un = mT0 + A m
This model is applicable to the early stage of cavitations in which the bubble
generation is periodically controlled, such as acoustic cavitation, turbine
blades and ship propeller cavitation.
Instead of assuming the identical single events (i.e. each event has same
waveform and amplitudes), Morozov, 1969 [3.73], proposed a model of Gen
eralised Random Pulse Train to simulate the cavitations in which the event
appearance time, amplitude and duration all can be random variables. The
Pit) =VmZ~*
to detect and monitor cavitation activities associated with warships. Nowa
days, it is also being used for various industrial applications, e.g. turbine
cavitation monitoring.
In reality, cavitation signals are mixed with turbulence and machine
noise. Hence, it is vital to distinguish cavitation noise from the background
noise by various detection techniques in the first place. The features of cav
itation signals picked up by hydrophones are also affected by the following
three factors. (1) The mechanism generating the cavitation plays an domi
nant role in creating distinctive features in the spectrum. (2) The distance
from the cavitation source to the hydrophone affects the recorded pressure
waves since the dispersion effect alters the waves with travelling distance.
(3) The containment, i.e. if cavitation does not occur in an effectively un
bounded medium, should be considered. If the hydrophone is placed near
the wall within the distance of wavelengthx(27r) _1 , the reverberant effect
strongly depends on the nature of the wall boundary and the pressure wave
frequency. Otherwise, the pressure sensed by the hydrophone is indepen
dent of wall nature. For flush-mounted hydrophone, if the wave length is
not much smaller than the surface dimension of hydrophone, the pressure
sensed will be influenced by the adjacent boundary subject to its acoustic
impedance. Further detail on the reverberant effect is beyond the scope of
this book. For information on this topic, particular for commonly used test
facilities, reference [3.46] is suggested.
radius and the resultant sound pressure are calculated based on Rayleigh-
Plesset equation. The bubble is also assumed to collapse to an indefinitely
small radius and to rebound with an arbitrarily postulated loss of energy.
The result is shown in Figures 3.42 and 3.43. Here, pe is the environmental
IP* Es.
RP 0 'P 0
pressure that would exist at the bubble trajectory in the bubble's absence;
ps is the resultant sound pressure which is evaluated based on linear sound
theory 29 ; R\ is the maximum radius of bubble and Po is a reference pressure
equal to the pressure difference between the external pressure pe at the in
stance of final phase of collapse and the vapour pressure. The dotted lines
in Figure 3.42 indicate the result for the case that the external pressure is
constant and equal to Po- The sound pressure firstly oscillates once due to
the growth and the initial phase of collapse, and then rises rapidly reaching
an extremely high value and forming a narrow "spike" owing to the violent
That is, ps(r,t) = pV 4|ry , here V is the instantaneous volume of cavity, r is the
distance to the cavity centre, C is the sound speed.
collapsing at the final phase of collapse. The life time of bubble, i.e. the
time span from initial growth to final collapse, determines the features of
the low-frequency portion of the energy spectrum (Figure 3.44). The peaks
in the spectrum locate at the frequencies of the order of reciprocal of life
time, and the spectral density at lower frequency region varies (increases) as
the fourth power of frequency, i.e. f4 relation 30 . The oscillations appearing
in the spectrum are due to the multi-collapses of cavity. The oscillations
will be smoothed out for the case of multibubble events since the events are
correlated with each other. However, at higher frequencies, the smoothed
spectrum reveals itself even for the single-bubble case. The narrow spike
features in the high frequency portion of spectrum. The spectral density
at high frequencies varies (decreases) as the reciprocal of two-fifth power of
frequency, i.e. / _ 2 / 5 relation. However, it is known that at the final phase
of collapse the liquid compressibility is no longer negligible especially for va
porous cavity. Therefore, the spikes which possess the nature of a shock wave
This relation is based on the condition that the bubble is isolated from the interactions
with neighbouring bubbles and/or boundary. Otherwise, it would be modified accordingly.
0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 10.0
m,[P/R, f
Q _ P2TJ3
Q= 0{0.01
Q>1 f* = l/2it-cB
^ 0 \
sound theory as
« « . , ) - , ^
with its Fourier transform, P(f),
/ -oo
E(f) = pC
This spectrum is characterised by a maximum located approximately at the
frequency corresponding to the reciprocal of bubble life time TB followed by
E(f) = PC{\ + (27TT B /)2)
x(t)= ■
the Fourier transform of x(t) is
i ( i ' ) e - i 2 , r ^ dt';
/ -oo
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128 Cavitation
E(f) =| X(f) |2 .
Thus, the cavitation noise, which consists of a sequence of single events
xm (m = 1,2,3, • • • N) in a certain sampling period T, can be expressed as
y(t,T)= £x m (t-0 m )
here 6m is the occurrence time of the mth event xm. The Fourier transform
of y(t,T) is
Y(f,T)= J2 ^m(/)e-*^m
here Xm(f) is the Fourier transform of the mth single event xm. The power
spectral density of cavitation noise produced by such a sequence of single
events is
4>{f) = ^ i m ^ i | y(/,T) | 2 }
K m=ln=l )
1 /
= n lim — V E ( | Xm | 2 )
■N-lN-m iu{e 9 1\
+2fi e Y: J:
E{xmxuke~ -~ ^}
fc=l J /
If the following additional assumptions are made: (a) The random variables
of amplitude and shape of the single event x(t) are entirely independent of
the variables related to the features of the sequence such as the occurrence
time 0\ (b) the values of random variables for any single event in the sequence
are independent of the values for other events in the sequence; and (c) the
process is a stationary random process, then the power spectral density can
be written as
r « - l JV-m
^(/)=n||X(/)|2+|Jf(/)|2Alimo-fie Y" y e-iu($n-em+k)
m=l Jfc=l
with the following notations
X{J)? = E{\Xm(f)\2};
Xjf) = E{Xm(f)};
-iu{om-em+k) E fe-M9m-em+k)\
Poisson Process
For cavitation where the bubbles are entirely independent of each other, the
cavitation noise process is often assumed to be a Poisson process, i.e. the
events occur in such a way that the probability density of time interval A
between successive single events (referring to Figure 3.47(a)) obeys
WP(A) = A_1e-A/X
11 To | To | To | j t
(a) (b)
Figure 3.47: Random sequences of single events x. (a) Time interval A; (b)
Deviation A from the periodicity TQ
1.00 I- W(A)
W(A) = A e A
0 1
Figure 3.48: The Gamma (r) distributions and the Poisson distribution
8m = J2AJ,
the following holds
e-Mem-em+k) = uk^ (3 31)
Substituting (3.31) into (3.30) and replacing the last term with its limiting
4>(f)=n(] X I2 + 2 | X Y Re
+ (nX(0)) S(f-0)
.1 - " A
here 8(f — 0) is the Delta function for / = 0,
1, / = 0 ;
8 =
0, / ? 0 .
Re 0.
.1 - « A
That is, the power spectral density consists of a continuous component and
a spectral line at / = 0. This result indicates that except for / — 0, the
power spectral density </>(/) is equal to that the mean value of energy spectral
densities of single events, | X(f) | 2 , times the mean event rate n ( = ^ ) , which
is often referred as the Campbell theorem 32 .
Generalised Process
Morozov [3.73] further generalised his model to simulate sequences of single
events with various stochastic natures, allowing (referringv5ch3-9.tex to §3.8
"Stochastic Models of Cavitation Bubbles"): (a) the pattern of event x(t)
to be various functions; (b) the characteristic parameters of event x(t) to be
random variables; and (c) the process to be different random processes other
than the Poisson process. For the conciseness of formulae, here the event
is assumed to be identical, i.e. |A"|2 = |X| 2 = |X| 2 , and Baiter's notation
[3.41, 3.42] is followed, although there are no difficulties in extending to the
case where both the event patternv5ch3.9.tex and its parameters are random
variables as in [3.73].
If the time interval A renders a Gamma (r) distribution, that is
Wr(A) = V . ( A°-'e-°AM a ^ i
It was Morozov, 1969 [3.73], who borrowed the Campbell theorem from communication
theory and applied it to cavitation noise study.
the power spectral density <fi(f) for such a Gamma process can be obtained
following a similar procedure as for the Poisson process. Function V(/) OI"
the power spectral density <f>(f) is often used to characterise the random
process, which is defined as
n | X(f) |2 •
iK/) = ^y+nS(f-0) / = 0;
i>U) = 1 /->oo. .
With a decreasing value of 2A- (i.e. the events have more regularity in occur
rence time such as the bubbles associated with shed vortices) several maxima
emerge at / A = 1,2,3, •••. It is noticeable that when o\/h. = 1 (i.e. the
case of a Poisson process, for which a = 1) the value of ip(f) is always unity,
which again indicates the Campbell theorem.
For a Gaussian process, i.e.
as shown in Figure 3.49(b). It has similar features as for the Gamma process
except for some minor deviation of i>{f) (when SA- = 1) from unity in the
region near / = 0. Therefore, it is practically acceptable that the Campbell
theorem is still valid for a Gaussian process as long as the single events have
1 1
b uJT :
c c
d 1/2 d 1/2
e i/VT e i/VT
f 1//T0 f 1/ -/To
g 1//20 8 1//20
h 11 Jw h 1//40
, c b " /I
d . I /f
e V^^w
f V_y
1 l
1 2 f A 3
4 f To
4 f To
4 f To
0m - mT0 + A m
here A m is a random variable which indicates the deviation of the mth event
from periodicity. Following the same procedure as before, the function ip(f)
is obtained as
1 T= + 0O , v
2 2 s
V(/) = 1 - | U A | + - | U A | £ [f-jr)
For comparison, assuming both the time interval A for the regularity case
and the deviation A for the periodicity case are Gaussian distributions, their
characteristic functions of time intervals are
«A(/) Regularity case ;
«A(/) Periodicity case ,
A T0
The resultant ip{f) for both cases are shown in Figure 3.50. Since the time
Excess Power
Owing to the overlap of events in the random process, the total power of the
process, y2, differs from that evaluated as if these events were isolated. This
difference is referred_as Excess Power by Baiter et al [3.42].
The total power y2 can be related to the power spectral density 4>{f) by
v2 = / 4>(f)4f
- 000
J— 0
y = nX(0) .
For the sequence of single events statistically independent of each other, after
inserting eqn (3.32), the above reads as
r+oo r+oo UA(f) ^2
y2 = n / | X(f) \2df + 2n | X(f) I Re. df + y
J—oo J-oo 1-«A(/)J
Thus, the total power y is composed of two parts. The first term is the
power corresponding to the value computed as if the events were isolated
(i.e. no overlap). The second and third terms are the excess power due to
the event-overlap. Indeed, the excess power comes from the difference that
the square of the sum of the instantaneous amplitudes of overlapped events
is larger than the sum of the squares of amplitudes of individual events
By assuming a Gamma (r) distribution of time interval A and a expo
nential function of event x(t'), i.e.
Wr(A) = ^ { A^-^-^/A
x(t) — ae * ,
the relations of process nature with excess power can be obtained as follows:
becomes smaller than y2 subject to the value of £ (i.e. the separation
level of events);
3. For j —► oo, i.e. entirely separated events, the excess power equals
4. For, j -> 0, i.e. the strong overlap case, the excess power becomes
2<7 2
dominant if -—^ > 1.
where xmy.
/xth event within the mth cluster;
occurrence time of mth cluster;
relative occurrence time of /xth event to the occurrence
time, 9m, of mth cluster;
Nx(m): number of events, xm, within the mth cluster.
The sequence of clusters of events in time period (0,T) is
y(t,T)= J2vm(t-em)
here Nc is the number of clusters. Analogously, the power spectral density
<p(f) for the cavitation consisting of clusters can be generally expressed as
& -fyl-
k\J\i\ i\.
- e fyi
— du-l-H -— X-fi. 8n
2 3....
f|\ fi\ fl\A /P\
^o ^o
(b) (c)
Figure 3.51: Models for the cluster of single events (Baiter et al 1982 [3.42])
(a) Subcase a: the relative occurrence time d of events is an independent
random variable; (b) Subcase b: the time interval A between the successive
events is an independent random variable; (c) Subcase c: the deviation S of
the event-occurrence time from the periodicity is an independent random
Vm(t')e-'ut dt' .
Basic Models
Baiter applies the same assumptions made for the single events (§3.9.3 "Spec
trum for Sequence of Single Events") to clusters by taking the cluster analo
gously as the quasi-single event. The sequence of clusters can be categorised
as two basic cases: Case A and Case B.
Case A is a sequence of clusters such that the time interval A between
successive clusters is a statistically independent random variable. Its power
here n^ is the mean rate of clusters, which can be related to the mean rate of
single events nby n — n^- NQ, if the number of events in clusters is assumed
to take a constant value No.
Case B is a sequence of clusters such that the deviation A of cluster
occurrence from the exact period To is an independent random variable, but
not the time interval. Its power spectral density <f>(f) is
1_ r=+oo
4>(f) = 7F{\H I 2 - I uAH \2) + ^ \ uAH | 2 £ S (/ (3.36)
The nature of the spectrum <j)(f) is dominated by the properties of H(f)
and | H(f) | 2 . With some assumptions 33 , the simplified expressions for H(f)
and | H(f) | 2 can be obtained in the forms,
NX = A M=l
H{f)\2 = Nx\X(f)\* + 2\X(f)\2 Yl P(Nx)Re
NX=A 11=1 1/=1
where X:
expectation of the Fourier transforms of single events x^
within the cluster;
P(NX): probability of a cluster consisting of Nx single events;
A, B: upper and lower limits of Nx.
The values of exp(—iud^) and exp(—iuj{d^ — ■dll+ll)) in the above expres
sions for H(f) and | H(f) | 2 are determined by the sequence nature of single
events within the cluster. Accordingly, three types of subcases, i.e. Subcases
a, b, c, are further defined by Baiter as follows.
They are: (a) the clusters having same number of single events will produce the same
expectation values of the Fourier transforms of single events; (b) the expectation values
of the Fourier transforms for single events within the cluster are independent of Nx; (c)
the random variables related to the event's shape and amplitude are independent of the
variables related to the sequence of events; (d) the values of the shape and amplitude
variables for any single event are independent of those values for other events; and, (e)
as far as the shape and amplitude variables are concerned, the sequence is a stationary
Subcase a is for an event sequence in the cluster such that the event
occurrence time t? relative to the cluster occurrence time is an independent
random variable, referring to Figure 3.51(a). This subcase implies that the
noise events are produced by a cavitation cloud such that the bubbles in the
cloud collapse in parallel (collectively) rather than serially. Its expressions
for H(f) and | H(f) | 2 are
*„ = !> i=2
the following expressions are obtained,
B l-uN'(f\
H{f) = X(f) £ P(NX) * y ; (3.39)
usifWU)?Tvt^-4S W ^ ^sin(wTo/2)
f y ); -(3.42)
Thus, the appropriate combinations of both the basic case for cluster-
sequence and the subcase for event-sequence can be selected, forming a suit
able model to simulate a particular random process of cavitation noise which
consists of a sequence of clusters. For example, Model Ba, which is the com
bination of Case B and Subcase a, is capable of simulating a cavitation noise
process such that its time interval A for the cluster sequence is dominated
by a period 7Q (not an independent variable) whereas the deviation A from
the periodicity is an independent variable; and, within the cluster, the rela
tive occurrence time d for the events is an independent variable (obeying a
Poisson distribution, say).
Properties of Spectra
The properties of spectra for these cluster models are distinguished by the
variations of H(f) and | H(f) | 2 . For investigating such variations, Baiter
et al [3.42] defines a function x(f) by assuming a event-number equality in
clusters (i.e. Nx — NQ = const),
X(f) =
which solely reflects the nature of event-sequence within the cluster. For
Subcase a,
X = N0u# ;
2 |„ |2
YF = ^o(l-|^|2)+iVo2 U0 I
For Subcase b,
(1-«A) '
= N0(l + 2Re -2Re
.1 ~u\ (1-«A)2
For Subcase c,
X = us- s i n ( ^ )
2 2
X| = JV„ ( l - K | ) + | us
If a Gaussian distribution is assigned to the time variables (i9, A and S), their
characteristic functions become
In order to make the comparison on an equal basis of u#, u\ and 14,5, let
1 _ 12 J O Subcases a and c ;
' X ' "*■ j 1 Subcase b .
(3) When the values of random variables are scattered most widely, (i.e.
Ctf/Aae = 1/V^> CTA/A = 1 and ag/ro = l / \ / 2 ) , the transition process from
the maximum at 7 = 0 to the asymptote is completed well before 3" = 1 for
these three subcases, but the maximum of Subcase a is relatively broader;
(4) When the scattering level reduces by 10 times (referring to the right
l fXae 0 1 2 3 4 fXae
Subcase a
fX 0 l 2 3 4 | fX
Subcase b
25- Ixl 2
20_ 1/J200
o 8 /x 0 =l/J~2 (1
1 \„„„/\~ r\
! fx0 0 1 2 3 4 fx0
Subcase c
The limit frequency / j , (Subcases a and b), which characterises the broad
ening limit of the spectral maximum towards higher frequency, is (Baiter
fl = Subcase a ;
/, = 0.7 (XN) Subcase b .
The variables a# and A play the similar role in Subcases a and b. There is
an additional factor N for Subcase b. With the increase of N, the maximum*
at / = 0 firstly becomes higher and narrower then eventually reduces to
a spectral line at / = 0 when N —> oo, which actually becomes the case
for the sequence of single events. In other words, it is the formation of
l fXae o 1 5 3 4 fX ae
Subcase a
25- Ixl2
1 O g /To=l/»T2
^ No=5»
! fT 0 o l 2 3 4 fx 0
Subcase c
cluster (i.e. the breakdown of the sequence of single events into such limited
sequences in which the number of single events are finite value) that causes
the transformation of the spectral line at / = 0 into a maximum with a
hump shape and its further broadening towards the higher frequency range
with decreasing N.
The spectral features can be further revealed by examining the spectral
density <j>(f) for models Aa and Ba with the assumption that the random
variables obey a Gaussian distribution 34 . Combining the appropriate formu-
The usage of subcase a and the Gaussian assumption are not necessary, it is only
V>(/) =
(12*2*JV) _ cos(27rA/)
For model Ba,
4>(f) = wt(\X(f)\H\X(f)\2e-^^2(^-l-Ne-^^A\
the amplified maximum in the power spectral density <j>{f) will locate at the
frequency fmax (fmax ~ Im)- This amplification can be demonstrated by
model Aa. With some assumptions 35 , the <p(f) for model Aa reduces to
<t>U) * fh I | X(f) |2 + I _ _ i l | X(f) |M . (3.45)
<Prnax=fHXH^(^A •
Here, niX2(Q) is the value of <j)(f) as if the total single events were Poisson
processes. The amplification factor is N(A/(2TTUA))2-
(3) The periodicity of cluster formation such as rendered by the basic case
B will produce a maximum on the continuous part of the spectrum. This
effect can be demonstrated by model Ba with the single events of Q > 1,
referring to Figure 3.46(c). Similarly, at frequency fmax,
T h e assumptions are: (a) <TA/A = 1 so that V'C/) = 1 excluding the influence of
frequency dependence of rp(f) in eqn.(3.43); (b) <T$ is such a small value t h a t a^ < TB
and ezp(—(27rcrtf/) 2 /2) ss 1 for / = / m to exclude the frequency dependence of o#.
By taking | X(f) | 2 and | X(f) | 2 to be approximately the same shape and magnitude.
They are: (a) the single event is of Q < 0.01, referring to Figure 3.46(b); (b) A > 2TTTB;
and, (c) (70 is so small compared with TB that e~^2",,s^' « 1 to exclude the frequency
t h e m a x i m u m of <f>{f) b a s e d o n e q n (3.44) is
The amplification factor ft and the frequency fmax depend on the ratio 3 8 of
Ctf/^A- For all three maximum-production/amplification cases, the values of
fmax at which the maxima are located are less than the limiting frequencies,
/(. The introduction/amplification of spectral maxima by cluster formation
agrees quite well with the observed phenomenon: The power spectral density
<t>{}) from some cavitations such as the submerged jet and ship propeller
cavitations often has a maximum above the plateau by 10 to 20 dB (as shown
in Figure 3.54) which would be hardly explained by the maximum produced
in the energy spectrum E(f) of single events. Baiter [3.41] further shows
fmax fj logf
For the low ratio, for say <TO/<7A <C 1, the single events within the clusters are
highly overlapped and the periodicity of clusters is extremely low producing additional
event-overlap probability owing to the increased cluster-overlap. This results in fmax ~
{2iro-&)~1(2\n f ^ - p and ( I K N. For the high ratio, for say o#/o-& > 1, the single events
are fairly scattered within the clusters whereas the high periodicity of cluster formation
further reduces the event-overlap probability brought up by cluster-overlap. In such case,
/ . » . , * 5^7 and n * J V ( S * ) V .
that the down slope from the maximum to the plateau obeys an f~b law
where the value of b is governed by the probability distribution, P(N = k),
of event-number N within the cluster,
P(N = k) =
For some practical cavitation situations, the value of z falls within — 2 < z <
—1, which means a high probability for isolated single events (i.e. TV = 1)
and a low probability for clusters (i.e. N > 1). For such a range of z, b is
valued as 1 ~ 2.
3.9.5 S p e c t r u m for C o m p r e h e n s i v e S e q u e n c e
(Real Cavitation Noise)
Real cavitation noise is nearly always composed of both isolated single events
and clusters. Proper combinations of both models for single-event sequence
and cluster-sequence can simulate various cavitation processes.
The simulation of propeller cavitation noise by a comprehensive sequence
[3.42] is demonstrated. The proposed comprehensive sequence is shown in
Figure 3.55, which is a periodic sequence of clusters with period TQ. The
cluster rj is initiated by a single event xa with time delay A then followed
by a sub-cluster rjt, composed of single events Xf, (Subcase a) with time delay
£. These time parameters are assumed to be random variables. This model
corresponds to a cavitation environment such that at each time when a blade
of a ship's propeller enters the wake flow a sheet of cavitation forms which
produces the single event xa\ then the sheet is detached from the blade and
entrained to downstream in a cloud form, producing the sub-cluster r/b by
its collapse. The use of Subcase a implies a tendency for parallel collapses
of bubbles in the cloud. The period T 0 is the reciprocal of blade-passing
Cluster 77 can be written as
-n 1
»■ A -djl-
xa b,^
Figure 3.55: A comprehensive sequence model for the cavitation noise from
a ship propeller (Baiter et al 1982 [3.42])
the occurrence time of cluster. With some assumptions39, the expressions
for | H | 2 and | H | 2 can be obtained,
%a(t) — -a—e
2(' M
They are the same as those made for Xa(f) and Ht,{f) in §3.9.3 and §3.9.4 plus the
assumption of £ being an independent random variable.
y m .v^ 2 -(y) 2
Since the single events xt, in the sub-cluster r)b are simulated by Subcase a,
the expressions of i/j and | i/^ | 2 can be evaluated according to eqns (3.37)
and (3.38). The single events in the sub-cluster are expressed as
xb(t') = be >>
Xb(f) = b—^- .
1 + 2a;r(,
With selected parameter values and some simplifications 40 , the power spec
tral density cf>(f) is obtained (Figure 3.56). 4>(f) (which is multiplied by
To/(brt,)2) is composed of both a continuous part indicated by the solid line
and discrete spectral lines.
