This document is a course list for the 2018 Fall semester at the School of Visual Arts undergraduate program. It lists courses by department and includes information like course codes, titles in Korean and English, credit hours, and prerequisites. Some notable courses include Art History 2 on Asian art and artistic imagination, Photography and Video, Practical English courses, and developing teaching programs on visual arts and design. Studio courses and creative workshops are also offered for fine arts students in their 2nd and 3rd years.
This document is a course list for the 2018 Fall semester at the School of Visual Arts undergraduate program. It lists courses by department and includes information like course codes, titles in Korean and English, credit hours, and prerequisites. Some notable courses include Art History 2 on Asian art and artistic imagination, Photography and Video, Practical English courses, and developing teaching programs on visual arts and design. Studio courses and creative workshops are also offered for fine arts students in their 2nd and 3rd years.
This document is a course list for the 2018 Fall semester at the School of Visual Arts undergraduate program. It lists courses by department and includes information like course codes, titles in Korean and English, credit hours, and prerequisites. Some notable courses include Art History 2 on Asian art and artistic imagination, Photography and Video, Practical English courses, and developing teaching programs on visual arts and design. Studio courses and creative workshops are also offered for fine arts students in their 2nd and 3rd years.
This document is a course list for the 2018 Fall semester at the School of Visual Arts undergraduate program. It lists courses by department and includes information like course codes, titles in Korean and English, credit hours, and prerequisites. Some notable courses include Art History 2 on Asian art and artistic imagination, Photography and Video, Practical English courses, and developing teaching programs on visual arts and design. Studio courses and creative workshops are also offered for fine arts students in their 2nd and 3rd years.
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2018 Fall Semester Courselist
School of Visual Arts - Undergraduate
Class Hour Open to Dept. Class within Univ. Year Code Course Title(Ko) Course Title(En) Credit (Major) Type Theory Studio None other other all other major dept. school
All Dept. 미술사 2 2 3 0 ○
R 1 F101052 Art History 2 (Asian Art and Artistic Imagination) Foundation (동양미술과 미적 상상력) 2 3 0 ○
Fine Arts, Fine Arts 2 2 0 ○
1~3, 2 2 0 ○ Design, MR Design, F101101 미술과과학 Art and Science Art Theory Art Theory 2 2 0 ○ Foundation 1 2 2 0 ○ 3 0 4 ○ ○ Fine Arts ME 1 F113231 사진과영상 Photography and Video 3 0 4 ○ ○ Foundation 3 0 4 ○ ○ F103071 실용영어회화 Practical English Conversation 1 2 0 ○ All Dept. F103081 영어미디어청취 Screen English 1 2 0 ○ ME 1 (Foundation) F103101 실용영문법및영작문 Practical English Grammar and Writing 1 2 0 ○ F103111 영어베스트셀러읽기와쓰기 English Bestseller Reading and Writing 1 2 0 ○ Culture and Art Education Instructor Track (level 2) Fine Arts ME 1-4 FA01000 미술교육프로그램개발 Developing Teaching Programs on Visual Arts 2 2 0 ○ Art Theory Design ME 1-4 FA01030 디자인 교육 프로그램 개발 Developing Teaching Programs on Design 2 2 0 O Courselist by Department 1,2 F112212 현대미술의 쟁점 2 Issues of Modern Art 2 2 2 0 ○ 4 0 6 ○ F112361 3차원에서 4차원 Three and Four Dimensional