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Aff Guide

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This is Decanter's guide to character affection in The Last Sovereign, updated to

game version 0.41.3 and no later. It lists sources of affection gain and loss by
character, sex scenes and other benefits granted by affection, and affection-
dependent titles. Beware spoilers, perhaps even spoilers of future content.

Be advised that if you are using a memory viewer or other cheating program, not all
values may change in memory as soon as you do the associated action. I have written
this guide assuming you are only checking affection by legitimate in-game means.

Feedback can be sent to me on the wiki, on any forum I frequent, or in chat at


I also have a general tips guide https://tiny.cc/TLS_tips

== Table of Contents ==

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== Affection Changes
== Additional Analysis
== Non-Sex Benefits
== Sex Scenes
== Affection-Dependent Titles
== Trivia
== Retcons
== Thanks

== Affection Changes ==

Maximum affection is 100, at which you can have a conversation with the harem girl
that will lock her affection there. (Anytime the relationship value is shown at the
top, it can happen. This is usually in 'base camp' areas.)

Characters are ordered chronologically, by when they have the first event that can
affect their relationship value.

base value 30
up to +2 from doing as much as possible to persuade Simon as Yarra in Feroholm.
+1 if you completely clear the trail to the merchant camp of logs and enemies
(except slimes; they're optional)
+5 helping her in the merchant camp meeting hall, OR +10 if you help her first.
+5 high-class prostitute, +5 green-haired prostitute, +5 Zirantian prostitute, +2
bunny-ears prostitute (pre-reveal), +1 bunny-ears prostitute (post-reveal), +5
exotic prostitute.
+10 talking to Yarra admirer in Succubus Hideout.
+5 earning the foursome on leaving Stineford (requires 130 total harem affection)
+1 talking twice to Simon as Yarra in Devil's Pass.
+5 talking to Yarra about Robin immediately after the Yhilin coup sequence (before
getting ProN from Megail).
+5 investing in cache excavation. (pre-reunion)
+5 hiring at least one mercenary company. (pre-reunion)
+5 from having Megail convert ProN to Sx. (pre-reunion)
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 2 start.
+3 acquiring Stark's head.
+5 fucking Altina immediately.
+3 taking the Lust Draughts from Withered Mountain.
+3 recruiting Withered Mountain, OR +5 recruiting them so decisively you get "It's
impressive how many of us you managed to convince!"
+8 dominating Varia after saving Varia from rape, OR +2 reshaping Varia after
saving Varia from rape, +2 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR -2
reshaping Varia after allowing Varia's rape.
+5 sparing the Impaler.
+2 doing well enough in battle to get the victory Orcent Orgy scene
+5 from Yarra x Qum sex scene in Yarra's route IF Qum has max affection and wasn't
whored out. {*}
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+5 talking to Yarra at Janine's retreat about her age (requires having read about
succubus lifespan and Empire history in Orgasmic Palace archives)
+2 investing in cache excavation IF you didn't before. (post-reunion)
+3 having threesome with Qum at Janine's retreat (requires 150 combined affection
and having left the retreat once)
+3 voting YES to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting NO
+2 defeating Unperson motion.
+2 trying for a NO vote on orc extermination, OR -2 encouraging YES vote.
+1 orc extermination motion fails
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 buying Vinario for 100,000 ProN, OR +4 for 200,000 ProN, OR +3 for 300,000 or
500,000, OR +2 for 1,000,000 ProN, OR +1 FOR 1,500,000 ProN.
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+5 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR +3 "sound victory", OR +2 "decent
victory", OR +1 "we struggled"
+5 letting Yarra seduce the holdout commander after Battle of Yhilin.
Unmissable +2 Yarra+Qum+Nalili sex scene (in king's bedroom after elven forests).
+5 theology conversation after elven forests.
+2 funding brothel petition, in Chapter 3.
+2 funding succubus immigration petition.
+2 funding succubus trade integration petition.
+5 funding national succubus trade integration petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with
+2 Yuanon confrontation outside plaza slums bar IF you have saner-Altina.
+2 Yarra+Hilstara sex scene (in royal baths by Hilstara; requires 180 combined
affection and having been to Zirantia).
+5 on transforming Orcent if Balia says "This is excellent!", OR +4 "This is
great!", OR +3 "can't wait to see where we go", OR +2 "can see all kinds of ways to
go", OR +1 "need to think about what didn't go well".
+5 choosing "Do nothing" at Tower of Mist in Gasm Falls, OR -14 "Begin sabotage
campaign" and later sending economic aid to repair damage to the Chalice, OR -17
"Begin sabotage campaign" and not sending aid.
+5 talking to black-haired succubus with marriage idea, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath. (Only available with low IKD morale; see outline below.)
+2 visiting House of Love in Helvanna.
+5 funding sexual meeting room in HQ.
+2 investing in Givini Tunnels from Gasm Falls.
+5 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+5 funding Stineford succubus tower expansion.
+5 funding ancient ruin excavation in New Givini.
+1 talking to her after the Extradimensional HQ meeting, during the first Erosian
+3 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
+2 HQ basement conversation between Robin and Yarra, after the first Erosian
+4 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +3 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +2
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if succubi are
+2 getting a Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
+2 first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford.
maximum legit value 100 (+167 leeway)

base value 20
+1 if you completely clear the trail to the merchant camp of logs and enemies
(except slimes; they're optional)
+5 helping her in the merchant camp meeting hall, OR +10 if you help her first.
-2 high-class prostitute, -6 green-haired prostitute, -7 Zirantian prostitute, -1
bunny-ears prostitute (pre-reveal), -6 exotic prostitute. (No loss for bunny-ears
prostitute post-reveal.)
+10 from making Aka's Custom Knife.
+1 for each 2500 ProN converted to Sx at Stineford bank, OR +5 for 10k at once. (So
up to +7 this way.)
+5 for having the foursome before leaving Stineford (requires 130 total harem
+5 investing in Premium Steel. (pre-reunion)
+5 from having Megail convert ProN to Sx.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 2 start.
+5 waiting to fuck Altina.
+8 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +5 dominating Varia after
saving Varia from rape, OR +5 reshaping Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR -2
reshaping Varia after saving Varia from rape.
+5 killing the Impaler.
+2 doing well enough in battle to get the victory Orcent Orgy scene
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+5 talking at Janine's retreat IF you got the cure component during Simon's route.
+2 becoming a partner in Premium Steel IF you didn't invest before.
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
-2 promising Zirantia to vote for a then-unspecified defense pact upgrade in
exchange for NO on Unpeople (you cannot keep your promise)
+2 encouraging YES vote on orc extermination, OR -2 trying for a NO vote.
+1 orc extermination motion passes
+1 War Vaults opened.
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+2 telling Nalili "Train with Aka", OR +1 telling Nalili "Train with Aka" after
"Train with me"
(If you achieve 100 before this point it will reset to 99, because she won't pledge
eternal loyalty until cured.)
Unmissable +10 from curing her.
+5 if on Battle of Yhilin collateral damage "I hesitate to say I rejoice", OR +3
"though many were spared", OR +1 "all these bodies weigh on my conscience", OR -2
"I fear many civilians were killed", OR -5 "I shudder to think of all the lives"
+2 bringing blue butterfly to elf woman at Gryndine River meeting or Theltiar.
+5 threesome with unraped reshaped-Varia, OR +3 threesome with raped reshaped-
Varia, OR +2 threesome with dominated-Varia.
-5 restoring noble gratuity petition.
Unmissable +5 Comforting Simon after he sees Wynn's shrine.
+2 for at least 15 Zirantia investigation score.
+5 on transforming Orcent if Balia says "This is excellent!", OR +4 "This is
great!", OR +3 "can't wait to see where we go", OR +2 "can see all kinds of ways to
go", OR +1 "need to think about what didn't go well".
+5 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+2 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+2 conversation in Headquarters Courtyard about wanting more.
+2 visiting House of Love in Helvanna.
+2 conversation at cache in Delgar Cavern in Chapter 4.
+5 investing in Potions and More!
+2 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+2 conversation with Grubbak, in Tak'Kan, after the first Erosian conflict.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +2 if Church diverges.
+2 first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford.
+2 relocating the Stineford slum prostitute to the expanded succubus tower.
maximum legit value 100 (+78 leeway)

base value 50
+1 if you completely clear the trail to the merchant camp of logs and enemies
(except slimes; they're optional)
+5 helping her in the merchant camp meeting hall, OR +10 if you help her first.
+5 refusing the offer to whore her out, OR -10 whoring her out (plus ongoing
penalties thereafter, including affection penalties marked here with {*} )
+5 talking to Yarra admirer in Succubus Hideout.
+5 earning the foursome on leaving Stineford (requires 130 total harem affection),
OR +2 if you whored Qum. {*}
+5 investing in cache excavation. (pre-reunion)
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 2 start, OR +2 if you whored Qum. {*}
+3 acquiring Stark's head.
+5 fucking Altina immediately, OR -1 if you whored Qum. {*}
+3 NOT taking the Lust Draughts from Withered Mountain (regardless of whether you
whored Qum), OR -2 taking them (penalty only if you whored Qum). {*}
+5 recruiting Withered Mountain so decisively you get "It's impressive how many of
us you managed to convince!", OR +3 merely recruiting them.
IF you did not whore Qum: -5 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +2
dominating Varia after saving Varia from rape, OR -2 reshaping Varia after allowing
Varia's rape, OR +8 reshaping Varia after saving Varia from rape.
IF you whored Qum: -13 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR -1
dominating Varia after saving Varia from rape, OR -7 reshaping Varia after allowing
Varia's rape, OR +5 reshaping Varia after saving Varia from rape. {*}
+5 sparing the Impaler.
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 investing in cache excavation IF you didn't before. (post-reunion)
+3 having threesome with Yarra at Janine's retreat (requires 150 combined affection
and having left the retreat once)
+3 voting YES to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting NO
+2 defeating Unperson motion.
+2 encouraging YES vote on orc extermination, OR -2 trying for a NO vote.
+1 orc extermination motion passes
+1 War Vaults opened.
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
Unmissable +2 Yarra+Qum+Nalili sex scene (in king's bedroom after elven forests).
+2 cutscene with Dari (in Yhilin Palace: Living Wing, after elven forests).
+2 funding brothel petition, in Chapter 3, IF not whored. {*}
+5 funding succubus immigration petition.
+2 funding succubus trade integration petition.
+2 funding national succubus trade integration petition, OR +1 in Chapter 4 with
+10 letting Qum take resources for her research idea (available only between
Zirantia and Aram).
+5 on transforming Orcent if Balia says "This is excellent!", OR +4 "This is
great!", OR +3 "can't wait to see where we go", OR +2 "can see all kinds of ways to
go", OR +1 "need to think about what didn't go well".
+5 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+2 talking to Carina, after Aram, resulting in the Carina+Qum scene.
+5 choosing "Do nothing" at Tower of Mist in Gasm Falls, OR -14 "Begin sabotage
campaign" and later sending economic aid to repair damage to the Chalice, OR -17
"Begin sabotage campaign" and not sending aid.
+5 talking to black-haired succubus with marriage idea, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath. (Only available with low IKD morale; see outline below.)
+2 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 funding Stineford succubus tower expansion.
+1 talking to her after the Extradimensional HQ meeting, during the first Erosian
+2 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+2 for Robin+Qum scene, after the first Erosian conflict.
+4 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +3 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +2
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +3 if Church diverges.
+2 getting a Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
+5 roleplay in the Feroholm church (with Ardford access and succubi allowed in a
non-divergent Church).
+2 relocating the Stineford slum prostitute to the expanded succubus tower.
maximum legit value 100 (+120 leeway)

base value 80
-2 first time you hire a brothel whore with her in the party.
-1 if she's in the party when you hire the high-class whore.
+2 getting her potion license.
+2 from Chapter 2 start IF you had her do contract research, OR +1 otherwise.
Unmissable +1 after Simon's route
+1 talking to Aka at Janine's retreat IF you got the cure component during Simon's
Unmissable +1 from Chapter 3 start.
+2 Battle of Yhilin success outweighs losses ("Despite the cost, I feel as though
what we accomplished was worth it.")
Unmissable +5 conversation in Yhilin palace tunnels about her feelings toward
Unmissable +3 conversation in Yhilin palace tunnels in which Simon tells her his
Unmissable +1 conversation in the King's bedroom.
+1 conversation in Eustrin's royal chambers.
Unmissable +1 from Chapter 4 start.
+1 investing in Givini Mage Guild.
+1 talking to Robin after the Ardan succession section, IF she completed all
possible research in Chapter 3 and thus did her personal project and was able to
transform in Twisted Space.
+1 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+1 for Robin+Qum scene, via HQ bed, after the first Erosian conflict.
+1 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted.
maximum legit value 100 (+5 leeway)