The pattern of the continuous part of <f>(f) resembles the experimentally
observed pattern quite well, referring to Figure 4.56. It is characterised
by a steep initial rise at low frequency followed by a broad maximum of
hump-form, in which there are several small peaks, then along the downward
slope dropping onto a plateau and finally rolling off at high frequency. The
dashed line indicates the pattern that the spectral density would have if the
cavitation noise were only composed of the sub-cluster events Xb (therefore,
the sub-cluster rn, renders the basic features of <f>{f))- If the event xa were
taken into account but its correlation with sub-cluster neglected, the curve
would be modified to the pattern indicated by the dotted line. The difference
between the dotted line and solid line just represents the correlation between
the event xa with the sub-cluster TJ^1. The roll-off frequency at point B is
The simplifications are: (a) Both the single event xa and the events xt, are uniform, i.e.
the amplitudes a, 6 and time parameters T 0 , U are all constant values; (b) The number of
events contained in sub-clusters is constant value ./Vo; (c) The random variables £, A and
d are all Gaussian distributions. The rather arbitrarily selected values of parameters are:
| = 10- 3 , N0 = 10, ( = 2 x 1 0 - \ i = 8 x 10- 2 , f£ = 10- 5 , % = 2 x 10" 2 , ft =
2 x 10~2, £*■ = 2 x 10 - 3 .
41 °
The role of event xa is producing a peak E on the dotted line (the frequency at which
peak E appears depends on ra andCTA).However, this peak E fades away and, instead,
two peaks F and G emerge in the resultant spectrum owing to the correlation between xa
and rj6 subject to the selection of their parameters. The frequencies corresponding to the
peaks F and G are determined by f, T„, T),, <TA and <7{.
<D To F
10 -
(bXh )
•'Is ' ^\ 1
c 10 log No B
A 1 - •'/ 1 *
7 1/
.■/ /
\ - A
i '
i/^ Hump Plateau
10 fTo
1 3 4 10 2 3 4 5
<D To 2 ■
10 10 10 10
fTo=l \ 5
2 10 ^-6
(bTb )
0 - Hight
of line
' 1 2 3 4
i fTo
10 10 10 10
/ * = 1/(27TT(,) and slope A obeys an f~2 law, which agrees with theoretical
studies and experimental investigations. If the events Xf, in the sub-cluster
were a Poisson process (which belong to Subcase b, i.e. the events Xj, were
more scattered than Subcase a) the plateau would extend all the way down to
zero frequency instead of the hump. The hump (maximum) rises above the
plateau by lOlogNodB. The frequency, fmax, corresponding to the hump
summit D is
ln[l + * M
Jmax - 2?r
N ^A+ C T |
fl =
The pattern of discrete spectral lines indicates that the cavitation noise
has strong periodicity. Its features depend on the natures of event xa and
sub-cluster rjb and their correlation. The discrete value of <j>(f) at / = 0 is
valued as {brbNo/To)26(f — 0) which corresponds to 102 dB for the line at
/ = 0 (Figure 3.56).
Through this example, it is evident that: (a) it is possible to simulate real
cavitation noise by using a properly configurated comprehensive sequence
model; and reversely, (b) the mechanism by which the cavitation noise is
generated can be investigated by analysing the features of the observed cav
itation noise spectrum.
3.36 Arakeri, V. H. and Acosta, A. (1981), 'Viscous Effects in the Incep
tion of Cavitation', ASME J. Fluid Eng. 103, pp280-287.
3.42 Baiter, H. J., Gruneis, F. and Tilmann, P. (1982), 'An Extended Base
for the Statistical Description of Cavitation Noise', ASME Int. Symp.
on Cavitation Noise, pp93-108.
3.53 Dear, J. P. and Field, J. E. (1988), 'A study of the Collapse of Arrays
of Cavities', J. Fluid Mech. 190, pp409-425.
3.54 Delius, M., Miiller, M., Vogel, A. and Brendel, W. (1988), 'Shock
Waves and Cavitation', in Biliary Lithotripsy, Chicago: Yearbook.
3.76 Ran, B. and Katz, J. (1993), 'Pressure Fluctuation and their Effect on
Cavitation Inception within Water Jet', ASME FED 153, ppl57-164.
3.77 Shima, A. et al (1989), 'The Growth and Collapse of Cavitation Bub
bles Near Composite Surface', J. Fluid Mech. 203, ppl99-214.
Cavitating Flow
4.1 General Features
H. Murai
Among the main effects (mainly negative) caused by cavitation occurring
in hydraulic machinery are (i) change in the performance characteristics, (ii)
generation of vibration and noise and (iii) damage. This chapter is concerned
mainly with (i).
Although there are various types of cavitation as tabulated in §2.1, those
having large influences on the flow field are sheet, travelling bubble and
vortical cavitations. The cavitation type depends on the number density of
cavitation nuclei, higher density favouring sheet, lower favouring bubble, a
moderate density sometimes giving rise to both types coexisting ( see Fig.
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158 Cavitation
11.4 m/s
of the cavitating body, the velocity of liquid adjacent to the cavity is nearly
(1 + CT)'1/2) times the free stream velocity at the front part of the cavity,
because the pressure in the cavity is nearly the vapour pressure. In the rear
part of the cavity, the surface gradually grows to be a bubbly two-phase
shear layer, enlarging the wake. At the downstream end of the cavity, the
stream adjacent to the cavity surface rejoins the guiding surface, and a part
of this stream flows back underneath the cavity along the guiding surface
[4.21]. Depending upon the magnitude of the momentum of this re-entrant
flow, it reaches part or all the way back to the upstream end of cavity, and
the flow as it was before the onset of cavitation or the flow with the cavity
of cut off length is recovered. The remaining cavity between the cavity
surface and the re-entrant flow is rolled up, forming a vortical cavity which
is transported downstream as cloud cavitation (Table 2.1) and contributes
to cavitation erosion. Immediately after the flow recovery, the new cavity
begins growing again. As the cycle of growth and shrinking is repeated,
the sheet cavitation is unsteady (until it grows so large that the re-entrant
flow has little momentum and has little effect on the cavity and the main
flow, which is called supercavitation) and causes the oscillating flow field
around the guiding surface and the oscillating force on the cavitating body.
This unsteady state is called transient cavitation. In certain conditions,
depending on the free stream velocity, the size or the configuration of the
obstacle at the downstream end of cavity, the cycle is not clear or almost
The static pressure in the sheet-cavitation cavity is a little higher than
the vapour pressure, because of the partial pressure of un-dissolved gas in the
cavity and the momentum of the re-entrant flow. The larger this difference
is, the larger the cavitation number is. Fig. 4.2 shows the variation of cavity
pressure on the NACA 4412 profile, in the form of cavitation number ak,
by taking the cavity pressure to be the vapour pressure, with the cavitation
number [4.10] .
NACA 0 a
4412 a P • r
a •°
<7 = cr K .
/ *£
/ <P • m 16° 30 FPS
0.4 a » 12° 30 FPS
^ Q JO & = 8' 30 FPS
o = 4* 30 FPS
0-2 4' 45 FPS
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
lateral force (lift) and the profile drag on the obstacle. In addition, the
presence of the cavity affects the behaviour of the boundary layer on the
surface, not only changing the skin friction but also moving the position of
the separation point to cause a change of flow field around, and forces, on
the obstacle. Furthermore, the cavity transported downstream spreads the
region of flow separation and the thickness of wake, increasing a hydraulic
11.4 m/s
JJ[>=V2>/v=2.0*10 9
fW/V e = i5
030 ■
02* ■
0» ■
0.22 ■
coo - 0 = 30°
02» *
0.26 - ■
024 • ••*. • v
* . *«
1 .1 i i i _, i i i
e =eo e
018 ■
0.22 0 = 90°
Of Ox
0> Q2 OJ 0.4 0.5 OS R7 0« 09 1.0
0.30 3.0
S r
s o X
0.22 \ N. 2.2
< > 3
> \. 0
0.14 9 1.4
(a) (b)
0 = 0.9
Figure 4.6: Cavitation on circular cylinder, (a) still photograph (left); (b)
moment photograph (right).
*Ro r It
J?=12*10» ^=2*10° to **
• **j ■ /*«
• /M * <4« • «4 • rn
OS i-4 .Rvr\x.
• r« • /<*#
a 7P» ♦ <*> • m • rtt
KN*2 « I • l I i > i
—%Z£* ^ U ♦
&£ rflT " fS « '/it
•en; :<!
«C to 1 iff H& lier
« ivf
C P = (P- P0)/(l/2pV0) a
(a) (b)
reference to the distributions of Cp in Fig. 4.7(a) and (b). For the flow of
Re > Rec, when the cavity is so small that its closure end re-attaches to the
cylinder surface, the frictional loss in the flow adjacent to the cavity surface
is smaller than that when the cavity surface was in contact with the cylinder
surface in the non-cavitating state, and the re-entrant jet at the cavity closure
gives a considerable momentum toward upstream to recover the pressure and
reduce CDP- Even after a cavity has developed beyond the cylinder surface,
the pressure recovery by the re-entrant jet is so maintained in the vicinity
of the tail end to mitigate the increase of CDP until its maximum, when the
pressure on the cylinder surface in the cavity becomes uniform. The flow
of Re < Rec causes a laminar separation and the pressure recovery on the
downstream surface is small in the non-cavitating flow, therefore, the CDP
difference caused by the cavitating flow is not much while the cavity is small
because the pressure recovery by the momentum of the re-entrant jet is also
small (owing to the large cavity pressure). Nevertheless, the cavity pressure
becomes uniform as soon as the cavity has developed beyond the cylinder
surface, resulting in the abrupt increase of CDP to a maximum.
From the above, it can be inferred that the hydraulic loss contributed by
cavitation mainly derives from the enlargement of the region of flow separa
tion and the thickness of wake caused by the transport of the mass of gas
phase at the grown stage of cavitation, although cavitation is also accompa
nied by energy dissipation caused by the phase changes, and the isolation and
dissolution between liquid and gas, and the momentum exchanges between
gas and liquid phases, and the solid wall.
H. Murai
Clark Y 8 % [4.36] and the ogival 8 % [4.30] , as examples of hydrofoils with
two different profile forms (ie. the airfoil and the thin-front types). In the
left hand parts of the figures, Xo/l and X/l (I is the chord length) show the
chord-wise positions (indicated on the abscissa) of upstream and downstream
(closure) edges of incipient cavitation for the attack angle (indicated on the
ordinate) in Zones I, III and II (ie. the vicinity of leading edge on the upper
surface, the rear portion on the upper surface, and the vicinity of leading
edge on the lower surface, respectively). The right hand parts of figures
show the variation of the chordwise position of the closure edge, X/l, of
cavity for a given attack angle (indicated on the ordinate) with the variation
of the cavitation number (indicated on the abscissa) in Zones I, II and III,
On C.Y.8 the cavitating zone transfers from Zone I to Zone III with
the increase of attack angle, and two types of cavitation, bubble and sheet
are mixed though there are more bubbles at a relatively small attack angle.
On 08, however, there is a lower limit to the attack angle, at an angle
smaller than which Zone I never cavitates and Zone III begins cavitating
at a relatively small cavitation number. Once the attack angle exceeds the
limit, Zone I begins cavitating initially with sheet type, and then Zone III
begins cavitating with bubble type, as the cavitation number decreases.
The position of the closure edge of the cavity indicated in Figs. 4.9 and
4.10 is the time-averaged value. The cavity length oscillates in a transient
range of cavitation number, from soon after inception to approaching su-
percavitation, and the oscillating force acts on the hydrofoil in the range,
especially violently while the time-averaged closure edge lies between 60-70%
and 110-120 % chord, when the instantaneous cavity closure edge crosses over
the trailing edge and the re-entrant jet hits the lower surface of the hydro
foil, in which case the circulation is large enough to let the re-entrant jet
Figure 4.9: Variation of front and rear edges, and length of cavitation with
cavitation number and attack angle on hydrofoil Clark Y 8 [4.36]. tw: water
temperature; a/a3: air content R = V l / 7 .
Figure 4.10: Variation of front and rear edges, and length of cavitation with
cavitation number and attack angle on hydrofoil 0& [4.30].
reach there around the trailing edge. The range of the violent oscillation is
indicated in the figures.
Performance of Hydrofoil
The following describes the variation of lift and drag coefficients with cavi
tation. The lift coefficient, CL, is initially unchanged when the inception of
cavitation in Zone I or II takes place (Fig. 4.11).
Figure 4.11: Variation of lift coefficient with cavitation number and attack
angle on hydrofoil Clark Y 8 [4.35].
Figure 4.12: Increase of lift by cavitation occurrence.
1 1111 1 I
i Profile Clark Y 8 r 0
w c UrlU-lWC — . y
M f*
J/ ■^SrmfV/wm V\
jt s _sL
- - © - • -?*
m f-2m
s -J,
n a
'0.1 OS ID IS 7.0 IS
Figure 4.13: Variation of drag coefficient with cavitation number and attack
angle on hydrofoil Clark Y 8 [4.35].
by the reduction of friction on the surface in contact with the cavity. The
increased region of low pressure inclined forward to the free stream in the
front part of chord also contributes to the drag reduction.
This drag reduction, together with the lift augmentation described above,
sometimes brings a performance improvement to hydraulic machinery. This
is especially so for a centrifugal impeller with backward blades, as in addition
to the effects described above, the cavity on the suction surface of blade is
pushed towards the surface by the centrifugal force on the water adjacent to
the cavity to make the cavity and its wake so thin that the drag is reduced
The hydrodynamic data, the aspects of cavitation occurrence, and the per
formance characteristics under cavitating and non^cavitating conditions of
the airfoil sections of Clark Y, Clark YH, RAF 6 [4.36], Munk 6, NACA
23012 [4.29], NACA 4412 and NACA 661-012 [4.19] are available.
Among them, the thickness ratios of the Clark YH and RAF 6 profiles
include 11.7 % and 6 %, and those of the Clark Y profile include every 2 %
from 4 % through 14 % (for details see [4.35]). Figs. 4.14(a), (b) and (c),
and 4.15(a), (b) and (c) show the examples.
On a Clark Y profile with a thickness ratio > 6 %, there exists the
transference of cavitating zone between Zones I and III with the change of
attack angle, but for thinner than 6 % there is a lower limit attack angle for
the Zone I cavitation to develop beyond a small certain limiting length, 5-10
% chord. The range of attack angle between that for the transference (from
Zone I cavitation to Zone III or the above limit) and that at which Zones
II and III begin cavitating simultaneously at a cavitation number 1 will be
wider if the thickness ratio is larger. But the cavitation number at which
Zone III begins cavitating will be smaller if the thickness ratio is smaller.
That is to say that in respect of cavitation occurrence, the thinner profile is
more sensitive to the change of attack angle.
The range of attack angle for strong oscillation will be wider if the thick
ness is smaller. The 14 % section does not oscillate strongly in the range of
attack angle between —3° and 5°.
From the comparisons on cavitation occurrence and development as made
above for 11.7 % and 6 % thickness sections of Clark Y, Clark YH and RAF
6, the relative superiority of the Clark Y profile, in spite of its relatively
simple profile, is noticed.
The variations of the lift and drag coefficients of hydrofoil type, including
Clark Y, due to the cavitation occurrence and development are qualitatively
identical to those described in §4.2.1 on the airfoil type. The dependence
on thickness of the variations of the lift and drag coefficients with cavitation
number of Clark Y profile is also qualitatively identical to the dependence
on the thickness of the airfoil type described in §4.2.1. Fig. 4.16 shows the
variation of the polar diagram with the thicknesses of Clark Y profile at
different cavitation numbers. It shows the relative superiority of the Clark
Y 8% profile at a small cavitation number.
Profile Clark Y 14
-1 1 —i
a Prauis UATK i 14
n %*m • -* r-
Sf ?j
i i * / ^)z/kma * i-wr at - r,r
,' <r
u IriU . .-/,•
n rnfc f
a ~/**t*t r-ifltf1l l-2mrOut
i cr
\*f '.' IS t p
(b )
w ~I
c S V P file Clark Y 14
/ V tw-m-an — a -r
/ V %<n — • r
- * ■ • /
/ ** N R*(VrU)'Uf
,Y V\
sv v
L —
— • -r.
• -/•.
S i \ ■,
N "v
^ \
k \ s•s. 5» i ]
yj j
<> I
s N
t a
Profile Omrk Y 4
/*, i.-iu-ivi
1 11 ?
1 1 1
PrafUa Clark Y 4
w a - !•
r if"((H(M/,J <-
u 1 1 1
u /£r .i/l-'lmtM
*]Mn L-i—'
. f
— j tlM . Ja*aor «" AAr dtf'
^ 3bj»««•r' f.
^d^" J1 M W _i 2\
(b )
I I I I I I T"
Profile Clark Y 4
Co. tr-IVHWC
— • ;•
Figure 4.16: Variation of polar diagram with cavitation number and thick
ness on Clark Y hydrofoils [4.35].
thickness ratio is larger. For medium and large thickness sections, there is
a cavitation-free range of attack angle between the Zone I lower limit angle
and the the Zone II upper limit angle. The cavitation occurrence number at
Zone III on a hydrofoil section of this group is generally considerably smaller
than that of a conventional airfoil section.
The maximum lift-drag ratio of a section of this group under the non-
cavitating state is considerably smaller, and the lift coefficient at the opti
mum attack angle is also smaller, except for a thin section, compared with
those of a conventional airfoil section.
Figure 4.17: Cascade arrangements, and velocities before and behind cas
cades. (a) decelerating cascade; (b) accelerating cascade.
decelerating accelerating
cascade angle at a = 0 25.73° 27.29°
pitch chord ratio 1.237 1.0
and (b). In the figures, the velocities in front and at the rear of the cascade
Vi, and V2, and their mean velocity V, to which the attack angle, the lift
and drag coefficients, and the cavitation number are referred, are also shown.
The cavitation number is defined as
° pV2/2
where P = Pi + pV?/2 - pV22/2
Decelerating Cascade
The attack angle of cavitation occurrence in each zone at a given cavitation
number shifts larger from that in the isolated condition by almost a fixed
value, c*i — a, as can be seen in Fig. 4.18, for the 06 profile for example
[4.33]. The lift coefficients at the occurrence of the Zone I cavitation in the
cascade and isolated conditions, however, are almost the same for the OQ
profile (the value for cascade is only a few per cent larger).
Profile 0 o
9,'25.13' faWt
ID Stifle tm^U-lltC %?M R*>W-/JHl*
between 1.4 and 1.2. Apart from this range, Clark Y 6 has a greater Ci
than Clark YH 6 for a range up to a cavitation number of 2.0, above which
the Ci of two profiles are more or less the same.
ft vi ui ui
m u* u* w
Accelerating Cascade
the lift coefficient larger than 0.6 at a cavitation number larger than 0.6.
The comparison of the drag coefficient at a given lift coefficient between
the two profiles show that Clark Y profile is superior generally, both in
the accelerating and decelerating cascade, especially in the range of small
cavitation number, except in the range of the lift coefficient larger than
around 1.0 at a cavitation number larger than 1.0, as is shown in Fig. 4.20.
1 1
/ NAS./MtS
b /^ /
A' _'
1 _L
fej / •*"*
^ —— X
26 90 (0 iff , ' /Of
y MS./2366> i
1 1 */ y
JX&* ^~
Figure 4.22: Suitability of pressure distribution [4.28].
number on the upper surface and the cavitation number at which the lift
coefficient begins reducing noticeably are larger than the other two profiles.
The main conclusions are: (i) the 3rd and 1st type pressure distributions
are suitable for decelerating and accelerating cascades, respectively, (ii) the
profile with the 1st type distribution is superior at a smaller cavitation num
ber and at a lift coefficient larger than the given value, (iii) the aggravation
of performance at a smaller cavitation number is caused by the occurrence of
the Zone III cavitation and the minimum pressure near x\ should be as high
as possible, and (iv) the profile form with type 2 pressure distribution could
never exhibit superior performances for either a decelerating or accelerating
These results of researches were used for the development of the thin and
thick hydrofoils for high-head Kaplan turbines [4.31].
** T.MJS/S*
1.2 7*
a 7P^TNA
, „„ ! ,'VT'NA xl°
Efl* 15268 tt^JlSBS' T'l0368pl e :/;T=F"
f/r 10368 "1:^10368
t k
?■ "16168
0.8 W l 6 B 8 - j y # I6B8 " 4 ?
16168 s^ -f-
**T cr=3,0 ?^cr=u4 " t ^ l . 0 4+ggQ.8 15268 I
02 .|a=-3;J_j-3«. sf-pZ-a-Lv-^,
Jv-4* 1 ^ * .10368.
li."vi0368 ^iTOi .-ffltTV--fiC
0 0.02 0X14 0.02 a04 _a I 0-04
OJ02 L 002 004 0.02 0O4 002 OJ04
tially cavitating flow around the hydrofoil (which is unsteady and affected
by compressibility and viscosity of gas-liquid two phase flow), flow models
divide the cavity into the front and rear parts, the former being the free-
streamline and the latter being the wake connected smoothly to the front
part, have been proposed [4.53,4.23,4.20].
Alternatively, a flow model has been proposed which treats the inside
and outside of a cavity as one continuum, and analyses the compressible and
viscous flow through the Navier-Stokes' equation and a modified Rayleigh's
equation for a bubble cluster simultaneously [4.22]. Simpler models also
based on the Navier-Stokes' equation but using assumed relation between
pressure and density, have also been proposed [4.45,4.8].
y/c a* ax
Flat Plate 0 0 0
Circular Arc Profile Center Angle: y 6/19•r 7/4
T-B Profile A/2 • [ x'+8/3 • y a ^ e - 4 JC*2] 5/4-A A/4
3 Term Profile A/10- [&x'-20jr*3''s+80jc'a-64jt'0''2] 3/2-A A/2
5 Term Profile A/315 • [210jr'-2240.x'3"'e+12600jr,a 5/3-A A/2
-30912^ B '^+35840je 3 -15360jt ,7X2 ]
Table 4.2: Profile forms, and lift and profile drag coefficients of supercavi
tating hydrofoils [4.31].
0.060 times as much as the velocity (in m/s) to the leading edge [4.10], and
Pu j xdV-x
'-—-, f'APp . AP
. [ 1
APo [ r~~
Cage \l * (l-r)APx
will not change the basic configuration of cavitation, only the number of
cavitating jets. Cavitation bubbles in the cage-guided and multi-hole valves
collapse in the flow away from the wall, and the vibration and the material
damage are thought to be weaker than those induced by contoured-plug
The complicated flow configuration tends to preclude any physically
based descriptions of cavitation in a valve. Criteria to predict the limits
of various cavitation stages have not yet been established and a one dimen
sional model is useful for initial understanding of the general features of the
valve cavitation. The valve flow is usually replaced by a flow through a sim
ple contraction with a pressure change as indicated in Fig. 4.25(d). When
pressure Pyc of the vena contracta reaches the vapour pressure, then ideal
cavitation is generated. However, high kinematic energy of the jet causes
dynamic phenomena such as vortices and flow separations at the constricted
parts of the flow. The least pressure in the flow process is not necessarily
attained at the vena contracta, but temporarily attained within a vortex
and a separation bubble. Then, the cavitation could occur before the pres
sure Pvc reaches the vapour pressure. To express a pressure margin for the
ideal cavitation inception, either cavitation number a or cavitation index k
is used, which are defined as,
Pd-Pv /AU
CT (41)
= 7wV
= ^Tv <«>
Q = CdAy/2AP/P + V2 (4.3)
a 10
* 5
11 valve
0,5 ■(3 in.) 11 L™
. "NX
Ball valve
0.2 = 0,22/1^I (2 in.) I
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 I
Differential Pressure AP MPa
N ; Cavitatfon-free> I : Incipient
L : Light Cavitation» H : Heavy
V : Very Heavy, S : Super Cavilation
Figure 4.26: Effect of cavitation on discharge flow rate for various types of
valves [4.48].
(4 4)
""yfitP/p+V* '
The Cd value remains constant for a specified valve opening and valve ge
ometry, so that eqn.(4.3) represents almost a straight line with a slope of
0.5 when Q and AP are plotted on a log-log plane. It is seen in Fig.4.26
that each curve follows the relation until the cavitation has reached a very
heavy stage as indicated by letters V or S. At this stage is reached, the
discharge curve drops off to approach a horizontal line of a constant value
of Q and a further decrease of the outlet pressure does not further increase
the flow rate. This condition with supercavitation developing in the down
stream side of the valve throat is usually called choking cavitation, and the
intersection of the straight line expressed by eqn.(4.3) and the horizontal
line of the choked flow defines the cavitation stage of flow choke.
