Biochemical Tests For Bacteria
Biochemical Tests For Bacteria
Biochemical Tests For Bacteria
The morphological and biochemical method of identification of bacteria is the classical method
of characterization of bacteria. Due to the characteristics of the bacteria such as cell shape, spore
forming capabilities, whether they are aerobic or anaerobic or Gram positive or Gram negative,
they are conveniently grouped into a number assemblages. Diversely, bacteria’s morphological
attributes are not enough constituent for them to be identified, thus, biochemical tests and other
methodologies are developed. In this experiment, four isolates have been tested with the different
biochemical tests. Media are prepared for the different tests and the four isolates are inoculated
to each medium. Then, after the incubation period needed every test, the reaction of the bacteria
to each medium is observed. Hence, the isolates showed positive result to some tests after
executing the biochemical tests. However, isolates ensued a negative result to most of the tests
being executed. With this essence, identification of the bacteria to genus or species level can be
Bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, protozoan and protists are integral part of microbial
diversity and these seem to be an unnoticed normal resource that deserves greater attention.
Microbial diversity is the variety that exists among microorganisms and their environments.
Microorganisms are found in all ecosystems. The bacteria are remarkable in the abilities to live
in environments that are hospitable for life and the greatest among energy sources. (Jarvis &
Goodacre, 2008)
characteristics such as cell shape, spore forming capabilities and whether they are
aerobic/anaerobic or Gram positive / Gram negative (Manero & Blanch, 1999). The
characterization. The classification of bacteria into families, genera and species is based on a
wide range of phenotypic characteristics (Baird-Parker, 1963). These include culture conditions,
biochemical tests namely catalase test, oxidase test, casein hydrolysis, gelatine hydrolysis,
hydrogen sulphide production, indole test, and starch hydrolysis and by microscopic
identification, which, as a rule, need time for their execution, ranging from a couple of hours to
several days. Conventional analyses are time-consuming techniques and semi-automatic methods
require great amounts of biologic material (Tan, Ellis, Lee, Stamper, Zhang & Carroll, 2012).
Since bacteria do not have enough morphological characteristics to pinpoint their peculiarities,
several methodologies have been developed to test their metabolic or enzymatic reactions,
enabling grouping and identification at genus or species level (Alsina & Blanch, 1994).
Definitely bacteria produce certain types of metabolites when they grow on various types
of media thus standard biochemical tests are familiarized and used to characterize and identify
unknown bacteria.
There are seven tests used during the experiment. In catalase test, a colony of the purified
culture was put in a sterilized slide and a drop of hydrogen peroxide is added in the colony.
While in oxidase test, a piece of whatman filter paper was dampen with a drop of 1% TPDS,
using a sterilized glass rod, a colony of bacteria is acquired and rubbed against the wet filter
paper. Into a sterile Petri plate, double strength Nutrient agar (NA) is prepared and mixed with
one tube of skim milk for casein hydrolysis. After the agar had set and dried, the plate is divided
into four parts and in each quadrant, four purified culture of bacteria is inoculated and incubated
for 42 hours at 37°C. In a prepared tube of nutrient gelatine, purified culture of bacteria is stab
inoculated and incubated at 37°C for two days. For an hour, it was refrigerated.
Slants of triple sugar iron (TSI) are prepared for the testing of hydrogen sulphide
production. Into the surface of the slant, the bacteria are introduced using fishtail inoculation.
