Bhartiya Jyotish and Health

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Bhartiya Jyotish and Health

Here in the fourth part of this article I should like to affirm and accept that the
relative planetary positions (also every other thing out in the universe) affect
our body-mind complex.
Jyotish Shastra or Astrology is one of the six parts (Angs) of Veda. Initially it
meant study of astral bodies only. Later forecasting and study of future
(prarabdha i.e. Phalit) events of life too was considered an important part of
Astrology. Bhartiya Jyotish thus studies relative movements & configuration of
astral bodies (specially the 9 solar planets) and their influence on human beings
and other objects of our planet Earth. Two important parts of Bhartiya Jyotish

1. Ganit (गणित) The Calculations

2. Phalit (फणित) The predictions

For a scientific and logical study of the subject, space around earth was divided
into 12 equal parts (30 degrees each). Our moon keeps moving through these
12 segments around the earth. The twelve segments (known as 12 Rashis) are
so formed that each segment consists full constellations (the shape manifested
by joining the stars/ Nakshatras). Because stars of constellations are stationary
with respect to earth, whereas planets of solar system are dynamic and their
positions are liable to change with respect to earth we see the planets and the
moon travelling through these Rashis. Thus these Rashis are identified with clear
boundaries. The Nakshatras are identified with specific names and fall in
subsections of Rashis measuring 13.33 degrees (13 degrees 20 minutes; 1
degree = 60 minutes) of space. Each of these Nakshatras are seen as occupying
four still smaller sections, each measuring 3.20’ (3 degrees 20 minutes). All these
Nakshatras are therefore within well-defined space around earth. The 12
segments of 30 degrees each, covers the whole of the 360 degrees of space.
Each of them were named after the shape of constellations. Thus there are 12
signs / Rashis (constellations), each occupying a segment of sky, that are known
as 12 Rashis. Each of these overlap with specified constellation (group of stars).
Thus the moon and the planets of solar system travel through these Rashis (and
therefore Nakshatras) in a fixed sequence. Effect of the rays of these planets
together with those of the stars in a segment are different on each of us! The 7
(+2) solar planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn + Rahu
and Ketu) moving through space identified by Nakshatras and Rashis have
unique effect on us. Some are more harmonious (healthy rays emitting when in
a particular segment of sky i.e. Rashi) as compared to its position in the other
segment(s) / Rashi(s). That which is strongest in a Rashi is known as the lord of
that Rashi. For example Mars planet being most harmonious with the
constellation in ‘Mesha’ and ‘Vrishchika’ Rashis is called lord of these two houses
(Rashis or segments). There are 27 Nakshatras (each of 13.33 degrees) each
having four smaller divisions of 3.20’ (3 degrees 20 minutes). That is 108 smaller
divisions covers the whole of sky around our earth. Thus each zodiac sign (Rashi)
has 9 small divisions of Nakshatras (9x3 = 27 degrees + 20x9 minutes = 180’ = 3
degrees, that is 27 + 3 = 30 degrees). All Nakshatras do not have equal affinity
for all planets. The planet for which a Nakshatra has good affinity is called the
lord of that Nakshatra. For example Bharni, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashadha
have maximum affinity for the planet Venus and therefore Venus is known as
lord of these Nakshatras. These relations are depicted in the following table:
Signs Rashis – Lord Nakshatras - parts Lord Planet
1. Aries Mesha – Mars Ashwani – 4 Ketu
Bharni – 4 Venus
Kritika - 1 Sun
2. Taurus Vrisha – Venus Kritika – 3 Sun
Rohini – 4 Moon
Mrigshira – 2 Mars
3. Gemini Mithun – Mercury Mrigshira – 2 Mars
Ardra – 4 Rahu
Punarvasu – 3 Jupiter
4. Cancer Karka – Moon Punarvasu – 1 Jupiter
Pushya – 4 Saturn
Ashlesha – 4 Mercury
5. Leo Singha – Sun Magha – 4 Ketu
P. Phalguni – 4 Venus
U. Phalguni – 1 Sun
6. Virgo Kanya – Mercury U. Phalguni – 3 Sun
Hasta – 4 Moon
Chitra – 2 Mars
7. Libra Tula – Venus Chitra -2 Mars
Swati – 4 Rahu
Vishakha – 3 Jupiter
8. Scorpio Vrishchika – Mars Vishakha – 1 Jupiter
Anuradha – 4 Saturn
Jyeshtha – 4 Mercury

9. Sagittarius Dhanu – Jupiter Moola – 4 Ketu

P. Ashada – 4 Venus
U. Ashada – 1 Sun
10. Capricorn Makara – Saturn U. Ashada – 3 Sun
Shravana – 4 Moon
Dhnishtha – 2 Mars
11. Aquarius Kumbha – Saturn Dhanishtha – 2 Rahu
Shata Bhisha – 4 Jupiter
P. Bhadrapada – 3 Saturn
12. Pisces Meena – Jupiter P. Bhadrapada – 1 Saturn
U. Bhadrapada – 4 Mercury
Rewati – 4 Ketu
Judging from the point of view of harmony of each planet with different
constellations and affinity of Nakshatras for different planets the best and the
worst positions of different planets have been noted as depicted in the following