The choking cavitation is the extreme stage in the cavitation develop
ment. This condition should be avoided in normal control operations, be
cause heavy vibration and cavitation erosion from the collapse of the super
cavitation column are inevitable in the downstream piping.
As indicated by alphabetic letters on each curve in Fig.4.26, cavitation
begins and develops at a considerably lower value of the differential pressure
than the choking value. It should be noted that the flow characteristic
itself can hardly sense the cavitation in the early stage of the development,
because volume change of the liquid is only slight. Dynamic data such as
wall vibration, sound pressure and pressure fluctuation are more sensitive to
the cavitation development. In Fig. 4.27, typical data obtained in a test of
a multi-hole cage valve are plotted versusCT,where the inlet pressure is kept
at 5 MPa [Outa, et al, 1986].
As the outlet pressure is decreased, the rms levels of these data increase
monotonously due to development of turbulence. Inception of cavitation
is first found on the acceleration data at a plot denoted by "inc", where
the increasing rate suddenly grows up. In Fourier spectra analysed with
the frequency range up to 100 kHz, a significant growth appears in the
component distributing over a range higher than 25 kHz. This feature
implies that a larger number of fine cavitation bubbles form and collapse
irregularly at these high frequencies. A similar growth in such high frequency
components was also notified in a vibration measurement of butterfly valve
cavitation [Riveland, 1983].
The next stage of the development is the critical stage which is defined
by Tullis and Ball (1974) as the stage that the cavitation development has
F l o w discharge Q
80 .!.._!
M 70
4Vt -, I. Qck I
a. Qcti Is
60 4 cy o.i
Sound pmcure -o<xx>-
levcl VP/.
O.I 1 JO IO2 1U 4
a P.. - P* kP^«
become steady, and the ascending rate of the vibration level becomes gradual
as seen at the plot denoted as "cri". It is found that the high frequency
spectral component almost reaches a limiting magnitude, and responds only
slightly to a further reduction of the outlet pressure. The birth and collapse
of small size bubbles in the shear layer has presumably attained a steady
state. This limit is suggested by Tullis and Ball for applications where loud
noise, erosion and heavy vibration are to be avoided. However, the cavitation
at this stage would not be objectionable and would not decrease the valve
The third stage is the initiation of the flow choke, which will be defined
as a limit where pressure fluctuation imposed on the outlet section does not
completely be transmitted into the inlet section. This stage is recognised on
a pressure fluctuation plot indicated as "ch". Such a situation of pressure
3 -
3 °-3 ]*-flora nh>e
dove n)ve
2*-(love rah*
*2«p«tcife 0 12-kKb a 2-pon
0.1 ■ 4-poncafc » 10-inch o 4-portc*c
y"- [Flowcfaofcel • CoMowwJ-pJug O CoMurcd-phif
T MdH-hottcm
0.03 'I I \ i
0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1
Discharge coefficient Cd
Figure 4.28: Cavitation limits measured for various types of valves [4.44].
The cavitation data of the respective stages are plotted in Fig.4.28 for
several types of the globe valve trims. The cavitation number at the each
stage is seen to increase with the discharge coefficient, described by a simple
power-law relationship with an exponent of 0.5 for trims of contoured-plug
and variable-area cage, as indicated by lines I-I. The cavitation number of
the multi-hole cage trim is less sensitive to the valve opening (lines II-II)
because lifting the plug merely alters the number of the holes through which
high speed flow issues, and the cavitation development is almost entirely
determined by the geometry of the hole and the spacing between the holes.
The frictional pressure loss along the passage upstream of the vena con-
tractas of the contoured-plug and the multi-hole cage, which is denoted as
r A P x on the diagram in Fig. 4.25, has a considerable role in delaying the
cavitation inception. However the cavitation development is very rapid, and
the flow choke is initiated immediately after that the critical cavitation is
attained. In contrast, in the variable-area cages, the loss is very slight be
cause of the shape of a sudden contraction, so that the inception takes place
at a considerably higher cavitation number and the cavitation development
is rather gradual. The stage of the flow choke is seen to be reached almost
at an identical value of a irrespective to the trim geometries.
The series of pictures in Fig.4.29 were taken at a quite high inlet pressure
of 5 MPa, through a side window attached to a three-inch valve body. The
Figure 4.30: Cavitation bubbles and cloud developing within a 2-port cage-
guided valve [4.44].
outlet pressure ranged between 2.4 and 0.2 MPa. With such a large pressure
difference, the flow velocity at the throat between the plug and the seat- ring
is more than 150 m/s. The shear rates in the boundary layer on the plug
surface, as well as in the surface layer of the annular flow issuing from the
throat, is thought to be extremely high.
The inception is found at a = 0.94 with fine cavitation bubbles forming
around the leading part of the seating-rim, see picture B. The r.m.s level of
the valve vibration increases rapidly to a level more than twenty times the
cavitation-free level. This location of the cavitation region is usual for low
opening cases, and closely related to the presence of a vortex generated by
a separation of the boundary layer flow. The pressure in the vortex may
possibly be reduced to reach vapour pressure.
As the outlet pressure decreases, the cavitation around the seating-rim
further develops, with an additional appearance of bubbles generating and
collapsing along the outer layer of the annular flow, as seen in pictures B and
C. At the stage of picture D, where Pd = 0.6 MPa, the plug is almost covered
by ring-shaped clouds of cavitation. With bubbles shed downstream of the
seating-rim, a ring-shaped cloud is formed. This implies that the shedding
of bubbles is almost periodic and synchronous on the circumference, giving
rise to serious noise and vibration. Beyond this stage, the downstream side
of the throat is filled with vaporous flow as seen in picture E. The levels of
noise and vibration are reduced considerably low due to the absorption of
pressure waves by the vapour volume.
Q2I ! I I I . I 1 I I L
0.002 0.005 0.0! 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5
Discharge Coefficient Cd
radius of the rotational part is small at a high level of the circulation, the
pressure of the core easily drops to the vapour pressure.
By assuming that the outer radius of the vortex at the throat is equal
to the clearance between the plug and the seat-ring, and that the axial flow
in the rotational part is absent, the cavitation number Oinc, at which the
pressure of the vortex core reaches the vapour pressure in the throat section,
can be expressed as:
1 + 4(1 -$)_
= K0 Cd-l, (4.5)
1 - 1% + 2I%logIT
4 _tCd,x II
K K ;
1 - /£ + 2/2l 0 gI T K0> 1 - /2 + 2lZlogIu '
where I — rT/ri is the ratio of the inner-part radius rr to the outer-part
radius r* , and subscripts T and U refer to values at the throat and at the
inlet section respectively.
The coefficient KQ depends on the diameter ratio of the vortex to the
valve passage at the inlet, in addition to the area ratio between the throat
and the valve inlet. If we assume a similarity in the flow structures within
the valve chamber, the values of KQ for various valve sizes can be determined
from the value obtained for a standard-size valve. Then the only parameter
required for the prediction is Iu which expresses the intensity of the swirl
disturbance applied to the valve from the upstream piping.
In Fig. 4.33(a), the cavitation number predicted by the present model is
compared with experimental data for contoured-plug valves. The KQ value
assigned to 3- and 6-inch valves are deduced from the value determined by
a 2-inch valve experiment. The prediction is found satisfactory for practical
application, with the value of Iu in an acceptable range. It is noted that
valve-sizes exceeding three inches slightly affect the inception, whereas the
inception for smaller size valves is significantly delayed by reducing the size.
A string bubble will not be generated, unless the disturbance imposed at
the valve inlet is intense. The KQ value required for the cavitation inception
increases as the inlet pressure becomes high. Detailed descriptions of this
longitudinal vortex model were presented by Inoue, et al (1991) and by Outa,
et al (1993).
The inception of the seating-rim cavitation denoted by R in Fig. 4.31 is
closely related to shear-layer vortices which grow and detach on the seating-
rim as schematically shown in Fig.4.34. A computer generated model shown
in the figure reveals that the flow issued from the valve throat streams along
I•? 86 . - ' . -
8 ar^X&PTl ^ai—
a 2
. A®5-J^ s%!i2
—i ■ i
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.03
Discharge CoefTiciait Cd Discharge Coefficient Ci
IflhtmwwiIMPll InJttJwwrrlMPil
r-y&n i'-vtrt 6"-rahw 2"-vil*e 3*-v»lve 6"-vmlv»
<vO 2-5 G 5
a 0.8 0 0.8 6 3
± 0.4 a 0.4 • 0.4 <7 0.8
a 0.2 D 0.2 0.4 O 04 • 0.4
{«) Inception of string-like bubble (b) Inception of seating-rim bubble
Figure 4.34: Computed pattern of shear layer flow on plug surface, and shear
layer vortex model [4.15, 4.43].
number of the flow on the plug surface increases, and then the reduced value
of 5S contributes to increase the value of <7jnc. Finally, the Strouhal number
5t, which is defined in terms of the throat width h, the throat velocity qx and
the frequency of the vortex shedding, is almost unchanged by the Reynolds
number, and found to be equal to 0.075 (Li/L2), where L\, and L2 are the
plug lift and thickness of the seating-rim respectively.
The value of Oinc calculated by eqn.(4.7) are compared in Fig. 4.33(b)
with the experimental data. The predictions is quite satisfactory, and the
scale-effects of the valve size and the pressure level are also made clear by the
present model. The second term in the right-hand side of eqn.(4.7) expresses
the pressure reduction within the vortex, and the value is almost the same in
the magnitude as the value of the first term expressing the pressure reduction
along the valve passage. As C<j decreases, the second term increases to exceed
the first term due to a decrease of the Strouhal number. Further details were
discussed by Inoue, et al (1993) and Outa, et al (1993).
LA Di»lvtd02
x —100% 7ppm
4-90* im
* - 90% 50-lOOpfb
D - 75* 7pjm
0 - 6 5 * 7ppn
root is eroded significantly, and that the shut-off capability of the valve is
almost failed. At the end of a 100 hours operation, the eroded portion has
developed in a concentrated area of the plug to a considerable depth, and
the flow characteristic changed significantly. The working limit, in this case,
beyond which repair becomes impossible and fracture at the stem is likely, is
150 hours. The life time can be significantly prolonged by coating the plug
surface with Stellite alloy.
In Fig. 4.36, the weight of the lost part is plotted versus the working
duration. The history is affected seriously by the initial roughness of the
surface around the plug root. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the weight
loss is related by a power law to the working duration. For example, in the
case of 75% lift, in the early stage of erosion up to 50 hours, the eroded
portion develops rather gradual with an exponent of roughly 1/3. In this
situation, the erosion is induced mainly by the shear layer cavitation. This
stage is followed by a stage of rapid development with an exponent of roughly
4. The eroded portion is grooved heavily by a direct impingement of the high
speed throttled jet. As the valve lift is increased to the full open, the stage of
Figure 4.37: Tortuous path trims designed for the most severe applications.
the rapid development appears immediately, and the valve life time becomes
to almost one tenth of the life time of 75% lift operation. Oxygen dissolved
in the test water has also an effect on the erosion development, and the
exponent in the time dependent relationship is reduced almost by half when
the dissolved oxygen is reduced to less than 100 ppb from a normal condition
of 7 ppm, i.e. 85 % of the saturated amount.
In closing this section, it is noted that multi-layered trims with tortuous
paths are frequently utilised for extremely heavy duty applications. Typical
trims are shown in Fig. 4.37, cited from manufacturers catalogues. In re
ferring to the pressure diagram indicated in Fig. 4.25(d), such design has a
basis on the concept that:
4.1 Acosta, A. J. (1960), 'Cavitating Flow Past a Cascade of Circular
Arc Hydrofoils, Calif. Inst. Techl. Rep. E 79, No. 2.
4.13 Inoue, F., Outa, E., Matsuoka, H., and Machiyama, T. (1991), 'Flow
Oscillation in Contoured Plug Valve with Multi-Hole Retainer and
the Related String Cavitation Generation', Proceedings, 3rd Interna
tional Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement, and Visualisation,
ASME, Book No.100315, pp.77-85.
4.14 Inoue, F., Outa, E., Tajima, K., and Machiyama, T. (1991), 'An
Experimental Study on Control Valve Cavitation (2nd Report, String
Bubble Cavitation In Contoured-plug Valve)', Transactions of JSME,
Vol. 57, No. 544, pp. 7 - 1 5 (in Japanese).
4.15 Inoue, F., Outa, E., Tajima, K., and Machiyama, T. (1993), 'An Ex
perimental Study on Control Valve Cavitation (3rd Report, Vortex
Shedding and Cavitation Inception on a Contoured Plug)', Transac
tions of JSME, Vol. 59, No. 562, pp. 131 - 138 (in Japanese).
4.16 Johnson, V. E., Jr. (1958), 'The Influence of Depth of Submersion,
Aspect Ratio, and Thickness on Supercavitating Hydrofoils Operat
ing at Zero Cavitation Number', Proc. 2nd Symp. Naval Hydrodyn.,
ONR-38, Washington, D. C.
4.19 Kermeen, R. W. (1956), 'Water Tunnel Tests of NACA 4412 and
Walchner Profile 7 Hydrofoils in Noncavitating and Cavitating
Flows', Calif. Inst. of Tech. Hydrodyn. Lab. Rep. 47-5; Kermeen,
R. W. (1956), 'Water Tunnel Tests of NACA 661-012 Hydrofoil in
Noncavitating and Cavitating Flows', Ibid. 47-7.
4.24 Lin, J. D. (1961), 'A Free Streamline Theory About a Flat Plate with
Flap at Zero Cavitation Number', Hydronautics Inc. TR 119-3.
4.36 Numachi, F. et al. (1957), 'Cavitation Tests on Six Profiles for Blade
Elements', RIHSM, Vol. 8, No. 73, pp. 25-46.
4.42 Okutsu, R., Yuzawa, S., Hashizume, T., Outa, E. and Machiyama,
4.43 Outa, E., Inoue, F., Tajima, K., and Machiyama, T. (1993), 'Incep
tion of Vortex-Generated Cavitation in Industrial Contoured-Plug
Valve', Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on Cavitation In
ception, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, FED Vol.177,
4.44 Outa, E., Tajima, K., Machiyama, T., and Inoue, F. (1986), 'High
Frequency Vibration of Control Valves at Low Openings Due to Cav
itation Development', Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on
Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Noise', FED, Vol. 45, NCA-Vol. 2,
ASME, pp. 31-40.
4.50 Tullis, J. P. and Ball, J. W. (1974), 'Cavitation Data for Valves and its
Application', Proceedings, Conference on Cavitation, IME, Heriot-
Watt University, C 153, pp. 55-63.
4.52 Wu, T. Y., Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. Vol. 4, pp. 243-285.
Cavitation Phenomena in
Hydraulic Machinery
nED =
7I~; QED =
The range indicated by Q is the overload condition, where runner
blades develop cavitation at their downstream areas as shown in Figure 5.2.
If the Thoma number (cavitation number) is reduced until the cavitating
area is about a half length of the blade pitch, the turbine efficiency begins to
--``,```,,``````,,,,``,`,,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 211
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212 Cavitation
120 140
®t>S vi«w
o, oc
Thoma number o
The value of critical sigma increases with the increase of load, as shown in
Figure 5.5. It shows the variation of the critical sigma with turbine discharge
(this relationship is obtained from the test results shown in Figure 5.4). The
performance characteristics of turbine (top) is shown for reference, where
' i n IEC code, two characteristic Thoma numbers, Co and a\ ,are defined. oo (Thoma
number zero) is the lowest value of the Thoma number for which efficiency remains un
changed. cri (Thoma number one) is the value of Thoma number for which a drop of 1 %
efficiency is obtained. The critical Thoma number,<xc, is a characteristic Thoma number
which has been used widely in practice. It is the value below which the efficiency will be
come a value lower than its base value which corresponds to the non-cavitating condition
as croshown in Figure 5.3.
-1 1 1—
T^7 GVO = 30 mm
92 27.5mm
„ 88, 90- 25
£ 92*
■ s 2 2 . 5 Run
M 88_
88 17.5
88 A QVO = 30 &..
• a 0 o-
-o o- a
2 2 . 5 mm 100 _
e o>
17.5 mil
f ovo s 30 on
27 5
25 ma
° °
"°lT^w^ n n
5 22.S an
^4/TTTl O 0
1 7 . 5 .«
-O a—O-
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Hs = 201 m i n - ' k y - V - "
D? = 350 mn nip - 215 Bin-
GVO 3 30 mil
'v T ' > /
4-> V^-Qio = 97.0 liiy.
b mm
60 80 100 120
Qt (lit/a)
Figure 5.7: Example measures to eliminate the vibration and noise caused
by draft tube cavitation
ing noise in the draft tube or causes strong vibration to the turbine and the
power-house. To mitigate such undesirable effects, two measures are usually
employed. One widely used measure is the admission of air. The air is usu
ally admitted through the runner cone or the diametrical transverse air pipe
installed in the upper section of the draft tube as shown in Figure 5.7(a).
Air inlets on the draft tube wall (Figure 5.7(a)) are also used. The air inflow
can stabilise the vortex core and suppress the vibration. The amount of air
admitted should be optimised to suppress the vibration effectively but with
out any adverse effect on efficiency. The other measure is the installation of
fins in the upper part of the draft tube, as shown in Figure 5.7(b), to reduce
the vortex intensity. Since too large or too many fins will impair efficiency,
a suitable number of fins with reasonable size should be selected.
In the operating range (3) , corresponding to high head operation, local
cavitation is developed on the suction side of the blade inlet edge near the
band as shown in Figure 5.2. This cavitation is localised to a small area but
with high intensity, likely to cause deep erosion. To avoid this cavitation,
proper selection of the operating range of the model is vital. Precautions
must be taken to exclude this operating range as far as possible from the
actual operating range expected for the prototype. Various factors, such as
the blade profile near the area, the angle between the suction side of the blade
and the runner band, the distance between the guide vanes and the inlet
of runner blades, all affect the cavitation intensity in this area (3) . In the
operating range (3) , corresponding to partial load operation, flow separation
takes place along the inlet edge as shown in Figure 5.2. The upper end of
the vortex cavitation touches the underside of the crown and may cause
light erosion there. The lower end of the vortex usually does not contact
the runner band but it flows away along the passage between the runner
blades near the band. Therefore, this vortex cavitation is sometimes called
"inter-blade vortices". This type of cavitation does not cause any erosion
or vibration in most of the operating range. However, for an extremely
high head operating range, these vortices become unstable and may cause
hazardous vibration.
In the operating range © , corresponding to extreme low head opera
tion, the inlet flow has a large negative incidence angle which may cause
flow separation, accompanied by an unstable vortex cavitation. It causes
heavy vibration in extremely low head operating range (below 70 % of the
optimum head).
Apart from the major cavitations described above, minor local cavita-
tions may also be observed sometimes. One is the cavitation downstream
of the runner seal clearance. The erosion caused by this cavitation is usu
ally minor but it becomes heavier when the runner seal clearance is larger.
Typical damage location is shown in Figure 5.8
areas such as the inlet area of the blade, which is scarcely related to the
deterioration of efficiency. Furthermore, the plant sigma determined in such
a way does not guarantee a cavitation-free operation.
For low head machines, the cavitation intensity (power density relating
to cavitation erosion damage) is low and the presence of some cavitation
may be tolerated. On the contrary, for very high head machines, the cavi
tation intensity is very high because of high flow velocities. The presence of
even very localised cavitation may cause severe erosion. To ensure no cav
itation erosion in these machines, a plant sigma larger than the "incipient
Thoma number",CTJ,should be employed (whereCTJis the Thoma number
corresponding to the inception of cavitation).
Also, in partial load operation, the regulation of blade angle minimises the
residual circumferential component of the absolute discharge flow velocity
from the runner, making the vortex cavitation in the draft tube much less
severe compared with Kaplan turbines. Therefore, for Kaplan turbines, only
the cavitation near the full load range shall be considered.
Additionally, for propeller or Kaplan turbines, clearance cavitation may
develop at the blade tip as shown in Figure 5.11(a). This often causes
erosion on the suction side of blades (as shown in Figure 5.11(b)) where the
-x'fly^-. lUST***^
*» 'J~ 'SfM /*"
w 160
<5 / y v /
fyyi 'k/-'
140 1
w 9
-^^ /
« t i
400 500 600
n, ( » l n ' )
Rt«ctlon »ld«
Iview A |
Figure 5.12: Fin at blade tip to prevent tip cavitation erosion
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.» 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0-2 0.4 0.6 0.8
g a a <>
&, » 5 U = 6 U = 7 U ° 8
Figure 5.13: Runaway speed vs a at blade angle of 12° for Kaplan turbines
with blade number from 5 to 8 (model runner diameter = 200 mm)
Mode B - GVO =18mm|
V • Transition
1400 p
\Wo± Mode
1200 h
b* = 81
Mod« B
Hoda B
i i i d I i i I o
0 40 80 120 1(0
?unp dlschars* (%)
v i : Turbine efficiency ( r e l a t i v e )
if,: Prop e f f i c i e n c y ( r e l a t i v e )
K~Q c u r v mm p a p
< I '
», « 99 %
l»-9» «
Discbarge Q (■*/»)
When the discharge is extremely low, partial reverse flow occurs in the
impeller/runner as illustrated in Figure 5.17. The transition from uniform
parallel flow (in normal operating range) to the partial reverse flow pattern
takes place abruptly at the boundary flow rate. The flow pattern change is
very distinct and the cavitation characteristics also change discontinuously
across the boundary flow rate. In the range of partial reverse flow, high
5.2.1 Introduction
The zones where cavitation is likely to occur are described briefly, the effect
on pump normal hydraulic performance is discussed, and generally accepted
criteria for deciding acceptable cavitation behaviour are discussed, and the
role of recirculation is described. A discussion of material selection and
relevant aspects of pump detail design concludes the section.
Figure 5.20: The variation of local static pressure in a pump suction, and
its relation to vapour pressure
component of velocity begins to increase, till at the leading edge the periph
eral velocity is approximately that of the impeller at that point. The fluid
absolute velocity thus increases, and the static pressure falls. The diagram
will occur on the pressure side. As the pressure nears vapour pressure level
bubbles form and are swept into the blade passages where they collapse.
Figure 5.21 illustrates zones where low pressure is likely due to local velocity
peaks and on occasions in the flow range when separation can occur. Dam
age occurs downstream from the zone of bubble inception where the cavities
collapse. An early sign of damage is a "polished" appearance where bubbles
are collapsing, and later erosion and corrosion creates cavitation damage,
such as that shown in Figure 5.22. Figure 5.23 illustrates the hydraulic ef
fect of the cavitation bubbles, and it can be seen that as suction pressure
falls the flow range of the pump is progressively reduced.
The phenomenon of re-circulation in the suction zone of a pump and
between the volute casing and impeller is well-known. It can occur at
high flows, but appears to be mostly a problem at partial flow, giving rise
" ^
Figure 5.25: The relation between NPSH, suction recirculation and cavita
tion problems
loim k
abaoluta vacuum
pump impeller. It may be calculated, but generally the criteria used to de
termine the "critical" value are described in the following section. A typical
curve of NPSHR is sketched in Figure 5.25. If NPSHR < NPSHA cavi
tation should not be a problem, but when NPSHR > NPSHA cavitation
becomes a problem.
Figure 5.28: The relation between NPSH level and material loss due to
cavitation (based on Nel studies [5.11])
Figure 5.29, indicates that metal removal is occurring long before the critical
NPSHR is reached. Experience supports this conclusion.