Then, the butt of the slant medium is stabbed up to 1⁄4 inch from the bottom using an inoculating
needle. It was then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. For indole test, tubes of 0.1% tryptone broth
are prepared. And, it was inoculated with the bacteria and incubated for a day at 37°C. After the
incubation period, one mL of xylene is added and was shaken until the xylene arose. Then, 0.5
mL of Erlich’s reagent is added. Lastly, a plate of pre-poured basal medium with soluble starch
is prepared. The plate was divided into four quadrants and in each quadrant four different
purified cultures are introduced and inoculated. Then, it was incubated for 24 hours at room
temperature. After incubating, the plate is flooded with Lugol’s iodine and clearing zone had
been observed.
identified bacterial species to draw reliable inferences and conclusions in researches. Bacterial
identification is a complex task, which is why several methods were developed for easier
identification of such microorganisms, including biochemical tests. These tests are inexpensive,
reliable, easily applied in all laboratories and include catalase test, oxidase test, casein, gelatin,
and starch hydrolysis, hydrogen sulfide production, and indole test, among others (Alaee et. al,
Catalase Test
The oxidoreductase enzyme catalase plays a crucial role in quenching reactive oxygen
species such as hydrogen peroxide often produced as a by-product of aerobic respiration. The
enzyme is found in a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic organisms, acting as an antioxidant
and protecting the bacterial cells against oxidative stress (Arya et. al, 2018).
Such enzyme is fundamental in catalase test for bacterial species and especially useful in
differentiating between bacterial genera, the speciation of some gram positive and gram negative
bacteria, and in distinguishing between aerobic and anaerobic bacetria which generally lack the
enzyme (Reiner, 2010). Catalase test involves adding a drop of hydrogen peroxide to a bacterial
sample on a slide and observing for the formation of bubbles, which indicates positive reaction.
Bacterial isolates tested for catalase both produced bubbles after addition of hydrogen
peroxide, signifying the presence of the enzyme in the bacterial cells. From such results, it can be
inferred that the isolates are gram positive cocci and can be classified as either aerobic or
facultative anaerobic species, although further tests to confirm such inference is required.
Fig. 1. From the left, catalase test results for bacterial isolates A and B.
whenever oxygen participates in various metabolic reactions. Catalase neutralizes the effects of
the chemical and effectively removes hydrogen peroxide by catalyzing the breakdown of the
molecules into water and oxygen, manifested in the formation of bubbles (Duben-Engelkirk &
Engelkirk, 2008).
The basic mechanism in the reaction of catalase with hydrogen peroxide involves the
breakdown and subsequent breakdown of the reactive oxygen species of H2O2 into oxygen and
As a dismutase enzyme, catalase contains a heme moiety at the active site and converts
the two hydrogen peroxide molecules into oxygen and water. The small amount of hydrogen
peroxide binds at the active site to generate catalase compound I, which then reacts with a
second molecule of hydrogen peroxide, releasing oxygen and water (Kehrer et. al, 2010).
Oxidase Test
the electron transport chain (Duben-Engelkirk & Engelkirk, 2008). Cytochrome c oxidases are
the terminal enzymes in the respiratory chains of mitochondria and many bacterial species,
whose electrons reduce molecular oxygen to produce water (Behr et. al, 1998). Such enzyme is
Oxidase test is useful for initial categorization of many bacterial species composed of
distinct colonial morphology (Koneman, 2006).The oxidase test detects the presence of a
cytochrome oxidase system which catalyzes the transport of electrons between electron donors in
the bacteria and a redox dye tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine, reducing the dye into a deep
purple color. The cytochrome system is usually present only in aerobic organisms capable of
The absence of purplish-blue coloration signifies negative results for the test, manifested
by the bacterial isolates tested in the laboratory. Application of TPDS reagent in a filter paper
rubbed with the bacterial species showed no color change thus interpreted as a negative result.