Planets Signs owned Exaltation – unto Debilitation – unto

degrees degrees
Sun Leo (Simha) Aries (Mesha) – 10 Libra (Tula) – 10
Moon Cancer (Karka) Taurus (Vrisha) – 3 Scorpio
(Vrishchika) – 3
Mars Airies & Scorpio Capricorn Cancer (Karka) – 28
(Mesha & Vrishchika) (Makara) – 28
Mercury Gemini & Virgo Virgo (Kanya) – 15 Pisces (Meena) –
(Mithun & Kanya) 15
Jupiter Sagittarius & Pisces Cancer (Karka) – 5 Capricorn (Makara)
(Dhanu & Meena) –5
Venus Taurus & Libra (Vrisha Pisces (Meena) – Virgo (Kanya) – 27
& Tula) 27
Saturn Capricorn & Aquarius Libra (Tula) – 20 Aries (Mesha) – 20
(Makara & Kumbha)

It is recorded after much study that effect of one planet on us is accentuated

when joined by some harmonious planets whereas it is subdued by some others.
The ones which curb the effect are called enemies and those which join to help
and accentuate the effects of a planet are known as friends. Following table lists
these relationships. For prescriptions by jyotishacharyas these relationships are
important guiding factors.

Mutual Relationships:

Planet Friends Enemies Neutral

Sun Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury -- Mars, Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Mercury Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Jupiter,
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter

Once diagnosed, the treatment is imparted through various means like: stones,
parts of plants or mantra, yagya, hawan etc. that goes to either increase (attract
the rays) or decrease (repel the rays) the effect of Rashis and the Planets (desh,
dik and kaal) on a man’s physical and mental health.

In order to understand and predict the effect of these stars and planets on
human body and mind the Bhartiya Jyotish considers that a man’s personality is
two layered:

1. External Personality (Vaahya Vyaktitva)

2. Internal Personality (Antah Vyaktitva)
The above two are connected with yet another metaphysical aspect known as
‘antahkaran’ of a man.

Every soul is carried by a unique combination of personalities. The make-up of

such a personality depends on past karmas of a man which are now due for
manifestation in our world. Every personality has three constituents:

1. Thought Process (Vichar)

2. Experience (Anubhav)
3. Action (Kriya)

The three conscious constituents of internal and external personalities are

governed by a planet as below:

The three conscious Planet for Planet for

Constituents Internal Personality External Personality

Thought Process Venus Jupiter

विचार शुक्र बृहस्पणत
Experience Mercury Mars
अनुभि बुध मंगि
Activity Sun Moon
क्रिया सूर्य चन्द्रमा
The joining force of the two personalities ‘Antahkaran’ is ruled by Saturn (शवन).
The body is seen as a structure formed by adding 12 parts. Each of these portion
of human body corresponds to a Rashi (zodiac sign). Thus

House Number Part of Body

First House, The Lagna or Head

Second House, (Panfur पणफर) Mouth / Face and Neck / ENT / Nails
Third House, Aapoklim (उपचय) Chest, Lungs etc., right ear, arms,
throat, neck, scapula, nervous
system, instability, physical growth
(के न्द्र) Chest, breast, heart, lungs, blood
vessels, TB, hysteria, insanity
(पणफर, सुत) Stomach, heart, kidney, liver, gall
bladder, spleen, pregnancy
Aapoklim (उपचय, रोग) Intestine, navel, waist, kidneys,
wounds, tuberculosis, tumours,
peptic ulcer, epidemics
(के न्द्र, सौभाग्य, मदन) Urinary system, intestines, uterus,
ovaries, testicles, prostrate, semen
(Panfur, पणफर, आयु) Genitals, scrotum, anus, incurable
(भाग्य, धमम) Hips, groin, femoral arteries, upper
legs, lower vertebrae
(कमम, व्यापार) Knees, Spinal cord, back
(पणफर, उपचय, लाभ) Legs, left ear, left hand, tibia, calf
(व्यय) Feet, left eye, left shoulder, heel,

Besides house Rashis and planets too are related to different organs / diseases
as below

Signs diseases and body parts:

The Signs Body parts and Diseases

Aries Head, skull, forehead, eyes; Headache, high fever, small pox, sun
stroke, burning, indigestion, inflammation, wounds
Taurus Face, nose, mouth, nose, teeth, throat, neck, eyes; Diseases of
ENT, teeth
Gemini Arms, shoulders, larynx, vocal cords, ears, upper respiratory tract;
Asthma, respiratory diseases, colic
Cancer Chest, breast, lower respiratory system, ribs, lungs; Diseases of
lungs and effects of heavy drinking habit
Leo Hear, spine, bones stomach; Heart diseases, back pain, arthritis,
fever and stomach problems
Virgo Intestines, Kidneys, waist; Renal diseases and that of intestines
Libra Reproductive organs; Diseases of urinary tract
Scorpio Scrotum, rectum, anus; Impotence, infertility, haemorrhoids
Sagittarius Hips, thigh, lower spine; diseases of digestive system
Capricorn Knees, skin; Arthritis of knees, skin diseases, rheumatism
Aquarius Legs, tibia, ankles; Gout, rheumatism, arthritis of ankles
Pisces Feet; Warts, Retention of fluids

The planets and body parts:

The Sun

Eyes, hair, head, brain, face, mouth, heart, stomach, bones, spine, spleen,
stomach, belly, vitality and blood

Headache, baldness, fever and pains, burns, inflammation of liver – gall bladder,
heart trouble eye diseases, eye diseases, stomach ailments, inflictions and
abnormalities of blood circulation, bone disorders, skin problems, typhoid,
epilepsy, leprosy, comatose and immune disorders.

The Moon

Body fluids including blood, left eye, mind, oesophagus, ovaries, breasts, chest
salivary glands and uterus
Infancy, insanity, sleep disorders, insomnia, phlegm, tuberculosis, pleurisy,
dropsy, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, cholera, anaemia, lethargy, carbuncle, blood
disorders like septicaemia, lack of appetite, jaundice, epilepsy, splenomegaly,
cold, conception of embryo, child birth, menstrual cycle, female diseases,


Head, bone marrow, muscles, testicles, sexual vitality, blood, haemoglobin,

musculature, genital and anus

Acute fever, blood and blood disorders, blood pressure, bleeding, miscarriage,
abortions, sun stroke, small pox, measles, thirst, irruptive fever, wounds, gall
stone, surgery, epilepsy, skin, itching, haemorrhoids (piles), burns, poisoning,
epidemics, dry and rough skin, accident, fracture, electric shock, injury due to
acid, prostate.


Brain, skin, throat, nose, lungs, bronchial tubes, larynx, intestines sense of smell,

Mental aberrations and instability, neurological disorders, defective speech,

stammering, skin diseases, vertigo, leukoderma, diseases of ENT, impotency.


Adipose, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, hips and feet

Obesity, excessive eating, anaemia, jaundice, muscles, chronic diseases,

diabetes, fainting.


Face, eye sight, chin, cheeks, eyes, throat, genitals, urinary system, seminal
fluids, reproductive organs, intestines, pancreas, hormonal system

Tastelessness, reproductive & urinary system disorders, venereal diseases,

sexual perversions, leukoderma, impotence, frigidity, kidney and gall stones,
typhoid, appendicitis.

Nerves, teeth, legs, feet, colon, rectum

Paralysis, numbness, elephantiasis, tumours, windy diseases, chronic diseases,

cancer, senility, arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, depression, mental disorder,
insanity, exhaustion, injuries to leg and feet.


Cancer, mysterious diseases, insanity, psychic disturbances, unfounded fears,

epidemics, poisoning, snake bite, side effects of medicines, skin diseases,
hiccups, body-ache, haemorrhoids, leprosy, heart disease, hallucinations,
injuries of feet.


Epidemics, fevers, viral infections, diseases of intestines, sleeplessness, cholera,

deafness, tuberculosis, pain, wounds.

6th, 8th, and 12th houses and associated planets are considered for diagnosis and
treatments through Bhartiya Jyotish. Treatments are imparted in two ways:

1. Through gems, plants, food and clothes

2. Through jap, yagya and daan

After studying and identifying the root cause of ailment in terms of position and
afflictions of Rashis stones, specific coloured clothes, and diets are prescribed to
attract rays of desirable planet(s). It doesn’t matter if a planet is strong or weak.
The planet is judged as favourable (anukul – graha) or unfavourable (pratikul –
grah). An anukul graha can always be strengthened, but a pratikul graha should
never be strengthened.

For pratikul graha the second mode, that is Jap, Yagya, Daan etcetera are

Besides above discussed science of astral bodies another branch of Bhartiya

Jyotish is Swara Vigyaan that dwells on the study of relationships of breathing
(swara), Panch Mahabhoots (aakash, Vayu etc.) and the astral bodies that can
be used for treatment.

In conclusion what we understand is that Jyotish Shastra assumes that all the
functional energy is made available to a living being from outer universe. It
grossly ignores the fact that more important is the generation of functional
energy inside the body of ailing jeeva. A complete therapy must consider
contribution of outer as well as inner (within the body of living thing) world. The
subject of treatment ought to be in harmony with the outer as well as inner
world. In my opinion, therefore, Jyotish Shastra though not a complete therapy
can play an important role in diagnosis and treatment of such diseases which
otherwise cannot be diagnosed or treated through traditional therapies!

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