V2 . _ u ?1
NPSHR = 1.8— + 0.23 - (5.1)
2g 2g
Where V0 is the meridional velocity (V0 = ^ J I ) and u is the peripheral tip
speed (u = i£^£L).
Figure 5.29: The relation between noise and NPSER for a centrifugal pump
(based on NEL studies [5.11])
DE = K% (5.2)
^ = 4
4 „ 2
NPSHRminimum = 0.001046JV3Q3 (5.3)
used for Water Turbines. This relates the incipient NPSHR to the pump
head rise,
The other is the Suction Specific Speed Nss or S based on 3% head drop
S = ^ V ^ (5.5)
kss = / 3 (5-6)
(g NPSHR)*
Typical plots are shown as Figure 5.30 and 5.31 and for a centrifugal pump S
is in the range 9,500 to 10,500 (ft, gpm, rpm), with 12,500 for a condensate
o "
? ot ,'J *■
1 u
§ " ,,^ : > *
V r" - * - • > - sfcfirt sutno*
& 0.K -
/< >
J «*
- -1 it
O.Ot: / '
0 02 -
0 10 20 3.0 I
,.*> W*
* •
<>• *-+
1.0 y\ ^ >
0.1 ^yS f <*^
,_ 0.6
S 0.2
^ 0.10
0.0 V
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
which limits the range of flow rates over which the combination gives good
NPSH required values, indicating a need to match inducer and impeller
Inducer design is a specialised area, as experimental data is mostly from
high rotational speed rocket pumps, making the design of inducers for con
ventional water and process pumps. Reference may be made to Lakshmi-
narayana [5.18], Turton [5.30], [5.28], [5.29] , Tillner [5.27] and Oschner
£ 140
50 100 150
Ps Pv
+QL + Z, (m) = (5.8) ~
99 9
where: Ps : Absolute static pressure of the liquid in the upstream of
the pump (Pa),
Cs: Section velocity at the point where the pressure Ps(m/s)
is measured,
Z: Vertical distance between the measure point of pressure
Ps and the highest point on the edge of vane inlet (m)
(This value of Z is often small and negligible),
p: Density of the liquid (Kg/m3),
g: Gravity acceleration (m/s 2 ).
However, pressure Pc may be much smaller than Pv for some liquids such
as low-temperature liquid, while much larger than Pv for some other liquids
such as saturated steam solution. For these cases, Pv in eqn (5.8) should be
substituted with Pc, but it is extraordinarily difficult to measure this cavity
pressure in a rotating impeller. The NPSH value, for these liquid cases,
can be evaluated experimentally. But the NPSH value obtained by the
experiment will differ if the liquid used for the test is a different one. The
relationship of the NPSH results for Pc ^ Pv with those for Pc = Pv is
Where NPSH:
Critical net positive suction head for Pc ^ Pv,
Critical net positive suction head obtained by using
a liquid with Pc ss Pv such as deaerated 'cold' water
A/i t = Correction value for the influence of thermodynamic
property in liquid (thermodynamics correction value)
Correction value for the gas soluble in liquid (gas cor
*h* = &••
rection value) (m),
Pg: Pressure of soluble gas in the cavity {Pa).
For axial pump, these correction values are related to the Uquid proper
ties, pump geometric and state parameters as follows2.
A/i„ f,K (5.11)
1 - Ahg 1.17(3.2 - 3Ha)10- Re°65m°li25A0-25B0-25(^sinaw)0-5
. _ 27T + 7/J!,,
where: / 1 _
D _ 7rD m sin/?ii,
Relative thermodynamic correction value,
— P
Relative gas correction value,
P Gas saturation pressure in the liquid,
H = ^ Relative head of the axial pump (inducer-
type centrifugal pump),
Hai and Ha Current head and the head of axial pump
at non-cavitation regime (refer to Figure
Number of phase transform criterion.
See Chebaevsky, V. and Petrov, V. (1982), 'Cavitation in High-performance Rotordy-
namic P u m p ' , Moscow, Machinostroenne (in Russian).
+ +z
99 - l (5.13)
i „ J.i
jo /
(D x J
t /»
12 NPSH, M
H, M b)
= 3f *T
Ahg /
/ / •
A ^5^1
fx. /
i a?
1 8 NPSH, M
o 10 a)
(Kg C 2 )
o io
(Kg C2)
70 /
0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 V%
Figure 5.35: Surface tension coefficient of water for different ASS concen
trations and temperatures, (a) ASS - Initial alkyl sulphate, T = 293K, (b)
ASS - OA - 10 ( 1 - T = 29ZK, 2- T = 353/0;
V - ASS concentration.
AhtN &htM ,. 1 C .
1 - AhtN 1 - &htM (5.16)
AhtN = &h~tM if &h~tN « 1 and AhtM « 1 (5.17)
To ensure an accurate simulation, K must be kept constant by adjust
ing the model liquid temperature, the constant Reynolds number can be
achieved by changing the model pump speed (TIM = ^ f - ^ 4 1 ) . To satisfy the
Li "
Weber number criterion, an active surface substance can be added to the
model liquid, together with the change of speed njf, to achieve the required
value ofCTM,making He M — W§ # . The required value of OM is
■fiPM " M
OM = ON-L> —.—5-
(K05Re 05
He 025)N = (K°-5Re 05
He °- 25 ) M (5.18)
Assuming a proportionality relationship of the inflow velocity W\ with the
shaft speed n, eqns (5.10) and (5.18) can be written as
There are other approximate simulations. Among them the authors have
proposed the following equality of similarity criterion,
= const; Mi = ^K05 = const; M 2 = Re°'8 H e 0 2 5 - const. (5.20)
nD3 ' pg
The result is shown in Table 5.1. It is obvious from Table 5.1 that the best
medium for model pump is clear water with active surface substance (ASS)
by a comprehensive adjustment of all factors involved. By doing so, for many
actual liquids, accurate or approximate simulations can be achieved at the
temperature of the model liquid.
Actual liquid Model liquid Remarks
nuUu A^M o
Name T,K K Name T, K TY* <7
TH7 *J
Liquidus 20 0.246 Water 600.5 0.675 k1 1 1 Accurate o
hydrogen simulation
479.5 1 1.27 0.612 1 Approximate
Water+ASS 479.5 0.788 1 1 1 2.63 "
Liquidus 107 0.52 0.75 1.75 "u
nitrogen 102 0.55 0.81 1.5 1
Liquidus 90 0.049 Water 441 1.5 1.38 0.52 "
oxygen 384.3 2.0 1.15 0.845 1 "
Water+ASS 441 1.09 1 1 1 3.6 Accurate
384.3 1.75 1 1 1 1.54 Approximate
Liquidus 74.2 1.15 0.88 1.32 "
nitrogen 75.5 1.1 0.88 1.24 "u
Tetroxide 313 0.059 Water 460.5 1 1.55 0.35
nitrogen Water+ASS 460.5 0.65 1 1 6.9 Accurate
401.5 0.92 1 1 1 4.2 Approximate
Asymetric 313 0.01 Water 367 0.9 1.54 0.375 "
xylic Water+ASS 367 0.59 1 1 6.35 Accurate
Table 5.1: The cavitation simulation programmes for four different prototype
liquids. Here, a — <TH°HiO
5.4.1 Introduction
Detection of cavitation in hydraulic machinery is important to optimise the
operation of the machine and to reduce erosion. During the process of cav
itation, the bubble growth and collapse produce pressure waves, generating
noise (as detailed in §3.9). If the collapse is near the solid boundary the
high-intensity short-duration pressure waves and/or micro-jet impingements
can produce erosion. The noise propagates throughout the fluid and the
structure. Therefore, the methods to detect cavitation in real machines are
based on the measurement and analysis of the fluid-borne or structure-borne
Various types of cavitation are different not only in their shape, which
is related to the cavitation coherent structure but also in their noise and
erosion. An important parameter for erosion is the local pressure gradient
in the zone where the bubble implosion takes place. The proximity of bubble
implosion to solid surface will depend on local flow patterns and turbulence.
The optimum detection system should determine whether cavitation
exists (onset of incipient cavitation), the type/location of cavitation and
whether it produces erosion (surfaces affected). When we detect cavitation
in an actual machine we are faced with several questions: where to measure,
which sensor to install, which signal treatment to use, and finally which
acoustic or vibratory parameter to calculate for quantifying the degree of
erosive cavitation.
Fluid-borne noise is a relatively direct method if the transducer can be
located near the cavitation spot, but the transfer function between the place
where cavitation noise is generated and the sensor changes during the devel
opment of cavitation. Moreover, cavitation noise can not distinguish whether
bubbles are collapsing close to or at a distance from surfaces. That is, there
can be a large amount of fluid-borne noise produced by bubbles collapsing
in the fluid but without erosion. It is also a disadvantage that we have to
drill a hole in the machine although much of the mechanical noise can be
eliminated by doing so. This method has been used successfully in pumps
where it is possible to locate sensors in the inlet near the blades. In hydraulic
turbines, it is more difficult to locate a pressure sensor in the right position.
Structure-borne noise may be more easily corrupted (a noise effect from
mechanical and electrical origin) and attenuated, but on the other hand,
it may be more representative of erosive cavitation. Although measuring
using vibration sensors is relatively easy the signal may be corrupted and/or
include components from sources other than cavitation.
5.4.2 G e n e r a t i o n of N o i s e a n d V i b r a t i o n
When a fixed cavity develops, there are basically two effects: an increase
in the low frequency noise and shielding of the high frequency noise. Low
frequency noise is produced by turbulence and instability of the interface
that separates the fluid from the vapour-gas mixture of the cavity.
5.4.3 Propagation
Hz RCLD 12.8k
400m .
band noise are produced by the machine. This low frequency noise is pre
dominant in many cases and has to be filtered out if we want to detect
cavitation noise.
Several methods can be used. The simplest is to use a high pass filter so
that frequencies below a certain value (e.g. 10 kHz) are excluded from the
signal. This is a valid approach for the detection of bubble noise but has the
inconvenience that all the low frequency contents disappear.
Once the signal has been acquired, other methods can be used to exclude
the noise of the machine. One possibility is to use the time-average with an
external trigger synchronised with the machine shaft. The time-averaged
signal is excluded from the raw signal, therefore, only the components not
related to the rotating frequency remain. Another possibility is to calculate
and edit the spectrum to remove the unwanted components.
Another method for extracting unwanted noise is adaptive noise can
celling with two transducers. One is located near where the cavitation takes
place and the other at a some distance where the high frequency cavitation
noise has been damped out.
There are several techniques available to detect cavitation using the signals
measured with sensors located near the cavitation place: in the frequency-
domain, in the time-domain and with time-frequency transforms.
High Frequency Signals
i i i i : i i :
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
12.5 • i i i i i i i
i i i i t i i i
i i i i i i i i
/div i i i i i i * i
i i i i i i i i
i i i t i i i i
i i i • i i t i
i i i i i i i i
._ r _ _ T _ _ ^ _ T f~~T ~t 1 ~
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
< 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
mag 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
_ _ r _ _ T j _ T y , _j. j _ —r~ "
1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1
! ! ! Jf <*\l i
i . i i .. .i . .' j i i....
30k Lin Hz 81.2k
Amplitude Spectrum
Amplitude Spectrum
increase in the acoustic emission when the machine increases the load from
80% to 100%.
This is one of the simplest approaches. The rms of vibration signals af
ter high pass filtering (or for a given frequency band) can be a significant
parameter for the use of cavitation detection (at least 15 averages). Mean
square values of acceleration signals in different frequency bands (5 to 45
kHz, 15-35 kHz, etc) have been used to map cavitation regions [5.8, 5.9].
Some of these bands represent the degree of cavitation and can be correlated
to the cavitation intensity.
Sound pressure levels (Lp) and sound power levels (Lw) have been proposed
by many authors. Normally the Lp value of band filtered fluid-borne noise
is the variable that is measured. Both Lp and Lw in pump inlets can be
related with cavitation intensity (assuming a plane wave propagation in the
inlet duct of pumps). It is useful to know the cavitation-source strength,
which is related to the erosion process [5.22].
For pumps, the relationship of Lp with cavitation coefficient is as fol
lows. With incipient cavitation, the noise level Lp increases, with cavitation
developing it reaches a maximum and finally it decreases again. The de
crease is caused by the shielding of the diffused air bubbles, which reduce
the implosion pressures.
The value of Lp at 40 kHz of 1/3 octave band has been correlated for
pumps [5.21]. A cavitation inception number was defined and correlated
with the tip speed of the pump, as well as a peak noise power ratio to pump
impeller tip speed. Using the cavitation inception number, the presence of
cavitation could be detected and, if so, the peak noise correlation should
assist in determining the cavitation degree in the pump.
.4 ntMBWa
Figure 5.39: (a) Spectrum of the low frequency pressure pulsation generated
by the draft tube vortex in a pump-turbine rotating at 600 rpm (10 Hz).
Draft tube vortex appears at a frequency of around 3 Hz. Sensor located in
the draft tube; (b) Coherence between this signal an the signal of another
pressure sensor located at 90° in the draft tube.
some types of pump, but the accuracy of this approach is low because the
effect of cavitation can be difficult to distinguish from the possible effect
of other factors which can also produce similar symptoms, such as some
damage (or geometric variation) to the machine rotating parts.
5.4.6 C a v i t a t i o n D e t e c t i o n in T i m e D o m a i n
Analysis in the time domain can also be used to detect high frequency cav
itation noise. The detection can be in the form of pulse counting (acoustic
emission), statistical distributions, etc.
Synchronised T i m e D o m a i n Signals
Cavitation affects the periodic noise generated by the machine. When cavi
tation starts to develop inside the impeller the circulation around the blades
is modified and so are the pressure pulses generated by the impeller. Av
eraged time-domain signals with the aid of a shaft synchronised trigger are
representative of the pressure pulses produced by each blade. When cavita
tion appears the rms and shape of each pulse change, which can be detected
by some pattern recognition method [5.12] (Figure 5.40). This method is
useful for developed cavitation in pumps.
l<ffl«t« U T K M 7 | MtaCV«4
ttracvi? KT»CVI4
1 * 12S 3 4
s' 3
z (
* .•
D e m o d u l a t i o n Techniques
fj W A/
(a) (b)
'r hfc
" |rv
"V 111/ toV^NiM
•v iiyV "V ^ -\y\ w r*\ lyv\ * \ J fW^
«.• i - s r i7E i—an r ~ '— ' L
¥BT ■•■V »—» T T B ( i—XI r TWI
m I IMtorit ^MCttUHM
100 oo-
0.000 0.010 0.020 0030 0040 aosoittcj
w|tK^HI tp<rtMW|
,1 »
O100 0110 0120 0130 0140 ai50(wc)
5.1 Abbot, P.A. et al. (1986), 'Cavitation Monitoring of Two Axial-Flow
Hydroturbines', International Symposium on Cavitation and Multi
phase Flow Noise, ASME Winter Annual meeting, FED Vol 45, De
cember 7-12, pp 7-15.
5.7 Beyer, J.R. (1986), 'The Use of Acoustic Emission to Detect Cavita
tion in Model Prototype Applications'. International Symposium on
Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Noise, FED Vol 45„December, pp
5.9 Bourdon P., Simoneau R., Avellan F. (1993), 'Erosion Vibratory Fin
gerprint of Leading Edge Cavitation of a NACA Profile and of a Fran
cis Model and Prototype Hydroturbine', FED-176, Bubble Noise and
Cavitation Erosion in Fluid Systems, ASME.
Cavitation Damage to
Hydraulic Machinery
Methods for
Investigator Bubbles calculation or measurement Results Ref.
of collapse pressure
I Plesset
Pg=10 " atm
Gas bubble
Initial gas pressure: Spherical 6.77 X 10 4 atm
and 3
Pg=10 " atm compressible [3]
Hammitt Pg-10 "* atm 5.82 X 10 5 atm
Plesset Based on
and Vapour bubble micro jet velocity 2X 1 0 3 atm [4]
Spark-induced Piezoelectric pressure-bar
and 1 0 4 atm [5]
hemisherical bubble guage
f and
H2 gas in
Holographic interferometry
2-3 u s
1 0 4 -10 5
i Tomita
Pressure transducer
Several 10 MPa [7]
Impact load N
10,71.1 10 20 30
o (7=0. 68 Pulse distribution
• 30m/s > Venturi
» 35m/sJ
Pit distribution (Mild steel)
D v=25 m/s "I
■ 30 m/s f Venturi
H 35 m/s J
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pulse height
I I I L.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Pit size ii m
Figure 6.1: Distributions of accumulated counts of pulse height and pit size
on the mild steel surface at various velocities in the venturi facility
Figure 6.3: Slip lines on the ferrite grain of a mild steel (vibratory device;
frequency: 22 kHz; amplitude: 40 pm; 25° C ion-exchanged water; test
duration: 10 min)
production becomes smaller with exposure time owing to the work hardening
on the ferrite grains. On the other hand, many slip lines appear on the grains
along these pits caused by the repeated small impact pressures which are
below the critical value that can impulsively form a pit. Subsequently, the
fatigue cracks initiate along these slip lines and large erosion particles fall off,
resulting in the characteristic spongy erosion-surface due to this fatigue-type
For copper and aluminium with a face-centred cubic lattice, pits form
slightly but with a large number of indents because these materials are more
likely to undergo plastic deform. However, in these cases, the repeated small
impact pressures below the value that can impulsively forms a indent also
contribute to the cavitation erosion. Figure 6.5 shows a series of photographs
of the progression from the virgin surface to the severely damaged one [6.34].
On the surface exposed to the cavitation in the vibratory device for only 20
seconds (Fig. 6.5(b)), the metallographic structure has become clear due
to the mutual slide along the grain boundaries. In Fig. 6.5(c), the surface
becomes rough because of the local occurrence of large indents; the slip lines
appear on each grain with different directions; and, the secondary slips form
and the plastic deformations rapidly develop. This process is repeated and
the large erosion particles keep falling off due to the fatigue-type fracture.
As to the relationship between the cavitation bubble collapse pressures
and the erosion, De and Hammitt [6.8] showed a linear relationship between
the acoustic power of collapse pressures and the erosion power based on
the calculated weight loss. Recently, a new approach has been reported
[6.22]. That is, the comparison of the distributions of the impact pulse with
the hypothetical S-N curves of fatigue shows that the relationship follows
the Miner's law of fatigue fracture, regardless of cavitation conditions and
materials. Therefore, it may be appropriate to state that the cavitation
erosion at more advanced stage is mainly due to the accumulation of the
micro fracture fatigue caused by the repetition of the small impact pressures.
croscale strength compared with the bulk strength [6.33]. In addition, the
materials with high ability to work hardening such as stainless steel also de
viate from these correlations because their surface micro-structure changes
owing to the repeated action of the small impact pressures.
The corrosiveness of liquids also affects the micro-scale strength and en
hances the mechanical damage compared with the electrochemical dissolu
tion [6.32]. Therefore, the corrosion sensitivity of the material is an impor
tant factor for the cavitation damage in corrosive liquids.
6.2.1 Introduction
The material damage of machine components caused by cavitation 1 will
• cause lengthy downtime and expensive repairs, and incur some indirect
costs such as the loss of capacity availability by unscheduled outages
and the reduction of machine life by repeated extensive repairs.
• Material Resistance
The mechanism of cavitation damage depends on the type and crystal
structure of the material. The cavitation resistance is also affected
by the heat treatment and machine finish involved in manufacture
and repair processes and by the status and level of stress within the
X ~ X/Lch
Smooth & transparent _ , . X/Lch
interface Pulsation at closure Wavy & unstable V o r t e X S h e d d i n ' g
interface :—.
3 3 Strong pulsation
at closure
Stable sheet cavity, smaller value of OCi Unstable sheet cavity, larger value of CCi
Sheet cavitations CCi = ^°~ as
0 5 1
Cp Cavitating vortices
Travelling bubbles Collapsing area
Figure 6.6: Four types of cavitation (the incidence of the foil, aj, is defined
according to the zero-lift line; aa is the incidence at which the flow separation
takes place; only the pressure distributions on the upper surfaces are shown)
Vorticity lines |iop vl«w|
joints downstream. With small incidence, say ai < 3°, and small Reynolds
number, the cavity is stable and most of the interface is smooth and transpar
ent. When the values of incidence and Reynolds number increase, the cavity
spots move forward with smaller spacing and the point of transition from
a transparent surface to a wavy/unstable surface, which might be caused
by the transition to turbulence, also moves forward accompanied by violent
pulsations at the cavity closure. Owing to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability,
the spanwise vorticity lines, which are strongly perturbed by the streamwise
rolling-up of the cavity cones, are transformed into U-shape vortices, which
are lifted off the surface and shed at the Strouhal frequency /
/ = ^ S . (Hz)
The cavity formation in the core of U-shape vortices is due to the vorticity
increase resulting from the vortex stretching and/or the vapour entrained
from the main cavity. The damage area on the foil, which is caused by the
collapse of whirl vortices generated from the main cavity closure, is concen
trated downstream of the closure. The erosive power of such an unstable
cavity is highest, and is at least an order of magnitude greater than that of
its stable counterpart. The focusing collapse of the bubble cloud 4 in the
cores of the vortices under high pressure recovery immediately downstream
of the main cavity is responsible for the production of this very high ero
sive power. According to Avellan & Dupont, 1988 [6.3], the impact pressure
produced by such cavitating vortex collapse could reach 1950 — 2540 MPa
which is capable of damaging any industrial materials, even Stellite. Avellan
et al, 1991 [6.4], estimate the erosive power, P, produced by such a leading
edge cavity to be
As to the focusing collapse of the bubble cloud, please refer to the cluster collapse
model of multi-bubbles by Hansson & Moch in §3.7.3 "Bubble-bubble Interaction".
The mechanism of such secondary flow formation is well documented, e.g. Kuethe &
Chow, 1986 [6.27], pp 433-436 and Hamn-Ching Chen, 1995 [6.6].
Pressure side
\Leading edge cavitation ' ° (relative chord length)
(inlet) > - _ (outlet)
• The mean pressure along the flow passage of a machine runner de
creases in turbines and increases in pumps, referring to Fig. 6.9; while,
for the 2D foil flow, it is basically the same at the inlet and the outlet.
Consequently, the erosive power of leading-edge cavitation in pumps
is strengthened owing to the higher pressure gradient experienced by
the collapsing cavitated vortices; while it is weakened in turbines. For
the same reason, travelling-bubble cavitation associated with damage,
which usually appears at the mid-chord or near the trailing edge, is
often observed in turbines but seldom in pumps.
Figure 6.11: Cavitation damage zones on the blade of Propeller and Kaplan
is usually due to the operating head being higher than the design head
(consequently, resulting in a larger inlet incidence); while its counterpart
zone Ip on the pressure side is due to the operating head being lower than the
design head (resulting in a negative incidence). For Kaplan turbines, these
two zones are much less prone to damage because of "on cam" operation.
The damage in zone IIIS along the mid-chord length on the periphery of
suction side, and on zone IV, i.e. the tip end along the mid-chord region,
are caused by tip vortex cavitation. This damage is often severe due to the
strong erosive power of such vortices, particularly, on high-head machines.
Travelling cavitation is often responsible for the damaged zone IIS observed
in the area from mid-chord to the tail, which occurs at high flow rates (i.e.
the cavitation number a of machine is in its high-value region) and/or at high
machine setting level (i.e. the cavitation number ap of plant is low). This
travelling cavitation reduces performance (efficiency) remarkably although
its erosive power is usually low. The hub cavitation developed in Kaplan
turbines may cause damage on both the spherical part of hub and the suction
side of the blades near the blade axis. Such damage is usually not severe
but it is typical in Kaplan turbines.
Damage zones on non-rotating parts are shown in Fig. 6.12. Tip-vortex
Figure 6.12: Cavitation damage zones on the non-rotating parts of Propeller
and Kaplan turbines
cavitation also damages the discharge ring, producing an erosion band (zone
V). The discontinuity between the discharge ring and the draft-tube liner
often results in a cavitation erosion band (zone VI). The cavitated secondary
vortices shed from the bottom of guide vanes may also cause damage on the
bottom and/or discharge rings (zone VII) as well as on the runner blades.