Oxidase negative isolates thuscan be inferred as facultative anaerobic, as the bacterial species
produced positive results with catalase test but negative in oxidase test, which is used to identify
strict aerobic organisms. Essentially, negative results in the test imply that the isolates do not
oxidation of cytochrome c, and the TPDS reagent added acts as an artificial electron acceptor for
the enzyme oxidase (Aryal, 2018). The purple color is caused by indophenol, formed from the
Casein is the most important component found in milk containing a rich source of
different essential amino acids. Casein is composed of three polypeptide chains held together by
non-covalent interactions and is responsible for the white, opaque appearance of milk (Kalyankar
et. al, 2016). Such protein is used in casein hydrolysis test where bacterial species are allowed to
grow in a media composed of nutrient agar and skim milk as source of casein and a postive
The protein casein is way too large to enter the cell membrane, thus must undergo step by
step degredation into peptones, polypeptides, dipeptides, and amino acids before assimilation
inside the cell. Such process is mediated by extracellular enzymes proteases, which cleave the
peptide bond CO-NH by introducing water, liberatiing the low molecular weight amino acids to
be transported inside the cell (Harrigan, 1998). Organisms secreting proteases exhibits a zone of
proteolysis once introduced in a media with casein. Such zone is represented by a clear area
surrounding the bacterial growth, which is a result of a hydrolytic reaction yielding souble, non-
hydrolysis marked by the absence of clearing zones. Instead, it can be carefully observed that the
bacterial species flooded the medium with growth. Such indicates that the isolates are negative
for casein hydrolysis, thus lack the enzyme proteases which degrade the protein.
Gelatin hydrolysis
The gelatin hydrolysis test detects the ability of bacteria to produce gelatinases, proteases
and between gram postive, spore-forming, rod shaped, aerobic or anaerobic bacteria such
asBacillus anthracis, B. cereus, B. subtilis, Clostridium perfringens and C. tetani (dela Cruz &
Torres, 2012).
Gelatin is derived from collagen, a connective tissue among vertebrates and is produced
when collagen is boiled in water. Gelatin is used to create a nutrient gelatin medium, which
detects gelatin hydrolysis and serves as both the solidifying agent and substrate for gelatinase
activity. Upon stab-inoculationof gelatinase positive bacteria, secreted gelatinases hydrolyze the
gelatin by degrading it into polypeptides and fruther converting into amino acids, resulting in the
liquefaction of the medium. Refrigeration of the medium is required to obtain accurate results,
where gelatinase positive result remains in liquid form, while negative in gelatin hydrolysis
Experimental results after execution of helatin hydrolysis test reveal that bacterial isolates
are gelatinase negative, manifested in the lack of liquefaction in the gelatin medium. A solidified
medium is more evident instead, indicating the the isolates lack gelatinases which digests the
gelatin medium.
Fig. 3. From the left, isolates A and B those were negative in gelatin hydolysis
Hydrogen sulfide production
The capacity to produce hydrogen sulfide has been widely used as a diagnostic test for
bacteria (Kuster &Williams, 1963). Microorganisms are able to metabollize sulfur and release
hydrogen sulfide under aerobic conditions (Hou et. al, 2017).Such ability to reduce sulfur
Testing for hydrogen sulfide gas production includes an iron and sulfur compound in the
test medium, which produces hydrogen sulfide once sulfur is reduced. Hydrogen sulfide
production is performed by certain bacteria through reduction of sulphur containing amino acids
like cystine, methionine or through the reduction of inorganic sulphur compounds such as
thiosulfates, sulfates or sulfites during protein degradation or when anaerobic respiration shuttles
the electrons to sulfur instead of to oxygen. In either case, hydrogen sulfide gas is produced
which reacts with the iron compound to form the black precipitate of ferric sulfide. The black
color acts as an indicator for the presence of hydrogen sulfide (Hou et. al, 2017).
Oftentimes, hydrogen sulfide production test employs the use of triple sugar iron agar,
which differentiates organisms on the basis of dextrose, sucrose, and lactose fermentation and
hydrogen sulfide production. Color changes in the butt and slant portion of the medium indicate
different results due to the reaction of the bacteria in eaach of the components present in the agar.
