3D Printing of Personalized Artificial Bone Scaffolds
3D Printing of Personalized Artificial Bone Scaffolds
3D Printing of Personalized Artificial Bone Scaffolds
Additive manufacturing technologies, including three-dimensional printing (3DP), have unlocked new possibilities for bone
tissue engineering. Long-term regeneration of normal anatomic structure, shape, and function is clinically important subsequent
to bone trauma, tumor, infection, nonunion after fracture, or congenital abnormality. Due to the great complexity in structure
and properties of bone across the population, along with variation in the type of injury or defect, currently available treatments
for larger bone defects that support load often fail in replicating the anatomic shape and structure of the lost bone tissue. 3DP
could provide the ability to print bone substitute materials with a controlled chemistry, shape, porosity, and topography, thus
allowing printing of personalized bone grafts customized to the patient and the specific clinical condition. 3DP and related
fabrication approaches of bone grafts may one day revolutionize the way clinicians currently treat bone defects. This article gives
a brief overview of the current advances in 3DP and existing materials with an emphasis on ceramics used for 3DP of bone
scaffolds. Furthermore, it addresses some of the current limitations of this technique and discusses potential future directions
and strategies for improving fabrication of personalized artificial bone constructs.
Division of Musculoskeletal Sciences, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, and 5Department
of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Penn State College of Engineering, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Chemistry Department, Eberly College of Science, and 4Materials Science and Engineering, College of
Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
56 3D PRINTING MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • VOL. 2 NO. 2 • 2015 • DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2015.0001
Personalized 3D-Printed Bone Scaffolds
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Table 1. Examples of several additive manufacturing techniques used to fabricate scaffolds for
bone tissue engineering
AM technology Printing materials Advantages Disadvantages References
Summary of different biomaterials used along with advantages and disadvantages between various additive manufacturing (AM) techniques.
and finer size granules permit formation between the nanoparticles, increased the of 6, 18, 29, 35, and 50 μm size. Their
of thin powder layers enabling higher interparticle distance, reduced van der results revealed that it was difficult to
resolution.19 However, fine powder can Waals forces, and improved flowability. print with particles that were either too
agglomerate due to attractive interactions Thus, a trade-off between flowability and small or too large (6 or 50 μm) due to
between spherical particles (van der Waals resolution is unavoidable. Seitz et al.22 issues with low flowability and powder
forces)21 that can dominate gravitational recommends using spherical granules bed stability, respectively. They concluded
forces and reduce flowability, resulting in (e.g., CaP) of mean diameter below that an optimal particle size range for
poor compaction and unacceptable 100 μm to ensure good resolution. getting good printability was between 20
powder bed recoating. However, Butscher Butscher et al.21 conducted a systematic and 35 μm.
et al.21 also subjected their fine powder to evaluation of powder properties such as
plasma treatment with monomer powder size and flowability in order to In the second 3DP step, the print head
hexamethyldisiloxane, which deposited better understand the effect of these sprays binder solution droplets on the
tiny point-like nanostructures on the characteristics on printability of CaP. powder bed in several passes guided by
powder surface that acted as spacers They fabricated and tested CaP powders a CAD file. The final part consists of
58 3D PRINTING MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • VOL. 2 NO. 2 • 2015 • DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2015.0001
Personalized 3D-Printed Bone Scaffolds
material only at these specific locations. synthetic (e.g., polylactic acid) or 3DP allows manufacturing bone scaffolds
The binder solution can be an organic or naturally occurring (starch, dextrose, with scalability, different anatomical
aqueous solution (e.g., phosphoric acid23 collagen, etc.). Synthetic polymers have geometries, and porosity. Calcium
or dextrin24) that can not only wet the better mechanical properties, quality phosphate bind to living bone, giving
surrounding powder, but also locally control, and degradation rates compared these materials advantages as bone
harden the wetted area.25,26 Binder drop to natural polymers. However, they lack scaffold material. Klammert et al.35
volume and wettability are important integrin - binding ligands and have fabricated brushite (di CaP dihydrate)
parameters to consider before printing. hydrophobic surfaces resulting in lower and monetite (di CaP anhydrous) 3D
Binder wettability influences the green cell proliferation,29 which may necessitate scaffolds to demonstrate the capability of