The damage in zone VII often appears immediately downstream of the wake
of the guide vanes intermittently in peripheric direction 6 . Damage caused
by guide-vane-leakage cavitation (in closed position) often appears on the
vertical end of the guide vanes (its counterpart appears on the top plate of
the bottom ring) indicated as zone VIII, and its horizontal seal areas (zone
IX). High-head machines are more susceptible to this cavitation damage.
6.2.3 Francis T u r b i n e
See the Example 2 in §6.6.4 "Examples" where the damage area on the bottom ring
in the wake of guide vanes of a propeller turbine is such a case
Figure 6.13: Cavitation damage zones on the runner of a Francis turbine
ing on the design and operation conditions. Hence, the observed damage
patterns vary in location. If the vortex attaches to the intersection of the
blade-inlet edge with the crown and extends down through the space be
tween the two adjacent blades into the draft tube, the attached area at the
intersection may be damaged by the collapse of the vortex. A typical sketch
of such secondary vortex flow simulated with a potential flow model by Gode
& Cu^nod, 1988 [6.12], is shown in Fig. 6.14. The second position that
Figure 6.14: Part-load secondary-vortex at the inlet between the blades with
the upper end attached to the intersection of the blade leading-edge with the
crown (Gode & Cuenod, 1989 [6.12])
the vortex may attach to is the midway of the crown between the blades.
The attachment may also move further downstream towards the outlet of
the blades. Thus, the damage zones on the crown could appear at various
places. If the vortex moves further downstream to the centre of the run-
Part-load damage Low-head damage
zone He zpnelp_
Full/over-load damage
zone IIs
ner then a cavitating vortex-core flow forms in the draft tube and produces
huge pressure pulsations, but with insignificant damage to the draft-tube
liner. The trailing-edge damage zone IIS on the suction side near the band
is often observed; it appears from mid-chord towards the trailing edge and
is caused by travelling-bubble cavitation. This damage is often caused by
operation at full flow rate and/or at a lower value of the plant cavitation
number ap. Besides, the leakage through the seals on the band may cause
leakage cavitation (vortex type) damage on the band, and on the discharge
ring and the draft-tube liner. Figure 6.15 shows the influence of operation
range on cavitation damage (where unit speed: n n = ^ £ ; unit discharge:
Qii DJVH ) ■
High head
P (kg/cm 2 )
Low head
At present, the IEC code stipulates no damage for Pelton turbines. Nev
ertheless, damage occurs at various locations, particularly for high-head and
high-specific-speed (with a high number of jets) machines. The often ob
served cavitation damage on the surface of the needle is shown in Fig. 6.16.
The pressure in the low-pressure zone may reduce to the vapour pressure
under conditions of partial load and high head. Proper profile design can
improve cavitation performance, reducing the risk of this damage. The dam
age on buckets (Grein, 1990 [6.13]) is shown in Fig. 6.17. These damage
zones are caused by cavitation erosion and/or rain erosion 7 . Damage zone
Rain erosion is caused by repeated impacts of travelling liquid droplets which may come
damage. At zone III, i.e. the front edge of the splitter tip, and zone IV, i.e.
from jet interaction and splashing. The rain-eroded surface has very similar appearance
to t h a t of cavitation-damaged surface.
the upper surface of splitter, cavitation damage may be observed for buckets
with a poor profile design and surface finish.
Cavitation damage as a secondary (subsequent) effect of silt erosion of
ten occurs in Pelton turbines. The Pelton turbine is highly susceptible to
silt erosion especially with high-head applications. The silt-eroded surfaces
on the needle, nozzle and buckets will worsen flow conditions and promote
secondary cavitation damage.
• The setting of the machine in the plant, i.e. the ap value of the plant;
10 15 20 30 40 50
Runner discharge diameter (ft)
Figure 6.18: IEC cavitation damage guarantee compared with 729 units
installed in the USA since 1950 (Sinclair & Rodrigue, 1986 [6.47])
units of total 729 installed in USA since 1950 were examined against the
IEC code by Sinclair & Rodrigue, 1986 [6.47], as shown in Fig. 6.18. They
concluded that the use of the lower limit of IEC code is permissible. For
large runners (runner diameter above 7.3 m) and for generating units where
repair outages will result in generation and capacity value losses, a reduc
tion of the K\ value to 75% of the IEC lower limit is recommended. For
propeller and Kaplan turbines, the damage on the non-rotating parts should
not exceed 50% of runner's limit value; while for Francis turbine and pump-
turbine, it should not exceed 33%. The guarantee duration of operation,
Ho, is 8000 hrs and for peak operating units and pump-turbines reduces to
3000 hrs. The recommended guarantee period is two years.
For Pelton turbines, a guarantee code is not yet available although an
IEC draft is in preparation.
gap leakage between the blade and the hub. Damage zone Ip at the closure
I t is known from §3.7.4 "Bubble-Flow Field Interaction" (Single/Individual Bubble
Study) t h a t the ratio, fi, of the pressure drop caused by the vortex (Rankine model) to
the ambient pressure is il = -p£—(^rfs-)2, ^ dramatic pressure drop at the core centre
can be expected as ac is at its smallest value. Furthermore, owing to the capture effect,
the number density of nuclei in the core is much higher and the nuclei can stay for a much
longer time period in the core centre to cavitate, thus promoting the cavitation occurrence
in the core even under fairly high ambient pressure.
'"Unstable vortex cavitation provides more severe damage, at least an order of magni
tude higher than its stable counterpart; this is often the case for pumps operating at low
flow rate and/or low NPSH value.
of the leading-edge cavity on the pressure side may also occur, particularly
for fixed-blade units, when operating at full flow rate or above.
6.3.3 Centrifugal P u m p s
The damage locations in centrifugal pumps are even more uncertain than in
Francis turbines, since the pattern of vortex flows and the location where
the cavitated vortices implode are not easily predictable. They vary dra-
Cavitation inception
0.5 1.0 1.5
vortices may attach to the pressure face of the blade, producing extremely
damaging power there. Besides, the shed vortices from the leading-edge cav
ity on the suction side can also provide erosive power on the pressure face of
the adjacent blade if these shed vortices collapse near/on it. The unstable
vortices resulting from such recirculations are persistently present when the
flow rate is particularly low, i.e. in the region from B to A (referring to
Fig. 6.20) where the NPSH line descends with the reduction of flow rate,
resulting in a huge flow-rate surge and damage if the NSPH level is low
enough to cavitate vortex cores. For details, see, e.g. Palgrave & Cooper,
1986 [6.35].
6.3.4 Pump-turbines
Cavitation damage to pump-turbines is similar to their counterpart turbines
when operating in turbine mode; and, similar to their counterpart pumps
when operating in pump mode.
However, the setting level of pump-turbines is determined by the pump
ing mode which gives a larger value of plant crp than that required by the
generating mode. Therefore, cavitation damage of pump-turbines operating
in turbine mode, particularly over the trailing part of the blade suction side
(travelling-cavitation damage), is much less compared with the counterpart
F o r high-energy pumps, with large inlet-eye diameter (i.e. high inlet peripheric ve
locity) and small blade-blade overlap, inlet recirculation is more likely to occur, which is
characterised by the highly unstable shear vortices generated between the rejected back-
flow at the outer eye diameter and the incoming flow near the hub. Severe damage will
be expected if these vortices attach to the surface of the flow passage. Similar damage at
the impeller discharge and/or in the diffuser can be caused by discharge recirculation.
For both operating modes, severe leading-edge cavitation damage may
be observed when the entering flow deviates. Damage on the suction side of
the blade caused by travelling cavitation may also be detected. Tip-vortex
cavitation damage occurs for propeller and Kaplan pump-turbines and hub
cavitation damage occurs in Kaplan pump-turbines.
When operating in pump mode, the flow recirculations at the runner
entrance and at runner discharge can cause severe damage. In this mode,
leading-edge cavitation damage may also appear on the guide vane, even
on the stay vane as shown by Fig. 6.10, either due to the improper de
sign of the vane entrance or due to the periodical variation (at the blade
passing frequency) of the incidence relative to the guide vane caused by the
peripherally nonuniform discharge flow of the runner. This damage is often
severe owing to the unstable nature of the leading-edge cavity and the high
pressure/pressure gradient there.
proaches. For example, by relating the leading-edge cavity or its noise level
to the erosion rate, Gulich & R6sch,1989 [6.15], proposed an approach for
radial and semi-axial centrifugal pumps to calculate the probability, W, at
which the pump can reach the required operating life, lL,Req- The following
equation is used to correlate the properties of the cavity with the erosion
rate ER at the location possessing the maximum material loss,
(P0 -
^Fr mat (?n=)(*r<-*> (6.2)
where a constant, being 2.3 x 10~ 12 for the suction side and
1.1 x 1 0 - 1 0 for the pressure side (m3/Ns);
x2: being 2.83 for the suction side and 2.6 for the pressure
Lcav,R reference cavity length, being 10 (mm);
J-'cav measured cavity length (mm);
PQ static pressure at impeller inlet (N/m2);
Pv vapour pressure (N/m2);
Fcor factor accounting for corrosion effect;
Rm tensile strength (N/m2);
h,Cal = (*)
Here, EB is the blade thickness (m). Thus, the probability, W, that the
pump can last for the required operating life, It,Req, can be obtained from
Factor RL
20 40 60 80 100
Probability W (%)
Figure 6.22: Probability functions of the operating life (Gulich & Rosch,
1989 [6.15])
Curve 1: cavity property method; Curve 2: cavitation noise level method
Similarly, the probability of reaching the required operating life can also
be estimated by evaluating the cavitation noise level (CNL) (for details see
Gulich & Rosch, 1989 [6.15]). By evaluating the factors influencing the dam
age, the operating life can also be estimated. For example, Doolin, 1986
[6.9], proposed an approach to estimate the operating life by the production
of seven factors. They are: (1) Ratio of available NPSHa to rated (3% head
drop) NPSH; (2) Thermodynamic properties of liquid; (3) Corrosive effect
of liquid; (4) Cavitation resistance of material; (5) Speed of pump; (6) Off-
peak operation; (7) Suction specific speed. Based on the life factor FL, i.e.
the product of these seven factors, the operating life, II, can be estimated
IL = 10FL {yrs)
The evaluation of these seven factors are given in [6.9].
6.4.1 Introduction
The abrasive wear of hydraulic machinery caused by silt-laden water has
become a world-wide problem. It is a multidisciplinary subject which is as
yet not well understood, particularly when it occurs together with cavitation
erosion. The mutual influence mechanism between silt erosion and cavitation
erosion, i.e. the synergistic action which is far more devastating to machine
parts, needs to be fully understood so that comprehensive guidelines can
be provided to cover scheme planning, machine selection and layout, the
hydraulic design of the machine, material selection/coating application, and
machine operation/maintenance/repair etc. The current trend to the use
of higher specific-speed machines makes machine parts more susceptible to
such synergistic damage 13 . Therefore, it is vital for machines used in the
environment of high silt concentration, that the penalties arising from sand
erosion and cavitation damage are understood and evaluated.
Silt Properties
Large hard particles with sharp edges provide the most erosive poten
tial. The content of entrained particles usually comprises the very hard and
sharp quartz particles, siltstone (rock) particles and very fine mud parti
cles. Among them, are quartz particles ranging from a few /j,m to hundreds
of fxm which arrive seasonally in rivers fed by melting snows in mountains
The rate of silt erosion alone increases with 3rd power of relative flow velocity and the
rate of cavitation erosion alone increases with 6th power of relative flow velocity; whereas,
the rate of synergistic erosion increases at a much higher rate than the summation of the
above two, owing to the synergistic action.
Figure 6.23: Eroded guide vane (Grein & Schachenmann, 1992 [6.14])
Francis turbine: N = 4.4 MW, H — 154 m; Material: 14/1 stainless steel;
Operating hours: 41,000 hrs; Silt concentration: up to 1.5 kg/m3
such as the Himalayas and the Alps. These particles are mostly erosive
although their concentration is usually not high (only a few kg/mz). The
remaining particles are mostly siltstone, which are usually milled down by
each other to small/fine sizes (a few /*m up to 100 /j.m) during the trans
portation process. However, in seasonal floods their concentration may rise
to some hundreds of kg/m3. These particles are also erosive and their ero
sion rate is reported to be approximately proportional to their concentration
(Grein & Schachenmann, 1992 [6.14]). However, their erosive power may be
retarded by accompanying extra fine mud particles in which they are en
trained during flood seasons. Therefore, the composition of the entrained
particles, their screening characteristics, and their shapes and hardnesses are
necessary information for the planning/designing of anti-erosion measures.
Typical screening size characteristics of entrained particles for some rivers
are summarised as shown in Fig. 6.25 (Grein & Schachenmann, 1992 [6.14]),
which shows the Himalayan rivers (i.e. the curve No.5 for Min Jiang river,
China) having coarser particles than the others.
Material Properties
Driving Forces
The forces driving the particle impinging and cutting the material surface
are complex.
Firstly, in many cases the major driving force results from the relative
velocity of the flow to the particle. It exerts on the particle in the relative
flow direction. The erosive power of the particle driven by such a force
increases with the flow velocity. Hence, for locations where the flow velocity
is high, severe erosion can be expected. Furthermore in turbulent flows, the
particle does not only obtain increased momentum but it can also regain
this momentum repeatedly after making microcutting (i.e. losing its cutting
potential) and being carried into the outer layer of the boundary flow where
it is re-energised.
Secondly, the inertia forces play a dominant role in some flows. One
such case arises when the centrifugal force perpendicular to a concave sur
face presses the particle against the surface while it is being dragged over
and in so doing cuts the surface. Therefore, for applications where large par
ticles and high flow velocities are encountered, precautions must be taken to
avoid sudden changes in flow direction, and/or corresponding anti-erosion
measures should be employed. The particles entrained in large eddies or
vortex cores with their axes parallel to the surface is another such a case
where the centrifugal force perpendicular to the surface causes the particle
to impinge on and cut the surface. The herringbone-like scouring on the
bottom ring surface in front of the guide vane (Francis turbine) shown in
Fig. 6.26 is a typical example of such microcutting by the particles in the
secondary vortex formed there. See Figs. 6.8 and 6.27 comparing with Fig
ure 6.26 for the evidence of the agreement between the vortex flow and the
resulting scour pattern.
Thirdly, gravity and buoyancy should be taken into account in some cases
although they play less significant roles.
Various silt-erosion models are available but none of them can simulate
all the above factors. The model by Sato et al, 1990 [6.42], is introduced here,
which estimates the particle relative penetration depth Dp(= h/a), referring
to Figure 6.28, based on the assumption that the silt particle will penetrate
into such a maximum depth, Dp<Tnax, that its kinetic energy reduces to zero,
DP,max = O.64p*(sin0)lV*H~*
Sato et al, 1992 [6.43], further classify silt erosion into three modes,
namely ploughing, wedging and cutting, subject to the maximum pene
tration DptTnax and the particle-surface shear strength / as shown by the
abrasion mode diagram, Fig. 6.29. For hydraulic machinery, ploughing and
• Promotion of Cavitation
The particle entrainment will increase the nuclei concentration of water
and, consequently, promote the cavitation occurrence. A 10 — 15%
increase of the incipient cavitation number, CTJ„, in silt-laden water
compared with tap water was reported by Toshiba et al, 1991 [6.50].
• Strengthening of Impingement
The particles will gain much higher velocities when coupled with cav
itation. In particular, the microjets from the collapsing bubbles give
particles a very high velocity towards the surface. Therefore, particle
impingement with incidence 6 ss 90° and high velocity is much stronger
than that in non-cavitation conditions.
As an example, the study of damage to stainless steel 18Cr8Ni on
a hydrofoil by Jin et al, 1986 [6.23], is presented. The silt erosion
is dominated by the ploughing mode which produces smooth eroded
grooves with a maximum width of 1 mm and a maximum depth of
0.15 mm; whereas, under cavitating conditions, the grooves become
^^^^H^"'' if
0.5 — I \k Dp=h/a
0.4 —
\affi SL
0.3 —
0.2 —
— ^^^^^^""^-^
Submerged jet
\ (SUS 304)
0.1 -
Ploughing Water channel
1 1 \
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Shearing strength at the contact interface f
• Subsequent Damage
Erosion depth
( um/h) Test material :Aluminium
Velocity: 40 m/s
Silt concentration: 30 g/1
(abrasion+cavitation) Silt granule size: 39 u m
Erosion rate (cm 3/h) (X10"3 ) Erosion rate (cm 3/h) (X 10"3 )
Bottom specimen Side specimen
' wc
CTWC=1.5 80
(abrasion) Abrasion
/ .A Cavitation
6 —
4 — il .=1.5
// awc=1.0
2 — / Abrasion
(,-, •+ •
1 1 1
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Silt granule size (lim) Silt granule size (\i m)
(b) (c)
loss rate, Wc+S, of synergistic erosion is the weighted sum of the individual
rates of silt erosion, Ws, and cavitation erosion, Wc, which relates to the
mechanical properties as follows,
• The silt characteristics such as silt concentration and composition, par
ticle hardness/shape/size.
• The flow characteristics such as flow and cavitation patterns, flow ve
locity, turbulence level and cavitation severity.
combined with galvanic corrosion, which occurs on the carbon steel at the
interface between the carbon steel and the stainless steel. This damage af
fects much larger areas with erosion rates varying from 0.5 to 2 mm/year.
As explained, corrosion plays a significant role 15 in this type of damage (not
only in sea water even in river water) since the attack from cavitation alone
is weak.
Composition (weight %)
Alloy Common
Name C N Mn Ni Co Cu Si Cr Mo Nb V Ti W P S Fe
* Ta + Nb
Table 6.2: Stainless, nickel and cobalt alloys (Rao & Kung, 1987 [6.39])
eq Md30 8 Fcrrite Erosion rate mg/h Erosion ratio
Alloy Common Cr Ni
Name C
'eq+Nieq °C Vol % Low High High/Low
Intensity Intensity
Table 6.3: Chromium & nickel equivalents, 6 ferrite content and erosion rate
(Rao & Kung, 1987 [6.39])
Nickel Equivalent
• Q
p tff>
0» ^/ / ^y
^ \ A+M \ \ i • J,
\ F+M
M+F ^--^
10 20 30 40
Chromium Equivalent
Distilled water
i■b f\
\ p \
\ \ N : • v;
24 a jj.Y.f.R
■ \ \.v;
c ■
d >D \ ^
Figure 6.33: Erosion rate correlation with chromium and nickel equivalents,
Creq and Nieq, for stainless steels, nickel based alloys and nickel equivalent
(e.g. cobalt) based alloys (Akhtar, 1986 [6.1])
here, each element is calculated based on its weight percentage. For some al
loys containing copper and cobalt, the contributions from them are weighted
as 0.44Cu and OAlCo to be added to the nickel equivalent Nieq. The calcu
lated values of Creq and Nieq for these materials are listed in Table 6.3 and
also shown on the Schaeffler diagram, Fig. 6.32. The cavitation resistances
of stainless steels, nickel-based alloys and nickel-equivalent (cobalt-based) al-
loys listed in Table 6.2 are well predicted by this correlation (see Fig. 6.33).
For stainless steels (the right curve), there is a minimum of erosion rate
corresponding to
^ 0.7
Crea + Nieq
where the stainless steel T (i.e. F255), which has a duplex ferrite-austenite
microstructure (35% ferrite), locates, while stainless steels U, V, W and X
(i.e. 312, 446, CA6NMand 13/2), which are mainly of ferritic and marten-
sitic structure, locate on the ascending portion of curve. The fully austenitic
weld metals O, P, Q and R (i.e. 254SLX, 320, 3A395 and 330) with low val-
°^ Cr +Ni P o s s e s s l ° w resistances. Stainless steel R (i.e. 330) behaves
as nickel-based alloy since it locates on the nickel-based curve (the left curve)
rather than on the stainless-steel curve. This is owing to its much higher
nickel-equivalent element (0.22% carbon) which gives a total value of Nieq
up to 40%. Owing to a similar reason, alloys d (H716) can be considered as
a nickel-based alloy as well.
The curve for nickel or nickel-equivalent-based alloys shows that the min
imum erosion rate occurs when the value of Cr ^.'jfo is around 0.42. The
cobalt alloys g, j and h (C227, S6B and S21) possessing strongest cavitation
resistances locate just in this region. It should be noted that although cobalt
alloys g (C227) and j (S21) all contain about 60% cobalt as alloy h {S6B)
does, their carbon levels are much lower (0.38% and 0.22% respectively)
compared with 1.10% carbon for alloy h (S6B). The lower level of carbon
can ease the recontouring of the deposited overlay of these two cobalt alloys.
A subsequently developed high-resistance alloy TS1 (1.0% C, 10% M, 12%
Co, 5% Si, 30% Cr and 42% Fe) with a value of Cr^Nieq « 0.45 is well
predicted by the curve as shown in Fig. 6.33.
Rao & Kung also discuss the metallographical factors governing the ero
sion of materials. Firstly, the stress-induced phase transformation from
austensite to martensite is a measure of cavitation resistance for fully austenitic
and austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steels 19 . The cavitation resistance is
proportional to the transformation level20 as shown in Fig. 6.34. Whereas,
the thermal martensite is unfavourable to the cavitation resistance, presum-
This measure is valid only for the duplex stainless steels containing a small amount of
ferrite. For high-intensity cavitation (±25/im, vibratory test), the limit for the amount of
ferrite is up to 5%; for low-intensity cavitation (±12ftm, vibratory test), it is up to 15%.
The transformation level is measured by the temperature Mdm at which 50% marten
site is produced under the action of a true strain of 0.30.
\ ^
* ^ _ _ „ _
~^^ E
L 0 \ , w ■»•
OM I • •V! ^-^
UO s
Amplitude * 25 \l m
^~^«^.^ 7
B ^
T 0°
(dm/dt) , =13-0.035', M
25 d30
(a) d30 < ° O
10 »Q \
p ^ \
\ « N
^« O ^ O * * ^
L *^^
^O « ^ *C
4 - U M► E Vj
Amplitude * 1! |l ■
(drtfdt) =3.9-0.0118 M „ „
12 d30
d30 < ° c>
Figure 6.34: Erosion rate vs. Md30 value (Rao & Kung, 1987 [6.39])
Filled circle: austenitic alloys (<5 ferrite < 5%); Open circle: duplex
austenitic-ferritic alloys (6 ferrite > 5%); Triangle: triplex austenitic-ferritic-
martensitic alloys.
(a) High-intensity cavitation (b) Low-intensity cavitation
12 Distilled water
8 • ± 25 u m
f 12 um
LM -
0 20 40 60 80 100
% 8 Ferrite
C Mn Si Cr Ni N
Nitronic 60 0.07 8.0 4.0 16.5 8.5 0.14
304 0.06 1.5 0.5 19.0 9.0 0.03
^—^rfn— f ° r ^ f e r r ite phase is more close to the optimum value, 0.7. Take alloy T (F255)
as an example, the value is found to be 0.71 for S ferrite phase and 0.65 for austenite
These data are derived from different sources. Therefore, they are not quantitatively
correct. Table 6.5 should be used as a guide only.
6.6. Hydroloy HQ 913 is the name for Ireca used for weld overlay purposes.
Ireca possesses high cavitation resistance comparable with Stellite 6 and
Stellite 21 (see Table 6.7), owing to its strain-induced fine twinning asso
ciated with low stacking fault energy, along with its better weldability and
surface grinding characteristics similar to 308 stainless steel. Tribonic 20
c Mn Si Cr Ni Co N
0.20 10 3 17 Nil 8 0.2
c Mn Si Cr Ni
0.03 14 5 5 5
Sanmenxia P.S. locates on the Yellow River, suffering severe cavitation and silt erosion
problems. The annually average silt concentration passing machines is 15 kg/m3.
