Decipherment of Sumerian Cylinder Seal Va243
Decipherment of Sumerian Cylinder Seal Va243
Decipherment of Sumerian Cylinder Seal Va243
Decipherment of Sumerian
cylinder seal VA-243
Stuart Harris, July 2018, Knoxville TN
Imagine, if you will, the fear that gripped Earth in 9400 BC. Everyone had witnessed monstrous
Storm utterly destroy Mother, a planet three times the size of Earth, by flinging one of his many
moons directly into her bowels. The resulting explosion spewed pieces of Mother across the
universe, incinerated Earth nightly with meteorites, blocked light from the Sun. Nothing
remained of the great goddess, and now Storm was circling back, coming from the direction of
Aries, surrounded by his spearmen. He demanded every man, woman and child, and especially
Champion, the Hand of Mother.
Earth had just acquired a new Moon, a brave champion, the only survivor of seven sons of
Mother. Storm had captured Moon when he speared Mother, then accidentally lost Moon to
Earth as he sped by. Now he wanted Moon back. People prayed to their new champion to save
them, hide Earth from Storm and his deadly spearmen.
The narrator survived the first rain of firestones, and now fears the worst. The scribe compressed
this long tale into a tiny cylinder seal through the ingenious use of rebuses. Twenty-three notches
on the horns of Aries may represent the number of days in a month.
Table of Contents
Page 1
Summary of Tableau
Text 6, Throne of Earth 12
Text 7, Äiti – Mother - Tiamat 13
Text 8, Päivä - Sun 14
Text 9, Swords wielded by Storm 14
Text 10, Statue carried by Moon 15
Text 11, Mää - Earth 16
Text 12, Sää-Storm-Nibiru 17
Text 13, Kuu-Moon-Nanna 18
Text 14, Aries the Ram 19
Text 15, Skirt of Earth 20
Text 16, Skirt of Storm 21
Text 17, Skirt of Moon 22
Bibliography 24
Summary of Tableau
The tableau shows Saa ‘Storm’ (Nibiru) leading Kuu ‘Moon’ (Nanna) by the hand to Maa
‘Earth’. Moon’s epithet Nanna means ‘Like a bull’, yet of the three figures, only Moon lacks
horns, perhaps a new bull. From Äiti ‘Mother’ (Tiamat), Storm brings the only survivor from the
destruction of Mother by his spearmen. Nanna, the Hand of Mother, will become Earth’s
champion against their common adversary Storm. Depicted above Storm’s shoulder is the Star of
Earth, enveloped by debris from the destruction of Mother that blocks the Sun’s rays from
reaching Earth. The throne, symbolic of Aset-Nibiru-Isis, occurs on the Egyptian calendar in
Senenmut’s Tomb just after 9437 BC, when Aset ascended to prominence among the gods by
fatally crippling Mut (Mother). A plow, symbolic of fertility, represents Äiti ‘Mother’, the planet
destroyed by Nibiru. On his shoulder, Kuu-Moon carries a statue of an athlete throwing a spear.
A ram, Aries, overlooks a forest of broken trees, symbolizing the direction from which Nibiru
Figure 1: Seal and image of Sumerian cylinder seal VA-243. Sää-Storm leads Kuu-Moon to
seated Maa-Earth. Between them are symbols for Äiti ‘Mother’, a plow, and Päivä ‘Sun’. a six-
pointed star (Near Eastern Museum, Berlin).
History of Interpretation
William Hayes Ward’s drawing of Sumerian cylinder seal VA-243, in the Near Eastern Museum
of Berlin, emphasizes the construction details of the plow. He wondered about the large number
of planets surrounding the sun (Ward, 1910).
Anton Moortgat deciphered three cuneiform text boxes, which made no sense in Akkadian, but
reads ‘I bring a pig from beyond the highland of man clan’ in Finnish (Moortgat, 1940).
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Zechariah Sitchin focused on the image of the sun surrounded by eleven planets, which related to
how planet Nibiru destroyed Tiamat and terrorized Earth (Sitchin, 1976, The 12th Planet).