strength (the initial strength after their surfaces to be modified with 3DP for reconstruction of cranial defects
printing but before postprocessing steps) receptors or hydrophilic coatings. and concluded that 3DP implants
of the printed object, and is directly Natural polymers are hydrophilic and complied with the geometric requirements
related to the powder particle surface can be used with water-based binders, and provided an adequate fit. These
energy, chemistry, and binder viscosity. whereas synthetic polymers require investigators fabricated anatomically
Excessive wetting characteristics can lead organic solvents like chloroform. 19 shaped scaffolds using CAD files
to binder droplet spreading to a larger Collagen is a main organic constituent of generated by scanning a human cadaver
area than specified by the CAD file, bone, and collagen scaffolds demonstrate skull having specific cranial defects. Tada
resulting in poor resolution. 19 excellent biological performance in vivo et al.36 fabricated HA-TCP implants for
Additionally, plasma treatment can due to their high porosity, permeability, reconstruction of facial deformities by
impact wetting characteristics of the and biocompatibility. However, collagen utilizing three-dimensional patient CT
finer particles allowing binder droplets scaffolds are weak and compliant.29 data that were transferred to create a
to displace them.27 Printing thinner life-sized CAD model of the defect,
layers utilizes higher shear forces for which in turn was used for shaping the
Due to their excellent biocompatibility
recoating that require powder bed artificial HA-TCP bone implant. They
and osteoconductivity, CaP ceramic
stabilization. This necessitates applying concluded that anatomically shaped
powders, with acid binders such as
water moisture to the top powder layer templates and implants helped in
phosphoric acid/citric acid, are used
leading to rearrangement of fine powders optimizing the implant design and
widely in bone tissue engineering.13,14,23,30
due to capillary effects.27 resulted in better contouring in cases
There are two main approaches to using
with complex defects. Temple et al.37
ceramic powders in the context of 3DP. In
In the third step, following binder demonstrated feasibility of 3DP
the first approach, sacrificial polymeric
deposition, the printed 2D layer is polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with
binders (that pyrolyze upon sintering)19
allowed to dry. In this step, a new layer of varying pore diameters having the shape
are used to improve green strength. In the
powder is also rolled over the printed of human mandibular and maxillary
second, the binder dissolves ceramic
layer following drying, in order to form bones. Grayson et al.38 successfully
particles and forms new crystals that then
a powder bed for the next binder developed decellularized bone scaffolds
interdigitate, forming stiffer ceramic
deposition. The above three steps are that were shaped based on human
networks. Composite materials such as
repeated iteratively until the final 3D temporomandibular joints, were seeded
combinations of ceramic (TCP), Bio-
part is printed in a layer-by-layer manner. with human mesenchymal stem cells,
Glass, or polymers (natural polymers like
and were provided appropriate bioreactor
collagen) have also been studied for use
The fourth and last step is de-powdering systems for the maturation of the graft
in 3DP. Composites can be formed either
of the 3D printed part in order to remove before implantation.
during printing using a polymeric binder
any loose powder from the printed body.
with ceramic powder31 or by initially
Postprocessing steps such as sintering19 Seitz et al.13,14,39 investigated the feasibility
starting with a ceramic/polymer powder
and polymer infiltration15,28 have also of fabricating 3DP HA scaffolds with
blend32 and an acid binder. However,
been applied in the case of ceramic 3DP complex internal structures and high
powder and binder materials need to be
to improve mechanical properties, for resolution, using a water-soluble polymer
selected with care as free radical initiators
example, compressive strength, of the binder (Schelofix) and sintering. They
after printing can compromise
printed part or to form a polymer– demonstrated that fabrication of
ceramic composite better mimicking cylindrical scaffolds with inner channel
bone’s natural structure. Sintering at high dimensions down to 450 μm was possible
temperatures, however, produces In Vitro and In Vivo Testing and allowed for osteointegration. 13
significant shrinkage of the printed part. of 3DP Bone Scaffolds Additionally, osteoblastic MT3T3-E1
This must be compensated for by cells attached, proliferated, and
increasing dimensions in the initial CAD Synthetic bone grafts with the greatest maintained their morphology on 3DP
model,24 as shrinkage may change the potential to be efficacious are three- HA scaffolds.14 Another study39 looking
desired resolution. dimensional, biocompatible, and at biocompatibility of 3DP HA, TCP, and
bioresorbable. Grafts should possess bovine HA blocks found, using human
A range of materials, including polymers, sufficient mechanical properties and yet periosteal cells, that 3DP TCP and
ceramics, and composites, can be used be porous, to permit the flow of nutrients, bovine HA blocks were biocompatible.