base value 20
+10 handling Stineford slavers.
+20 funding shrine renovation.
+5 funding Rebel's Pass bridge repair, OR +2 post-reunion.
+2 talking to her in Stineford in Chapter 2.
+3 Carina-Sarai conversation during Megail's route.
+1 talking to the priestess escort in northeast Aram desert map during Megail's
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 observing Carina-Nalili conversation at rest stop.
+3 becoming a core lender of Ivalan Bank in Ardford.
+3 voting YES to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting NO.
+2 encouraging YES vote on orc extermination, OR -2 trying for a NO vote.
+1 orc extermination motion passes.
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+2 if on Battle of Yhilin collateral damage "I hesitate to say I rejoice", OR +1
"though many were spared", OR -1 "all these bodies weigh on my conscience", OR -3
"I fear many civilians were killed", OR -5 "I shudder to think of all the lives"
+2 Carina-Bertricia conversation in Ivala's Glade.
+5 second Carina-Bertricia theology conversation after First Root.
+5 theology conversation after elven forests.
+10 funding monastery shrine petition, OR +5 converting it to an aid station. OR in
chapter 4 with ProN: +5 for shrine, OR +2 for aid station.
Unmissable +5 Comforting Simon after he sees Wynn's shrine.
+2 talking to her in Zirantia Plaza, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 for at least 15 Zirantia investigation score.
+2 Carina-Nalili conversation in royal baths about finding activities they can both
+1 Carina-Nalili conversation at Ari-Yhilina Cathedral about choirs (requires baths
+3 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+5 talking to Carina, after Aram, resulting in the Carina + Qum scene.
+5 sending economic aid to poor people whose resources were taken by your armies,
in Conference Chamber during war aftermath. (Only requested if you overextended
your reserve forces.)
+2 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 creating shrine in Headquarters Courtyard.
-2 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+5 arranging meeting between Bertricia and succubus nuns in Helvanna. (Requires a
certain level of Chalice States development.)
+1 talking to her after the Extradimensional HQ meeting, during the first Erosian
+2 if when securing permission from the Aramite mage guild, the representative says
"You did far better than I expected influencing people" or "You did better than I
expected influencing people".
+2 HQ courtyard conversation between Carina and Nalili, after the first Erosian
+2 if about first Council of Gawnfall vote, Sarai says "Annah really fucked up this
+5 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +4 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +3
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +3 if Church diverges, OR -5
if succubi form new religion and Carina affection < 95.
+5 if about the Inquisition on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Dari says "The
Inquisition should be more neutral now", OR +2 "We fought back and kept things
pretty much the same", OR -3 "We're going to have to deal with those problems
+2 getting the EXTENDED Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
maximum legit value 99 (+76 leeway)
(If you achieve 100 in the current version it will reset to 99, because she won't
pledge eternal loyalty until... some future stuff happens.)

base value 20
+10 exceeding ProN requirement in Stineford by at least 10k, OR +3 exceeding it but
by less.
+5 mystery investment after her rescue ("Gift to Megail" or "Special Supplier" in
Ledger). (pre-reunion)
+5 investing in bank. (pre-reunion)
+5 investing in base metal processing. (Chapter 1 or early Chapter 2)
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 2 start.
+5 investing in Stineford magic shop.
+5 waiting to fuck Altina.
+5 reshaping Varia, OR -2 dominating Varia.
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+5 from discussing investments at Janine's retreat IF you helped the accounting
succubus in Orgasmic Palace.
+5 becoming a Yhilin Bank core lender.
+5 having threesome with Hilstara at Janine's retreat (requires 110 combined
affection and having left the retreat once)
+5 joining the Merchant's Guild in Ardford
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
-1 promising Aram to vote YES to war then voting NO.
+1 promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting YES, OR -2 promising
Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO.
+1 promising Zirantia to vote for a then-unspecified defense pact upgrade in
exchange for NO on Unpeople (you cannot keep your promise)
+2 trying for a NO vote on orc extermination, OR -2 encouraging YES vote.
+1 orc extermination motion fails.
-1 bribing guilds rep 10,000 ProN to vote NO on Unpeople.
-3 bribing guilds rep 100,000 ProN to vote YES on orc extermination.
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 buying Vinario for 100,000 ProN, OR +3 for 200,000 ProN, OR +2 for 300,000 ProN,
OR +1 for 500,000 ProN, OR -10 for 2,000,000 ProN, OR -20 for 3,000,000 ProN
+2 if Battle of Yhilin chaos "remarkably contained", OR -2 Merchant Quarter
shutdown and "ugly, but the situation isn't unworkable", OR -3 Merchant Quarter
shutdown and "It will take time for every layer of society to recover", OR -5
Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take a great deal of time for every layer of
society to recover."
Unmissable +10 from conversation about her origins after raiding Jade
+5 recruiting Min, then talking to her near HQ.
+5 investing in sex shop at slum House of Petitions in Chapter 3, OR +2 in Chapter
4 with ProN.
+2 conversation in Ari-Yhilina Outskirts after Zirantia.
+8 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed", OR +5 "we have you to thank", OR +4 "will be worth it soon", OR +3
"will be worth it", OR +2 "worth it eventually".
+5 getting the Eustrin Guild of Blacksmiths to be open to international trade.
Unmissable +2 from Maranite negotiations.
+2 conversation in Aramite Fort kitchen about House Jade after talking to Palina IF
Trin copied the Aramite Jade clerk.
+7 if Neranda responds to "So we have Eustrin as an ally?" with "you have done much
to gain our favor", OR +6 "you have done some to gain our favor", OR +5 "you are
closer to gaining our favor", OR +4 "Aram has oppressed us for a long time, and you
have taken the first steps to gaining our favor", OR +2 "... you have taken the
first steps to gaining our favor".
+2 conversation in Ari-Yhilina Outskirts after Aram.
+3 having already purchased the deeds to Vinario, in Conference Chamber during war
+2 talking to Biyue, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath (only if you did
not support the Old Zirantian League).
+5 investing in Min's trade route. (Requires Min.)
+2 negotiation in Merchant Camp Hall, regardless of outcome.
-1 giving ProN to Yhilini noble liaison in Chapter 4 (each time).
-2 investing in Potions and More!
+3 investing in Stineford weapons store.
+5 investing in Bank of Givini.
+5 investing in Givini Tunnels from Gasm Falls.
+2 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 if
"Though I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if Church diverges, OR +3 if succubi form new religion,
OR +2 if succubi are accepted.
+5 if about the economic issues on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Megail says "We
pretty much swept things" OR +1 "Things turned out pretty well."
+5 first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford.
maximum legit value 100 (+100 leeway)

base value 25
up to +5 from Yarra's efforts in Devil's Pass (talk to Hilstara twice, Aka once,
before talking to Robin).
+5 bathing with her after Yhilin coup sequence.
+5 hiring at least one mercenary company.
+5 investing in Premium Steel.
+5 from having Megail convert ProN to Sx. (pre-reunion)
Unmissable +10 from Chapter 2 start.
+5 waiting to fuck Altina.
+2 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +5 dominating Varia after
saving Varia from rape, OR -2 reshaping Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +3
reshaping Varia after saving Varia from rape.
+5 killing the Impaler.
+5 doing well enough in battle to get the victory orgy scene with Orcent.
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 becoming a partner in Premium Steel IF you didn't invest before.
+7 ordering Hilstara's Helm custom-made from Premium Steel post-reunion, OR +5 in
Chapter 3.
+5 having threesome with Megail at Janine's retreat (requires 110 combined
affection and having left the retreat once).
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
+3 promising Aram to vote NO to war then voting NO, OR -1 promising Aram to vote NO
to war then voting YES.
+1 promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting YES, OR -2 promising
Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO
-2 promising Zirantia to vote for a then-unspecified defense pact upgrade in
exchange for NO on Unpeople (you cannot keep your promise)
+1 War Vaults opened.
-1 buying Vinario for 1,500,000 ProN, OR -3 for 2,000,000 ProN, OR -5 for 3,000,000
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+3 telling Nalili "Train with Hilstara", OR +1 telling Nalili "Train with Hilstara"
after "Train with me"
+5 if Battle of Yhilin chaos "remarkably contained", OR +2 "ugly, but the situation
isn't unworkable", OR -2 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take time for every
layer of society to recover", OR -3 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take a
great deal of time for every layer of society to recover."
+3 Hilstara x Lynine scene (in tunnels).
+5 funding huge infrastructure petition.
+5 funding countryside mercenary regulation petition.
+2 funding city mercenary regulation petition.
+2 Yuanon confrontation outside plaza slums bar IF you have saner-Altina.
+2 for at least 15 Zirantia investigation score.
+2 Yarra+Hilstara sex scene (in royal baths by Hilstara; requires 180 combined
affection and having been to Zirantia).
+5 conversation in royal baths leading to drinks at the bar.
+5 on transforming Orcent if Balia says "This is excellent!", OR +4 "This is
great!", OR +3 "can't wait to see where we go", OR +2 "can see all kinds of ways to
go", OR +1 "need to think about what didn't go well".
+3 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+2 investing in Yhilin outskirts mercenary offices.
+2 conversation between Orcent and Hilstara at The Crimson Cape bar in Stineford.
+2 funding HQ armory.
+5 funding Givini war monument.
-5 copying the Givini king's aide (guy east of his throne).
+2 massage scene, after the Ardan succession section.
+3 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
+3 conversation between Hilstara and Wynn in HQ.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +5 if succubi form new
religion, OR +2 if Church diverges.
+2 first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford.
maximum legit value 100 (+77 leeway)

base value 50
+5 being especially thorough in the investigation prior to the coup attempt. (List
of what constitutes thoroughness below.)
+10 funding Yhilin anti-corruption campaign.
+5 funding Rebel's Pass bridge repair, OR +2 post-reunion.
+5 funding Yhilin beautification. (Chapter 1 or post-reunion)
+5 if you have not talked about her husband by the start of Chapter 2.
+5 talking about her husband (in Chapter 1 or early Chapter 2, but Chapter 2 is
Up to +5 from efforts to help the underclass during Aka's route. (But most players
will get +3.)
+2 conversation on 2F of Janine's retreat before Ardford.
+5 funding further Yhilin beautification IF you funded it in Chapter 1. (post-
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+2 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR -1 "decent victory", OR -2 "we
+2 if Battle of Yhilin chaos "remarkably contained", OR +1 "ugly, but the situation
isn't unworkable.", OR -1 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "ugly, but the situation
isn't unworkable.", OR -2 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take time for
every layer of society to recover.", OR -3 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will
take a great deal of time for every layer of society to recover."
+3 if on Battle of Yhilin collateral damage "I hesitate to say I rejoice", OR +1
"though many were spared", OR -1 "all these bodies weigh on my conscience", OR -3
"I fear many civilians were killed", OR -5 "I shudder to think of all the lives"
+5 if feelings about overall results of Battle of Yhilin are "Honestly, relieved."
+2 conversation in throne room about her legacy.
+2 conversation in palace main room about religion.
+2 conversation in palace tunnels about societal change.
Unmissable +5 on returning from elven forests.
-5 restoring noble gratuity petition.
+5 funding huge infrastructure petition.
+2 funding arcane/sexual magical agreement slum petition.
+5 having funded the second House of Petitions in the slums, and speaking to the
woman at its main desk.
+2 investing in sex shop at slum House of Petitions.
+3 funding large city-wide celebration slum petition, OR +2 medium, OR +1 small.
+1 funding fighting ring slum petition.
+1 funding sexual fighting ring slum petition.
Unmissable +2 Janine-Orilise conversation about romance.
+5 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed" or "we have you to thank", OR +4 "will be worth it soon", OR +3 "will be
worth it", OR +2 "worth it eventually".
+7 if Neranda responds to "So we have Eustrin as an ally?" with "you have done much
to gain our favor", OR +6 "you have done some to gain our favor", OR +5 "you are
closer to gaining our favor", OR +4 "Aram has oppressed us for a long time, and you
have taken the first steps to gaining our favor", OR +2 "... you have taken the
first steps to gaining our favor".
+5 investing in Yhilin outskirts mercenary offices.
+5 investing in Yhilini airship fleet.
+10 marrying her. (NOTE: Required for conversation which locks her affection!)
+2 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+2 talking to her in Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the aftermath of the
first Erosian conflict.
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 if
"Though I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+3 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +2 if Church diverges, OR +2
if succubi form new religion, OR -3 if succubi must suppress their natures.
maximum legit value 100 (+87 leeway)

