Almeria National High School: Sch. ID.: 303319

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education -Region VIII

Schools Division Office of Biliran
Sch. ID.: 303319

Report on Academic Performance

Quarter 2 S.Y. 2019-2018

Subject Area: __ENGLISH 10 Grade Level MPS: ___________ School MPS:______________

Sections whose
Grade whose MPS Reasons why MPS is below the Practices which help in Strategic Options for the next
MPS Baseline MPS fall below
Level exceeded the baseline improving the MPS Quarter
the baseline
10 84.10 82.43 EMERALD  Conducted review  Create parallel questions
sessions prior to first prior to examination
examination.  More contextualized
 Conducted oral teaching.
recitation and  Implement differentiated
processed students instruction for low
answers which served performing classes.
as a review a day  Find suitable and
before the exam motivating learning
 Allowed students to materials for higher
write muddiest points retention of the
(least understood competencies
concept) to clear up
 Provided hands-on
Minds –on activities
inclined with the
Sections whose
Grade whose MPS Reasons why MPS is below the Practices which help in Strategic Options for the next
MPS Baseline MPS fall below
Level exceeded the baseline improving the MPS Quarter
the baseline
10 82.85 82.43 DIAMOND  Conducted review  Create parallel questions
sessions prior to first prior to examination
examination.  More contextualized
 Conducted oral teaching.
recitation and  Implement differentiated
processed students instruction for low
answers which served performing classes.
as a review a day  Find suitable and
before the exam motivating learning
 Allowed students to materials for higher
write muddiest points retention of the
(least understood competencies
concept) to clear up
 Provided hands-on
Minds –on activities
inclined with the

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

______________________ EUGENIO M. LAUDE, Ed. D. ELENA CHRISTY S. AGANG

Subject-Coordinator Head Teacher I Principal II

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