Managment of Technonolgy (MOT)
Managment of Technonolgy (MOT)
Managment of Technonolgy (MOT)
The challenges of management of technology are compounded by number of
Increase cost
Complexity and pace of technology advancement
Diversity of technology
Globalization of competition
Impact of information technology (IT)
These challenges also represent a great opportunity for organization that can fully
harness their technological potential.
To compete successfully, companies must assess their TM strategy and practice
and address how they can:
Recognize opportunity and threats and convert them into sales and profit.
Exploit existing technology by the effective translation of strategy into
operational performance.
Differentiate process using cost effective technological product and process
Identify and evaluate alternatives and emerging technologies in the light of
company policy and strategy and their impact on business and society.
Reduce the risk inherent in new or unfamiliar technologies.
Harness technology that support improvements in process, information and
other system.
Decrease the time to market of new product and services through effective
Protect and exploit intellectual property. (IP)
1.1: definition:
Static definition: the definition of TM include planning , directing, control and
coordination of developing and implementation of technological capabilities .
Definition can combine both hard and soft dimensions:
Hard dimension: relate to science and engineering
Soft dimension: relate to process enabling its effective application
Changes of technologies:
Technological changes are continuously creating new
challenges and opportunities for new product, services, process and
organizational development and industrial diversification.
TM could have dynamic capabilities.
“Capability implies an ability to do something”. They are constituted by both
strategy and operational activity.
Dynamic capabilities are the ability to reconfigure , redirect , and transform
approximately shape and integrating the existing core competencies and external
resources and strategic and complementary assets to meet the challenges of time
Three reason that explain why the dynamic capability theory enhance the
understanding of TM.
It is not specific technological innovation but it have ability to generate a
stream of product , services and process changes that matter for long term
firm performance.
It is possible to observe dynamic taking place in the organization of firms,
since the unit of analysis is the capabilities.
Dynamic capabilities consider the market or product as object of strategic
reconstruction and thus emphasize the key role of strategic management in
appropriately adapting , integrating and reconfiguring the external and
internal organizational skills, resources and functional competencies
toward a changing environment.
There are capabilities:
i. Dynamic or operational capability (both are collection of routine that
execute and coordinate verity of task required to manage
It is the” repetitive pattern of activity” and competencies refers to the
activities that is performed by assembling firm specific/ resources. That’s why
dynamic capability are conceived as the routine/activities and competencies are
embaded in a firm.
“Is an approach to achieving a managerial objective through the transformation of
input into output”.
The term activity is used interchangeably with ‘process’ or ‘routine’ and is
associated with the concept of capability.
Imp mcqs:
TM studies offer few universally accepted a conceptual model or framework to
understand and communicate the structure and relationship within the TM system.
TM activites based on the technological capabilities.
Due to complex nature of firms and industries it is difficult to exercise or implement
these activites.
TM activites: the TM activites include aquistion , explotion,identification, learning
,protection and selection all are typically inked or embaded within three core business
1. Strategy
2. Innovation
3. Operation
Imp mcqs:
Technology selection decision are made during business strategy and new
product/services development.
“The three core business processes are the heart of framework”. The
strategy ,innovation and operations work different business system levels
in the firms.
The core business process is important because there are focus of
management and action in the business.
For sustainable output of the firm.
The challenge of TM is that it is distributive and embaded in these core
business process.
Advantages of TM framework:
TM activites might operate at any busniess level .
The framework doesnot differentiate with respect to the sector in which firm operate.
It is valid for services either it is manufacturing sectors.
It is applicable for all firms either their size is in contrast to framework model and the
SMEs stand for small and medium sized enterprises.
Range : MCQS
Firms vary in size and scope and ranging from company to different or multiple
Main TM activities:
The general TM model based on the six generic TM activities.
1. Acquisition:
o It is based on the buy-collaborate-make decision.
o In this, “how the company obtain the technologies that are valuable for its
o In this the technologies might be developed internally through collaboration and
might be externally developers.