base value 40
+5 funding Yhilin anti-corruption campaign.
-5 funding shrine renovation (Yes, minus. "Fuck pious bullshit." Sarai thinks you
should've done some tangible good with that money.)
+2 talking to her in the first part of Chapter 2
+2 Carina-Sarai conversation during Megail's route
+5 telling her about what's happened since last meeting IF you read about succubus
religion in Orgasmic Palace archives, OR +2 if you didn't
+5 if on Battle of Yhilin collateral damage "I hesitate to say I rejoice", OR +3
"though many were spared", OR +1 "all these bodies weigh on my conscience", OR -2
"I fear many civilians were killed", OR -5 "I shudder to think of all the lives"
+6 reporting back after finding religious representatives IF the elven ghetto isn't
destroyed, you met the slum cult in Aka's route, and you spoke with Sister Janelle,
OR +4 for two of those, OR +2 for one. (Janelle is available only if the Unperson
motion failed.)
+5 nullifying Andra IF the Unperson motion failed at the Ardford summit.
+5 funding monastery aid station petition in Chapter 3, OR +2 in Chapter 4, OR -5
converting it to a shrine.
+2 talking to Lustlord representative, in Cathedral library.
+2 talking to nonreligious charity representative, in Cathedral library.
+2 talking to succubus in nun clothing, in Cathedral library.
+5 sending economic aid to poor people whose resources were taken by your armies,
in Conference Chamber during war aftermath. (Only requested if you overextended
your reserve forces.)
+2 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+3 using political capital to make the Church of Ivala stop persecuting Ivalan
succubi, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath, OR unmissable +2 if negligible
persecution occurs due to sufficient religion influence.
+5 visiting Miners' Junction and seeing Andra.
-2 funding Givini war monument.
+2 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+2 donating ProN for a statue from the cult of the Goddess of Magic.
+2 if when leaving Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the first Erosian
conflict, Robin says "We've formed an excellent foundation for our work here in
+5 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +4 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +3
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+3 telling her Yelarel's plans on night 2 of Council of Gawnfall.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR -2 if Church diverges, OR -2
if succubi form new religion.
+5 talking to her on night 4 of Council of Gawnfall.
+5 voluntarily continuing to accept purity standards despite their removal.
+4 if about Eustrin on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Sarai says "Aram will be under
serious pressure in the future", OR +2 "We managed to draw some real concessions".
+5 having sex for the first time (requires 80 affection and an appropriate outcome
of Council of Gawnfall). (NOTE: Required for conversation which locks her
maximum legit value 100 (+34 leeway)

base value 10
+5 copying Yhilin bank employee
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 2 start.
+10 talking to her after start of Ch2 IF you had Robin do contract research.
+5 fucking Altina immediately.
+8 if you let Varia's gang rape Varia, OR -2 if you don't.
+5 sparing the Impaler.
+5 doing well enough in battle to get the victory orgy scene with Orcent.
+5 getting the Trin x Altina sex scene in Aka's route with sluttier-Altina, OR +2
otherwise (requires 70 combined affection).
+5 having the maximum number of copies at the end of Aka's route (affection-based:
at least 6, 7 at 30, 8 at 50) (options are the bank employee prior, eight House
Jade employees, Big Man, and Janine's politician uncle)
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +5 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 having Trin + Altina threesome at Janine's retreat (requires having gotten Trin
x Altina scene in Aka's route and left the retreat once).
+3 voting YES to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting NO.
+2 promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO.
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 buying Vinario for 100,000 Pron, OR +4 for 200,000 ProN, OR +3 for 300,000 ProN,
OR +2 for 500,000 ProN
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+5 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR +3 "sound victory", OR +2 "decent
victory", OR +1 "we struggled"
+2 conversation after elven forests in which Simon asks for help dividing his
+10 for at least 20 Zirantia investigation score, OR +7 for 10, OR +6 for 5, OR +3
Unmissable +5 training and conversation about emotions.
Unmissable +5 Trin Double Team sex scene.
+3 conversation in Aramite Fort kitchen about House Jade after talking to Palina IF
Trin copied the Aramite Jade clerk.
+2 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+2 conversation between Orcent and Trin in The Warrior's Ring bar in Ari-Yhilina's
lower city.
+2 first meeting with Aramite Mage Guild representative IF Trin copied the Aramite
Jade clerk.
+5 copying the Aramite Priestess in Ramasta.
+5 copying the antagonistic Hall orc during the first Erosian conflict.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi must suppress their natures, OR +3 if Church
diverges, OR +2 if succubi form new religion.
+5 getting the EXTENDED Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
maximum legit value 100 (+44 leeway)

(sluttier) Altina:
base value 20
IF Altina's in the party: +4 reshaping Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +3
dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +2 reshaping Varia after saving
Varia from rape, OR +1 dominating Varia after saving Varia from rape.
+2 getting the Trin x Altina sex scene in Aka's route (requires 70 combined
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 having Trin + Altina threesome at Janine's retreat (requires having gotten
affection-gated Trin x Altina scene in Aka's route and left the retreat once).
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
+5 promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting YES, OR -5 promising
Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO
+1 War Vaults opened.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+3 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR +1 "sound victory"
+5 successfully questioning Mother's Guard in Twisted Glen.
Unmissable +10 fucking Lynine.
Unmissable +10 fucking Orilise.
+5 funding elven region improvement petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with ProN.
+5 examining Doom King statue in Ari-Yhilina Square (if built).
+2 speaking to west door guard in Royal Palace of Zirantia the first time, IF Simon
is in party.
+2 arranging meeting between Bertricia and succubus nuns in Helvanna. (Requires a
certain level of Chalice States development.)
+2 if when securing permission from the Aramite mage guild, the representative says
"You did far better than I expected influencing people" or "You did better than I
expected influencing people".
+5 Orilise x Altina sex scene IF Orilise affection is at least 90, OR +2 otherwise.
+10 commissioning her custom off-hand wand.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if succubi are
maximum legit value 100 (+13 leeway)

(saner) Altina:
base value 5
+25 talking to her in camp then leaving and returning to talk to her again.
IF Altina's in the party: +10 reshaping Varia after saving Varia from rape, OR +4
reshaping Varia after allowing Varia's rape, OR +4 dominating Varia after saving
Varia from rape, OR -2 dominating Varia after allowing Varia's rape. (In the latter
case, it may be best to recruit Varia first, or be sure to set Altina on the
sluttier path beforehand.)
+5 talking to her in the royal baths during Aka's route.
+5 getting the Trin x Altina sex scene in Aka's route (requires 70 combined
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+2 having Trin + Altina threesome at Janine's retreat (requires having gotten
affection-gated Trin x Altina scene in Aka's route and left the retreat once)
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
+5 promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting YES, OR -5 promising
Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO
+1 War Vaults opened.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+5 if on Battle of Yhilin collateral damage "I hesitate to say I rejoice", OR +3
"though many were spared", OR +1 "all these bodies weigh on my conscience", OR -2
"I fear many civilians were killed", OR -5 "I shudder to think of all the lives"
+5 Altina-Bertricia conversation in Ivala's Glade.
+5 successfully questioning Mother's Guard in Twisted Glen.
Unmissable +5 fucking Lynine and Orilise together.
+5 funding elven region improvement petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with ProN.
+2 speaking to west door guard in Royal Palace of Zirantia the first time, IF Simon
is in party.
Unmissable +2 Yuanon confrontation outside plaza slums bar.
+2 arranging meeting between Bertricia and succubus nuns in Helvanna. (Requires a
certain level of Chalice States development.)
+2 if when securing permission from the Aramite mage guild, the representative says
"You did far better than I expected influencing people" or "You did better than I
expected influencing people".
+5 Orilise x Altina sex scene IF Orilise affection is at least 90, OR +2 otherwise.
+10 commissioning her custom off-hand wand.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR -5 if Church diverges.
maximum legit value 100 (+26 leeway)

(reshaped) Varia:
base value 35
-5 allowing her rape.
+3 conversation on Dark Ruin 2F about being chained
+5 doing well enough in battle to get the victory orgy scene with Orcent.
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +5 from Reunion Orgy.
+3 voting NO to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting YES
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+3 telling Nalili "Train with Varia", OR +1 telling Nalili "Train with Varia" after
"Train with me"
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+5 if Battle of Yhilin chaos "remarkably contained", OR +4 "ugly, but the situation
isn't unworkable.", OR +3 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "ugly, but the situation
isn't unworkable.", OR +1 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take time for
every layer of society to recover.", OR -1 Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will
take a great deal of time for every layer of society to recover."
+5 threesome with Aka if Simon hasn't let Varia be raped, OR +3 threesome if he
+5 spike chamber in Ordeal of the Claw.
+2 for at least 15 Zirantia investigation score.
+5 Varia in Chains sex scene (in unused cell after receiving the succubus
+5 acquiring Eustrin steel for Varia's unique weapons.
+5 forging her unique weapons using restored Givini smithing.
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+5 waterfall conversation in Zirantian Tower Foundation.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +2 if Church diverges.
+2 talking to Varia in Zirantian slum bar after Council of Gawnfall.
maximum legit value 100 (+16 leeway)

(dominated) Varia:
base value 20
+20 allowing her rape (she accepts domination better if traumatized, or something).
+5 doing well enough in battle to get the victory orgy scene with Orcent.
+5 talking to her before any other harem girl when reuniting after Simon's route.
Unmissable +2 from Reunion Orgy.
+1 War Vaults opened.
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
-3 telling Nalili "Train with Varia", OR -2 telling Nalili "Train with Varia" after
"Train with me"
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+5 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR +3 "sound victory", OR +1 "decent
+10 threesome with Aka.
+5 examining Doom King statue in Ari-Yhilina Square (if built).
Unmissable +5 waking up in Royal Palace of Zirantia after Simon leaves.
+15 spike chamber in Ordeal of the Claw.
+10 talking to her in king's bedroom after Zirantia.
+5 acquiring Eustrin steel for Varia's unique weapons.
+5 making her unique weapons.
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+2 waterfall conversation in Zirantian Tower Foundation.
maximum legit value 100 (+24 leeway)

base value 40
+5 getting the Yarra + Qum x Ogre sex scene obtained during Yarra's route in
Chapter 2.
+5 funding Ghenalese expatriate program during the Ardford summit.
+2 talking to Fheliel during airship trade negotiations in Chapter 3.
+10 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed" or "we have you to thank", OR +5 "will be worth it soon" or "will be
worth it".
+10 if 15 HQ Hospitality score by the first Erosian conflict, OR +8 if 12, OR +6 if
9, OR +4 if 6, OR +2 if 3.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +5 if succubi form new
maximum legit value 77

base value 20
+10 researching "Orc Breeding I" in Orgasmic Palace archives.
+10 researching "Orc Breeding II" in Orgasmic Palace archives.
+5 trying for a NO vote on orc extermination, OR -5 encouraging YES vote.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+5 recruiting Ralke the orc (requires having defeated Orc Extermination motion at
Ardford summit)
Unmissable +5 after Battle of Yhilin.
Unmissable +5 from first fuck.
-5 each time you can set an orc development objective but don't (don't worry,
she'll confirm your decision first).
+5 funding orc fancy walk petition.
+5 talking to her after Zirantia.
+10 on transforming Orcent if Balia says "This is excellent!", OR +8 "This is
great!", OR +6 "can't wait to see where we go", OR +4 "can see all kinds of ways to
go", OR +2 "need to think about what didn't go well", OR +1 "need to think about
what went wrong".
+5 having already purchased the deeds to Vinario, and giving them to Tak'Kan, in
Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+2 conversation with Stark in Feroholm region abandoned shrine in Chapter 4.
+5 investing in Tak'Kan trade.
+2 funding orc outposts in the main Headquarters building.
+5 funding second orc room in Headquarters Courtyard.
+5 investing in Tarran'Kan Hall of Mental Strength.
+5 funding upgraded orc pools for Tak'Kan.
+5 funding Tak'Kan democracy.
+5 talking to her in HQ Courtyard lab after funding it and completing orc
diversification research.
+3 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
+5 copying the antagonistic Hall orc during the first Erosian conflict.
+2 conversation between Simon and Balia in HQ B1 lab with Sho recruited.
+5 getting the EXTENDED Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
maximum legit value 100 (+39 leeway)

base value 10
up to +50 from 10 affection per 5 "Esthera mood" points (see below)
+5 completing all palace appeals and office tasks and getting the Office Orgy scene
up to +9 from final "Nalili maturity" score at the end of Simon's route (see below)
+5 Battle of Yhilin success outweighs losses (same calculation as Robin and Dari
rises; look for their associated messages.)
+2 funding Aram border defense.
+2 funding Ardoheim border defense.
+5 examining Doom King statue in Ari-Yhilina Square (must be built).
+2 Esthera-Nalili conversation in Negotiation Hall.
+5 copying succubus governor.
+10 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed", OR +5 "we have you to thank", OR +4 "will be worth it soon", OR +3
"will be worth it", OR +2 "worth it eventually".
+3 low instability across the continent upon reaching Conference Chamber in the war
aftermath. (Iris must not say you had "trouble pulling our resources together due
to all the instability.")
+3 low collateral damage across the continent upon reaching Conference Chamber in
the war aftermath. (No definite telltale for achieving this, unfortunately, but
Sarai's presence indicates failure.)
+2 conversation via comm sphere in HQ bedroom.
+3 talking to her after the Extradimensional HQ meeting, during the first Erosian
+2 talking to her in Order of Thaumaturgy Guildhall, during the aftermath of the
first Erosian conflict.
+6 if Iris's evaluation of the first Erosian conflict is "We did remarkably well!",
OR +4 "we did quite well", OR +2 "we did well enough."
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 if
"Though I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if succubi are
accepted, OR +2 if Church diverges.
maximum legit value 100 (+31 leeway)
(Not being a harem member, she does not yet have an affection locking