Emilio Spedicato recalculated Nibiru’s period as 20 years. He estimated the date when Nibiru
lost Moon to Earth as 9450 BC (Spedicato, 2012).
Stuart Harris reversed the image in order to read its script, called Old European, widely used
throughout Europe before cuneiform, and amenable to constructing rebuses. The seal details the
destruction of Tiamat by Nibiru and the transfer of Moon to Earth soon after 9437 BC.
William Hayes Ward’s draw ing
William Hayes Ward’s drawing of VA243 in 1910 recognized the image of a plow and a
sacrificial goat. There is both a six-pointed star and an eight-pointed star.
Figure 2: Drawing and explanation of cylinder seal VA243 by Ward, 1910.
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Emilio Spedicato’s hypotheses
Emilio Spedicato’s hypotheses
Sitchin interpreted the period of Nibiru as 3600 years, not realizing that Sumerian astronomical
numbers were meant to be divided by 180 (Spedicato, 2012). The correct period then becomes 20
years, confirmed by periodic cooling every twenty years in GRIP2 ice core of Greenland, and
further confirmed by an Egyptian calendar that measures time in twenty-year intervals with a
five-pointed star, their symbol for Aset-Nibiru, the fifth body from the Sun. Given a twenty-year
period and sixty-year conjunction, many natural catastrophes trace their origin to Nibiru, such as
the sinking of Atlantis and the end of the Younger Dryas (Harris, 2018, forthcoming).
This cylinder seal spectacularly confirms a number of ideas from Emilio Spedicato.
Nibiru was the fifth body from the Sun with a fixed, elliptical orbit of 20 years in the same
plane as that of Jupiter, Tiamat and Earth.
Nibiru, Jupiter, Tiamat and Earth were in synchronous orbits of 20, 12, 4 and 1 years due to
the gravity of Jupiter.
At each pass, Nibiru would nearly hit the other three, always passing on the Sun side, a
stable configuration.
Nibiru transferred Moon from Tiamat to Earth around 9450 BC; thus, Moon was the only
survivor of the complete destruction of Tiamat.
The destruction of Tiamat by Nibiru wreaked havoc on Earth by incinerating one face. In the
text, the scribe is the only survivor, man or cow, from a hail of burning stones. Drawn on the
cylinder seal, debris surrounds the Sun and blocks light from reaching Earth.
Earth already had a satellite, so Moon became the greater satellite, and a great boon to man
by illuminating the night sky.
This earlier satellite was Mars, which illuminated Earth with about a tenth of the light of
Moon and had a period of 1/3 year, also synchronous with Jupiter. Thus, Mars had a solar
climate identical to that of Earth, rotated in the same axial direction as Earth, and may have
had an atmosphere that conserved water.
Planets Mercury, Venus and Mars did not yet exist.
Orbits of planets
The orbital periods for the four inner planets were Earth 1 year, Tiamat 4 years, Jupiter 12 years,
and Nibiru 20 years. Nibiru approached Earth every 20 years and came very close every 60 years
at the equinox, when Earth, Tiamat and Jupiter were in conjunction. Nibiru intersected Tiamat
every 20 years, a year after passing Earth.
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Figure 3: Orbits of the first five bodies from the Sun in 9450 BC.
Until 700 BC, text read only from left to right or from top to bottom, which means that the entire
image must be reversed. For the scribe, this would have made carving easier. Figure 4 shows the
reversed image partitioned into self-contained areas. The sequence is not linear because what
originally seemed impossible to be text did become text as I discovered a true master at work.
Decipherment depends heavily on reading rebuses. My table of letters covers many geographic
areas, and nearly every letter has multiple instances of usage, but no other text displays such an
astonishing variety. Perhaps the scribe intended to use every variation in the writer’s toolbox.
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Reversal of image
Figure 4: Division of VA-243 for translation with image reversed.