Concepts 4 0 6 ○ 4 0 6 ○ 4 0 6 ○ 1 F112371 창의적 관점과 사고 Creative Process 4 0 6 ○ 4 0 6 ○ 4 0 6 ○ FA00410 드로잉의 이해 Understanding of Drawing 4 0 6 ○ 4 0 6 ○ 3 0 4 ○ 2 F112303 창작워크샵 2 Creative Workshop 2 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ 2 2 0 ○ FA00710 한국현대미술사 Korean Contemporary Art History 2 2 0 ○ 2 2 0 ○ 2 2 0 ○ F112222 현대작가연구 2 Study of Contemporary Artists 2 2 2 0 ○ ○ ○ 2 2 0 ○ ○ ○ MR 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 3 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ F112192 스튜디오 2 Studio 2 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 4 F112194 스튜디오 4 Studio 4 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ 5 0 6 ○ All FA00990 몸 워크숍 Mind-Body : Practice of Physical Activity 1 0 1 ○ FA00722 미술과문화A 2 Art and Culture A 2 2 2 0 ○ ○ 3,4 Fine Arts FA00732 미술과문화B 2 Art and Culture B 2 2 2 0 ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114592 회화A 2 Traditional Painting 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114602 회화B 2 Painting 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114052 기초판화 2 Basic Print Making 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114612 조소 2 Figure Sculpture 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 2 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ F112122 창작사진 2 Creative Photography 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ FA00672 비디오편집과디지털이미징 2 Video Editing and Digital Imaging 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ F114632 기초도자 2 Basic Ceramics 2 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ FA00740 기초유리블로잉 Basic Glass Blowing 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ ME 3 0 4 ○ FA00750 기초유리캐스팅 Basic Glass Casting 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F113102 회화 2 Paintings 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F113342 창작판화 2 Print Making 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114722 창작드로잉 2 Creative Drawing 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ F114202 조각연구 2 Sculpture 2 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ F114830 사진과홀로그래피 2 Photography & Holography 2 3 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ FA00682 미디어아트-프로그래밍 2 Media Art-Programing 2 3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ 3 0 4 ○ F113320 도자 Ceramic 3 0 4 ○ 3 0 4 ○ FA01060 유리캐스팅 Glass-Casting 3
FA01060 유리캐스팅 Glass-Casting
3 0 4 ○ ○ ○ FA01192 퍼포먼스 2 Performance 2 2 0 3 ○ FA01202 무빙이미지 창작 워크숍 2 Moving Image Creative Workshop 2 2 0 3 ○ F113132 독립연구A 2 Independent Study A 1 3 0 4 ○ 4 F113142 독립연구B 2 Independent Study B 1 3 0 4 ○ F113150 전시기획 Exhibition Curating 2 0 3 ○ FA00762 그래픽 내러티브 2 Graphic Narrative 2 2 0 3 ○ FA01092 기초 운송디자인 2 Basic Transportation Design 2 2 0 3 ○ FA00770 기초 제품디자인 2 Basic Product Design 2 2 0 3 ○ 1 FA00231 기초 인터랙션디자인 2 Basic Interaction Design 2 2 0 3 ○ FA01102 기초 영상&그래픽디자인 2 Basic Multimedia & Graphic Design 2 2 0 3 ○ 2 0 3 ○ F123592 기초 디지털설계&모델링2 Basic Digital Design & Modeling 2 2 0 3 ○ F122500 디자인사 Design History 2 3 0 ○ ○ FA01111 포트폴리오 진급 심사 1 Portfolio Advancement Review 1 2 0 2 ○ FA00462 조형과 제품2 Form & Object 2 3 0 4 ○ FA00572 인터랙션디자인 2 Interaction Design 2 3 0 4 ○ 2 FA00792 기초 커뮤니케이션디자인 2 Basic Communication Design 2 3 0 4 ○ FA00142 영상디자인 2 Multimedia Design 2 2 0 3 ○ F123292 디자인과 표현 2 Design and Expression 2 2 0 3 ○ F124032 타이포그래피 2 Typography 2 2 0 3 ○ FA00484 문화와 디자인 리뷰 2 Culture and Design Review 2 3 4 0 ○ FA01112 포트폴리오 