2. Exploitation:
o It follow commercialization.
o Through effective implementation, absorption and operation of the technology
within the firm then we get expected benefits.
o Technologies are assimilated(join) through technology transfer either from R&D
to manufacturing or from external manufacturing to internal manufacturing
o Exploitation include incremental developments, process improvement and
3. Identification:
o Identification is necessary part for technologies at all stages of development
and market lifecycle.
o This process include market changes as well as technological developments.
o Identification include search, auditing and data collection and intelligence
process for technologies and marketing.
4. Learning:
o Learning is a critical path of technology competency
o It involve reflection on the technology projects and process within or out the
o There is a strong link b/w this process and border field of knowledge
5. Protection:
o Formal process such as staff and retention need to be protect intellectual
assets within the firm including knowledge and expertise that is embaded in
products and manufacturing system.
6. Selection:
o Selection take company -level-strategic issue
o It require a good grasp of strategic objectives and priorities developed at the
business strategic level.
o Selection process align with technology related decision with business
TM capability does not include the innovation capability for two reasons:
i. Innovation capability mould and mange the multiple capabilities.
o The set of TM capabilities is the subset of capabilities that are
integrated within the innovation system depending on the
innovation type.
ii. Each of the TM capability involves the an innovation element in itself.
o Example: innovation capability is the too large degree ,a major
innovation activity that deal with the service , product and
organizational innovations in the company.
LEC # 6:
“Non linearity of TM activities”
Non linearity means TM activities is in nonstructural form.
Any process can be starting point that triggers the number of TM activities in take place.
The link b/w TM activities not follow the linear relationship.
If the organization is large company having R&D activities include all the elements of
TM activities.
If the organization has no R&D and the innovation incremental then the activities will be
Many innovation focus on two critical concerns
o Static nature
o Deterministic approach
The TM model avoid these two criticisms especially TM activities .
Activities Supporting TM
The core TM activities is useful for understanding the relationship b/w TM and other
management activities: project, knowledge and innovation management.
I. project management:
refers to the managerial activites associated with all types of projects such as
product development.Each TM activity can be consider as a projects necessitating
knowledge and skills to manage it.
II. Knowledge management:(non-technical and technical resourses)
1.5 TM Tools
(to perform any activity)
(have no specific rules)
(all terms used interchangeably)
q/s What are the two reasons that poses problem in understanding TM
Two reasons:
It also posess problems in TM for two reasons
Levels of tools:
o Applicable to TM activites to make it difficult to grasp
o Example :project management is a large discipline that
mentioned in one tool as a Temaguide.
o take(project management as a whole)
Wide spectrum of tools:
o (How you relate with technology)
o Conjoint analysis used in marketing analysis to Delphi analysis
for technology forecasting, rises the question for TM.
o Delphi analysis can be applied in any forecasting techniques for
any managerial problem.
“Conjoint analysis is survey based statistical technique used in market research that helps to
determine how people value different attributes that makeup individual products”.
“Delphi analysis is a forecast method based on results of questioner send to pane of experts”
TM is a multidisciplinary nature.
Acquisition capacity may be major base for building an innovation capacity for an
But naturally, innovation is generated across the borders of the (R & D) departments,
and can take place at any unit ,department or staff level.
Once technology is acquired (either externally or internally) ,its need to be protected.
2.2: internal Acquisition: R&D
R&D include the set of process for creating firms technologies in-house.
o The degree of process innovation combined with the level of product changes, then
they can help to describe the R&D management projects.
o once R&D projects re identified,…,and feasible projects are selected then their
management is similar to the other project management activities.
Classical approach:
New for market and new for company (innovation)
New for market not new for company(repositioned)
Nither for company nor for market (incremental)
The new product development have aim to captured exploitable knowledge that is
generated by R&D activities and have six phases:
o Idea creation
o Preliminary & detailed investigation
o Feasibility report
o Development
o Testing
o Full development and refinement
Formal product /service development have adopted by industry that is based on stage-
gate system.
Stage-gate system achieve two primary function:
It provide parallel processing providing in all elements ,such as technology and market,
so the gradual increase the probability of success
Development funnel: (also known as idea/project funnel)
It consists of the research ,development and commercialization.
Two paths involved in new product development:
First path:
Involve the idea generation, product design and detailed engineering.