Page 6
Page 7
List of Protagonists
Page 8
Decipherment and Translation
10: Statue carried by Moon
He now will be the great new champion. Many miserable men will pronounce ‘Peace on
11: Mää - Earth
Son of Earth’s spearmen ended the brawl. Broken into scrap she became. A fellow of
Mother survived, from a great family of seven wizards, a manly champion, Mother’s Hand,
to bewail Storm’s fury. Nanna (bull-like) arrived, adversary of Storm, to pronounce peace, to
poison painful anguish.
12: Sää-Storm-Nibiru
So, I proceeded to tear away scraps from Mother. Into her eye I blew a plume; through her
skin it poured, into her womb. The new Hand, the fellow from Mother, I will smite. Having
vanquished Mother of Seven, I will stop by Earth to spear the Hand. Spearmen will go to
claim the champion, to demand the miserable man I drove away.
13: Kuu-Moon-Nanna
Brave Champion, deprived of family on Earth; Great Champion’s mother, toppled by
boulders. I have to conceal the Noble One from a plume to prevent a disaster. Seven lands
were broken into filaments by Storm. Thunder from the east through the night resounded,
Valiant Champion; painful anguish raged through most of the night against the Seven,
against Mother.
14: Aries the Ram
Bull champion, remnant of the seven, father of heaven and earth, head of men, star of the
greatest peace, first sky noble: He demands new mothers and men; he demands any offspring
of men; he wants the families remaining. He will finish Earth now, as well as fetch the new
champion and poison others. He evicted Mother; he evicted by sword settlement of Earth
with great hostility.
15: Skirt of Earth
All the men in carts were smashed; now two men watch for Storm. It crushed the cattle as
well, who were mangled into a pile of snot. Seven sons of the great wizard were smashed by
the heavens. Cart makers mostly carry old men toward the water; yesterday, transporting was
16: Skirt of Storm
Sheep evaporated completely; likewise, carts, wizards and old men. Men still are
invigorated, still slaving away.
17: Skirt of Moon
It disperses the men: chunks, fire sparks and hailstones from the remains of Mother. Hail
against the earth desires to kill. High men advise: dusk will bring hailstones.
Page 9
Text 1, Lone survivor
Translation Detail
Text 1, Lone survivor
Figure 6: Transcription of Text 1 of VA-243.
An eight-pointed star that begins the text was responsible for the fire-hail.
All three phrases end with ‘men’, like a song.
Old European Script
2.3 O PE Ä MI.
2.1 (Tähti) loi äkän käyä, rajuuden kohdata miehien, tehäjäin miehien.
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Translation Detail
2.2 Niin nuotio-rae satoi miehe’en, rae paahtoi miehien.
2.3 Ontto perheiden äitien, miehien.
2.1 (The star) made anger grow, violence to befall men and makers of men.
2.2 Then fire-hail rained down on men, hail scorched men.
2.3 Empty the households of mothers, of men.
Text 3, End of man and beast
Figure 8: Transcription of Text 3 of VA-243.
3.2 Reikä meaning ‘hole’ can also mean ‘zero, naught, nothing’.
3.2 Drawing suggests movement through the sky as thin lines.
Old European Script
3.1 NA, MI, 11 I-Ä, RA Ä,
3.2 HA RE TA.
Finnish decipherment
3.1 Nautat, miehet, 11 Ihta-ättää, rajut äijät,
3.2 haihdutettiin rei’ään taivahan.
English translation
3.1 Cattle, men, 11 All Fathers, courageous tough guys,
3.2 were evaporated into nothing up to the heavens.
Text 4, Destroyed forests
Figure 9: Transcription of Text 4 of VA-243.
4.2 Six of letter PU, which spells ‘tree’, are toppled and broken.
4.3 Four consecutive letters create a pine tree with the top broken off.
Old European Script
4.1 SE KÄ SA
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Text 5, Scepter of Earth
4.2 PU KA.
4.3 I RE PÄ SA.
Finnish decipherment
4.1 Se kävi satojen
4.2 puiden kaataa.
4.3 Itään redaihin pättyivät sadat.
English translation
4.1 It made hundreds
4.2 of trees topple.
