RF Adc Dac
RF Adc Dac
RF Adc Dac
Target audience
The target audience for this seminar consists of RF & microwave system engineers, wireless hardware
experts and electronics engineers who deal with the design and testing of wireless transceivers.
The seminar will be presented by Mr. Oren Hagai, the founder of INTERLLIGENT RF and Microwave
Solutions. Bio available online at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/4x1vi
Detailed syllabus with suggested time allocations
Subject 1 | Broadband ADC fundamentals | 2 Hours
Classification and properties of ADC types
l ‘Transparent ADCs’ (code output describes present sample’s value only).
l ‘Non-Transparent ADCs’ (code output refers also to prior samples).
Common ADC architectures
Transparent ADC implementation technologies
l Flash implementation, Digital ramp implementation, Successive approximation (SAR)
l Identifying and filtering ‘dangerous’ input frequencies (which fold into the desired signal’s
digital spectrum).
l Determining the required order of the anti-aliasing filter by the receiver’s ACPR
l Selection of the Nyquist zone of operation: Jitter versus flicker noise trade-offs
Subject 3 | Broadband DAC fundamentals | 2 hours
Introduction to broadband DACs
l Clarifying the huge difference between the theoretical frequency responses of ADCs and
DACs: DAC’s Sinc lowpass response vs. ADC’s flat frequency response
l Why DACs can be seen as ‘precision devices’, unlike most ADCs?
l Dynamic range reduction and spectral distortions for the DAC’s output signal
l FFT refresher and the concept of ‘baseband normalized power’ for sampled signals
l Overall quantization noise power within the ‘FFT visible range’ (first Nyquist zone)
given oversampling ratio and a given back-off from the ADC’s full-scale
l Practical recommendations for back-offs taken from the ADC’s full scale, with respect to the
Subject 5 | Signal to aperture jitter voltage noise ratio (SJNR) | 2 hours
Phase noise and jitter
l Definitions and metrics of phase noise and jitter, random vs. deterministic jitter
Phase noise to Jitter conversion: Obtaining the sampling clock’s RMS jitter from its phase
noise L(∆f) plot, using Perceval’s theorem
l Practical recommendations for phase noise integration bandwidth boundaries (relevant
phase noise integration offsets from carrier) for practical jitter calculations
l Phase noise and jitter as multiplicative processes (signal power invariant effects)
l How not to confuse the additive aperture jitter voltage noise with the multiplicative phase noise
l Formulating the SJNR for a given RMS clock jitter and input analogue frequency
l Dynamic metrics overview: SQNR , SJNR, SNRmax, SFDR, ENOB, SINAD, THD
Spectral purity
l How and why quantization creates spur signals, converter’s spur chart, identifying the causes
Subject 7 | Non transparent ADCs and DACs | 1 hours
Introduction to non-transparent (Sigma-Delta) ADCs
l The 1 bit ADC concept and the Delta modulation (baseband line code): Delta, Adaptive-
l Signal and noise shaping: LPF signal transfer function vs. HPF noise transfer function.
l Selection of input Balun for the ADC converter’s input, and setting the desired converter
input impedance
l System linearity considerations and their relation to the ADC’s input impedance and DAC’s
output impedance.
l Setting the overall gain of the receiving chain according to the converter full scale and the
desired sensitivity.
l Considerations and trade-offs in the transceiver’s frequency plan: Architecture selection
density, SINAD, SFDR, SNRmax, DNL, INL, Noise figure, IIP2, IIP3, NPR, Signal-to-aperture-
jitter voltage noise ratio
l Measuring the Scc11 / Sdd11 of an ADC / DAC analogue port
l The influence of the FFT size and window function on the measurement result
Subject 10 | Analogue ports interfacing | 1 hours
Interfacing the ADC’s / DAC’s analogue ports
l Buffered vs. unbuffered ADCs / DACs
l Transformer matching: impedance matching vs. voltage gain, effects on linearity (IIP2, IIP3)
'I' Mixer BB LPF-'I' HW bits
(Di+) (Ei+)
ADCI Rev: 8c, Last updated June-19-2016. All rights reserved to INTERLLIGENT (UK) ltd.
(Di-) (Ei-)
(A) (B) RF 0 0
LO Synth. Sampling
RX Data
LNA VLO(t)=Cos(ωLOt) Clock gen.
(C-) 900
-Sin(ωLOt) S(t)
(Dq+) (Eq+)
(Dq-) (Eq-)
'Q' Mixer BB LPF-'Q' K
HW bits