for 3DP. Polymeric materials can be vascularization, and bone ingrowth.1,16,33,34 These findings are important for bone
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Jariwala et al.
augmentation as periosteal cells are Limitations and Future the postprocessing steps and may result
directly in contact with biomaterials in in vivo cytotoxicity. Thus, selection of
in many situations. Castilho et al.23
Prospects a more biocompatible binder–powder
fabricated 3D biphasic CaP (BCP) With AM techniques, the overall combination is required. Use of
scaffolds using a hydraulic setting resolution achievable with current polymeric binders that can be resorbed
reaction of HA- TCP powders systems and the range of useable during the postprocessing steps could
incorporating phosphoric acid and materials for developing prototypes are be one way to address this problem.
posttreatment with polylactic-co-glycolic two limiting characteristics. From an Composites of ceramics using resorbable
acid solution. They demonstrated that engineering perspective, overcoming low glass materials to enhance mechanical
osteoblastic MG63 cell proliferation was mechanical strength, limited resolution, properties could be another potential
greater on BCP composites compared to and slow degradation of 3DP structures solution. The composite scaffold
pure HA or TCP scaffolds. Becker et al.24 are major challenges in developing approach is promising for generation of
fabricated 3DP HA and TCP blocks, as porous ceramic and composite scaffolds stronger, more ductile, ceramic scaffolds,
well as a bovine HA blocks with a central for bone substitutes. Poor mechanical but differences among cortical and
channel, using dextrin as a binder properties can render the ceramic 3DP trabecular bone structures still require
solution for intramuscular bone scaffolds unsuitable for high-load- functionally graded materials, with local
induction in a rat model. They found bearing applications. 3DP HA scaffolds variations in material composition and
that HA and TCP blocks induced new impregnated with bis-GMA43 and TCP- mechanical properties, to be developed.
bone formation demonstrating in vivo sintered scaffolds31 were shown to
biocompatibility. improve mechanical properties. A 10- Micro- and nanoscale features of a
fold increase in compression strength scaffold may also have important effects
More recently, Inzana et al.40 fabricated a (76 MPa) of 3DP TCP and tetra CaP on osseointegration of the scaffold. For
CaP and collagen composite 3D scaffold (TTCP) scaffolds has been reported by instance, osteoblastic and preosteoblastic
using phosphoric acid binder to optimize Khalyfa et al. with sintering as compared cells have been shown to respond in vitro
the cytocompatibility and material to untreated scaffolds (0.7 MPa).28 They to specific nanotopographical features
parameters of 3DP ceramics. Using a also infiltrated the sintered scaffolds with that replicate bone’s native surface
murine segmental defect model, new bismethacrylated oligolactide macromer structure.44,45 Similar features were
bone formation that proceeded primarily (DLM - 1), containing 10 wt % of associated with improved healing of a
through the intramedullary canal was 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate as co- critical-sized defect in vivo.46 Therefore,
demonstrated. They also demonstrated monomer and observed increases in it may be advantageous to replicate in
periosteal bone formation that the compression strength to 54 MPa as scaffolds the nanotopographical features
incorporated the degrading scaffold compared to untreated scaffolds (slightly of bone’s native surface. However,
material. The biocompatibility and lower than sintered scaffolds). Gbureck scaffolds with nanotopographical
resorbability of 3DP scaffolds, using pure et al. 33 reported an increase in features require higher spatial resolution
HA, β-TCP, and a mixture of HA and compressive strength of biphasic TCP than current 3DP can generally provide.