4.3 To the east in wagons expired hundreds.
Text 5, Scepter of Earth
Figure 10: Transcription of Text 5 of VA-243.
5.1.2 A large moon circles Earth, having come from far away.
5.1.4 Kuu, ‘Moon’, is drawn as a new moon.
Old European Script
5.1 TA SA U KU KÄ Y.
Finnish decipherment
5.1 Taivas saa uuen Kuun käydä Yö.
English translation
5.1 Heaven gets a new Moon to suit the night.
Text 6, Throne of Earth
Figure 11: Transcription of Text 6 of VA-243.
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Translation Detail
Old European Script
6.1 MI SE MI I
6.2 KÄ TU I;
6.3 TU-NI KA RE.
6.4 I KA
6.5 KÄ M.
Finnish decipherment
6.1 Mies se miettii iän
6.2 käydään tuoda iän.
6.3 Tuoni kaihoaa reiän
6.4 Istu kauan
6.5 käydä mies.
English translation
6.1 A man who contemplates life
6.2 is suited to provide life;
6.3 Death longs for nothing.
6.4 Sit a long time
6.5 to become a man.
Text 7, Äiti – Mother - Tiamat
This text is attributed to Äiti ‘Mother’, Akkadian Tiamat, Egyptian Mut ‘Mother’. Her brother is
Storm, a rogue planet. Mother’s brother brought to Earth a man to be wedded through the night, a
moon of Mother’s. In order to obtain Moon, Storm clubbed brave Mother.
Figure 12: Transcription of Text 7 of VA-243.
7.1.1 Veijo meaning ‘Brother’ is Nibiru.
7.1.2 Äiti meaning ‘Mother’ is Tiamat.
7.1.2 Tiamat may come from Äiti-maat meaning ‘Motherlands’.
7.2.5 A dot is number one, yksi, spelled Y. It this case it also represents a moon.
Old European Script
7.1 VE Ä LÖ
7.2 KÄ MI MU NY Y.
7.3 U Ä NU
7.4 KU Ä SA PA
Finnish decipherment
7.1 Veijo Äidin löytyi
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Text 8, Päivä - Sun
7.2 miiun muujan käydä naitu yöhön.
7.3 Urhea Äiti nuijittin.
7.4 Kuun Äitin saipa.
English translation
7.1 Brother of Mother discovered
7.2 for me a woman to be wedded through the night.
7.3 Brave Mother was clubbed.
7.4 A moon from Mother he got.
Text 8, Päivä - Sun
The image is not that of Nibiru but of the Sun, enveloped by debris from the destruction of
Tiamat that blocks the Sun’s rays from reaching Earth. Nevertheless, the image belongs with the
middle figure, Nibiru, who caused the destruction and carried Moon to Earth.
Figure 13: Transcription of Text 8 of VA-243.
8.1 Debris from the destruction of Tiamat blocks sunlight from reaching Earth.
8.3 Tiamat was destroyed by Nibiru.
Old European Script
8.1 MA TÄ SÄ SE Y.
8.2 Ä VI NE KÄ.
8.3 ME U MI TU.
Finnish decipherment
8.1 Maan tähen sädet seistään yhä.
8.2 Äijien vihoa neiti kävi.
8.3 Meian urhon mies tuhoi.
English translation
8.1 Earth’s star’s rays are stopped still.
8.2 The greatest wrath the maiden got.
8.3 Our champion the fellow destroyed.
Text 9, Sw ords w ielded by Storm
A halberd, knife and sword represent weapons wielded by men who attacked a group of young
men and women herding in the hills at dusk, then threw them into a ravine so their cries could
not be heard.
Page 14
Translation Detail
Figure 14: Transcription of Text 9 of VA-243.
10.3.1 Letter MÄ, rotated 45 degrees, becomes MA.
A relief of moon god Nanna runs to the right, left hand upraised to throw a spear. Its modeling
and contrapposto are astounding, not to be equaled until Greek sculpture of the fifth century.