The cavitation resistance of stainless steel welds in sea water depends mainly on the
pitting corrosion resistance of the austenitic phase whose resistance will be weakened by
the presence of molybdenum in this phase. For fully austenitic stainless steels this is just
the case, while for duplex austenitic-ferritic stainless steels this is not the case because the
molybdenum being a ferrite stabiliser tends to dissolve in the ferritic phase instead of in
the austenitic phase.
coupled 0.037
308L(F) stationary 0.2
As deposited 28-33
Heat treated 23-28
B As deposited 36-39
Heat treated 34-37
As deposited 23-25
Heat treated 35-37
Table 6.11: Heat effect of post-weld heat treatment (Rao & Kung, 1987
(a) Erosion rate (b) Hardness
sistance of the coupled material with anodic polarity. The worst galvanic
effect occurs for the weld overlay of duplex austenitic-ferritic stainless steel
308L applied either on carbon steel A36 or on martensitic stainless steel
13/4 base metals, referring to Tables 6.9 and 6.10. For these two base
metals, i.e. A36 and 13/4, the lowest galvanic effect can be achieved by
using cobalt-based alloy S21 as weld overlay material. The sensitisation of
austenitic stainless steels by the welding heat is the main cause responsible
for the intergranular-corrosion affected resistance deterioration 25 . To avoid
the sensitisation effect, one method is to use low-carbon stainless-steels and
low-interpass temperature.
As to the heat effect, apart from the sensitisation caused by welding heat,
the post-weld heat treatment is the most common heat effect encountered in
practice. The triplex austenitic-ferritic-martensitic alloys A (TSN) and B
(17/4) erode more rapidly after heat treatment (stress relief), presumably
due to the reduction of their hardness, referring to Table 6.11. While the
alloys E (347L), G (308) and I (316), which contain small amounts of 8 fer-
rite, exhibit a variation in erosion-rate change as shown in Table 6.11. The
alloying elements Mo and Nb have a beneficial effect on the post-weld heat
treatment as demonstrated by alloy E (347L). The duplex austenitic-ferritic
stainless steel T (F25S) after the heat treatment shows significant improve
ment on cavitation resistance (reducing erosion rate by a factor of two) due
to the formation of a phase which strengthens 6 ferrite and delays its disinte
gration. Therefore, Rao & Kung conclude that the duplex austenitic-ferritic
stainless steel T (F25S) has best overall performance, although its cavita
tion resistance is lower than the cobalt-based alloy j (S21). The excellent
weldability and machinability of T (F25S) make this material the optimum
metallic overlay material for cavitation repair.
carbon steel base). The spiral casings, nozzle pipes, draft tubes and the low-
intensity cavitation area on the blades are such areas suitable to be protected
by the coatings made of these two types of materials.
Various ceramic compounds have been developed since ceramic itself
alone offers little resistance to cavitation attack although its excellent hard
ness is good for abrasion resistance. Some of these compounds possess good
resistance to cavitation owing to their improved toughness. Some of them
even can be used as weld materials such as the metal-ceramic compound
developed by the Chinese Academy of Steel and Iron [6.48]. Ceramic com
pounds are reported to be successful in protecting the areas suffering severe
cavitation and/or abrasion attack such as the areas on blades and guide
vanes under the attack of leading-edge cavitation.
The often-used plasma sprayings are ceramic, polymeric and metallic
coatings. The performance of these spraying coatings in cavitation/abrasion
resistance is mainly determined by the spraying material itself. That is,
ceramic and hard material coatings offer excellent abrasion resistance but
poor cavitation resistance; polymeric coatings reveal better unified resistance
to the synergistic attack of cavitation/abrasion/corrosion, subject to their
particular properties.
Little information is available on the use of neoprenes (only three cases in
Total 27 metal and non-metal materials provided by 18 research academics, design in
stitutions, manufacturers and power stations, were tested on a prototype propeller turbine
ZD661-LH-120 under the same synergistic attack of cavitation and silt erosion.
• The applying of non-fused materials will not introduce heat effect and
is less time consuming compared with the welding repair.
However, the main difficulties with the use of these materials are:
• The welding work in the areas adjacent to these materials will cause
the failure of bonding and may produce toxic fumes.
3CrNiMoCuN 24-6 (Noridur). It is particularly recommended for making
the propellers of slurry pumps. As to plasma sprayings, according the exper
iments conducted in China [6.48], the nylon compound spraying employed
in the pilot test at the Suide Power Station can provide fairly good coatings
against cavitation and abrasion.
6.6.2 C a u s e of D a m a g e
• Record forms;
• Photographs;
• If the damage varies from blade to blade (in which some blades are
A list of some damage causes and remedial measures can be found in [6.47].
However, some cases of damage do necessitate further model and numeri
cal studies since in situ examination does not always provide satisfactory
answers. Model study can provide the information about the cavitation de
velopment, its pattern and damage 28 . Computer simulation of flows helps
identify the critical flow structures which could potentially induce cavitation
(damage), such as flow separation, minimum-pressure spots and vortices. It
is often the case that these three measures are performed integrally to pin
point the damage causes and to find the satisfactory solutions.
Repair Method
Repair Frequency
• Make repair only when damage threatens to impair the strength of the
In this application, the stainless-steel overlay should be extended to such a large area
that the interface locates in the low-intensity cavitation zone so that the epoxy coating
can stay there without the risk of being removed by cavitation attack.
In Russia (Pylaev & Agelly, 1974 [6.37]), the criteria determining the
repair frequency are:
• The damage should not exceed such a severity that the machine can
not still be repaired in situ. The allowable repair depth on stainless
steel without preheat varies depending on the material properties and
the weld procedure. The value of this depth is 5 — 8 mm for 20Crl3Ni;
and 1 0 - 1 2 mm for 0Crl2NiCu;
• For runners made of carbon steel, the criterion is that the deterioration
of machine efficiency should not exceed a financially reasonable level.
Experience shows that the repair work is justified following a 0.2%
efficiency drop.
C repair + C eff
—»" T
(Repair interval, hours)
cost which consists of both the unit downtime cost (i.e. generating loss and
capacity value loss) incurred due to cavitation repair and the cost of machine
service-life loss owing to extensive damage repairs.
The damaged areas should be repaired with 308 austenitic weld mate
The high level of ferrite in 309 stainless steel reduces the risk of hot-short cracking
(micro Assuring).
In the areas suffering severe cavitation damage, the following weld ma
terials may be chosen for repairs, referring to §6.6.2 "Fused Material".
• The cobalt (59%) based alloy, S21 (Stellite 21), has far superior cav
itation resistance. However, it can not be used in highly restrained
areas such as deep weldments and cracks since it is vulnerable to hot
cracking (micro Assuring). Therefore, it is only used as a final weld
material, such as the final three passes over the weld metal F255. This
material is expensive and its machinability (grinding) is poor.
• The cobalt (43.8%) alloy H25 (Haynes 25) has better cavitation resis
tance than F255.
Particularly, the carbon equivalent, Ccq, of the base metal which is evaluated as
Ceq = C + ±Mn + \{Cr + Mo + V) + ±{Ni + Cu).
Due to the fact that the austenitic stainless steel can absorb hydrogen
to avoid underbead cracking, the preheat may be 150° F (83° C) less
than those given for carbon-steel weld materials, but should not be less
than 60° F (16° C). However, austenitic stainless-steel weld metal is
susceptible to intergranular corrosion caused by the sensitisation (see
§6.5.2 'Fused Materials'). The low-carbon stainless-steel weld metal,
such as AISI-316L stainless steel (only 0.03% C), is less susceptible
to sensitisation. To avoid sensitisation, a low interpass temperature is
also recommended.
A285 Gr B 0.37 60
1-1/2 0.37 60
2 0.37 120
The above values for carbon equivalent are based on the maximum
allowable carbon and maganese content allowed by the respective
ASTM standard. The actual carbon equivalent may be less, allowing
lower preheat.
Surface Finish
There are other precautions that should be taken in repairs. If the re
pair work involves re-contouring or re-profiling, all these changes should be
made in small steps to ensure an optimum shape being reached after several
successive repairs. Besides, the dimension monitoring and the distortion pre
vention (by using braces and strong backs) are also essential to the success
of repairs.
6.6.4 Examples
Example 1:
Description of Damage
The cavitation guarantee clause for the turbines (whose specifications are
listed in Table 6.14) limits the metal removal to 45.5 kg (100 lb) during a
continuous operating period of 10,000 hrs, referring to Fig. 6.37. However,
before the beginning of the guarantee period, during the 3000 hr initial
inspection of the first commissioned machine, severe cavitation damage was
detected which was very localised and repetitive from blade to blade; the
depth of the eroded zones varied from 1 — 15 mm, even exceeding the depth
of the stainless-steel overlay. The damaged areas were centred on the back
of the blades approximately 60 cm downstream from the inlet edge (about
20% of the blade length) and about 30 cm from the blade-band junction as
shown by Fig. 6.39(a).
Initial Modifications
The initial modifications were made at site by making the inlet curvature
changes (on the lower quarter of the blade height) in two ways to reduce the
incidence (Fig. 6.38). One was made on No.2 unit by extending slightly the
20 /
fterr lodifi :atiof
10 / \,
5000 10000
Operating hours
(b) Unit 3
inflow edge and by building up the face side to minimise metal removal on the
back; the other was made on No.3 unit by increasing the curvature of inflow
edge but without extending the blades. The inspections after 3500 hrs (unit
2) and 1300 hrs (unit 3) subsequent to the modifications showed a significant
damage reduction on unit 2 and a reduction by a factor of three on unit 3.
However, these improvements were still not satisfactory.
A further model study (scale factor: 13.38) was carried out to pin point
the damage cause. A fine and long endoscope was inserted through the spiral
case and distributor to a point near the entrance to the runner in order to
observe the critical cavitation zone with minimum flow disturbance. It was
observed that the cavitation bubbles appeared at about 1 cm downstream of
the inlet edge at the junction between the blade and the band. The change
of inlet curvature on the model showed little effect on the cavitation devel
opment; while modifications to the fillet seemed to have a more significant
influence. Thus, after an intensive modification test on the model, a final
simple and effective solution was reached which was a fillet having a pro
gressively increasing radius, combined with a build-up on the back of the
blade adjacent to the fillet and a thickening of the inlet edge near the band,
as shown in Fig. 6.39(b). The inspection after 2350 hr service since this
final modification showed that no significant metal removal had taken place
on such modified blades (approximately 98% damage reduction as shown in
Fig. 6.37) and a 0.5% efficiency gain resulted.
This example shows that the change of incidence of inlet edge is not al
ways the answer to the leading-edge cavitation damage; the radius of fillet,
which influences the formation of secondary vortices there, is also respon
sible for the leading-edge cavitation damage adjacent to the band; and the
in situ examination/analysis may not be adequate in seeking the final solu
tion, particularly for complicated cases.
Example 2:
This is an unusual and complex case involving tip vortex cavitation com
bined with leading-edge cavitation damages on the pressure side of blades
on a retrofitted propeller turbine, reported by Baetz et al, 1989 [6.5].
The retrofitted propeller turbine at the Kembs Power Plant (France) was
found to be damaged on the pressure side of blades after 500 hour operation
Blade inlet
(b) 2 (m)
Figure 6.40: Flow comparison between the old and retrofit designs (Baetz
et al 1989 [6.5])
(a) Meridian flow (b) Evolution of meridian velocity and boundary layer
along the bottom and discharge rings
Inlet edge
Cavitation damage
Discharge ring
Figure 6.41: Damage areas on the retrofit design (Baetz et al 1989 [6.5])
(a) Damage on the blades (b) Damage on the bottom ring
and on the bottom ring after 3000 hours. A short-term solution based on
the damage-pattern analysis, which involved the local cutting of blade and
the installation of anti-cavitation fins, was not successful. Then a solution
obtained through flow analysis and confirmed by model test, which modified
the blade inlet edge and rounded up the sharp tip-edge of blades, finally
eliminated the damage problem.
Description of Damage
The demand of increasing unit flow rate made the retrofitted turbine pos
sess a larger diameter, a smaller number of blades (from six reduced to five)
and wider opening of guide vanes while the following remained unchanged:
(1) The distributor position and the profile of guide vanes; (2) The draft
tube elbow and diffuser. Thus, the retrofit design of the flow passage had
a very sharp turning at the bottom ring as shown in Fig. 6.40. The conse
quent cavitation damage was found on two areas. One is the very localised
and aggressive damage on the inlet area of blade pressure side, adjacent to
the blade periphery towards the discharge ring as shown in Fig. 6.41(a).
The blades were made of stainless steel (Cr 17%, Ni 4%). The depth of
damage exceeded 5 mm. The other is the low-intensity cavitation damage
on the bottom ring, which was made of ordinary carbon steel, occurring at
a periodic azimuth as shown in Fig. 6.41(b).
Short-term Solution
Flow Analysis
The tip cavitation damage on the pressure side near the inlet edge was
unusual and the mechanism of generating such a pressure difference at this
location, i.e. the underpressure on the pressure side and the overpressure on
the suction side, was further studied.
i = -30°
Firstly, the meridian flow calculation (potential flow model) for the retrofit
design showed an increased velocity peak at the bottom ring corner, which
generated a vacuum pressure of —4 mWC responsible for the cavitation dam
age on the bottom ring, followed by a steeper deceleration, which gave rise to
the thickening and separation of the boundary layer there, referring to Fig.
6.40. The calculation of the boundary layer along the walls of bottom-ring
and discharge-ring indicated that the retrofit design increased the boundary-
layer thickness up to 40 mm at the location corresponding to the blade inlet,
where a possible separation was very likely to occur if the form factor, L,
was equal to or less than —0.178, making the leading portion of the blade
periphery well within the boundary layer, i.e. the velocity-deficient zone, or
even in the separation zone. Thus, if the separation did occur at the location
corresponding to the blade inlet, the blade cross-section even at a distance
(for say 20 mm) to the wall of discharge ring would have a negative incidence
of about —30° owing to the angle of relative inflow, (3, being virtually zero,
as shown by Fig. 6.42; or a negative incidence of —5° with no separation
occurring. This alteration of boundary-layer characteristics introduced by
the retrofit design was the real cause which gave rise to the inverse pressure
difference along the leading 10% chord-length of the tip periphery where the
tip-vortex cavitation occurred.
Model Study
Figure 6.43: Comparison of damage areas before and after blade modification
(Baetz et al, 1989 [6.5])
Prototype Result
The inspection after completing 18,000 hour service since the final mod
ification showed a significant improvement (only a little cavitation damage
on the periphery), referring to Fig. 6.43.
6.1 Akhtar, A. (1986), 'Materials Technology for Turbine Performance',
Water Power and Dam Construction, August 1986, ppl3-19.
Machinery', Sulzer Technical Review, 1/1992.
6.15 Giilich, J. F. and Rosch, A. (1989), 'Cavitation Erosion in Centrifugal
Pumps', Chemical Engineering Progress, Nov. 1989, pp68-73.
6.16 Hammitt, F. G. (1980), Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Phenomena,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980.
6.17 Hammitt, F. G. (1983), Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Phe
nomenon, Lecture Notes (in Chinese) presented at the China Ship
Research Centre, Wuxi, China.
6.18 Hickling, R. and Plesset, M. S. (1964), 'Collapse and Rebound of a
Spherical Bubble in Water', Phys. Fluids, Vol.7, No.l, p.7.
6.19 Hobbs, J. M., 'Experience with a 20-kc Cavitation Erosion Test',
ASTM STP, Vol.408 , p.159.
6.20 Ivany, R. D. and Hammitt, F. G. (1965), 'Cavitation Bubble Col
lapse in Viscous Compressible Liquids - Numerical Analysis', Trans.
ASME, Ser.D, Vol.87, p.977.
6.21 Iwai, Y., Okada, T. and Mori, H. (1990), 'An Experimental Inves
tigation of Cavitation Bubble Collapse Pressure and Erosion Pits in
Flowing System', Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum, ASME
FED Vol.98, p.127
6.22 Iwai, Y., Tanaka, S. and Okada, T. (1989), 'A Study of Cavitation
Bubble Collapse Pressure and Erosion, Part 2: Estimation of Erosion
from the Distribution of Bubble Collapse Pressure', Wear, Vol.133,
6.23 Jin, H., Zhang, F., Li, S. and Hang, C. (1986), 'The role of Sand Par
ticles on the Rapid Destruction of the Cavitation Zone of Hydraulic
Turbines', Wear 112, ppl99-205.
6.29 Lord Rayleigh (1914), 'On the Pressure Developed in a Liquid during
the Collapse of a Spherical Cavity', Philos. Mag., Vol.34, P-94.
6.33 Okada, T., Iwai, Y. and Yamamoto, A. (1983), 'A Study of Cavitation
Erosion of Cast Iron', Wear, Vol.84, p.297.
6.39 Rao, A. S. and Kung, D. (1987), Metallic Overlay Materials for the
Optimum Cavitation Performance of Hydraulic Turbines, Report for
the Canadian Electric Association, CEA No.135 G273.
6.41 Robinson, M. J. and Hammitt, F. G. (1967), 'Detailed Damage
Characteristics in Cavitation Venturi', Trans. ASME, J. Basic Eng.,
Vol.89, No.l, p. 161.
6.43 Sato, J., Usami, K., Okamura, T. and Tanaba, S. (1992), 'Basic Stud
ies of Coupled Damage Caused by Silt Abrasion and Cavitation Ero
sion', ASME FED 136.
6.50 Toshima, M., Okamura, T., Satoh, J., Usami, K. and Tanabe, S.
(1991), 'Basic Study of Coupled Damage Caused by Silt Abrasion
and Cavitation Erosion', J. JSME (B) V.57 No.539, pp20-25.
6.51 Zhao, K., Gu, C , Shen, F. and Lou, B. (1993), 'Study on Mechanism
of Combined Action of Abrasion and Cavitation Erosion on Some
Engineering Steels', Wear No.162-164, pp811-819.
Cavitation Caused
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360 Cavitation
/GVO=5'>M ?0.]
■«c -GVO=lO*,q%0.24
—i r
O : n 1 =223 tpm/v r m
O : n 1 »205 rpm/v m
Unit of Qi ! n r / s / v m
Figure 7.1: Amplitude of radial fluctuation force versus cavitation number
(medium specific speed) (a) Pumping mode; (b) Generating mode.
Pressure side
Suction side
Vortices by \
separation ^
- Shroud Band
High cavitation
Vortex line
cavitating. If the vortex touches the suction side of the adjacent blade,
erosion may occur there. The pulsation caused by this kind of cavita
tion is very strong. In some circumstances, the cavitating vortex may
extend onto the suction side down to two thirds of the blade length,
causing the most violent vibration [7.42, 7.51], and subsequently severe
erosion at the blade outlet.
cavitation inception
(visual observation)
■ti O C O
20 40 60 80 100
Guide vane opening GVO (%)
Figure 7.4: Inlet cavitation of pump turbine (model, generating mode), (a)
acoustic emission; (b) visual observation.
Figure 7.5: Vortex cavity at the runner outlet, helical at part load (left)
and axially centred at full load (right), (Courtesy of Mr. Tanaka, Toshiba,
v = 0.220
m m ■
:■ 2Z5mCE
•-/Emplacement du
/ capteor
AJj *&.
2 f/h
Figure 7.7: Draft tube pressure oscillations and cavitation patterns versus
flow coefficient.
1 v-0.640
LO i II a -Q310
i H «10mCE
»^ i—^
a* ff »ao7*
H «22.SmCE
Figure 7.8: Part load pressure oscillations and vortex cavity at part load
and full load for high and low specific speed turbines.
residual swirl will cause a vortex in the draft tube when operating at off-
design flow-rates. The vortex rotates in the same direction as the runner at
part load and in the opposite direction at overload [7.8, 7.9]. Its structure
depends on both the draft tube design and the runner outlet velocity distri
bution. For very small flows, this vortex is quite disorganised. From 50 %
flow-rate up to nearly the best efficiency flow, a precession motion at 0.2 to
0.3 times the runner rotational frequency generates a spiral vortex pattern
in the whole draft tube cone height (Figure 7.5, left). The spiral vortex
may extend all the way to the draft tube bend. Beyond the best efficiency
flow, the vortex is axially centred in the draft tube cone, with a very small
spiral termination (Figure 7.5, right). When local pressures are low enough,
the vortex core cavitates and the vortex pattern may be visually observed.
The observation of draft tube cavitation yields interesting information on
the unsteady flow fields (Figure 7.6).
Draft tube cavitation will also create a compressible volume within the
flow. This is strongly dependent on the Thoma number a. This cavitation
compliance, together with the water plug inertia in the draft tube, determine
the frequency of free oscillations of the draft tube flow [7.22]. It is normally
less than twice the frequency of the runner rotation.
Pressure oscillations [7.25] naturally go with the unsteady flow fields
(Figure 7.7). Below 50 % of the best efficiency flow, only a broad band of
nearly random noise with occasional shocks is usually measured. Between
50 % and 80 %, a rotating sine pressure field associated with the precession
in the draft tube dominates the pressure signals (Figure 7.8) [7.2, 7.36]. As
Rovratt a
Howrrtt. fl
Flovrate Q
Figure 7.12: A comparison of NPSHA curves for a high and a low friction
system with the 1% decay NPSHR curve and associated surge (after Massey
Yedidiah [7.56] comments that as NPSHR reduces at low flow rates low
frequency oscillations (in the region of 1 to 6 cycles per second) become
very intense, but that as NPSHR reduces further the noise also reduces.
He observed the flow in a transparent 5 in suction line using stroboscopic
illumination. The pump had a specific speed of 2000 (rpm, US gall/min, ft)
and was fitted with a constant pitch inducer. When tested with reasonable
NPSHR the machine ran quietly right down to zero flow, even though very
intense prerotation could be seen. At part flow it was observed that as
NPSHR reduced, a large single cavity appeared periodically as sketched in
Figure 7.11. This cavity collapsed vigorously, giving rise to the vibration
and noise already mentioned. The approximate dimensions of the cavity
are noted in the figure. As NPSHR reduced further, prerotation ceased,
and vapour pockets formed in the inducer. Yedidiah suggests that these
acted as cushions, reduced noise, and were also responsible for reduced head.
9 Routing cavitation
0Low cycle oscillation
0.05' #-0.131
t . i
0.5 —I -J—.g»Q028,
t % • »"0 O ■ « » > « OOQ
/ i») in mm w=j
04 '/ 1 '. C J.'"..»='
2 03
• Heovy OSciHolO"
02 9 W « * osdllation
(>=1.5m I
I* = 206m
Mi »3000rpm
002 005 01 02 0.5 1.0
Cavitation coefficient K*
1. even near the design flow coefficients where the head decreases with
the increase of flow coefficients; and,
The above feature of item 1 is quite different from the conventional surge
and rotating stall observed in fans and compressors. This indicates that the
cause of cavitation induced pulsations is by nature different from that of the
surge and rotating stall, which is due to the positive slope of the head-flow
coefficient characteristics. This makes the problem more difficult to tackle
because we can not escape from it simply by restricting the operating points
as is often done to avoid the surge and rotating stall. The second feature
suggests that the pulsations are not caused by the head decrease due to
cavitation. Rather, the pulsations cease once head breakdown occurs, as
shown in Figure 7.13 and 7.14.
Two types of pulsations are shown in the figures. As the cavitation
number reduces, firstly there is a rotating cavitation, which is shown as
"weak oscillation" in Figure 7.14. Figure 7.15 shows the variation with time
of cavity length on three blades of the inducer. It shows that the propagation
of the cavity is in the direction of blade number 3 -» 2 —► 1, i.e., in the
direction of impeller rotation. The propagating velocity ratio (— rotational
velocity of cavitated region / rotational velocity of impeller) was 1.16 for
Figures 7.13 and 7.15, and 1.25 for Figures 7.14 and 7.16, both rotating
faster than the impellers. This feature is quite different from that of the
rotating stall in which the separated region rotates slower than the impeller
Figure 7.15: Cavity length oscillations on three blades of the inducer (Kamijo
et al, 1980 [7.26]).
