Qsdn-Wise: A New Qos-Based Routing Protocol For Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
Qsdn-Wise: A New Qos-Based Routing Protocol For Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
Qsdn-Wise: A New Qos-Based Routing Protocol For Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
Received April 13, 2019, accepted May 5, 2019, date of publication May 9, 2019, date of current version May 22, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2915957
ABSTRACT Today, a wide variety of applications with different requirements are rapidly developed in
industrial wireless sensor networks, and providing the Quality of Service (QoS) for this kind of communi-
cation network is inevitable. It is difficult to solve the problems of poor adaptability and difficulty in the
implementation of the QoS-based network configuration and management in traditional network architec-
ture. We present a hierarchical software-defined network architecture for wireless sensor networks, which
makes the complex network management possible and the system more adaptable. Furthermore, we propose
a QoS-based routing protocol, called QSDN-WISE, which consists of a clustering algorithm, a routing
algorithm, and local network maintenance. A double-cluster head-based uneven clustering algorithm, called
DCHUC, avoids the energy hole phenomenon and reduces the workload of a single cluster head. The
centralized QSDN-WISE routing algorithm constructs two heterogeneous forwarding paths for nodes, which
meets the requirements for different data levels. Local network maintenance reduces the number of control
messages in the network. The simulation results indicate that the QSDN-WISE can provide the QoS support
for data with different requirements, balance the network energy consumption, and prolong the network’s
INDEX TERMS Wireless sensor networks, QSDN-WISE, DCHUC, clustering algorithm, energy hole,
routing algorithm, network lifetime.
2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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X. Tan et al.: QSDN-WISE: A New QoS-Based Routing Protocol for Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks
information [11], [12]. However, it is difficult to choose At present, the research on software-defined wireless sen-
the best path and achieve global optimization. Moreover, sor networks mainly focuses on the network management
the large number of control messages generated in distributed architectures. Research on routing protocol, especially QoS
routing protocols also has an impact on data forwarding. routing protocol based on SD-WSN, is still in the initial
(2) Many communication and computation resources are stage. In this paper, we propose a new QoS-based routing
required in the process of establishing and maintaining rout- protocol for software-defined wireless sensor networks called
ing for large-scale deployment of WSNs, which imposes QSDN-WISE that is based on SDN-WISE. The main contri-
great burdens on sensor nodes with limited energy, commu- butions of the current study are summarized as follows:
nication, and computation capabilities [13], [14]. (1) We develop a centralized architecture based on
(3) Energy, computation, and storage resources of sensor SDN-WISE, which makes the complex network management
nodes are limited, while the routing protocols satisfying the possible and the system more adaptable.
diversity of QoS for WSNs are often very complex [15], [16]. (2) We propose a double cluster head-based uneven clus-
Therefore, it is hard to achieve the configuration and manage- tering algorithm called DCHUC, which reduces the workload
ment of protocols. of cluster heads and avoids the energy hole problem.
(4) Routing protocols are developed and solidified in sen- (3) We present a QoS-based routing protocol based on
sor nodes by manufactures for specific applications of WSNs, SDN-WISE called QSDN-WISE, which can provide QoS
and they are therefore hard to upgrade or replace [17], [18]. support for data with different requirements.
This results in poor adaptability and reusability. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Therefore, new technologies must be introduced into the In Section 2, some related work on software-defined WSNs
applications of industrial WSNs to remedy the shortcomings is examined. Section 3 explains the data classification and
mentioned above. proposed SDN-based architecture for hierarchical WSNs.
