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1 author:
Roberto Roson
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
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Roberto Roson1
September 2016
This paper presents an external module for the Python programming language and for the
SAGE open source mathematical software, which allows the realization of models based on
constrained optimization or non-linear systems. The module, which is freely available for
download, allows describing the structure of a model using a syntax similar to that of popular
modeling systems like GAMS, AIMMS or GEMPACK; in particular by allowing the automatic
replication of equations, variable and parameter definitions on the basis of some specified sets.
KEYWORDS: GAMS, Python, SAGE, AIMMS, CGE, optimization software, applied economic
1 Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Ca'Foscari University, Venice and IEFE, Bocconi University, Milan. E-Mail:
[email protected] .
1. Introduction
Many applied models, especially in economics, are based on non-linear constrained optimization and
system solving. Years ago, the standard way to realize simulations for this kind of models involved
writing your own code, using a programming language like FORTRAN, possibly making calls to
external math library subroutines. Subsequently, the introduction of packages like Matlab, GAUSS,
Octave, R and many others have made this process somewhat simpler, because vectors and matrices
can be treated as single variables, and complex numerical tasks can be performed with a single
instruction. Furthermore, math software like Matlab gives access to a wide array of libraries and
specifically tailored algorithms (including parallel computation tools) for many scientific applications.
However, one fundamental problem remains: the model code still looks much different from the more
familiar mathematical notation one normally uses in a research work. Therefore, checking and
modifying the model code written by another researcher may become a rather daunting (and error-
prone) task.
To address this issue, GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) was developed by Alexander
Meeraus and many of his collaborators at the World Bank in Washington D.C., since the late '70s
(Meeraus, 1983). The main purpose of GAMS was (and still is) “providing a high-level language for
the compact representation of large and complex models” and “permitting model descriptions that are
independent of solution algorithms”.
Two fundamental principles are adopted to this end. First, the model description is kept separated from
the algorithm used to solve the model. The model description in GAMS is an ordinary text file (usually
with the “.gms” extension), which can be edited with a normal text editor. Modern versions of GAMS
include a Graphical User Interface (GUI), helping the modeler to define the structure of the model
through an interactive process, but the final result is still a plain gms text file. A fellow researcher, with
a minimum basic knowledge of the GAMS syntax, can then easily interpret what the model is about:
what equations are in it, what is maximized or minimized, etc. GAMS itself does not solve the model.
Rather, it translates the model description into a computer code digestible to some external solver, call
that solver, and processes the solver’s output to give an easily understandable text file of results (plus
graphical output in the recent versions).
The model description is based on the principle of indexing of parameters, variables and equations,
which is discussed in some more detail in the next section. This means, for instance, that not all
equations need to be written down in the input file, but only “representative” equations, valid for a set
of variables.
This paper presents an external module for the Python programming language and for the SAGE open
source mathematical software, based on the key principles underlying GAMS and other similar
packages. The purpose is providing a tool that takes the best of both worlds: the simplicity and clarity
of GAMS-like systems combined with the flexibility and power of Python and SAGE., which
is a plain text file, can be examined and downloaded freely at:,
where a compact reference manual can also be retrieved.
The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, some key characteristics of GAMS and other
popular Modeling Systems are reviewed in some detail. Section 3 introduces the Python programming
language and the closely related SAGE system for symbolic and numerical computation. Section 4
illustrates the basics of the syntax, and in Section 5 a practical example is provided. A
discussion follows in Section 6 and a final section concludes.
2. Indexing in GAMS and other popular Modeling Systems
A model is described in GAMS through an ordinary text file, which has a structure and a syntax that
closely resembles the standard mathematical notation. One central concept in the GAMS language is
the automatic indexing of variables, parameters and equations (Brooke et al., 1998). For example, if
there are many markets indexed by i, then P(i) could be the equilibrium price for them, determined by
an equation EQUIL(i), matching supply and demand (possibly linear functions of some parameters a,
b, c and d). In GAMS notation, all this is expressed as:
i markets / new-york, chicago, topeka /;
a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i);
P(i) equilibrium price in market i;
Positive Variable P;
EQUIL(i) equilibrium condition in market i;
EQUIL(i).. a(i)+b(i)*P(i)=E=c(i)-d(i)*P(i);
When the GAMS interpreter reads the code above, it generates three sets of parameters, three price
variables and three equations, one for each of the markets. To add more markets, one has only to add
more elements in the set i. A model in GAMS is basically a group of equations which, depending on the
context, are interpreted as a system, as constraints in an optimization problem, as complementarity
conditions, etc.