« « 0.056
Nm ■ 3O00rpm
t t - 5.0m
■ D (i»16.6m
♦ O d »t3.6m .
M X ti »10.6m
A A It * 7.6m .
Red marks ! Heavy Osdltation
0.1 0.2 Q3 Q4
Covitotion coefficient X*
Figure 7.16: Effects of suction pipe length on the frequencies of the pulsations
in the centrifugal pump (Yamamoto, 1980 [7.54]).
Figure 7.17: Typical wave form of inlet pressure oscillations under heavy
cavitation surge (Sack & Nottage, 1965 [7.45]).
Vc + OVc U* + 5ua
Ui + 5ui Pi + 5p>
Now, there are five relations for five unknowns. From these equations we
obtain, for example,
phK + { M } + 6ui = (7 6)
~W R7TRT~ - ^T ° -
This equation shows that if
> WTTr <"'
the system has a negative damping and pulsations will occur. Eqn (7.7)
indicates that
• the positive mass flow gain factor is the cause of cavitation surge; and,
• the likelihood of cavitation surge increases if the length of the inlet line
reduces and the outlet resistance {Rp + RT) increases.
w = (phK*)-''2 (7.8)
(A*-A:J)(fc*-&5)(&*-A:5)=0 (7.9)
where k* = kR + jk] is a complex reduced frequency, and k*R and k) are
the propagating velocity ratio and the damping rate of the disturbance,
respectively. It was found that k* and k% with k\R > 1 and A;^ < 0 represent
rotating cavitations propagating faster than or in the opposite direction to
the impeller rotation, respectively, k* and fcj are mainly dependent on mass
flow gain factor M and cavitation compliance K and are nearly independent
0.7 »v —5
— —tr
05 0.6 0-7
(a) (c)
06 ~~**
h'^**" ^"1 ■ W - . --« 7%* 0.7
-»-• —
i 7
r*-~-i. "-•».. *
— o/o, 0.6
04 /
0,2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 5 — Q/Q,
05 0.6 0.7
(b) (d)
Figure 7.19: Cavitation in rotating stall (Murai & Takeuchi, 1969 [7.38]), (a)
sketch of various cavitations; (b) propagation velocity ratio for C\ cavitation;
(c) Ci cavitation; (d) C3 cavitation.
Flow. O stall
Positive stooe of
pressure performance.
%JDI 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Figure 7.21: Comparisons of mass flow gain factor MB and cavitation com
pliance KB calculated from quasi-steady blade surface cavitation analysis
with experimental values (Brennen & Acosta, 1976 [7.5]).
velocity, and thus the blade cavity has a positive M. This explanation is
also applicable to the tip cavities. Figure 7.21 shows a comparison of the
results of a quasi-steady blade cavity calculation with experimental values
[7.5]. Although general tendencies are in good agreement, the experimental
values are larger. This might be attributed to tip vortex, backfiow and
bubble cavities in experiments. It is noticeable that K increases faster than
M when the cavitation number reduces.
The most complete experimental data on unsteady cavitation character
istics of inducers are given in [7.7]. They were simulated by a bubbly flow
model [7.6], which assumed that the void fraction of the produced bubbles
was proportional to the incidence angle.
For centrifugal pumps, cavitation surge at part load is of special impor
tance due to its severity. In such cases, a significant reverse flow is often
observed as described in §5.2 (Figure 5.24). Due to the blockage effect of
the reverse flow near the pipe wall, the axial velocity at the centre might
increase when the total flow rate decreases. From Bernoulli's equation, the
pressure there will decrease and the inlet cavity volume will increase; and,
hence the mass flow gain factor, M, will become positive. However, under
fD3 / 1 8 ITR3U> f 4 , !
/• =
Q n 2TT i
Ap* = D 4 Ap Ap E De Ap w2 2E 64 TT2/16U;2
2 2
pQ ~ pE D Q2~ pE 8 R2w2 2
7T W 2
PE 7T2 V V
This means that if runner flows are in similitude, the precession frequency
is proportional to the runner rotational frequency, and the associated pres
sure oscillation amplitude is proportional to the test head. The resulting
non-dimensional values are appropriate for the description of all geometri
cally similar turbines operating in analogous conditions.
The draft tube cone angle and the distance between runner and bend are
statistically dependent of the specific speed v. The precession movement,
strongly influenced by these two parameters, must then also be influenced
I AP ^ > « —
020 5M SO 5SO
( * IMS]
v = 0.640
02. , . 1—Z^L_^=*ei— *
T " . . *"«*
O A D pressurefluctuationsassociated with precession
• ▲ ■ pressurefluctuationsassociated with the 2nd harminic of precession
jy A ff pressure fluctuations associated with free oscillations
O relative frequencies
A relative amplitudes
□ phase shift (referring to cone downstream)
ence the cavity volume, and so do the local velocity fields and the relative
precession frequency.
Figure 7.23 gives an example of the representation of an analysis of pres
sure fluctuations associated with the operation of a Francis turbine. Circles
stand for frequencies, triangles for amplitudes and squares for phase shifts.
Precession phenomena are plotted as solid or (in the upper left diagram for
instance) dashed lines. Free oscillations of the water column in the draft
tube are represented by dotted lines or by frequencies without indication of
amplitude. The upper left diagram shows for instance that the precession
oscillation is active from 0.5 to 0.9 <f>opt around 0.3 n with a maximum am
plitude near 0.7 <j>opt- I n this range of flows (where the vortex cavity volume
is greatest), the precession frequency is higher than elsewhere. The free
oscillations frequency goes up until <popti t n e n gets lost and appears again
beyond 1.2 ^apt a s t w o distinct bands. The lower left diagram shows that the
relative precession and its second harmonic frequency (black circles) don't
change much within the explored range of ip. The free oscillations frequency
seems to be going up beyond tpopt, but this is not quite clear. The precession
amplitude goes down as ip increases. The right hand diagram gives an exam
ple of water column resonance in the draft tube, excited by the precession:
at o = 0.20, the precession frequency (white circles and solid line) is equal
to the free oscillations frequency (dotted line). The amplification of torque
oscillations is remarkable.
The unsteady pressure field resulting from the precession motion in the
draft tube cone is not purely rotating. Due to non-symmetric features of
the channel (mainly the bend), the rotation is off-centred. This means that
the surface integral of pressure forces acting on a draft tube cross-section
is not zero. Globally speaking, we can split the observed oscillation into a
rotating pressure field and a pulsating (or synchronous) one. This separation
may be performed in the time or in the frequency domain. It qualitatively
clarifies the influences of the bend (variations of cross-sectional area, depth
and piers) on the distortion of the precession motion.
In the frequency domain (Figure 7.24), pressure oscillation vectors from
various locations around a draft tube cone section are assembled [7.36]. Ide
ally, each vector should point to the position of the corresponding sensor.
The circle radius gives the rotating pressure field amplitude and the distance
from the origin to the centre of the circle gives the pulsating pressure. Only
three pressure signals are theoretically required to split the two components
of the part load oscillation. Actually, four signals give a better definition.
In the time domain (Figure 7.25), examining signals delivered by only
•20- '«
WY wfwfw
w w -V
- 0 -
0 1 2 i" 3 0 1 2 t/i 3 B 1 2 t(t 3 <D 1 2 »T 3
1-20-1 -20-
.'TV/fa-rA - 0 -
il A' \\l
W il
11/ i
-20 -20-
Figure 7.25: Time domain assembly of pressure signals and splitting of the
part load fluctuation into rotating and synchronous fields: time-averaged
pressure oscillations on four sensors 90° apart on the draft tube cone (Pi),
rotating (Pro) and pulsating {P3y) components extracted from signal pairs
(Nishi, 1992 [7.41]).
two sensors 90° apart in a draft tube cone section allows a separation of
rotating and pulsating pressure fields [7.41]. The quad phase shift helps in
eliminating the rotating field. The use of this method is however restricted,
as it does not allow the analysis of signals with a beat. Actually, even strong
harmonies may corrupt the results.
The 80% load oscillation [7.23] is plotted in bold lines on Figure 7.26. It
— •r-i i i 1 ?—TTI
12 -
0.5+ • •
4 .
*"4k** L ^
• 4^
. 1 1 • 1 1 ... 1 • 1 1 at.
1 « «l l f J 4 « « M . 020 0.2S 0.30
(resonance is at the extreme left of the diagram). The free oscillations am
plitude is also plotted (A'), which clearly indicates the amplification when
the free oscillations frequency coincides with the precession second harmonic
frequency (black circles) atCT= 0.273, f/n — 0.46. The rising of precession
frequency at resonance is more evident for its second harmonic.
Since the tracking of the free oscillation frequency outside the resonance
conditions has not been performed before, the aim of the research of tur
bine manufacturers has previously been only towards the reduction of the
synchronous excitation related to the precession rather than the understand
ing of free oscillation frequencies. That is why nearly all published works
mention only the precession frequency.
There is no sudden modification of draft tube dynamics at the critical a.
The free oscillations frequency exists in the whole operating range [7.22]. It
dominates the machine dynamic behaviour at the part load resonance, but
it is also excited in other operating conditions by the wide band hydraulic
noise generated by the turbine flow.
With a free trigger on the data acquisition and a Hanning weighting
function for instance, the frequency resolution of signals is enhanced without
giving excessive focus on the dominant component. Averaging on a set of
time-sequenced FFTs and then highlighting all relevant frequencies in the
signal, free oscillations stand out with a phase shift close to zero, uniform
amplitudes and a high coherence among signals from the periphery of a
section of the draft tube cone. They can be amplified by various excitations:
the precession and its harmonics, the rotational frequency etc. The free
oscillation results from the joint actions of the water plug inertia and the
vortex cavity compliance. Observation of cavity volumes helps to track the
free oscillation frequency [7.21].
The part load operating range is studied with constant ip and a. For
each test point, the precession frequency and its second harmonic (likely to
excite a resonance) are collected along with the free oscillation frequency.
The amplitudes and phase shifts for theses frequencies are also recorded.
These data represent the typical information that should be retained from
the model test. The highest amplitudes associated with the precession are
generally found in the draft tube cone, on the inside of the bend (downstream
side). The lowest amplitudes are found on the outside of the bend (upstream
side). These two kinds of signals provide the best sensitivity for tracking
resonance through the phase shift. That is why the data related to the
downstream cone and upstream cone sensors are plotted in the synoptic
diagram (Figure 7.28). Pressure oscillations at the spiral case inlet result
tt <f>/<P,
from the pulsating component of the precession pressure field. They only
have a qualitative value, as their amplitude is highly dependent of the feed
pipe dynamic behaviour.
The synoptic diagram reads in the same way as the previous figures. In
the upper frame (1), we mainly see the frequency (o) and amplitude (A),
sensed by the downstream cone sensor, of the pressure oscillation associated
with the precession, as well as with its second harmonic (same symbols but
in black). The frequency of free oscillations of the water column in the
draft tube is plotted using the symbols (o) and dotted lines. Corresponding
ampUtudes are also plotted here, although this is not always the case. In
the lower frame (3), the amplitudes associated with the precession and its
second harmonic and the free oscillations sensed by the upstream cone sensor
are presented. The phase shift ( □ ) of the precession between the upstream
and down-strewn cones is also shown.
, / \ /
j \ /
Vj *-»-*- /
«.'» 1.1 ••« ~>/_ u»
Figure 7.29: Francis turbine draft tube (schematic) and cavitation compli
part of the inlet region. The following simplifications are also assumed:
• Due to the fact that the runner admittance is very small compared to
the gas volume, the tube can be approximated as closed at its tapered
• For the lumped parameter analysis (it is acceptable if the draft tube
is relatively short), the water plug compliance is lumped at the draft
tube inlet and incorporated in the vortex cavity's;
• There are no mass transfer between the vortex cavity and the adjacent
water. The total compliance of both the cavitation and the water plug
remains constant for a given operating condition.
The frequency of free oscillations of the water plug in the draft tube is then
/o =
-L? * - & ♦ * - / , £ dNPSE
If the net positive suction energy, NPSE, represents the energy around the
vortex cavity, the compliance associated with the volume VT of the cavity is
—dVr/dNPSE. If 7 is the polytropic coefficient for small variations of the
cavity volume, then
dVT _ VT
If all the vapour evaporated from the water is assumed to be within the
vortex cavity, the wave propagation speed, S, used for the evaluation of Cc
is then rather high: around 800 m/s for a real turbine, 200 m/s for a model
turbine with elastic walls. The draft tube of a typical laboratory model with
a <f> 400 mm runner would then have a water plug compliance equivalent to
0.19 x 10 _ 3 m 3 at NPSE = A.hJ/kg. This additional compliance is quite
insignificant if compared with a fully developed vortex cavity. That's why
the following is often used:
VT V1/2
2n \JL A VPSE)
Now, let us see how the similitude of free oscillations comes out.
\ _ i _. \ _ v ^ g
A^ — 1 ->• A n — —
That's why the frequency of free oscillations of a non-compliant draft tube
is in similitude with the runner rotational frequency, i.e.
Ay = An.
C* = C-E/R£; A6. = 1.
If the draft tube extends with a tail-race tunnel, the lengthwise distribu
tion of its compliance may not be overlooked. C* is still transposable, but
impedance calculations must be performed in order to evaluate the frequency
of free oscillations.
. .- CJ^-r t.OSS
V^OJO f-t.9
—.- 0s-r 0.0it
Figure 7.30: Velocity distribution at the runner outlet at full load, with and
without vortex cavity (Kazan, 1962 [7.27]).
pressure field is ever observed on the draft tube cone wall. Unlike the part
load cavity, the full-load one is often larger when the energy coefficient xp is
high with constant gate opening and a.
s. .
PSl'PStr.f. 1.8093
H*»«, «CE « 9.9902
Slgaa « ■.2782
2. 3. fM
Figure 7.31: Waterfall diagram: free oscillations at the draft tube wall at
full load.
The presence (at full load) of a vortex cavity with its volume comparable
with the one at part load means that free oscillations must exist for these
high flows; and, have the same frequency band as for those fractional flows.
The oscillation is excited by the wide band hydraulic noise, which may be
come quite intensified beyond the best efficiency flow. It is also excited by the
instabilities developed near the cavity such as in the region of strong merid
ional velocity gradients. Note that such instabilities would follow Strouhal's
similitude, so that their frequency would fall in similitude with the runner
rotational frequency and the draft-tube free-oscillation frequency.
As a matter of fact, we can see one or more ridges of full load pulsations
on the waterfall assembly of amplitude spectra of pressure oscillations from
the draft tube cone wall (Figure 7.31). These oscillations, read from different
sensors on a given cone section, feature a high coherence, equal amplitudes
and no phase shift. With an external exciter, we may show that the am-
plification is strong for all these oscillation frequencies [7.21]; they are free
oscillations. These external excitations may only have very low amplitudes,
interacting merely through the draft-tube response, if in the resonance mode.
7.3.5 Auto-oscillations
tion of the vortex cavity volume. We may reasonably wonder whether or not
it would be appropriate to introduce a dynamic variation of the compliance
into the draft-tube-behaviour model. The global cavitation compliance Ca
would then be the result of a first-order development around the steady-state
compliance C3,
dC. 1; 8CS
= 1/p
~di ~ -dE
Here, the time variables are the pressure and the flow at the runner outlet
(the steady-state pressure being zero), pa and qa; and, the flow-rate in the
incompressible water plug in the draft tube. The introduction of these partial
derivatives seems reasonable, as p„ and qa determine the flow around the
vortex cavity for a given global moment of momentum. Although this is a
very simplified representation of the actual phenomenon, the resultant state
equation does reveal some interesting points.
- / I dCs 1 dCs, ~\
Then, the inertance and compliance in the penstock and the damping due
to the runner are introduced,
Qa — j
I ~ Ca
I Pa > -pNPSE
This state equation can be solved numerically by Runge-Kutta approach:
System Stability
We can show that the system with a zero admittance at the runner is stable
if dC/dQ and dC/dE have opposite signs and unstable if they have the
same sign. After applying an unsustained disturbance, the free oscillation
occurs with a positive damping for a stable situation, and with a negative
ranges, dC/dQ and dC/dE may have opposite signs. These reported cases
of auto-oscillations could be the type we analysed here. Although the auto-
oscillations at partial flows are annoying, they are not too bad since the
turbine normally will not operate in such condition over a long period. The
full-load auto-oscillations, however, are a major nuisance and may cause
catastrophic consequences. The unavailability of the turbine in its maximum
output region is completely unacceptable to the user.
v = 0.515
Figure 7.34: Influence of test head on part load fluctuations (cone down
i4. E,J/kg
* v = 0.516 a = 0.280
truly met only at the reference elevation for which a is calculated. Therefore,
it is essential that the selection of this elevation must minimise the marginal
influence of the test head on the observation of dynamic behaviour.
Many authors proposed a reference elevation that is one runner diameter
below the runner, or at the mid-depth of the draft tube, without giving a
full experimental evidence to back their choice [7.39]. Actually, the vapour
formations in the draft tube are visually independent of the test head if the
reference elevation is set at the runner outlet [7.21, 7.24]. This observation is
confirmed by the fact that the relative frequencies of free oscillations don't
really vary with the test head if such reference is used (Figures 7.34 and
Relative frequency and amplitude of oscillations associated with the part
load precession are basically independent of the test head. Actually, subject
• — **— r
O20 0.25 0.30
d K oscillations libres dc la colonnc d'eau dans l'aspirateur
free oscillations at the cone downstream
Figure 7.36: Influence of a at full load (free oscillations at the cone down
Figure 7.37: Saucelle-Huebra installation and its operating range and full-
load instability.
house and will also, in a second phase, handle the lower portion of the rio
Huebra. Starting from the existing dam on the Duero, a 1330 m long tunnel
takes the water to the surge tank. A branching penstock with gate shafts
then feeds the two Francis turbines in the underground power-house. The
5.23 m diameter runners have a 137 MW rated power under the rated head,
62 m (608 J/kg). The Thoma number under 62 m is a = 0.28, the reference
elevation is set at the runner outlet. The draft tubes are connected to the
tailwater through two tailrace tunnels of 109 m and 118 m respectively.
The operating range of the turbines goes from 427 to 612 J/kg, with flows
Field Observations
t/n f\ H
• f/n _ — \ - RMS -T.0
7 \
■L -V 0.5
f/f ref
12 US U
Figure 7.38: Full load pressure fluctuations at the prototype draft tube wall.
0 l I I * ,
Figure 7.39: Pressure fluctuations with the cut-off cone and the Snorkel tube
AP 1 , I39MW
% ft
0 05
t. I38MVV
0- A f.'Hz
through the runner cone [7.16, 7.46]: a funnel-shaped Snorkel tube (Figure
7.39) was such fitted to the runner cone that it can reach the level where the
top of the vortex cavity had been observed during the model tests. Some
instruments were installed to record the pressure and power output fluctu
ations. Compressors were also provided for a broader investigation of air
admission possibilities. With the air admission shut off, the overload range
up to 140 MW was tested under a constant test head. The full load pul
sation reduced remarkably with a much lower amplitude. The unmodified
unit 1 still generated excessive oscillations in that range of operation. Figure
7.40 shows power output fluctuations of unit 2 at 138 and 139 MW. If unit
2 runs alone, the oscillations are acceptable. If unit 1 also runs at full load,
the dominant frequency is shifted and the annoying fluctuations originating
from unit 1 are transmitted all the way to unit 2.
Additional tests with small forced air admission flows showed a further
reduction of both the frequencies and the amplitudes of full load pulsations.
Since the use of the Snorkel tube itself was enough to calm down the full
load pulsation, the air admission was finally abandoned. The runner cone
of unit 1 was also modified in the same way as the unit 2. Since then, the
operation of the Saucelle-Huebra plant machines is unrestricted all the way
up to 140 MW, without any losses of generating efficiency.
• How could the runner cone extension suppress the pulsation without
the air admission?
Figure 7.42: Pressure oscillations at the draft tube wall, with different feed
pipe configurations.
Figure 7.43: Tailrace tunnel of unit 2 and full load pulsation at the draft
tube cone wall for three different tailwater configurations.
neither by the test head nor by the feed pipe dynamic response. While
its pulsation amplitude varies according to the test conditions, its signal is
well-organised in all cases.
Precautions should be taken if the turbine outlet is connected to tailrace
channels, instead of a free surface basin, such as the the Saucelle-Huebra
machines. Of course, we can build a model geometrically similar to the pro
totype tailwater works, but dynamic similitude will not be satisfied. Figure
7.43 shows pressure oscillations at the draft tube cone wall with three dif
ferent tailwater configurations: the short draft tube, an additional tunnel
length and the full tailwater tunnel (geometrically similar to the prototype
layout). The full load pulsation is clearly revealed for the short draft tube
configuration. It remains at a less severe level for the half tunnel configura
tion. It is hardly noticeable for the full tunnel configuration.
Prediction Elements
The variable quantity is the cavitation compliance. If the draft tube free
a = 0.280
oscillation frequency obtained previously from the field tests; and, the criti
cal cavitation compliances predicted previously by the model tests for these
operating conditions. The results show the likely tunings of the prototype
installation for wave speeds of 1300 m/s or 320 m/s (harmonic mode). This
seems to be a good calculation if we consider that:
• the field recordings show no oscillations in the 0.4—0.8 Hz band, which
has been revealed by the calculation;
owing to machine operation; the wave propagation speed of 1300m/s
then stands for the water under a mean pressure of 1.5 bar in fully
rigid ducts.
During the field tests, the operation of unit 2 (modified runner cone)
alone at 4>/cf>ref = 1.255 generated oscillations which were acceptable: AH/H
= 1.5% RMS and AP/P = 1.0% RMS at 0.75 n. On the other hand, the
parallel full load operation of unit 1 (cut-off cone) with unit 2 induced exces
sive fluctuations on unit 2: AH/H = 3.7% RMS and AP/P = 3.1% RMS
at 0.81 n.
The critical cavitation compliance for unit 1 is also computed for the
frequency of 1.68 Hz which was obtained from the field tests. The boundary
conditions are:
• the free surface at the tailwater of unit 2, with the cavitation compli
ance as previously calculated.
The resultant compliance of unit 1 is a complex value, and only its real
part is retained (the imaginary part is very small). The frequency and
damping of free oscillations are then identified; and, the pressure and flow-
rate amplitudes are computed throughout the system. The amplitude is
adjusted to agree with the field recordings. The oscillation mode for the
complete waterworks can then be obtained as shown by Figure 7.47.
The cavitation compliance computed for unit 1 agrees well with the one
obtained from the model tests around <f>/4>ref = 0.25. The flow-rate ampli
tude jumps at the surge tank insertion, manifold and gate shafts are evident
in the computed mode shape. Although these elements may seem insignifi
cant at first glance, they must be included event in a preliminary calculation
as they modify the vibration mode.
The stability analysis of the Saucelle-Huebra installation clearly shows the
risk of cavitation resonance associated with the full-load operations. Labo
ratory tests can indicate neither its amplitude nor the exact operating con
ditions which will cause the cavitation resonance. Nevertheless, the model
tests for a given runner design can indicate, to some extent, the likelihood
of this full-load pulsations caused by cavitation resonance. They can also
provide the dynamic characteristics of the turbine, which are necessary for
the numerical analysis of this system-instability.
7.1 Acosta, A. J. (1958), ' An Experimental Study of Cavitating Induc-
ers', Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Office of Naval
Research, Dept. of Navy, ACR-38, August 1958.