The Software Defined Network (SDN) originates from the Section 4 presents QSDN-WISE in detail. The simulation
Clean Slate project of Stanford University, and is a new net- and analysis are shown in Section 5. Section 6 concludes this
work architecture that is one of the most promising solutions paper.
for the future Internet. In the SDN network, the logically cen-
tralized control plane is separated from the forwarding plane. II. RELATED WORK
The control plane manages and configures the network, and Numerous recent studies have focused on software-defined
deploys new network protocols in a programmable manner wireless sensor networks. In 2012, Luo and Mahmud almost
through open and unified interfaces. Network equipment only simultaneously proposed that SDN and WSN should be
forwards data according to the strategy sent from the con- integrated to solve the inherent problems in traditional
troller. Via the centralized control of SDN, the control plane WSNs, and became the pioneers of Software Defined WSN
can acquire network information, such as network topology research [25], [26]. Luo designed Sensor OpenFlow based
and traffic in time, so as to achieve more flexible and effective on OpenFlow protocol to separate the control plane from
management than the traditional network architecture. The the data plane of sensor nodes. Mahmud proposed a pro-
network equipment in SDN uses general hardware, so it is grammable sensor called Flow-Sensor and replaced the tradi-
more convenient to deploy, maintain, and upgrade the net- tional WSNs with software-defined WSNs, thus constructing
work [19]. SD-WSN with programmability and customization. In 2015,
As soon as it was proposed, SDN attracted wide atten- the research on software-defined wireless sensor networks
tions from academia and business circles for its innova- became a prevalent topic. Reference [27] uses standard-
tion and advantages, and it has achieved some theoretical ized commercial hardware and SDN technology to design
research results and practical application cases in wired net- a repeatable configurable WSN framework, which discards
works [20], [21]. After it proved successful in traditional the OpenFlow protocol, adopts loose-coupling method, and
wired networks, SDN was introduced into WSNs, Wireless endows sensor nodes with control functions partly. Each
Mesh Networks, and other wireless networks to improve sensor node in the framework executes policies through a
the overall performance of the network and reduce the microcontroller, and the parameters for the whole network are
cost of network management [22]. After substantial exper- configured globally through a centralized controller. Refer-
imentation, researchers have proven that centralized man- ence [28] proposes a new state-based SDN-WISE framework,
agement based on Software Defined WSN (SD-WSN) has which is designed not only to reduce the amount of data
more advantages in the aspects of sensor node simplifi- exchanging between the controller and sensor, but also to
cation, efficient network management and diagnosis, and make sensors support a state-based programmable mode by
network parameter configuration, among others, compared finite state machine. In this way, sensor nodes in SDN-WISE
with the traditional distributed management of WSNs [23]. can run operations that are not supported in stateless solu-
Furthermore, centralized management based on SD-WSN tions. In addition, SDN-WISE provides intact communication
has been considered to better adapt to the future develop- protocols and API interfaces, which provides a potential basis
ment of WSNs, and this view has been widely accepted by for its further research and development. The SDN-WISE
academia [24]. protocol stack is illustrated in Fig.1. Reference [29] proposes
DCHUC includes two processes: the election of cluster head TABLE 2. Pseudo-code of cluster head election.
and the clustering of ordinary nodes.
In the clustering process of a certain type of cluster, if there FIGURE 4. Non-uniform clustering map of DCHUC.
is only one cluster head in the competition radius of an
ordinary node, this ordinary node will directly become a
member of the cluster in which the cluster head is located.
However, there may be multiple cluster heads within the
competition radius of an ordinary node. In order to solve this
problem, this paper defines clustering strength as shown in
eq. (6). DCHUC calculates the clustering strength of each
cluster in its competition radius for the node in this situation,
and chooses to join the cluster with the highest clustering
Sincluster = θEresidual (nj ) + , θ ∈ (0, 1) (6)
dni −nj
to eq. (7).