A similar indexing mechanism is used by AIMMS (Bisschop, 2006), a mathematical modeling tool
introduced in 1993 and very similar to GAMS in many respects, including its role as interface towards
external solvers. Although models are typically formulated in AIMMS in an interactive way, through a
Graphical User Interface (GUI), the model description can be found inside an ordinary (and editable)
text file, much like GAMS (Bisschop and Roelofs, 2004).
For instance, the definition of a price variable P over a set of elements i is stated in an AIMMS model
code as:
Variable P {
IndexDomain: i;
Range: nonnegative;
And an equation (automatically replicated for all elements in the sets i x h) is expressed as:
Constraint CONSDEM {
IndexDomain: (i,h);
Definition: P(i)*QQ(i,h) = IN(h)*IO(i,h);
Another popular modeling system, which also uses automatic indexing based on sets, is GEMPACK
(Codsi and Pearson, 1998). GEMPACK is almost only used for building and running CGE models
(Horridge and Pearson, 2011) but, unlike GAMS and AIMMS, it does not interface with external
solvers and it is only intended to handle (large) non-linear systems (Pearson, 1988, Harrison and
Pearson, 1996).
A GEMPACK model is described in a text file using a language called TABLO. Here is an example of
a price variable definition in TABLO, valid for all elements in the set TRAD_COMM (previously
defined) and all elements in the set REG:
Variable (all,i,TRAD_COMM)(all,s,REG)
ppd(i,s) # price of domestic i to private households in s #;
# eq'n links domestic market and private consumption prices (HT 18) #
ppd(i,r) = atpd(i,r) + pm(i,r);
where [path] is a path for the directory containing the file The module, which is a standard
text file, is written in Python and therefore can be understood by both Python and SAGE. However,
since it uses some libraries of SAGE, if one wants to use it inside a Python program, the latter should
be run using the SAGE built-in Python interpreter (see the PAMS reference manual for more
To start, one may want to define sets. There is not a set class in, because sets (and lists, and
tuples) are primitive data structures in Python. To define a set as one would do in GAMS, simply type
something like2:
industries = ('Agriculture','Manufacturing','Services')
pp = Parameter(descr,dim,indexlist,mat)
where: pp is the chosen parameter name, descr is a string of description (e.g., 'this is a parameter'), dim
is the dimension in terms of sets (it can be 0, meaning a scalar parameter, 1, 2 or 3), indexlist is a list of
sets, consistent with the dimension (e.g., if dim=2, indexlist could be: (industries, regions)), mat is a
matrix (or a scalar number) containing the parameter values. Not all the elements must be explicitly
declared. For example, the following statement is accepted:
p = Parameter
In this case, default values are used (no description, zero dimension, value = 0; see the reference
manual for more information on optional items).
Parameter values are stored in a Python “dictionary”, named p.v, using set elements as indexes. For
example, one specific parameter value could be p.v['Services','Italy']. Remember that, contrary to
GAMS, “.v” must be appended to the name of a parameter (or variable) to refer to its content.
vv = Variable(descr,dim,indexlist,name,bounds,inval)
where: vv is the chosen variable name, descr, dim and indexlist have the same meaning as in the
parameter definition, name is a string which is used to construct the variable internal names (it may or
may not be the same as vv but, since it is a string, it must be enclosed in hyphenation marks, like 'vv' or
“vv”). When a multidimensional variable is created, it is associated to a Python dictionary (vv.v)
containing the variable internal names. There is a specific internal name for each element of the
variable set, built by appending components of the indexes to the name, separated by the underscore
sign. For example, the dictionary item vv.v['Services','Italy'] contains a Python/SAGE variable termed
vv_Services_Italy. The two last elements in the definition of a variable are: bounds, specifying lower
and upper bounds for the variable values (no bounds if missing), inval, specifying the initial variable
value (default is 1). Like in the case of a Parameter object, all descriptive items are optional.
