Transcript of Proposal For SMART Motor Two Wheeler - Package Policy
Transcript of Proposal For SMART Motor Two Wheeler - Package Policy
Transcript of Proposal For SMART Motor Two Wheeler - Package Policy
This is to inform you that the contract under policy number S8682565 has been finalized, based on the information and
declaration provided by you, the transcript whereof is mentioned below. We request your confirmation of the same. We
would request you to get in touch with us within 10 days in case of any disagreement or any changes with respect to
information mentioned below. Please note that the policy has been issued based on the details mentioned in this transcript.
We advise you to please ensure that you have provided/disclosed and or not withheld any material facts/information and
declarations, as Policy becomes Void initio if material facts are not provided/disclosed and or withheld and in such case no
claim, if any, will be considered by us apart from forfeiture of the premium.
I.Proposer details
Registration Number Vehicle Make/ Model/ Sub Type Year of Manufacture Fuel Type
Seat Cap. CC Vehicle Insured Elec Acc Non Elec Acc CNG/LPG Unit Total Insured Declared
Declared Value INR Value INR
III.Coverages Opted
1. Period of Insurance: From 17/3/2018 00:00 hrs To 16/3/2019 Midnight
2. Is your vehicle fitted with LPG/CNG kit: No
3. Electrical Accessories cover opted(If Applicable):No
4. Non-Electrical Accessories cover opted(If Applicable):No
5. Is Voluntary Excess opted: No
Amount of voluntary excess opted: INR 0.00
6.Provision for Nominee of PA cover provided to owner-driver:
7. Is any additional compulsory deductible imposed and agreed upon: No.
Amount of additional compulsory deductible imposed: NA
8.Whether geographical area extension is opted: No
Details of Countries to which geographical area extension cover is given : NA
9. Is LL to person for Paid driver/Operation/Maintenance opted: No
10.Whether PA cover is opted for paid driver other than owner driver: Yes
Sum Insured for Paid Driver:INR 100,000.00
11.Whether PA cover is opted for passengers: No
Sum Insured per Passenger: INR 0
12.Is TPPD restricted to statutory limit of INR 6000? No
13. Premium for Liability coverage, quoted and agreed upon is : INR 770
14.Premium for OD coverage, quoted and agreed upon is:INR 243.00
15. Total Premium (excluding Service Tax and Education Cess) for Liability and OD coverages, quoted and agreed upon is:
INR 1162.16
16. NCB(No Claim Bonus) claimed by you and granted by us based on your declaration of no claim during your previous
policy: 142.84
17. About the last insurance company
(i)Insurance Provider: IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Co. Ltd.
(ii)Previous Policy No: 1-DLROUES (iii)Policy Expiry Date: 2018-03-16
18. Whether your vehicle is Hypothecated and if so,the details of Pledgee whose name is registered by us: No
Name of Pledgee: NA
19.Whether LL to employee is Opted: No
20.Whether vehicle fitted with anti-theft devices:No
21.Add on Cover(s) Opted: Yes
Please feel free to contact any of our policy servicing branches as mentioned on our Website for any queries. Alternatively
you could call us or mail us on the details provided below.
Authorized Signatory