Likewise, the depiction of the ram Aries is marvelous. Consider the famous head of Inanna of
Sumer from the same period, an arresting portrait. It is no accident that the most expensive
sculpture ever sold at the time was a figurine of a lion from Sumer, the Guennol Lioness.
Page 15
Text 11, Mää - Earth
11.1-2 The hat on Earth has horns like a bull. There is also a portrait of a bull on Earth’s left
Page 16
Translation Detail
Old European Script
11.2 RI TÄ-SÄ KÄ.
11.3 MI Ä JÄ, Ä PE SE NO,
11.4 MI U, Ä KÄ, HU SÄ RA.
11.5 NA-NA PÄ,
11.6 VA-TU SÄ,
11.7 Ä RA, KÄ VA VA.
Finnish decipherment
11.1 Pojan Maan keihoenn häätivät rähäkän.
11.2 Ri’i tähtee-ssä kävi.
11.3 Mies Äitin jäi, äijeän perheen see noitia,
11.4 miehueen urho, Äitin Käs, huutaa Sään rajuuden.
11.5 Nauta-na päästi,
11.6 vastus Sään,
11.7 ääntää rauha, käjytä vaiva vaivan.
English translation
11.1 Son of Earth’s spearmen ended the brawl.
11.2 Broken into scrap she became.
11.3 A fellow of Mother survived, from a great family of seven wizards,
11.4 a manly champion, Mother’s Hand, to bewail Storm’s fury.
11.5 Nanna (bull-like) arrived,
11.6 adversary of Storm,
11.7 to pronounce peace, to poison painful anguish.
Text 12, Sää-Storm-Nibiru
Storm, the planet Nibiru, describes how he chipped off pieces of Äiti ‘the Mother’ on the first
pass. On the second pass, he eviscerated her by blowing a plume into her eye, down to her womb.
(A plume was a moon, which Sitchin translated as ‘a wind’.) Next, he will spear the new Hand of
Earth, whom he just finished transporting to Earth from the Mother of Seven after the first pass.
His spearmen will strike the new moon, claim the champion.
Page 17
Text 13, Kuu-Moon-Nanna
Figure 17: Transcription of Text 12 of VA-243, the figure of Storm.
12.2.3 ‘Plume’ describes the effect of a moon plunging into a planet down to its core.
12.3 First pass: wound Tiamat, capture Moon, transport Moon to Earth; second pass: blow
up Tiamat, return to Earth, attack Moon.
12.3.8 When counting rapidly, children say see for seitseman meaning ‘seven’.
Old European Script
12.1 NI KÄ RI TÄ Ä.
12.2 SI-MÄ PU; HÖ I KA, KO.
12.3 U KÄ, MI Ä, LY; LY Ä SE, HÄ MA KE KÄ.
Finnish decipherment
12.1 Niin kävin ristää tähiden Äitin.
12.2 Silmähän puhuin höyhenen, ihoon kaatoi kohtuun.
12.3 Uuen Käden, miehen Äitin, lyön. Lyötiin Äitin Sei’n, hädän Maan keihästä Käden.
12.4 Keihoen käyvät vaatia Urhon, vaatia rähjän miehen häädin.
English translation
12.1 So I proceeded to tear away scraps from Mother.
12.2 Into her eye I blew a plume; through her skin it poured, into her womb.
12.3 The new Hand, the fellow from Mother, I will smite. Having vanquished Mother of
Seven, I will stop by Earth to spear the Hand.
12.4 Spearmen will go to claim the champion, to demand the miserable man I drove away.
Text 13, Kuu-Moon-Nanna
With a single encounter, Storm destroyed Mother and her seven companions, shredded them into
filaments. Somewhat later, thunder resounded through the night from the east as debris struck
half of Earth. Now brave champion Moon has to hide noble Earth from Storm to prevent a
similar disaster.
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Translation Detail
Figure 18: Transcription of Text 13 of VA-243, the figure of Moon.