Hydrogen sulfide production test of bacterial isolates show that samples A and B
manifested different colors, thus vary in the type of carbohdrate fermented. Isolate A appears
yellow and red on the slant and butt part respectively, while isolate B exhibites a red butt and
The differences in color are due to the fermentation of carbohydrate detected by the
production of gas and visible color change of the pH indicator, phenol red. Thus, a yellow, acidic
butt and red, alkaline slant indicates fermentation of dextrose. A yellow color in both the slant
and the butt implies fermentation of dextrose, lactose, and/or sucrose, while a red slant and butt
indicate that the bacteria is a non-fermenter. Gas production observed in the media is manifested
by the splitting and cracking of the agar while hydrogen sulfide production results in a black
precipitate at the bottom of the tube. While isolate A contains an acidic slant which implies
fermentation of dextrose, lactose or sucrose, the alkaline butt is a misleading result, thus further
test is required. Meanwhile, isolate B with yellowish-orange to almost red slant and butt imply
that the bacterial isolate introduced is a non-fermenter. Both bacterial species tested lack the
formation of a black precipitate at the bottom, thus negative in hydrogen sulfide production.
Indole test
The indole test screens the ability of bacteria to degrade the amino acid tryptophan to
produce indole. The test was first used in 1889 to distinguish between Escherichia coli and
Enterobacter aerogenes, until variations were made in the test to characterize coliforms
tryptopahanase, splitting the molecule into indole following the reaction presented below.Indole
indolepyruvic acid. Tryptophanase catalyzes the deamination reaction, during which the amine
group of the tryptophan molecule is removed. Final products of the reaction are indole, pyruvic
Fundamental in the conduct of indole test is the Ehrlich reagent, a more sensitive
testing bacterial groups that produce little indole such as nonfermentativebacilli or anaerobes.
The reagent is added after placing xylene in the tryptophan broth to create a purplish-red ring in
Indole test for both bacterial isolates in the laboratory garnered negative results, hence,
no formation of a purplish-red ring is observed. This implies that the isolates do not contain
trptophanase responsible for converting the tryptophan amino acid into indole.
Fig. 5. From the left, isolates A and B with indole-negative result
Starch Hydrolysis
the form of large granules in the cytoplasm of the cell. Starch consists of 2 components—
amylose and amylopectin, which are present in various amounts. The amylose consists of D-
glucose units linked in a linear fashion by α-1,4 linkages. It has 2 non-reducing ends and a
glucose units linked by α-1,4 are also joined to each other by α-1,6 linkages. The major
component of starch can be hydrolyzed by a-amylase, which is present in some bacteria while
well known in case of fungi. The ability to degrade starch is used as a criterion for the
reactions outside of the cell. In this manner, nutrient sources, such as starch, that are too large to
be absorbed through the cell membrane can be broken down into smaller molecules and
If the bacteria have the ability to hydrolyze starch, it does so in the medium, particularly in the
areas surrounding their growth while the rest of the area of the plate still contain non-hydrolysed
starch. Since no color change occurs in the medium when organisms hydrolyze starch, iodine
solution is added as an indicator to the plate after incubation. While the non-hydrolysed starch
forms dark blue color with iodine, its hydrolyzed end products do not acquire such dark blue
color with iodine. Consequently, transparent clear zones are formed around the colonies that
hydrolyze starch while the rest of the plate show a dark blue coloration as iodine forms the
Out of the four isolates, only one showed a clear zone after flooding the plate with
Lugols’s iodine. Thus, the bacteria have the capability to produce amylase.
For this reason, several tests such as catalase test, oxidase test, casein hydrolysis test, gelatin
hydrolysis test, hydrogen sulfide production test, indole test, and starch hydrolysis have been
developed in order to assess their metabolic or enzymatic reaction that one may identify and
group these microorganisms at genus or species level. Different tests have been executed in four
different isolates after the preparation of the media needed and after transferring those isolates to
the respective media in each test. Then, negative results and positive results have been observed
and examined. The results indicate that different species of bacteria have different reaction
towards the tests being accomplished. It can also be concluded that through these tests, the genus
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