The Fool starts us out on our journey through the Major Arcana. As the number zero,
the fool represents the perfection of nothingness and the unlimited potential we have
when we start out on any path. He is a prime example of “beginner’s mind,” or the act
of embracing one’s ignorance when starting a new task and becoming absorbed in the
process of learning. The Fool shows a way of moving through life and experiences. He
is dynamic, playful, and flexible. Far from being frivolous, The Fool shows us that we
are our most receptive when we approach new things with a healthy sense of wonder
and play.Though The Fool is in the middle of stepping off a cliff, he looks peaceful and
excited with his face upturned to catch the warmth of the sun. He embodies the
enriching possibilities that come from taking a risk. To stay still is to become stagnant
and stuck. Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith to move forward, even though it
may feel frightening at first.
The white dog at his feet represents the intuition. The Fool isn’t just running off a cliff
thoughtlessly. A guardian of sorts, his companion lets The Fool know how to proceed,
warning him when danger approaches or letting him know what to embrace. Without
him, The Fool could plunge into an unpleasant situation. He is a reminder of one of
The Fool’s caveats: ignore intuition and you could find yourself doing something
foolish. Keep him close and you’ll be moving in the right direction.Much of the imagery
in The Fool centers around innocence and optimism – the white rose in his hand and
the sun, in particular. His environment – an almost primordial landscape with no
signs of civilization – along with his few belongings indicate a sense of removal and
lack of ties. Since he is just starting out on his journey, The Fool does not have the
pleasure or burden of relationships, work, and experience. Yet.
Positive Attributes
Optimism, positive world outlook, trust of others, hope that all will work out,
certainty, faith, sense of adventure and exploration, takes risks & chances, connection
with intuition, appreciation of beauty
Negative Attributes
Potential for passivity & lack of commitment, poor boundaries, rash & impulsive,
unwilling to acknowledge harsh truths, inexperience, impracticality… foolishness!
Adventure, New Beginning, Beginner’s Mind, Innocence, Enthusiasm, Trust, Taking a
Leap of Faith, Wonder, Fascination, Purity, Awe, Confidence, Intuition, Experience,
Living in the Moment, Joy, Lightheartedness, Moving to the Beat of Your Own Drum,
Risk, Optimism, Fair Weather, Good Luck, Beginning of a Journey, Pure Mind, Good
Intentions, Embodying Values, Following Pleasure, Playfulness
Life Situations
Trying something new for the first time, taking a career risk, following your heart,
taking a chance, trusting in the unknown, learning a new skill or hobby, adopting a
more optimistic & hopeful outlook, celebrating or reclaiming your inner child,
returning to an old activity that brings you joy, going on an adventure – travel or
romance, telling your crush you like them, asking for something you want, exploring
your spirituality
I - The Magician
The Magician is the embodiment of deliberate action in the Major Arcana. He signifies
how the creative process takes something intangible – an idea, burst of inspiration, or
concept – and molds it into something tangible through action. The four symbols on
the table represent the four suits in tarot. The Magician uses all of them in his
process, a lovely nod to how so much bounty can come from a well-balanced life.
Indeed, the foreground and top of the card is positively bursting with lush flowers.
The Magician is also, how to put it… magic. He’s not “The Worker,” after all. The card
could also be called “The Alchemist,” as the symbols present are rife with alchemical
meaning. His outstretched arms bridge the heavens and the earth. He’s poised to turn
lead into gold. For The Magician to succeed, he needs to stay concentrated and
present, allowing his body to become a conduit for ideas. With his arms stretched
diagonally, his body acts out the connection between divine inspiration and the
physical world, or earth. He himself embodies the creative process. Without him there
would be nothing to link the two, and no way to make “something out of nothing.”