TCP, was also studied using pre- scaffolds from 0.9 to 8.7 MPa (30 wt% One approach to improving the
osteoclastic RAW264.7 cells.41 RAW264.7 acid concentration) with increasing resolution of 3DP would be to use fine
differentiated into osteoclast-like cells concentrations of phosphoric acid powder granules with higher flowability,
that resorbed CaP surfaces, but large binder. They also observed a fourfold and include an optimal binder solution
lacunae formation was observed only increase in compressive strength from and binder drop volume to avoid
on the surface of biphasic HA-TCP 5.3 MPa to more than 22 MPa, with aggregation of finer powder particles
composites. This illustrates the influence 20 wt% acid concentration, after repeated that would result in a lower resolution.
of phase composition on resorption of postprinting hardening in diluted
ceramic 3D scaffolds.41 Furthermore, phosphoric acid. Another approach to increasing 3DP
Konopnicki et al.42 fabricated 3DP 50% resolution would be to incorporate
PCL and 50% TCP composite scaffolds particles of a nanoscale size into the 3DP
seeded with porcine bone marrow However, with sintering the minimum “ink” to create nanoscale patterns. This
progenitor cells (pBMP) and implanted pore size achieved thus far, without approach is based on previous work
them for 8 weeks into mandibular defects affecting the resolution of the printed showing that specific nanotopographies
in minipigs. Unseeded scaffolds were ceramic, is 300 μm.28 Also, one of the (60–80 nm but not 15–25 or over
used as controls. They found that outcomes of sintering is nonuniform 100 nm), fabricated from HA, increase
TCP/PCL scaffolds seeded with pBMPs shrinkage, which makes it difficult to adhesion, proliferation, and osteoblastic
provided good bone penetration into the mimic cortical and trabecular bone differentiation of mesenchymal stem
scaffold. They also observed angiogenesis structure as porosities in the scaffold will cells.46 These nanotopographies refer to a
at the center of the construct and around change during sintering. Most polymeric mixed and variable topography, containing
newly formed bone. These studies binders work well in improving strength bumps, islands, and fractal patterns, as
demonstrate the feasibility of using 3D and ductility in the powder–binder shown in Figure 2. The 25–30 nm coating
ink-jet printing for fabricating bone composite materials; however, polymeric had primary islands (900 nm in
scaffolds and also demonstrate their binders are capable of producing residues diameter), and the 50–60 nm coatings
in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility. that might not be easily removed during had secondary islands (200 nm in
60 3D PRINTING MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • VOL. 2 NO. 2 • 2015 • DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2015.0001
Personalized 3D-Printed Bone Scaffolds
Figure 2. Schematic of the different HA nanotopographies (25–30, 50–60, and 100–120 nm) We are developing a technique wherein
showing the varied fractal patterns and islands. Secondary island formation was observed piezo-electric (SonoPlot, SonoPlot, Inc.,
with 50–60 nm topography, while tertiary islands were observed on the 100–120 nm Middleton, WI) 3DP (Fig. 3) is used
topography. to print a suspension of calcium
Figure 3. Schematic of a 3DP approach to develop personalized bone scaffolds with a lip that matches the cross section geometry of the
defect. (a) A micro-CT scan of the patient or animal model, combined with computer modeling and design, can be used to obtain the
geometry of the defect that can be replicated during the bone graft fabrication. The personalized lip would provide additional support and
fixation. (b) Illustration of the piezo-electric 3D printer. (c) Schematic showing the process of piezo-electric 3DP. The ultrasonic vibrations via
the piezoelectric are used to deploy the colloidal suspension of calcium phosphosilicate particles of different diameters (20–100 nm) in
MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. • VOL. 2 NO. 2 • 2015 • DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2015.0001 3D PRINTING 61
Jariwala et al.
This work was supported by National
Center for Research Resources grant KL2
TR000126 (GSC), National Institute of
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases
grant R01 AR54937 (HJD), and the
Figure 4. Computer-generated image of the proposed personalized artificial bone scaffold Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
with 3D nanotopography. The balls are calcium phosphosilicate nanoparticles that can range (HJD).
in diameters of 10–100 nm. We envision that particles of only one given size would be used in
a given construct. As the construct is resorbed, the nanotopographic surface would remain
Author Disclosure Statement
phosphosilicate particles of different biomaterials not amenable to 3DP. In this No competing financial interests exist.
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