English translation
13.1 Brave Champion, deprived of family on Earth;
13.2 Great Champion’s mother, toppled by boulders.
13.3 I have to conceal the Noble One from a plume to prevent a disaster.
13.4 Seven lands were broken into filaments by Storm.
13.5 Thunder from the east through the night resounded, Valiant Champion;
13.6 painful anguish raged through most of the night against the Seven, against Mother.
Text 14, Aries the Ram
Aries the Ram announces the approach of raging Storm (Nibiru). He blows two horns that
contain six titles including Remnant of the Seven, and Father of Heaven and Earth. Storm
demands all men, women and children. He has already laid waste to Mother (Tiamat) and many
settlements of Earth with his spears (meteorites). Storm plans to kill the remaining people and
fetch back Moon.
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Text 15, Skirt of Earth
Figure 19: Transcription of Text 14 of VA-243, Aries the Ram.
4.1 The use of entirely slant letters on the two horns of Aries anticipates Ogham, which uses
only slant lines. It resembles a method of counting with notched sticks.
4.1 On both horns, 23 prongs may represent the number of days in a month or moon, the
person to whom the text addresses. Spedicato estimated 21 days.
Old European Script
14.1 NA Urho, TÄ SE, TA TA MA,
14.2 PÄ Urho, TÄ Ä RA, I TA LY:
14.3 VA U Ä, MI; VA MI TU U; TA PE JÄ.
14.4 PÄ MA MI, NI KÄ U U, KÄ MU.
14.5 HÄ Ä; Ä MI KA KI MA Ä VI.
Finnish decipherment
14.1 Nauta urho; tähde see’n; taata taivon maan;
14.2 pää urhon; tähti äijin rauhan; ie taivas lydia:
14.3 Vaaii uu’ien äitien, miehien; vaatii miehen tuo’an urhon; tahtoo perhien jäädään.
14.4 Päättyy Maan mi, niin käy uuen urhon, kähytä muien.
14.5 Hääti Äitin; hääti miekan kia Maan äijineen vihoineen.
English translation
14.1 Bull champion, remnant of the seven, father of heaven and earth,
14.2 head of men, star of the greatest peace, first sky noble:
14.3 He demands new mothers and men; he demands any offspring of men; he wants the
families remaining.
14.4 He will finish Earth now, as well as fetch the new champion and poison others.
14.5 He evicted Mother; he evicted by sword settlement of Earth with great hostility.
Text 15, Skirt of Earth
All the men in carts going to the water were smashed, as were cattle, mangled into a pile of snot.
Seven sons of the great shaman were crushed by the strike from heaven. Now two men watch for
Storm. Yesterday, transportation to the water stopped.
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Translation Detail
Figure 20: Transcription of Text 15 of VA-243, Skirt of Earth.
15 This astounding section is written almost entirely with slanted letters. The skirt and shoes
looked so natural that I had no idea it was writing. Only close examination showed subtle
differences between strokes.
15.3 To compose a sentence with three TA’s in a row is amazing.
Old European Script
15.4 VI Ä E; I, VI SE.
Finnish decipherment
15.1 Kai urohot radihin taitettiin. Niin kaa miestä vahtivat
15.2 Sään. Ri’oi karjan niin, ruhjottiin faunioon räkään. See
15.3 poi’aa äijeän taian taitettiin taivon. Radi tehäjät äijäin
15.4 vievät äijen etehen; ikte, viejän seistiin.
English translation
15.1 All the men in carts were smashed; now two men watch
15.2 for Storm. It crushed the cattle as well, who were mangled into a pile of snot. Seven
15.3 sons of the great wizard were smashed by the heavens. Cart makers mostly
15.4 carry old men toward the water; yesterday, transporting was halted.
Text 16, Skirt of Storm
Sheep evaporated completely, as did carts, wizards and old men. Still, men slave away with
Page 21
Text 17, Skirt of Moon
Figure 21: Transcription of Text 16 of VA-243, Skirt of Earth.
The narrator / scribe seems to view men as a different group, ones that slave away; perhaps
the narrator is a woman, trained to read, write and observe.