base value 20
+5 long conversation about Simon's history, OR +2 short conversation, OR -2 telling
+3 conversation in her room about Esthera's feelings toward her.
+3 conversation in her room about failure to hide her identity and fakeness of her
city relationships.
+3 agreeing when she tells her personal guard not to ruin her fun (not recommended
due to closing off full "Nalili maturity" points (see below) and other benefits of
defending guard)
+5 completing all palace appeals and office tasks and getting the Office Orgy
+5 defeating crystal-assisted Nalili after she learns Cleavage.
+5 teaching Simon Unified Strike.
-2 moving boxes in the city (but recommended for +1 "Nalili maturity" point)
+5 conversation in bordello about not being allowed to fuck her (requires a small
threshold of mental/sexual training in-route)
+1 resisting fucking her with Esthera gone, OR -5 for additionally reprimanding her
(+1 is not recommended however - some useful activities are only available after
fucking Nalili, and time is limited. Besides, you'll miss her titfuck scene.)
+10 first fuck IF done during Simon's route, OR +5 otherwise.
+3 conversation detailing Simon's harem.
+5 first bath+massage after fucking.
up to +6 from final "Nalili maturity" score at the end of Simon's route (see below;
can only be up to +4 if you agreed about guard or didn't move crates)
+5 getting the Nalili Double Team scene with Simon and Esthera.
+2 observing Carina-Nalili conversation at rest stop.
+3 voting YES to war with the Incubus King, OR -2 voting NO.
+2 defeating Unperson motion.
+1 War Vaults opened.
+5 buying deeds to Vinario.
+2 getting all 4 Ardford threesome scenes and thus the Ardford Orgy scene.
+6 telling her to train with Simon then Aka, OR +5 Simon then Hilstara OR Simon
then reshaped-Varia, OR +4 Simon then dominated-Varia, OR +3 Aka, OR +2 Hilstara,
OR +2 reshaped-Varia, OR -2 dominated-Varia
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+5 if Battle of Yhilin "victory was crushing", OR +3 "sound victory", OR +2 "decent
victory", OR +1 "we struggled"
+5 siding with Lynine after freeing elven queens.
Unmissable +2 Yarra+Qum+Nalili sex scene (in king's bedroom after elven forests).
+2 funding brothel petition, in Chapter 3.
+2 funding succubus immigration petition.
+2 funding succubus trade integration petition.
+5 funding national succubus trade integration petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with
+5 visiting reopened fighting ring.
+10 funding sexual combat ring.
Unmissable +5 Comforting Simon after he sees Wynn's shrine.
+1 Carina-Nalili conversation in royal baths about finding activities they can both
+1 Carina-Nalili conversation at Ari-Yhilina Cathedral about choirs (requires baths
+2 Esthera-Nalili conversation in Negotiation Hall.
+3 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed", OR +2 "we have you to thank", OR +1 "will be worth it soon".
+5 choosing "Do nothing" at Tower of Mist in Gasm Falls, OR -9 "Begin sabotage
campaign" and later sending economic aid to repair damage to the Chalice, OR -12
"Begin sabotage campaign" and not sending aid.
+5 talking to black-haired succubus with marriage idea, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath. (Only available with low IKD morale; see outline below.)
+2 thwarting Donovan's attempt to change Givini war monument. (Only possible if you
funded the monument.)
+3 funding sexual meeting room in HQ.
+2 investing in Gasm Falls armor succubus.
+5 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+3 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
+2 HQ courtyard conversation between Carina and Nalili, after the first Erosian
+4 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +3 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +2
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if succubi are
+2 first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford.
maximum legit value 100 (+96 leeway)

base value 0
+2 responding to Vhala's initial brush-off with "because of the Unmen petition", OR
+1 "Sarai relationship" or "nothing", OR -1 "argue for more time".
+1 defeating Unperson motion.
+1 having reshaped Varia, OR -1 having dominated Varia.
up to +2 from investigation efforts on Ardford summit day 2 (5-6 missable clues for
+2, 3-4 for +1 - list below)
+1 personally defeating all seeds launched at Ardoheim (including Stineford; could
be 1 or 2), OR -1 defeating none.
+1 low Incubus King's Domain morale upon reaching Conference Chamber in the war
aftermath. (See IKD morale outline below.)
+1 low instability across the continent upon reaching Conference Chamber in the war
aftermath. (Iris must not say you had "trouble pulling our resources together due
to all the instability.")
+1 low collateral damage across the continent upon reaching Conference Chamber in
the war aftermath. (No definite telltale for achieving this, unfortunately, but
Sarai's presence indicates failure.)
+1 funding Givini war monument.
+1 conversation in HQ after the Ardan succession section.
+1 if when securing permission from the Aramite mage guild, the representative says
"You did far better than I expected influencing people" or "You did better than I
expected influencing people".
+2 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +1 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +1
"They are to be treated the same as any other race."
+1 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted.
+1 having made a deal with Esmera, prior to the vote on Unpeople, bluntly refusing
to argue for creation of more Unpeople.
+2 if about Council of Gawnfall vote on Unpeople, Hester says "we recommit to
support those Unpeople who have already served the Church", OR +1 if Hester doesn't
say that but says "The Church will keep Unpeople", OR -1 "The Church will begin
measures to increase the number of Unpeople", OR -2 that and "the Aramite program
will be expanded".
maximum legit value 19
(Vhala does not display her value.)

base value 25
up to +35 from investigation efforts on Ardford summit day 2 (+5 per missable clue
found, bonus +5 for getting all 6 - list below)
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 3 start.
+2 talking to her about "The Plan" at Janine's retreat
+3 Battle of Yhilin success outweighs losses ("Sounds like the battle went great
+15 having Robin research Dari's condition immediately after the invasion, OR +11
after elven forests, OR +9 after Zirantia, OR +7 after receiving succubus refugees,
OR +5 after Aram.
+5 talking to her after elven forests if she was investigating Kingsmen and
Unpeople, OR +4 Kingsmen only, OR +3 Unpeople only, OR +2 neither.
+2 cutscene with Qum (in Yhilin Palace: Living Wing, after elven forests).
+5 telling Dari to investigate slave collars or Unpeople, OR +2 telling her to
investigate Kingsmen.
+1 removing Unperson recruiter from Order of Yhilini Thaumaturgy IF Unperson motion
passed and Yhilini Magic has been researched.
+1 removing Unperson recruiter from Miners' Junction IF Unperson motion passed.
+1 removing Unperson recruiter from slums IF Unperson motion passed.
+2 talking to Unperson in Cathedral library, OR +1 if Unperson motion passed.
+5 seizing fancy store in Rose District.
+5 being cured of Unwoman status.
+5 having sex for the first time. (Requires 80 affection, or 85 with less human
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+4 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +3 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +2
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +5 if succubi form new
+5 if about Council of Gawnfall vote on Unpeople, Hester says "we recommit to
support those Unpeople who have already served the Church", OR +2 if Hester doesn't
say that but says "The Church will keep Unpeople", OR -2 "The Church will begin
measures to increase the number of Unpeople", OR -5 that and "the Aramite program
will be expanded".
+5 if about Council of Gawnfall vote on the Fucklord, Hester says "we will
cooperate to some degree with allies who also oppose this Incubus King", OR +2 if
not that but "We will begin preparations for a conflict with the Incubus King,
including large scale holy spells", OR +1 "We will begin preparations for a
potential conflict with the Incubus King, should such a thing come to pass."
maximum legit value 100 (+32 leeway)
(If you achieve 100 before curing her Unwoman status, it will reset to 99.)

base value -50
+3 initial cell conversation with Simon
+5 cell conversation with Qum if Qum's locked and unwhored, OR +3 if locked and
whored, OR +2 otherwise.
+3 cell conversation with Yarra if Yarra's locked, OR +1 otherwise.
+7 cell conversation with Janine if Janine's 100, OR +5 if >80, OR +4 if >60, OR +2
+5 second cell conversation with Simon.
+3 cell conversation with Lynine and Orilise.
+5 cell conversation with Aka if Aka's 100, OR +4 if >90, OR +3 if >75, OR +2 if
>60, OR +1 if >50.
+4 cell conversation with Hilstara if Hilstara's >75, otherwise +2.
+2 cell conversation with Simon about religion IF had theology conversation with
Goddess of Magic cult leader.
+5 if sex and purity magic was the first Chapter 4 research topic, OR +2 if Dari is
cured of Unwoman status by the waterfall conversation in Zirantian Tower
+2 if Lynine's affection is at least 90 by the waterfall conversation in Zirantian
Tower Foundation. (Lynine will say "Ever since I met Simon, he's done just what he
promised and not abused his power!")
+5 waterfall conversation in Zirantian Tower Foundation IF dominated-Varia, OR +2
+5 allowing her to stay while finishing the barrier in Zirantian Tower Foundation.
+3 if Iris's evaluation of the first Erosian conflict is "We did remarkably well!",
OR +2 "we did quite well", OR +1 "we did well enough", OR 0 "we won, but not as
solidly as we could have", OR -2 "things went as poorly as they could have".
maximum legit value 7

base value 20
IF siding with her after freeing elven queens:
+15 just for that.
+10 having accepted her help freeing elven queens.
+2 siding with her before hearing Orilise's offer, OR -2 having heard Orilise's
offer but not pressed for more info, OR -5 having pressed Orilise for more info.
+5 siding with her the first time you speak in her HQ.
Up to +4 from hidden elf knowledge score at the moment you side with her. (Talk
to everyone while disguised at Gryndine River, and talk to the priestess on the
east side of Denmiel. Best result: "Wow, you really have a good grasp of the
+2 automatic Aka-Lynine Storgan conversation in HQ.
+4 questioning Mother's Guard in Twisted Glen with 8 Storgan skill and sluttier-
Altina, or 6 Storgan skill and saner-Altina. Must have sided with Lynine. (Storgan
learning opportunity list below.)
+5 returning Sx taken from crazed elves at Denmiel focal point, OR -5 keeping it.
+5 interacting with saner-Altina at HQ after fucking Lynine, OR +2 with sluttier-
IF siding with Orilise:
+2 having accepted her help freeing the elven queens, OR -2 having accepted
Orilise's help.
+2 questioning Mother's Guard in Twisted Glen with 11 Storgan skill and sluttier-
Altina, or 9 Storgan skill and saner-Altina.
+3 Hilstara x Lynine scene (in tunnels after conversation with Ginasta and
+5 funding elven region improvement petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with ProN.
+2 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed", OR +1 "we have you to thank".
+5 getting the Eustrin Guild of Blacksmiths to be open to international trade.
+2 conversation at southern passage of Southern Tunnels.
+5 conversation after completing Southern Tunnels if Simon used his power to clear
at least 4 rocks.
+3 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+7 if Neranda responds to "So we have Eustrin as an ally?" with "you have done much
to gain our favor", OR +6 "you have done some to gain our favor", OR +5 "you are
closer to gaining our favor", OR +4 "Aram has oppressed us for a long time, and you
have taken the first steps to gaining our favor", OR +2 "... you have taken the
first steps to gaining our favor".
+5 if she offers to solve an issue in Conference Chamber during war aftermath
(happens if and only if you sided with her after freeing elven queens).
+2 investing in Theltiar rentals.
+5 investing in Theltiar flowhouse.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
+2 funding HQ kitchen supply reserves.
+2 arranging meeting between Bertricia and succubus nuns in Helvanna. (Requires a
certain level of Chalice States development.)
+5 arranging magical ingredient trade deal between Darghelon, Gheldaron, and
Aramite Mage guild.
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+5 confronting the Fucklord in Darghelon, OR -5 confronting in Gheldaron. (NOTE:
Choosing Darghelon is currently the only way to uncap her affection so it can be
maxed and locked.)
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 if
"Though I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if Church diverges, OR +2 if succubi form new religion.
+5 if about the Mother's Guard on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Lynine says "we
forced them to give several concessions", OR +2 "we forced them to give a
+5 entering elven ruin. (Requires at least "more free" travel concession from
Mother's Guard at Council of Gawnfall.)
+2 not picking up the pin in the elven ruin at the first opportunity. (Can be done
immediately after.)
maximum legit value 100 (+56 leeway)
(If you achieve 100 before choosing to defend Darghelon from the Fucklord, it will
reset to 99. There should be another chance to uncap her affection later.)

