Jaipuria Institute of Management PGDM Trimester Ii Academic Year 2019-20
Jaipuria Institute of Management PGDM Trimester Ii Academic Year 2019-20
Jaipuria Institute of Management PGDM Trimester Ii Academic Year 2019-20
Credits 1.5
Course Requirement(s)
Email [email protected]
1. Course Overview
Management Accounting and Control seeks to create value by providing effective tools for
planning, analysis and control, which furnish information that is useful for decision making at all
levels in the organization. The course introduces a number of cost and management accounting
tools and quantitative techniques that can be used to analyze how business processes consume
resources, create value for a firm and its customers, and how this value may be enhanced through
activity and process improvement. Major topics include cost behavior, cost analysis, profit
planning and control measures.
Financial accounting provides information of firm’s financial condition and results of its
activities through three standard financial statements, i.e., the Balance Sheet, Income Statement
and Statement of Cash Flows. Management Accounting and Control is the next phase in
accounting which deals with evaluating the information not provided by financial accounting and
is essentially meant for internal use of management. It incorporates cost accounting with an aim
to ascertain costs, control costs and in the long run reduce costs. This course focuses on decision
facilitating information for improvement in specific decisions such as to set better prices, to cut
costs productively, to plan product mix, or to make better allocation of resources and has crucial
managerial uses for planning, implementing and controlling the firm’s activities. This course,
thus, incorporates the analysis and effect of all relevant information for improvement in specific
managerial decisions.
The course is divided into three modules. Module 1 provides the students the concept and
applications of cost and management accounting. Module 2 deals with the cost-volume-profit
(CVP) analysis and its application in managerial decision making. Module 3 is accounting for
planning and control of organization and essentially covers budgetary control. This course
includes cases to analyze and apply the concepts in practical business problems involving
costing tools followed by class discussion. The case analyses help students to take a position, to
understand and appraise the arguments of fellow students and to reach to optimum decision.
4. Text Book
James, J. (2012). Managerial Accounting (5th Edition), Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
5. Assessment Criteria
Quizzes There will be two Moodle quizzes (10 marks each), 20%
one before the end of sixth session and the second
before the end of twelfth session.
Quiz 1- CLO1
Quiz 2- CLO2
Case Analysis Group assignment of submission of case analysis 20%
Sit-in Examination It will cover sessions 1-12 (CLO1 & CLO2 & CLO3) 40%
Total 100%
2. Case Analysis
Weightage: 20% (refer Rubrics for evaluation at the end)
Description: This would be a spreadsheet and word document (500 words, single spaced,
12 font) with supporting Excel data file.
Expectation from the students: Estimation of relevant cost components and applying
cost information for business decisions.
Academic Integrity: Every group has the option to “fire” from the group the members
who chose to engage in social loafing and contribute marginally towards the project work.
Such students will be required to take a separate project from the instructor to do on their
own and their evaluation will be done out of 10 marks only as the remaining 10 marks
would be deducted from their overall marks at the end of the term. The marks of the group
will be applicable to all its members.
Late submissions: will not be accepted. The onus of confirming submissions lies with the
groups. Only one assignment per group will be accepted. Multiple assignments will be
seen as failure to comprehend the submission guidelines and will have a reflection in
marks awarded to the group. The last date to submit the project is 5th December 2019.
Suggested time to devote to this task: 5 Weeks
Submission details: Soft copy upload on LMS
Feedback and return of work: Feedback will be given within 1 week after
Pre/In/beyond class: Beyond class
3. Group Project
Weightage: 20% (refer Rubrics for evaluation at the end)
Description: This would be a word document (1000 words, single spaced, 12 font) with
supporting Excel data file.
Expectation from the students: Estimation of relevant cost components and applying
cost information for business decisions.
Academic Integrity: Submissions without a turnitin report on similarity index will not be
accepted. The similarity index should not be more than 20%. Every group has the option
to “fire” from the group the members who chose to engage in social loafing and contribute
marginally towards the project work. Such students will be required to take a separate
project from the instructor to do on their own and their evaluation will be done out of 10
marks only as the remaining 10 marks would be deducted from their overall marks at the
end of the term. The marks of the group will be applicable to all its members.
Late submissions: will not be accepted. The onus of confirming submissions lies with the
groups. Only one assignment per group will be accepted. Multiple assignments will be
seen as failure to comprehend the submission guidelines and will have a reflection in
marks awarded to the group. The last date to submit the project is 6th December 2019.
Suggested time to devote to this task: 5 Weeks
Submission details: Soft copy upload on LMS
Feedback and return of work: Feedback will be given within 1 week after
Pre/In/beyond class: Beyond class
7. Session Plan
I. Introduction to Costing
Understand how
*Discussion overhead costs are
applied to
Understand how
*Discussion overhead costs are
applied to
Please note that while assigning activities and planning teaching schedules following table may
be of help. The weightage of items in the table is prescriptive and may vary according to course
requirement. Yet it is indicative of how student time per course can be budgeted:
Activity Description
2-3 hours per week for 12 weeks (as
Classes 15 hours
per schedule of programme office)
Reading Prescribed readings and making notes 7.5 hours
Preparation of set questions,
Including shared and group exercises 15 hours
exercises and problems
Preparation of assignment Reading and writing 7.5 hours
Study and revision for test and end
Self-preparations 7.5 hours
of Trimester examination
TOTAL 52.5 hours
Internet Resources
This website has details on all accounting topics. It has an exhaustive glossary of
accounting terms. Apart from explaining various accounting concepts, this website has
host of other interactive tools like Quizzes, Questions & Answers, Crosswords, and
templates to practice the concepts.
This is the website of American Accounting Association. The American Accounting
Association promotes worldwide excellence in accounting education, research and
practice. This website contains a digital library which has exhaustive archive of
accounting publications. It also has latest accounting news and research articles.
AccountingToday.com is a leading provider of online business news for the tax and
accounting community, offering breaking news, in-depth features, insightful editorial
analysis, and a host of Web-related resources and services. This website would help
students to keep abreast with the latest in the field of accounting.
This is the website of Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI). It provides updated
information on the Act, Rules and Guidelines to be followed by cost accountants in India.
It also publishes Management accounting guidelines and guidance notes. The website
should be referred to keep abreast with the latest in management and cost accounting in
Students are also advised to read leading business dailies such as The Economic Times, Business
Standard, and Hindu Business Line regularly for getting the latest updates.
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and
understand the specific details included in this document. It is emphasized that this course
requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this
course may include classes (lectures or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers
to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required
to complete an assignment, test or examination.
LMS-Moodle/Impartus is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download
lecture, additional reading materials, and tutorial notes to support class participation.
Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be not
be accepted. Requests for extension of time must be made with the faculty member concerned
and based on Special Consideration guidelines.
Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person
as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.
Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is
advisable that students should read the relevant section of Student Handbook for detailed
guidelines. It is also advisable that students must not allow other students to copy their work
and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all
students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate
the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.