7.6 Brennen, C. (1978), 'Bubbly Flow Model for the Dynamic Character
istics of Cavitating Pumps', J. Fluid Mech., Vol.8-9, part 2, pp.223-
7.24 Jacob, T., Prenat, J. E., Vullioud, G., Lopez Araguas, B. (1992),
'Surging of a 140 MW Francis Turbine at High Load, Analysis and
Solution', IAHR Symposium, Sao Paulo.
Investigation of Cavitating Inducer Instability', ASME Paper 77-
WA/FE-14, 1977-11, and also 'A Visual Observation of Cavitating
Inducer Instability', NAL TR-598T, 1980-5.
7.35 Muciaccia, F., Rossi, G., Zanetti V. (1984), 'Study on Model of the
Dynamic Behaviour of a Hydraulic Machine', IAHR Symposium, Stir
7.43 Palde, U. (1974), 'Model and Prototype Turbine Draft Tube Surge
Analysis by the Swirl Momentum Method', IAHR Symposium, Vi
ically Induced Shaft Forces with a Three Bladed Inducer', Proc. Sym
posium on Cavitation in Fluid Machinery, ASME WAM, pp.172-195.
7.47 Tsujimoto, Y., Kamijo, K., Yoshida, Y. (1993), 'A Theoretical Anal
ysis of Rotating Cavitation in Inducers', ASME J. Fluids Eng.,
Vol.115, No.l, pp.135-141, 1993-3.
8.1 Introduction
The transient modes of operation that pumps and turbines must be designed
to accommodate can result in enhanced cavitation on the low-pressure side of
the machine and its associated water passage. This expanded cavitation can
potentially lead to more severe transient phenomena, and indeed, even wa
terhammer under more severe circumstances. There have been incidents of
waterhammer associated with load rejection of hydraulic turbines for which
a vapour cavity formed underneath the runner and subsequently collapsed
upon flow reversal. This phenomenon has often been labeled reverse water-
hammer because of the reversal of flow back into the void below the turbine
runner. Actually, a more representative expression draft-tube column separa
tion will be used in this volume. Draft-tube column separation has occurred
in installations of Francis and Kaplan turbines during load rejection.
The transient regimes for hydraulic turbines range from normal startup
(load acceptance) and shutdown to the more severe case of full load rejection,
the latter usually being the most severe case regarding potential draft-tube
column separation. For pumps and pump-turbines in the pumping mode
only pump startup with an abnormally long suction pipe would appear to
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424 Cavitation
8.2.1 Francis T u r b i n e s
One of the earlier studies with careful observations of the cavitation patterns
in draft-tubes of Francis runners was provided by Deriaz in 1960 [8.10],
who enhanced the investigation of power swings due to vortex shedding by
inducing cavitation to produce the visible rope vortex. The paper illustrates
the rope-like vortex made visible by cavitation and its precession in the
direction of runner rotation at part-load operation, Figure 8.1. Dziallas
in 1964 [8.13] added to this knowledge for a ns = 174 Francis turbine by
measuring pressure pulsations for part-, optimum-, and over-load conditions.
Figure 8.1: Sketches from Deriaz, 1960 [8.10] defining vortex centre Q, pre
cession of vortex core P
Relative information regarding pressure excursions are provided for the range
of loads, as sketched in Figure 8.2. The effect of dissolved air content and
head on the cavitation pattern exhibited by a Francis runner was thoroughly
observed by Lecher in 1968 [8.29].
Wegner and Roman in 1984 [8.54] define four types of cavitation on a
Francis runner
• Outlet edge cavitation - the formation of small individual bubbles
attached to the blade. This type of cavitation has a strong dependence on
submergence and has a low noise level.
• Inlet edge cavitation between blades - the formation of large bubbles
between runner vanes. Inlet edge cavitation between blades yields a high
noise level with relative broad-band noise and sensitivity to unit speed.
• Inlet edge cavitation on suction side of blades - the formation of a
vortex or void on the lowest part of inlet edge, leading to a severe pressure
• Part load vortex cavitation - the formation of a core vortex on turbine
crown, resulting in low-frequency noise and sensitivity to guide vane opening.
Borciani and Rossi in 1983 [8.3] evaluated the effect of the cavitation
Figure 8.2: Sketches from Dziallas, 1964 [8.13] showing zone of dead water
vortex for various loads
Figure 8.3: Unstable behaviour of dead zone during rotation (Ulith et al.,
1974 [8.52])
shown that laboratory measurements of pressure pulsations can be extrapo
lated to full scale provided that there is minimum dynamic action between
the draft-tube excitation and the hydraulic system itself. The mathemati
cal modelling of the pulsations and the associated hydraulic system under
nominal steady-state operation has been treated by Doerfler in 1980 [8.11],
1985 [8.12] and Fanelli in 1988 [8.16].
A series of papers by Nishii et al. in 1980 [8.34], 1982 [8.35], 1984 [8.36]
and 1986 [8.37] significantly enhanced the understanding of the effect of swirl
flow in conical and elbow-type draft-tubes, with and without the presence of
a runner. For an elbow-type draft-tube with induced swirl, Figure 8.4 shows
the effect of vortex core cavitation on the fluctuating pressure (Nishi et al. in
1980 [8.34]). As expected, a correlation existed between a Strouhal number,
the swirl rate (angular momentum function), and the cavitation index, as
shown in Figure 8.5. Questions regarding the use of a test rig without a
runner were answered by comparing pressure fluctuations with a draft-tube
equipped with a real model runner, Figure 8.6. Figure 8.7 depicts the types of
vortex cores identified with the draft-tube surging, Nishi et al. in 1980 [8.34].
—* 0 . 1 s e c
— l o . i sec
L2 I— --I0.1 s e c
* T
\-c - i ^ O . l sec
f »
•HO.l s e c
Figure 8.4: Pressure traces for non-cavitating vortex core (Nishi et ai, 1980
ra = 1 . 1
I 1 ,) 1 I L_L
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 102
Figure 8.5: Effect of cavitation on Strouhal number for vortex core, St vs.
K (Nishi et al. in 1980 [8.34])
A* i—r "i ■ r-
12 -
m - 1.1
'! O P r e s e n t Draft Tube
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
(a) (b)
Figure 8.7: Types of vortex cores associated with draft-tube surge (Nishi et
al. in 1980 [8.34])
(a) At the crest of pressure; (b) At the trough of pressure wave.
Figure 8.8: Flow regimes and associated pressure fluctuations for various
swirl and cavitation values (Nishi et al. in 1986 [8.37])
n n h rfHIRHi«
- H
m pressure
MP5 ■Si-., I
l_ ^ fisfis ■^+0*9****. S--....-
suction pressure
far from the runner
.. J/fw.'
rotating radial
1.0 a
relative gate opening opt
Figure 8.9: Rope frequency variations with relative gate opening for Francis
turbine (Muciaccia et ai, 1984 [8.33])
rope vortex over a wide range of operation, concluding that only moderate
pressure pulsations can be scaled up using modelling laws. Figure 8.9 shows
the effect of relative gate opening on the rope frequency. They emphasise
that physical hydraulic modelling is not completely valid if the hydraulic
circuits are not also satisfying scaling laws. Recent detailed studies of cavi-
tating draft-tube flows by Li in 1992 [8.30] show that the natural frequency
of the cavitation cloud is an important parameter of the system characteris
tics and that there is an additional frequency component beyond that of the
Rheingans value.
Bhan et al. in 1988 [8.2] conducted a useful survey relative to practical
experience regarding the occurrence and means of reducing draft-tube surges
at a number of Francis turbine installations.
vent future failure was an extension of the closure time of the guide vanes.
Two-stage closure as well as air injection should be considered for such oc
In 1976 Unit 2 of a power station experienced a minor water-column sep
aration event as reported by Chaudhry in 1982 [8.5],1991 [8.6]. A prototype
test during load rejection of 257 MW yielded turbine inlet pressures almost
to design values for the penstock. The traces in Figure 8.12 illustrate a coin
cident pressure spike in the draft-tube, strongly suggesting the formation of
a cavitation bubble of moderate size. The partial-open position of the guide
vanes allowed transmission of the pressure pulse to the upstream side of the
Measured pressures in the draft-tube of a 160 MW Francis turbine by
Dahlbeck in 1986 [8.8] indicated the creation of large vapour cavity during
load rejection at a relatively fast rate of guide vane closure. By prolonging
the time of guide vane closure cavitation was suppressed.
At the Paulo Afonso IV Plant, 402 MW Francis turbines experienced at
least partial draft-tube column separation, as reported by D'Amorin in 1989
[8.9], and illustrated in Figure 8.13. The recommendation for suppression of
column separation was the extension of the time of guide vane closure from
8.5 to 10-11 seconds.
Figure 8.14: Test rig used for model turbine by Matsumoto et al., 1986 [8.32]
(1) Scroll; (2) Diffuser; (3) Stay vane; (4) Guide vane; (5) Link; (6) Rotating
disk; (7) Screen.
" GVOR-94%
0 1 2 » 4 5 «
Tlu •
Figure 8.16: Effect of swirl and effect of dissolved air content on draft-tube
column separation as measured by Nonoshita et al., 1991 [8.40]
aoo tUNH
fr> 4>0J>2
0 _ j L
.! CM
1 £
Mi MOO *
2ioo 2
500 2
( 0 C.-1JJ
attenuating the maximum surge. A bubbly region appeared due to the pen
etration of the core beneath the runner. Other work by Nonoshita et al.
in 1988 [8.38], 1990 [8.39], 1992 [8.41] expanded the knowledge to show the
effect of initial swirl at part load, and the increased effect of gas release
and attendant attenuation of the maximum pressure due to an increased
inter-facial area, as shown by the results in Figure 8.16. The fact that the
formation of a vapour-air mixture is similar to that in pipes is borne out
by the plots in Figure 8.17 taken by Wiggert and Sundquist in 1979 [8.55].
Nonoshita et al. in 1992 [8.41] point out that a two-step closure of the guide
vanes may create only local draft-tube column separation that could inter
act with the surge directly associated with the swirl. On the other hand,
single-stage guide vane closure can produce a large vapour cavity that is not
affected by the swirl.
Figure 8.18: Definition of two-phase flow regimes in pipes (Martin, 1993
Figure 8.19: Measured and theoretical wave speed in air-water mixture (Ko
bori et al, 1955 [8.28])
e m
« m
Figure 8.20: Effect of frequency and bubble size on acoustic velocity (Ruggles
et al. , 1989 [8.51])
Slug-Flow Theory of
' Henry, Gxoliaes and ftuskc
• Experiment
*%%%£% C - M l » * « = ; . , - 6 1 6 m*c)
0.1 0L2
Void Fraction a
of Henry, Grolmes, and Fauske in 1969 [8.24]. Clearly, the homogeneous
model yields a much better representation than their theory (also see Hsu
and Graham in 1976 [8.25]), which is based upon time-of-travel between
idealised plugs of gas and liquid placed end-to-end.
8.1 Anderson, A. (1989), 'Cavitation Driven Draft-Tube Oscillations of
Francis Turbines at Overload', International Congress on Causes and
Accidents in Fluid Systems, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Vol. 1, March 6-10,
pp. 33-39.
8.12 Doerfler, P., (1985), 'Francis Turbine Surge Prediction and Preven
tion', Waterpower 85 -International Conference on Hydropower.
8.17 Fisher, R. K., Palde, U., and Ulith, P. (1980), 'Comparison of Draft-
Tube Surging of Homologous Scale Models and Prototype Francis
Turbines', 10th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Tokyo,
pp 541-556.
8.19 Gajic, A., Pejovic, S., Arautovic, D., and Ignjatovic, B. (1992), 'Re
verse Waterhammer Analysis in Kaplan Turbines', 16th IAHR Sym-
8.21 Grein, H. (1974), 'Partial Pressure and Gas Content Inside a Cav-
itating Vortex Core and Influence on Pressure Fluctuations in The
Draft-Tube of a Francis Turbine', Proceedings, Institution Mechanical
Engineers, London, Vol. C182, pp. 313-319.
8.24 Henry, R.E., Grolmes, M.A., and Fauske, H.K. (1969), 'Propagation
Velocity of Pressure Waves in Gas-Liquid Mixtures', Cocurrent Gas-
Liquid Flow, Edited by E. Rhodes and D.S. Scott.
8.26 Ishii, Y. (1962), 'The Two Types of Runaway State of Propeller Tur
bine under Cavitation', 2nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machin
ery, Sendai, Paper B-5, pp. 247-263.
8.28 Kobori, T., Yokoyama, S., and Miyashiro, H., (1955), 'Propagation
Velocity of Pressure Wave in Pipe Line', Hitachi Hyoron, Vol. 37, No.
10, October , pp. 1407-1411 (in Japanese).
8.32 Matsumoto, Y., Ohashi, H., Nonoshita, T., and Kubota, T. (1986),
"Transient Characteristics of Swirl Flow in Draft-Tube', 13th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Montreal, September, Vol. 1,
Paper 36.
8.33 Muciaccia, F. F., Rossi, G., and Zanetti, V. (1984), 'Study on Model
of the Dynamic Behavior of a Hydraulic Machine', 12th IAHR Sym
posium on Hydraulic Machinery, Stirling, August 2730, Vol. 1, Paper
3.10, pp. 341-355.
8.34 Nishi, N., Kubota, T., Matsunaga, S., and Senoo, Y. (1980), 'Study
on Swirl Flow and Surge in an Elbow Type Draft-Tube', 10th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Tokyo, pp 557-568.
8.35 Nishi, N., Matsunaga, S., Kubota, T., and Senoo, Y. (1982), 'Flow
Regimes in an Elbow-Type Draft-Tube', 11th IAHR Symposium on
Hydraulic Machinery, Amsterdam, Vol. 2, Paper 38.
8.36 Nishi, N., Matsunaga, S., Kubota, T., and Senoo, Y. (1984), 'Surging
Characteristics of Conical and Elbow-Type Draft-Tubes', 12th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Stirling, Paper 3.6, pp 272-283.
8.37 Nishi, M., Matsunaga, S., Kubota, T., and Senoo, Y. (1986), 'Effect of
Draft-Tube Shape on the Characteristics of Pressure Surge and Swirl
Flow', 13th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Montreal,
8.38 Nonoshita, T., Matsumoto, Y., Ohashi, H., and Kubota, T. (1988),
'Transient Phenomena in a Draft-Tube during a Load Rejection', 14th
IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Trondheim, June, Vol. 1,
Paper F3, pp. 365-376.
8.39 Nonoshita, T., Matsumoto, Y., Ohashi, H., Kubota, T., and Fujita,
M. (1990), 'Effect of a Swirl Flow on Transient Phenomena in a Draft-
Tube during Load Rejection', 15th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic
Machinery , Belgrade, September, Vol. 1, Paper J5.
8.40 Nonoshita, T., Matsumoto, Y., Ohashi, H., and Kubota, T. (1991),
'Model Analysis of Water Column Separation Accompanied with
Swirl Flow', 9th Round Table of IAHR Group on Hydraulic Transients
with Water Column Separation, Valencia, September, pp. 235-249.
8.41 Nonoshita, T., Matsumoto, Y., Ohashi, H., and Kubota, T., (1992),
'Effect of a Swirl Flow on Transient Phenomena in a Draft-Tube dur
ing Load Rejection', 16th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery,
Sao Paulo, September, Vol. 1, pp. 141-150.
8.42 Pejovic, S., Krsmanovic, Lj., Gajic, A., and Obradovic, D. (1980a),
'Kaplan Turbine Accidents and Reverse Water Hammer', Third
BHRA International Conference on Pressure Surges, Canterbury,
March 12-15, Paper H2, pp. 391-400.
8.43 Pejovic, S., Krsmanovic, Lj., Gajic, A., and Obradovic, D. (1980b),
'Kaplan Turbine Incidents and Reverse Water Hammer', Water
Power and Dam Construction, Vol. 56, August, pp. 36-40.
8.44 Pejovic, S., Gajic, A., and Obradovic, D. (1980c), 'Reverse Water-
hammer in Kaplan Turbines', 10th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic
Machinery, Tokyo, pp. 489-499.
8.45 Pejovic, S., Gajic, A., and Obradovic, D. (1984), 'The Effects of
Air Supply to the Draft-Tube upon Hydraulic Oscillations in a Hy
dropower Plant', 12th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery,
Stirling, August 27-30, Vol. 1, Paper 3. 4, pp. 242-253.
8.46 Pejovic, S., Obradovic, D., and Gajic, A. (1986a), 'Field Tests and
Calculations of the Effects of Air Introduction into the Draft-Tube
upon Hydraulic Oscillations in a Hydropower Plant', 13th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Montreal, September 2-5, Vol.
1, Paper 9.
8.54 Wegner, M. and Roman, J.M. (1984), ' Control of Erosion and Insta
bility Effects Induced by Cavitation in Francis Turbines', 12th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery, Stirling, August 27-30, Vol. 1,
Paper 15, pp. 77-89.
8.7 Introduction
Transients are generated in pumping system by pump start, stop or speed
change, or by valve-opening change. During such a process, a transient
cavitation will occur in the system if the fluid pressure drops to or below
the vapour pressure in the system. The most serious type of these possible
cavitation transients is the water-column separation which occurs in pump
discharge lines owing to the negative pressure caused by machine transients,
for example a power failure to the pumps (Wylie and Streeter in 1978 [8.69];
Chaudhry in 1987 [8.56]). Many studies on the transient cavitation occurring
in liquid-filled pump discharge lines have been reported (Fan and Tijsseling
in 1992 [8.57]).
Another problem is the transient performance of the pump involved. The
pump may operate away from its normal head-capacity and speed range
during a transient period while its operating point changes from one steady-
state to another. In some particular circumstances, the pump may even
operate as a turbine or a pump rotating backwards. However, little is known
about such transient performance of cavitating pumps.
Usually attention has been confined to the transients in the pump dis
charge line, because the suction pipes are usually not long enough to induce
any dangerous pressure rise. However, in this section, the transient cavita
tion phenomena occurring in the suction lines will also be described.
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452 Cavitation
/Upptr nlmnn
_l_l I I I I I I I I ■ ' J l_
iwc III MTCRwu or ^ » F I H rowed nn.uRC
I L_ i I I I I I I I
" I l 3 4 J « 7
o i t > 4 » « r * t i o
bubbles are also dispersed within the liquid. Such a gaseous cavitation is a
slow process, in the order of one to several seconds.
Column separation is a vaporous cavitation occurring in a liquid pipeline,
where the bubble population is sufficiently large to coalesce, forming a vapour
pocket within the pipe. The process of vaporous cavitation is much quicker
taking only a few microseconds. Figure 8.22 illustrates the water column
separation at the pump discharge line due to a power failure to the pump.
Figure 8.22(a) shows the movement of the upper and lower columns; and,
Figure 8.22(b) shows the corresponding process of water column separation
(Parmakian in 1958 [8.65]). When these two separated water columns rejoin,
a high pressure-rising (shock wave nature) will be generated which may be
strong enough to destroy the pipeline.
V . -oasirwi
tar mniy j ^
aiiMJii • u m i 11
MAX 7t M K ( t n r»r)
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i i ■
TIME I* H I I I T t l
where the pump is represented by a straight pipe with the reference cross
sectional area AQ, length (Leqs + Leqd). The equivalent pipe length Leqs and
Leqd can be obtained as follows,
P = Pi-Pc (8.5)
8.9.2 Transient B e h a v i o u r of a C a v i t a t i n g P u m p
As an example, the transient behaviour of a cavitating centrifugal pump after
the sudden opening and closure of a discharge valve is presented here. The
variations of instantaneous rotational speed, suction and discharge pressures,
and flow rate are shown (Fig.8.24) where a cavitating transient is generated
by such a transient process (Tsukamoto and Tanaka in 1994 [8.68]). It shows
the variations of the measured suction and discharge pressures, ps and pd;
the suction and discharge flow rates, Qs and Qd; the true total head rise Hp
(= P/(pg)); and the apparent total head rise Hc (= Pc/(pg)) at the highest
valve opening/closing rates with a low suction-pressure of a — 0.085 . Here,
a = 2gHsv/{u\) is the cavitation coefficient, and Hsv = Hs — pv/(pg) (ie
NPSH), Hs: the total head at pump suction port.
For a cavitating transient process, the flow-rate difference between the
inlet and the discharge is caused by the growth and shrinkage of the total
volume of cavitation within the pump, while for steady-state operation, the
flow-rate difference is zero. The mass conservation equation in terms of the
changing rate of cavitation volume, i), reduces to (Sack and Nottage in 1965
[8.67]; Greitzer in 1981 [8.58]):
v = Qd~Qs (8.6)
(a) (b)
ip move during the transient process. These two coefficients are defined as
where, 62 is the outer passage width of pump impeller; cfe is the outer di
ameter of impeller; U2 is the peripheral speed of impeller (= nd^N). The
$ flow coefficient
Figure 8.25: Dynamic relationship between discharge flow coefficient <f> and
total head rise coefficient ip at rapid opening of discharge valve (Tsukamoto
and Tanaka in 1994 [8.68]).
(a) Cavitating case at NT = 2.99, of = 0.085 and $Nf = 0.107; (b) Non-
cavitating case at NT = 2.99, CT/ = 0.3 and $Nf = 0.093; (c) Cavitating
but slow valve opening case at NT — 17.3, aj — 0.085 and <!>#/ = 0.107.
Figure 8.26: Dynamic relationship between discharge flow coefficient <f> and
total head rise coefficient ip at rapid closure of discharge valve (Tsukamoto
and Tanaka in 1994 [8.68]).
(a) Cavitating case at NT = 2.99, a0 = 0.085 and $N0 = 0.107; (b) Non-
cavitating case at NT — 2.99, <7o = 0.3 and $NO = 0.093; (c) Cavitating
but slow valve closure case at NT = 17.3,CTQ= 0.085 and $m = 0.107.
In order to simulate the transient flows in both the pump and the discharge
line, three effects must be considered; namely the pump and motor inertia,
the pump characteristics, and the pressure wave behaviour in the discharge
line (Miyashiro in 1967 [8.62]). The pump transient characteristics are usu
ally assumed to be quasi-steady as described above. As to the transient
cavitation in pipeline, there are many unknowns such as the variation of
the void fraction along the pipeline and consequently the variation of the
wave speed, the energy dissipation, gas release, and so on. Many approaches
for such transient cavitating flow have been reported (Wylie and Streeter in
1978 [8.69]; Chaudhry, 1987 [8.56]). The partial differential equations gov
erning the unsteady fluid flow in a pipeline may be transformed into a set
of finite difference equations which can be solved numerically. For details,
readers are referred to Streeter and Wylie in 1978 [8.69]. As an example, Fig
ure 8.27 shows the calculated pressure and velocity variations for the cases
of pump trip-out and restart which causes cavitating flows in the horizon
tal pipeline (Kranenburg in 1974 [8.60]). In this example, a large reservoir
8.56 Chaudhry, M. H., (1987), Applied Hydraulic Transients, Second Edi
tion, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
8.57 Fan, D., and Tijsseling, A., (1992), 'Fluid-Structure Interaction With
Cavitation in Transient Pipe Flows', ASME Journal of Fluids Engi
neering, Vol. 114, pp.268-274.
Centrifugal Pump During Quick Change of Flow Rate,' Trans. JSME,
Ser.B, Vol.48, No.426, pp.229-237 (in Japanese).
8.63 Nguyen Due, J.M., Von Kaenel, A., and Danguy, F., (1993), "Tran
sient Behavior of Liquid Hydrogen Pumps During Start-Up and Shut
down of Rocket Engines', ASME FED, Vol.154, pp.159-170.
8.65 Parmakian, J., (1958), 'One-Way Surge Tanks for Pumping Plants',
Trans. ASME, Vol. 80, pp.1563-1573.
8.67 Sack, L.E., and Nottage, H.B., (1965), 'System Oscillations Associ
ated With Cavitating Inducers,' ASME Journal of Basic Engineering,
Vol. 87, pp.917-924.
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Imperial College Press
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