Because of this The Magician illustrates the seeming paradox of creativity. You must
remain present and open to ideas while grounded in reality and willing to do
something to make the idea real. Openness, focus, and a sense of movement give The
Magician a dynamic and exciting edge. This card urges the querent to open themselves
up to inspiration and get lost in the work it demands. Seeing this card in readings
signifies a time of great action & potential. The tools are all laid out on the table and
the scene is already lush. The challenge of this card is to maintain the conditions that
allow creativity to flourish. A combination of experience (The Magician is no novice),
mindfulness (he must be present to channel his ideas), and action (doing the work to
actually make something) allow The Magician to flourish. Additionally, The Magician
signifies a time to proceed with confidence and belief in one’s abilities. Arrogance and
pretension are not advisable; however, false modesty and reluctance are just as
detrimental. Above all, The Magician must actively create. Learn by doing and allow for
something other than ego to shine through your work.
Power, potential, mastery, channeling, manifestation, opportunity, creation, action,
interweaving, inspiration, dynamic, focus, limitless
Life Situations
Launching a new creative venture, business, or project. Creating something new that
usually combines interests or topics. Getting inspired and ready to start. The feeling of
being ready. Planning after a flash of inspiration. Being absorbed in a task, project, or
relationship. Creating new material in quick succession: writing, crafting, music, you
name it. Being absorbed in work. Being single-minded & focused on one thing.
Positive Attributes
Productive, energetic, & creative – working to create something tangible from ideas,
“making shit happen,” ability to unify separate elements, self-assured & magnetic,
fully present in actions, simultaneously grounded and inspired
Negative Attributes
Potential for arrogance and feelings of superiority, disdain for other less action-based
approaches, single-minded, unable to move beyond the process of creation – abandons
projects after they’re started, inability to stop and smell the roses, loss of focus and
original intention if sustained too long
II - The High Priestess
Is there any card more moody and magical than The High Priestess? We see the
unforgettable image of a serene and powerful-looking woman seated between two
pillars, a colorful tapestry of pomegranates stretched behind her, obscuring a long
expanse of water. She stands guard at a magical threshold and has the look of
someone who possesses deep secrets, wisdom, and answers.
Here is a figure that straddles two worlds - the conscious and the subconscious. It's a
fine balance, but she is able to plumb the depths of an area of knowledge many of us
don't have access to. This card encourages us to tap into the wealth of power and
insight we carry with us below the surface. She shows us how we are all have a direct
link to the divine/spiritual/magical. Whatever we want to call it, it's there if we take
the time to learn how to access it.
The High Priestess embodies connection to the unconscious and the ability to explore
it in the pursuit of inner-wisdom. She is a gatekeeper to deeper knowledge. This
illustration is packed full of magical and religious symbols – a cross, a torah, a crown
of Isis, etc. The High Priestess is a comprehensive depiction of all the deeper forms of
mystical knowing and connection.
This card shows us how a knowledge of one’s intuition is integral to deep spiritual
understanding. As a solitary figure, the High Priestess emulates both self-assuredness
and self-reliance. She represents the power of a direct and individual connection with
the divine. Compare this with the communal, institutional connection to the spiritual
represented by The Hierophant. She shows us that we don't need any bells and
whistles to be spiritual, simply time, patience, and practice.
Readings with the High Priestess indicate a personal journey exploring spirituality
and/or the subconscious. Despite her overtly religious and mystical symbolism, this
card need not be limited to established dogmas. In fact, any pursuit of deeper
knowledge beyond the strict confines of reality falls under her domain.
Intuition, inner journeys, dreams, symbols, wisdom, secrets, mystery, mystical power,
initiation, darkness, spirituality, introspection, listening to one's inner voice
Life Situations
Undertaking a personal spiritual journey, connecting with one’s intuition, journeying
inward for answers, exploring a new spiritual practice, breaking free of old thought
patterns, taking time for oneself, considering an issue or option deeply, opening up to
spiritual messages, dreaming/daydreaming, deep meditation, assessing one’s
strengths and weaknesses, channeling guidance, strengthening one’s intuition
Positive Attributes
Deep connection to self, insightful, self-possessed, calm confidence, spiritually aware,
wise, innovative, open to new ideas, poised, calm, independent thinker
Negative Attributes
Dreaminess, secrecy, lack of concrete actions, overly esoteric, difficulty
communicating ideas clearly, aloofness, removed from daily life, distracted, spiritually
snobbish, isolated, stubborn