αk × NC(nj ) + βk × (1 − LS(nj ))
OFk (ni ) = ,
Eresidual (nj )
(dnj −Sink < dni −Sink ) (7)
In eq. (7), Eresidual (nj ) indicates that the node with high
residual energy should be selected as its next hop; NC(nj ) FIGURE 6. Upward routing tree for data level 2.
indicates that the node with low node congestion should be
selected as its next hop if the data sent by the node requires
low latency; LS(nj ) indicates that the node with high link from the sensor node to the sink node by setting αk and
stability should be selected as its next hop if the data sent βk for different types of data. The control information sent
by the node requires high reliability; dnj −Sink < dni −Sink from the sink node to the sensor nodes requires high real-
indicates that the node that should be selected as its next hop time capability and reliability, so the downward routing from
is the node with a distance from the sink that is less than the the sink node to the sensor node is based on the routing tree
distance between ni and the sink. Finally, αk and βk denote of data level 1, and the reverse routing tree is established.
the weight parameters of the k th data type, and their values Considering the high energy consumption of sensor nodes
range from [0,1]. We can conclude that the value of αk should in the area near the sink node due to the requirement of
be greater than that of βk for an important or emergency forwarding much more data, the communication radius of the
data type, while the value of αk should be less than that of sink node is increased and the best next hop of the sink node
βk for a non-emergency data type. In this paper, we set the in one hop range is chosen by eq. (7), so as to complete the
weight parameters as follows: the value of αk is set to 1 for reverse routing. Fig. 6 shows the final upward routing tree for
the data type with real-time requirement, otherwise it is set data level 2.
to 0; the value of βk is set to 1 for the data type with high
reliability requirement, otherwise it is set to 0. Table 4 lists D. MAINTENANCE FOR CLUSTERS AND ROUTING
the corresponding values of αk and βk for the 4 data levels Distributed clustering and routing algorithms in traditional
that are adopted in this paper. network architecture often adopt periodic cluster head rota-
The controller uses the objective function (OF) to choose tion and backbone network reconstruction. This process
the best next hop for each type of data of each backbone results in the periodic generation of a large number of control
node. Routing algorithms supporting QoS for WSN usually messages, which not only consumes too much node energy,
adopt different OF formulas for different types of data, which but also interferes with the transmission of monitoring data.
increases the complexity of the routing algorithm and param- Although the IRPL routing protocol adopts event-triggered
eter configuration. In contrast, QSDN-WISE uses a unified cluster head rotation and a local routing maintenance mech-
OF formula and meets the QoS requirements of different anism, which reduces the number of periodically controlled
types of data by only adjusting the two weight parameters messages, a large number of control messages will still be
of αk and βk , which reduces the complexity of the routing generated in the network when the event is triggered. QSDN-
algorithm. WISE adopts event-triggered cluster head rotation and a local
QSDN-WISE satisfies different QoS requirements for dif- routing maintenance mechanism, and implements a central-
ferent types of data by setting different values of αk and βk . ized algorithm at the controller side, which avoids the gener-
In Table 4, the objective function of αk = 1 and βk = 0 ation of a large number of control messages when the event
satisfies the low-latency QoS requirement of data level 2, is triggered, thus improving network performance.
i.e. choosing the node with high residual energy and low After the network initialization process of QSDN-WISE is
node congestion degree as the next hop. If αk = 0 and completed, sensor nodes in the network regularly send state
βk = 0, it indicates that QSDN-WISE chooses the next hop information, such as node residual energy, node congestion,
while only considering the node residual energy factor, which and link stability, to the controller so that the controller
satisfies the QoS requirement of the data level 4 without can keep up-to-date global network information. Because of
requirements for time delay and packet loss rate. Therefore, the small amount of data of node status information and
the controller constructs an independent upward routing tree the absence of a broadcasting mode, the network storm
are the type of the cluster heads. 0 is the cluster head with
low data congestion, and 1 is the cluster head with high link
stability. The 14th , 15th , 18th , and 19th bytes are the addresses
of two types of cluster heads.