base value 20
IF siding with her after freeing elven queens:
+14 just for that.
+6 having accepted her help freeing elven queens.
+5 having heard Lynine's offer.
+5 having pressed for more info.
+5 not siding with her the first time you speak in her HQ.
From +8 to -3 from hidden elf knowledge score at the moment you side with her.
(Talk to everyone while disguised at Gryndine River, and talk to the priestess on
the east side of Denmiel. Best result: "It's... almost intimidating how much you've
come to understand")
Up to +5 by not needing more than two tries to reach the Denmiel focal point
("impressively efficient").
+2 automatic Aka-Orilise Storgan conversation in HQ.
+4 questioning Mother's Guard in Twisted Glen with 8 Storgan skill and sluttier-
Altina, or 6 Storgan skill and saner-Altina. (Storgan learning opportunity list
+3 interacting with saner-Altina at HQ after fucking Orilise, OR -5 with
sluttier-Altina (avoidable!)
IF siding with Lynine:
Up to +4 from hidden elf knowledge score at the moment you side with Lynine.
+5 funding elven region improvement petition, OR +2 in Chapter 4 with ProN.
Unmissable +2 Janine-Orilise conversation about romance.
+2 at end of airship trade negotiations if Janine says "everyone was quite
impressed", OR +1 "we have you to thank".
+5 getting the Eustrin Guild of Blacksmiths to be open to international trade.
+5 conversation after completing Southern Tunnels if Simon used his power to clear
at least 4 rocks.
Unmissable +5 from Maranite negotiations.
+3 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+7 if Neranda responds to "So we have Eustrin as an ally?" with "you have done much
to gain our favor", OR +6 "you have done some to gain our favor", OR +5 "you are
closer to gaining our favor", OR +4 "Aram has oppressed us for a long time, and you
have taken the first steps to gaining our favor", OR +2 "... you have taken the
first steps to gaining our favor".
+5 if she offers to solve an issue in Conference Chamber during war aftermath
(happens if and only if you sided with her after freeing elven queens).
+2 investing in Denmiel mushroom farm.
+5 investing in Denmiel archives.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
+3 investing in Tarran'Kan Hall of Mental Strength.
+2 talking to Etuanun at the ball during the Ardan succession section and
convincing him to support Tyna. (Requires having met him and a decent hidden social
+5 picking "Sabotage trade" when she offers to affect Farnan's trade with
Gheldaron, OR +2 "Encourage trade".
+2 if when securing permission from the Aramite mage guild, the representative says
"You did far better than I expected influencing people" or "You did better than I
expected influencing people".
+5 Orilise x Altina sex scene IF Orilise affection is under 90, OR +2 otherwise.
+2 confronting the Fucklord in Gheldaron, OR -1 confronting in Darghelon.
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 "Though
I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+2 if about first Council of Gawnfall vote, Sarai says "Annah really fucked up this
one" and you undermine Annah.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if Church diverges.
+5 if about the Mother's Guard on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Lynine says "we
forced them to give several concessions", OR +2 "we forced them to give a
concession". (NOTE: Positive result here is currently the only way to uncap her
affection so it can be maxed and locked.)
+2 getting a Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
maximum legit value 100 (+63 leeway)
(If you achieve 100 before winning concessions from the Mother's Guard at Council
of Gawnfall, it will reset to 99. There should be another chance to uncap her
affection later.)

base value 5
+10 responding to her letters with letters, OR +5 responding with magical
+6 if after clearing Southern Tunnels dwarf's evaluation is "seems like you pretty
much scoured the place", OR +4 "The tunnels seem a lot clearer", OR +2 "The tunnels
seem clearer".
+3 responding to B6 mausoleum conversation with "Remain silent", OR +1 "Ask more".
+5 conversation outside Agnan's chambers after speaking with him.
+5 conversation in royal chambers by tomb.
+5 conversation in royal chambers near bedroom IF responded to her letters with
letters, OR +2 otherwise.
+12 if Neranda responds to "So we have Eustrin as an ally?" with "you have done
much to gain our favor", OR +10 "you have done some to gain our favor", OR +8 "you
are closer to gaining our favor", OR +6 "Aram has oppressed us for a long time, and
you have taken the first steps to gaining our favor", OR +3 "... you have taken the
first steps to gaining our favor".
+5 applying political capital to deal with dwarven petition, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath, OR automatic +2 if you sided with Orilise after freeing elven
+5 investing in Eustrin Guild of Blacksmiths. (Only available if you convinced them
to allow outside investment.)
Unmissable +10 from Chapter 4 start.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if Church diverges, OR +2 if succubi form new religion.
+9 if about Eustrin on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall, Sarai says "Aram will be under
serious pressure in the future", OR +6 "We managed to draw some real concessions",
OR +3 "we at least helped Eustrin a little."
maximum legit value 85

base value 45
+5 upon meeting Wynn IF Robin has been asked to research Essence Shielding. (Most
recent Yhilin visit is OK.)
+5 freeing spirits from central chamber obelisks in Incubus Ruins B2.
+5 talking to Wynn outside the entrance to the Zirantian Royal Palace.
+3 for at least 20 Zirantia investigation score (Simon ends the Ordeal saying "I
have an idea. It's not perfect"), OR +2 for at least 10 ("I wish I had more time"),
OR +1 otherwise ("I feel rushed").
+5 conversation with Yarra in the Court, after Aram.
+5 talking to Wynn in her room at the Archon Inn, after Aram.
+5 talking to Wynn in Premium Steel, while making dominated-Varia's unique weapons.
+5 if after the confrontation between Doom King and Incubus King Robin says "We did
so well, prepared so much", OR +3 "We made things much better than they could have
been", OR +1 "We did manage to help".
+5 talking to her in Simon's house in Feroholm about the painting of Wendis.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
+2 talking to Wynn in Givini Mage Guildhall.
+5 investing in Givini Mage Guild.
+5 funding ancient ruin excavation in New Givini.
+5 talking to her with zero anger so that she joins the harem.
+2 entering Givini Mage Guildhall during Ardan succession section, IF Wynn in harem
(she offers help).
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+5 conversation between Wendis and Wynn in HQ.
+3 conversation in Wynn's house explaining Wendis's yellow candles, IF Wynn in
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if Church diverges, OR +3 if succubi are accepted, OR +2
if succubi form new religion.
maximum legit value 100 (+22 leeway)

Also note the variable representing Simon's anger toward Wynn. She can only join
the harem and get certain affection gains at 0, so lower is better:
base value 50
-5 checking Wynn's bed.
-5 talking to Wynn outside the entrance to the Zirantian Royal Palace.
-5 finding the Ancient Glove in Incubus Ruins B1.
-5 talking to Wynn in her room at the Archon Inn, after receiving the succubus
refugees, IF saw conversation between her, Qum, and Robin prior.
-5 completing final Order trial.
Unmissable -10 as the Doom King prepares to confront the Incubus King.
Unmissable -5 from Chapter 4 start.
-5 talking to Wynn in Givini Mage Guildhall.
-5 talking to Wynn by Wendis's tomb in Wynn's house in Chapter 4. (NOTE: Required
for eliminating all anger, no matter what, or value resets to 1.)
-5 talking to Wynn in Givini Mage Guildhall and getting her help sabotaging
-5 talking to Wynn in Givini Courtly Chambers after ballroom attack.
Unmissable -5 during the first Erosian conflict.
Unmissable -10 during the first visit to Tower Depths.
-5 conversation between Wendis and Wynn in HQ.
-5 conversation in Wynn's house explaining Wendis's yellow candles.
-5 asking Wynn to help with something in the final issues phase of Council of
minimum legit value 0 (40 leeway)

base value 30
+5 IF reshaped-Varia.
+5 Yuanon confrontation outside plaza slums bar with saner-Altina, OR +2 with
+4 for finding at least 24 Zirantian artifacts, OR +2 at least 20.
+2 speaking to Fuani, with Simon and Uyae.
+5 examining Antiala statue, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 visiting Zirantia palace entrance, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 trying food in the plaza, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 visiting unnamed Zirantia slum bar, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 visiting New Unionist Party HQ, with Simon and Uyae.
+5 talking to Biyue, with Simon and Uyae.
+2 spike chamber in Ordeal of the Claw IF reshaped-Varia.
+5 obtaining Divine Claw Charm in Ordeal of the Claw.
+8 for at least 20 Zirantia investigation score, OR +7 for 15, OR +2 for 10, OR +1
+1 entering the royal baths and talking to her about them.
+1 entering the royal library and talking to her about it.
+2 talking to Kia (green-haired cat-girl in palace kitchens) with Uyae.
+3 talking to her after receiving the succubus refugees.
+3 copying Aramite rapist soldiers.
+1 conversation when entering Private Training Ground, after Aram.
Unmissable +1 conversation when entering Yhilin Cathedral, after Aram.
+1 conversation when entering Archon Inn, after Aram.
+1 conversation when entering Ari-Yhilina Square, after Aram.
+1 conversation when entering Miners' Junction, after Aram.
+1 conversation when entering Ari-Yhilina Outskirts, after Aram.
+1 conversation when entering slum House of Petitions, after Aram.
+5 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 talking to Biyue, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath (only if you did
not support the Old Zirantian League).
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
-5 copying the Givini king's aide (guy east of his throne).
+2 conversation in Givini ballroom during Ardan succession section.
+5 joining the harem. (NOTE: Cannot happen until after Ardan succession section.)
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+5 choosing "Focus on protecting Zirantia" in Zirantian Tower Foundation, OR -5
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted.
+5 getting the EXTENDED Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
+5 talking to reshaped-Varia in Zirantian slum bar after Council of Gawnfall.
maximum legit value 100 (+40 leeway)
(If you achieve 100 before she joins the harem it will reset to 99.)

base value 20
+5 meeting Mestan at the Bounty Hunter Office (do the dead drop bounty).
+5 winning duel between Simon and Mestan, OR -5 losing.
+5 choosing "Fight him alone".
+5 if after clearing Southern Tunnels dwarf's evaluation is "seems like you pretty
much scoured the place."
+5 asking Mestan to kill an Aramite Captain during the war.
+5 conversation in your room in Courtly Chambers during Ardan succession section.
+5 conversation at Givini Teahouse.
maximum legit value 55

base value 30
+2 conversation in the deluxe room of The Pink Sheets in Gasm Falls.
+2 conversation with Lustlord priestess in Gasm Falls if Yarra is locked, OR +1
Up to +5 when infiltrating the Tower of Mist, from stealth and not looting
storerooms. With the best result, the elite succubus will say "You were actually
amazingly sneaky, getting in here! I mean, a fight and an alarm, but I can take
care of those!"
+5 sending economic aid to New Givini as it gets established, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath.
+2 sending economic aid to Zirantia, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 using political capital to create an equitable mediation system for New Givini,
in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 investing in New Givini trade.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
+2 talking to her at her estate in New Givini.
+5 investing in Givini Smithing.
+3 investing in Givini Orc Merchant.
+3 investing in Givini Teahouse Chain.
+3 investing in Bank of Givini.
+3 investing in Givini Mage Guild.
+2 funding Givini war monument.
+5 investing in Givini Tunnels from Gasm Falls.
-2 talking to the Givini king's aide (guy east of his throne) in Courtly Chambers
OR talking to Bhakan's guard (in the southwest dining hall in Courtly Chambers).
(Whichever triggers Elleani learning about Trin's abilities.) ( Supposedly this may
have an upside later, but don't do it before the Farnan warehouse confrontation.)
-5 copying the Givini king's aide IF Elleani is present (worse penalty later if
-5 copying Bhakan's guard IF Elleani is present (worse penalty later if not).
+5 dancing at the ball during the Ardan succession section.
+3 telling Luanell who you believe will be king of Ardoheim, with a very high
hidden social score. If you met the requirement, afterward Elleani will say "You
even got through Luanell's shell".
+5 undermining Donovan via the Iris event in the Ardan succession section
projection IF Iris says "our efforts have seriously weakened his attempts" (Elleani
will comment too).
+2 talking to her in Tak'Kan Hall of Order, during the first Erosian conflict.
+5 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
-16 during Council of Gawnfall for copying both Bhakan's guard and the Givini
king's aide during the Ardan succession section before Elleani was present so she
didn't learn about Trin, OR -10 for only one, OR -5 for neither but she didn't
learn about Trin.
+8 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +6 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +5
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +2 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+2 talking to her on night 4 of Council of Gawnfall. (Before or after the Tower
+2 talking to her on day 6 of Council of Gawnfall.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi are accepted, OR +5 if succubi form new
religion, OR -5 if succubi must suppress their natures.
+5 visiting her estate after Council of Gawnfall with 75 affection.
maximum legit value 99 (+30 leeway)
(Not being a harem member, she does not yet have an affection locking