진급 심사 2 Portfolio Advancement Review 2 2 0 2 ○ MR 4 0 6 ○ FA00542 오브젝트 디자인 스튜디오 2 Object Design Studio 2 4 0 6 ○ FA00552 인터랙션 디자인 스튜디오 2 Interaction Design Studio 2 4 0 6 ○ 3 FA00592 커뮤니케이션 디자인 스튜디오 2 Communication Design Studio 2 4 0 6 ○ FA01141 인터페이스 디자인 2 Interface Design 2 3 0 4 ○ FA00492 인터랙션 디자인 융합 2 Interaction Design Convergence 2 3 0 4 ○ Design FA00794 인포메이션 비주얼라이제이션 2 Information Visualization 2 3 0 4 ○ F123682 디지털 이펙트 2 Digital Effect 2 3 0 4 ○ F122481 졸업작품발표 Graduation Exhibition & Presentation 2 0 2 ○ 4 0 6 ○ FA00544 오브젝트 디자인 스튜디오 4 Object Design Studio 4 4 0 6 ○ FA00554 인터랙션 디자인 스튜디오 4 Interaction Design Studio 4 4 0 6 ○ 4 FA00594 커뮤니케이션 디자인 스튜디오 4 Communication Design Studio 4 4 0 6 ○ FA00502 인터랙션 디자인 실무 2 Interaction Design & Business 2 3 0 4 ○ F123772 미래컨셉디자인 2 Future Concept Design 2 3 0 4 ○ FA01172 UX디자인 2 UX Design 2 3 0 4 ○ FA01162 브랜드익스피리언스(BX)디자인 2 Brand Experience Design 2 3 0 4 ○ 1-4 F124180 디자인세미나 Design Seminar 1 0 0 ○ FA01212 기초모델샵 2 Basic Modelshop 2 2 0 3 ○ 1 F122372 기초 디자인리서치 2 Basic Design Research 2 3 0 3 ○ FA01222 디자인과 소재 2 Design and Materials 2 0 3 ○ FA00534 융합프로젝트 2 Convergence Project 2 3 0 3 ○ FA00781 인터랙션 미디어디자인 2 Interaction Media Design 2 2 0 3 ○ ME 2 F124012 일러스트레이션 2 Illustration Ⅱ 2 0 3 ○ FA01122 3D 형상구현 2 3D Form Making 2 0 3 ○ F1122632 오토모티브 디지털모델링 2 Automotive Digital Modeling 2 3 0 4 ○ FA00292 융합프로젝트 4 Convergence Project 4 3 0 3 ○ F122612 디지털 미디어디자인 Digital Media Design 2 0 3 ○ 3 FA00202 에디토리얼 디자인 2 Editorial Design 2 3 0 4 ○ F122661 모델샵 1 Modelshop 1 3 0 4 ○ 4 0 6 ○ F132152 기초설계 2 First Year Design Studio 2 4 0 6 ○ 1 F632091 도시건축의이해 Introduction to Urbanization 2 3 0 ○ F132300 구조의이해 Introduction to Structure 3 3 0 ○ F132371 CAD CAD 2 0 3 ○ 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ F132272 설계스튜디오 2 Design: Intermediate Studio 2 6 0 9 ○ 2 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ F632051 아시아건축 Asian Architecture 3 0 3 ○ ○ ○ 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ F132274 설계스튜디오 4 Design: Intermediate Studio 4 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ MR 3 3 0 3 ○ Architecture F132041 기술스튜디오 1 Technical Studio 1 3 0 3 ○ (5yr Program) F632111 건축법규와도서 Introduction to Building Code and Documentation 3 3 0 ○ F632101 재료와기술 Materials and Constructing Method 3 3 0 ○ F132210 근현대건축 Modern and Contemporary Architecture 3 3 0 ○ 6 0 9 ○ F132276 설계스튜디오 6 Design: Advanced Studio 6 6 0 9 ○ 6 0 9 ○ 4 3 3 0 ○ F632132 논문세미나 Thesis Seminar 3 3 0 ○ F134180 건축시공 Construction and Management 3 3 0 ○ 6 0 9 ○ F132278 설계스튜디오 8 Design: Advanced Studio 8 6 0 9 ○ 5 6 0 9 ○ F132042 기술스튜디오 2 Technical Studio 2 3 3 0 ○ F632151 건축실무와경영 Architectural Practice and Management 3 3 0 ○ 1 F132331 미디어스튜디오 1 Media Studio1: Architectural Drawing 2 0 4 ○ ME 2 F132333 미디어스튜디오 3 Media Studio 3: Tectonic Realization and Material 2 0 4 ○ 4 F632121 환경조경론 Environment and Landscape Architecture 2 2 0 ○ ○ F142491 서양고대중세미술의 이해 Studies on Western Old and Medieval Art 3 3 0 ○ 1 F142501 모더니즘의이해 Modernism in Art 3 3 0 ○ F122220 서양 18, 19세기 미술 18th and 19th Century Western Art 3 3 0 ○ 2 F142520 박물관학 Museology 3 3 0 ○ MR FA00610 전시기획세미나 Seminar in Curatorial Studies 3 3 0 ○ 3 F142560 서양근세미술세미나 Seminar in Western Early Modern Art 3 3 0 ○ F142320 20세기후반서양미술 From Pop Art to the Art of 90's 3 3 0 ○ 4 F142530 졸업논문발표 Seminar on Major Topics 3 3 0 ○ Art Theory F122210 바로크와로코코미술 Baroque and Rococo Art 3 3 0 ○ F142110 한국회화사 History of Korean Painting 3 3 0 ○ ○ 2 F144061 일본미술사 History of Japanese Art 3 3 0 ○ F143250 미술과 현장2 Korean art world 2 3 3 0 ○ F143061 한국 현.당대미술 Modern&Contemporary Art 3 3 0 ○ ○