A hierarchical software-defined wireless sensor network
FIGURE 15. Comparison of end-to-end delay.
architecture and a QoS-based clustering routing protocol
called QSDN-WISE are proposed in this paper to solve
the problems of poor adaptability and difficulty in network
configuration and management, and support QoS in tradi-
tional network architecture for wireless sensor networks. The
DCHUC clustering algorithm in QSDN-WISE adopts a non-
uniform clustering mechanism to avoid an energy hole in
the "hot spot" network area. The double cluster head mech-
anism with a low time delay and high reliability reduces
the workload of a single cluster head, and implements QoS
requirements for the data in clusters. Based on data clas-
sification, the centralized QSDN-WISE routing algorithm
considers residual energy, node congestion degree, link sta-
bility, and distance between nodes as parameters to choose
FIGURE 16. Comparison of network lifetime. the next hop for nodes, and builds two heterogeneous for-
warding paths for nodes, to meet the requirements of different
data classes. Simulation results show that the QSDN-WISE
forward data of all levels in the cluster to the same relay node. clustering routing protocol can not only balance the energy
When the relay node forwards data, the processing delay of consumption of WSN, but also provides QoS support for data
the node will increase, and the processing delay accumu- with different QoS requirements, and compared with SDN-
lated during multi-hop forwarding will increase significantly. WISE, SDN-DMRP, and IRPL, QSDN-WISE exhibits good
SDN-DMRP adopts multi-path routing based on the shortest performance in energy saving, end-to-end delay, packet loss
path, so the time delay is less than that in SDN-WISE, but rate, and control of the number of messages.
still greater than that of CLASS1 and CLASS2 in QSDN-
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GUANGJIE HAN (S’03–M’05–SM’18) received WENBO ZHANG received the Ph.D. degree in
the Ph.D. degree from Northeastern University, computer science and technology from Northeast-
Shenyang, China, in 2004. From 2004 to 2005, ern University, China, in 2006. He is currently
he was a Product Manager with ZTE Company. a Professor with the School of Information Sci-
From 2005 to 2006, he was the Key Account ence and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong Univer-
Manager with Huawei Company. In 2008, he fin- sity, China. He has published over 100 papers
ished his work as a Postdoctoral Researcher with in related international conferences and journals.
the Department of Computer Science, Chonnam His current research interests are ad hoc networks,
National University, Gwangju, South Korea. From sensor networks, satellite networks, and embedded
2010 to 2011, he was a Visiting Research Scholar systems. He received the ICINIS 2011 Best Paper
with Osaka University, Suita, Japan. In 2017, he was a Visiting Professor Awards and up to nine Science and Technology Awards, including the
with City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is currently a Professor National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Youth Science
with the Department of Information and Communication System, Hohai Uni- and Technology Awards from the China Ordnance Society. He has served on
versity, Changzhou, China, and a Distinguished Professor with the Qingdao the editorial boards of up to ten journals, including the Chinese Journal of
University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China. He is the author of Electronics and the Journal of Astronautics.
over 330 papers published in related international conference proceedings
and journals, including the IEEE COMST, IEEE TMC, IEEE TIE, IEEE TII,
COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE Communications Magazine, and IEEE NETWORK and
the holder of 125 patents. His H-index is 32 and i10-index is 90 in Google
Citation (Google Scholar). Total citation of his papers by other people is more
than 4426 times. His current research interests include the Internet of Things,
the industrial Internet, machine learning and artificial intelligence, mobile
computing, security, and privacy. He received the ComManTel 2014, Com-
ComAP 2014, Chinacom 2014, and Qshine 2016 Best Paper Awards. He has TENG ZHU received the B.S. degree in computer
served as the Co-chair for more than 50 international conferences/workshops science and technology from Shenyang Ligong
and as a Technical Program Committee Member of more than 150 confer- University, China, in 2016, where he is currently
ences. He has served on the editorial boards of up to 16 international journals, pursuing the master’s degree with the School of
including the IEEE JSAC, IEEE NETWORK, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, IEEE Information Science and Engineering. His current
ACCESS, IEEE/CCA JAS, and Telecommunication Systems. He has guest research interest includes software-defined net-
edited a number of special issues in IEEE journals and magazines, includ- work (SDN)-based network management technol-
ing the IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, ogy for wireless sensor networks.
has served as a Reviewer for more than 60 journals.