base value 50
-1 choosing "Sabotage as much as possible" at Entrance Tunnels.
Up to +2 when infiltrating the Tower of Mist, from stealth and not looting
storerooms. With the best result, the elite succubus will say "You were actually
amazingly sneaky, getting in here! I mean, a fight and an alarm, but I can take
care of those!"
-2 choosing "Begin sabotage campaign" at Tower of Mist in Gasm Falls.
+2 if you do well enough at Bloody Spire that later when meeting Aka Orcent says
"Most importantly, the orc hordes have agreed to serve the Doom King."
+2 conversation in War Headquarters just before assaulting Incubus Castle.
+3 if you encountered 10 succubi in Incubus Castle who left without fighting.
(Requires very low IKD morale; see outline below.)
Up to +5 from morale of the former Incubus King's Domain after winning the war, or
down to -2.
+5 talking to black-haired succubus with marriage idea, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath. (Only available with low IKD morale.)
+2 sending economic aid to repair damage to the Chalice. (Only requested if you
chose to sabotage it).
+3 sending economic aid to help the Chalice States feed surrounding regions
temporarily, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+3 using political capital to help the Chalice States deal with outsider merchants,
in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+3 using political capital to make the Church of Ivala stop persecuting Ivalan
succubi, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath, OR unmissable +2 if negligible
persecution occurs due to sufficient religion influence.
+5 using political capital to acquire an Incubus artifact cache from Ardoheim, in
Conference Chamber during war aftermath. (Only available with not-too-high
collateral damage across the continent, sufficiently low IKD morale, and
sufficiently high continental acceptance.)
+3 sending military forces to police human bandits on Yhilin's southern border.
(Only requested with high instability across the continent.)
+2 investing in Chalice States trade.
Unmissable +5 from Chapter 4 start.
+2 conversation at sparkle in southwest Twisted Glen in Chapter 4.
+2 funding Givini war monument.
+2 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+2 if at the endpoint sparkle in Zirantian Tower Foundation, Riala says "This sort
of ritual isn't difficult for me, and things have gone extremely smoothly."
(Requires: Didn't support Old Zirantian League, Wynn in harem, defeated monsters at
"optional point of stability".)
+5 conversation between Wendis and Riala in HQ.
+5 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +4 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +3
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +1 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+3 letting her present Purity research (complete or in progress) at Council of
Gawnfall, OR -2 not letting her despite having enough influence.
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +5 if Church diverges,
OR +2 if succubi are accepted, OR -5 if succubi must suppress their natures.
maximum legit value 100 (+19 leeway)

base value 30
-3 choosing "Sabotage as much as possible" at Entrance Tunnels.
Up to +5 when infiltrating the Tower of Mist, from stealth and not looting
storerooms. With the best result, the elite succubus will say "You were actually
amazingly sneaky, getting in here! I mean, a fight and an alarm, but I can take
care of those!"
-5 choosing "Begin sabotage campaign" at Tower of Mist in Gasm Falls.
+2 if you do well enough at Bloody Spire that later when meeting Aka Orcent says
"Most importantly, the orc hordes have agreed to serve the Doom King."
+3 if you encountered 10 succubi in Incubus Castle who left without fighting.
(Requires very low IKD morale; see outline below.)
Up to +20 from morale of the former Incubus King's Domain after winning the war, or
down to -5.
+5 talking to black-haired succubus with marriage idea, in Conference Chamber
during war aftermath. (Only available with low IKD morale.)
+2 sending economic aid to repair damage to the Chalice. (Only requested if you
chose to sabotage it).
+5 sending economic aid to help the Chalice States feed surrounding regions
temporarily, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 using political capital to help the Chalice States deal with outsider merchants,
in Conference Chamber during war aftermath.
+5 using political capital to make the Church of Ivala stop persecuting Ivalan
succubi, in Conference Chamber during war aftermath, OR unmissable +2 if negligible
persecution occurs due to sufficient religion influence.
+5 sending military forces to police human bandits on Yhilin's southern border.
(Only requested with high instability across the continent.)
+3 investing in expanding Yhilini trade into former IKD territories. (Only
available with low IKD morale.)
+3 investing in Gasm Falls shop.
+5 investing in Chalice States trade.
Unmissable +10 from Chapter 4 start.
+5 conversation at sparkle in southwest Twisted Glen in Chapter 4.
+2 negotiation in Merchant Camp Hall, regardless of outcome.
+2 building second well in Headquarters Courtyard.
+5 funding cleanup of Gasm Falls waterways.
+5 funding Givini war monument.
+5 investing in Lustlord Temples expansion.
+2 thwarting Donovan's attempt to change Givini war monument. (Only possible if you
funded the monument.)
+5 undermining Donovan via the Iris event in the Ardan succession section
projection IF Iris says "our efforts have seriously weakened his attempts" (Elleani
will comment too), OR +2 if "our efforts have weakened his attempts".
+1 if at 99 affection when uncapped.
+5 if after the Tak'Kan Hall of Order voting Grubbak says "The results are
overwhelming", OR +2 if "That is substantially more than the simple majority
+2 if when leaving Stenai Tower, Iris says "Though I think we still did an
especially good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were here" OR +1 if
"Though I think we still did a good job of delving deeper into Stenai while we were
+2 if about first Council of Gawnfall vote, Sarai says "Annah really fucked up this
one" and you offer an olive branch.
+3 letting her speak during the third Council of Gawnfall vote, OR -2 not letting
her despite having enough influence.
+8 if about third Council of Gawnfall vote, Hester says "we recommit to our
relationship with the churches in the new nations", OR +6 if Hester doesn't say
that but says "Their history is no reason for them to be viewed differently", OR +5
"They are to be treated the same as any other race", OR +2 "They are to be treated
no worse than any other race."
+5 at Council of Gawnfall if succubi form new religion, OR +2 if succubi are
accepted, OR -5 if succubi must suppress their natures.
+2 getting a Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
maximum legit value 100 (+62 leeway)
(NOTE: Iris's affection caps at 99 without a high level of investment/development
in the Chalice States. This is checked every time you receive investment returns.
You can know she'll be uncapped if you've been to Extradimensional Space and the
succubus nun has appeared outside Helvanna Cathedral - same stat threshold.)

base value 95
maximum legit value 95

Also note the variable representing her mental cohesion. Higher is better:
base value 10
+2 never selling the Old Ribbon from Simon's starting equipment.
+2 receiving True Stone from Alonon for backing Tyna well, in Ardan succession
+2 receiving Gray Lotus in trade for bringing the Potion Hermit at least 7
Kingsfail, in Chapter 3.
+5 defeating Blood Spark in Tower Mine.
+1 getting the EXTENDED Gawnfall Orgy scene. (See Yarra Frustration list below.)
+2 talking after Council of Gawnfall if succubi were accepted in the Church, OR +1
if the Church diverges or succubi form a new religion.
+1 talking after Council of Gawnfall if purity standards were entirely removed.
+2 talking after Council of Gawnfall if she says about Eustrin "it's great that you
were able to help", OR +1 if "it's good that you were able to help a bit."
+2 talking after Council of Gawnfall if overwhelming support for the Goddess of
Magic's new standards at Council of Gawnfall, OR +1 sufficient support.
+5 receiving Crystal of Harmony from the Goddess of Magic cult. (Requires
sufficient support for the Goddess of Magic's new standards at Council of
maximum legit value 34
eventual maximum legit value 100

== Additional Analysis ==

The Stineford prostitution industry offers mostly affection tradeoffs that are
overall a bad deal unless you just hate Aka and your cash. However, there is an
optimal path. Traverse the Stineford tunnels before getting Robin (without fighting
anything, so Robin can benefit from the exp later). Talk to the free succubi's
leader (not the one Yarra has a long conversation with, though you should talk to
her too). Rent the bunny-ears prostitute, then talk to the brothel mistress and
turn down the deal with Qum. You'll get +1 Yarra and +5 Qum for 100 Sx, while
avoiding affection penalties from Aka or Robin.
Alternately, this lets you whore out Qum without penalties from anyone but Qum.

The high-class prostitute costs too much (500 Sx), but you do get more affection
from Yarra than you lose from Aka (+5/-2). Yarra starts higher anyway, though, and
is easier to raise.

In order to get full credit with Janine for the Yhilin investigation, you must do
these steps:
+1 In outskirts, talk to green-haired man wandering near Reval's compound or the
sleeping camp.
+1 In outskirts, talk to Iron Cudgel leader.
+1 In Merchant Quarter, talk to smuggler.
+1 In Miners' Junction, talk to Reval's former guard.
+2 In Outskirts, talk to Hank, the drunk lying near the western merchant stalls.
+2 In Yhilin Cathedral, talk to Sarai.
+10 In the guard bar in the Court, observe a mage copying the guards.
Finally, confront the mage on the south side of the Outskirts.
After accumulating some points, Megail will make a comment about Reval, if you
speak to her. It's not immediately relevant.

During Simon's route, some conversations with Esthera or Nalili are subject to a 1-
day cooldown. You may have to pass time before the next becomes available.

Empress Esthera has a hidden "mood" score during Simon's route. Raising it unlocks
certain events, and at the end, it is tallied and raises her affection score. In
general, you want to speak to her often, pick conversation options she responds
non-negatively to, treat Chaya gently, assist the palace bureaucrats very
effectively, and raise Nalili's maturity. In specific, mood modifiers are:
base value 1
+1 saying hello to Chaya, OR -1 grabbing her
+1 asking Chaya for books (recommended) or nothing, OR -1 "Just yourself"
+1 helping Chaya move heavy stuff
+1 helping Chaya shop
+4 refusing to help Chaya escape, OR +1 offering to help
+1 responding to being called "satisfying tool" with "My pleasure", OR -1 "If you
insist" or "I live to serve"
up to +4 sharing your thoughts on seeing the Empire after being let out of her room
(best result "That's fascinating." - depends on hidden social score, determined by
investments and prior actions, but Ambassador Lexande's training gives +1 to this
score) (unavailable after meeting Nalili)
+1 responding to rebel succubi entertainment idea with "Let's do it!" or "Decline",
OR -1 "...", OR -2 "That's horrible!" (unavailable after meeting Nalili)
-1 trying the stairs to Nalili's room (SW on 2F) after being warned
+1 asking Nalili's room guard "Who are you?", OR -1 asking "What's up there?"
+1 finding all 5 truant office workers then talking to their boss
+1 helping route-planning succubus well enough to hear "you're like some kind of
route-planning genius!" (Depends on route efficiency in early roaming part of
Chapter 2 - needed result is somewhere less than Simon saying you "made solid time"
and is within the range for "better time than I expected." If you get "I'm
surprised" you definitely got it.)
+1 helping meeting succubus well enough to hear "You, like, made everyone do
exactly what you wanted!" (depends on hidden social score, largely determined by
+1 helping accounting succubus well enough to hear "I'll try even harder in the
future!" (not "I'll try a little harder too!") (depends on hidden economy score,
largely determined by investments)
+1 investigating box with Worn Whip in her room (day 20 on)
-1 sleeping and getting the Wendis dream, but
+5 talking after Wendis dream and starting with "...", OR +3 "Want to talk about
the dream?" or "Stay out of my head."
+2 immediately truthfully answering when she asks about Simon's children, OR +1
saying nothing initially
+1 conversation about Nalili by Nalili's room at maturity >= 2
+1 choosing to enslave the smugglers
+1 participating in the 2nd floor succubus meeting while Esthera's gone
+2 conversation about what she wants by the vault near the end of Simon's route
maximum legit value 32
which means you can botch the previously mentioned hidden variables and still
optimize this, because there's no benefit past 25.

Nalili has five events that raise a hidden "maturity" variable. These are:
Defending her personal guard when she tells her not to ruin the fun and then
letting her train (forgoing +3 affection),
conversation about her failure to hide her identity and the fakeness of her city
moving boxes for pay in the city (-2 affection),
participating in the 2nd floor succubus meeting while Esthera's gone,
getting the Office Orgy scene.
The conversation after beating the smuggler succubus doesn't grant a maturity
point, despite appearances.
You need 3 maturity points to unlock the event teaching Nalili Cleavage.
Affection rises at the end of Simon's route:
5 maturity: +6 Nalili, +9 Esthera
3 maturity: +4 Nalili, +6 Esthera
1 maturity: +2 Nalili, +3 Esthera

Above all, do not defeat the Elite Succubus in the fighting ring without following
Nalili's idea and learning Dominate first. This removes all maturity, drops
Esthera's mood by 10, and invisibly removes 10 days from Simon's route's maximum
length. It's hard to do without burning thru restoratives anyway.