16.3.2 and 16.3.4. This unique letter does not appear in other decipherments, a vertical letter.
From just this seal, it can’t be I, U, RA, NI, PE, VI, KA or KÄ, which leaves only Y.
Old European Script
16.1 U HA
16.2 I, NI RA, TA, Ä.
16.3 MI Y RA, Y RA.
Finnish decipherment
16.1 Uuhet haihtuivat
16.2 ihan, niin radit, taiat, äijat.
16.3 Miehet yhä raitistua, yhä raadetaan.
English translation
16.1 Sheep evaporated
16.2 completely; likewise, carts, wizards and old men.
16.3 Men still are invigorated, still slaving away.
Text 17, Skirt of Moon
Bombardment from remnants of the destruction of Mother (Tiamat) continue. People disperse to
survive. A council of wise men advises that hail will start again at dusk.
During the day, Earth acted as a shield from the expanding sphere of debris, but not at night. This
observation may date the subterranean settlements and tunnels on Earth to this period. Half the
day they could move about, half they hid underground. Hopi history says they moved in with ant
men who lived underground, someplace like Cappadocia in Turkey or the Egyptian tunnels in the
Grand Canyon, or the tunnels radiating from Lima. As Earth continued around its orbit, the
bombardment would shift to daytime.
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Translation Detail
Figure 22: Transcription of Text 17 of VA-243, Skirt of Moon.
17.3.3 Rare PY, formed from PI with curved teeth, just as Y is a curved I.
Old European Script
17.1 HA MI.
17.2 KÖ, SÄ, RA TÄ SÄ Ä.
17.3 RA MA PY KA.
17.4 Y-MI NE: Y TU RA.
Finnish decipherment
17.1 Hajoaa miehien.
17.2 Konttit, sa’et, ra’eet tähdet-ssa Äitin.
17.3 Rae maahan pyytää kaataa.
17.4 Yli-miehet neuvovat: yön tuo ra’heen.
English translation
17.1 It disperses the men.
17.2 Chunks, fire sparks and hailstones from the remains of Mother.
17.3 Hail against the earth desires to kill.
17.4 High men advise: dusk will bring hailstones.
Page 23
Text 17, Skirt of Moon
Cholidis, Dr. Nadja; Wissenschaftlich Angestelte, Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin. Supplied
image of both the cylinder seal and its impression.
Moortgat, Anton (1940); Vorderasiatische Rollsiegal (West Asian Cylinder Seals); Berlin
Vorderasiatische Museum. Page 101 has a photograph of the seal impression, plus the phonetics
and a translation of three text boxes: Dubsiga Ili-illat, ir-su, which he translated as ‘Dubsiga, Ili-
illat, your servant’. In Finnish, which is the language of the seal, TUPI SIKA ILI ILI-LAT IR SU
reads Tuopin sikan ylin yli-lat yrön su’u meaning ‘I bring a pig from beyond the highlands of
man clan’.
Sitchin, Zecharia (1976); The 12th Planet; Stein and Day. Includes a detailed photograph of VA-
243. He analyzes the sun symbol, which he relates to planet Nibiru, the 12th planet, arrived at by
counting planets around the sun symbol. The internet is filled with additional interpretations of
this symbol. He translated the period of Nibiru as 3600 years, an unfortunate error that has led
any number of people to look for a return of Planet X; he should have divided by 180 as required
with Sumerian astrological numbers. He created a history of Biblical giants who arrived with
Nibiru, described as flaming, sun-like, impossible to live on, but possibly riding on one of its
many moons. This history of arriving giants is conflated with the transfer by Nibiru of Tiamat’s
Moon to Earth.
Spedicato, Emilio (2012); From Nibiru to Tiamat, an astronomic scenario for earliest Sumerian
cosmology; Univ. of Bergamo, published on the web.
Ward, William Hayes (1910); The seal cylinders of western Asia; Carnegie Institute,
Washington. On page 134 Ward drew VA234, which shows a plow in great detail. As an aside,
he wondered about symbols of stars, weapons, a sacrificial goat and a ram standing amid
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