ee = Equation(descr,dim,indexlist,eqstr)
where: ee is the equation name, descr, dim and indexlist have the usual meaning, eqstr is a string
(thereby enclosed in hyphenation marks) describing the equation. The rules for writing the equation
• The Python/SAGE syntax for mathematical expressions is followed. All SAGE pre-defined
functions (e.g., sqrt, sin, log, sum, prod) can be used, as well as previously defined user
• The equality sign is '==' (“>”, “>=”, “<=”,”<” can also be used to define constraints for
numerical optimization).
• If the right hand side is MIN or MAX, the left hand side is interpreted as a function to be
minimized or maximized, respectively. There can be multiple MIN or MAX equations, as in this
case they are algebraically added to form the objective function. The other equations in the
model are interpreted as constraints.
• All parameters and all variables must be referred to by their own names, followed by “.v”. Set
indexes for parameters and variables are enclosed in square parentheses.
• A running index, that is an index which is used to create copies of the same equation over
elements of a set, must be indicated with the mark §i for the first set in indexlist, §j for the
second one, §k for the third one.
• It is possible to use Python iterators in expressions. This is especially useful to make
summations (or products). For example, sum(QQ.v[j,§i]*P.v[j] for j in industries) is
a legitimate expression, involving one running index §i and one summation index j.
mm = Model(eqlist,varlist)
where: mm is the model name, eqlist and varlist are lists of equations and variables in the model. The
two lists can be specified directly inside the statement or as list objects defined beforehand. No specific
ordering of equations or variables is required.
Once a model has been declared, several actions or “methods” can be undertaken on it. To invoke a
method (in Python), it is possible to write the model name, followed by a dot, then the method name,
then a couple of parentheses, where the values for parameters are given. If there are no parameters or if
one wants to accept the default parameter values, just type “()”.
Methods for Model objects are described in the reference manual. Among them:
Tries to solve the mm model symbolically, possibly identifying multiple solutions. This may work only
with simple models, otherwise the numerical method nsolve should be used. If it works, the method
prints the result and returns a Python dictionary mm.solution, containing the outcome, which could
then be further elaborated.
Numerical system solving. Initial points are specified by inval in the variable definitions. method (the
only optional parameter) indicates the solution algorithm used by the invoked scipy.optimize routine
root; hybr is the default, alternatives are: lm, broyden1, broyden2, anderson, linearmixing,
diagbroyden, excitingmixing, krylov . See the SciPy documentation for the proper use of these
alternative algorithms. The solution is printed (shown on screen) when the method is invoked, together
with information about the convergence process. In case of successful convergence, likewise solve, it
returns the Python dictionary mm.solution.
Numerically optimize the model, using the minimize function in the scipy.optimize library. The list of
equations in the model must contain at least one equation with MIN or MAX on the left hand side, to
define the objective function. Furthermore, it can contain any number of equality and inequality
expressions, which are then interpreted as constraints, possibly in addition to lower and upper bounds
for the variables. The solution shown on screen, together with information about the convergence
process. Again, in case of success, it returns mm.solution.
Let us assume that a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is available, describing income flows in a closed
economy, composed of three productive sectors, one final consumer and one primary resource. This
SAM, showed in Table 1, can be used to calibrate the structural parameters of a CGE model. Negative
numbers indicate (net) income generation, positive numbers expenses. Because of accounting
identities, all sums by row or column are zero.
This SAM can be introduced in Python as a matrix, with this command:
Sets are directly defined as Python tuples. Let us define three industries ('Ag','Ma','Se'), one household
or final consumption agent ('C'), one primary resource ('L'):
Row headers are industries and primary resources, column headers are industries and final demand
rowh=tuple(list(ind)+list(res)); colh=tuple(list(ind)+list(hou));
From the SAM above, let us extract an input-output matrix, where it is assumed that all industries do
not buy intermediate factors from themselves (therefore, negative numbers along the main diagonal
express, with reversed sign, the industrial output). Also, let us derive a reduced IO matrix, restricted to
intermediate factors. This will turn out useful later, because we shall assume that intermediate factors
are not substitutable among themselves. Some Python instructions to achieve this are:
for j in range(len(colh)):
for i in range(len(rowh)):
if i==j:
for j in range(len(ind)):
for i in range(len(ind)):
IORmat[i,j]=IOmat[i,j]/sum(IOmat[k,j] for k in
Now we can start defining parameters. If the has been previously loaded, we can introduce
the IO (multidimensional) parameter, with values (IO.v) obtained from the IOmat matrix. Its
dimensions are rowh x colh. Elements in these two sets will be later used as indexes.