Ardford summit war vote (+3 agree / -2 disagree):

For: Yarra, Qum, Carina, Trin, Nalili
Against: Aka, Megail, Hilstara, Altina, reshaped Varia
Defeating the Unperson motion: +2 Yarra, +2 Qum, +2 Nalili, +1 Vhala

Orc extermination:
Encourage: -2 Yarra, +2 Aka, +2 Qum, +2 Carina, -2 Megail, -5 Balia
Try to stop: +2 Yarra, -2 Aka, -2 Qum, -2 Carina, +2 Megail, +5 Balia

Orc extermination passes: +1 Aka, +1 Qum, +1 Carina

Orc extermination fails: +1 Yarra, +1 Megail

War Vaults opened.: +1 Yarra, +1 Aka, +1 Qum, +1 Carina, +1 Megail, +1 Hilstara, +1

Trin, +1 Altina, +1 Varia, +1 Nalili

Breakdown of voting promises. Note that you are only penalized for betraying
promises to vote a particular way, not for arranging a motion to pass or fail
despite your vote. You must speak to Aram and Darghelon afterward to claim gains
(but you would anyway to tell them how to repay you).
promising Aram to vote NO on war then voting NO: +3 Hilstara
promising Aram to vote NO on war then voting YES: -1 Megail, -1 Hilstara
promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting YES: +1 Megail, +1
Hilstara, +5 Altina
promising Darghelon to vote YES on Unpeople then voting NO: -2 Megail, -2 Hilstara,
+2 Trin, -5 Altina
promising Zirantia to vote for a then-unspecified defense pact upgrade in exchange
for NO on Unpeople (you cannot keep your promise): -2 Aka, +1 Megail, -2 Hilstara
bribing guilds rep 10,000 ProN to vote NO on Unpeople: -1 Megail
bribing guilds rep 100,000 ProN to vote YES on orc extermination: -3 Megail

Vinario offer possibilities:

5,000,000-4,000,000 ProN: Megail's affection is set to 10. Also, -5 to hidden
Economy value.
3,000,000 ProN: -20 Megail, -5 Hilstara, +5 Nalili
2,000,000 ProN: -10 Megail, -3 Hilstara, +5 Nalili
1,500,000 ProN: +1 Yarra, -1 Hilstara, +5 Nalili
1,000,000 ProN: +2 Yarra, +5 Nalili
500,000 ProN: +2 Yarra, +1 Megail, +2 Trin, +5 Nalili
300,000 ProN: +3 Yarra, +2 Megail, +3 Trin, +5 Nalili
200,000 ProN: +4 Yarra, +3 Megail, +4 Trin, +5 Nalili
100,000 ProN: +5 Yarra, +5 Megail, +5 Trin, +5 Nalili

Here's how to get the best possible deal for Vinario. First, take note of Yarra's
and Megail's affections before leaving Yhilin, since you cannot see them in
Ardford. You want above 90 at some point for Yarra to do her illusion thing, and
above 50 when Megail helps negotiate. Both women's affections will fluctuate during
the Ardford summit, so make sure to go negotiate when they'll be above the
"Not a chance in hell"
"Megail?" (ideally when her affection > 50)
"War Vote" (only available after the war vote)
meet him at the Silver Stump, "Then you never expected to get your kingdom back?"
back at the embassy, "Leave"
on the way out the door he should accost you, if not repeat previous step
if you have been able to reduce the price to 200k, refuse and come back with
between 100k and 200k
purchase Vinario.

6 missable Dari investigation clues: Examine the deteriorated Unperson in The Hole,
Hester prior to the Unperson vote, Tyna with Vhala, Inquisitor in the Cathedral
with Vhala, Inquisitor in the Holy Knights of Ardoheim building (requires Robin to
have researched Essence Shielding), Merchant Guild member services (requires
Merchant Guild membership).

Nalili's trainer question:

Aka: +2 Aka, +3 Nalili
Hilstara: +3 Hilstara, +2 Nalili
reshaped-Varia: +3 Varia, +2 Nalili
dominated-Varia: -3 Varia, -2 Nalili,
"Train with me": +5 Nalili, then:
Aka: +1 Aka, +1 Nalili
Hilstara: +1 Hilstara
reshaped-Varia: +1 Varia
dominated-Varia: -2 Varia, -1 Nalili

Battle of Yhilin aftermath:

Military perspective:
"victory was crushing" +5 Yarra, +2 Janine, +5 Trin, +3 sluttier-Altina, +5
dominated-Varia, +5 Nalili
"sound victory" +3 Yarra, +3 Trin, +1 sluttier-Altina, +3 dominated-Varia, +3
"decent victory" +2 Yarra, -1 Janine, +2 Trin, +1 dominated-Varia, +2 Nalili
"we struggled" +1 Yarra, -2 Janine, +1 Trin, +1 Nalili
"remarkably contained." +2 Megail, +5 Hilstara, +2 Janine, +5 reshaped-Varia
"ugly, but the situation isn't unworkable." +2 Hilstara, +1 Janine, +4 reshaped-
Merchant Quarter shutdown and "ugly, but the situation isn't unworkable." -2
Megail, -1 Janine, +3 reshaped-Varia
Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take time for every layer of society to
recover." -3 Megail, -2 Hilstara, -2 Janine, +1 reshaped-Varia
Merchant Quarter shutdown and "It will take a great deal of time for every layer
of society to recover." -5 Megail, -3 Hilstara, -3 Janine, -1 reshaped-Varia
Collateral damage:
"I hesitate to say I rejoice," +5 Aka, +2 Carina, +3 Janine, +5 Sarai, +5 saner-
"though many were spared," +3 Aka, +1 Carina, +1 Janine, +3 Sarai, +3 saner-
"all these bodies weigh on my conscience." +1 Aka, -1 Carina, -1 Janine, +1
Sarai, +1 saner-Altina
"I fear many civilians were killed" -2 Aka, -3 Carina, -3 Janine, -2 Sarai, -2
"I shudder to think of all the lives" -5 Aka, -5 Carina, -5 Janine, -5 Sarai, -5
Overall feelings:
"Honestly, relieved." +5 Janine
military perspective >= chaos + collateral:
+2 Robin, +5 Esthera, +3 Dari ("Sounds like the battle went great overall!")

For best hidden "Elf Investigation" score in the river purification section, talk
to everyone while disguised at Gryndine River, and talk to the priestess on the
east side of Denmiel before siding with Lynine or Orilise.

Elf ally choice best case scenarios for affection totals on returning to Yhilin
(river choice followed by the more lasting choice):
Orilise -> Lynine gives 42 Lynine, 4 Orilise.
Lynine -> Orilise gives 4 Lynine, 51 Orilise.
Orilise -> Orilise gives 0 Lynine, 57 Orilise.
Lynine -> Lynine gives 52 Lynine, 4 Orilise.

Storgan language learning opportunities for Aka (ordered roughly by prerequisite,

if any):
+1 Eavesdrop on elves near well in Denmiel.
+1 Elf child in northeast Denmiel.
+2 Entering Theltiar with saner-Altina, OR +1 with sluttier-Altina.
+1 Elf near Theltiar entrance.
+1 Elf in middle of Theltiar, after giving blue butterfly.
+1 Automatically in Lynine HQ. (Must side with Lynine.)
+1 Automatically in Orilise HQ. (Must side with Orilise.)
+1 Children's books in Denmiel archives. (Must side with Orilise.)
+1 Purple-haired elf in Denmiel archives. (Must side with Orilise.)
+1 Finishing murder investigation by talking to elf child near Guard.

Zirantia Investigation:
+1 chat with Fuani before feast.
+1 ambassador Uolian before feast.
+1 having Fuani explain the statue of Antiala.
+1 feast servant who says "We haven't had this many people before"
Unmissable +1 talking to Uolian after Simon leaves.
Unmissable +1 investigating the spare room in the palace.
Unmissable +1 attempting to leave Zirantia Plaza and being told to use a wagon.
+3 Antiala statue in Incubus Ruins B1.
+2 wall carving in pillar room of Incubus Ruins B2.
+3 Uolian after reuniting the party if you impressed him with your honesty at the
Ardford summit, OR +2 if you didn't make (and break) a deal with him, OR nothing.
+1 visiting unnamed Zirantia slum bar, with Simon and Uyae.
+5 finding 24 Zirantian artifacts, OR +4 for 20, OR +3 for 15, OR +2 for 10, OR +1
for 5.
max legit value 21 (benefit caps at 20)

Criteria that improve Orcent transformation reactions:

* 8 Intelligence
* 10 Intelligence
* 8 Discipline
* 10 Discipline
* Initiating (not merely researching) orc evolution

Incubus King's Domain (IKD) morale is a measure of how the inhabitants of that land
feel about fighting to preserve the status quo, rather than submitting to the Doom
King and his allies. It indirectly affects a number of things in the war, and
directly affects some girls' affection at the war's end. An outline of exact values
and how they can be achieved is beyond the scope of this guide, but here's a list
of Iris's evaluations at the war's end, and what they signify in affection terms:
"Remarkably, most seem to view you as their savior!" +1 Vhala, +5 Riala, +20 Iris,
maximum succubus surrenders possible, marriage idea succubus, Yhilini trade
investment, Riala's cache proposal possible.
"Remarkably, most seem to view you positively!" +1 Vhala, +5 Riala, +20 Iris,
maximum succubus surrenders possible, marriage idea succubus, Yhilini trade
investment, Riala's cache proposal possible.
"They're optimistic!" +1 Vhala, +5 Riala, +18 Iris, maximum succubus surrenders
possible, marriage idea succubus, Yhilini trade investment, Riala's cache proposal
"They're cautiously optimistic." +5 Riala, +15 Iris, maximum succubus surrenders
possible, Yhilini trade investment.
"Some are still are waiting to see what you do." +4 Riala, +12 Iris, maximum
succubus surrenders likely possible, Yhilini trade investment.
"They are waiting to see what you do." +3 Riala, +9 Iris, Yhilini trade
"They may not love you," +2 Riala, +6 Iris
"They may not like you," +1 Riala, +3 Iris
"I won't lie, things are rough." No changes.
"I won't lie, things are bad." -2 Riala, -5 Iris

Yarra Frustration score sources during the Council of Gawnfall:

+ The Silver Stump's front desk.
+ Talking to Yarra between Council sessions, on day 2.
+ Talking to Wynn after unity vote, on day 2, IF Wynn is in the harem.
+ Getting Orcent to speak on Ivalan succubi, on day 3.
+ Forming a new succubus religion.
+ Talking to Yarra before Unpeople vote, IF Dari is in the harem.
+ Talking to Sarai before purity vote.
+ Talking to Sarai after a successful vote to remove purity checks, at the end of
day 4.
+ Talking to Elleani at the end of day 4, or beginning of day 5 (prior to the
Fucklord vote).
maximum legit value 9
7 needed for best result, 4 for basic result. 6 are essentially free, but you'll
need to plan to either have Wynn, have Dari, or form a new religion. Shouldn't be
The basic result is the Gawnfall Orgy scene, but with the best result you get an
extended variant involving Uyae, Carina, and Trin.

== Non-Sex Benefits ==

The number of persons Trin can copy in Aka's route varies by Trin's affection. It
will be at least 6, +1 at 30 affection, +1 more at 50. (Though I personally find it
difficult to pick someone to use an eighth slot on, so maybe don't worry too much
about raising Trin.)

If Qum has 100 affection by Yarra's route, she will make comments on the day's
events. If Qum hasn't been whored out, Yarra will gain +5 affection. {*}
If Yarra has 100 affection by Yarra's route, she'll get 500 extra exp from the sex

50 Nalili affection in Simon's route unlocks an event in the sparring yard in which
Simon and Nalili train all day. (Mechanically, it takes 3 days, and yields 500
Nalili exp, 1000 Simon exp, and +3 to Simon's hidden "physical training" stat for
the route.)
You need 20 "Esthera mood" (not affection; see above) to access the Orgasmic Palace
mage room in Simon's route for Aka's transformation cure.

At 50 Megail affection, she'll knock Vinario's price down two notches rather than
one when she helps negotiate.
At 90 Yarra affection, in the Ardford embassy, she'll use an illusion deception to
knock Vinario's price down one notch.

At 80 Aka affection, Aka will be able to take down the airship in the Battle of
Yhilin. At 100, it will fall onto an enemy legion and kill them.
At 65 Janine affection, her speech of surrender after the Battle of Yhilin will
reduce chaos and increase acceptance, with greater effect at 75 and 100. At 100 it
will also slightly reduce collateral damage.
At 50 Carina affection, she will slightly reduce collateral damage after the Battle
of Yhilin when she sets up a clinic. At 75, it will also slightly reduce chaos.
If Megail has 60 affection after the Battle of Yhilin, acceptance increases
slightly, with more gain at 80 and 100. At 100 chaos is also decreased.
At 100 Qum affection, and if she wasn't whored out, it becomes a good idea to send
Qum instead of Carina to heal the head of House Thelon. It will increase
acceptance, and eventually help Yarra slightly with the Forging Ties quest. {*}
At 100 Yarra affection sending her to seduce the holdout commander will increase
acceptance and reduce collateral damage; otherwise she will gain 5 affection but it
will reduce acceptance and increase chaos.

If Megail's affection is already at 100 when she tells Simon about her past, there
are bonuses to hidden economy score, Yhilin acceptance, and Yhilin victory points.

At higher levels, Qum, Yarra, Janine, Aka, and Hilstara raise Ginasta's affection
better in cell conversations. See Ginasta's section.

Siding with Lynine after saving elven queens opens a potential investment in the
Theltiar flowhouse, whereas siding with Orilise opens a potential investment in the
Denmiel library.

After visiting Aram and making a round of investments and research, when discussing
the situation with Janine and Neranda, if Janine's affection is at least 90 she
will say "I'm hopeful I can bend Aram toward a less disastrous response, at least a
Similarly, if Neranda's affection is at least 35 she will say "I think I have
enough latitude to stall Aram a little."

After visiting Aram and making a round of investments and research, Balia's
affection directly affects army size, army quality, and some hidden orc stats
(Sapience, Attractiveness, and Magic). These benefits are tiered at 80, 70, 60, 50,
and below.

