Activity 1 Objective
Activity 1 Objective
Activity 1 Objective
Graph paper, metric ruler
1. Draw a dot at the intersection of two lines near the bottom edge of a sheet of graph
paper. Label the dot “Start”.
2. Draw a second, similar dot near the top of the paper. Label this dot “End”.
3. Draw a path from the Start dot to the End dot. Choose any path that stays on the grid
4. Use a ruler to determine the distance of your path.
5. Use a ruler to determine the displacement from Start to End.
1 block East
1 block North
2 blocks East
3 blocks north
3 blocks west
Activity 3
A physics teacher walks 4 meters East, 2 meters South, 4 meters West, and
finally 2 meters North.
Draw the given positions
What is the Teacher’s Distance: __________ ?
Teacher’s Displacement: __________ ?
Activity 4
Law of Inertia
Cardboard hoop about 8-10 inches diameter
Glass soda bottle, nuts
Problem: How to get the nuts into the bottle without touching them.
A. Balance the hoop in the center of the bottle’s mouth and then balance the nut on the
hoop aligning it with center of the bottle’s mouth (hole).
B. Write the procedure on how did the nut get into the bottle (you may have several trials)
Guide Questions:
• What was the state of motion of the nut on top of the hoop?
• What keeps the nut on top of the hoop to stay on its state of motion?
• What did you do to get the nut into the bottle?
• What is/are the possible reason/s for doing so?
• What force is acting on the nuts?