END=Parameter('Primary resources endowment',1,res,list([-sam[3,3]]))
Let us now turn to the definition of variables. First the price variables for the produced goods and for
the bundle of intermediate factors:
Q=Variable('Produced output',1,ind,'Q',(0,1000),20)
QB=Variable('Intermediate bundle',1,ind,'QB',(0,1000),20)
Intermediate flows, defined for all elements in the SAM, including consumption, are:
Now the various equations in the model can be specified.
Let us start from the basic market equilibrium condition between supply and demand for produced
ENDBAL=Equation('Endowment balance',1,res,'END.v[§i] ==
sum(QQ.v[§i,j] for j in ind)')
However, because of Walras' Law, this equation can be safely removed from the model system and
replaced by the choice of the numeraire, which means setting to unity a price, for instance the price of
INCOME=Equation('Income definition',1,hou,'IN.v[§i] ==
sum(END.v[j]*P.v[j] for j in res)')
ENDO=Equation('Definition of real income',2,
We assume that the representative consumer has a Cobb-Douglas utility function, implying that the cost
shares are constant:. This condition indirectly defines final consumption by the household:
CONSDEM=Equation('Consumption demand',2,
(ind,hou),'P.v[§i]*QQ.v[§i,§j] == IN.v[§j]*IO.v[§i,§j]') # Cobb-
The production functions are of nested Cobb-Douglas/Leontief type, with unitary elasticity of
substitution between labor and the bundle of intermediate inputs, zero elasticity among intermediates.
This brings about the following demand functions:
Perhaps we may want to look at how the model system looks like after our commands have been
processed by…
… or to check whether the number of equations is the same as the number of variables (30 in our case):
print len(SIMPLECGE.initialvalues)
print len(SIMPLECGE.elist)
Everything is correct, so we can go on with the usual “calibration round”, where we expect that all
prices will be equal to one in equilibrium:
The nsolve command produces a lengthy output, which is not fully reported here (but can be seen in the
downloadable log file), including a list of endogenous variable values, for instance:
P_Ma = 1.0
P_Se = 1.0
P_Ag = 1.0
Q_Ma = 20.0
Q_Se = 30.0
Q_Ag = 10.0
Now more meaningful simulations can be realized, by changing the value of some exogenous
parameters. For instance, one simple experiment is varying the value of the numeraire. Since a
Walrasian general equilibrium can only determine relative prices, all endogenous prices will vary to the
same direction:
P_Ma = 2.0
P_Se = 2.0
P_Ag = 2.0
Q_Ma = 20.0
Q_Se = 30.0
Q_Ag = 10.0
Therefore, if you know quite well GAMS, AIMMS or GEMPACK and you are happy with these
packages, probably you would not need However, if you have some previous knowledge of
Python, or SAGE, or if you want to attain it in the near future (which I would recommend to any
researcher), then you may like the possibility of integrating a GAMS-like model structure into a Python
or SAGE code.
7. Conclusion
This paper has presented an external module for programs written with the Python language and for the
SAGE mathematical software. This module allows the definition and solution of non-linear systems
and optimization problems, described in a way very similar to GAMS and programs alike.
The key common characteristic of and GAMS is the automatic indexing of parameters,
equations and variables. Since many elements of this kind can be defined with only one instruction (as
one would normally do, for instance when the model is illustrated in a scientific paper), understanding
how the model works directly by reading the program code is normally quite straightforward. The latter
feature turns out to be particularly critical when the model code needs to be understood and
manipulated by others, which may occur either in a team work or when replication and validation of
some results is called for.