Also at that time, if certain combined affection totals are reached, some party
members will get synergy skills:
Combat Flirt - 200 Yarra and Aka, after Aram.
Mass Kiss - 200 Qum and Yarra.
Holy Shieldwall - 175 Hilstara and Carina.

If Sarai's affection is at least 50, a priestess will appear near the Holy Legion's
war camp in Aram. She represents a group of priestesses Hilstara can direct in the
war effort. The size of this group is greater at 60 affection, greater still at 70.
Janine's affection is one of many factors in how well the coup attempt during the
war is handled. Thresholds are at 95, 75, 50.
The affections of Ardoheim's bridge defenders affects how many bridges can be
saved. Bonuses are given for Aka at 100, Carina at 80, Uyae at 90. Also for having
Aka's custom knife.
Locked affections for Yarra, Qum, and Nalili increase loss of morale in the Incubus
King's Domain when talking to certain succubi in Gasm Falls.
Locked Yarra also gives 1 point Elleani affection in one such succubus
conversation, and increases IKD morale loss if you recruit the succubi at Entrance
Defending mountain passes, Altina will gain more EXP and benefit the Aram front
slightly more with at least 80 affection.
With Neranda's explosives, Varia can blow up a mountain pass. If Varia has at least
80 affection, this gives slightly more benefit to the Aram front, and gives Varia
an EXP bonus. The EXP bonus is greater at 90, greater still at 100.
If Hilstara does not lose the first two fights in Final Pass, and has at least 80
affection, it gives slightly more benefit to the Aram front. Benefit is slightly
greater if she's locked.
If Ginasta has at least -25 affection, she'll slightly improve instability, IKD
collateral damage, and count as a "succubus surrender" for the tally.

Chapter 4 brings several more synergy skills:

Lightning Whip - 200 Yarra and Robin.
Earth Whip - 200 Yarra and Altina.
Pretty Lance - 200 Qum and Robin.
Sexy Encouragement - 200 Hilstara and Qum.
Pure Stab - 105 Aka and Vhala.
Arrow of Ice - 105 Vhala and Robin.
Unperson Aura without Sexbind - 10 Vhala.
Sexual Stab - Aka + Yarra sex scene, which requires 200 Aka and Yarra.
Combat Fantasy - Aka + Yarra sex scene, which requires 200 Yarra and Aka.
Earth Lance - 200 Altina and Robin.
Earth Bomb - 200 Varia and Altina.
Mighty Blow - 200 Hilstara and Uyae.
Aura of Agility - 200 Uyae and Aka.
Healing Kiss works on Vhala - Qum locked and 10 Vhala at Council of Gawnfall, OR
120 Qum and Vhala with Purity research at HQ Courtyard.

In the Ardan succession section, with 75 affection, Dari can enter the Holy Knights
building with you and gain useful info on Ghanth from her contact she met in
With 75 affection, Carina can speak to a nearby nun to help undermine Jhenno, after
speaking with him the first time.
Upon discovering Farnan's warehouse operations in New Givini, Elleani provides more
leverage over him at 50 and 75 affection.
If Iris and Megail have had their first threesome scene, undermining Donovan with a
distraction in Stineford will be a bit more effective.

In the first Erosian conflict, with 70 affection, Sarai can assist better defending
Yhilin's Tower Foundation.
Robin will fight the Fucklord better in Yhilini Tower Foundation with locked
affection, or at least 95 affection.
The harem size and number of girls with locked affection directly improve the
results when confronting the Fucklord!

At Council of Gawnfall, Sarai's affection factors into your initial influence

score, with base value of 5, +1 at 50, +1 again at 75.
Elleani affection helps with the succubi acceptance vote on day 2, with thresholds
at 60, 70, 80, and 90.
75 Sarai affection also helps slightly with the succubi acceptance vote on day 2.
Carina affection influences Hester if spoken to outside on night 2, +1 at 70 OR +2
at 90.
95 affection prevents Carina affection loss if succubi form new religion.
75 Sarai affection helps slightly with the vote which may occur if succubi are
accepted on day 3.
80 Sarai affection will make her open to succubi forming a new religion if the
Church risks schism on day 3.

== Sex Scenes ==

Some sex scenes are gated behind affection thresholds. Each harem girl has 3 of her
own, unlocking at 50, 75, and 100 affection (except Varia, who has two per
personality variant, one unlocked at 100 affection; and Balia, who has one at 60
and one at 100; and Dari, who has one at 80 or 85 and one at 100; and Sarai, at 80,
90, and 100). Not all are currently accessible. Even if you cheat the affection
value up, the game may not be coded to display the option if you're at a point when
there's no legitimate way to get the scene.

For affection-gated scenes with more than one harem girl, the requirement is
additive - that is, the combined total affection of the girls involved must be at
least a certain amount. These are:
Stineford Orgy, at 130, on leaving Stineford (also nets +5 affection from all girls
involved, except Qum only gets +2 if you whored her)
Yarra + Trin, at 70, on sleeping in Ari-Yhilina
Aka + Hilstara, at 80, on visiting Yhilin palace after rescuing Megail
Trin x Altina, at 70, on sleeping the second time in the bed in the palace's secret
tunnels, during Aka's route in Chapter 2 (also unlocks later Trin + Altina scene at
Janine's retreat after leaving there once)
Yarra + Qum, at 150, at Janine's retreat after leaving there once (+2 to both
Hilstara + Megail, at 110, at Janine's retreat after leaving there once (+5 to both
Aka + Yarra, at 200, in Headquarters bed after the first Tower visit in Chapter 4.
Megail + Qum, at 200, in Headquarters bed after the first Tower visit in Chapter 4.
Iris + Megail, at 200, in Headquarters bed after the first Tower visit in Chapter
Iris + Megail Anal, at 199, in Megail's Headquarters office after the bed scene.

Qum has 4 scenes during Yarra's route indirectly gated by affection. If she doesn't
have max affection, you won't be able to see them all in the same run, though you
can see them all by reloading. The Yarra x Qum scene adds 1 to the total number Qum
will be willing for, so counting that, 90 will get you 3 scenes, 75 will get you 2,
and anything less will get you just 1. The scenes are:
Gathering Orgy on day 3 "Carnival of Sex" (variant scene; otherwise only Yarra
Orc Council gangbang, conference admission price (variant scene; otherwise only
Yarra participates)
Yarra + Qum x Ogre cooperative titfuck, part of negotiations with Fheliel
(otherwise a very different Yarra x Ogre scene)
Qum x Futa guard succubus blowjob & assfuck
Additionally, text before and after the Yarra+Qum scene changes at max affection.

You need 20 "Esthera mood" and 50 Nalili affection to get Nalili Double Team at the
end of Simon's route.

You need 80 affection for Sarai's First Time.

== Affection-Dependent Titles ==

Not all of these can be gotten legitimately at this time, and of course our dear
dev may change them in the future.

0 Party Members With Benefits
25 Friends With Benefits
50 Assassin With Benefits
75 Loyal Assassin
100 Beloved Assassin

0 Shoulder Devil
50 Happy Little Succubus
70 Dedicated Slut
90 First Succubus
100 Harem Mistress

0 Desperate Holes
50 Willing Holes
75 Devoted Holes
100 Eternal Cumdump

0 Daughter
95 Loving Daughter
100 Eternal Daughter

0 Uncertain Ally
25 Old Friend
50 Committed Ally
75 Loyal Ally
100 Beloved Ally

0 Senior Partner
20 Business Partner
40 Business Concubine
60 Merchant Concubine
80 Valued Asset
100 Mistress of the Economy

0 Expedient Slut
25 Useful Tool
50 Valued Tool
75 Personal Slave Mage
100 Permanently Contracted

(sluttier) Altina:
0 Brainwashed Elven Slut
33 Insatiable Elven Slut
66 Personal Elven Slut
100 Devoted Elven Slut

(saner) Altina:
0 Brainwashed Elven Slut
33 Uncertain Elven Slut
66 Elven Girl
100 Restored Elven Mage

(dominated) Varia:
0 Useless Slave
33 Useful Hole
66 Fuckdoll
100 Perfect Slave

(reshaped) Varia:
0 Hollow Shell
33 Living Shadow
66 Remade Woman
100 Whole

0 Corrupted Priestess
25 Former Priestess
50 Conjugal Worshipper
75 Devoted Partner
100 Personal Devotee

(unfucked) Nalili:
0 Spoiled Princess
25 Intrigued Princess

(fucked) Nalili:
0 Spoiled Princess
25 Princess Follower
50 Princess Slave
75 Princess Lover
100 Daddy's Princess

0 Single-minded Breeder
25 Obsessed Breeder
50 Intrigued Breeder
75 Conflicted Breeder
100 Dedicated Breeder

0 Starving
50 Hungry
75 Sated
100 Satisfied

0 Succubus Wannabe
50 Succubus-in-training
75 Succubus Protege
100 Sylvan Succubus

0 Cautious Scholar
50 Intrigued Scholar
75 Dedicated Scholar
100 Devoted Scholar

Anger >0 Necessary Ally
0 Rekindled Flame
75 Intense Flame
100 Eternal Flame

(unfucked) Uyae:
0 Eager Helpmeet
50 Committed Helpmeet
75 Devoted Helpmeet
99 Nestmate of Mind

(fucked) Uyae:
0 Eager Helpmeet
50 Committed Helpmeet
75 Lovemate
100 Allmate

0 Succubus Dowager
70 Succubus Matron
90 Succubus Lady
100 Succubus Beloved

0 Secretary
50 Assistant
75 Personal Assistant
100 Beloved Assistant

== Trivia ==

In some early game versions, Qum had a rank "Fuckable Holes", between "Desperate
Holes" and "Willing Holes".

It's impossible to lower Hilstara's affection to "Uncertain Ally".

Before the true versions were legitimately available, anyone hacking the game to
see Wynn's high-level affection titles and maxing conversation would instead see a
fake conversation in which Wynn claims she was Wendis all along, and Qum was too.

Until version 0.37, saner-Altina's affection titles were the same as her other

== Retcons ==

Some values were changed in the course of game development, which may cause a
discrepancy in your save file from values given above.

+3 from reshaped-Varia conversation on Dark Ruin 2F was retroactively added, and

could also be acquired via Ardford Castle bugfix character in v0.17.

Version 0.18 changed several affection gains, and the transition into chapter 3
modified existing saves to APPROXIMATELY adjust for this, as follows:
-3 Robin if she had her potion license (on new saves she gets +2 where she once got
-3 Qum if you whored her and got the Stineford Orgy
-5 Qum if you whored her and fucked Altina immediately
-5 Qum if you whored her and allowed Varia to be raped
These Qum changes were not as bad as playing from the start and whoring Qum.

0.22.4 added +5 to the unmissable conversation with Janine on returning from the
elven forests.

0.23.0 added many new affection gains to funding petitions in the main and slum
Houses of Petitions.

0.27.0 finally added affection for Dari's research. 0.27.1 added the ability to
pick Dari research as the first research choice of Chapter 3, which was impossible
before, except retroactively in 0.27's waiting screen.
0.27.1 added various Uyae affection conversations to Yhilin which were not
available in 0.27.0 due to bugs.

0.28.3 added affection for asking Mestan to kill an Aramite Commander.

0.30 added affection to various interactions and investments in the war aftermath,
starting from Conference Chamber.

0.32 added affection to Yarra for Givini Tunnels investment, to Nalili for the Gasm
Falls armorer investment, and to Lynine and Altina for arranging meeting between
Bertricia and succubus nuns in Helvanna.
0.32.2 corrected a bug that would prevent locking Janine, and another that would
sometimes not give affection for arranging meeting between Bertricia and succubus
nuns in Helvanna.

0.33.1 added +2 Aka affection for revisiting the Delgar Caverns cache.

0.34.2 added +5 affection for curing Dari.

0.35.6 changed affection for several actions in the first Erosian conflict.

0.40.5 changed affection for several results at the Council of Gawnfall.

0.41.0 added Dari affection for the Fucklord vote at the Council of Gawnfall, and
affection for several characters based on the Yarra Frustration score accumulated
during the Council of Gawnfall.
0.41.2 added an affection requirement for Sarai's second on-demand sex scene.
0.41.3 added affection rewards for the first visit to Orri's Restaurant in Ardford,
and for finding the Stineford slum prostitute a home.

== Thanks ==

Thanks to the following individuals who helped directly ensuring this guide's
Fulminato for corrections to several sections,
BetatesterFP for corrections to (sluttier) Altina and Hilstara sections,
Augustus Commodus for catching a slight error,
MailleKerchief for catching an inconsistency,
Lostone2 for catching an addition error,
Nacho2991 for catching an omission,
Nomixam for catching an error,
Sierra Lee for occasionally providing information directly about sweeping changes.

Thanks also to these persons, who created helpful tools:

Shaz, for creating the script that dumps events to a more easily searched text
Falo, for creating the RPG Maker VX Ace game decrypter/decompiler.
The Notepad++ team, for maintaining my current Windows text editor of choice.

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