3 Art Theory
F143170 한국공예 및 도자사 History of Korean Crafts and Ceramics 3 3 0 ○
3 F143180 20세기 동양미술 20th Century Asian Art 3 3 0 ○ F144190 예술철학 Philosophy of Art 3 3 0 ○ 2018 Fall Semester Courselist School of Visual Arts - Graduate Class Hour Open to Dept. Class within Univ. Year Code Course Title(Ko) Course Title(En) Credit (Major) Type Theory Studio None other other all other major dept. school Fine Arts, ME 1-2 FM00300 미술교육프로그램개발 Developing Teaching Programs on Visual Arts 2 2 0 ○ Art Theory Design ME 1-2 FM00320 디자인 교육 프로그램 개발 Developing Teaching Programs on Design 2 2 0 O 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 1 F412012 전공스튜디오 2 Studio 2 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ MR 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ F412014 전공스튜디오 4 Studio 4 5 0 5 ○ 2 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ Fine Arts 5 0 5 ○ 5 0 5 ○ F412040 졸업작품발표 Graduation Exhibition & Presentation 0 0 0 ○ 3 3 0 ○ 1 FM00080 전문사세미나 Graduate Seminar 3 3 0 ○ 2 F413012 현대사상세미나 2 Comtemporary Philosophy Seminar 2 3 3 0 ○ 독립연구(로컬리티 ) Individual Study(Locality) 3 0 4 ○ 독립연구(프리젠티이션과 포트폴리오 ) Individual Study(Presentation & Portfolio) 3 0 4 ○ F412030 독립연구(스토리텔링과 퍼포먼스) Individual Study(Storytelling & Performance) 3 0 4 ○ ME 독립연구(회의의문턱에서서감각을돌아보다) Individual Study(Sensibility) 3 0 4 ○ 기술연구(비디오 워크숍) Technical Workshop(Video Workshop) 3 0 4 ○ 1,2 Technical Workshop 기술연구(그래픽스프로그래밍과피지컬컴퓨팅) 3 0 4 ○ (Graphics Programming and Physical Computing) FM00290 기술연구(사진과사회) Technical Workshop(Photography & Society) 3 0 4 ○ 기술연구(평면과 회화성) Technical Workshop(Picture Plane) 3 0 4 ○ 기술연구(사운드아트) Technical Workshop(Sound Art) 3 0 4 ○ 4 0 5 ○ F422032 전공스튜디오 Ⅱ Graduate Design Studio Ⅱ 4 0 5 ○ 1 4 0 5 ○ F422052 디자인 비평 Ⅱ Design Critique Ⅱ 2 2 0 ○ MR 4 0 5 ○ F422034 전공스튜디오 Ⅳ Graduate Design Studio IV 4 0 5 ○ 2 4 0 5 ○ F422062 논문연구 Ⅱ Thesis Research 2 2 0 ○ Design F422040 졸업작품발표 Graduation Exhibition & Presentation 0 0 1 ○ F423032 커뮤니케이션 디자인 Ⅱ Communication Design Ⅱ 3 0 4 ○ F423072 인터랙션 2-VR/AR 융합 Interaction 2-VR/AR Convergence 3 0 4 ○ 1 F423062 퓨즈 프로젝트 Ⅱ Fuse Project 2 3 0 4 ○ F423092 오브젝트 디자인 Ⅱ Object Design II 3 0 4 ○ ME F423034 커뮤니케이션 디자인 Ⅳ Communication Design Ⅳ 3 0 4 ○ F423074 어드밴스 인터랙션 Ⅱ Advance Interaction II 3 0 4 ○ 2 F423064 퓨즈 프로젝트 Ⅳ Fuse Project Ⅳ 3 0 4 ○ F423094 오브젝트디자인 Ⅳ Object Design Ⅳ 3 0 4 ○ 1 F432022 설계연구스튜디오 2 Architectual Research Studio2 6 0 9 ○ MR 2, 0 1 0 ○ S492010 졸업논문(작품)연구 Master's Thesis Completion 0 1 0 ○ F433052 설계연구2 Advanced Research 2 6 0 9 ○ Architecture 2 FM00142 역사연구 2 Advanced History Research 2 3 3 0 ○ ME F433232 이론연구 2 Advanced Theory Research 2 3 4 0 ○ F433030 한국 건축론 Theory of Korean Architecture 3 3 0 ○ 1,2 FM00150 이론과실천 Theory & Practice 3 0 3 ○ 3 3 0 ○ 2 F442100 졸업논문워크숍 Thesis Workshop 3 3 0 ○ MR 2, 0 1 0 ○ F442110 졸업논문연구 Master's Thesis Completion 0 1 0 ○ F443220 현대미학연구 Studies on Modern Aesthetis 3 3 0 ○ F443612 한국미술사세미나2 Seminar in Korean Art 2 3 3 0 ○ ○ Art Theory F443130 현대미술과 포스트미디엄 아트 Contemporary and Postmedium Art 3 3 0 ○ ○ 1 F443180 르네상스미술연습 Seminar in Renaissance Art 3 3 0 ○ ME F442030 서양근대미술세미나 Seminar on Western Pre-Modern Art 2 3 3 0 ○ F443370 현대미술의 주요쟁점 Issues in Contemporary Art 3 3 0 ○ F443450 서양현대미술비평사례 Western Contemporary Art Criticism 3 3 0 ○ 2 F443410 미디어 디지털 아트 Media Digital Art 3 3 0 ○