Second path:
Involve market research and market analysis.
This simplification shows the R&D activity is integrated with creativity and
Creativity is important for generating ideas at early stage.
Development funnel take open innovation and shows the exchange of ideas,technology
and other IP with external organization.
This transition from closed to open system based on permeable company boundaries,it
has procedural and cultural consequence for individual involve.
Even through idea project funnel, the new development process is divide into highly
detailed sub process.
Sub process is not always in linear sequence form as implied by funnel model.
Concurrent engineering, many products make one company.
The new product development phase ,decribed just for one product or services.
In particular the new product development analysis should incorporate product
family/platform thinking.
Product family consist of products that have similar feature ,typicaly with shared
technology basis.
Product family based on the architecture commonality and similarity.
Product family give the opportunity to reuse and differentiate product in family.
to reuse the product ,it give the benefit
In this as the level of technological sphostication increase ,the relationship are altered.
For example:
Mcqs also
q/s What advantage occur when you relate the different process?
Stretching the idea of individual process into a set of related process ,increase the
utilization of common technologies used in the process by creating the
synergies(collaboration) and optimization.
There are some following task for designing a new process.
o Identifying the process for innovation
o Identifying the change elements
o Developing the process vision
o Defining the business strategy and process vision
o Understanding the existing process
o Understanding the structure and flow of current process
o Measure the performance of current process
o Designing and prototyping the new process
o Implementing and operationalizing the process and associated system.
o Communicating results and building commitment.
Categorization of alliances:
Purchasing/arm’s length
Subcontracting/outsourcing/contracted out R&D
a) Purchasing:
o Purchasing has clear -cut process and the degree of collaboration is the least among the
five collaboration option.
o After the company searches for what is available in the market, and it decide what or
not to buy the technology and then negotiate on price with the suppliers.
o A purchasing act is one time event and does not require a close relationship.
o When continues purchasing from one technology suppliers, the result is to make the
relationship overtime.
b) Contractedout/subcontracting/outsourcing:
For contracting R&D:
o Contracting R&D is where a company use the services of contract research organization
,or some other party to develop a new product or process.
o Contracting is suitable for those situation where the company has low standing in
technological area.
For contracting out R&D:
o The company contracted out R&D to individual consultant/experts/reasearchers to
understand the competencies that the company lacks.
o As in the contracting out, the company has little managerial input in the process.
o The third party might be commercial company ,commercial R&D laboratory and
university even compititors.
o Company choose to sponser bluesky projects in universities,the result might be for long
term for their internal R&D.
c) Licensing:
o A situation where a company hold a license for the use of product design,
marketing or process or some combination of all three, on the franchise basis.
o The licensee company looks at what is available ,deciding whether buy or not to
buy and then negotiates on price.
o In broad term ,what you see or what you get, with combination of drawing
documents, experience and know how to be transferred to purchasing company
o Licensing initiate a long term relationship b/w licensor and licensee company
which is called licence duration.
o By licensing ,a company confirm that it has no objective of being a leader in the
licensed technology, at least in short term.
Advantage :
Speed the technology adaption
Reduce thee risk
Cost of developing the technology
d) Alliances:
Several type of alliances are possible ranging from adhoc partnership ( formed to solve
specific problems) through complex alliances and joint ventures, to complete
Adhoc alliances are flexible are used to develop technology that is critical to two or
more business.
Adhoc is a short term.
Consortium: is another flexible alliance form where many partners come together for
precompetitive R&D with no equity relationship involved.
Complex alliances : may be used to help two or more business operating in different
sector to pool their resources and generate synergy (collaboration) so the company
gain access to critical technology in which they weak
Joint venture: is a type of complex alliances ,the cooperation is well defined and
sufficiently long term to create the separate legal entity.
A joint venture share a risk and cost of acquisition b/w two or more partners and is
valuable when this is high.
Example: while developing the iPod music player, apple did not develop the player in -
house but created an used a Toshiba disk drivers based the
ipod software on a platform developed by portal player
and the music management software developed by pixo.
e) M&A:
The goal in all M&A activity is to acquire and integrate an external entity into exsisting